§42. Natural resources of the West Siberian Plain and conditions for their development. §19. Soil resources of Russia

Geography of Russia, Nature, 8th grade, Barinova I.I.,. Given in the textbook general overview nature of Russia, the natural-territorial complexes of the East European Plain are characterized in detail, North Caucasus, Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, Far East. Special attention focused on the protection of natural resources and environmental problems.

The publication contains large number diagrams, maps and color illustrations. The textbook is recommended for publication by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, included in the Federal List of Textbooks. The publishing house "Drofa" publishes textbooks by I.I. for the course "Geography of Russia" for grades 8-9. Barinova “Nature. 8th grade" and V.P. Dronova, V.Ya. Roma “Population and economy. 9th grade." Complete with textbooks are atlases and workbooks with contour maps, as well as a teaching aid for teachers.

Geographical location of Russia.
Why does the study of any territory - continent, country - begin with its geographical location?
Remember from the course on the geography of continents and oceans the plan for characterizing the geographical location of the continent.

Russian Federation, Russia is the largest state in the world. Its area is 17.1 million km2, which is slightly less than the entire territory of one of the Earth’s continents - South America(17.8 million km2). Population - 142 million people. (2006). The length of the borders is 60,932 km, including sea borders - 38,807 km. Over 100 peoples live there. Russians make up 81.5%. The capital is Moscow.

Russia is located on the largest continent on Earth - Eurasia, occupying significant territories in two parts of the world - Europe and Asia.
Our country is located in the Northern Hemisphere, mostly it lies north of the fiftieth parallel, and the Arctic Circle (66°30′ N) does not seem so remote to us, residents of Russia, since beyond it lie both the Kola Peninsula and the lower reaches of the Pechora and Ob rivers, and the vast expanses of Central Siberia, as well as the extreme northeastern regions, including part of the Chukotka Peninsula.

This feature of the country’s geographical location leaves its harsh imprint on the entire nature and economic activity person.
Russia is washed by the waters of three oceans: from the west - the Atlantic, from the north - the Arctic, from the east - the Pacific.

What does he study? physical geography Russia 3
Our Motherland on the world map 6
§ 1. Geographical location of Russia 6
§ 2. Seas washing the shores of Russia 14
§ 3. Russia on the map of time zones 21
§ 4. How the territory of Russia was developed and studied 25
Final assignments on topic 31
Section I. Features of nature and natural resources of Russia
Topic 1. Relief, geological structure and minerals 34
§ 5. Features of the relief of Russia 34
§ 6. Geological structure territory of Russia 38
§ 7. Mineral resources of Russia 43
§ 8. Development of relief forms 49
Final assignments on topic 55
Topic 2. Climate and climate resources 57
§ 9. What does the climate of our country depend on 57
§ 10. Types of climates in Russia 63
§ 11. Human dependence on climate. Agroclimatic resources 72
Final assignments on topic 75
Topic 3. Inland waters and water resources 77
§ 12. Diversity of inland waters of Russia. Rivers 77
§ 13. Lakes, swamps, groundwater, glaciers, permafrost 84
§ 14. Water resources 89
Final assignments on topic 92
Topic 4. Soils and soil resources 93
§ 15. Soil formation and diversity 93
§ 16. Patterns of soil distribution 98
§ 17. Soil resources of Russia 100
Final assignments on topic 104
Topic 5. Plant and fauna. Biological resources 105
§ 18. Flora and fauna of Russia 105
§ 19. Biological resources. Protection of flora and fauna 112
§ 20. Natural resource potential of Russia 116
Final assignments on topic 120
Section II. Natural complexes of Russia
Topic 1. Natural zoning 124
§ 21. Diversity of natural complexes in Russia 124
§ 22. Seas as large natural complexes 127
§ 23. Natural areas of Russia 129
§ 24. Diversity of Russian forests 135
§ 25. Treeless zones in the south of Russia 139
§ 26. Altitudinal zone 144
Final assignments on topic 148
Topic 2. Nature of Russian regions 151
§ 27. Russian (East European) Plain 151
§ 28. Natural complexes of the Russian Plain. Natural monuments 158
§ 29. Problems of rational use of natural resources of the Russian Plain 166
§ 30. The Caucasus is the most high mountains Russia 170
§ 31. Natural complexes of the North Caucasus 178
§ 32. Ural “stone belt of the Russian land” 181
§ 33. The unique nature of the Urals 187
§ 34. Natural uniqueness. Environmental issues Ural 192
§ 35. West Siberian Plain: features of nature 197
§ 36. Natural resources West Siberian Plain and conditions for their development 204
§ 37. Eastern Siberia: the grandeur and severity of nature 208
§ 38. Natural areas Eastern Siberia 215
§ 39. Pearl of Siberia - Baikal 225
§ 40. Natural resources of Eastern Siberia and problems of their development 229
§ 41. The Far East - a land of contrasts 235
§ 42. Natural complexes of the Far East. Natural uniqueness 238
§ 43. Natural resources of the Far East, their development by man 248
Final assignments on topic 252
Section III. Man and nature
§ 44. The influence of natural conditions on human life and health 256
§ 45. Human impact on nature 262
§ 46. Rational environmental management 267
§ 47. Environmental situation in Russia 271
References 278
Final assignments on topic 280
Appendix 1 282
Appendix 2 288
Appendix 3 290
Brief toponymic dictionary 291
Dictionary of concepts and terms 296.

Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade. Barinova I.I.

17th ed., erased. - M.: 2011 - 304 p.

The textbook provides a general overview of the nature of Russia, describing in detail the natural-territorial complexes of the East European Plain, the North Caucasus, the Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, and the Far East. Particular attention is paid to the protection of natural resources and environmental problems. The publication contains a large number of diagrams, maps and color illustrations. The textbook is recommended for publication by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and is included in the Federal List of Textbooks. The publishing house "Drofa" publishes I. I. Barinova's textbooks "Nature. 8th grade.” and V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Roma “Population and economy. 9th grade.” Complete with textbooks are atlases and workbooks with contour maps, as well as a teaching aid for teachers.

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Download: 02 .09.2016, links removed at the request of the publishing house "Drofa" (see note)

What physical geography of Russia studies 3
Our Motherland on the world map 6
§ 1. Geographical location of Russia 6
§ 2. Seas washing the shores of Russia 14
§ 3. Russia on the map of time zones 21
§ 4. How the territory of Russia was developed and studied 25
Final assignments on topic 31
Section I. Features of nature and natural resources of Russia
Topic 1. Relief, geological structure and minerals 34
§ 5. Features of the relief of Russia 34
§ 6. Geological structure of the territory of Russia 38
§ 7. Mineral resources of Russia 43
§ 8. Development of relief forms 49
Final assignments on topic 55
Topic 2. Climate and climate resources 57
§ 9. What does the climate of our country depend on 57
§ 10. Types of climates in Russia 63
§ 11. Human dependence on climate. Agroclimatic resources... 72
Final assignments on topic 75
Topic 3. Inland waters and water resources 77
§ 12. Diversity of inland waters of Russia. Rivers 77
§ 13. Lakes, swamps, groundwater, glaciers, permafrost. . 84
§ 14. Water resources 89
Final assignments on topic 92
Topic 4. Soils and soil resources 93
§ 15. Soil formation and diversity 93
§ 16. Patterns of soil distribution 98
§ 17. Soil resources of Russia 100
Final assignments on topic 104
Topic 5. Flora and fauna. Biological resources 105
§ 18. Flora and fauna of Russia 105
§ 19. Biological resources. Protection of flora and fauna 112
§ 20. Natural resource potential of Russia 116
Final assignments on topic 120
Section II. Natural complexes of Russia
Topic 1. Natural zoning 124
§ 21. Diversity of natural complexes in Russia 124
§ 22. Seas as large natural complexes 127
§ 23. Natural areas of Russia 129
§ 24. Diversity of Russian forests 135
§ 25. Treeless zones in the south of Russia 139
§ 26. Altitudinal zone 144
Final assignments on topic 148
Topic 2. Nature of Russian regions 151
§ 27. Russian (East European) Plain 151
§ 28. Natural complexes of the Russian Plain. Natural monuments... 158
§ 29. Problems of rational use of natural resources of the Russian Plain 166
§ 30. The Caucasus - the highest mountains of Russia 170
§ 31. Natural complexes of the North Caucasus 178
§ 32. Ural “stone belt of the Russian land” 181
§ 33. The unique nature of the Urals 187
§ 34. Natural uniqueness. Environmental problems of the Urals 192
§ 35. West Siberian Plain: features of nature 197
§ 36. Natural resources of the West Siberian Plain and conditions for their development 204
§ 37. Eastern Siberia: the grandeur and severity of nature 208
§ 38. Natural areas of Eastern Siberia 215
§ 39. Pearl of Siberia - Baikal 225
§ 40. Natural resources of Eastern Siberia and problems of their development. . . 229
§ 41. The Far East - a land of contrasts 235
§ 42. Natural complexes of the Far East. Natural uniqueness. . . 238
§ 43. Natural resources of the Far East, their development by man.... 248
Final assignments on topic 252
Section III. Man and nature
§ 44. The influence of natural conditions on human life and health 256
§ 45. Human impact on nature 262
§ 46. Rational environmental management 267
§ 47. Environmental situation in Russia 271
References 278
Final assignments on topic 280
Appendix 1 282
Appendix 2 288
Appendix 3 290
Brief toponymic dictionary 291
Dictionary of concepts and terms 296

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§2. Seas washing the shores of Russia

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§3. Russia on time zone map

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§4. How the territory of Russia was developed and studied

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§5. How the territory of Russia was developed and studied (continued)

Questions at the end of the paragraph

Final tasks

§6. Features of the relief of Russia

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

§7. Geological structure of the territory of Russia

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§8. Mineral resources of Russia

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§9. Development of landforms

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

Final tasks

§10. What does the climate of our country depend on?

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§11. Distribution of heat and moisture across Russia

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§12. Diversity of climate in Russia

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§13. Human dependence on climate. Agroclimatic resources

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

Final tasks

§14. Diversity of inland waters of Russia. Rivers

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§15. Lakes, swamps, groundwater, glaciers, permafrost

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§16. Water resources. The role of water in human life

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

Final tasks

§17. Soil formation and diversity

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§18. Patterns of soil distribution

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§19. Soil resources of Russia

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

Final tasks

§20. Flora and fauna of Russia

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§21. Biological resources. Specially protected natural areas (SPNA)

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§22. Natural resource potential of Russia

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

Final tasks

Final assignments for the section

§23. Diversity of natural complexes in Russia

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§24. Seas as large natural complexes

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§25. Natural areas of Russia

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§ 26. Diversity of Russian forests

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§27. Treeless zones in southern Russia

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§28. Altitudinal zone

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

Final tasks

§29. East European (Russian Plain)

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§30. Natural complexes of the East European Plain

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§31. Natural monuments of the East European Plain

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§32. Natural resources of the East European Plain and problems of their rational use

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§33. The Caucasus is the highest mountains in Russia

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§34. Features of the nature of the highlands

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§35. Natural complexes of the North Caucasus

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§36. Ural - the stone belt of the Earth

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§37. Natural resources of the Urals

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§38. The unique nature of the Urals

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§39. Natural uniqueness. Environmental problems of the Urals

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§40. West Siberian Plain: features of nature

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§41. Natural zones of the West Siberian Plain

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§42. Natural resources of the West Siberian Plain and conditions for their development

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§43. Eastern Siberia: the grandeur and severity of nature

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§44. Climate of Eastern Siberia

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§45. Natural areas of Eastern Siberia

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§46. Pearl of Siberia – Baikal

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§47. Natural resources of Eastern Siberia and problems of their development

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§48. The Far East is a land of contrasts

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§49. Natural complexes of the Far East

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§50. Natural uniqueness of the Far East

Questions at the end of the paragraph

§51. Natural resources of the Far East, their development by humans

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Questions in a paragraph

Questions at the end of the paragraph

The geography textbook for 8th grade students by I. I. Barinova meets all necessary requirements and is on the recommended list. From the book, students will learn about the peculiarities of the nature of Russia, which covers most of the territory of Eurasia.

Maps, diagrams, and photographs have been added to the textbook. They clearly reflect textual information. The book describes the main characteristics of our country, geographical location, coordinates are given. It tells about the seas washing Russia and about climatic zones.

The book consists of three sections, the first of which is devoted to a detailed study of Russia's natural resources. Here we are talking about relief, geographical structure and mineral resources, climatic resources and differences in the climate of individual parts of the country are considered, because it occupies a large territory. From this section you can also learn about inland waters and soil resources, flora and fauna of our country.

The second section examines natural complexes, paying attention to individual regions and their characteristics. Students will be able to learn about the nature of the East European Plain, the Caucasus, the Urals, the West Siberian Plain, Eastern Siberia and Far East. The third section touches on the important problem of interaction between man and nature. Here we are talking about the rational use of natural resources, human influence on nature, and the influence of ecology on human health.

On our website you can download the book "Geography. Geography of Russia. Nature. Grade 8" by I. I. Barinov for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.



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