Appearance and health of the ram. Recovery horoscope. Virgo: no sushi, no sausage

(21.03 – 20.04)


The appearance of the representatives of this zodiac sign is formed under the influence Mars, sun and Pluto, therefore, the appearance of Aries is characterized, first of all, by brightness and catchiness. The facial features of both men and women born under the sign of Aries are most often large and expressive.

They do not have a very high, but rather prominent forehead, which they love to frown under the influence of anger or irritation. The nose of Aries is usually wide at the base and large, which indicates that they have an excess of energy and great penetrating power. Eyebrows are thick, dark, often converge over the bridge of the nose, forming a vertical wrinkle, speaking of stubbornness and intransigence. The eyes of Aries are most often rounded, not very large, deep-set, straight and bold. The mouth is usually large, with a very distinct outline of the lips.

The lips of Aries are rarely plump, more often they are of medium size. The lower lip may protrude somewhat forward. One of the most characteristic features of Aries is the prominent nasolabial folds that give their face a hard and somewhat aggressive expression. The oval of the face of Aries can be different, but it is characterized by one feature - a highly developed lower jaw, which speaks of the iron grip of life of the representatives of this sign. Aries hair is often very thick, but hard and unruly, prone to dandruff and dryness. The complexion of many typical Aries is swarthy, with some yellowness, but a healthy blush usually plays on the cheeks.

Many Aries are tall. The muscles of their body are usually very well developed, regardless of physique. The body of an Aries may be thick and thick, or it may be thin and lean, but it is almost never weak, frail and puny. One of the characteristic features of the physique of typical Aries are broad shoulders and narrow hips, and this is typical for both men and women.

Since most Aries have a choleric temperament, they are rarely overweight. If the figure of Aries is full, this may indicate a strong influence on him of some other planets that are strong in status in his horoscope, for example, Venus or Jupiter.

Fashion & Style

In clothes, Aries prefer bright and catchy colors. Their favorite color is red. They also like black, orange and yellow. Their favorite style is sporty. Aries women often prefer masculine style of clothing: jeans, t-shirts, sneakers and loose sweaters. But on the other hand, with cosmetics, the female half of this sign often goes too far, preferring very bright colors in makeup. When setting up a morning marathon, an Aries woman usually uses the entire set of cosmetics: foundation, powder, bright blush, eye shadow and lipstick in bright red shades. Aries men love to emphasize their masculinity with clothes, they really like the image of Superman and they want to match it. Aries men rarely pay much attention to the price of clothes and are not very fashion-conscious, but if they choose clothes for themselves, they often prefer things made of leather or denim.

Aries men usually cut their hair very short. Aries women also love short haircuts, but often prefer very long flowing hair. They are very fond of dyeing their hair in bright colors: they prefer to be burning brunettes or redheads.

Aries men most often do not like to use perfume at all: toilet water, colognes and deodorants, considering them to be a purely female prerogative. But Aries women are very fond of perfumes, giving preference to sharp and strong odors, they do not like sweet and floral scents. Moreover, with perfumes, as well as with cosmetics, they often overdo it, pouring almost half a bottle with a strong and persistent aroma onto themselves.

Usually the weak point of Aries is the head. More often than not, they suffer from migraines. In addition, Aries are prone to burns (including sunburn), cuts and head injuries.

With weak immunity in the postoperative period, wounds heal poorly and require special treatment. Kidney diseases are not so common, but they cause a lot of problems for some Aries.

The influence of Mars on the health of Aries

The influence of the patron planet Mars adds to the possible ailments of Aries also foot injuries (they are congenital). In adulthood, various joint diseases are possible, which must be taken care of from a young age: monitor the balance in the body and take walks.

Headaches in Aries can appear for no reason, and medicines do not always help from them. During an attack, it is best, avoiding any external noise, to lie down in a room with soft light, drink hot strong tea with sugar and lemon. With frequent repetition of pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a serious medical examination.

Also, the health of Aries suffers due to the fact that representatives of this zodiac sign are very reluctant to use drugs, they are practically not prone to drugs. There are even Aries who have never picked up cigarettes in their lives. Thanks to their optimism and great energy, they almost do not suffer from chronic diseases, which astrologers have long prescribed for melancholic and pessimistic people. Born under the sign of fire and loving heat, Aries are prone to colds, as well as acute infectious and inflammatory diseases. They can suddenly have a temperature increase of 1-2 degrees, which goes away on its own in a couple of days, since the general health of Aries is pretty strong.

Aries Health - Women

Aries women are prone to high blood pressure. It should be noted that, despite a healthy appearance, Aries, due to frequent irascibility and impulsiveness, almost always have a weak nervous system. Against the background of mental ailments, indigestion can occur, although this organ rarely worries Aries.

The body of Aries is strong and hardy, and with the right attitude towards it, health problems will not bother its owner for many years. Aries quickly and easily recover after serious illnesses. The will of Aries sometimes truly works wonders: without focusing on suddenly appearing painful symptoms, they endure the disease on their feet. With age, representatives of this zodiac sign pay more attention to their health. After the age of 40, some women may even start taking various medications for daily prevention.

The impact of nutrition on Aries health

Passionate about work and the desire to cope with the task at any cost, Aries need good nutrition, which is often neglected. For them, the most important energy salt is potassium phosphate, which stimulates the activity of the brain, muscles, and nerves. AT there must be a sufficient amount of organic iron and protein - the builder of muscle tissue. Vitamins A and B1 are needed in large quantities. Vitamin A (retinol) ensures the normal growth of the body, takes care of the condition of the eyes. It is found in greens, apricots, carrots, sorrel. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) promotes good bowel function, improves muscle function, reduces psychological and physical fatigue, and generally improves the health of Aries. There is a lot of it in brewer's yeast, bread kvass, cereals and legumes, lean pork and kidneys.

Healthy Foods for Aries

For good health, it is useful for Aries to eat the following foods: beets, celery, lettuce, cauliflower, carrots, walnuts, apples, dates, lemons, oranges.

Representatives of this zodiac sign like to eat often and tasty, they are happy to try new, unfamiliar dishes. Poultry, egg and vegetable dishes have a beneficial effect on the health of Aries. Those who rarely suffer from stomach diseases can easily use a wide variety of seasonings and sauces. Red wine will improve the general condition of the body, but only if it is of high quality and consumed in small quantities.

A contrast shower is very useful for the health of Aries, as it significantly increases blood circulation. As we wrote above, Aries are prone to headaches. In this regard, representatives of this zodiac sign are perfect, in particular - coniferous baths (you should use water that has a temperature of no more than 25 ° C, and you need to take a bath for no more than 5 minutes). They can also be prepared by adding commercially available coniferous extract to water or by brewing spruce or pine needles. Essential oils of pine needles have a beneficial effect on the nerve endings of the skin, the color and smell of water calm the nervous system and, in general, have a beneficial effect on the health of Aries.

Aries governs the head and face. You can often recognize an Aries by their beautiful features and shiny, healthy hair. Sometimes Aries has a mole on his face. The head is associated with thinking and perception; those born under this sign often have a shrewd mind based on common sense.

Aries are prone to headaches, including migraines, increased intracranial pressure and sinusitis, as well as minor injuries to the head and face. When engaging in dangerous sports, they must wear a protective helmet. They tend to overload themselves with work and spare no effort. They often strain their eyes and have problems with their teeth.

When excited or angry, the face of Aries turns purple. When hot, the temperature rises rapidly. However, Aries has great resistance and can quickly cope with the disease.

The gland ruled by Aries is called the subrenal gland. It releases adrenaline into the circulatory system in a stressful or dangerous situation. Aries are known for being excitable and impulsive. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Mars, patronizing Aries, controls the muscles and sex glands. Aries are mobile, have excellent muscular coordination and are famous for their sexuality.

Since Aries are usually busy, active and constantly on the move, they require a well-balanced diet to maintain health and energy. Aries cell salt is potassium phosphate. Brain cells are created from this substance, it is involved in the regeneration of the liver. Aries usually use so much energy that their supply of potassium phosphate is quickly depleted and needs to be replenished. Lack of this salt can cause a breakdown.

Foods rich in this mineral that are good for Aries include: tomatoes, beans, brown rice, lentils, walnuts, olives, onions, lettuce, cauliflower, cucumber, spinach, Brussels sprouts, veal, swordfish, flounder, bananas , dried apricots, pumpkin. A healthy diet should also include milk, which is good for teeth and bones.

Salt and alcohol are two enemies that Aries should avoid. Excess salt is harmful to bones and arteries, alcohol adversely affects the kidneys. Aries are encouraged to eat in a calm, serene environment, not to eat too quickly or in a tense situation. They should absorb a lot of liquid and fully rest.

The ABC of Vitamins

Aries should keep their heads. It is better for them to avoid too much tension and overexcitation. Typical diseases are headaches, insomnia, inflammation, spasms of cerebral vessels, fevers, injuries. And to prevent this from happening, they need to walk more in the fresh air and observe the correct regimen. Aries need foods rich in potassium phosphate - beets, celery, onions, lettuce, cauliflower, carrots, radishes, apples, dates, lemon, walnuts. It is useful to take vitamins A, B1, C.


ARIES have a weak point - the head, the brain. Sometimes when Aries falls, he usually hits his head, because small children should be taken for a walk in soft hats that soften blows, mature, fond of riding a bike, never forget about a safety helmet, and those who often have a splitting head should not drinking huge amounts of painkillers, and examining your kidneys is another weak spot in the body of Aries. If you are sick with the flu - do not flaunt your own stamina and ability to withstand discomfort on your feet - fit in and follow all the doctor's instructions so as not to get complications on the meninges - meningitis or arachnoiditis.
Aries, if you are upset, worried, irritated and all "on your nerves", this tea will help relieve tension and relieve migraines: (angelica root 20 grams, valerian root 10 grams, thyme 10 grams.) Mix all herbs. Take a handful of herbs in half a liter of boiling water. Brew, strain and drink a little. Aries' own state of health, imagine, is obtained by caring for others. A little more physical activity and a little less conservatism, then there will be no need to complain about constant exhaustion. Analyze your mental state, sort out feelings, and you will figure out how to treat yourself.

The weakest point for those who had the good fortune to be born under the constellation Aries is the head. Therefore, these people suffer more often than others. They tend to react sharply to drafts and hypothermia, which result in tonsillitis, colds, inflammation in the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, caries, otitis and periodontitis.

Therefore, you should make sure that you are always dressed for the weather, visit your dentist regularly and work hardening your body.

Do not disregard organs such as the liver and kidneys.

Aries can suffer from nervous breakdowns, so trainings aimed at normalizing the emotional state are useful for you.

If you are a parent child, born under the sign of Aries, pay special attention to the illumination of the place for study, the mode of reading and the child's work at the computer.

Aries teenager should definitely visit an ophthalmologist regularly, because at this time loss of visual acuity is quite likely. However, you should supervise your child's visits to the doctor because:

This sign of the zodiac is characterized by a disregard for the state of their health..

The same quality is also adult Aries. Therefore, their irrepressible craving for achieving any set goals, combined with ignoring their physical condition, often leads to insomnia, early heart attacks, and hypertension.

Aries does not like to be treated for a long time and consistently, he needs a momentary effect from a pill he has just taken. Bed rest is unacceptable for him, it is better, overcoming himself, to endure. Illnesses and illnesses are not a reason for him to refuse sex. Aries are rebellious, impatient patients.

  • representatives female half of this sign are either distinguished by excellent health, or they bring themselves to complete exhaustion.
  • Aries men in terms of the number of impotents, they are slightly behind the leaders of the zodiac circle - Virgo.

Both of them need regular physical activity and training, because their body is prone to early decrepitude.

Aries Plants

Representatives of this sign are patronized by warlike Mars. "Martian" plants suitable for Aries are sour or bitter in taste, have a pronounced aroma, and often have thorns.

First of all suitable for Aries hawthorn, which helps with heart disease, hypertension, diabetes. Hawthorn fruits can be eaten after meals three times a day, or you can make decoctions or tinctures from them.

Spicy seasoning -. We are used to adding it to meat dishes and salads, but this herb can also be used as a diuretic, carminative, antiseptic.

Barberry has choleretic, tonic qualities, often helps with depression and depression.

The plant, which is called the herb of passion and courage, nettle has the widest range of beneficial effects on humans, is famous, first of all, for the ability to stop bleeding and relieve fever.

Mint known for its ability to vitaminize, soothe and increase the body's resistance.

More roots and herbs shown to Aries:

  • Rowan,
  • honeysuckle,
  • maple,
  • ginger,
  • sagebrush,
  • horseradish,
  • coriander,
  • Melissa,
  • plantain,
  • juniper,
  • rose hip,
  • mustard,
  • gentian,
  • radish,
  • hyssop,
  • garlic,
  • celandine,
  • aloe.

Signs related to Aries can offer him their medicinal plants, but those herbs that are treated are best avoided.

Adult Aries can suffer from intestinal disorders. To normalize its work, you can eat a clove of garlic on an empty stomach in the morning and at night for a week or two. At the same time, garlic is not washed down and not seized. After a few days, you will no longer feel heaviness in the stomach after eating and flatulence.

Folk recipes for the health of Aries

nettle infusion recipe

For nosebleeds, which may be common in rams, take nettle infusion. This remedy will cleanse the blood and enrich your body with vitamins. Take a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. nettle leaves, let it brew for 30 minutes, drink three times a day for 1 s. l.

Rosehip infusion recipe

This infusion will help with headaches and beriberi. Pour 4 tbsp into a liter thermos. l. rose hips, pour boiling water and leave for 8 hours (you can leave it overnight). Strain in the morning and drink 1/2 cup twice a day.

Mint infusion

The infusion helps with headaches. In a liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos 1 tbsp. l. peppermint hour 3. Infusion is taken three times a day for a glass.

Rosehip rhizome bath recipe

Grind rosehip roots (50 g), pour water at room temperature (500 ml), leave for a couple of hours, then boil for half an hour, let it brew for another half an hour, strain, squeezing the raw materials. The course of treatment - 15-18 body temperature baths for paresis, rheumatism, sciatica, polyarthritis.



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