Ready-made, completed speech therapist speech cards for preschoolers. Speech cards

I. 1. Last name, first name of the child Katya Petrova

2. Age 5 years 7 months

3. Home address u. Voskhod, 83, building 2, apt. 54

4. History: Child from the third pregnancy (second birth). The mother is registered with a urologist. In the second half of the pregnancy there was a threat of miscarriage. The birth went well. Disease of the first year of life - measles rubella (at 3 months), otitis media (at 10 months), acute respiratory infections (at 1 year 7 months), ARVI (at 10 months).

Started walking at 1 year 1 month. Babbling appeared at 8-9 months, she uttered her first words at 10 months, and phrases at 1 year 7 months.

5. General and fine motor skills. There are no disturbances in the development and condition of the musculoskeletal system and general motor skills. She is mobile, coordination is satisfactory, but she does not have enough command of some basic movements according to the age group program, fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed: she has difficulty in shading, she is not confident in using scissors, her movements are imprecise.

6. Hearing - without pathology.

7. Vision - without pathology.

8. General development of the child. The stock of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality is within the age norm.

Memory: visual - out of 6 pictures, remembers 4.

Auditory - out of 6 words, remembers 4.

Associative - out of 6 pictures - 5.

Verbal-logical memory - remembers the listened text and retells it quite completely and accurately.

Attention, efficiency. Concentration is not bad, but volumetric stability is insufficient (easily distracted); performance is low: he takes on work with interest, but is not diligent enough and gets tired quickly.


Constructive activity - + (composes a pyramid, a cut picture, puzzles using the method of visual correlation)

Direct and reverse counting - + (within 10)

Counting operations and simple tasks - + (within 10)

Classification, generalization - + (sometimes with explanations)

Cause-and-effect relationships - + (lays out a series of plot pictures in a logical sequence).

The structure is normal (minor prognathia).

Articulatory motor skills - lip movements are normal; there is a sluggish tongue, there is no “groove”.


13. Sound analysis:

at weave, O wax, A ist)-+

n, to T, That To)-+

d oh, r from, n from)-+

14. Pronunciation of words with complex sounds syllable structure- slightly damaged (rhythmic contour, stress, number of syllables are preserved)

Strawberry -+ coma n assignment - “business trip”

Frying pan -+ poem T stealing - “poem”

Medicine -+ led O With And pedist - “bicycle pedist”

Understands antonyms and synonyms.

Knows and names baby animals, common professions.

Knows general (specific, generic) concepts (clothing, shoes, furniture, dishes).

16. Grammatical structure. Makes simple sentences based on a picture (with a given sound according to reference words). Makes mistakes in agreeing cardinal numerals of nouns - “five apples”. Understands the meaning of simple prepositions and uses them correctly in speech. Can form: adjective words from nouns stone (stone), nouns from adjectives - wooden (house), nouns from verbs - glue (glue), nouns with a diminutive meaning - hand (handle).

17. Coherent speech. Logical, consistent, but not expressive, schematic. Free communication is difficult

II. 1. Last name, first name of the child Dmitry Shelokhov

2. Age 5 years 9 months

3. Home address u. Pirogova, 19, apt. 70_

4. History: Child from the first pregnancy. In the second half of the pregnancy there was a threat of miscarriage. The birth went well. Disease of the first year of life - ARVI (at 9 months).

Started walking at the age of 1 year 3 months. Babbling appeared at 8-9 months, uttered the first words at 11 months, phrases at 3 years 1 month.

5. State of general and fine motor skills. There are no disturbances in the development and condition of the musculoskeletal system and general motor skills. Coordination is satisfactory, fine motor skills are poorly developed: it is difficult to trace small objects, he is not confident in using scissors, and his movements are imprecise.

6. Hearing - without pathology.

7. Vision - without pathology.

8. General development of the child. The stock of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality is not sufficient.

Memory: visual - out of 6 pictures, remembers 3

Auditory - out of 6 words, remembers 4

Associative - from 6 pictures -4

Verbal-logical memory - the text he has heard is remembered and retold uncertainly, confusing events and sequence.

Attention, efficiency. The concentration of attention is not formed, the volume is insufficient (it is quickly distracted); performance is low: he takes on work with interest, but is not diligent enough and gets tired quickly.


Constructive activity + (composes a pyramid, a cut picture, puzzles using the method of visual correlation)

Direct and reverse counting - (within 10)

Counting operations and simple tasks - (within 10)

Classification, generalization +

Cause-and-effect relationships - (arranges a series of plot pictures not in a logical sequence).

10. State of the articulatory apparatus.

The structure is normal.

Articulatory motor skills - lip movements are normal, there is no “fungus” or “spoon”.

11. Features of sound pronunciation.

Whistling S, S, Z, C - interdental

Hissing Ш Ж, Ш, Ш - interdental.

12. Phonemic hearing is normal. Identifies a given sound from the sound range (p - t - k - x)

Syllable series (pa - ta - ka - ha)

A series of words (port - cake - court - choir)

Distinguishes similar sounds by ear in:

Pairs of sounds (p - b), (s - z), (w - z)

Pairs of syllables (pa - ba), (sa - za), (sha - zha)

A couple of words (kidney - dot), (juice - clatter), (ball - heat).


Sound series (b - p - b); syllable series (ba - ba - pa)

A series of words (kidney - dot - barrel), (som - com - house).

13. Sound analysis:

Isolation of the first stressed vowel ( at weave, O wax, A ist)-

Isolation of the last voiceless consonant (su n, to T, That To)+

Isolation of the first consonant ( d oh, r from, n from)-

14. Pronunciation of words with a complex sound-syllable structure is significantly impaired (rhythmic contour, stress, number of syllables are preserved)

Strawberry -+ coma nd irovanie - “komarika”

Frying pan -+ poem T stealing - “poem”

Medicine -+ led O With And n e dist - “velesopodist”

15. Vocabulary. Makes mistakes in interpretation lexical meanings words: cup - mug, key - lock, cap - hat, jacket - sweater;

He doesn’t know the meaning of words or abstract concepts.

Understands antonyms and synonyms.

Knows and names baby animals, less names professions.

Poor knowledge of general (specific, generic) concepts (clothing, shoes, furniture, dishes).

16. Grammatical structure. Makes simple sentences based on a picture (with a given sound using reference words). Makes mistakes in agreeing cardinal numerals of nouns - “five apples”. Can form: adjective words from nouns stone (stone), nouns from adjectives - wooden (house), nouns from verbs - glue (glue), cannot form nouns with a diminutive meaning - hand (handle).

17. Coherent speech. Inconsistent, not expressive, schematic. Free communication is difficult

18. Statement of condition speech development: ONR level III.

Speech card


1. Last name, first name

2. Age


1. Which pregnancy is the baby from?

2. Nature of pregnancy (toxicosis, falls, chronic diseases, infectious diseases...)

3. Childbirth (early, urgent, rapid, dehydrated...)

4. Stimulation (mechanical, chemical, electrical stimulation...)

5. When I screamed

6. Asphyxia (white, blue)

7. Rh factor (compatibility)

8. Birth weight

9. Feeding:

a) when they brought it to feed

b) how he took the breast

c) how he sucked

d) were regurgitation or choking observed?

10. On what day was he discharged from the maternity hospital, if delayed, why?


1. Holds his head with/1.5 months/

2. Sitting since /6 months/

3. Costs from /10 months/

4.Walks from /11-12 months/

5. First teeth/6-8 months/

6. Past diseases:

Up to a year...

After a year...


Bruises, head injuries...

Convulsions at high temperatures...

7. speech history:

Humming……../2 months/

Babbling…../6 months/

First words…/by 12 months/

First phrases…/by 1.5-2 years/

Was speech development interrupted?...

Speech environment………

Has your child worked with a speech therapist before......

Attitude to your speech.....

Speech therapy examination

1. Observation of behavior during the examination...

2. State of auditory attention:

*show what toy sounded like

*following 2-3 step instructions (open your mouth and close your eyes,.....)

3. Visual perception

* primary colors (quantity)

* tint colors

* selection of pictures to match the background color...

4. Orientation in space:

a) in one’s own body – right, left side

b) in space – right left side

c) above, below, in front, behind

5. Time orientation:

*Morning, afternoon, evening, night

*Yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow

*First, then, now

6. Distinguishing geometric shapes:

a) in the asset

b) in the passive

7. Counting: straight


counting operations

8. Logical thinking

A) highlighting the 4th extra:

cat, dog, duck, mouse

cat, wolf, dog, cow.

b) classification of objects: state it in one word:

Sweater, dress, shorts, skirt, sundress.

Boots, shoes, slippers, felt boots.

Saucer, frying pan, spoon, plate.

Wardrobe, table, chair, bedside table.

Tit, crow, duck, sparrow.

Bus, train, tram, plane.

9. Gross motor skills:

Clever, clumsy...

Jumping on one or two legs, alternately, with support...


1. Lips:

Thin, thick, short, cleft.

Lip mobility (smile, tube, tightness of closure, symmetry).

2. Teeth:

Rare, small, outside the jaw row, large incisors, no incisors.

3. Hard palate:

Tall, narrow, flat, short, gothic.

4. Soft palate:

Shortened, forked, deviates to the side, does not contract enough, does not contract.


Prognathia, progenia, direct bite, anterior open bite, lateral open bite, oblique.

6. Language:

a) size: massive, small, short hypoglossal ligament.

b) mobility: stick out forward, pull into the oral cavity, lick your lips...

c) switchability: tube smile, pendulum, horse...

d) maintaining a pose, symmetry.

e) the presence of synkinesis.

e) tremor.

g) salivation.

7. State of facial muscles:

* close one eye in isolation (presence of synkinesis)

*raise eyebrows evenly

* frown eyebrows

* smoothness of nasolabial folds.

8. General sound of speech:

* expressiveness (inexpressive, inexpressive..)

* breathing (upper thoracic, diaphragmatic, short exhalation...)

* tempo and rhythm (slow, fast, uneven...)

*diction (fuzzy, blurry...)


1. Conversational and descriptive conversation:

What's your last name?

How old are you?

Where do you live?

What's your mom's name?

What's your dad's name?

Do you have a brother, sister?

Who is older, younger?

What does mom and dad do?

Do you have any friends?

2. Compiling a story based on the picture: ....

3. Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures...

4. Retelling...

5. Story based on presentation...


1. Dictionary status:

A) Name various objects, professions, transport, general words, baby animals...

b) explanation of word meanings:


vacuum cleaner…


V) name of parts of objects:







Clock face








d) Verb dictionary:

What it does:





Cat _______, dog ________, duck _________, frog __________,

Pig _______, cow ________, crow ________, sparrow __________.

e) dictionary of signs:

--selection of adjectives for nouns:

Lemon (which one?)

Dress (what kind?)

Fox (which one?)

-- selection of antonyms:

wide - …

straight - ...

dry - …

high - …

long - …

sick - …

funny - …

light - …

cold - …


A ). Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes:

Table -

House -

Carpet -

Axe -

Mushroom -

Book -

Hand -

Notebook -

Cat -

Bucket -

Nest -

Window -

Cloud -

Sparrow -

Bread -

Feather -

B) Formation of verbs in a prefixed way:

Walked (came, left, approached, reached...)

Walks (leaves, approaches, enters, crosses...)

Pours (waters, pours, pours, tops up...)

C) Formation of adjectives from nouns (relative):

Wooden bench (what kind?)

Leather bag

Plastic handle

Glass glass

Juice from cherries, apples, pears, plums, tomatoes

Iron nail

D) Education possessive adjectives:

A hare has a hare's tail, but a wolf?

Whose head?

Whose house?

Whose bag is it?


1. Comprehension Survey grammatical structures:

A) execution of instructions, like: show the notebook with a pen; Show me your notebook and pen.

b) number understanding:

show where the pencil is and where the pencils are;

Do children draw with pencil or crayons?

show me where the car is and where the cars are?

V) understanding of gender:

Where did Sasha fall? Where did Sasha fall?

Where did Zhenya cry? Where did Zhenya cry?

G) case understanding:

show me where the mother dresses the girl? Where does the girl dress her mother?

d) understanding prepositions:

on, in, with, from under, from, behind, because of, under, to.

2. Presence of agrammatisms:

Word change:

A) changing nouns by case:

I have a pencil.

I have no…

I draw...

I have a grandmother.

No home...

I'll give you a flower...

I'll go for a walk with...

I remember...

B) prepositional case forms:

(according to the picture - the ball is on the closet, under the closet, behind the closet, in front of..., I’ll get the ball from under..., from behind...,)

C) transformation of nouns from units. numbers in plurals:

Table – tables

Window - …

Eye - …

Tree - …

Stump -…

Chair - …

Mouth - …

Sleeve -…

Sparrow - …

Ear - …

D) agreement of numerals 2 and 5 with nouns:

One cow – two... - five...

One house – two... - five...

One chair – two... - five...

D) formation of forms of nouns Gender. and TV. and Sent. plural case numbers:

Tables - tables - tables - about tables,

Windows -…

Chairs - …

Buckets - ...

Fishes -...

Dolls -…

Ears - …

E) agreement of adjectives with nouns:

Blue ball - blue ball - blue ball - about the blue ball.

Blue car -...

Blue dress -…

Red flag -...

Red sun - ...

Red Star - ...

G) agreement of adjectives with nouns in number:

Blue ball – blue balls (see above).


1. Vowels:

2. Voiced and voiceless consonants:





3. soft and hard consonants:







4. Whistling:




5. Sizzling:



6. Sonorous:




7. Differentiation of sounds in spontaneous speech:

S-SH, S-W, S-S, S-C.

Sh-S, Sh-Zh, Sh-Shch.

Ch-Ts, Ch-Sch, Ch-T.

L-R, L-R, L-Y, L-Y...


1. Repetition of 3 and 4 vowel sounds:

Aoe, uio, ieu.

Aeow, uioe, uaeu.

2. Repetition of syllables with oppositional sounds:

Pa-ba, go-ko, ha-ka, te-de.

Ta-ta-da, pa-ba-pa, ha-ga-ka, cha-cha-cha.

Cat-cat-year, Tom-House-Tom.

3. Isolating by ear the first stressed vowel sound in a word:

Alik, echo, windows, duck, Ira, aster, Olya, Anna, ears.

4. Isolating by ear the last sound in a word:

Pooh, cat, catfish, soup, window, cat, balls.


1. Reproduction of the syllabic structure of a word:

Name from the picture - frying pan, aquarium, tablecloth, policeman, bicycle, medicine, motorcycle, literature, excavator.

2. Reflected speaking:

Construction, serpentine, rehearsal, watchmaker.

3. Playing sentences (2-3 times in a row)

Children made a snowman out of snow.

A plumber fixes a water pipe.

A watchmaker repairs a watch.

The watchmaker, squinting his eye, is fixing the watch for us.

A policeman rides a motorcycle.

The traffic controller controls the traffic.

Speech therapy conclusion:_______________________________________________

Speech examination card

non-speaking child

1.Last name, first name of the child_____________________________

2. Date of birth, age ___________________________________________________________________

3. Nationality (bilingualism) ____________________________________________________________ _

4. Home address ________________________________________________________________________

5. Where did it come from ________________________________________________________________________________

6. Date of admission to speech therapy group _______________

7. Conclusion of the PMPC dated ______________

8. Psychoneurological status ________________________________________________________________

9. Hearing condition __________________________________________________________________________

10. State of vision ________________________________________________________________________________

11. Date of filling out the speech card ____________________________________________________________

Speech therapist ___________________________________

I . Study of nonverbal components of communication

Establishing contact with the child (productive, unproductive) __________________________________

Manifestation of motor and speech negativism _____________________________________________

Demonstration of the ability to imitate:

- “Do as I do” (pointer, negative gesture, etc.) _________________________________________________________

- “Fly like a bird”, “Jump like a bunny”, “Stomp like a bear” ___________________________

Manifestation of the child’s gaze fixation (speaker’s eyes, articulation organs, picture) ______________________


II . Study of auditory perception

Defred e Decrease in the number of non-speech sounds ___________________________________________________

Discrimination and auditory reproduction of a 2-syllable rhythm _______________________________________

Determining the direction of non-speech sound ___________________________________________________

Distinguishing onomatopoeia by ear ____________________________________________________________

III . Study of motor development

1. State of general motor skills:

(gait - confident, uncertain, with a sway; walking on toes in a straight line; jumping on one or two legs)

coordination ______________________________________________________________________________

2. State of fine motor skills:

(tests: repeat sequentially the poses “fist”, “roof”, “boat”, “goat”, “circle”, “glasses”; alternating two poses: “fist/palm”, “fist/goat”, “palms/ boat", "glasses/fist; lacing)

accuracy of movements ________________________________________________________________________________

switching ___________________________________________________________________________

tempo ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. State of facial muscles:

Face (meaningful, presence of facial expressions, indifferent, asymmetrical, nasolabial fold) ___________


The ability to perform facial movements by imitation (tests: raise eyebrows upward (“surprised”),

frown (“get angry”), squint your eyes, puff out your cheeks (“fat boy”)) _____________________________________


(shows negativism; visually perceives, tries to repeat, but unsuccessfully; tries to repeat, but the pose

does not hold; performs movements independently)

IV . Examination of the articulatory apparatus

1. Structure of the articulatory apparatus:

lips ____________________________ muscle tone of the lips ________________________________

teeth ____________________________________________________________________________________

bite _________________________________________________________________________________

tongue (shape; position, muscle tone at rest, condition of the hypoglossal ligament) _________________



hard palate ___________________________________________________________________________

2. State of motor skills of the articulatory apparatus:

lips ______________________________________________________________________________

lower jaw __________________________________________________________________________

language ____________________________________________________________________________________

soft palate ________________________________________________________________________________

V . Studying impressive speech:

1. State of the nominative vocabulary

Correlating one's own name with personality

(knows his name, responds to it)


Matching objects with their names

Show me where the doll, the ball, the clock, the book, the table are


Show body parts (hand, nose, knee, elbow, forehead, fingers, neck)


Show parts of objects (house, car, plane, doll, watch)


Show animals (cat, dog, hare, wolf, fox, horse, goat)


Correlating objects with their purpose (objects, pictures)

Show us: what you play with, what you brush your teeth with, what you eat, etc.


Understanding general words

Show (take, give) the dishes (clothes, etc.)


2. State of the predicative dictionary

(scene pictures in which one object performs various actions)

Show where the girl goes (stands, runs, eats, sleeps, plays, washes herself)


(scene pictures in which different objects perform different actions)

Show who is washing (standing, running, etc.)


3. State of the attribute dictionary

Understanding the names of features of objects

Show me where large table? where is the little one? (thick/thin stick, long/short ribbon, high/low house) _____________________________________________________________________

Show me which cube is bigger? Which cube is smaller? (pencil longer/shorter, pyramid higher/lower) _______________________________________________________________________________

Show me where the red (yellow, blue) ball is?________________________________________________


4. State of the grammatical structure of speech:

Understanding singular and plural noun

Where is the doll? where are the dolls? (pyramid/pyramids, machine/machines, book/books)


Understanding the meanings of prepositions reflecting spatial relationships

Place the toy in the box (on the box, behind the box, under the box, in front of the box)


Understanding nouns with diminutive suffixes

Show me where the table is? where is the table? (book/little book, doll/doll, box/box) _________________________________________________________________________________________

Understanding prepositional case construction (2-syllable instruction)

Take the bear and put it on a chair; go to the table and take a pencil; take the cubes from the table and take them to the box


Understanding the content of a text told through a series of plot pictures


VI . Learning Expressive Language

1. General sound of speech

Breath (volume, duration of exhalation, smoothness) _____________________________________



Pace (bradylalia, tachylalia, moderate) ___________________________________________________

Legibility (specify reason) __________________________________________________________

2. State of speech activity

Sound unconditioned reflex reactions ( grunting, smacking, squealing, whimpering,

cheers, laughter, crying, screaming) _______________________________________________


Spoken Word Capabilities (babble, onomatopoeia, amorphous words, individual words, preservation of syllabic structure)__________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

Possibilities for pronouncing phrases (character of pronunciation: conjugated, reflected, arbitrary; phrase structure, presence of agrammatisms) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Possibilities for pronouncing and differentiating individual sounds

(sound pronunciation)

(differentiation of sounds)

VII . Study of non-speech mental functions

1. Thinking:

Mastery of the Seguin board __________________________________________________________________

Folding a pyramid _________________________________________________________________

Classification _________________________________________________________________________

Highlighting 4-odd ____________________________________________________________________

2. Account:

Direct mechanical counting: ______________________________________________________________

Correlating the number with the number of objects (“give me 2 pencils, 3 cubes, 5 pictures”)_________

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _

Naming numbers ____________________________________________________________

3. Optical-spatial gnosis:

Distinguishing the concepts of top/bottom, right/left, front/behind ___________________________________


4. Optical-spatial praxis:

Folding cut pictures from 2 - 3 - 4 parts _______________________________________


Folding stick figures according to a pattern (3-6 sticks) ______________________________________


Speech therapy conclusion: _______________________________________







Lena Berdyugina
Speech therapy examination of preschool children. Speech map for beginning speech therapists

At the core speech therapy examination must lie general principles and methods of pedagogical examinations: it must be complex, holistic and dynamic, but at the same time it must have its own specific content aimed at analysis speech disorder.

Complexity, integrity and dynamism examinations are provided by that all aspects of speech and all its components are studied, moreover, against the backdrop of the entire personality subject, taking into account the data of its development - both general and speech - starting from an early age.

Speech therapy examination includes the following points:

1. First name, last name, age, nationality.

2. Complaints from parents, educators, teachers.

3. Data early development : a) general (briefly); b) speech(in detail, by period).

4. Brief description child at present.

6. Vision.

7. The child’s reaction to his own speech difficulties.

8. Intelligence.

9. The structure of the organs of articulation, their mobility.

10. Speech: a) impressive; b) expressive - from the point of view of phonetics, vocabulary, grammatical structure; whether he has developed speech; V) written language– reading and writing.

11. Conclusion.

Every speech therapist starts your work with diagnostics. She reveals speech problems of this child. A speech therapist can, based on diagnostic data, draw a conclusion and formulate individual route for this child.

Author's diagnostics large number. Let's take the diagnosis of N.V. Nishcheva. She comes with detailed description all techniques and methods, indicating symptoms speech disorders. There is a wonderful diagnostic manual edited by Professor G.V. Chirkina. It shows diagnosis from an early age and for each speech violation separately. You can consider another work by G.V. Chirkina Methods children's speech examinations", but it is more suitable for children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders. But how to immediately determine speech disorder? This requires an averaged type of diagnosis. Everyone has speech therapist its own diagnostic map which he uses in practical work which he develops himself.

Speech card

1. Child’s full name___ 2. Date of birth___ + 3. Home address ___ 4. Date examination___

Expert opinion

Otolaryngologist___ Oculist___ neurologist___

Primary speech history

Decision of the medical-pedagogical commission

Speech therapy examination

Anatomical structure of the articulatory apparatus: 1. Language___2. Lips___3. Teeth___ 4. Jaws___ 5. Soft palate___ 6. Facial muscles___ 7. Dynamic organization of movements art. apparatus___ 8. General motor skills___ 9. Fine motor skills___ 10. General speech sound___

Phonetic hearing

Rat-roof duck-fishing rod mouse-bowl grass-firewood shirt-bunny car-dacha cancer-varnish bow-hatch

Phonemic awareness

1.Ta-da ta-da-ta pa-ba pa-ba-pa

2. Distinguishing a vowel from others vowels "U" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...

3. Distinguishing a consonant from others consonants: "Raise your hand when you hear the sound "T". 4. Isolating and distinguishing sound among syllables___ _ 5. Isolating and distinguishing sound among syllables___

6. Highlight the first stressed vowel sound: Alik, Yura, Olya, Yasha, Hoop, Wasps, Alla... 7. Select the last consonant sound: Poppy, steam, lump, cat, mustache, beetle, cheese. Nose…

Word and sentence structure

Medicine TV frying pan electricity Children made a snowman. The bird made a nest in the bushes.

Eyebrows bridge of the nose elbow nostrils eyelids watering can basket spider


Onions, turnips, carrots___ Wardrobe, chair. Table, sofa___ Dishes___ Clothes___ Transport___

Find out by description

Iron, with two handles and a lid___ Red-haired, cunning, lives in the forest, steals chickens___

Understanding Verbs (m. and female gender)

Zhenya fell Zhenya fell Valya cried Valya cried

Perfective and imperfective verbs

Misha makes a car. Misha made a car. Katya draws a butterfly. Katya drew a butterfly.

Antonym words

Wide - Tall - White - Old - Cheerful - Hot - Thin -

Synonym words

Cheerful - Big - Beautiful -

Grammatical structure

Who does the cat catch?___

How do you cut wood?___

Names of human and animal actions

Artist___ Postman___ Violinist___ Builder___ Dog___ Cat___

Convert singular to plural

Castle book cat beetle letter fly carriage braid cap belt

Education noun genus. pad. units and many more numbers

N-R: I have a pencil, what about you? (ruler, pen, book, violin, candy.) R- To: What about me?___ Formation of complex words

Leaves are falling___Samkat___Snow is falling___Samvarit___It's coming___It's flying___


Use prepositions

Formation of diminutive forms

Doll hare ball house window ring

Agreement of nouns with numerals

Forming adjectives from nouns

Wooden table, fur coat, glass glass, snow woman

Making a simple proposal picture

Compiling a story based on a series pictures

Features of thinking

1. Make a whole out of parts___

2. Exception___

3. Spatiotemporal concepts:

Top-bottom far-close high-low middle part of the day days of the week seasons

4. Color:

5. Shape:

6. Accounting operations: How many eyes does a dog have? How many wheels does the car have?

Clarification speech diagnosis

During the school year

Teacher- speech therapist ___



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs