There is not enough memory in Windows 7. What to do if there is not enough free Android memory to install applications

Question from a user

Hello. I'm trying to install one game, but when installing it an error appears, which is not enough RAM!

How can I free her? Yes, by the way, the minimum technical requirements. The PC meets the requirements of the game. Is it possible to somehow configure a PC so that it uses less RAM?

Good day!

In general, the question is quite standard. If there is a lack of RAM, not only errors may appear, with messages from Windows that “memory is low...”, but also slowdowns can simply be observed, for example, when opening an application (often the PC does not respond to commands at all).

In general, Windows has a built-in memory cleaning mechanism, however, it does not always work as it should. In this article I will look at how to clear memory (release (more the right word in this context)) , as well as what to do to “use” RAM more efficiently. So...

Programs for cleaning memory in 2 clicks

Advanced System Care

An excellent program for optimizing and speeding up Windows. Allows you to remove all junk from your PC in a few clicks, defragment disks, and protect against viruses and threats. As for our topic of the article, the program contains performance monitor (to open it just click right click mouse over the Advanced SystemCare icon (it appears in the tray next to the clock after installing the program) ).

Once the performance monitor is open - look at the top right corner, there will be small window, informing you about CPU and RAM usage. Actually, you need to click on the memory clear button (red arrow in the screenshot below), and after a moment, the memory will be freed of all unnecessary things. In my opinion, the cleaning was completed in just 2 clicks!

Memory cleared in Advanced SystemCare - 1261 MB memory freed

Wise Memory Optimizer

A very simple and at the same time effective utility for freeing and optimizing memory. After installing and launching the program, you just need to press one button "Optimization"(your memory will be cleared in a couple of seconds!). The program supports the Russian language, is free, works on Windows 7, 8, 10.

By the way, it is possible to configure automatic optimization when the memory load reaches, say, 85%. Convenient - you won’t need to run anything manually (i.e., once configured, the program will automatically optimize your memory.).

What to do if there is not enough memory

Tip #1 - buy extra. memory

Perhaps this is the most effective and good advice, especially since now memory prices are quite affordable (especially if we are not talking about some newfangled things). By installing another additional memory stick, your productivity will increase in a way that no other program can do (unless, of course, the reason for the brakes is due to a lack of RAM).

Tip #2 - close applications you are not using

For some reason, many users do not close applications, but simply minimize them (even in cases where they do not intend to use them in the near future). As a result, as new applications are opened, the amount of memory used increases and the computer begins to slow down.

Note: in some cases, even when you close the program, its process may remain hanging and load the memory and CPU of your PC.

Therefore, I recommend that when the first brakes appear, open the task manager (combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc) , and see which applications are using the most memory. If there are applications in the list that you are not currently using (say, some browser) - simply complete the process.

Memory loaded at 27% // task manager in Windows

Tip #3 - browser tabs

Because The browser is now one of the most necessary and popular programs, I want to focus on it. The fact is that many users have dozens of different tabs open in their browser. Each open tab- this is additional. load on your PC's CPU and RAM. Try not to open a bunch of tabs, especially when you don’t need to.

Tip #4 - check startup

Many programs add themselves to startup during installation. And naturally, when Windows starts, they are loaded into memory (whether they will be needed when the PC is turned on is not yet known...). Therefore, I recommend setting up Windows startup.

First, open the system configuration:

  • press a combination of buttons Win+R;
  • enter the command msconfig;
  • click OK.

Note: in newer Windows versions This tab will contain a link to the task manager. It is in the task manager, for example, in Windows 10 that autostart is configured.

System configuration - startup tab

By the way, note that Windows shows next to each application the impact on loading: low, medium, high. Of course, first of all, pay attention to applications that have a high impact on downloads.

Tip #5 - restart Explorer

In some cases, Explorer can put a lot of stress on your memory (and not only that). In these cases, it is recommended to close it and start it again.

To do this, just open the task manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc buttons), and right-click on Explorer - select "Restart", see screenshot below.

If you close Explorer, you will see a black screen and nothing else on it. It is enough to reopen task manager, press file/new task , and enter the command explorer. Thus, we will launch a new explorer.

Tip #6 - disabling unnecessary services

There are quite a lot of services in Windows, and by default, many of them are enabled and running. While many users simply do not need some of these services. It is logical to save PC resources (especially if there are brakes) - you need to configure them, turn off everything unnecessary.

To open a list of services, click:

  1. Win+R(so that the “Run” window appears with the “Open” line);
  2. enter the command services.msc and press Enter.

Next, disable services that you don't need. For example: if you do not have a printer and fax, then you do not need the services: "Print Manager", "Fax". The list of services that need to be disabled will be individual for each user.

In general, this topic is quite extensive, I discussed it in this article: (at the same time, I recommend optimizing your Windows).

Tip #7 - setting up the paging file

By default, Windows automatically installs a paging file, which is used to "expand" your RAM. In general, in most cases, the system itself corrects it and there is no point in interfering with its operation. But in some cases, setting up the paging file in manual version may slightly improve the performance of your computer.

To configure the swap file: first open . Next on the left in the menu, open the link "Advanced system parameters".

Then you need to open the tab "Additionally" , "Options" in the performance section (see example below).

How to configure the swap file:

  • The optimal paging file is considered to be approximately 1.5 times the size of the installed RAM (a paging file that is too large will not speed up your PC!). By the way, the more RAM you have, the smaller the swap file, as a rule;
  • if you have PC 2 hard drive- place the swap file on the fastest of them (it is also recommended to place the swap file not on the Windows system drive (if possible));
  • The page file is hidden by default. To see it, turn on the display in Explorer hidden files, or use Total Commander. The swap file is called pagefile.sys (don't accidentally delete it...).
  • By the way, it is recommended to defragment the swap file. There is a special one for this. utilities:

Tip #8 - Windows Performance Options

By the way, when you configure the paging file, do not close the Windows performance settings settings. In the tab "Visual effects" check the box next to the item "Provide the best performance" . This will also affect the responsiveness and speed of your PC.

Provide the best performance

In addition to this, I also recommend installing the classic theme, disabling gadgets, etc. all sorts of bells and whistles and applications that inexperienced users love to install. All this takes up a sufficient amount of memory, and, of course, slows down the PC.

That's all, I hope you won't see errors with insufficient memory anymore.

The system does not have enough memory. Windows 7.

Sometimes when working on a computer you have to open several programs or applications at the same time. As a rule, the system starts to work slower. And you have to put up with this.

However, if programs stop responding, close without user interaction, the menu takes a long time to load, and the error “The system does not have enough memory” constantly appears, you need to take action.

First of all, decide whether you need so many programs running at the same time. After all, this is a large consumption of RAM.

If necessary, proceed to the next step. Check if there is a memory leak as a result of incorrect operation of one of the programs. If the error is caused by the same program, try updating it to latest version, or use a similar program from another developer.

You can find the problematic program as follows:

Open the task manager (key combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc), go to the “Processes” tab and click on the “Memory” field. Applications will be ranked according to the amount of memory consumed. At the top there will be programs that use greatest number RAM.

Follow the chain “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Administration”.

Open Event Viewer by double-clicking.

Then double click on "Application and Services Logs".

Select the application with the left mouse button and click “Open”.

Open all applications one by one and analyze possible errors.

If there are none, check your computer for memory problems.

To check the RAM in Windows 7, click “Start” – “Control Panel” – “Administrative Tools” – “Windows Memory Checker”.

Or press the key combination Win+R and command line enter mdsched.

In the window that opens, select “Reboot and scan.” Before doing this, close all running programs and applications. Next, the computer automatically restarts and the scanning process starts.

This will take some time. At the end of the check, the computer starts and the result of the check will be displayed at the bottom of it.

If everything is in order here, and the computer also writes “The system does not have enough memory,” you need to increase the volume virtual memory. To do this:

“Start” – “Control Panel” – “System” – “Advanced system settings” – “Advanced” tab – “Performance” item – “Settings” button – “Advanced” tab – “Change” button.

Uncheck the “Automatically select paging file size” checkbox.

Select "Specify Size". Enter the numbers in the "Original size" and " " Maximum size" Please note the line at the bottom of the “Recommended” table.

The system automatically determines the required size of the paging file. You can put your numbers based on the following considerations.

For normal system operation, it is enough to set the size of the paging file to 1.5 times larger than the size of the RAM. If you like to play volumetric computer games, set the number to 2.5 times the RAM.

To find out your amount of RAM (installed RAM), follow the chain:

“Start” – “Control Panel” – “System”.

The View basic information about your computer window opens.

When working in Photoshop on weak computers you can see a scary dialog box about insufficient RAM. This can happen when saving large documents, applying heavy filters, and other operations.

This problem is due to the fact that almost all Adobe software products try to make maximum use of system resources in their work. It’s always “not enough” for them.

Physical memory

In this case, our computer may not have enough physical memory to run the program. These are strips installed in the corresponding connectors of the motherboard.

Its volume can be found by clicking RMB by icon "Computer" on the desktop and selecting "Properties".

The system properties window displays various information, including the amount of RAM.

It is this parameter that should be taken into account before installing the program. Read carefully system requirements the version you plan to work with. For example, for Photoshop CS6 1 GB will be enough, but the CC 2014 version will already require 2 GB.

If there is not enough memory, then installing additional memory sticks will help.

Virtual memory

Computer virtual memory is a special system file in which information that “does not fit” in the RAM (RAM) is recorded. This occurs due to insufficient physical memory, which, if necessary, offloads “extra” information to the hard drive.

Since Photoshop very actively uses all system resources, the size of the paging file directly affects its performance.

In some cases, increasing the virtual memory may solve the problem with the dialog box appearing.

Choose a disk for the paging file with sufficient free space, since, configured in this way, it will immediately be of the specified size (9000 MB, in our case).

You should not increase the size of the swap file indefinitely, as this does not make sense. 6000 MB would be enough (with a physical memory size of 3 GB).

Performance settings and Photoshop scratch disks

These settings are located at “Editing – Settings – Performance”.

In the settings window we see the size of the allocated memory and the disks that Photoshop uses in its work.

In the allocated memory block, you can increase its size using the provided slider. It is advisable not to increase the size above 90% , since problems may arise with applications that will be running (possibly in the background) while Photoshop is running.

With scratch disks, everything is much simpler: choose the one with more free space. It is advisable that this turns out not to be system disk. Be sure to check this parameter, since the program can be capricious if there is not enough work space on the allocated disk.

Registry key

If none standard means do not help get rid of the error, then you can simply trick Photoshop by telling it that we have a lot of RAM. This is done using a special key in the system registry. This technique will also help resolve the warning message that appears when you try to configure performance settings. The reason for these errors is the same - problems or insufficient memory.

  1. We launch the registry editor with the appropriate command in the menu "Run" (Windows+R).

  2. Let's go to the branch


    Open the directory "Photoshop", in which there will be another folder with numbers in the name, for example, "80.0" or "120.0", depending on the program version. We click on it.

    If there is no such folder in this branch, then all actions can be performed along this path:


  3. Right-click in the right block with the keys and select "New - DWORD Value (32 bits)".

  4. We give the key the following name:


  5. Right-click on the created key and select "Change".

  6. Switch to decimal notation and assign a value from «0» to "24000", you can choose the largest one. Click OK.

  7. To be sure, you can reboot the machine.
  8. Now, having opened the performance settings in the program, we will see the following picture:

If the errors were caused by glitches or other software factors, then after these steps they should disappear.

At this point, the options for solving the problem of insufficient RAM have been exhausted. The optimal solution There will be an increase in physical memory. If this is not possible, then try other methods, or change the version of the program.

The error "Your computer does not have enough memory" is caused by a lack of RAM as well as virtual memory. In this regard, the most probable reasons, which can cause this situation are the following:

  • There is a real shortage of physical RAM;
  • On the computer in at the moment a lot of processes are running (these can be both programs and sessions inside running applications, for example, browser tabs);
  • The hard drive is almost completely occupied - in this case, the paging file will not work properly;
  • There are also programs that can cause what is called a “memory leak,” a situation where an application takes up all the available space to complete its tasks.

It is for these reasons operating system It gives the error "There is not enough memory on your computer, please close programs to free up memory."

Actually, the solution to this problem depends on the root cause.

In case of physical shortage of RAM, of course, you will need to increase its volume by purchasing RAM sticks in the store. Most computers now use 8 GB, but it all depends on the tasks for which the computer was purchased. You should also pay attention to support large number slats motherboard. Also, if the computer is not new and there are no plans to upgrade it, then, unfortunately, you will have to put up with this system operation.

If the reason is that the hard drive is completely full and there is not enough memory on the computer, then you will need a disk cleanup utility to free it up. The beauty of it is that it will not allow you to delete files that are used by the system and lead to its inoperability. In other words, disk cleanup using the Windows utility will help you safely remove temporary and a number of other, mostly useless, files. You can launch it by right-clicking on the C: drive and selecting “Properties” and then “Disk Cleanup”.

The utility will conduct an initial analysis and show which files can be deleted. As a rule, in this case it will not be a very large volume. Clicking on "Clear system files» it will still pass one analysis step and the amount of freed space will certainly be increased.

You should also check if the page file is enabled. It is used if there is not enough memory for running programs and more is required than is currently physically available - in this case, the shortage will be compensated for by free space on the hard drive. You need to open “Control Panel”, then “System”.

Then open “Advanced system settings”.

Switch to the “Advanced” tab.

Click “Change”.

In this window you can manage the size of the paging file. It is recommended to set its size automatically.

In the event that there is not enough memory due to another program or many processes, then it would be logical to understand which ones they are. In this case, you can use Task Manager by sorting processes by the Memory column in the Details tab.

By analyzing the processes on the list, you can decide what to do with them. This could be either normal operation (for example, during an update), or abnormal (internal application failure), or it could even be malware. In any case, checking for malicious objects won't hurt. Be that as it may, if the error that there is not enough memory is caused by a certain application, then it is recommended to contact the support of this software to eliminate the negative effects.

Have a great day!

Running fewer programs at once can prevent problems with low memory and loss of information. You should monitor which programs give signals about low memory, and try not to run them at the same time.

However, using a limited number of programs is not always convenient and practical. Signs of low memory may indicate that your computer requires more RAM to support the programs you are using. The following are recommended ways to resolve or prevent low memory issues:

Increase the size of the page file (virtual memory)

Windows automatically tries to increase the size of the page file the first time it becomes low on memory, but you can increase it manually up to a maximum size determined by the amount of RAM you have. While increasing the page file size can prevent low memory problems, it can also cause programs to run slower.

Because the computer reads information from RAM much faster than from hard drive(where the page file is located), significantly increasing the virtual memory available to programs will slow them down.

Install more RAM

If you see signs of low memory, or if Windows warns you that there is low memory, review the documentation that came with your computer or contact the manufacturer to determine what type of RAM is compatible with your computer and install more RAM. To install RAM, see the information provided by the manufacturer.

Identify a program that is using excessive memory

If your computer runs out of memory when running certain programs, the cause may be a memory leak in one or more of those programs. To stop the memory leak, you should close the program. To resolve a memory leak, you should check for updates to the program or contact the software publisher.

To determine which program uses more memory, follow these steps:

You can also check for program errors and troubleshooting information by using the Event Browser.

  1. Open the Event Browser.
  2. In the left panel, select Application and service logs, check for error events. To view a description of the problem, double-click the corresponding event. To check for troubleshooting information, look for a link to online help.



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