Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker is a helper to prisoners. Holy icon of Anastasia the pattern maker

The more serious the trials, the more capable we are of the sciences of prayer. Prison is a test that is much more serious. In freedom, the warnings, exhortations, and tears of loved ones did not touch the lost souls, did not reach the darkened consciousness. And here it comes. And the soul trembled with living pain, joyful pain, because if it hurts, it means it can be healed.

And it is not surprising that prison churches are now a common phenomenon. They build chapels in the zones and organize prayer rooms. Even a small holy corner with icons and a lamp is a consolation for prisoners.

There is such a city in Siberia - Mariinsk. Local priest Alexy Baranov said that among the prisoners there are more and more people wishing to be baptized in Christ. Lost souls ask and ask for healing... Prison churches are built mainly in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

There is nothing surprising here. She is the one Anastasia Pattern Maker, a very long time ago, back in the first years of Christianity, took upon herself the feat of helping prisoners languishing in prison. An ascetic from Rome, she was forcibly married to a pagan. But with the help of a fictitious illness, she preserved her virginity for the sake of the heavenly Bridegroom - Christ.

Pattern maker is a rare and beautiful word. There is a kind of silence and inconspicuousness in it - mandatory conditions for Christian achievement. Saint Anastasia lived like this - she distributed alms to the poor, hiding from prying eyes, visited prisoners, and strengthened their spirit with quiet but firm words.

Anastasia the Pattern Maker also had another charitable deed: she buried the remains of executed martyrs in a Christian manner. The pagans found out about this. Anastasia was captured and set on fire. This happened 1700 years ago...

“...Ask us forgiveness of our sins,” we ask in prayer to Saint Anastasia. And in thousands of prison churches people fall to her icon, begging for forgiveness and hope.

The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia is depicted on icons with a cross in right hand and a small vessel in the left. The cross is the path to salvation; in the vessel there is holy oil, healing the most terrible wounds. Pattern solver means deliverer from bonds. From the bonds of sins, passions, lack of faith.

Despite the passing of 1,700 years, Anastasia the Pattern Maker still goes to prisoners in prison, healing their souls and giving hope for salvation. She also came to the prisoners of the colony strict regime city ​​of Norilsk. Muscovite Valeria Vladimirovna Pronina told me about this colony. For 8 years now, she, a poor pensioner, has been sending her small contribution to this prison temple - icons, spiritual literature.
— Why exactly there, Valeria Vladimirovna?

“I came across a letter from there in one of the newspapers.

I noticed: people are not asking for food or clothing, but for spiritual books. How could I not respond?

I responded. And now he helps as best he can. And a kind word, and a penny, and a new book. And that’s how interesting it is. Valeria Vladimirovna lives in Teply Stan. And they began to build a temple here. Which? Anastasia the Pattern Maker! For a year now, services have been going on in the church, and the servant of God Valeria is one of its most active parishioners. We recently received a transfer. Valeria Vladimirovna looked at the receipt - and her heart sank: her charges, prisoners from Norilsk, collected 500 rubles from the world for the temple in Tyoply Stan. Both here and there - Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

And if in the colony itself people who have committed a crime pray in front of her icon, then in Tyoply Stan, and throughout our Russia, in churches in the name of St. Anastasia, mothers, daughters, brides, and sisters blackened with grief offer prayers. They pray for their imprisoned relatives. Anastasia the Pattern Maker united them in a feat of prayer. She is ready to come to the aid of all those who suffer - those who have taken at least a step towards salvation.

Quietly, humbly, but courageously and steadfastly, Saint Anastasia lived a short life, like the dawn... But for 1700 years, candles have been burning in front of her icon, akathists are being read, prayers are being served. Her life enters our lives as an example of service to God and neighbor.

How good it is that there are saints whom we can ask for our secret and in front of whose icon we are not ashamed of our own tears. After all, the more serious the test, the more capable we are of the science of prayer.

Troparion, tone 4

Your Lamb, Jesus, Anastasia / calls with a great voice: / I love You, my Bridegroom, / and, seeking You, I suffer, / and I am crucified and buried in Your Baptism, / and I suffer for Your sake, as if I reign in You, / and I die for You, and I live with You, / but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, sacrificed to You with love. / Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

Another troparion, tone 4

On the occasion of the victorious Resurrection, you were truly named / you were named the martyr of Christ, / you brought victory to your enemies through torments with patience, / for the sake of Christ, your Bridegroom, whom you loved. / Pray to him to save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

In the temptations and sorrows that exist, / flowing to your temple, / honest gifts are received / from the Divine grace living in you, Anastasia: / for you are ever the source of healing for the world.


Oh, long-suffering, wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your soul in heaven at the throne of the Lord, and on earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings: look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your relics, asking for your help: extend your holy prayers to the Lord for us and ask us for forgiveness of our sins, healing for the sick, the mourning and the needy ambulance; pray to the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that together with you we may be able to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Some people think that saints do not help us. Is this true? Why? This is all because we have little faith in us, we don’t know how to really ask for help, everything somehow happens quickly, on the run, by the way. This is how we live...

Life tests

Over the years, rarely does anyone gain experience in prayer. Only in difficult everyday situations and at times of testing do we instantly become obedient students God's word, we ask for mercy. As soon as the sophisticated science of prayer becomes accessible to us, we find both the strength and the zeal to learn it. Many people remember the prayer to Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker. The more terrible the test, the more abilities awaken in our souls.

The old saying goes: “Don’t renounce prison or poverty.” Imprisonment is too serious a test. Being free, a rare lost soul listened to the admonitions of his relatives and words of warning. Here, in prison, the meaning of life comes to many. The soul trembles with living joyful pain. And if it hurts, it means there is hope for recovery.

Every prisoner is familiar with the name - Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker. She is the patroness of prisoners. Temples in prison are quite common today. Chapels and prayer rooms are being built. Even a small holy corner with a lamp and icons is a consolation for prisoners.

Icon of Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker. What to pray for? Who does it help?

Patternmaker is an unusually beautiful, rare word; it combines inconspicuousness and silence, and these are components of the Christian feat. Anastasia the Resolver lived modestly, secretly visited prisoners in prisons, distributed alms to the poor, and strengthened the discouraged with her words. One of her godly deeds can also be attributed to the fact that she buried the remains of the martyrs after execution in a Christian manner. 1700 years have passed since then, but her image still helps everyone who asks, strengthens the spirit in difficult times.

There is an icon of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker in every church, prayer room, and chapel that is built in prisons. Those who are imprisoned can pray to her. fatal mistake or because of someone's evil slander. The prisoners ask the Holy One for mercy and strength in order to steadfastly endure all the hardships of fate and not fall into despair.

The prayer of Saint Anastasia will help all those who suffer. in order to know spiritual harmony, to gain humility, to strengthen one’s faith in the Lord, to heal serious illnesses of the soul and body, and to bestow vitality.

Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

On the icons, the Great Martyr Anastasia is depicted holding a cross and oil in her hands. The cross, as you know, is the path to salvation, but oil heals any wounds. Deliverance from sins, lack of faith, passions, any heavy bonds - this is what the name Pattern Maker means. Despite the fact that 1,700 years have passed since those ancient times, Saint Anastasia still heals the souls of the suffering, goes to those imprisoned, and gives hope for the salvation of the soul. Back in 304, Anastasia accepted martyrdom for the Christian faith; this happened during the reign of Diocletian in the city of Sirmium.

Saint Anastasia is one of seven women whose name is mentioned in the Roman canon of the Mass. It is also found in the Catholic Litany of All Saints. The iconographic symbols of Anastasia the Pattern Maker are a bottle of oil, a cross or a palm branch.

In addition to all of the above, Anastasia the Pattern Maker is considered the patroness of all pregnant women. On St. Anastasia's Day (December 22) in Rus', pregnant women, saying a prayer, embroidered a towel, which at one time helped them to safely and easily deliver their pregnancy.

Life of Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Anastasia was born in Rome, in the family of a wealthy senator named Pretextatus. He was a pagan, and her mother Favsta secretly worshiped Christ. Fausta gave Anastasia to be raised by Saint Chrysogonus, who was famous for his learning. He taught the virgin the law of God and the Holy Scriptures. Anastasia studied diligently and established herself as wise and intelligent. After Anastasia's mother died, her father, against his daughter's will, married her to Pomplius. Under the pretext of a fictitious illness, Anastasia managed to preserve her virginity in marriage.

Faith in Christ never left Anastasia, with early years she performed godly deeds. Accompanied by a maid, dressed in beggar clothes, she visited dungeons, bribed guards, treated and fed prisoners who suffered for the Christian faith, and sometimes bought their freedom.

One day, a maid told Pomplius about Anastasia’s adventures, and he cruelly punished his wife and locked her up. During her imprisonment, the maiden found a way to contact her teacher Chrysogonus. In secret correspondence, he urged her to have patience, spirit, pray and be ready for anything for her faith in the Lord. Chrysogonus predicted that Pomplius would soon die. Indeed, while going to Persia on an embassy, ​​Anastasia’s husband drowned. Having received complete freedom, Saint Anastasia began to preach the faith of Christ, distributing her property to all the suffering and the poor.

Death of Chrysogonus. Anastasia's wanderings

In those days, the persecution of Christians was especially cruel, but the faithful subjects of Christ steadfastly endured all the torments of imprisonment. The ruling Diocletian was informed about the prisoners with whom the Roman dungeons were overcrowded. He gave the order to kill everyone, and to send the teacher Chrysogon to him in Aquileia. Anastasia the Pattern Maker followed the teacher.

The emperor himself interrogated Chrysogonus; no torture broke his faith. Diocletian was never able to persuade Chrysogonus to renounce. This led the teacher to death. The emperor ordered him to be beheaded and his body thrown into the sea. If you believe Divine revelation, the remains of Chrysogon washed ashore, and they were found by a certain presbyter Zoilus. He put the body in the ark and hid it at home.

Then Saint Chrysogonus appeared in a dream to Zoilus and predicted the imminent martyrdom of three Christian women - Irina, Chionia and Anapia, who lived nearby. The teacher ordered Anastasia to be sent to them, so that she would support them in terrible moments. Zoilus himself was predicted by Chrysogonus to have a quick but peaceful death. The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia saw the path to Zoilus also through a vision. Having visited the presbyter, Anastasia prayed at the body of Chrysogon, after which she strengthened the faith of the three martyrs before torture, and when they gave up the ghost, she herself buried their bodies. Having fulfilled everything that teacher Chrysogon bequeathed to her, the Holy Virgin set off on long journeys. By this time, she was excellent in the art of medicine, and everywhere she served Christian prisoners.

Thanks to her exploits, as well as the help provided to suffering prisoners, the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia received the name Pattern Maker. With her work she relieved many of Christ’s confessors from severe torment, bonds, and long-term suffering.

Persecution of Christians. Trials of the Great Martyr Anastasia

Saint Anastasia once met a young pious widow named Theodosia. She became a faithful assistant for the Pattern Maker. Together they bribed the jailers. Visiting prisons, they healed the sick and wounded, brought food to prisoners, consoled those sentenced to death, strengthened faith in them, and gave communion to those departing to another world. The icon of Saint Anastasia is painted in the same way - the Patterner holds in her hands a vessel with sacred oil and a cross.

Soon both women went to Sirmium, where Christians were subjected to particularly severe persecution. Diocletian ordered the execution of all Christian prisoners. Arriving at the dungeon in the morning and seeing it empty, Anastasia began to lament loudly and sob. It became clear to the jailers that she was a Christian. They captured her and sent her to the ruler of the region. Having learned that Anastasia belonged to a noble Roman family, they sent her for questioning to the emperor himself, because only he could decide her fate. Diocletian once knew her father, Senator Praetextatus. Through persuasion, the emperor persuaded the maiden to renounce the Christian faith, and was interested in the inheritance left from her father. Anastasia admitted that she spent her entire fortune on supporting Christian prisoners. Unable to break the will of the young woman, the emperor again sent her to Iliria. The ruler of the region handed over Anastasia to the high priest Ulpian.

The cunning Ulpian confronted Anastasia with a choice. Luxury is gold, beautiful clothes, precious stones - on the one hand, and on the other - severe suffering and torture. His vile deceit was put to shame, the maiden rejected riches and preferred torment for the sake of her faith. The Lord supported Anastasia and extended her life path. The crafty priest was wounded by the beauty and purity of Saint Anastasia and decided to desecrate her honor. But as soon as he touched her, he immediately became blind. Mad with pain, Ulpian rushed headlong to the pagan temple; all the way he cried out to his idols for help, but fell along the way and gave up the ghost.

Anastasia in captivity, her death

After the death of the priest, Saint Anastasia received freedom. At first she hid in the hilly areas of Sirmium. Then again, together with Theodosia, she began to serve Christian sufferers, heal their wounds, and support them spiritually. But soon Theodosia and her sons accepted martyrdom for the faith of Christ. The elder Evod meekly endured the beatings and bravely stood before the judges. After undergoing long martyrdom, they died in a red-hot oven.

Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker again found herself in prison in the city of Sirmium. For sixty days she passed the test of hunger. And every night Saint Theodosia appeared to the virgin, strengthened her spirit, and encouraged Anastasia. The judge of Iliria, seeing that hunger was not a threat to the young woman, ordered her to be drowned with the rest of the prisoners, among whom was Eutychian, who was persecuted for his faith in those years. The prisoners were put on a ship and taken out to the open sea. To make the ship leak, the guard soldiers punched many holes in it, and they themselves boarded a boat and sailed away, leaving the sufferers to certain death. Then Saint Theodosius appeared to the prisoners, she prevented the ship from sinking, and led it along the waves to the shore on the island of Palmaria. Miraculously saved, all one hundred and twenty prisoners believed in Christ, and they were baptized by Eutychian and Anastasia. They did not rejoice in freedom for long; they were soon captured and suffered martyrdom for their faith. Saint Anastasia the Martyr died over a fire. She was crucified crosswise between pillars and then beheaded.

Eternal memory of Anastasia

The Christian Apollinaria buried Anastasia's body, undamaged by the fire, in her garden. According to the scriptures, the date of Anastasia’s death falls on December 25, 304. This happened during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. After the persecution of Christians stopped, a chapel was built over the tomb of the holy virgin. In 325, Christianity finally became the state religion, at that time power was in the hands of Emperor Constantine. In memory of the exploits of the Pattern Maker, the Church of St. Anastasia was erected in the city of Sirmium.

In 467, the relics of the Saint were transported to Constantinople, where a temple was erected in her honor. Already at the end of the nineteenth century, the foot and head of the Pattern Maker were transferred to the monastery of Pharmacolytria, which was also named after her. It was founded not far from Mount Athos in Chalkhidiki.

Benidiktbourne Monastery. Kochelseer miracle

In 739-740, a monastery was founded at the foot of the Alps in Bavaria. It was named after the Venerable Benedict of Nursia - Benidiktboern. The monastery is still in operation and is famous as one of the spiritual centers of Bavaria. His library contains more than two hundred valuable manuscripts.

Every day many buses with pilgrims from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy arrive at the monastery. They are called here “pilgers”. Christians Western Europe deeply honor the exploits of Anastasia the Pattern Maker. The prayer of Saint Anastasia heals spiritual and physical wounds; nervously ill people, as well as those suffering from headaches, receive special help.

The Benidiktboern Monastery houses many Christian shrines. One of them includes the reliquary, which contains the relics of Anastasia the Pattern Maker. The reliquary is located mainly in the sulfur part. The construction of the reliquary with the relics was facilitated by the miracle that took place here, which is called the Kochelseer miracle. This miracle happened in 1704 during military events. Fighting took place in the area of ​​Lake Kochelsee. Day and night it was read by the Bavarian monks and local residents prayer to Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker. She heard the prayers of Christians and came to their aid. The monastery buildings, as well as the surrounding villages, miraculously survived. Since then, the residents of Bavaria have considered Saint Anastasia their patroness. A chapel of rare beauty was built in her honor.

Relics of Saint Anastasia

The architect Fischer in 1751-1755 created a chapel in the shape of an ellipse. Its interior was richly decorated with picturesque panels and stucco. In European art history, the chapel is considered the pearl of the Rococo style.

A reliquary is kept in the altar part of the chapel (from the relics - a small fragment of the frontal part). From the monastery records it is clear that the relics were brought to the monastery from Italy by a certain wandering monk in 1035. The skillfully crafted reliquary was made in the shape of a bust from gold and silver by Munich craftsmen back in 1725. The sculptural image of Saint Anastasia is crowned with a crown made of gold and decorated with precious stones. The reliquary bust is considered an example of Bavarian jewelry art.

The Holy Name - Anastasia - is translated from Greek as “resurrection”; according to folk legends, it personifies Sunday. In Christianity, there are three Saints with the name Anastasia: the Elder - (October 29, 30), the Younger - Anastasia the Pattern Maker (December 22), the hermit of Alexandria - Anastasia Patricia (March 10).

The monks of the Benidiktboern monastery know that the relics of St. Anastasia the Patternmaker have spread throughout the world, and that part of them is kept on Holy Mount Athos in the Kutlumush monastery. According to the stories of the current servants of the temple, the monks of Benidiktboern made pilgrimages to Greece, where there is a royal monastery of Anastasia the Pattern Maker near the city of Thessaloniki. Back in 888, part of the relics of the Holy Virgin was brought here.

Croatian Christians who came to Benidiktboern told the monks that a piece of the relics of St. Anastasia was kept in the city of Zadar (Croatia). Russian Orthodox believers said that in the Moscow Kremlin Annunciation Cathedral has long preserved a piece of her relics.

Many Orthodox Bavarians know that the relics are kept in the Benidiktboern monastery, and that Saint Anastasia the Pattern-maker helps all those who suffer. On the day of her memory, as well as the martyrs Eutychian, Theodotia, Chrysogon, Evod, all Christians bearing their names come to the monastery with friends and families. On this day, the monks open the door of the chapel, where the relics of Anastasia are kept, and allow pilgrims to venerate the holy reliquary of their heavenly patroness. With repentance and hope, pilgrims turn to Anastasia the Pattern Maker. The Munich parish regularly organizes pilgrimages to the Benidiktboern monastery. A prayer service is performed at the relics alternately in German and Church Slavonic.

In 1995, in space, on the Russian Mir station, with the blessing of Alexy II, His Holiness Patriarch, two icons of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker visited. This mission symbolized the common roots of the Orthodox and catholic church, Christians of the West and East.

In Russia there is also a temple of St. Anastasia in Pskov, it is considered a monument of republican significance, first mentioned in the chronicles of 1487. In this active church of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker there is also a particle of the relics of the long-suffering virgin. In front of the ark with her relics, a prayer service is regularly held for the prisoners, who are begged for forgiveness for the sins they have committed.

Holy ve-li-to-mu-che-ni-tsa Ana-sta-sia Uzo-re-shi-tel-ni-tsa († c. 304) in the time of rights -le-niya of the Roman im-per-ra-to-ra Dio-kli-ti-a-na (284-305). I was born in Rome, in the family of Pre-tek-sta-ta. The father was a pagan, the mother of Fav-sta was a secret chri-sti-an-ka, who-rai-ru-chi-la vo-pi-ta-nie ma-lazy-coy de-voch- ki from his teachings to the holiness of Hri-so-go-nu († c. 304; December 22). Khri-so-gon taught Ana-sta-this Holy Scripture and the fulfillment of the Law of God. At the end of the teaching about Ana-sta-siya go-vo-ri-li as a wise and beautiful girl. After the death of Ma-te-ri, without regard for his wife before-che-ri, her father gave her in marriage to the pagan Pomplius. In order not to break her vow of virginity and escape from her husband's bed, Ana-sta-sia pissed on the inexorable treat my illness and keep it clean.

There were many Christian prisoners in Rome at that time. In beggarly clothes, the saint secretly kept in prison, - washed and nourished the sick, unable to move -ga-sya, re-vya-zy-va-la ra-ny, comfort-sha-la everyone who needed it. Her teacher and mentor have been in prison for two years. Meeting him, she inspired him with his long-term patience and devotion to the Savior. The husband of Saint Anastasia, Pomplius, having learned about this, beat her severely, placed her in a separate room and at the door -set the guard. Holy sorrow that it was no longer possible to help Christ with us. After the death of father Anastasia Pomplius, in order to take over the divine inheritance, he . The holy pi-sa-la teach her: “My husband... then treats me as being against his pagan faith in such I have come to the grave conclusion that there is nothing left for me but to surrender my spirit to the Lord and fall dead.” In his reply letter, Saint Hri-so-gon consoled Mu-che-ni-tsu: “The light is always preceded by darkness, and after health often returns, and after death they promise us life.” And he predicted the imminent death of her husband. After some time, Pomplia finally went to the Persian king. On the way to Persia, he drowned during a sudden storm.

Now the saint could again visit those who had lived in those Christians, the inheritance she had received -la-la for clothes, food and medicine for the sick. Holy Hri-so-go-on from the great-great-vi-li to Ak-vi-leu (a city in Upper Italy) for trial before the im-per-ra-to-ru of Dio -kli-ti-a-well, - Ana-sta-sia after her teacher. The body of the holy Chri-so-go-n after his martyr's death according to the Divine revelation it was covered by the pre-swi-te-er of Zo-i-lom. 30 days after the death of Saint Hri-so-gon appeared to Zo-i-lu and told about the imminent death of three young Hri-sti-a-nok, living shih not-le-ko, - Aga-pii, Hi-o-nii and Irina († 304; commemoration 16 April). And he ordered Saint Anastasia to be sent to them. Saint Anastasia had the same vision. She went to the priest, prayed at the relics of St. Chri-so-go, then in the spiritual be-se- de ukre-pi-la the husband of three virgins in front of the hundred-I-shchi-mi they are tortured. After the end of the mu-che-nits, she herself ho-ro-ni-la their bodies.

Saint Ana-sta-sia began to wander in order to take wherever possible to serve Christ-a-us, imprisoned in that -no-tsah. So she received the gift of medicine. The work and words of consolation of Saint Ana-sta-sia about-leg-cha-la for the con-clusion of many people, in a way -nothing about the bodies and souls of the guards to release them from the bonds of fear and powerlessness, by -this is the name of Uzo-re-shi-tel-ni-tsey. In Ma-ka-do-nii, the saint got to know the young widow-hri-sti-an-koy Fe-o-do-ti-ey, someone -heaven help her in her good works.

It became known that Ana-sta-sia is a chri-sti-an-ka, she was taken into custody and taken to him-per-ra-to-ru Dio- kli-ti-a-nu. Having asked Ana-sta-sia, Dio-kli-ti-an learned that she had used all her resources to help those in need, but -lo-tye, silver-rya-nye and copper st-tu-et-ki per-re-li-la for money and food for many hungry people, clothes -va-la na-gih, help-ga-la the weak. Im-pe-ra-tor sent the saint to the high priest Ul-pi-a-nu, so that he would persuade her to sacrifice the tongue -the gods or gave the same execution. The priest suggested that Saint Ana-sta-sia make a choice between god-ga-you-da-ra-mi and oru-di-i-mi torture, po-lo -wives are on both sides of her. The saint, without hesitation, pointed at the instruments of torture: “Ok-ru-married by these pre-me-tas, I will become beautiful -more and more pleasing to my Zhe-ni-hu - Christ...” Before subjecting Saint Ana-sta- this torture, Ul-pi-an decided to desecrate it. But as soon as he touched her, he went blind, a terrible pain squeezed his head, and after some time he died. Saint Anastasia found herself free and, together with Fe-o-do-ti-she, continued to serve the prisoners. Soon, Saint Fe-o-do-tia and her three sons were given a terrible death an-fi-pa-tom (at the beginning -no-com about-la-sti) Nik-ki-ti-em in their native city of Nik-kei († c. 304; commemorated July 29 and December 22). Saint Ana-sta-this second-rich-but-key-in-the-tsu and 60 days-for-the-go-lo-house. Every night Saint Fe-o-do-tia appeared in pain, approved and strengthened her in patience. Seeing that the famine did not harm the saint, Hegemon Il-li-rii ordered to drown her along with the condemned -step-ni-ka-mi, among whom was the go-ni-my for the faith, Khri-sti-an Ev-ti-hi-an († c. 304; memory 22 December). Once upon a time, we boarded the ship and went out into the open sea. Far from the shore they got into the boat, and in the ship they made a few pro-bo-ins so that he would -zero. The ship began to sink into the water, but you saw the mu-che-ni-tsu Fe-o-do-tiya, who controlled the pas -ru-sa-mi and right-laying the ship to the shore. 120 people, ra-wives of a miracle, faith in Christ - saints Ana-sta-sia and Ev-ti-hi-an baptized whether them. Having learned about the incident, the hegemon came to execute all the newly-baptized people. Saint Ana-sta-siyu spreads over the fire between four tables. So Saint Ana-sta-sia Uzo-re-shi-tel-ni-tsa finished her martyrdom.

The saint’s body remained un-re-di-my, - according to his good-ness, Christ-an-ka Apol-li-na- riya. After the end of the war, she built a church over the coffin of the holy great Anastasia church.

See also: in the book of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Victorious Resurrection/ you are truly named, the martyr of Christ,/ you brought victory to your enemies through patience,/ for the sake of Christ, your Bridegroom,/ whom you also loved./ Pray for the same // save our souls.

Translation: You are truly named after the Victorious Resurrection (Anastasia from the Greek Ανάσταση - Resurrection), the martyr of Christ, you won victory over your enemies through the patience of the torment of Christ for the sake of your Bridegroom, whom you loved. Pray to Him for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

In the temptations and sorrows that exist,/ flowing to your temple,/ they receive honest gifts/ from the Divine grace living in you, Anastasia // you are ever the source of healing in the world.

Translation: Those who are in temptation and sorrow, coming to your temple, receive venerable gifts from the Divine grace living in you, Anastasia, for you always exude healing for the world.

Prayer to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Oh, long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand in soul in Heaven at the Throne of the Lord, and on earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings; Look mercifully at the people ahead and praying before your icon, asking for your help, extend holy prayers to the Lord for us and ask us for forgiveness of our sins, power in merciful labors, strengthening of the spirit in service, meekness, humility and obedience, healing for the sick, for the mourning and in these bonds, quick help and intercession, I pray to the Lord, that He may grant us all a Christian death and a good answer to His Last Judgment, that we may be worthy together with you love of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Kontakion 1

To the chosen saint of Christ, the all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, we offer a song of praise, for she has great boldness in the Lord to free the faithful from all troubles, sorrows and illnesses, and with love we cry out to her:

Ikos 1

You have become like an angel with a pure mind, having cognized Him who is the eternal beginning and one end of all the visible and invisible desires of all the pious; We, praising your wise teaching from the holy martyr Chrysogonus, cry out to you with love:

Rejoice, thou who has loved the faith of Christ; Rejoice, thou who followed the piety of thy mother Fausta.

Rejoice, having preserved the purity of your virginity; Rejoice, always invisibly guarded by Angels.

Rejoice, having drawn closer to God through your purity.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 2

Saint Anastasia, seeing that many Christians were suffering in prison for the Name and teaching of Jesus Christ, began to serve them with zeal, and to console and heal, I cooperate with God, singing with reverence: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The god-wise Anastasia understood that the whole red world of this world is involved in corruption, and for this reason, having despised bright clothes and valuable utensils, secretly putting on the clothes of the poor, entering into prisons to serve as a confessor of Christ; We, mentally following her, appeal to her with love:

Rejoice, visitor to prisoners in prison; Rejoice, consoler of Christ's confessors.

Rejoice, you who squandered your gold and silver on them; Rejoice, you who have acquired the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, you who washed the hands and noses of the saints and cleansed their hair; Rejoice, imitator of Christ.

Rejoice, you who healed their ailments; Rejoice, you who buried their bodies honestly.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 3

We are strengthened by strength from above, holy martyr, serve piously to the saints and disgrace the hater of all virtues, the devil, who instigated a slave to reveal your deeds to an unfaithful husband; We, praising your goodness, Anastasia, sing with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having great love in the Lord for all those who suffer in prison for the name of Christ, even though they suffered many blows from an unfaithful husband, you finally found a prison for yourself in his house; Also marveling at her courage, we cry out to her:

Rejoice, zealous keeper of the commandments of Christ: Rejoice, having fulfilled this not in word, but also in deed.

Rejoice, ready to lay down your soul for others; Rejoice, you who accepted much bitterness for Christ.

Rejoice. with her patience she became like strong adamant.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 4

Your wicked tormentor husband raised a storm of his rage against you, as a captive and a slave, imputed to you, Saint Anastasia; We, remembering the bitterness from him and your suffering, sing to the Lord who strengthened you: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Blessed Anastasia heard how much her holy teacher Chrysogon had endured for Christ, and she followed him with her suffering and secretly wrote to his face: “Teacher! We, marveling at your patience, say to you:

Rejoice, you who did not spare your honest flesh; Rejoice, you who wished to squander your wealth of God for the sake of the poor.

Rejoice, you who act wisely will buy; Rejoice, you who alone have care for those suffering in chains.

Rejoice, you who served them with zeal; Rejoice, thou who fearlessly entered prisons.

Rejoice, you who entered the Heavenly Palace without restraint.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 5

As if you were a godly star, you appeared in the Roman land, to the Great Martyr Anastasia, visiting those suffering for Christ in prison and strengthening their hearts in faith, so that they may ever cry with you to the Savior of all, God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing you, your God-bearing teacher Chrysogon, in the confusion and excitement of this world, I commanded you to cry out to you with the prophet: “In every way you are sorrowful, my soul, and in every way you trouble me, trust in God,” but we, remembering your grief and sorrow, even according to God , we call you:

Rejoice, you who have placed all your trust in the Lord; Rejoice, you who endured the cramped conditions of the Kingdom for the sake of the Heavenly One.

Rejoice, through your purity you have been deemed worthy to live in heaven with the Angels; Rejoice, having drawn closer to God through your sorrows.

Rejoice, thou who hast been granted to see with understanding the hair of the Lord Almighty; Rejoice, through your prayers you deliver us from many sorrows.

Rejoice, through your intercession you free us from temptations.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 6

The whole Christian world preaches your honest deeds, Great Martyr Anastasia, and glorifies your suffering, pleases your martyrdom and sings to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone more than the sun with your virtues in the great city of Rome, when the prophecy of your teacher Saint Chrysogon about the death of your godless husband was fulfilled. For being free, you began to care for the martyrs of Christ with great zeal; We, looking with love at your deeds, say to you:

Rejoice, zealous helper of the suffering; Rejoice, you who consoled the friends of Christ with divine words.

Rejoice, teacher, who had great care for three virgins: Agapia, Chionia and Irina; Rejoice, you who strengthened those for the feat of martyrdom.

Rejoice, O venerable One who laid their bodies in the chosen place; Rejoice, you who had sorrow in your mind.

Rejoice, having made your heart the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, completely ignited with the fire of love for God.

Rejoice, you who have found His heavenly cover in the shelter of His blood; Rejoice, for by your courage you have completely overthrown the enemy of salvation.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 7

The desire of Saint Chrysogonus to die for Christ, being fulfilled by God's Providence; When you saw the honorable relics of your teacher, the passion-bearer, lovingly kissing them, you burst into tears, from the depths of your soul singing to God a song: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Our Lord gave you new grace and strength, when you accepted the feat of moving from city to city, visiting those in chains. We, following your wanderings, touchingly cry out to you:

Rejoice, follower of the footsteps of Christ; Rejoice, servant of many saints.

Rejoice, consolation to those who are sorely tested; Rejoice, hope of the unreliable.

Rejoice, thou who with thy gold buys freedom for the faithful from the bonds of prison; Rejoice, you who resolve the bonds of fear through Divine words.

Rejoice, through your prayers you free us from the bonds of sin; Rejoice, named pattern maker.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 8

Your journey with the holy martyr Theodotia has weakened many: healing has been granted to the sick, burial has been prepared for many who have died, and strengthening to the living for greater deeds of virtue; Vouchsafe us unworthy, holy one, to sing intelligently to God with your prayers: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The whole temple of the prison was filled with many tears and sobs of yours, having always flown in early according to your custom and having not received a single thing from the prisoners who were imprisoned for the name of Christ, all of them were put to death one night by the command of the evil king; We, remembering your sorrow for the friends of God, cry out like this:

Rejoice, you who diligently searched for the servants of Christ in prison; Rejoice, having once again found those in the heavenly villages.

Rejoice, you who took up the cross of the Lord with love on your frame; Rejoice, thou who havest been granted to see everywhere with intelligent eyes the eyes of the Lord Almighty.

Rejoice, for your love for your neighbors you have gained great boldness towards God; Rejoice, you who send down healing to the sick.

Rejoice, raising up the half-dead by God’s command; Rejoice, you who were ignorant of Christ’s purity.

Rejoice, glorified great martyr.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 9

I created wicked tormenting advice against you, the invincible passion-bearer, wanting to incline you to idolatry; You fearlessly called out to them: “I am the Servant of Christ, and I sing to Him day and night: Alleluia.”

Ikos 9

The chief priest of the idolatry is with you, although he might catch your holy soul with flattery; But you, having learned all the cunning of the enemy, shamed the tormentor and changed all evil into good, fearlessly looking at the tools of torment and all the torment; We, marveling at your courage, call your voices tender:

Rejoice, red one who has rejected all this world; Rejoice, you who chose to accept various torments for Christ.

Rejoice, you who wished to go to death with love; Rejoice, you who astonished your tormentors with your patience.

Rejoice, having adorned the Church of Christ with your sufferings; Rejoice, you who have chosen eternal life - Christ.

Rejoice, thou who has put to shame the priest of idols; Rejoice, demons who have straightened your legs.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 10

Make it possible for all those who want to be saved through your prayers, great martyr, before the Lord and ask for permission for the sins of those who honor your suffering, so that we cry with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Saint Anastasia loved the Heavenly King with all her heart and was quickly thrown into prison for the Sweetest Jesus, having been consumed by hunger and thirst and strengthened by prayer; Likewise, glorifying that honest suffering, we send to her the following singing:

Rejoice, follower of the passion of Christ; Rejoice, adorned with victorious glory.

Rejoice, having ascended through earthly prison into the Heavenly Palace; Rejoice, thou who art settled there with the martyrs.

Rejoice, you who remember us through your prayer at the Throne of God; Rejoice, soon resolving the bonds of sin.

Rejoice, you who drive away demons from people; Rejoice, teaching thieves on the path of righteousness.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 11

We offer you all-contrite singing, glorifying your suffering for Christ, and we pray to you: holy passion-bearer, ask the merciful Lord for health, longevity and victory and victory over your enemies for all people. Grant to us, who praise your torment, peace and salvation, so that we may sing to God forever: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With a bright and joyful face you followed to the suffering prepared for you from your tormentors, who, thinking with joy, we call:

Rejoice, starved to death in the prison of Illyria; Rejoice, you who were nourished by your hope - Christ.

Rejoice, having been delivered from drowning on the sea by God’s vision; Rejoice, you who are extended between the four pillars.

Rejoice, thou who has become like the Son of God crucified on the Cross; Rejoice, being burned by fire even to death.

Rejoice, Pattern Maker, loosed from bonds and flesh.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 12

Grant grace from above to all of us who flow with love to your icon, and ask the Lord for forgiveness of our sins, healing for the sick and suffering, and let us all cry out in gratitude to God, wondrous in the saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing the feats of your free martyrdom for Christ, we bow to your suffering, venerable great martyr, we honor your holy death and pray to you, extend your help from heaven to us, who live in the darkness of passions and temptations and cry out to you:

Rejoice, holy great martyr; Rejoice, having offered your body as a God-pleasing sacrifice in manifold torments.

Rejoice, turtledove, who flew up to Jerusalem on High; Rejoice, pure and immaculate bride of Christ.

Rejoice, spiritual censer, bringing incense of prayer for us to God; Rejoice, endless treasury of healings.

Rejoice, abundant cup of God's gifts; Rejoice, all good wishes are speedy to the fulfiller.

Rejoice, bright way of life for all who hope for salvation.

Rejoice, all-blessed great martyr Anastasia, holy visitor of prisoners and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 13

O long-suffering and devoted saint of the Great Martyr Anastasia! Accept our present little prayer from your unworthy servants, offered to you with love, and ask Christ the God of our sinful bonds for permission, so that through your prayers we may be delivered from the wrath of God and eternal condemnation, and may we be worthy in the Kingdom of Heaven, together with you, to sing to God forever: Alleluia .

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos, “Thou art like an angel...” and the 1st kontakion, “The chosen servant of Christ...”.


O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your soul in Heaven at the Throne of the Lord, and on earth you perform various healings by the grace given to you; look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your icon, asking for your help, extend holy prayers to the Lord for us and ask us for forgiveness of our sins, help in merciful works, strengthening of the spirit in service, meekness, humility and obedience, healing for the sick, for the grieving and in these bonds, quick help and intercession, beg the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that together with you we may be able to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Icon of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Many funds are given to help Orthodox Christians. Thus, an important part of spiritual life is the veneration of icons. An icon is an image that relates our mind to the prototype, to the saint, the Lord, the Mother of God. Prayers before miraculous icons they truly work miracles, to which there is plenty of evidence from Christian believers. Thus, one of the very revered icons is the icon of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker. Who does she help and when should you pray to her?

Help to Saint Anastasia

Saint Anastasia is a martyr of the first centuries of Christianity, who suffered from cruel persecution by the pagan emperor Diocletian. She was born in Rome, in the family of a pagan father and a mother who was a secret Christian. It was the mother who planted the seed of true faith in her daughter’s soul, which eventually bore fruit.

Having received good education, Anastasia was known as an intelligent and pious girl. She had a spiritual mentor, the righteous man Chrysogon, who supported his student’s desire for Christian piety. However, the father of the righteous woman decided to marry her to a pagan. But the martyr managed to maintain purity even in marriage, citing an incurable illness that prevented married life.

During the time of Emperor Diocletian, Roman prisons were overcrowded with Christians, as true faith in God was brutally persecuted. Anastasia chose high service for herself - she secretly made her way into prisons, where she helped and supported prisoners to the best of her ability. She fed them, treated them, treated their wounds after torture and torture. But most importantly, she supported the prisoners in standing up for the faith and Christ. Thanks to her, many martyrs of that time received relief from their imprisonment.

Interesting! Saint Anastasia also died as a martyr, having been executed for her faith and help to other followers of the faith of Christ. Since then, she has stood before the Throne of God and raised our prayers to Him, helping all believers, just as she did during her earthly life.

Prayer before the icon of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker helps:

  • to endure the hardships of imprisonment for convicts in prison;
  • gain confidence and strength before the court;
  • avoid unfair condemnation;
  • do not lose faith in the most difficult life situations.

Since in her earthly life the saint of God helped prisoners a lot, it is customary to pray in front of her icon for those who are serving sentences in prison. Her image is especially revered by religious prisoners; prayer services are held for her in every prison church.

How to pray correctly in front of the icon of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Perhaps the most important point, which is worth understanding - it is not the icon that helps. It is not a board with paint or paper with printing that works miracles, heals and brings help. All this is given to us only by the Lord God out of His great love for every sinful person.

An icon is an image of a righteous person to whom we pray. This is a help to our mind, which is scattered over everything earthly, even in prayer. Looking at the image, it is easier for a person to concentrate on the main thing and not be distracted. Therefore, you should not give orthodox icons some magical magical properties. We honor the image of the saint in our church, but precisely because he bears the image of a person who abides with God in better world. It is the personality of the glorified righteous man that matters, and not the fact of applying the image to paper or wood.

In addition, it is completely pointless to pray in front of an icon without faith in God. Saint Anastasia will not be able to help a person who turns to her for help in worldly matters, completely forgetting about the Heavenly Father. This often happens in today's life - people run to God's saints, as if they were some kind of wizards who can fulfill this or that desire.

You need to approach the image of Anastasia the Pattern Maker with firm trust in God’s Providence and with a pure heart. Then she will definitely hear and help. If a person is imprisoned justly and is being punished for truly committing evil, one must repent and ask holy help in atonement for sin.

Important! It is completely unacceptable to stand in front of an icon and ask for help in some unholy matter, for example, in hiding one’s guilt and the desire to escape a well-deserved punishment.

If a person seeks God's help dishonestly, deceiving other people, causing them harm, such help will never come. Moreover, such a person will burden his soul even more with sin, since asking God to help in an evil deed is blasphemy.

Where is it better to pray in front of the icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker - at home or in a temple?

There is no big difference where one approaches the image, as long as a person does it with faith. Another question is that for a Christian believer, visiting church is an integral part of spiritual life. And if life circumstances have developed in such a way that Saint Anastasia’s help is needed, then, of course, you cannot do without visiting the temple.

Having found an icon of Anastasia in the temple, you can buy a candle and place it on a candlestick. You can also venerate the shrine and pray in your own words, tell your misfortune and ask for help and consolation. In addition, you can order a prayer service for this particular saint, which it is advisable to attend in person.

In addition to visiting the temple, you can ask for help from the icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker and at home. To do this, you need to stand in front of the home iconostasis, where there is an image of your favorite saint, and ask her for help. It should not be forgotten that Anastasia the Patternmaker helps not by herself, but only by interceding for each person before God. Therefore, it is important that in the home iconostasis, in addition to the icons of beloved righteous people, in the first place there are icons of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother the Virgin Mary.

In addition, you can always take a small icon with the face of God’s saint with you on the road, or when going, for example, to court. If a person is ready to endure difficulties, putting himself in the hands of God and completely surrendering to His will, then the help of the saint will certainly be, and the person will feel it.

How does Anastasia Pattern Maker help?

Anastasia the Pattern Maker was born in Rome into a family in which her father was a pagan and her mother was a secret Christian. The saint took her mother’s side and dedicated her life to God. Before we find out how prayer to Saint Anastasia the Patternmaker helps, we suggest recalling some facts from her life.

Since childhood, the girl was told about God, and she joyfully learned the laws of Christianity. Anastasia was beautiful girl, but not a single groom could woo her, since she took a vow of virginity. At one point, the pagans learned that Anastasia was preaching Christianity and gave her the choice of either renouncing the faith or death. The girl, without hesitation, chose torment, but before that the executioner decided to abuse her. As a result, he went blind and died, unable to even touch Anastasia. After this, the girl was tortured for a long time, and then burned alive over a fire, but her body remained incorrupt.

How does Anastasia Pattern Maker help?

During her lifetime, the saint became famous for helping Christians who suffered for their faith and ended up behind bars. She helped people not only in deed, but also in word, since many had lost internal forces. Anastasia found words of support for everyone, helping to get rid of existing worries, fears and despair. That is why she was later called the “Pattern Maker.”

In front of the image of the saint, prisoners can pray for liberation, but only if they have not committed a mortal sin. Not only prisoners, but also relatives who want to achieve release can contact Anastasia loved one. Speaking about what the icon Anastasia the Pattern Maker helps with, it is worth noting that people who want to strengthen their faith or gain peace of mind. The saint helps to find the right path in life and solve many problems. You can also offer petitions before the face of the saint for healing from various ailments.

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Orthodox icons and prayers

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Icon and prayers of Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker

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The Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker had a difficult lot - to protect prisoners in prison dungeons from the bonds of melancholy and grief, from which she herself suffered. Saint Anastasia appeared to the world in an ordinary family. Washing was a secret Christian, which is what her daughter taught. She was the most capable student of Chrysogonus of Aquileia. She was famous for her kindness and ability to sympathize and her great desire to help people.

Icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Around the 3rd century AD, in the dungeons of Rome there was large number imprisoned Christians. Anastasia secretly made her way into the prison rooms and fed the prisoners, bandaged their wounds, washed them, and looked after the completely infirm. When the husband found out about his wife’s deeds, he severely beat her and locked her in the room, placing guards at the door.

A lot of bad things befell the Great Martyr, but she was able to overcome all adversities and began to wander around the world to serve people who were imprisoned. Then the Almighty gave her the gift of healing. With her work and kind words, the Saint made life easier for many prisoners, helped them get rid of the bonds of despair and helplessness, which is why she was called the Pattern Maker.

Anastasia helped people and considered this her calling in life, but she herself suffered torment as punishment for her help. She was stretched between four pillars and burned. The fire could not damage the Saint's body. Soon the woman Appolinaria took her and buried her with all honors in her vineyard. This is how Anastasia’s suffering feat is noted in history.

The image of the Great Martyr Anastasia is the face of a woman holding a cross in her right hand, and in her left hand a small vessel with holy oil. As you know, holy oil is the best medicine for those who are sick. In Greece, the Saint is called the Healer, since she actually healed:

  • mental wounds,
  • removed the bonds of fear,
  • relieved melancholy and sorrow,
  • treated for bodily illnesses.

Icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker, what helps

Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker, how her image helps people can go on and on. They address the righteous Great Martyr:

  • those who thirst for help to get rid of the bonds of sin;
  • for deliverance from fear and from mental heaviness;
  • Eastern Slavs pray to Anastasia during childbirth, as they consider her the patroness of pregnancy;
  • illegally convicted in order to be acquitted;
  • prisoners pray before her icon for a speedy release.

To this day, in many prison cells around the world there are icons with the face of the Saint: the condemned bow before her and ask for forgiveness for their worldly sins, begging for the Lord’s forgiveness through her.

Prayer from prison to Anastasia the Pattern Maker

The strongest orthodox prayer from prison gives moral strength, and gives faith in a speedy release. They address prayerful words specifically to Anastasia, because at one time she herself was a prisoner in her own house.

To call on Anastasia for help, you need to ask Her Holiness with pure thoughts, so that she turns to Jesus and begs for his will for the illegally detained.

Prayer to Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker

“Thou art truly named after the Victorious Resurrection, the martyr of Christ; thou hast brought victory to the torment of patience over the enemies, for the sake of Christ, thy Bridegroom, Whom thou hast loved. Pray to him to save our souls".

Also, Orthodox Christians who are already in prison resort to the image of the Savior and pray to her for liberation with these words:

“O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand in soul in heaven at the Throne of the Lord, but on earth you performed various healings by the grace given to you; look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your icon, asking for your help, extend holy prayers to the Lord for us and ask us for forgiveness of our sins, help in merciful works, strengthening of the spirit in service, meekness, humility and obedience, healing for the sick, for the grieving , in the bonds of those who are present, quick help and intercession, beg the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that together with you we may be able to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to Anastasia the Pattern Maker for release from prison

“Saint Anastasia, Pattern Maker! Help me in my sorrow, do not leave me with your mercy. The soul standing on the heavenly throne, tasting the Lord's mercy! Repose your holy face on the walls of the gloomy prison and let me, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), taste the pleasure of the glory of God. Look with your eye at the one standing in front of you, extend my prayers to the Lord and ask my soul for forgiveness of sins. For my iniquity, I do not dare to raise my eyes to the heights of heaven, to disturb the Almighty with my prayer. Be my intercessor, I call on you as a prayer book for my past sins. You have received grace from the Mother of God to heal passions and drive away sorrows, so bend over the prisoner, be his comforter in sorrows, a healer in severe ailments, and a protector in attacks. Do not despise me, unworthy, intercede with God for grace for him who loved you. In the name of the one God in the Holy Trinity, the Glorified Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Days of veneration of the image

The Holiness is revered by both Orthodox and Catholics. Orthodox Christians hold prayer services in memory of the Savior on December 22 in the new style (January 4 in the old style). Catholics venerate Anastasia on December 25th.

Saint Anastasia is one of seven women, besides the Virgin Mary, who is included in the canon of the Mass.

Where are the relics of Her Holiness located?

Initially, the relics of the Saint were kept in Sirmium, where she was buried, then they were transferred to Constantinople. After a while, the relics of the Savior scattered throughout Europe. The most revered places with relics:

  • Benediktbeuern Monastery;
  • monastery on Holy Mount Athos;
  • Cathedral of St. Anastasia in Hovatia.

Remember, when you are overcome by any kind of illness: be it mental or physical, there is no shame in turning to the Saints for help. To those who believe in the help of the Lord, His grace will descend.

God bless you!

Watch also the video about the Great Martyr Anastasia:

Life of Anastasia the Pattern Maker and prayer to her

As often happens in life, an unexpected misfortune can overtake a person “out of the blue.” The world is unfair, and they can condemn an ​​innocent person for a crime he has not committed. There are often cases when someone became a victim of an unjust trial due to an absurd accident, a slander, or unwittingly turned from a witness into an accused.

Who should you look to for help if you can’t find truth on earth? One way is to turn to Anastasia the Pattern Maker in prayer, asking her for support and intercession.

Who is she?

The father of the future saint, a rich and noble Roman, was a pagan, and his mother secretly professed Christianity. Therefore, under her influence, Anastasia mastered the basics of the Christian faith from childhood, and in her youth she became a student of the pious and highly educated Christian Chrysogon.

When the girl’s mother died, her father married her to a certain Pomplius, who was also a pagan. Not wanting to be desecrated, Anastasia referred to a fictitious illness and retained her virginity.

She decided to devote her entire life to serving the prisoners languishing in prison, among whom were many Christians. This was the beginning of the 4th century - the time of the reign of Emperor Diocletian, a persecutor of adherents of the Christian faith.

The girl changed into beggar's rags and, accompanied by one maid, went to the dungeons, where brought food and drink, bandaged wounds, and sometimes freed fellow believers with the help of a ransom.

It is unknown for what reasons, but the maid told Pomplius about these visits, and he Having severely beaten Anastasia, he locked her in the house. Secret correspondence with the teacher served as spiritual support for the captive. Chrysogon taught her patience, thoughts about the Cross of Christ, preparing her for fearless service to Him.

In one of his letters, he predicted that Anastasia’s husband would soon die at sea. After some time, this is what happened: Pomplius, who was sailing on a ship as part of an embassy to Persia, actually drowned.

This freed the hands of the young widow, and Anastasia generously helped those in need, especially Christian prisoners.

Pagans have always been amazed at how steadfastly Christians endure all torture and torment.. Diocletian was informed about this, who in a rage ordered that all followers of Christian teachings in Roman prisons be executed in one night, and Chrysogon was sent to him. And Anastasia followed her spiritual mentor.

During a personal interrogation, the emperor demanded that Chrysogon renounce the faith of Christ, but, not achieving what he wanted, he ordered him to be beheaded and his remains thrown into the depths of the sea. However, the waves carried them to the shore, where they were found by the pious presbyter Zoilus. Having placed the remains of the martyr in the ark, he hid them in his home.

Chrysogonus prophesied even after his death. So, he appeared to Zoilus and warned that danger threatened three young Christian women who lived nearby, and ordered Anastasia to be sent to them so that she would spiritually strengthen them before the upcoming trials. And at the same time Saint Anastasia was shown in a vision the path to Zoilus.

After the death of three girls, having buried them in fulfillment of the teacher’s will, Anastasia went on a journey. During these years, she mastered the art of medicine, which helped her serve those in prison even more selflessly. It was this daily feat of hers that gave the saint the name Pattern Maker, i.e. “lightening bonds” - shackles, shackles.

The young pious widow Theodotia became Anastasia’s faithful assistant.. They visited prisons together and were then persecuted together.

When in once again By order of Diocletian, in one night all the prisoners professing Christ were destroyed in the dungeons. Anastasia, arriving at the prison and not finding anyone there, burst into tears, mourning them. The prison officials realized that she was also a Christian, and, seizing her, they took her to the ruler of this region..

The scenario for all interrogations of the pagans was the same: first they tried to persuade them to renounce with threats or, conversely, promises, and then resorted to torture. So it was with Anastasia. Having failed to achieve a result, the ruler handed it over to Ulpian, the Capitoline priest.

The insidious priest decided to “play on contrasts”: on the one hand, he placed jewelry, gold, luxurious clothes, and on the other, terrifying instruments of torture, offering the Christian this choice.

Steadfast in her faith, Anastasia did not set her sights on wealth and chose torture. However, her time had not yet come, and the Lord was pleased to prolong her selfless service to the suffering. The girl’s beauty did not go unnoticed by the priest, and he desired her. But, before he even had time to touch her, the tormentor was immediately deprived of his sight.

Overcome by despair and pain, the Capitoline priest rushed to run to the pagan sanctuary, begging the idols for help, but did not have time to reach him - he fell on the road and died.

Having been released, Anastasia, together with her faithful ally Theodotia, continued their ascetic activity. But soon Theodotia, along with her three sons, were captured and, after much torture, which they endured with courage, they were thrown into a red-hot furnace.

Anastasia was also arrested for the second time. She was sentenced to starvation. She spent two months in prison without food.. Every night the spiritual strength of the prisoner was strengthened by Theodotia appearing to her. Seeing that this execution did not bring harm to Anastasia, the judge pronounced a new sentence: to drown the saint along with 120 real criminals. Among those condemned was the persecuted Christian Eutychian.

The execution took place in this way: the ship with those sentenced to death was taken out to the open sea. The guard soldiers, having previously drilled holes in its bottom and sides, moved into the boat. However, this sentence was not destined to be fulfilled: Theodotia appeared to the condemned and sent the ship to the shore, which it safely reached.

Amazed by this miracle, all the prisoners believed in the truth of Christianity, and Anastasia and Eutychian baptized them. But they still had to glorify themselves with new trials. After some time, all the converts were captured, tortured and sentenced to martyrdom.

Saint Anastasia was stretched out in the form of a cross between four pillars, and a fire was laid below. However, her body was not damaged by the fire, and it was buried in the garden by a pious woman named Apollinaria.

In the 5th century, the incorruptible relics of the Great Martyr Anastasia were transferred to Constantinople. A temple was built here in her name. Later, not far from Holy Mount Athos, the monastery of Anastasia the Pattern Maker was created, and her head and right hand were transferred there.

What do they pray to her for?

Already based on the facts of the saint’s life, it can be assumed that They pray to her in situations where help is needed related to permission from bonds:

  • Those in custody are asking for relief from these very bonds.
  • Pious Christians - about turning to the Savior of those who have committed felony, as well as the lost.
  • Those who have realized their actions and repent of them can ask for speedy release.
  • About a fair trial - before the trial, in order to avoid imprisonment.

Pregnant women can also ask for a safe “permission from bonds”, since expectant mothers are also under the patronage of the saint. They pray to her during pregnancy and childbirth.

They turn to the Great Martyr Anastasia in every need, praying for family and friends, for physical and mental health.

Icon and prayers

O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! With your soul you stand in heaven at the throne of the Lord, and on earth you perform various healings by the grace given to you. Look mercifully at us, unworthy (names), asking for your help: extend your holy prayers to the Lord for us, and ask us for forgiveness of our sins, healing for the sick, quick help for the grieving and needy; pray to the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

If the trial has already taken place, the sentence has been announced or the person is already serving a sentence, it is useful for prisoners to read the following prayer:

Saint Anastasia, Pattern Maker! Help me in my sorrow, do not leave me with your mercy. The soul standing on the heavenly throne, tasting the Lord's mercy! Repose your holy face on the walls of the gloomy prison and let me, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), taste the pleasure of the glory of God. Look with your eye at the one standing in front of you, extend my prayers to the Lord and ask my soul for forgiveness of sins. For my iniquity, I do not dare to raise my eyes to the heights of heaven, to disturb the Almighty with my prayer. Be my intercessor, I call on you as a prayer book for my past sins. You have received grace from the Mother of God to heal passions and drive away sorrows, so bend over the prisoner, be his comforter in sorrows, a healer in severe ailments and a protector in attacks. Do not despise me, unworthy, intercede with God for grace for him who loved you. In the name of the one God in the Holy Trinity, the Glorified Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Religious reading: icon of Anastasia the Patternmaker prayer to help our readers.

O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! With your soul you stand in heaven at the throne of the Lord, and on earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings. Look mercifully upon us (names), asking for your help: extend your holy prayers to the Lord for us, and ask us for forgiveness of our sins, healing for the sick, quick help for the grieving and needy; pray to the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia, called the Pattern Maker

In temptation and sorrow, those who flow to your temple receive honest gifts from the Divine grace living in you, Anastasia: for you always bring healing to the world.

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker Icon of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Popular prayers:

All Icons Mother of God and Saints

Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel. Guardian angel

Prayer to St. Damian, presbyter of Pechersk, healer

Prayer to the holy martyr Neophytos

Prayer to Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh

Prayer to the Holy Venerable John Kushchnik

Prayer to Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Prayer to Saint Saint John of Pechersk

Prayers to St. Vitaly

Prayers to everyone Reverend Fathers Kiev-Pechersk

Prayer to the Righteous King and Prophet David, the Psalmist

Prayers to Saint Archangel Gabriel

Prayer to the holy martyr Polyeuctus

Prayer to the Hieromartyr Uary

Orthodox informers for websites and blogs All prayers.

Prayers to the Saints

Memory: December 22 / January 4

She was the daughter of a rich and noble Roman. With all her property she served the prisoners, among whom were many Christians. For her mercy and selfless service, the prisoners called her the Pattern Maker, i.e. "lightening the shackles." When they recognized her as a Christian, they subjected her to torture. They pray to the Holy Great Martyr for the easing of the bonds of those in captivity, for the conversion of those who are lost and who have fallen into serious crimes to Christ.

Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Troparion to the Great Martyr Anastasia, tone 4

On the occasion of the victorious Resurrection, you are truly named, the martyr of Christ, you brought victory to your enemies through torments with patience, for the sake of Christ, your Bridegroom, whom you loved. Pray to him to save our souls.

Kontakion to the Great Martyr Anastasia, tone 2

In the temptations and sorrows that exist, flowing to your temple, they receive honest gifts from the Divine grace living in you, Anastasia: for you always bring healing to the world.

Prayer to the Great Martyr Anastasia

O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your soul in heaven at the throne of the Lord, and on earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings: look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your holy icon, asking for your help: extend your holy prayers to the Lord for us, unworthy (names) ), and ask us for forgiveness of our sins, healing for the sick, quick help for the grieving and needy: pray to the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His terrible judgment, so that we too may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit together with you. forever and ever. Amen.

Akathist to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker:

Canon to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker:

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker:

  • Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker– Pravoslavie.Ru
Read other prayers in the "Orthodox Prayer Book" section

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Icon of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Many funds are given to help Orthodox Christians. Thus, an important part of spiritual life is the veneration of icons. An icon is an image that relates our mind to the prototype, to the saint, the Lord, the Mother of God. Prayers in front of miraculous icons truly work miracles, as there is plenty of evidence from Christian believers. Thus, one of the very revered icons is the icon of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker. Who does she help and when should you pray to her?

Help to Saint Anastasia

Saint Anastasia is a martyr of the first centuries of Christianity, who suffered from cruel persecution by the pagan emperor Diocletian. She was born in Rome, in the family of a pagan father and a mother who was a secret Christian. It was the mother who planted the seed of true faith in her daughter’s soul, which eventually bore fruit.

Having received a good education, Anastasia became known as an intelligent and pious girl. She had a spiritual mentor, the righteous man Chrysogon, who supported his student’s desire for Christian piety. However, the father of the righteous woman decided to marry her to a pagan. But the martyr managed to maintain purity even in marriage, citing an incurable illness that prevented married life.

During the time of Emperor Diocletian, Roman prisons were overcrowded with Christians, as true faith in God was brutally persecuted. Anastasia chose high service for herself - she secretly made her way into prisons, where she helped and supported prisoners to the best of her ability. She fed them, treated them, treated their wounds after torture and torture. But most importantly, she supported the prisoners in standing up for the faith and Christ. Thanks to her, many martyrs of that time received relief from their imprisonment.

Interesting! Saint Anastasia also died as a martyr, having been executed for her faith and help to other followers of the faith of Christ. Since then, she has stood before the Throne of God and raised our prayers to Him, helping all believers, just as she did during her earthly life.

Prayer before the icon of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker helps:

  • to endure the hardships of imprisonment for convicts in prison;
  • gain confidence and strength before the court;
  • avoid unfair condemnation;
  • do not lose faith in the most difficult life situations.

Since in her earthly life the saint of God helped prisoners a lot, it is customary to pray in front of her icon for those who are serving sentences in prison. Her image is especially revered by religious prisoners; prayer services are held for her in every prison church.

How to pray correctly in front of the icon of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Perhaps the most important point to understand is that it is not the icon that helps. It is not a board with paint or paper with printing that works miracles, heals and brings help. All this is given to us only by the Lord God out of His great love for every sinful person.

An icon is an image of a righteous person to whom we pray. This is a help to our mind, which is scattered over everything earthly, even in prayer. Looking at the image, it is easier for a person to concentrate on the main thing and not be distracted. Therefore, you should not endow Orthodox icons with any magical properties. The image of the saint is revered in our church, but precisely because he bears the image of a person who is with God in a better world. It is the personality of the glorified righteous man that matters, and not the fact of applying the image to paper or wood.

In addition, it is completely pointless to pray in front of an icon without faith in God. Saint Anastasia will not be able to help a person who turns to her for help in worldly matters, completely forgetting about the Heavenly Father. This often happens in today's life - people run to God's saints, as if they were some kind of wizards who can fulfill this or that desire.

You need to approach the image of Anastasia the Pattern Maker with firm trust in God’s Providence and with a pure heart. Then she will definitely hear and help. If a person is imprisoned justly and is being punished for truly committing evil, one must repent and ask holy help in atonement for sin.

Important! It is completely unacceptable to stand in front of an icon and ask for help in some unholy matter, for example, in hiding one’s guilt and the desire to escape a well-deserved punishment.

If a person seeks God's help dishonestly, deceiving other people, causing them harm, such help will never come. Moreover, such a person will burden his soul even more with sin, since asking God to help in an evil deed is blasphemy.

Where is it better to pray in front of the icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker - at home or in a temple?

There is no big difference where one approaches the image, as long as a person does it with faith. Another question is that for a Christian believer, visiting church is an integral part of spiritual life. And if life circumstances have developed in such a way that Saint Anastasia’s help is needed, then, of course, you cannot do without visiting the temple.

Having found an icon of Anastasia in the temple, you can buy a candle and place it on a candlestick. You can also venerate the shrine and pray in your own words, tell your misfortune and ask for help and consolation. In addition, you can order a prayer service for this particular saint, which it is advisable to attend in person.

In addition to visiting the temple, you can ask for help from the icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker and at home. To do this, you need to stand in front of the home iconostasis, where there is an image of your favorite saint, and ask her for help. It should not be forgotten that Anastasia the Patternmaker helps not by herself, but only by interceding for each person before God. Therefore, it is important that in the home iconostasis, in addition to the icons of beloved righteous people, in the first place there are icons of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother the Virgin Mary.

In addition, you can always take a small icon with the face of God’s saint with you on the road, or when going, for example, to court. If a person is ready to endure difficulties, putting himself in the hands of God and completely surrendering to His will, then the help of the saint will certainly be, and the person will feel it.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Icon and prayers of Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker

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The Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker had a difficult lot - to protect prisoners in prison dungeons from the bonds of melancholy and grief, from which she herself suffered. Saint Anastasia appeared to the world in an ordinary family. Washing was a secret Christian, which is what her daughter taught. She was the most capable student of Chrysogonus of Aquileia. She was famous for her kindness and ability to sympathize and her great desire to help people.

Icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Around the 3rd century AD, there were a large number of Christian prisoners in the dungeons of Rome. Anastasia secretly made her way into the prison rooms and fed the prisoners, bandaged their wounds, washed them, and looked after the completely infirm. When the husband found out about his wife’s deeds, he severely beat her and locked her in the room, placing guards at the door.

A lot of bad things befell the Great Martyr, but she was able to overcome all adversities and began to wander around the world to serve people who were imprisoned. Then the Almighty gave her the gift of healing. With her work and kind words, the Saint made life easier for many prisoners, helped them get rid of the bonds of despair and helplessness, which is why she was called the Pattern Maker.

Anastasia helped people and considered this her calling in life, but she herself suffered torment as punishment for her help. She was stretched between four pillars and burned. The fire could not damage the Saint's body. Soon the woman Appolinaria took her and buried her with all honors in her vineyard. This is how Anastasia’s suffering feat is noted in history.

The image of the Great Martyr Anastasia is the face of a woman holding a cross in her right hand, and in her left hand a small vessel with holy oil. As you know, holy oil is the best medicine for those who are sick. In Greece, the Saint is called the Healer, since she actually healed:

  • mental wounds,
  • removed the bonds of fear,
  • relieved melancholy and sorrow,
  • treated for bodily illnesses.

Icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker, what helps

Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker, how her image helps people can go on and on. They address the righteous Great Martyr:

  • those who thirst for help to get rid of the bonds of sin;
  • for deliverance from fear and from mental heaviness;
  • Eastern Slavs pray to Anastasia during childbirth, as they consider her the patroness of pregnancy;
  • illegally convicted in order to be acquitted;
  • prisoners pray before her icon for a speedy release.

To this day, in many prison cells around the world there are icons with the face of the Saint: the condemned bow before her and ask for forgiveness for their worldly sins, begging for the Lord’s forgiveness through her.

Prayer from prison to Anastasia the Pattern Maker

The strongest Orthodox prayer from prison gives moral strength and gives faith in a speedy release. They address prayerful words specifically to Anastasia, because at one time she herself was a prisoner in her own house.

To call on Anastasia for help, you need to ask Her Holiness with pure thoughts, so that she turns to Jesus and begs for his will for the illegally detained.

Prayer to Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker

“Thou art truly named after the Victorious Resurrection, the martyr of Christ; thou hast brought victory to the torment of patience over the enemies, for the sake of Christ, thy Bridegroom, Whom thou hast loved. Pray to him to save our souls".

Also, Orthodox Christians who are already in prison resort to the image of the Savior and pray to her for liberation with these words:

“O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand in soul in heaven at the Throne of the Lord, but on earth you performed various healings by the grace given to you; look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your icon, asking for your help, extend holy prayers to the Lord for us and ask us for forgiveness of our sins, help in merciful works, strengthening of the spirit in service, meekness, humility and obedience, healing for the sick, for the grieving , in the bonds of those who are present, quick help and intercession, beg the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that together with you we may be able to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to Anastasia the Pattern Maker for release from prison

“Saint Anastasia, Pattern Maker! Help me in my sorrow, do not leave me with your mercy. The soul standing on the heavenly throne, tasting the Lord's mercy! Repose your holy face on the walls of the gloomy prison and let me, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), taste the pleasure of the glory of God. Look with your eye at the one standing in front of you, extend my prayers to the Lord and ask my soul for forgiveness of sins. For my iniquity, I do not dare to raise my eyes to the heights of heaven, to disturb the Almighty with my prayer. Be my intercessor, I call on you as a prayer book for my past sins. You have received grace from the Mother of God to heal passions and drive away sorrows, so bend over the prisoner, be his comforter in sorrows, a healer in severe ailments, and a protector in attacks. Do not despise me, unworthy, intercede with God for grace for him who loved you. In the name of the one God in the Holy Trinity, the Glorified Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Days of veneration of the image

The Holiness is revered by both Orthodox and Catholics. Orthodox Christians hold prayer services in memory of the Savior on December 22 in the new style (January 4 in the old style). Catholics venerate Anastasia on December 25th.

Saint Anastasia is one of seven women, besides the Virgin Mary, who is included in the canon of the Mass.

Where are the relics of Her Holiness located?

Initially, the relics of the Saint were kept in Sirmium, where she was buried, then they were transferred to Constantinople. After a while, the relics of the Savior scattered throughout Europe. The most revered places with relics:

  • Benediktbeuern Monastery;
  • monastery on Holy Mount Athos;
  • Cathedral of St. Anastasia in Hovatia.

Remember, when you are overcome by any kind of illness: be it mental or physical, there is no shame in turning to the Saints for help. To those who believe in the help of the Lord, His grace will descend.

God bless you!

Watch also the video about the Great Martyr Anastasia:

Life of Anastasia the Pattern Maker and prayer to her

As often happens in life, an unexpected misfortune can overtake a person “out of the blue.” The world is unfair, and they can condemn an ​​innocent person for a crime he has not committed. There are often cases when someone became a victim of an unjust trial due to an absurd accident, a slander, or unwittingly turned from a witness into an accused.

Who should you look to for help if you can’t find truth on earth? One way is to turn to Anastasia the Pattern Maker in prayer, asking her for support and intercession.

Who is she?

The father of the future saint, a rich and noble Roman, was a pagan, and his mother secretly professed Christianity. Therefore, under her influence, Anastasia mastered the basics of the Christian faith from childhood, and in her youth she became a student of the pious and highly educated Christian Chrysogon.

When the girl’s mother died, her father married her to a certain Pomplius, who was also a pagan. Not wanting to be desecrated, Anastasia referred to a fictitious illness and retained her virginity.

She decided to devote her entire life to serving the prisoners languishing in prison, among whom were many Christians. This was the beginning of the 4th century - the time of the reign of Emperor Diocletian, a persecutor of adherents of the Christian faith.

The girl changed into beggar's rags and, accompanied by one maid, went to the dungeons, where brought food and drink, bandaged wounds, and sometimes freed fellow believers with the help of a ransom.

It is unknown for what reasons, but the maid told Pomplius about these visits, and he Having severely beaten Anastasia, he locked her in the house. Secret correspondence with the teacher served as spiritual support for the captive. Chrysogon taught her patience, thoughts about the Cross of Christ, preparing her for fearless service to Him.

In one of his letters, he predicted that Anastasia’s husband would soon die at sea. After some time, this is what happened: Pomplius, who was sailing on a ship as part of an embassy to Persia, actually drowned.

This freed the hands of the young widow, and Anastasia generously helped those in need, especially Christian prisoners.

Pagans have always been amazed at how steadfastly Christians endure all torture and torment.. Diocletian was informed about this, who in a rage ordered that all followers of Christian teachings in Roman prisons be executed in one night, and Chrysogon was sent to him. And Anastasia followed her spiritual mentor.

During a personal interrogation, the emperor demanded that Chrysogon renounce the faith of Christ, but, not achieving what he wanted, he ordered him to be beheaded and his remains thrown into the depths of the sea. However, the waves carried them to the shore, where they were found by the pious presbyter Zoilus. Having placed the remains of the martyr in the ark, he hid them in his home.

Chrysogonus prophesied even after his death. So, he appeared to Zoilus and warned that danger threatened three young Christian women who lived nearby, and ordered Anastasia to be sent to them so that she would spiritually strengthen them before the upcoming trials. And at the same time Saint Anastasia was shown in a vision the path to Zoilus.

After the death of three girls, having buried them in fulfillment of the teacher’s will, Anastasia went on a journey. During these years, she mastered the art of medicine, which helped her serve those in prison even more selflessly. It was this daily feat of hers that gave the saint the name Pattern Maker, i.e. “lightening bonds” - shackles, shackles.

The young pious widow Theodotia became Anastasia’s faithful assistant.. They visited prisons together and were then persecuted together.

When once again, by order of Diocletian, all the prisoners professing Christ were destroyed in one night in the dungeons, Anastasia, coming to prison and not finding anyone there, burst into tears, mourning them. The prison officials realized that she was also a Christian, and, seizing her, they took her to the ruler of this region..

The scenario for all interrogations of the pagans was the same: first they tried to persuade them to renounce with threats or, conversely, promises, and then resorted to torture. So it was with Anastasia. Having failed to achieve a result, the ruler handed it over to Ulpian, the Capitoline priest.

The insidious priest decided to “play on contrasts”: on the one hand, he placed jewelry, gold, luxurious clothes, and on the other, terrifying instruments of torture, offering the Christian this choice.

Steadfast in her faith, Anastasia did not set her sights on wealth and chose torture. However, her time had not yet come, and the Lord was pleased to prolong her selfless service to the suffering. The girl’s beauty did not go unnoticed by the priest, and he desired her. But, before he even had time to touch her, the tormentor was immediately deprived of his sight.

Overcome by despair and pain, the Capitoline priest rushed to run to the pagan sanctuary, begging the idols for help, but did not have time to reach him - he fell on the road and died.

Having been released, Anastasia, together with her faithful ally Theodotia, continued their ascetic activity. But soon Theodotia, along with her three sons, were captured and, after much torture, which they endured with courage, they were thrown into a red-hot furnace.

Anastasia was also arrested for the second time. She was sentenced to starvation. She spent two months in prison without food.. Every night the spiritual strength of the prisoner was strengthened by Theodotia appearing to her. Seeing that this execution did not bring harm to Anastasia, the judge pronounced a new sentence: to drown the saint along with 120 real criminals. Among those condemned was the persecuted Christian Eutychian.

The execution took place in this way: the ship with those sentenced to death was taken out to the open sea. The guard soldiers, having previously drilled holes in its bottom and sides, moved into the boat. However, this sentence was not destined to be fulfilled: Theodotia appeared to the condemned and sent the ship to the shore, which it safely reached.

Amazed by this miracle, all the prisoners believed in the truth of Christianity, and Anastasia and Eutychian baptized them. But they still had to glorify themselves with new trials. After some time, all the converts were captured, tortured and sentenced to martyrdom.

Saint Anastasia was stretched out in the form of a cross between four pillars, and a fire was laid below. However, her body was not damaged by the fire, and it was buried in the garden by a pious woman named Apollinaria.

In the 5th century, the incorruptible relics of the Great Martyr Anastasia were transferred to Constantinople. A temple was built here in her name. Later, not far from Holy Mount Athos, the monastery of Anastasia the Pattern Maker was created, and her head and right hand were transferred there.

What do they pray to her for?

Already based on the facts of the saint’s life, it can be assumed that They pray to her in situations where help is needed related to permission from bonds:

  • Those in custody are asking for relief from these very bonds.
  • Pious Christians are about turning to the Savior those who have committed a serious crime, as well as the lost.
  • Those who have realized their actions and repent of them can ask for speedy release.
  • About a fair trial - before the trial, in order to avoid imprisonment.

Pregnant women can also ask for a safe “permission from bonds”, since expectant mothers are also under the patronage of the saint. They pray to her during pregnancy and childbirth.

They turn to the Great Martyr Anastasia in every need, praying for family and friends, for physical and mental health.

Icon and prayers

O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! With your soul you stand in heaven at the throne of the Lord, and on earth you perform various healings by the grace given to you. Look mercifully at us, unworthy (names), asking for your help: extend your holy prayers to the Lord for us, and ask us for forgiveness of our sins, healing for the sick, quick help for the grieving and needy; pray to the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

If the trial has already taken place, the sentence has been announced or the person is already serving a sentence, it is useful for prisoners to read the following prayer:

Saint Anastasia, Pattern Maker! Help me in my sorrow, do not leave me with your mercy. The soul standing on the heavenly throne, tasting the Lord's mercy! Repose your holy face on the walls of the gloomy prison and let me, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), taste the pleasure of the glory of God. Look with your eye at the one standing in front of you, extend my prayers to the Lord and ask my soul for forgiveness of sins. For my iniquity, I do not dare to raise my eyes to the heights of heaven, to disturb the Almighty with my prayer. Be my intercessor, I call on you as a prayer book for my past sins. You have received grace from the Mother of God to heal passions and drive away sorrows, so bend over the prisoner, be his comforter in sorrows, a healer in severe ailments and a protector in attacks. Do not despise me, unworthy, intercede with God for grace for him who loved you. In the name of the one God in the Holy Trinity, the Glorified Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen.



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