Historical Dictionary. Shortcut to reign - what is it?

A written document emanating from the Tatar-Mongol Khan, it could also be a diplomatic document. During the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke Khan's labels were issued to the princes of North-Eastern Rus' for a great or appanage reign. Labels were also issued to Russian metropolitans, according to which the possessions of the Russian Church were exempt from taxes and duties.

View value Label (Khan) in other dictionaries

Label- M. Erlyk, Tatars. old letter of the Tatar Khan. Tokhtamyshev label. | , label, any note issued to receive something, or in the form of a receipt, from the artisan who accepted......
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Khansky- Khan's, Khan's. Adj. to khan. Khan's headquarters. label for reign (historical).
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Label- label, m. (Turkic jaribq - order). 1. Written decree, charter of the khan in the Mongol-Tatar khanates (historical). During the yoke, the Tatar khans gave the Russian princes a label to reign.........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Khansky Adj.— 1. Correlative in meaning. with noun: khan associated with him. 2. Peculiar to the khan, characteristic of him. 3. Belonging to the Khan.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Label- - a word or characteristic used with the aim of discrediting a person, group of persons, movement, party, etc. in the eyes of other people (voters, TV viewers, readers......
Political dictionary

Label- - brand, trademark, a label indicating the quantity, price and other data about the product.
Economic dictionary

Label, Material- - primary
document intended for
accounting stored on
warehouse of materials located at their storage location. M.I. contains the name of the material,
Economic dictionary

Label, Tear-off Commodity — -
label, one
part of which is for sale
the product is torn off and enters the mechanized
Economic dictionary

Label, Warehouse— - a tag of a unified form made of cardboard, plywood or other materials, filled out for each
inventory code for
warehouse and......
Economic dictionary

Label— This is a word that originally meant “given Mongol Khan letter of administration", borrowed from the Turkic languages, sheyarlek - "decree, order".
Krylov's etymological dictionary

Khansky- see Khan.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Label- -A; m. [Turk. label]
1. Attached to a thing, product, etc. leaflet, plate indicating the name, quantity, place of manufacture, number or other information. Luggage........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Label— - preferential charter of the khans of Zol. Hordes subject to secular and spiritual feudal lords. In a narrower meaning, it is a document issued to Russian princes, giving them the right to occupy the princely table.
Legal dictionary

Price Label— A paper medium, a means of conveying information about the price of a product to the buyer NOTE: 1. It is an accessory to samples of goods displayed on the shelves........
Legal dictionary

Adrian Shortcut- monk Simonov mon., clerk of St. Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow, † 1460

Label- Metropolitan clerk, 1453
Big biographical encyclopedia

Label— - English labte; German Etikett. 1. Stamp, stereotype. 2. Decree of the Tatar khans (in particular, issued for reign and church rule during the period of the Golden Horde).
Sociological Dictionary

Label— - a plate with an inscription that allows you to distinguish and classify a thing (phenomenon, object) without going into its essence (simply by reading the inscription on the label). Usage........
Philosophical Dictionary

Label— A small-sized piece of cardboard containing information about a product or product and accompanying it, suggesting a hinged mounting method.
Polygraphic dictionary

Label Address- a piece of paper with the recipient's address printed or written. Ya. a. are pasted on mail, mass items.
Philatelist's Dictionary

LABEL- LABEL, -a, m. 1. In Rus' in the 13-15 centuries: charter, written decree of the Khan of the Golden Horde. 2. A piece of paper on something. with a name, brand, etc. special information. Bottle me.........
Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

The period of the Mongol-Tatar invasion is one of the most terrible pages of Russian history. For more than 200 years, Rus' was subordinate to the Golden Horde. And the worst thing was not even that the people were subject to a heavy tribute, and the lands were subjected to devastating raids. Greatest influence The course of development was influenced by the complete dominance of the khan over the institution of government of the country.

Ancient Rus', already prone to civil strife, in the person of the Horde received a powerful opponent, the possibility of natural unification and rallying around a strong centralized power. To weaken the subject people, the most effective way control: the princes had to obtain permission from the khan to govern the state. This is how the term “label for the great reign” appeared.

Shortcut to reign

The khan's label is a written document confirming the will of the kagan. IN Ancient Rus' gave the prince the right to manage the lands and a share of the collected tribute. Currently, historians often argue about whether there was a Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus'. The version that is increasingly being expressed is that there was no invasion, much less enslavement. One of the main arguments in favor of this theory is the fact that, despite the enormous value of the label on the reign, not a single one of the documents was preserved. But there are objective reasons for this.

A label is a handwritten document or document, the preservation of which requires special conditions. Taking into account the fact that the Mongol-Tatars made sure that not only one prince, but also one principality did not have dominant power for a long time, there could be no talk of creating some kind of archive capable of preserving such a document for posterity. And frequent fires and devastating raids contributed to their disappearance.

After the liberation from the power of the Golden Horde, the value of these papers was lost. Confirmation of the issuance of labels for the great reign can only be found in the chronicles. But not everyone recognizes this source. After all, the descriptions and translations of the labels were made many years after the liberation from the yoke, and therefore a number of historians talk about the possibility of falsification of handwritten evidence.

To bow to the Khan of the Golden Horde

Another confirmation of the existence of labels and the complete political dependence of Rus' on the Golden Horde is the numerous evidence of the princes’ trips to bow to the Great Khan. For the first time, Batu Khan demanded the appearance of the current Grand Duke in 1243. The princes began to prepare for the trip to Sarai in advance. It was necessary to collect generous gifts for the khan, his entourage, wives and all influential Mongols. In addition to gifts, it was necessary to think through a diplomatic strategy: how to get around competitors and defend against their attacks. Russian princes and their boyars weaved real intrigues against each other in the hope of getting power into their own hands.

Not only the receipt of a label, but also the lives of the ambassadors themselves and the population of entire cities often depended on whether they could win the khan to their side. Thus, the first Russian prince who went to bow to the khan, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was poisoned in the Horde after receiving the label. In total, during the Mongol-Tatar yoke, dozens of Russian princes and their subjects were killed at headquarters. Even more ambassadors were subjected to torture and humiliation. Therefore, before leaving, many left wills and took a priest on the road.

Martyr for the Faith - Prince Mikhail of Chernigov

But not all princes were ready to sacrifice their honor in order to gain the favor of the khan. In 1246 Mikhail of Chernigov went to the Golden Horde together with his faithful associate Theodore. According to established tradition, before entering the khan’s tent, the prince and the boyar had to undergo “purification by fire.” The ritual consisted of walking through a flame, which cleansed of evil thoughts, and worshiping fire and the sun, which symbolized complete submission. However, true Christians, Michael and Theodore, refused to transgress the laws of their faith and bow to idols.

The priests reported the disobedience of the Russian ambassadors to the khan. The prince was the first to suffer martyrdom. After much torture he was killed. And Theodore was offered to renounce his faith and undergo a pagan rite in exchange for a label for a great reign. But the boyar was also unshakable and followed the example of his prince. According to legend, the bodies of both martyrs were thrown to dogs. But miraculously they were untouched by animals, and later secretly buried according to Christian customs.

Dual position in the minds about the so-called. The “Tatar-Mongol yoke” has a negative impact on the thinking of the younger generation. Well, how long?
A myth called "Yoke".
Works by N.A. Morozov, already at the level of linguistics, clearly showed that the ill-fated yoke began to rush towards us not from the east. The West continues to covet our land today.
Now let's turn to the arguments and documents.
Science has justified the postulate about the absence of pre-Christian writing of our ancestors by the absence of written documents. Seems logical. But by what logic were the Horde labels for the right of great reign born in the works of historians, if not a single one has been discovered so far?
They lived, did not grieve, the country grew and blossomed, from crusades fought back, abandoned Latinism and Uniatism, built churches and temples en masse, but it turns out that this should be considered a yoke.
Strange situation. There is a “generally accepted” opinion, but there is also the opinion of even professional historians. Listen to the director of the Institute Russian history RAS Yuri Petrov: “The process of expanding the country’s territory cannot be considered colonization, since the annexation of peoples, as a rule, was followed by a merger of elites.” This directly follows from the Horde genealogy of Ivan the Terrible. In fact, in the east of Europe no one colonized anyone; there was a process of state building, punctuated by a change of religious orientation, and a very diverse change at that. But at the same time, the multinational core of Eastern European statehood was preserved.
Now let's speculate.
Is it possible to believe that the Great Metropolis of Mongolia, having come to us in the 13th century, never again visited its eastern colonies, which were supposedly captured during the establishment of the yoke? For centuries, Mongolia did not even ask the question whether such a colony actually existed. In reality, Rus', Muscovy and Novgorod built all relations in the East only with the Turks who lived in the Volga region (according to Naumov, the Turks of the “Turkish tribe”).
Our ancestors, until the 19th century, did not even realize that some kind of yoke had happened to them, and the inhabitants of the middle Volga region considered themselves Bulgarians until the end of the 19th century, and only at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. took the name Tatars. A number of domestic historians consider the current Kazan Tatars to be direct descendants of the Volga Bulgars.
Starting from the 18th century, Russian priests imposed the name “Tatars” on the population of Volga Bulgaria and the Kazan Khanate. The practice of using the collective ethnic term “Tatars” in Russia is associated with the concept that all Tatars are Muslims and vice versa. The situation was even reflected in literature. Remember “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by Tolstoy. There are mountain peoples North Caucasus are called Tatars. Russian priests could not ignore the fact of Islamization, which they noted in later chronicles. In early chronicles there are Nogais, Kazanians, Astrakhanians, etc. as it was with the Russians (Drevlyans, Polyans, Krivichi, etc.).
The Russian people, the Tatar people, both concepts are collective ethnonyms, or more precisely, confessions. I apologize for the inelegant twist. Religious difference arose in the East of Europe only from the beginning of the 14th century in connection with the adoption of Islam and not earlier. Russians and Tatars moved away from Arianism, and then religious differences began. The state building of Muscovy was marked in Rus' by Orthodox Christianity and Islam among the descendants of the peoples of the Volga region.
Where did Russian priests from the 18th century get the word that became a collective concept for many peoples? We find the answer in the works of Morozov. Order = horde, Tatras = Tartaria, Tatars. Information contact with the West is obvious. What he was like remains to be seen. There is enough information for this; there are people who want to look for it. Let us finally stop demonstrating tolerance for show. This is not the path of knowledge.
At the same time, we do not have any Tartaria, except in German-language maps, and, apparently, did not have one. In any case, we do not find any other sources about Tartary except Western ones.
The terminology for yoke was born in Western Europe and spread through Latin works through our historians, and also through Western travelers walking to Asia. Whether they were there or not, Western information was reflected in their notes. At the same time, no traces of these terms are found in Asia itself, either on local maps or in the works of rare Russian-speaking researchers of China and Mongolia, except perhaps in Rubruk. This information is not confirmed even in Asian folk epics. The Mongols themselves only recently learned that in ancient times they supposedly owned Asia and half of Europe, and learned from the same Europe. But this was enough to introduce the fairy tale into history.
Today the term "Tatar-Mongol yoke" is considered to originate from the Tatar people. This is necessary, there has not yet been an established ethnonym for centuries, but the yoke under his leadership has already emerged!
Why don’t we trust our ancestors, who did not know about this yoke, but believe the West, which always came to us with a sword. And now he has a sword in his hands, already ideological, and it is sharper than a steel blade. We argue with each other about our native history, and the enemy quietly takes positions in the Slavic countries. Let's remember Time of Troubles, prepared by Poland simultaneously with the term “yoke”, let us remember the two defenses of Sevastopol from the French, British and Germans, the northern Entente concentration camps on Russian soil after 1917, the so-called. a downed South Korean Boeing, but in fact an air battle between US aircraft and USSR air defense systems, we will honor the memory of Yugoslavia, which burned under US bombs, and now the events in Ukraine…. The enemy has an obvious goal: our Motherland, common to both Russians and Tatars.
From century to century: “You are wild, you are enemies to each other, you have thieving officials, but here in the West we have romance...” People are forced a picture mixed with half-truths and outright lies. But we stubbornly believe those who have never hidden their hostility towards us. The reception is simple and trouble-free. Paint everything on ours black, and on theirs, pink.
Once again I say, “This is the price of ignorance of our native history.” We accept the problems of the West with confidence. About the Middle Ages, we are told tales about the terrible Mongols, who were not even seen in history at that time. Today, fascism has settled on the shoulders of the Maidan defenders in Ukraine. And we still believe our enemies.
The Mongol was inserted into this story clearly for no reason. They were probably spirits since they did not leave any physical traces of themselves in the “conquered” peoples of Europe. As soon as DNA research began, it was discovered that the modern Mongols are completely absent from the DNA of the peoples of the Volga region, specifically in modern Tatarstan and on the territory of Rus'.
The Russian Historical Society proposes to abandon the term “Tatar-Mongol yoke” as having no real basis in the new history textbook.
However, today there is another attempt to rehang the “parks on a different nail.” It is proposed to retain the black term " Tatar-Mongol yoke" renaming it "Yoke of the Golden Horde". These games of political correctness simply lead away from the path of truth. Famous example joint state building - Bulgaria. The Turks of Khan Asparukh and the Slavs of the people of the North became great friends and created a joint state without any yoke.
Someone was given this yoke. But we got used to it. And then, it’s so easy to blame your own on someone else’s head internal problems- loss of identity due to a change in religious ideology, as well as the expansion of the Crusades as a religious campaign against schismatics and Tatars. We don’t want to look for the answer in the mirror. It is easier to confuse the process of Christianization of Rus' with the beginning of its modern statehood, and blame the neighbors in the common country for this.
But having said “A”, you need to justify it with some “B”. And in later chronicles the myth of labels for the right to great reign takes root. And no one is embarrassed that these labels are given by an ethnic group whose name has not yet been born; it will appear in history only 6 centuries later. Our information about it is clearly late and clearly from the West.
For those who are not used to taking their word for it, take a look at the fragment of the map with high resolution. This is the last page from the collection of maps “Drawing Book of Siberia”. It was compiled in 1699 - 1701 by the Russian geographer and topographer S.U. Remezov. The map saw the light of day only in 1882, when it was published as a printed publication in the proceedings of the Imperial Archaeological Commission. On the map, the South is unusually at the top. Modern Kazan residents are documented as Bulgarians. As you know, the Bulgarians did not impose any yoke on us.
Wander around the map. You will find many surprises. You can view the Map and read an article about it at the link http://crustgroup.livejournal.com/65219.html. There are some interesting comments here.

To be continued.

A person’s activities in the past, his worldview, his role in society - all this is the subject of study humanities history. She, relying on documents and traces of disappeared eras, explains the life of previous generations.

An increasingly common question is: “Was there a yoke?”

But what to do when there are no specific traces, but only mentions of them in chronicles, the data of which has always been questioned? How many generations have studied the Mongol-Tatar yoke in schools! Now, not only has this term been removed from historical science and replaced with the phrase “ Golden Horde“, but absolutely everything connected with this phenomenon is disputed. Questions are even asked: “Did she even undertake campaigns against Rus'?” And quite convincing facts are provided that she did not undertake it. However, many people from school are sure that for 200 years Rus' was under the yoke, and the khans of the Golden Horde issued a “label to reign” to the Russian princes. But for some reason, none of them survived.

Document known by hearsay

This type of document, as well as their existence in general, is known only from chronicles. However, in later works of literature and art the very fact of trips to bow to the Horde khans was repeatedly described. The artist Boris Chorikov (1802-1866), known as the illustrator of Karamzin’s “History of Russia,” depicted the feud between the Russian princes, which they staged right in front of the pleased khan, for the right to receive a “label for reigning.” What was this document? What made princes with rich gifts “go” to the court of the Horde was the permission issued by the ruler of the ulus of Jochi, or the Golden Horde, powerful state with a huge army, which, if necessary, used sabers to confirm the power of this decree. The khan, having accepted the gifts, allowed the one who brought them to rule in a certain inheritance, even if at that time his own prince was sitting there. Khan, as a cunning eastern politician, skillfully used the “label for reign” in order to pit the district princes against each other. Thus, controlled Rus' for a long time could not unite to jointly repel the Horde. As a result of this policy of the khans, the appanage rulers went to war against each other, weakening the fragmented Rus'.

Dependence of Rus'

This became possible because in 1237-1242 the Mongols launched an invasion of Rus'. It is very interesting that the term “yoke” was not used anywhere in Russian literature. And why was it necessary to adopt the “word” first used by the Polish chronicler Jan Dolgusz, knowing that this country could distort any fact in order to annoy or humiliate Russia. And it was used at the end of the 15th century, when not a trace remained of the so-called “yoke”. After the Horde invasion, our country was placed in vassal dependence - tributary and political. The idea of ​​issuing a “label for reign” was apparently born at the khan’s headquarters, because the first trip, and all subsequent ones, began with a summons to the prince’s court.

The first prince to receive the label

Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal Yuri Vsevolodovich died at the walls of the legendary Kitezh; his brother, Yaroslav, was summoned to Kharakorum, the capital. His first trip is considered very successful and was even called a diplomatic success. It was he, the father of Alexander Nevsky, who received the first label for reign. During his second visit to the Horde, he was poisoned by the regent Turashna, the widow of Kaan Ogedei. She immediately summoned Alexander to court, perhaps for the same purpose of murder. But according to various reasons Novgorod prince He did not appear in the Horde for 4 years. The poisoner herself suffered the same fate - two months after her son ascended the throne, she was killed in the same way. At the court of Khan Batu, passions were still raging.

Machinations and intrigues

It was necessary to go to the Khan's headquarters, because only the prince who received the label to reign was considered the legitimate ruler. Moreover, this concerned not only but also specific ones. The legally elected one who delayed his trip Prince of Kyiv Svyatoslav was deposed by his brother Mikhail. Why was this diploma so desired? At first, the Mongols came to Rus' for tribute. But popular unrest began, especially in Novgorod. The Horde preferred to rule the principalities from afar and therefore shifted the collection of tribute to the princes themselves. That is, the position of the prince was more than a grain one - much more tribute was collected than was given to the Horde. The prince, who received the label to reign, significantly increased his wealth. That is why the wicked rushed to bypass the legitimate rulers and fall at the feet of the khan, who was considered supreme. Trips there were expensive and long-term. Thus, the cunning politician Ivan Kalita spent most of his reign in the Horde and the road, getting there and from there. The grandson of Alexander Nevsky, Moscow Prince Yuri III Danilovich, lived at headquarters for 2 years, married the khan’s sister, thus earning the label for a great reign.

Handsome, all-powerful, disappeared

According to the stories, the label was a gold plate, the edges of which were rounded. It had a hole for hanging. It is more than strange why there is not a single Gold Label left. Made from precious metal, not subject to time, playing such a huge role in the history of Rus' - and disappeared. Labels were also issued to the clergy. They all disappeared en masse. The trouble with Ancient Rus' was that rulers, as a rule, had many sons, and large territorial entities were fragmented between them, turning into small ones. appanage principalities. A smart politician would appear, unite them for a while, and then everything would repeat itself. So, by the beginning of the 13th century in Rus', in addition to a number of small ones, there were two large principalities - Vladimir and Kiev, and the first was much more powerful and larger in size than the second. Therefore, receiving a label for the Great Reign of Vladimir was the cherished dream of many princes, including Alexander Nevsky. He finally reached the Horde together with his brother Andrei and received permission to the Kiev table, which he was very offended by.



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