I don’t want to live everything badly. Where to find a new incentive, a new dream, new motivation for your own life. Main types of depression

It is important to know that if the thought “I don’t have the strength to live on” appears, then there is a problem. If this thought becomes regular and comes back again and again, you should seriously think about getting help.

I repeat: if you are constantly thinking about where to find the strength to live, you should definitelyfind a psychotherapist to talk about this problem.

Why do we lose the strength to live?

Where does this thought even come from? Why do we at some point feel total helplessness and weakness?

As a rule, the main reason is an unexpected “strong psychological blow.” Thoughts of meaninglessness and hopelessness visit those who have suffered bereavement: loss loved one, social status, large amount, work or health. At this moment, lonely people are at particular risk; it is more difficult for them to answer why and for what to live further.

What to do if you can’t see a psychotherapist?

When you can't turn to a specialist, find a mentor. For example, a woman who “ate a pound of salt” in this matter. Ask her for help, let her guide you for a while. Let it not be a girlfriend, but a person whose opinion is authoritative for you, like the opinion of your favorite teacher.

Recognize that you can’t figure it out on your own and you need someone who cares about you. Understand that your head is now dangerous, like the most unfavorable area in the city, and you cannot walk through it alone. The main thing is to be ready to change and listen to advice.

Analysis huge amount Data collected by suicidologists suggests that suicide is often caused by the indifference of others. There is no need to commit irreversible actions.

Many discussions about the problem of suicide contain almost contemptuous remarks that “people are just trying to attract attention in this way.” Indeed: from 85 to 90% of suicide attempts end unsuccessfully, and among survivors four times more women than men. But doesn’t the fact that a person has to draw attention to himself in this way deserve sympathy?

People should be kinder to each other, especially since this, as a rule, does not require large expenses. Say a sympathetic word and refuse a sarcastic one - what could be simpler?

Be careful of yourself and others, know how to hear yourself. If you feel like you have no strength, be sure to seek support.

When you want to fall asleep and not wake up. When there is absolutely no desire to get out of bed, and all thoughts come down to the meaninglessness of existence. When you don't want to live. When you have completely lost interest in communication, because those around you do not understand anything. And when you are left completely alone, you sit like this at night, and they ask you to think: “Can I myself talk about something other than the meaning of life?”

What is your answer?

After all, it’s not interesting to discuss all sorts of hobbies, discounts in stores and other hateful topics. It has no value, no importance. And, what's more, it's annoying. But why is it okay for others, but not for you?

Why don't you want to live

System-vector psychology shows that the desire for such states is a natural need of the sound vector.

Here are some of them:

Years passed, I trained as a psychologist, neurobiologist, took many neurobiological courses, came across several options for esoteric and psychological explanations of the origin of life, man, but the answer to my questions: “Why do we live? What are we here for? What is the meaning of life, the existence of our planet, the Universe?” - I never received it...
At the first lecture on Sound, I just sat stunned, trying not to miss and writing down every word. Do you know why? Yuri simply dictated the answers to all my questions that tormented me all my life - from the appearance of consciousness in my small and crazy head...
I couldn't believe it! Well, okay, Yuri knows about the difference in mentalities, okay, basic or not so basic human psychology, he is well versed in it. But this? WHAT I searched in vain for in molecular biology and physics: where did life come from? He talked about things that even the most eminent scientists do not write about!
Now I knew, my life had meaning, and I wanted more and more, now I couldn’t tear myself away from the screen. I remember when the lecture ended, I just sat in my chair with an indelible smile on my face and thought: “This is it! My life has started again - now it makes sense.”

Suicide is a cry for help,

which no one heard.

(Ravil Aleev, writer)

I don't want to live

I . There is something in this phrase, some deep, hidden meaning. Often we try to get our way or attract attention using strange methods. Instead of saying “call me, I’ll be glad,” we say “people are kind of uncommunicative now, they don’t even call each other.” Instead of saying “buy me this if you can,” “yes... beautiful thing...”, half-hints, half-tones and then serious insults: “they don’t understand me, they don’t appreciate me, no one needs me.”

You don't want to live. Something has happened in your destiny, and you don’t know how to live with it further... But do you want your mood to change? Yes, exactly the mood. After all, we are often not able to change the reality around us, but we can only change our attitude towards it. Your reactions, your perceptions. All you need is desire.

Doctors in hospitals have 2 types of patients. The first is people realizing that they are sick. They are coming to be cured. The latter also know that they are sick, but they do not need recovery, they need their illness - it feeds them, they have something to feel sorry for themselves for, they love to complain and tell how sick they are. They go to hospitals as if to a theater, where they are the main characters. They reject in advance any prescriptions from doctors, “after all, they don’t know anything and don’t help in any way.” The same is true in the matter of mental state, some understand that I need help, while others cherish and feed their negative mood. What type of people are you?

I assume that if it’s the second, then most likely you will leave the page without reading the article to the end. People of the second type do not have the patience to listen to a point of view different from their own. They don't need an outsider's view of their life.

If you understand that what is going on in your soul is abnormal and destructive, and you are ready to look for a constructive way out, read on, let’s think together about what to do about it.

Step one is to get out of the lie.

I didn't say it would be easy.

I only promised to reveal the truth.

Morpheus (film "The Matrix")

I don't want to live, I’m fed up with everything, I want to die... Why does the question of suicide even arise? First of all, because of a false perception of life.

Have you ever paid attention to what humanity dreams of, what it strives for? Take at least folk tales: self-assembled tablecloth, Emelya on the stove and the pike, helpfully fulfilling all his whims, running boots, goldfish, gin from a jug. Humanity is intensely searching for elixirs of youth, and all technologies are aimed at simplifying human life, making it easier. We have an inherent desire for an easy, carefree life. But the reality is this: life is difficult, full of trials and losses. At some point in time, we suddenly realize with horror that friends can betray and loved ones can change. At work they don’t pay wages, and the landlord where we rent an apartment doesn’t care about it, he needs money and that’s it. We learn that people dear to us are mortal, and mortal suddenly, that most people are soulless and selfish, and we are capable of disappointing ourselves.

When this truth is revealed to us, it turns out that we are not at all ready for it. I want to escape reality: into work, alcohol, drugs, and maybe even from this life altogether. In fact, the sooner we understand that life is difficult and come to terms with it, the more likely we are to love this life. To love in spite of all losses and problems, not for ease, but for the opportunity to overcome oneself, find a way out of the situation and develop as a person. This is an amazing process called “life”.

How to live on when you don’t want to live?

What is in a person is undoubtedly

more important than what a person has.

Arthur Schopenhauer (German philosopher)

So, life is initially difficult. But what to do next? How to get out from under the slab of depression, get rid of the difficult state of hopelessness? How not to break down, but to move forward? I will once again draw your attention to the phrase of the German philosopher quoted above. Let me rephrase it a little: it doesn’t matter where you are, it matters who you are. The form is not as important as the content - what matters is your character, your soul. It needs to be educated, it needs to be invested in, it is in the soul that needs to be invested. No matter what is going on in your life right now, you can start making the right investments in your own personality. This question is much deeper than the self-development techniques offered today, because only the One who created it can help you put your soul in order.

I'm talking about God. I am talking about Christ because I do not believe in the existence of other gods, because this question has been personally researched and tested by me. Only through knowing Christ can a person find peace and tranquility in his soul, understand the meaning of all the suffering that has come into his life, gain clarity and understanding of where and how he needs to follow.

Christ said to his followers: “In the world you will have tribulation, but take heart, I have overcome this world” (Bible, Gospel of John, chapter 16, verse 33).

He warns that we will face troubles, and immediately calls for courage based on faith, the understanding that our God has emerged victorious in this world. All a person needs is to follow Him. As a prototype, imagine a minefield and a squad leader who walks through it and then says to his comrades: “I did it! All you need to do is follow in my footsteps. Follow the trail, don’t deviate, and you will pass too!”

Also for us to get through life path, you need to follow Jesus Christ. He came to save people, to lead us out of chaos, a confused life left to chance, to give strength to the weakened, and to resurrect our coarsened, dead souls.

How to start a new life?

Don't say: " I don't want to live! Get started new life together with God! How to do this? Start with repentance, with faith that God exists. Start leading a spiritual life: learn to pray, read the Bible. If you follow this path, you and your life will soon change. If you want to take this path now, just read this prayer out loud:

“Heavenly Father, I admit that I am a sinner. But I realized that You love me for who I am. You gave Your only Son on the cross in my place, so that I would not perish, but live forever. I ask You to forgive all my sins and make me a new creation. I want You to become my Savior and Lord of my entire life. May my life be changed and put in order by You. Jesus, I invite You into my heart and my life. I need You and Your love. Thank you for the forgiveness of all my sins and for the salvation You are giving me right now. In the name of Jesus Christ I prayed. Amen".

If the world suddenly begins to seem gray and nothing in life pleases us, we are often ready to give up on life itself. If you are seriously thinking about not wanting to live, then this is often a minor mood combined with bad sleep and changes in appetite (strong increase or decrease). Of course, if you can't bring yourself to get up and do everyday activities, ask your loved ones to arrange a meeting with a good psychotherapist. However, except in very serious cases, depression should be treated without pills. “I don’t want to live, what should I do?” - this question is increasingly being sought in search engines. Let's talk about what can help.

Firstly, if you are thinking about means of suicide, I can say that it is absolutely current methods excruciatingly painful. However, what is more terrible is not the torment before death, but the horrors that will await after it. According to some church authorities, suicides experience near-death suffering an infinite number of times. Suicide will not relieve pain, it will lead you to eternal prison. They will not be able to pray for you; God does not accept prayers for those who have rejected his gift of life. There can be no peace for a suicide; only people who have endured suffering on earth and have not given up can find true peace. So tell yourself that suicide is not for you.

Secondly, you need to try to get away from the human world for a while to the natural world. It's good to go camping for a few days with a tent. Often depression occurs due to the fact that a person is overloaded with communication and cannot fully relax. It’s also good, if you have the means, to rent a room for one in a sanatorium and be alone. Often after several days, when you hear the sound of flowing water, the sound of the forest, the singing of birds, you begin to look at the world differently. What to do if you're tired of living? Get away from annoying factors for a while.

Thirdly, try to give yourself maximum physical activity. “I don’t want to live, what should I do?” Work yourself to the point of exhaustion. Set a goal to run at least 20 km - and complete the task, after you do this, your biochemical state will change dramatically. You will only want to eat, drink and sleep. And the next day, when you get up in the morning, you will immediately feel a new state. And you have a chance to change your mood this way. By the way, depression is successfully treated with electroconvulsive therapy. Isn’t it better to create a lot of stress for yourself, without waiting until really strong measures are needed?

Fourth, start cleaning the house. Things that irritate and stress you, just throw them away. This provides wonderful relief from depression. When you don't encounter unpleasant things, your perception of the world often changes. Get rid of photos of your ex and his gifts if the sight of them spoils your mood. Yours wellness costs more.

Fifth, seek communication with supportive people. Just don’t drink alcohol - it increases depression, and only slightly lifts the mood for people in in good condition. And drunk people ask, “I don’t want to live, what should I do?” becomes more acute and more often ends in suicide. In addition, it turns off the brain - the only thing that can help you in a situation of depression. So don't cut the branch you're sitting on. If you don't have close people you can trust, call the helpline.

Sixth, look for what needs to change in your life. Perhaps you live with the wrong person, study at the wrong institute and work in a job you hate. These stresses resulted in depression every day, and therefore the question “I don’t want to live, what should I do?” sounds not like a question, but like a cry from the heart. Until you change your circumstances, things won't get easier for you.

Don't want to live? What can you do to make life more colorful? Learn to love what is, because when we are depressed we look at the world narrowly and don’t see much. Give yourself the right to make mistakes. And the right to change lives. Your actions may seem unreasonable to your loved ones, but this is your life and only you are responsible for it. So follow your heart and look for new ones

When a person wonders what to do if he doesn’t want to live, it means he has started black stripe. Everyone someday despairs and comes to the conclusion that they no longer want to live. Some people simply brush the thought aside and continue with their daily activities. Unfortunately, not everyone can get out of a depressed mood so easily and remains in such a trapped state. What to do in this case, how to help yourself and your neighbor cope?

When a person gets tired of living and struggling with problems, it seems that death is the only way out. I just want to isolate myself from all problems, be far away from them and not think about anything. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the fallacy of such a judgment.

On at the moment, 1/5 of the population is susceptible to depression. IN modern world this diagnosis is becoming more common. The severity and duration of depression can depend on various factors. Very often we simply do not pay attention to our condition, as a result of which we only worsen it. Any problem, significant or not, can lead to dire consequences. Why don’t you want to live and what could be the starting point?

  • Dismissal
  • Parting with a loved one
  • Death of loved ones
  • Losing a large sum
  • Psychological problems
  • Uninteresting job
  • Constant stress

Each person has their own reasons. For some, losing a job won't be a cause for stress. Careerists, on the other hand, may become disheartened by this news. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly when and from what a person may develop depression. Over time, dark thoughts can become unbearable and cause a person to make a fatal mistake.

How to cope with depression?

If you are aware of your condition and are looking for a solution, then you are already halfway to success. The main thing is not to close yourself off. When loved ones offer you help, you don’t have to refuse. Sometimes it is loneliness that brings up the worst thoughts. Depending on the character of the person and the problem itself, it is worth choosing the most suitable solution for you.

Spiritual side

Suicide is not encouraged in any religion. The Bible says that a person must live and work, keeping the commandments of God. Any difficulties we face are given to us by God. A believer can be helped by prayers, visiting temple and reading the Bible.

A person who has committed suicide will not be buried with prayers. The exception is when a person takes his own life accidentally or under the influence of mental illness. In this case, the priest will conduct a funeral service, which will bring peace to the soul of the deceased and to those who pray for him.

The same situation is with the Muslim religion. If you encounter difficulties, you must prove your faith and overcome them no matter what. Suicide is considered a huge sin and a person who commits such an act will not be able to go to heaven.

How to recognize a person who does not want to live

It happens that we encounter people who do not want to live. It is unlikely that they will tell you about their condition. If this happens, definitely listen and try to help with advice. The best way is to persuade the person contact a specialist or tell loved ones about the problem. But if this did not happen, and you have suspicions, you should not wait for the consequences. As a rule, there are some signs that can give a person away.

  • Sudden mood swings
  • Intense feelings of anger/shame/guilt/anxiety
  • Frequent conversations about suicide or the afterlife
  • Avoiding the company of friends and loved ones
  • Apathetic behavior

In addition to these signs, in some cases, a person who has already decided to commit suicide wants to improve his life. That is, finish unfinished business, give your favorite things to loved ones, pay off debts, ask for forgiveness from those with whom relationships did not work out, visit old friends, etc. You should not ignore such unusual behavior for a person. If in doubt, it is better to check and be proven wrong than to regret later that you did not pay attention in time.

What to do if a child does not want to live

There are situations when your daughter or son does not want to live. Why does this happen and what to do in this case? Most often, teenagers who are just beginning to understand how the world works are susceptible to such thoughts. The causes of depression differ from those that occur in adults. This may be affected by:

  • Problems with the law
  • Breaking up with a loved one (teenagers take their first love very seriously)
  • Poor relationship with parents
  • Bullying at school or university

Love experiences more typical for girls. As a rule, in adolescence, they take everything too seriously, get lost in romance and become depressed about any reason. Therefore, if your daughter shares her experiences with you, be sure to listen to her and explain what’s what. You should not categorically prohibit communication with the opposite sex, this will only push her away from you.

Of course, not only the daughter, but also the son can have problems. Bullying is the leading cause of suicide among children. No matter what gender your child is, depression can appear because of any little thing. If you have suspicions, try to establish contact with the child and find out the reasons for the strange behavior. If the child does not want to get closer, seek the help of specialists.



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