Why do you dream about dirty chicken eggs? Why do you dream about Eggs? Who had the dream

Why do you dream that you had to collect chicken eggs? The dream book prophesies various troubles that will be associated with children. The exact interpretation of the plot directly depends on the various circumstances that happened to be seen in the dream.

Miller's note

Miller's dream interpreter, for example, insists that collecting eggs can symbolize the addition of a family and cheerful, but exclusively family holidays.

Uncertainty or complete luck?

Why do you dream about a lot of eggs? This is a sign of false rumors and empty talk.

Did you dream of a chicken coop with a lot of eggs in it? For all dreamers without exception, the vision promises prosperity, a successful marriage and an abundance of obedient children.

Sometimes the interpretation of a dream is extremely ambiguous. Thus, too many eggs symbolize the uncertainty of the current situation, because it is not always known exactly what is inside the shell.

However, the dream book reminds us: the same plot marks the receipt of a treasured position or job.

You will be happy!

Did you happen to collect chicken eggs in a dream? One day you will experience overwhelming happiness. This same vision promises rich winnings and unexpected profits.

Have you collected eggs to put on your chicken to hatch? This means that great joy is in store for you in the near future.

The dream book believes that this same picture symbolizes the dreamer’s personal dreams of a friendly family. Did you dream that you wandered between nests and collected eggs? Soon there will be positive changes in life.

Take your time!

Why do you dream about collecting chicken products? The dream book believes that ideas or projects are swarming in your head.

Seeing a container filled with eggs in a dream is good. Things will get better and good luck will come. But only if you show prudence and do not rush things and take risks.

Sometimes this same vision marks the beginning of a period of busy searches and acquisitions. But having received material well-being, do not forget about your spiritual development.


In a dream, did you have to collect chicken eggs in a huge basket? Soon the partners will offer to participate in a very profitable and profitable business.

Seeing a basket of eggs means that financial transactions will bring profit, and your most cherished dreams will soon come true.

Specific details

However, the dream book advises taking into account which products appeared in the dream. It is worth remembering their color and quality.

  • Small – modest income.
  • Large ones - the use of other people's works and knowledge.
  • Black - evil thoughts, intentions.
  • Whites are wealth.
  • Yellow – success.
  • Colorful, strange - the result will be worse than planned.
  • Rotten - loss, decline.
  • Broken - collapse of hopes.

Take action!

Why else do you dream about collecting chicken eggs? The dream book believes that some event or personal achievement will help reveal the hidden potentials of the soul and character.

  • It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the origin of life and has the power of rebirth and renewal. In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians whose actions were associated with evil spirits They ate an egg in the shell to double their strength. You probably remember that the fairy-tale villain Koschey the Immortal kept his life in an egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, and infinity. The custom of painting and eating eggs is still very popular.
  • Folk wisdom contains many sayings and proverbs related to this symbol. They said about an empty and insignificant matter: “Not worth a damn.” In another case, the egg was considered a symbol of infancy. They said about a caressed and spoiled child: “A hatched egg is always a chatterbox.” It was believed that no serious actions should be expected from such a person.
  • If you eat an egg in a dream, it means that in reality you are paying too much attention to an empty and unnecessary matter.
  • A dream in which you dropped and broke an egg means that with your careless actions you can destroy your own happiness.
  • Seeing broken eggshells in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health.
  • Seeing in a dream how you collect eggs in nests means that significant changes for the better will come in your life.
  • If you saw in a dream how you hatched eggs yourself, it means someone close to you will need your attention and help.
  • A dream in which you treat someone to an egg dish indicates that a person will appear in your life who will change your whole life.
  • Seeing rotten eggs in a dream is a bad sign.
  • Seeing a two-yolk egg in a dream means an ambivalent situation.
  • If in a dream you are trying to cook scrambled eggs, and a living chicken comes out of a broken egg, this is a sign that you are using your chance unwisely.
  • Seeing a huge mountain of eggs in a dream means prosperity.
  • A dream in which you saw a snake devouring an egg means evil and illness.
  • To see a pike hatching eggs in a dream is a sign that you are overly passionate about your fantasies, which are replacing your real life.
  • A dream in which you are waiting for a chicken to finally hatch from an egg means that you are too passionate about something that is long in the past. They say about this: “These are hatched eggs.”
  • If in a dream you are trying to break and peel the shell of an egg, in reality you will have to be more careful. They will try to deceive you and involve you in significant financial expenses. People say: “They peeled off like an egg.”

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

one, two - waiting for guests; a lot - success; to beat or see broken - loss; too much - endless petty worries.

I dreamed about eggs

according to Miller's dream book

Finding a nest with eggs in a dream portends wealth and a happy marriage. For women, this dream promises frequent hobbies. Eating eggs in a dream means that unusual worries will settle in your home. Seeing broken fresh eggs is a sign that fate is ready to generously reward you. An exalted mind and a high sense of justice will make you the favorite of many people. Rotten eggs - promise loss of property and decline in business. A basket of eggs means that you will be involved in profitable business transactions. Finding bird eggs in the forest means a possible inheritance from distant relatives.

Why do you dream about chickens?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

cook, butcher - win a lawsuit; there is a benefit from women.

I dreamed about a chicken

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a chicken in a dream means pleasant meetings in the home circle, and an increase in family.

Seeing a chicken in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Represents reproduction, maternal care, as well as providence. The black chicken is a servant of the devil or one of his manifestations. A cackling hen symbolizes a powerful or courageous woman. In Christianity, a mother hen with chicks represents Christ and his flock.

Why do you dream about a chicken?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

random guest; a lot of chickens - guests, money if they eat grain; with chickens - loss; hear clucking - sadness; black - a quarrel in the family or with a loved one, bad news or anxiety.

I dreamed of an omelet

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing that you have prepared an omelette is a warning to you about flattery and deception, which can be used against you. Eating an omelette in a dream predicts that you will be deceived by someone who has enjoyed your trust for a long time.

I dreamed about a quail

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing quails in a dream is extremely lucky sign if they are alive; if they are shot down, serious trouble awaits you. Shooting a quail in a dream is a sign that you will treat your best friends cruelly. Eating quail meat in a dream is an indicator of your extravagance and wastefulness.

Expert answers


the late father-in-law brought a package, and there were broken eggs and a pie (Flera Masyagutova)

The appearance of a deceased relative in a dream always warns of something. Judging by the description of the dream, in reality you may expect a quarrel over the division of property or money.


I dreamed that I wanted to boil eggs. I start putting them into a saucepan, but I don’t see the saucepan itself. The process is more like sorting through. All the eggs are intact, but the last two are cracked on top, and the whites are already starting to spill out of them. I understand in a dream that I need to break the eggs completely and pour them into some container. But I can’t find what to pour them into. That's when I woke up. What would this be for? (Ekaterina)

If you happen to see broken chicken eggs in a dream, then this is an indication that you are trying to find some meaning. The dream book will describe in detail why this ambiguous image is dreamed of.

Stop speaking!

Did you dream about broken chicken eggs? With your careless action or word, you risk offending a complex and modest person. The dream book advises keeping your opinion to yourself, even if there is a good reason to speak out.

According to Miller

Mr. Miller claims that broken eggs in a nest are a sign of disappointment and failure. Sometimes this is a sign of forced separation.

Be careful!

Why else do you dream about broken chicken eggs? If you happen to accidentally crush a testicle in a dream, then there will be trouble. Sometimes the dream book considers this a sign of natural disasters and all sorts of troubles that you cannot influence.

To unintentionally split it literally means that the damage will be caused by one’s own intemperance and carelessness.

A carelessly broken egg portends news of a deceased person, an unexpected illness and other sorrows. Seeing another character break an egg is a sign of deception and financial loss.

They love you!

If in a dream you happened to break raw food to prepare a dish, then fate will give a generous reward for other merits.

Accidentally bang raw eggs– to respect and recognition in society. If a girl accidentally splits a raw egg, then someone loves her dearly for her kind and flexible disposition.

Specific transcripts

  • Clean and fresh - to good news, luck.
  • Rotten - to monetary losses, disappointment.
  • Black - to your own anger, misfortune.
  • Any dark inclusions indicate the presence of negative energy and damage.
  • Two yolks - to an ambiguous situation.
  • No yolk means failure in a well-thought-out business.

Don't miss the chance...

If in a dream a live chicken falls out of a broken shell, then the dream book warns that you need to take advantage of the chance.

Did you dream that you got dirty in an egg mixture? Enemies will cause unpleasant troubles.

Seeing a person smeared with egg mass means that you are in an extremely difficult and possibly hopeless situation.

Profit or scandal?

Why do you dream about a lot of broken eggs? If in a dream you beat them specifically to prepare a dish, then the dream book foretells profit that will come without much effort on your part.

If you dreamed that you unintentionally slammed an egg tray and many pieces broke, then a major domestic scandal is coming.

It personifies rebirth, the integrity of the world, prosperity, but broken eggs are an extremely unfavorable sign that foreshadows troubles in romantic relationships, deterioration of financial situation and a continuous series of failures. Broken eggs indicate a person’s inner turmoil, disruption of peace in the soul. Next we will take a closer look at different dream books Why do you dream about broken eggs?


    Miller's Dream Book

    Broken chicken egg in a dream guarantees the dreamer material well-being and prosperity, obtaining wealth. will finally give a person some gift for his good disposition and sharp mind.

    A lot of eggs are broken, which means there will be peace and prosperity in the dreamer's family, as well as mutual love between spouses and trust between children. A broken egg lying on the sand foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance.

    To dream of broken, raw eggs with runny yolks portends good luck, successful completion of some business. Eating a broken egg, on the contrary, indicates failure in business and minor everyday troubles.

    Rotten and broken eggs indicate loss of property, particularly real estate.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    Break the eggs means that the dreamer will soon become a criminal, will violate public or legal law. Seeing someone else breaking eggs indicates that the dreamer will witness a crime.

    Aesop's Dream Book

    Accidentally break an egg in a dream speaks of a person committing several rash acts, which will negatively affect the further development of events. A hole in the shell indicates health problems, ignoring dangerous symptoms sent by the body.

    Seeing a spread yolk speaks of a person’s insecure position, his disagreement with himself and the world around him.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Breaking eggs in a dream means a warning that a threat to humanity will come from the depths of space. Eating a broken egg and trying to cook something from it means disrupting the order of things in the world, living in an inverted, illusory space.

    Vanga also pointed out that broken eggs are symbol of imbalance in the world, the decline of morals and the presence of false ideals.

    Gypsy dream book

    Accidentally crush an egg talks about squabbles and quarrels with relatives, dissatisfaction with their current situation. Purposely beating eggs indicates anger and envy that have overcome the dreamer, that he feels trapped, in lack of freedom.

    Getting dirty with yolk or white from a broken egg means large number enemies, who closely monitor and impatiently await the slightest mistake.

    French dream book

    Broken white eggs indicate the fulfillment of the dreamer’s desires and aspirations, bringing plans to life. Beige broken eggs predict annoyance and disappointment, resentment for wasted time. Broken, clean, fresh eggs portend good news and clear weather outside the window.

    Break the egg yourself - to numerous losses and sorrows, sorrowful experiences.

    Russian folk dream book

    Broken eggs foreshadow sad, tragic events, the outcome of which the dreamer is not able to influence. But if a person sees chicks hatching from a broken egg, unfavorable events in life can unexpectedly turn into something good.

    Breaking eggs in order to cook something from them predicts the appearance of unexpected but welcome guests in the house.

    Dream Interpretation of Sonana

    Broken eggs in a dream indicate the dreamer’s internal experiences about the inability to realize himself, a missed chance, regret from an action done or not done. A person knows exactly what he wants or how to correct the current situation, but for some reason he does not do it.

    Break your own eggs speaks about the likelihood of getting problems on the personal front or on the. The dreamer here seems weak-willed, unable to decide to take active action or openly confront someone. Because of this character trait, many people control and use the sleeping person for their own purposes.

    Buy broken eggs means having acquaintance with dubious characters. If snakes, worms and other unpleasant creatures come out of a broken egg, this indicates the presence of an enemy who wants to harm the dreamer and his family.

Eggshells in a dream

Eggshells are a symbol of new life, a material for the formation of something intangible. This dream means change inner world person, acquisition of new character traits, personality formation. The dreamer acquires new knowledge and skills, looks at the world differently, and develops some talents and abilities.

Seeing a whole shell means that the person feels unprotected and cannot withstand pressure, pressure from outside. Often a dream indicates that the sleeper has withdrawn into himself, focused on his inner experiences and isolated himself from the rest of the world. The dream also speaks of unfulfilled hopes.

Young girls see a lot of egg shells means imminent marriage, but how successful it will be cannot be predicted with certainty. Seeing a whole bucket or basket of shells means conceiving a child, pregnancy. Eating the shell means that in reality the dreamer will have a lot of new ideas. Also, eating shells indicates a slight malaise, a lack of vitamins and calcium in the body.

See the shell of one egg indicates that the dreamer’s parents or immediate relatives need his care and guardianship. Walking on eggshells means that the dreamer is thick-skinned, impervious to the experiences of another person.

Peeling an egg in a dream and throwing the shell on the floor or ground foretells waste and expenses. Powdered shells portend quarrels or separation from a loved one.

The color of the shell also matters for interpretation. A white shell indicates everyday affairs, household chores, a yellow shell indicates financial losses, troubles at work, a gray shell indicates mental wounds, a gold shell indicates the acquisition of useful knowledge, a passion for philosophy or theosophy, and a black shell indicates great misfortune.

Break eggs

Breaking an egg in a dream speaks of a careless act of a person that can destroy the dreamer’s happiness, his family or love. If an egg represents the opportunity to change something in life, then a broken egg with your own hands indicates a missed chance to improve your life, mistakes made due to your own clumsiness and indecision.

Break an egg on purpose, but without any specific purpose speaks of the dreamer committing a crime or unseemly act. For married people, the dream speaks of betrayal by their significant other.

Breaking an egg intentionally, with the goal of harming someone, indicates that the dreamer will become a witness or even an accomplice to a crime or illegal adventure. Throwing an egg at someone foreshadows the collapse of plans, the exposure of some terrible secret of the sleeper.

Accidentally breaking an egg warns of danger to the dreamer's life and health. Dropping an egg on the floor, thereby breaking it, indicates an accident, unintentional harm.

Breaking an egg with a knife means solving the problem peacefully. Breaking an egg on the edge of a table or vessel indicates a tense situation in the dreamer’s life, the likelihood of a nervous breakdown.

Breaking an egg to cook food portends wealth and prosperity, a successful coincidence of circumstances. The dream indicates the hospitality and friendliness of the sleeper. Breaking an egg for fun means being in an awkward position, making a serious mistake.



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