Topic: Heavenly Letter.

Target: Show children that only the Bible is the true source of light in the world.

Biblical Source: 2 Peter 1.19

Golden Verse: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Ps.119.105

1. Motivation. 5 minutes

Imagine that you are lost in the forest on a dark night. Before you is a set of items

(belt, hairpin, clothespin, toothbrush, matches, compass, flashlight, cookies, blank sheet, map).

Which of these items will help you get out? (Children can speak to name a compass, a map, but without light we cannot use them, so the correct answer is a flashlight, matches.) And why? (because they give light). In the same way, the Bible, which records God's words to people, is a source of light for people who, without it, cannot see their path in life.

The Bible says: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Ps.119.105.

2. The Ever-Living Bible 5 min.

3. Subject lesson “True author” 5 min

4. Conversation. The Bible is light. 5 minutes

Ask the children what sources of light on earth they know?

Turn to 2 Peter 1.19 and read with the children. Ask the children to name any of the lamps listed earlier that they like best.

Tell me, if you light a candle at night, can it illuminate a large space? No. Only the area where she stands. Can an electric lantern illuminate an entire city? No. Only the area where the lantern is located. Can the stars, moon and sun illuminate the entire earth? No. Only that piece of land that is turned towards the luminaries.

All earthly luminaries are so weak that they are used by us only in a given place. But the Bible tells us about the surest prophetic word that illuminates the human heart and is a beacon in the darkness of the world. This is the heavenly Letter that God left for us - the Bible. Scripture compares the Bible to earthly sources of light burning in darkness. After all, it’s convenient to see a deep hole at night in the light of a lantern and not fall into it. It is also good to light a candle late in the evening when the lights in the house are turned off. The Bible is the only source of light that answers all questions of the human heart.

5. Golden verse 5min

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119.105.

To help children learn the golden verse, we suggest playing a game.

Place the cards with the words of the verse in the desired order on the floor or table, read them all together. Then place all the cards in a paper bag. Children stand in a circle. While you count to ten, they pass a paper bag to each other. When you stop counting, the person holding the paper bag takes a card out of it, reads the word and recites the golden verse starting with that word.

6. Sketch “The Secret of Understanding the Bible” 5 min

7.Prayer 5min

8. Game 10 min

The child is blindfolded, then several candies are laid out in front of him and he is asked to find them. Then the child must choose a person whom he will trust. He is blindfolded again and again looks for candy blindfolded, but the other children give him hints. The one the child chose gives the correct answer, and everyone else tries to confuse him. The seeker's task is to distinguish the voice that tells correctly and find the candy. Then the child's eyes are untied and he can collect the candy. You need to compare when it was easiest to find candy.

Conclusion: A blindfolded person cannot see anything, so it is difficult for him to find candy. In life, a person who does not read the Bible is like a person blindfolded, and one who reads and does what is written in it is like a person whose eyes are open. The voices that prevented us from finding candy are the voices of people in life: our friends, acquaintances, maybe teachers, who tell us what to do. And the only voice you can trust is the Word of God, which contains the right answers to all questions.

At the end of the game, each child must receive candy.

So, how does God communicate with us? What is the Bible for a person? Where can we find answers to all questions?

Doctrinal Lesson

“Pay attention to yourself and to the teaching, do this constantly: for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you” (1 Tim. 4:16) Scripture teaches that it is important to study the teaching of Jesus Christ, i.e. Christian doctrines in which we believe. Not only adults, but also children need to know the teachings of their Savior. Therefore, a doctrinal lesson is one way to convey faith to a child and convey to him the Word of God. To teach this doctrinal lesson, you will need to prepare a visual aid for each sentence that conveys doctrine. We offer you ready-made pictures with the Main Truth and doctrines written on them. You can color them.
The main truth is a phrase that is repeated often during the story so that children can remember it well.
Introduction: Item Place the Bible in a large envelope. Show the envelope to the children. Let them try to determine what lies in it. “How many of you have ever received letters? Guys, let’s see what kind of letter is here?!” Take the Bible out of the envelope. Children can tell that this is the Bible, not a letter. Linking sentence: You know, the Bible is the longest letter in the world! And this is God's letter to you. You are probably thinking, “But how did God write this letter, since He lives in Heaven?”


You know, the Bible is God's letter to you, but He used people to write it. 40 different people wrote the Bible. Among them were a king, a shepherd, a doctor, a fisherman, and prophets. God used them all to write the Bible - His letter to you. The Bible was written for a very long time - more than 1500 years. The Bible consists of two parts. Who knows which ones? Right! From the Old and New Testaments. The Bible also consists of small books. There are a lot of them - 66. God wrote such a long letter to you - the Bible. Linking Sentence: You might be thinking, “The Bible took so long to be written by so many different people. Can you trust everything that is written there? What if people got something mixed up?”


Although the Bible was written by people, everything that is written there is true, because God said it. The Holy Spirit, who lives in you and in me, also lived in these people. And the Holy Spirit spoke to them the Words that God wanted to be written in the Bible. Let's open the Bible now and read about this (2 Pet. 1:21): “For prophecy was never made by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” So you can rest assured that everything that is written in the Bible is true. God wrote this book for you. Linking sentence: Why do you think God wrote you such a long letter - the Bible? (Children answer.)


Right! Because you don't see God. How can you find out about Him? For this purpose, God wrote His letter to you - the Bible. It records what God is like, what He likes and what He doesn’t like. If you want to know more about God, you need to read the Bible. If you find it difficult to read on your own or don’t understand everything, ask your parents to read the Bible with you. Linking sentence: Who else do you think is written about in the Bible?


Yes, imagine what the Bible says about you too! It may not have your name on it, but it does say that God made you special. There is no one like you in the whole world. God created not only you, but also your parents and all, all people. Application: So if you hear someone say that man came from apes, or that you were found in cabbage, do not agree with these words. You can respond by saying that God created you. After all, you know about this from the Bible - God's letters to you. It says that God has a wonderful plan for your life. Linking sentence: But in order for this plan to come true, you need to do the right thing. How do you know what is right and what is wrong?


So that you know how to do the right thing, God wrote His letter to you - the Bible. Application: Maybe you started first grade this year and you are afraid that they will laugh at you when they find out that you are a believer. And you don’t know what to do: tell or remain silent? If you don't know the right thing to do, you need to look to the Bible for the answer. Who can tell me what advice God gives in this situation in the Bible - in His letter to you? Only by reading the Bible can you learn God's rules for your life and mine. But God also gives hints on how to fulfill the rules. That is why He wrote this letter to His children - the Bible. Linking sentence: Who do you think can understand what God wrote in His letter to His children? (Children answer.) Correct! Children of God! After all, God wrote the Bible for them.


Do you remember that the Bible is God's letter to you. If you are a child of God, then you can not just hold this letter in your hands and expressively read it for evaluation. If you are a child of God, you can understand what the Bible says. But what should those who have not yet made friends with God, who have not become His children, do? In the Bible, God wrote about this too - about how to become a child of God. Who can tell me what I need for this? (Listen to the children, repeat the correct answers.) Call to repentance: If you have never asked Jesus to take away your sins, you can do this today. When you ask for forgiveness for your sins, you can become friends with God. And then He will make you His child. If you want, stay after class and I will show you in the Bible how you can become a child of God. Linking sentence: You now know that the Bible is God's letter to you. But that is not all. Know that God wrote this letter to you not only to read it, but also to do what is written in it.


God gave you advice on how to live and tips on how to act better, not just for you to know. God spoke about Himself and His rules so that your life changes for the better. Therefore, God wrote this letter to you - the Bible, so that you read it, and fulfill what you read about. Application: There is probably someone in your class from a low-income family. Most likely, he has few friends. And although you already know that the Bible teaches you to share with those in need, you still doubt whether to treat him with an apple. You can, of course, pretend that you didn’t notice him. But know that the Bible is God's letter to you. God wants you to read the Bible and do what it says. What should you do? Distribute worksheets with the questions listed below.

Read Mark 1:1-8 with the children and answer the questions:
What does the Bible say about God in this passage?
What does she tell me about me?
About what should I do?
Decision-making: This week read the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark. Write down on a piece of paper what you learn about God, yourself, and how you should act. You can ask your parents to help you with this. And at the next meeting, tell us about your discoveries.

Lesson developed by Vladimir Prokhorov, Dnepropetrovsk

Summary of the conversation, Bible for children, Orthodoxy lessons. Lesson about the Bible (introductory). The Bible is God's letter to you: it tells about you

Lesson: First day of Sunday School.

Topic: Why come to VS?

Bible Verse: And they constantly continued in the teaching of the Apostles, in fellowship and in the breaking of bread and in prayer. (Acts 2:42)

Biblical truth: VS is a church for children

Song: Wave your hand to everyone



Introduction: What event happens every year on September 1st? Guys, on September 1, each of you went to school. Some are in fifth grade, some in third, some in first. Answer me this question: why should children go to school? (children's answers) yes, guys, your parents want you to learn to read, write, count, and learn a lot of new things about the world in which we live. This is why you go to school.

Let's think about this question together: Why come to Higher School?

But first, answer me this question: Who usually comes to VS? That's right, VS is intended for children - like you! After all, VS is a church for children. Why do people go to church? Once we answer this question, we can answer another.

Let's read Acts of the Apostles chapter 2, verse 42. “And they continued continually in the teaching of the apostles, in fellowship, and in the breaking of bread and in prayer.”

When the church first began, and there was only one single church in the whole world, people gathered together to:

1. study – The first members of the church studied with the Apostles – disciples of Jesus. Our fathers and mothers study in church with the pastor, and our children study in high school with a teacher. But we all have one textbook - the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God that tells us about God. Every time you come to VS, you will learn more about God from His Book.

2. communicate – When people who believe in Jesus communicate with each other, it helps them become better and stronger. They can help each other, follow each other's example, support each other when it's hard for them. Children from high school also need to be friends and communicate with each other.

3.break bread – this was the commandment given by Jesus. Believers were required to regularly remember the death and suffering of Jesus Christ. By breaking bread, they fulfilled this important commandment. We too can remember the suffering of Jesus together.

4. pray – of course, people come to church to pray. And we at VS also pray to Jesus. In prayer we glorify God, ask Him for our needs and the needs of our friends, tell Him about our actions, sins, thoughts, desires. And when we pray together, the power of our prayers increases.

The early church members did this ALL THE TIME!

We also need to constantly, every Sunday, come to church and to the Higher School, so as not to miss anything.

Let's read our Bible verse together now:

“And they continued continually in the teaching of the apostles, in fellowship, and in the breaking of bread and in prayer.” (Acts 2:42)

The Bible clearly tells us that every believer in Jesus Christ must go to church. Church for children is your Sunday school. You need to come to Sunday School to learn from the Bible, communicate with fellow believers like you, remember together the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, pray together and do thousands of other things. All of this will help you grow in faith in Jesus and glorify Him in your life. So let's be faithful in this matter, because Sunday School is created for you, it is a church for children!


Inventory: inflated balloon, music

Line up the children in a circle. Give one of them a balloon. The balloon is a bomb that must be carefully passed around in a circle. You can't throw it - it's a bomb. When the music stops, a question is asked. Whoever does not answer explodes and leaves the game.

1. For whom was the VS created?
2. Which book of the Bible contains our Bible verse for today?
3. What did the first Christians do in the first Church?
4. Why should Christians read the Bible?
5. Why do believers in Jesus need to fellowship with each other?
6. What does breaking bread remind us of?
7. What can we pray to God about together?
8. How often should Christians come to Church?
9. How often should you come to VS?
10. Why do you need to go to Higher School?
11. Recite Acts 2:42

SONG: Wave your hand to everyone (see next message)

Lesson “What is the Bible?”
If you have the opportunity, then purchase some item that will need to be assembled (in the needlework department), remove all the stickers and put away the instructions. Lay out the details in front of the children and ask what it is and what to do with it. Among the children there will be someone who will ask where the box or picture is. Here, explain that in life it’s exactly the same, we often don’t know what or how to do, and we need instructions. The Bible is precisely an instruction manual for life. Give children instructions and the opportunity to fold the item correctly.

Main part:
(stated by the teacher)

You know, the Bible is God's letter to you, but He used people to write it. God found a pious person to whom he revealed what to write. For example, the prophet Jeremiah. Read Jeremiah 30:2 “Thus saith the Lord…. write all the words to yourself..." b. There were about 40 such people. They were from different classes: there were noble kings, shepherds, statesmen and simple fishermen. The main thing for God was not how rich a person was or how educated he was, He looked at the heart that was capable of hearing and transmitting. The Bible consists of two parts. Who knows which ones? Right! From the Old and New Testaments. The Bible also consists of small books. There are a lot of them - 66. God wrote such a long letter to you - the Bible. Linking Sentence: You might be thinking, “The Bible took so long to be written by so many different people. Can you trust everything that is written there? What if people got something mixed up?”

Although the Bible was written by people, everything that is written there is true, because God said it. The Holy Spirit, who lives in you and in me, also lived in these people. And the Holy Spirit spoke to them the Words that God wanted to be written in the Bible. So you can rest assured that everything that is written in the Bible is true. God wrote this book for you. Linking sentence: Why do you think God wrote you such a long letter - the Bible? (Children answer.)

Right! Because you don't see God. How can you find out about Him? For this purpose, God wrote His letter to you - the Bible. It records what God is like, what He likes and what He doesn’t like. If you want to know more about God, you need to read the Bible. If you find it difficult to read on your own or don’t understand everything, ask your parents to read the Bible with you. Linking sentence: Who else do you think is written about in the Bible?

Yes, imagine what the Bible says about you too! It may not have your name on it, but it does say that God made you special. There is no one like you in the whole world. God created not only you, but also your parents and all, all people. Application: So if you hear someone say that man came from apes, or that you were found in cabbage, do not agree with these words. You can respond by saying that God created you. After all, you know about this from the Bible - God's letters to you. It says that God has a wonderful plan for your life. Linking sentence: But in order for this plan to come true, you need to do the right thing. How do you know what is right and what is wrong?

So that you know how to do the right thing, God wrote His letter to you - the Bible. Application: Maybe you started first grade this year and you are afraid that they will laugh at you when they find out that you are a believer. And you don’t know what to do: tell or remain silent? If you don't know the right thing to do, you need to look to the Bible for the answer. Who can tell me what advice God gives in this situation in the Bible - in His letter to you? Only by reading the Bible can you learn God's rules for your life and mine. But God also gives hints on how to fulfill the rules. That is why He wrote this letter to His children - the Bible. Linking sentence: Who do you think can understand what God wrote in His letter to His children? (Children answer.) Correct! Children of God! After all, God wrote the Bible for them.

God gave you advice on how to live and tips on how to act better, not just for you to know. God spoke about Himself and His rules so that your life changes for the better. Therefore, God wrote this letter to you - the Bible, so that you read it, and fulfill what you read about. Application: There is probably someone in your class from a low-income family. Most likely, he has few friends. And although you already know that the Bible teaches you to share with those in need, you still doubt whether to treat him with an apple. You can, of course, pretend that you didn’t notice him. But know that the Bible is God's letter to you. God wants you to read the Bible and do what it says.

Assignment to what has been said: let's find confirmation of what we told you in the Bible itself. Give the children verses from the Bible; they must match them with the pictures the teacher used to tell the story.

1) Jeremiah 30:2
2) Psalm 119:86
3) John 5:39
4) Gen 1:27
5) 1 Tim. 3:15
6) Deut 30:16
There are many (arms to the sides) books (open palms) in the world (draw a globe). We can’t count them all (count with our index finger).
But the most valuable of all is one (depict a book).
The one that God (hands up) has given us
(Hands extended in front of you, palms up).
Keep it in your heart (fold your arms over your chest).
Don't throw (throw something with both hands),
don’t crumple (imagine crumpling paper in your hands),
don’t tear (imagine tearing a leaf).
The Lord will bless those (hands to the sky),
Who honors the Holy Book (use your hands to depict a book and bow).

Questions: (“classics”)

1) What book did we talk about today?
2) Who is the Author of this book?
3) How many people wrote the Bible?
4) What are the two main parts of the Bible?
5) How can we know about God?
6) Where did people come from?
7) How can we know what to do right?
8) Why did God give us the Bible?
9) Why is it necessary to do what is written in the Bible?
10) What were Bibles written on in the old days?

The story “How do you love the Bible?” (impromptu theater)
One day, a mother sent her little son Styopa to the store to buy soap.
The saleswoman, having weighed the soap, wanted to wrap it. On the counter, among a pile of old papers, lay some kind of thick book. It was the Bible. The saleswoman took it in her hands and wanted to tear the sheet out of it. Styopka looked at the woman with big, surprised eyes. And as soon as her hand touched the first page, the boy exclaimed:
- Auntie, what are you doing, this is the Bible!?
- So what?! - the woman answered indignantly.
- This is the Bible! What are you going to do with her?
- Like what? “Wrap the soap,” the saleswoman answered.
- How can you do this? Is it possible to tear pages from the Bible? - objected the surprised boy.
“What are you saying, how smart?!” the woman answered a little angrily. “I specifically bought such a thick and old book so that I would have something to wrap the goods in.”
Stepan couldn’t just leave it like that and continued to express his childish thoughts:
- Oh, aunt, aunt! How I wish this old Bible was mine. I would never tear pages out of it.
To this the saleswoman responded to the interesting buyer:
- Okay, let’s say I can give you the Bible, but only if you return me the money I spent on it.
To the boy’s surprise, the Bible was very inexpensive, only a few kopecks.
“Is this true?” Stepan asked. - I’ll quickly run home now and ask my mother for money. Just don't give it to anyone. Yes, I almost forgot, and don’t tear up any more pages,” a satisfied Styopa shouted from the threshold. Having run home, he was barely able to utter his request:
- Mom, you know, there’s a Bible in the shop. I can buy it. Give me some money please.
- I'm sorry, what? - Mom asked. “What do you need money for?”
- Well, how about what? A saleswoman in a shop tears out pages from the Bible. But she promised to give it to me if I gave her back the money she spent when she bought it from someone. This is very little! Just a few pennies!
- But we have no money at all. What should I do with you, my boy?
Stepan, confused by his mother’s answer, ran out into the street and again headed to the shop.
With tears in his eyes, he approached the saleswoman:
- My mother has no money... But I beg you, do not tear up the Bible, because, I know, the words of our God are written in it.
The woman's heart softened. She stroked the boy on the head, and then came up with:
- You know what, don't cry. Bring me a replacement for the old paper, at least as much as your Bible weighs.
Styopka didn’t expect to hear this! He really liked the offer of his aunt, who sells all sorts of things.
Stepan ran back home and asked his mother for some old paper. Then he went to his neighbors, acquaintances, and friends. He brought everything he managed to collect into the shop with great pleasure.
- What a fine fellow!
Stepan's joy knew no bounds:
- Mine, my Bible!
Joyful, he ran home and shouted to his mother from the doorway:
- Mommy, I now have my own, real Bible!
Conclusion: Did you like the story about Stepan? I would really like you, too, to love and treasure the Bible the way our hero does. He knew that this book contained the Words of our Lord

Lessons for children

In children's Christian camps

Lesson 1. God is the Author of the Bible

1. What is the Bible?

A. The Bible is an amazing book, both similar and different from others.

1) It was written over 1600 years.

2) 40 people were scribes recording the words of God.

3) The Bible consists of two sections

Old Testament

New Testament

4) For constant use of this book, it was necessary not only a table of contents with page numbers, but also an easy way to find every single sentence and word in the Bible. (Chapters, verse numbers)

5) Footnotes, various supporting materials

B. The Bible is the most read book in the world.

Q. It has been translated into many languages ​​and dialects.

G. She changed the lives of many people, pointed them to God, and gave them faith.

READ: 2 Tim. 3:16 “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.”

A. God communicated to men called "prophets" what He wanted written down for the people.

2) Sometimes He spoke to them in visions

3) Sometimes He simply put His message into their minds.

B. God caused the prophets to write down exactly what He told them.

If several people standing nearby talk about some incident, they will all tell it differently.

But the Bible, written in different eras under different cultural traditions, by different people, is one whole.

The only answer to explain the unity of the Bible is that it the author is God!

3. For whom was the Bible written?

A. The Jews were the first recipients of God's Word, since God chose this people through them to learn about God.

However, throughout biblical history, the people of Israel did not have all the books of the Bible collected in one book. Because at that time God himself spoke to them through the prophets, and Moses (the Torah) wrote the history from the Creation of the world. They read this book in the temple.

The Bible as one book was collected much later. But, despite the different dates when the books were written; all books remain accurate - after all, they are the Word of God. (example about a boy who found scrolls in caves)

B. We are the possessors of the complete Word of God, despite the fact that we were not eyewitnesses of Biblical history.

4. Why does God want me to read this book?

A. The Bible will introduce me to God.

B. The Bible will show me the way to heaven.

Q. God speaks to me through the Bible.

1) The Bible will teach me how to live correctly

2) If I sin; The Word of God will convict me.

3) When I don’t know what to do in a particular situation, the Words of Holy Scripture will show me the right choice.

4) When I'm in trouble, the Bible will encourage me.

Lesson 2. God is one

Golden Verse: Ps. 89:3 “Before the mountains were born, You formed the earth and the universe, and from everlasting to everlasting You are God.”

The purpose of the lesson: Explain that God existed before everything came into being. God is the ruler of the world.

Timeless Truth: The Bible says there is only one God.

Lesson Introduction: The Bible - The Historical Account of God

Who is God?

What is He like?

How can we recognize Him?

We will learn about God from God Himself.

His essence and character are revealed in His actions and events recorded for us in His Word.

How great is God?

How big is He?

Did He have a beginning?

Will He have an end?

Where did He come from?

What does He need?

Let's look at how God answers these questions in the Bible.

A. God alone is eternal. Everything else has its beginning.

READ: Gen. 1:1

1) God gave us these words so that we know that everything that is on Earth had a beginning.

Didn't exist before the beginning

Neither the universe

No angels

Neither the devil

No plants

No animals

2) The Bible tells us that God has neither beginning nor end. God is eternal (to explain this point, you can draw a straight line on the board and explain its infinity, that it can last without end, and on it you can mark the point where the Earth was created)

Before anything came into being, God existed

(Make a table like this and go through it gradually)

READ: Ps. 89:3

There was never a time when God did not exist.

He had no beginning.

He was not created.

He always lived.

He has always been and will be the same.

God will never die.

B. God Triune

Let's read Genesis. 1:26" And God said: Let us create man according to image Our, in the likeness Our..." Who else was there at the creation of the world? The plural "we" is used here. As we study the Bible further we learn that God is one, and at the same time there are three personalities of God.

Tue 6:4b The Lord our God is one Lord

Throughout biblical history, God has revealed himself to us in three persons:

- God the Father, revealed in the Old Testament

- God the Son; John 14:10 - The Father is in the Son, and the Son is in the Father.

- God the Holy Spirit, The Comforter who abides in the hearts of people who believe in God after Christ’s ascension into heaven (John 14:16-17)

We have a great advantage over the people who believed in God in ancient times, we have the complete revelation of God through His Word, the bible. Even the disciples of Christ did not have this, although they knew the Old Testament Scriptures. Now that we have read the entire Bible, we can understand how God has miraculously revealed himself to people throughout history. And in the light of the whole Bible we define God, we use the word "Trinity" to designate these three persons who are the one eternal God. (I tried to explain where our doctrine of the Triune God came from. This explanation is most likely only for teachers, so that they themselves know what it is and how to explain to children if questions arise. Children just need to be told who God is, without going into more details. Or it will depend on the age of the children. I have highlighted in bold the key words that should be used when telling this point of the plan.)

Unclear? Yes, this is incomprehensible to us!

God is much greater than we can imagine.

The Trinity is beyond our understanding.

B. Lord Almighty

God controls everything in heaven and on Earth. No one can tell God what He needs to do. He himself is the Lord of everything. He cares for all creation and man. Even though God has given us the right to choose, He wants you to put your life at His disposal. Is. 44:6.

D. God is Omniscient - God knows everything.

God doesn't need anyone to teach Him.

He knows everything.

READ: Ps. 146:5 “Great is our Lord, and great is His strength, and His understanding is immeasurable.”

Rome. 11:33-34

God knows everything, but what about us?

Could we be born without parents?

Could we survive in infancy without care?

Could we become scientists if no one taught us?

What about our body?

How long could we live without food and water?

How long could we last without oxygen?

How many days could we go without sleep?

How long would we live without protection from the sun's ultraviolet rays?

D. God is Spirit.

Note: I’m somehow trying to reconcile everything that we have said about God so far. It seems to me that this point should be omitted for now, as you explain Jesus as God now in the flesh - all this is too confusing for the first time. Well, after thinking about it, I decided to give you the right to choose, if you want, leave this item, if in doubt, remove it for now.

READ: John 4:24 "God is Spirit."

God does not have flesh and bones like humans, animals, birds and reptiles.

God does not have a material body, therefore He has no bodily needs.

We cannot comprehend One who does not have a material body and has such properties.

But God is not just a "power" as some describe Him.

He is God who has personally given us His Word so that we can know Him.

We are very limited in our understanding.

We are very limited by our bodily needs.

God is not constrained by such restrictions.

E. God is everywhere at the same time - God is Omnipresent.

Where is God?

Where was He when nothing existed?

We will not be able to know about it unless He Himself says so.

As we study the Bible, we learn that God is everywhere.

God fills the universe.

READ: Jer. 23:23-24

He is everywhere on earth.

Only God can be everywhere at the same time.

Is there a place where you can hide from God?

God sees everything you do and hears everything you say.

READ: Ps. 138:7-12. Is. 45:5


1. Was there ever a time when God was not? ( No)

2. What does God need for His existence? ( Not with anything).

3. Does God have a body? ( No).

4. How many Gods are there? ( One)

5. Who are the three persons who are one God? ( God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit)

6. Is there such a remote place on earth, in the galaxy and universe, where God is not present? ( No)

7. What do we mean when we call God Most High? ( That He is a Ruler, Sovereign, Lord of the highest rank).

Lesson 3. Who are angels?

Basic truth: Angels were created by God to serve and worship Him.

Golden verse: Bless the Lord, all His angels...who do His word...(Psalm 102:20)

Notes for Teacher:

To conduct this lesson, it would be a good idea to prepare pictures in advance with the stories mentioned in the lesson. Since several stories will be involved in this lesson at once, pictures or other visual aids are essential to understanding the lesson, especially since the stories will only be mentioned briefly in the lesson and not fully taught.

Another visual aid could be: on a large piece of paper, or on the board (if there is one in the class in which you are going to teach the lesson), draw clouds of different sizes, in the center of the sheet in the cloud write the word "ANGELS", and then as you tell the lesson, write in the other “clouds” the key words of the lesson, such as created, Lucifer, etc.

Lesson text

(Point to the word ANGELS on the board and ask)

What do you think about when you read this word? Who are angels in your opinion? Maybe you remember a beautiful picture with a drawn angel, he is in snow-white clothes, with two wings on the back, a beautiful, kind face? Where did they come from and do they even exist in real life? The Bible gives us clear answers to all these questions.

Many people today do not read the Bible and have come up with many different stories about angels. But the Bible is the Word of God, it can tell us the whole truth about angels.

(1) Angels are mentioned more than 300 times in the Bible.

(2) Angels were created by God. The Bible says: For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible... (Col. 1:16) Angels live in heaven, but God has a special work for them on earth.

(3) Angels do not have a body - they are spirits - invisible to us. When God wants people to see angels, He gives them bodies.

(4) What do you think angels are doing in heaven? The Bible says they glorify God. The angels joyfully shouted praise to God when He created the Earth. (Job 38:4-7) This praise must have been very loud; because the Bible says that there are many of them, and it is difficult to count. (Rev. 5:11) Angels do not die. They don't get married and they don't have little angels. All the angels that God created in the beginning still live.

(5) We know the names of only three angels: Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer.

Angels who disobeyed God

The Bible doesn't tell us when this happened, but one day an angel named Lucifer decided that he wanted to be like God. He wanted all the other angels to worship him. And then the third part of all the angels decided to follow him. They turned away from their Creator (Rev. 12:4, 9)

(1) Our Almighty God cast Lucifer and all his angels out of heaven. Since then, Lucifer has been Satan; The devil, the enemy of God.

Sin has entered the world

Satan wanted the people God created to worship him. He came to the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve lived. Satan spoke to them through the serpent, "Has God truly said, 'You shall not eat from any tree in the garden?' In fact, he said, “Go, try, and you yourself will become like God.”

(2) Eve obeyed Lucifer. Adam listened to Eve. They disobeyed God. Disobedience to God is sin. Adam and Eve sinned; and after that, everyone who is born into this world is a sinner. The Bible says: “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world,” and death through sin, so death spread to all men, because all sinned.” (Rom. 5:12) Disobedience to God seems like a small sin, but for God has no little sins. All sins separate us from God because He is holy. God punishes sin. God kicked Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden so that they would eat the fruit of the tree of life and live forever in their sin. Before He drove them out of the garden God promised that He would send someone who could free them and all people who would believe in him from the punishment of sin.

God placed two cherubim at the entrance to heaven. They had flaming swords in their hands so that Adam and Eve could not return to the garden.

Adam and Eve learned that God does not leave sin unpunished.

The Promised Savior.

Many years have passed since God promised to send a Savior. And although God reminded of his promise; many people forgot about God and began to worship other gods. One day, 2000 years ago, an angel appeared on the field in front of the shepherds, and then many angels. This angel brought joyful news to Earth that the promised Savior was born. (Luke 2:11) And all the angels sang a song of praise “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace...”

The shepherds hastened to go to the place where the Savior was born. In the cave, among the sheep, they found Mary, Joseph and little Jesus, who was the Son of God sent from heaven to later save people from sin.

However, Herod, the king of that country, heard about the birth of Jesus and decided to kill him. He sent his soldiers to Bethlehem to kill all the little boys. But an angel appeared before Joseph in a dream and told him to hurry to hide from the treacherous Herod and save little Jesus. (Matt. 2:13)

God's plan for our salvation.

God protected his son from evil people. Jesus grew up, and when He was 30 years old, He chose 12 disciples. Jesus performed many miracles, He taught people and His disciples about God, about heaven, and that He is the promised Savior, whom God sent to save the world from sin. He told the disciples that He would die and then resurrect after 3 days, but they did not understand Him. The day of death was approaching, and Jesus went with his disciples to the mountain to pray. The disciples fell asleep, and Jesus prayed. It was very difficult for Him, since He knew that He would soon die. And then an angel appeared who encouraged and consoled Him. That night Jesus was in a very difficult time. Soon after He prayed, soldiers came to take Him. Jesus asked them why they came with weapons, because if He wanted He could call all His angels and none of the people could defeat them. But Jesus didn't do this because He knew that everything that was happening was God's plan for him.

God allowed His Son to be nailed to the cross for my sins and yours. Again Jesus could have called upon His angels to free Him. But He didn't do it. On the cross, Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” This was because all the sins were laid on him, and God the Father, a saint, could not be where there was sin.

Jesus died for our sins, not his. He was the perfect Son of God without sin. He suffered the punishment for us.

Friends buried Jesus in a tomb. But no one remembered that Jesus said He would rise on the third day

On the morning of the first day of the week, the women went to anoint the body of Jesus. They were worried who would roll away the stone from the tomb when they arrived.

When the women went, they met Jesus. And many believers saw Him in the next few weeks.

Jesus returns to heaven.

One day Jesus and his disciples gathered on a mountain. Jesus reminded the disciples that they must tell other people about Him so that people can believe in Him. Suddenly, Jesus began to rise on a cloud into the sky. The students stood and watched, not understanding what was happening. And then again two angels in white robes appeared before them and said: “Why are you standing and looking at heaven? This Jesus, who has ascended from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him ascending into heaven.” (Acts 1:11) The Bible says that Jesus the snob will come to earth with his angels.


Are you ready to meet Jesus?

Did you believe in him? Etc.

Lesson 4. Creation of the world

Timeless truth: God created heaven and earth

Golden Verse: Life 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

The purpose of the lesson: Explain that God created the heavens and the earth, and that He created them out of nothing.


There are many theories about the formation of the earth and the origin of life.

(For older children, I think it is useful to simply remind them of the theories they study in school, show the absurdity of these theories, and direct children to the biblical story. To review previous lessons, remember the reliability of the bible, which gives us a reason to believe in God.

For young children, it is important to tell the Bible story itself, without adding any extra stories or questionable questions; since children still take things for granted, and careless words can cause harm.)

Nowadays many people do not believe in God and do not believe the Bible. Scientists are trying to somehow explain the origin of the world, and many theories have been proposed. Many people believe that a long time ago, many billions of years ago, there was a big explosion in space. From this explosion many different types of gas emerged, from which stars and planets were formed. The Earth turned out to be one of those planets on which, in their opinion, life originated. This life developed over many, many years, transforming from simpler forms into more complex ones, and finally, as scientists suggest, man developed from a monkey.

God loves us and left us a record in the Bible of how everything really happened. Unfortunately, people don't want to believe the Bible. The story of the creation of the world is written on the first pages of the Bible. God knows the history of creation, because He Himself is the Creator of all living things. He always existed when there was nothing in the universe; God existed forever. Later, God commanded his prophets to write down the story of creation in the pages of the Bible. So we read:

A. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Gen.1:1

God Almighty! The Bible says that God created everything with His Word. God spoke and it became so! 2 Peter 3:5

If we want to build a house, what do we need for this? Will it be enough that we say “Build a house?”

What do you need to bake a cake?

Is it possible to come up with something that doesn’t require any materials?

Life 1:2

The earth was formless and empty - there was no life on earth.

The earth was covered in darkness

Try to imagine that there is no light anywhere. Have you ever been in a dark cave?

The earth was covered with water.

Day one: light is created. Life 1:3-5

Only God could create light by simply commanding the Word to become light.

If we wanted to create light with a word, would we succeed?

When we see the light of the sun, moon and stars, turn on the electric light, light a match or a flashlight, let us remember that it was God who created light at the beginning of the creation of the world.

READ: Gen. 1:5

God separated the light from the darkness

He called the light "day" and the darkness "night".

B. Second day - the firmament was created. Life 1:6-8

On the second day God created the air and the sky. What is the firmament? From the content we understand that the firmament is not only the atmosphere, but the entire outer space.

Above this “firmament,” God placed part of the water from the world He created.

Look at the expanse of heaven. We see only a small part of what surrounds the earth. And God simply spoke and created the entire atmosphere of the earth.

B. Third day: land, ocean and flora were created. Life 1:9-13

God gathered waters and seas, and dry land appeared.

READ: Ps. 94:5

Only God, who created the waters of the earth, can control them.

God created the entire plant world.

The more scientists study plant life, the more complex it appears to them.

The infinitely wise God created the entire plant world, each species of which is in perfect harmony with the rest of the earth's systems he created.

God created plants in such a way that they produce seeds for reproduction.

God created plants and trees for man, whom he was about to create.

God created plants to provide us with food.

Produced oxygen for the air we breathe.

They gave us wood for construction.

God could have made everything black and white, but He created the colors that man's eyes would see.

Everything could be tasteless. God created diversity of taste and the ability to sense it.

He did the same with smells and aromas.

D. Fourth day: the sun, moon and stars were created. Life 1:14-19

Over the past decades, man has learned more about the universe than he learned in all previous generations. Powerful telescopes, controlled radio beams, electronic devices, space flights - all this appeared in our century. People have been to the moon.

But the only thing we have truly learned is that we know very little about our solar system in which the Earth is located. We know even less about our galaxy.

READ: Gen. 1:14-19

God spoke and the sun, moon and stars appeared.

READ: Isa. 44:24

Like the plants he created, the universe reflects the work of the Great Artist.

Distance is not a problem for God.

Scientists are only discovering the laws established by God from the very beginning.

D. Fifth day: the sea world and birds were created. Life 1:20-23

Imagine the beauty that suddenly filled the waters and sky!

Having created the plant world, God created numerous species of sea animals and birds, innumerable colors and shapes.

The more scientists explore the depths of the ocean and remote corners of the earth, the more new species of fish and birds they find.

E. Sixth day: creation of the animal world. Life 1:24-25

God created an incredible number of different animals

Some animals are very close to us; they are part of our daily life.

We can see some at the zoo.

God created animals in such a way that each has its own properties that are unique to it.

Dogs have puppies.

Cats are kittens.

Man has never created and will never be able to create animals.

G. Every living thing that God created from the first to the sixth days was good.

After each day of creation, God looked at the work of his hands and said, “All is well.” Why do you think God said this? Maybe God was praising himself for his work?

Thinking about the crown of His creation, man, God knew in advance that the earth He created was a wonderful place for human life. And there is complete harmony in all creation. Without water, all living things would die. If the sun were a little further from the earth, everything would freeze; closer, everything would burn. There is enough oxygen on earth for everything to live and develop. God created rivers and seas - he gave water for the life of people and animals. All of God's creation is truly beautiful, and we never cease to be amazed when we get to know nature better, or when we learn how miraculously our body works. How can a person, seeing all this perfection, say that everything came from nothing?!


1. Who created the heavens and the earth at the beginning of the world? (God).

2. What did God use to create the heavens and earth? ( He made everything out of nothing)..

3. What was the earth like when God began preparing it for people? (She was formless and plunged into darkness; there was no land, no life).

4. What did God do to create all things? ( He said the Word and everything appeared)..

5. Why did the Lord create everything beautiful, and why did He create all kinds of vegetables and fruits for food? ( He did this because He is loving and kind. He has prepared everything on earth for us.)

6. What did the Lord say about all that He created? ( He said it was good).

Lesson 5. God created man and placed him in Eden

Golden Verse: Gen 1:27" And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created Him.”

The purpose of the lesson: Show the uniqueness of man among all God's creations. Show God's original plan for man - to make him the master of the earth. Establish that the wages of sin is death.


(Revisit the topic of the previous lesson again and briefly talk about the creation of the world to show the connection between the past and the lesson today. Say that the creation of the world did not end with the creation of animals)

God created heaven and earth with a word.

He created light.

He created the waters above the earth, the space between them, the dry land and the oceans.

He created plants, trees and flowers.

He created the sun, moon and stars.

He filled the sea with living creatures and the sky with birds.

He created all animals.

Read the opening words of Gen. 1:26 “Let us make man” and discuss why the word “let us create” is plural? This will be a good review of the lesson on the Trinity.

A. God's plan to create man in His image. Life 1:26 What does this mean?

First, the difference between man and the rest of creation. Let's think together about how humans differ from animals?

A person can think, talk, he has different emotions, a person can even come up with something new every time, etc.

The Bible calls the invisible part of us our soul and our spirit.

The human body was created as a “container” for this invisible part - the soul and spirit.

God intended that the invisible part of man would have mind, feelings and will.

When God breathed the breath of life into man, it was not the ordinary breath with which we, like all living things, breathe; the Breath of Life given to man is our spirit. Only the spirit of man can have a need for God, seek Him and can know God.

The Bible shows that God has emotions. He is compassionate and loving, He is angry at injustice.

God loves, hates, grieves, feels joy and happiness.

God Himself has emotions, so He endowed them with man.

God wanted to love man, and He also wanted man to love Him.

Human will is the ability to choose.

Every morning you decide what to wear. You decide whether you will eat it or not, whether you will go somewhere or not. Do your clothes give you advice on whether to wear them or not? Does food give you advice? No! You do it yourself.

God could have created man to fulfill everything without question, such as the sun and the moon. God created them so that they do the same thing every day, every month and every year. But God did not want to create man as a robot, and He decided to endow man with a will so that he could choose.

God intended to create man in such a way that he could independently decide to love and obey Him, and that man would make this choice consciously, knowing that God is his loving, kind and wise Creator.

B. Creation of Adam and Eve Gen 1:27, 2:7

First God created man

God named the man Adam, which means "man."

After God created the human body, there was still no life in it.

He had everything with him, but he was dead.

His body did not breathe, since the part created in the image of God did not yet live in him.

Only when God breathed life into man did he become a living person who could know, love and obey God.

Man is different from everything created by God. He is the crown of all His creations.

Adam is the progenitor of all people, regardless of race, culture or country.

READ: Gen 1:28-30.

God gave man responsibility for the earth and everything on it.

He also commanded Adam to call all the animals by name.

However, while walking the earth, Adam did not find a life partner.

Marriage was ordained by God .

READ: Gen. 2:23-24

God created woman for man so that they could live together and have children.

Eve was a gift from the Lord to Adam, he was pleased and loved her very much.

Marriage was given to man by God.

Millennia have passed since Adam and Eve became husband and wife, but God does not change His opinion about marriage. It is holy and no one should destroy it.

God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply to fill the earth with people.

C. On the seventh day God rested from His labors.

READ: Gen. 2:2-3

How many days did it take God to create all things? Just six days.

God rested from His labors because He saw that everything He planned to do was done.

G. Garden of Eden, the place of residence of Adam and Eve.

READ: Gen. 2:7-8.

God planted all the vegetables and fruit trees in this garden

It is simply impossible for us to imagine what the Garden of Eden was really like. There were no weeds growing there, there were no snails or any caterpillars, everything was fine.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil also grew in the Garden of Eden

READ: Gen. 2:9, 16-17.

God spoke to Adam and commanded him that he must not eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil , otherwise he will definitely die.

D. Death is the punishment for disobedience to God.

Until this time, Adam experienced only good things because God gave him everything.

But now God has made it very clear that if he wants to be independent of God and disobeys Him by eating the forbidden fruit, he will know what evil is.

Adam will die.

What did God mean when he said Adam would die?

Separation from God - death to relationships.

Remember what happened to Satan and his demons when they sinned?

They have lost God's love and His friendship.

They were separated from God.

They were expelled from heaven, and God prepared for them a place of terrible punishment, where they would remain forever.

Separation from the body - death of the physical body.

God did not mean that Adam would die physically on the same day he ate the forbidden fruit.

God meant that on that day Adam would be separated from God.

What happens when a branch is cut from a tree? It remains green for some time and looks exactly the same as other trees. It is separated from the tree and will very soon wither and die.

Having eaten the fruit, Adam would have immediately been cut off from God, from the source that fed his life. As a result, his physical death would become inevitable.

Eternal excommunication in the lake of fire - the end of all the joys that God intended for Adam.

Adam's disobedience would mean that he chose Satan's "reward" over all the wonderful things God had in store for him.

The wages of sin is death

1. Separation from God

2. Separation from the body

3.Eternal separation from God in the lake of fire


1. For whom did God prepare the earth? ( For a person).

2. What is the difference between the creation of man and the creation of animals? ( God created man in His image.)

3. How many men and women did God create in the beginning? ( God created only one man and one woman.)

4. Who is your and my very first ancestor? ( Adam).

5. Why don’t Satan and demons have the right to rule the earth and everything on it? ( Because God never gave them the right to rule. God gave the whole earth to man.)

6. What was everything on earth like at the beginning of the creation of the world? ( Wonderful. Everything was perfect).

7. What did God do on the seventh day? ( rested).

8. For whom did God plant the Garden of Eden? ( For Adam).

9. From which trees was Adam allowed to eat fruit? ( From all but one).

10. What was the name of the tree whose fruit Adam was not allowed to eat? ( Tree of the knowledge of good and evil).

11. What would happen to Adam if he ate fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? ( He would have died).

12b. What did God mean when he said man would die?

A) Man will be immediately separated from God, the source of his life.

B) His body will die when his soul and spirit leave him.

C) The human body, soul and spirit will be forever separated from God and placed in the place God has prepared for Satan and his demons.

Lesson 6: Adam and Eve Disobeyed God

Golden Verse: Rom. 6:23" For the wages of sin is death..."

The purpose of the lesson: Show how God, through His wisdom and love, gives us what we need.

Show that Satan is the enemy of God and the enemy of people.

Show the terrible consequences of sin.

A. Life in the Garden of Eden.

Life in the garden for Adam and Eve was pleasant, everything around them was perfect.

They had everything they needed.

God was their friend, he loved them, and they were happy.

God gave Adam and Eve plenty of trees, fruits, and vegetables to eat.

They never argued or offended each other.

Since Satan hated God, he wanted to destroy man and woman whom God had created.

B. Satan used the serpent to hide himself and deceive Eve.

READ: Gen. 3:1

Satan entered the serpent to deceive Eve.

The serpent was smarter than all other animals created by God.

Satan is a deceiver.

In In. 8:48 says that Satan is a liar and a murderer.

He tries to make evil seem good.

He tries to suggest that God deceives, but he knows too well that everything God says is the absolute truth.

This is exactly what Satan did to Eve; he deceived her by appearing to her in the form of a snake.

C. Eve ate the forbidden fruit and gave it to Adam.

Satan deceived Eve and she believed him.

She believed that Satan was telling the truth.

She believed that she would become wise, like God.

Although Adam knew that God forbade eating the fruit, he deliberately disobeyed God's command.

D. The Fall of Adam and Eve separated them from God.

READ: Gen 3:7

What did God mean when he said “you will die”?

They did not fall lifeless after tasting the forbidden fruit.

They kept moving.

They made themselves aprons from fig leaves.

Does this mean that God's Word has not been confirmed?

No! Having eaten the fruit, they were immediately separated from God.

God always does what he says.

He never changes.

Why did this sin separate them from God?

READ: Isa. 59:2 “BUT YOUR INDIQUENCES HAVE MADE A DIVISION BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR GOD, and your sins have turned His face away from you, so that you will not hear it.”

Because God is holy and righteous, He will not maintain friendship with those who do not obey His commands.

To Rome. 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death.”

Adam and Eve's living connection with God was interrupted.

D. Signs of separation from God.

Their relationship with their own bodies immediately changed.

Before they disobeyed the Lord, they were naked, but this did not bother them.

Their minds became sinful and their attitude towards their own bodies changed.

They tried to provide for their own needs.

Before this, they turned to God and He took care of them.

Now they were trying to do something themselves.

They covered themselves with fig leaves.

They no longer trusted that God would give them what they needed.

They tried to live independently of God.

Perhaps they reasoned that if they got dressed, God would not notice what had happened.

Sin—disobedience to God—brings fear and causes people to turn away from God.

When God created Adam and Eve, they were not afraid of anything.

Disobeying God is the reason we experience fear.

For example: Disease

Enemy attacks

Were Adam and Eve warned about the consequences of sin?

Yes! God warned them clearly

Could Adam and Eve hide from God?

No! God saw Adam and Eve when they hid behind the trees.

Can anyone hide from God? No!

When people do something that they know is wrong, they try to do it when no one is looking. People commit crimes in the dark. But God always sees and knows everything.

Application: Satan is still deceiving people.

Very often Satan deceives people by influencing their minds with outright lies.

When Satan comes to people and speaks to them, he tries to hide the fact that it is he who is speaking to them.

People believe that such thoughts are their own reasoning.

Satan himself can only be in one place at one time. But you probably remember that many angels joined him and became demons. They still wander the earth and act against God, trying to destroy man.

Satan may even suggest to you the question, “Why should I believe the Bible?” He doesn't want people to know and believe in God.

Recently we have heard about the worship of Satan and other cults.

Beware the one who forces you to turn not to God, but to another force in order to get answers to the questions of life.

one who exalts evil and embellishes it.

Games, music, films or other entertainment that exalts murder, lying, theft, profanity, debauchery.

Someone who denies the existence of God or does not believe in the Bible.

It all comes from Satan.

Satan invited Eve to rebel against God


1. What did Satan use to hide his appearance when he spoke to Eve? ( Snake).

2. Is Satan still trying to deceive and seduce people? ( Yes).

3. Does Satan still speak to people today? How?

A) He and his demons can directly influence the minds of people.

B) He speaks through other people.

4. Does Satan want you to listen to and believe the words of God? (No).

5. Why doesn't Satan want people to listen to and believe God's words?

A) He hates God.

B) He hates all people and wants them all to burn in eternal fire.

6. God said that Adam and Eve would die if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Satan said they would not die. Who told the truth? ( God).

7. Satan is very powerful. Wasn't it because of him that Adam and Eve sinned? ( No. Adam and Eve chose the path of sin. God warned them clearly. He loved them. He gave them the will so that they could make their choice, they chose disobedience).

8. Adam and Eve did not die immediately when they ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God said that because of disobedience they would die. What did He mean?

A) They will immediately be separated from God, the source of their life. Their relationship with God will immediately cease.

B) Their bodies will die because of their disobedience.

C) They will be forever separated from God - their body, soul and spirit will go to the lake of fire.

9. What did Adam and Eve do when they realized their nakedness? ( They made aprons for themselves from fig leaves because their attitude towards the body had changed. They tried to take care of their own needs in order to ask the Lord for help.

10. What did Adam and Eve do when they heard that God had come to them? ( They hid. They were ashamed and afraid).

11. Is it possible to hide from God? ( No! God is everywhere and lucky

Lesson 7: God's Promise and Curse

Golden Verse: Pr. 9:10" The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

The purpose of the lesson: Explain that God knows everything and punishes every sin.

Explain that God will not allow Satan to have a permanent victory in causing man to sin, and He will send a Savior who will defeat Satan and deliver mankind from Satan's power.

Show the terrible and eternal consequences of sin.

Explain that a person cannot save himself from sin.

A. God called to Adam.

READ: Gen 3:9

Adam and Eve hid from God; they knew that they had disobeyed God, and therefore they were afraid of meeting Him.

B. Adam and Eve tried to deflect blame from themselves.

READ: Gen. 3:10-13

Adam placed the blame on Eve.

Eve blamed the serpent.

But God knew what happened. Nothing is hidden from Him.

C. God cursed the serpent, the woman, the man, and the earth.

READ: Gen. 3:14, 16-19

God cursed the serpent and said that from now on he would crawl on his belly.

God spoke to Eve and told her that because she had disobeyed Him:

She and all future mothers will suffer to give birth to children.

Her husband will dominate her.

Adam will earn his bread by the sweat of his brow

The consequences of the Fall affected not only Adam and Eve, but also the entire earth that God gave them.

We live in the world and constantly suffer from this curse.

We are constantly faced with illness, pain, weakness. Through hard work, hurricanes, pests, weeds, sadness, grief and death.

None of the above existed before the Fall of Adam and Eve.

D. The Lord made a special promise that one day there will be someone in the world who will save people from sin and defeat Satan. (Gen. 3:15)

Immediately after Adam and Eve disobeyed God and followed Satan's advice, they were separated from God and fell under the power of Satan. Since Adam and Eve were the first people on earth, our first parents, through them all people became sinners, the Bible says that even newly born children are already sinners. Sin is inherited, so we all need someone who would free us not only from hereditary sin, but also from the sins that we all constantly commit.

(Talk about what sin is. Using everyday examples from the lives of children, show that they themselves are sinners and need a Savior. If the children were previously familiar with the biblical story, remind them of Jesus Christ, how He came into the world and suffered for our sins because He loves us.)

When we read about defeat “to the head,” we are talking about the defeat of the authorities.

When the head is affected, the body is unable to survive.

The one whose “heel” is affected survives, despite the wound.

The Promised Savior will overthrow Satan and free mankind from Satan's power so that man can once again be united with God.

READ: Ps. 144:8

Grace and mercy are two beautiful words.

“Mercy” is when they do good to us, although we do not deserve it.

“Mercy” is delivering us from deserved punishment.

We already know that God always punishes sin, but in His great love He promised to send a Savior so that man could be freed from the punishment he deserves.

D. God made clothes for Adam and Eve from animal skins. Life 3:21.

God killed the animals.

Animal blood was shed.

E. God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden, from the tree of life.

READ: Gen. 3:22-23.

This is what God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit said.

Everything God gave for food was good. God even gave them to eat from the tree of life.

Now, because they disobeyed God, He forbade them to eat from the tree of life


1. Can anyone hide from God? ( No, God always sees us, no matter where we are).

2. What curse did God place on the serpent? ( From then on he had to crawl).

3. Whom did God promise to send? ( Savior).

4. How would this Savior appear? ( to be born).

5. Why did God promise people to send a Savior? ( Because God loves all people).

6. Who are the ancestors of all people? ( Adam and Eve).

7. Why are all people mortal? ( Adam disobeyed God, so all his descendants are mortal).

8. Why did God kill animals to give Adam and Eve clothes? (He reminded that the penalty for sin is death.)

9.Why did God expel Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden? ( Lest they eat of the tree of life and remain in sin forever).

10.Can anyone outwit or deceive God? ( No).

11. Who gives life to every person? ( God).

12. Why are we born sinners? ( Because Adam and Eve are our ancestors.).

Lesson 8. God condemned the world through the flood.

Golden Verse: Ezek. 18:32 “For I do not want the death of the dying, says the Lord God; but turn and live!”

The purpose of the lesson: To show that God saves those who believe in Him and come to Him in His way.

Show that there is only one way to God.

Show that only God can save.

A. From Adam to Noah.

From Adam to Noah there were 10 generations; the Bible tells us that people lived on earth for a very long time. The average human lifespan was about 900 years. During this time, many people were born on Earth, but they did not want to live according to God's standards. They forgot God and were completely mired in sin.

They were consumed by debauchery.

They had no idea how they should please God.

READ: Gen. 6:5,11

They enjoyed sinning and deliberately abandoned God.

In verse 5 we read that “every intent of the imagination of their heart was only evil continually.”

They constantly quarreled and fought with each other.

They were cruel and many were even murderers.

They constantly lied, deceived and betrayed each other.

They constantly gossiped and slandered behind others' backs.

Do you think we are similar to them now?

B. When God saw how corrupt the man He created was, God regretted having created the world.

READ: Gen. 6:6-7

People were so sinful and vicious that the Lord said that He would destroy them and everything that He had created for them on earth.

Do you think that God will actually destroy everyone? Yes, God keeps His word.

C. Noah was the only man who walked righteously and blamelessly with God. Life 6:9

D. God warned Noah of his intention to destroy people and everything on earth and gave instructions to Noah.

READ: Gen. 6:13-21

God told Noah that He would send a great flood on the earth and the water would cover the earth.

God also commanded Noah to build a great ship so that all who believed in Him could be saved.

Noah had to fulfill God's command.

He gave Noah all the dimensions to build the ark.

D. Noah obeyed God.

READ: Gen. 6:22

Noah believed God.

He trusted and believed in God, hoping that the Lord would save him and his family from the flood.

Remember that before this time there was no rain in the world.

The world was watered by steam that rose from the ground.

Nobody has ever seen rain.

However, Noah believed God. He obeyed Him and built the ark as God commanded.

E. God commanded Noah to bring his family, animals and birds into the ark.

READ: Gen 7:1-5

Noah warned the people of God's coming judgment.

But the people did not listen to Noah or God.

They refused to agree with God that they were wrong and deserved to be punished.

They did not believe that God would destroy the world with a great flood.

God gave people 120 years (the time of building the ark) for them to turn to Him.

It's time to punish them.

Before the rain began, God commanded Noah to take his family and a couple of animals each into the ark he had built.

God saved Noah because he believed in Him.

G. God closed the door behind them.

After everyone had entered, God closed the door.

It started to rain. People probably got scared and ran to the ark.

When God closed the doors, it was already too late.

They screamed and begged outside the door, but could not enter the ark.

Noah couldn't let them in because God had closed the door.

They had no way to escape.

Those inside the ark were saved because God closed them.

Z. God destroyed everyone who remained outside the ark.

READ: Gen. 7:17.23

Having closed the door of the ark, God sent rain.

God rules over all the earth, rain, wind, sun, moon, stars and everything in the world.

He created all this and has authority over His creation.

There was so much water that it covered the entire earth, even the highest mountains.

Everything on earth perished.

Application of the lesson:

Salvation by faith. Noah believed God and acted according to His statutes.

God today calls all people to believe and turn to Him, only God can forgive all our sins and give us eternal life.

Only with God's help can we do the right thing even when everyone around us is committing sin.

Be obedient to God like Noah.

QUESTIONS: 1. How did people live in Noah's time? ( They were mired in debauchery, selfish and cruel. They did not seek to know God.)

2. Is life today similar to life in Noah's time? ( Yes, a lot of. People do the same thing.)

3. What did God promise to do if people did not repent? ( God said that he would destroy all living things from the face of the earth).

4. What did God command Noah? ( God ordered Him to build an ark.)

5. Did God allow Noah to build the ark at his discretion? ( No, he had to build it exactly according to God's instructions)

6. Did Noah build the ark as God commanded him? ( Yes).

7. What else did Noah do while building the ark? ( He told people about God's message and warned them that God was going to send rain and destroy the whole world with a flood).

8. Have people seen rain before? ( No, there was no rain before that time).

9. Did the people believe what Noah said and come to their senses? No, they refused to believe and agree with God).

10. How long did God wait for them to agree with Him and believe His Word? ( 120 years).

11. Who closed the door behind them? ( God).

12. Why did God close the door? ( So that those who entered the ark would be saved, and those who remained outside would not have the opportunity to enter and be saved).

13. Can someone hide from God when He decides it is time to punish for sins? ( No).

14. Did anyone escape death who was outside the ark? ( No, everyone died).

Lesson 9. God remembered Noah and everyone on the ark.

Golden Verse: Isa. 45:18 " For thus says the Lord, who made the heavens...I am the Lord, and there is no other.”

The purpose of the lesson: Show that God does not forgive pride and disobedience to Him.

See that the Bible represents the actual history of mankind.

A. God remembered Noah and all those in the ark.

The Bible is an amazing book. It contains answers to life's most important questions.

Have you asked yourself why people speak different languages?

The Bible answers this question as well.

READ: Gen. 8:1-4, 14-17

Noah, his family, and all the animals on the ark were saved by God.

None of them died.

God remembered them and stopped the rain.

God has control over rain and wind.

God never changes, He never forgets anything.

He did not forget about Noah and the others in the ark.

He said He would save them, and He did it.

B. God gives Noah instructions and promises.

READ: Gen 9:1-2.

God gave Noah and his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth authority over all animals, birds and fish. He dealt with him the same way as with Adam at the beginning of the world.

The world and everything that fills it belongs to God.

But God entrusted man with the care of all things.

C. God gives the rainbow as His sign.

READ: Gen. 9:12-15

The rainbow was given as a sign from God that God would not destroy the earth with a flood.

Many millennia have passed since the flood.

God kept His word.

When you see a rainbow, remember that God gave it to us as a sign that He would never again devastate the earth with a flood.

God can be trusted.

D. Disobedience and pride of people.

READ: Gen. 11:1-4

Many years have passed since God saved Noah's family from the great flood.

People multiplied and populated the earth.

Most of Noah's descendants soon forgot about God's terrible judgment and the flood.

People refused to accept His will.

They were under the control of Satan and thought like him.

They wanted to be great and elevate themselves.

They heard about the flood and knew that God was their Creator.

They deliberately turned away from the truth they knew about God and became increasingly vicious and reckless.

Satan doesn’t care who we worship, as long as it’s not God. He offers different horoscopes, entices us with fortune telling or drugs. Many people still worship the sun.

People gathered to build the Tower of Babel to leave behind a monument.

READ: Gen. 11:6-9

The Lord made people speak different languages.

People no longer understood each other, so they separated into families and went to different parts of the earth.

It is advisable to devote the rest of the lesson to repeating everything that you have heard and learned during these days.

Lesson 10. God Forms a New Nation

Golden Verse: Gen. 15:6 "Abraham believed the Lord, and He counted it to him as righteousness."

The purpose of the lesson: To show that a person must believe and obey God no matter what others do.

A. The period from the Tower of Babel to Abraham.

How many of you know the name of your great-great-grandfather?

Today we will talk about a man who lived about 4000 years ago and who is remembered by his descendants.

Why is he remembered?

He is remembered because he believed in God.

READ: Gen. 12:1

There were already many people on earth, but they did not believe God and led a very sinful lifestyle. They worshiped idols.

And again God finds one man who, seeing the lives of people, was languishing.

God turns to Abraham and invites him to leave his people.

He promises to create a new people from him.

At the time Abraham lived, the Bible had not yet been written, so God communicated with him directly.

God now speaks to us through His Word, the Bible.

The only source from which we can learn about God and His message to us is the Bible.

Was Abraham a sinner?

Yes. Like all the descendants of Adam.

But Abraham believed in God and His promises.

B. God's promises to Abraham.

Our ancestors, the descendants of Noah, deliberately turned away from God and the truth.

They worshiped what God had created rather than God Himself, their Creator.

READ: Gen 12:2-3

Even though Abraham and Sarah had no children, God promised Abraham that he would become the father of a great nation.

Let's look closely at the last words of verse 3: "And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."

Remember how we studied how in the Garden of Eden God promised to send a Savior into the world who would destroy Satan?

Despite the fact that everyone around him was sinning, Abraham believed God.

The city left by Abraham, Ur of the Chaldeans, was a center with houses and temples. Abraham was a rich man, but in obedience to the commands of God he must go on a journey and live in tents.

Abraham understood that God deserved his absolute trust.

C. God promised that Abraham and Sarah would have a son.

READ: Gen. 17:15-17

It seemed impossible that Abraham and Sarah would have a son.

Abraham was already 100 years old.

Sarah is 90.

But God's promises do not depend on human weakness.

God made a promise, and He is omnipotent.

Nothing is impossible for God. He can do whatever he wants.

As God promised, Sarah had a son.

Abraham and Sarah named him Isaac.

D. People of Israel

It is difficult to imagine how a nation can come from one person.

God promised Abraham that he would make him a nation.

Abraham became the father of the Israelite people.

God watched over this people and kept them because from this people God promised to send a Savior.

When Abraham's family numbered 70 people, they moved to Egypt.

READ: Ref. 1:7-11

The people of Israel prospered in Egypt.

Their numbers multiplied quickly

They became very rich

They had many cows, goats and sheep.

Pharaoh was very kind to them, but he died, and another took his place.

Soon everything changed.

Who do you think guided Pharaoh in his evil plans?

Satan. Satan hates God and man.

Why did Satan want to destroy the people of Israel?

Satan knew that God had promised to send a Savior who would defeat him and deliver people from Satan’s power.

Satan knew that the Savior would be a descendant of Abraham.

D. The Birth of Moses and His Mother's Plan

READ: Ref. 1:22, Ex. 2:1-4

Moses' parents believed that God would take care of their child.

READ: Ref. 2:6-10

God used Moses' brave sister and even the daughter of Pharaoh himself to protect Moses.

God planned to use Moses to save the Israelites from slavery.

God knew that Moses would be safer in Pharaoh's house than anywhere else.

He also knew that Moses would be able to learn a lot that would be useful to him in his future activities as the leader of his people.

Moses grew up and tried to deliver his people from slavery, but he failed. He was forced to flee into the desert.

Another 40 years passed and God told Moses that he had chosen him to lead the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt and into the land that God had promised Abraham.

E. Exit from slavery.

God brought the people of Israel out of slavery to Pharaoh in an amazing way.

He sent 10 plagues on the Egyptians.

All nations learned that there is a living God, whom no wizards can resist.

When the people of Israel approached the sea, God commanded the water to part before the people.

People walked in the middle of the sea as if on dry land. They believed God.

The Lord saved them because he loved them and because he promised to save them.

And the Egyptian army that chased them drowned because they did not believe God, but did as the Israelites did.

READ: Gen. 14:23-25

God always watched over His people and protected them in order to save all mankind from the power of Satan, sin and death.

Since then, God has spoken to people through His prophets, but few have listened to them.

People, not wanting to hear about sin, threw the prophets into prison and brutally killed them.

Each of the prophets reminded that God promised to send a Savior.

QUESTIONS: 1. Did God give up His plan to send a Savior to mankind after people rebelled against Him and built the Tower of Babel? (No).

2. What did God do to ensure the birth of the Savior? ( God chose and called Abraham to become the ancestor of the Savior).

3. What did God command Abraham? ( God commanded Abraham to leave his country and go to the place where He promised to take Him.)

4. How many children did Abraham and Sarah have at the time God told Abraham to go to another country? ( They didn't have children)

5. What did God promise to Abraham?

God said that Abraham's descendants would become a great nation.

God promised that He would protect and protect Abraham.

God said that all the nations and tribes of the world would be blessed through one of Abraham's descendants.

6. Who will this descendant of Abraham be? ( He will become the Savior, the one who will overthrow Satan and make possible the unity of people with God).

7. God spoke to Abraham directly, but how does he speak to people today? ( Through the Bible).

8. Did God choose Abraham because he was not a sinner? ( No, all people are sinners).

9. What did Abraham do when God made His promises to Him? ( Abraham believed God. He left his country and went where God led him.)

10. Did God give a son to Abraham and Sarah? ( Yes).

11. Why did the Egyptian Pharaoh make the Israelites slaves? ( Because there were more of them than the Egyptians and the pharaoh was afraid that they would unite with the enemies of Egypt, rebel against him and take over Egypt).

12. Who gave Pharaoh his evil plans? ( Satan).

13. Why did Satan want to destroy the Israelites? ( Satan knew that God had promised Abraham that one of his descendants would be the Savior.)

14. Why did God allow Pharaoh's daughter to adopt Moses? ( Because God planned to use Moses to free the Israelites from slavery).

15. Can Satan, any other spirit, man, or anyone else stop God from fulfilling His plans? ( No, God does everything he wants to do)

Lesson 11: God Foretold the Birth of John and Jesus

Golden Verse: Luke. 1:37 “For with God no word will fail.”

The purpose of the lesson: Show that Jesus is God the Son.

Show that Jesus is the promised Savior.

A. The Beginning of a New Era

Today we will open a part of the Bible called the New Testament.

The events described in the New Testament took place 2000 years ago. It was with the birth of Jesus Christ that a new countdown of time began on earth, and our time is called the New Era.

Many people have backslidden from God and cared about nothing but themselves.

They sinned and no longer believed that the promised Savior would ever come.

But there were those who read the Bible, which had already been written at that time, and were eagerly awaiting the Savior.

B. God promised that Zechariah and Elizabeth would have a son.

READ: Bow. 1:5-6

Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth were Jews who trusted in God and believed His Word.

READ: Bow. 1:7-15

Both Zechariah and Elizabeth were already old. They had no children.

Zechariah was one of the priests.

An angel of God promised Zechariah a son and told him to name the baby John.

How would you behave if an angel suddenly appeared to you? Would you be scared? Would you believe him?

God knew everything about Zechariah's son even before he was born.

C. God promised Mary a son.

READ: Bow. 1:26-31

The time has come for God to fulfill all His promises about the Savior.

God sent an Angel to inform a virgin named Mary that the Lord had chosen her to be the mother of the Savior.

Mary was just an ordinary woman who, although a sinner, believed that God would send a Savior.

The baby was to be named Jesus, which means “Savior” or “Deliverer.”

God has not forgotten His promise to send a Savior.

God loved the world and wanted sinners to escape the punishment they deserved.

READ: Bow. 1:32

Mary's son had to be not only her son, but also be the Son of the Most High, i.e. Son of God.

Six centuries earlier, God informed His prophet Isaiah about this.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, unlike people, never had a body. But the Savior had to be a man like us, except that He had to be sinless.

Please note, God did not send the Angel to the royal palace or to those who had a lot of money, but sent it to a simple, inconspicuous girl who believed God.

D. The Savior Jesus did not have an earthly father.

READ: Bow. 1:35

Mary could not understand how she could give birth to a child who had no earthly father.

The angel told her that God the Holy Spirit would perform this miracle.

Since Jesus was born without an earthly father, he was born sinless.

Every person in this world has inherited Adam's sin.

We are all sinners because Adam's sin was passed on to us.

But Jesus' Father was God

God is perfect, holy and sinless.

READ: Bow. 1:38

Mary believed in God and realized that by the will of God she was destined to become the mother of the Savior.

D. John was to prepare Israel to believe in the Savior.

READ: Bow. 1:76-77

John said that when the Savior came, He would explain to His people how their sins could be forgiven.

The punishment for sin is eternal separation from God.

How then can one atone for sins?

How can sinners be forgiven and saved from eternal punishment?

For this a Savior was needed.

E. The Angel of God explains everything to Joseph.

READ: Matt. 1:18-21

Mary, who was to become the mother of Jesus, was already betrothed to a man named Joseph.

Joseph was a good man who believed in God.

He, too, was a sinner, but he came to God the way He indicated.

God wanted Joseph to take Mary as his wife and for Jesus to have a good earthly father.

Jesus was born into this world to save sinners from God's punishment for their sins.

G. The Magi are looking for Jesus.

READ: Matt. 2:1-18

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, as God's prophets predicted many years ago.

Herod was afraid of losing his royal power when the baby grew up and became an adult.

The high priests and scribes, like us, read in the writings of the prophet Micah about the place in which the Savior would be born.

Did the Magi do the right thing by worshiping Jesus? The Lord wrote in the Law that He gave to Moses that only God should be worshiped. Do you think that God was angry with these wise men for their worship of Jesus? No, Jesus is God, so they did the right thing by worshiping Him. Jesus is both God and man.

God told Joseph to take Jesus to Egypt, where he would be safe and Herod would not be able to destroy him.

Jesus grew up and became a wise man.

God was pleased with Him and people loved Him.

He was holy and sinless.

He always kept His word.

He was faithful in everything he did.

He was a perfect Righteous One.

QUESTIONS: 1. What should Zechariah name his son? ( John).

2. What work did John have to do? ( Prepare people to accept and believe in the Savior).

3. What should Mary's son have been named? (Jesus)

4. What does the name "Jesus" mean? ( "Jesus" means "Savior" or "Deliverer".

5. Was Jesus just a man? (Jesus was the Son of God and a man).

6. Is Jesus the promised Savior? ( Yes, Jesus is exactly the Savior that God promised to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden).

8. Are there many Saviors in different parts of the world? ( No, God sent only one Savior to the whole world).

9. What does the name "Christ" mean? (It means "Anointed One" or "Messiah", the word is Greek.

10. What does the name "Emmanuel" mean? ( It means "God is with us." Jesus was God who came to earth and lived among people).

11. In what country was Jesus born? ( In the land of Israel).

12. In what city in Israel was Jesus supposed to be born? ( in Bethlehem).

13. Did the Magi do the right thing by worshiping Jesus? ( Yes, because Jesus was God the Son).

14. To what country did God tell Joseph to take Jesus to save Him from Herod? ( In Egypt).

15. Why was Jesus born into this world? ( To become a deliverer of sinners - to save people from the power of Satan, sin and death).

16. Although Jesus was like other people, what made Him different from them? ( Jesus was both God and man).

17. Did Jesus do anything wrong? ( No, Jesus was born sinless and He never thought, said or did anything that displeased His Father.)

18. Was any man sinless like Jesus? ( No, everyone inherited Adam's sin and violated God's laws).

Lesson 12: God Sent John to Teach and Baptize

Golden Verse: Isa. 9:6 “And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

The purpose of the lesson: Show the need for repentance.

Show that people are powerless to save themselves.

Show that Jesus is the promised Deliverer.

A. John was God's messenger to Israel

READ: Matt. 3:1-2.

John's message to the people was simple, he called on people to repent, i.e. stop sinning. However, repentance is not only the public recognition of oneself as a sinner, but also the decision of the heart not to sin, i.e. change your actions, thoughts and words.

If people do not repent of their sins, God will judge them in eternal judgment and they will go to hell.

He urged them to prepare for the coming of the promised Savior.

John was the one who, according to the prophet Isaiah, would precede the promised Savior.

READ: Matt. 3:3-4

B. Many people believed God's message because of John's preaching.

READ: Matt. 3:5-6

When a person was baptized, it was a clear sign to everyone that he agreed with God that he deserved to die for his sins. But that he trusts in God, who will send the Deliverer to save him.

Baptism implies the establishment of identity. The word baptize means to immerse; in English (baptaise), comes from Greek (baptizo). This is where our Russian word (Baptist) comes from.

One of the meanings of this word was used to describe the process of dyeing fabric. When a piece of fabric was immersed in dye, the fabric took on its color.

Just as the cloth was identified with the dye and took on its color, so the Jews were identified with John's call to repentance. Their baptism was an outward act that testified to internal repentance and faith in John's preaching. They identified themselves with the truth that God was giving them through John.

Baptism will not make us acceptable to God. The ritual side of baptism in the eyes of God does not wash away our sins from us. The wages of sin is death. Baptism is simply a sign to show others that a person accepts God's message and trusts that only God will save him.

C. The words of John, with which he addressed the proud and unrepentant.

READ: Matt. 3:7-8

Most of the temple representatives were proud people.

Scribes: All the writings of Moses and the prophets were written on scrolls. The people who transcribed God's words onto these scrolls were called scribes. They were also called "legalists" because they were supposed to know and be able to interpret the true meaning of the Word of God.

Many scribes were proud of their knowledge. They considered themselves pleasing to God because they knew by heart and could explain the meaning of many parts of God's Word. They did not understand that it is more important to God that we believe and follow His Word.

Pharisees: Other spiritual leaders of the Jews were called Pharisees. The Pharisees tried to be pleasing to God by performing numerous rituals that they themselves established. The Pharisees added to the Word of God.

They did not consider themselves sinners like other people. They shunned anyone who was not a Pharisee. They were proud and considered themselves virtuous and thought that they were pleasing to God because they did good deeds.

Sadducees: There was another party called the Sadducees. The Sadducees visited the temple and declared that they worshiped the Lord. However, they did not believe much of what was written in the Bible.

For example, the Sadducees did not believe in the existence of angels, nor did they believe in the resurrection of the dead.

They were only interested in good relations with the Roman authorities and their position as leaders of the Jews. They didn't really believe in God with all their hearts.

Many of these religious leaders did not even admit that they were sinners.

They considered themselves virtuous enough to be accepted by God.

When we talk about our own pride, we mean such an attitude when a person says: “I consider my way to be the best and it doesn’t matter what the Lord says.”

Many people believe that they are always right, even when they know that they are wrong. They want people to think they are great, when in fact they know that they are sinners just like any other person.

In James 4:6 says, “God opposes the proud...” God does not accept those who disagree with Him.

But He promises to help and save those who admit that they are sinners and that only God can save them.

Some believe that they are automatically pleasing to God because of the faith of their parents.

God does not accept anyone because of the faith of his parents or his church upbringing. God judges each individual individually, not by his family, business, or church affiliation.

D. One day John saw Jesus coming to him and proclaimed: Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. (John 1:29)

READ: Matt. 3:13-16

The people looked where John was pointing. There in the crowd stood Jesus Christ our Lord! With these words, John told the people that the Messiah, the promised Savior of Israel, stood before them. Jesus was the Lamb of God because He would later become the sacrifice for the sins of all people when He was crucified on the cross.

John considered himself unworthy to baptize Jesus, but agreed to do it according to the word of Christ.

Although Jesus was baptized, He did not accept it because He was a sinner and needed a Savior, like all the people whom John baptized.

Jesus was born perfect.

He lived in complete harmony with God.

Jesus was baptized because the Lord commanded so to all the Jews who accepted John as a prophet of God.

D. What came after baptism confirms the trinity of God.

READ: Matt. 3:16-17

The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove

QUESTIONS: 1. What did John say to the people? ( John urged the people to repent and be baptized).

2. What does it mean to “repent”? ( Repentance is a change in the way you think about yourself, your sins and God. This means that we agree with God that we are sinners, that we break His laws and that we ourselves cannot become pleasing to God).

3. John prepared the people to receive whom? ( The Promised Deliverer, the Savior of people).

4. Who were the scribes?

A ) This there were Jewish religious leaders who rewrote the books of the Old Testament.

B). They were proud of their learning,

IN ) They did not understand that it is important not only to know the Word of God, but also to believe and fulfill it.

5. Who were the Pharisees?

A). It was a religious party of the Jews.

B). They tried to keep many of their own regulations, which they believed would make them acceptable to God.

IN). The Pharisees were filled with pride and believed that God would accept them because of their virtues.

6. Who were the Sadducees?

A). They, like the Pharisees, were a religious group of Jews.

B). They did not accept that the entire Old Testament is the Word of God.

7. Why did the priests and other religious leaders not accept John's teachings? ( They believed that they pleased God with their deeds). (They thought God would accept them because they were descendants of Abraham).

8. Should we be baptized in order to be saved from the power and punishment of sin? ( No. Baptism cannot deliver us from the power of sin or make us acceptable to God. Baptism, according to God, provides a way by which people prove that they truly agree with God.

9. What did God the Father say when Jesus was baptized?

A ). God the Father said that He was completely satisfied with Jesus.

B). God the Father told the disciples to obey Jesus.

IN). He called Jesus His Son.

Lesson 13. You Must Be Born Again

Golden Verse: John. 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

The purpose of the lesson: To show that a person must be born again to be saved.

Understand that people cannot do anything to save themselves, as Jesus said, they must be born again.

A. Nicodemus comes to Jesus.

How many times have you been planning to start a new life and never started it?

How many times have you intended to change your life and failed to do so?

Do you know that God does not hope that you will be able to change it?

READ: John. 3:1-2

Nicodemus knew that the great miracles Jesus performed could only be accomplished through the power of God.

Most of the other Pharisees hated Jesus and said that He performed His miracles by the power of Satan.

Nicodemus came to Jesus at night. He probably did not want the Jewish leaders to know about this meeting.

B. When Jesus answered, saying, “Unless a man is born again, he can see the kingdom of God,” Nicodemus began to have questions.

READ: John. 3:3

Nicodemus had never heard of being born again. Did this mean that the person had to become a baby again? No! When we are born physically we have a sinful nature. Sin is anything you think, say or do that is not pleasing to God. The Bible says (Rom. 3:10) that sin must be punished. The penalty for sin is separation from God forever. To be born again means to be "born again" - i.e. to become a member of God's family. This can only happen with the help of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Only God alone can completely change you and me from the inside out when we completely put our lives in His hands. When this happens, we are born into the family of God, and then we know that one day we will be with Him in heaven. Do you know that you must be born again in order for your sins to be forgiven? It was very difficult for Nicodemus to understand that it is not enough to just know about God - you need to start a new life through being born again.

READ: John. 3:6-7

Jesus told Nicodemus not to be surprised that he had to be born again.

God says that there are only two categories of people in the world:

Not rich and poor

Not bad and good

Not young and old

Born once and born twice

All those who are born only once are in the family of Satan.

All those who are born a second time are in the family of God.

Q. Still not understanding, Nicodemus asks Jesus how this can happen. (v.9)

Nicodemus still could not understand how a person could be born into the family of God.

READ: John. 3:14-15

Jesus explains this to Nicodemus, reminding him of this. What happened to his Jewish forefathers in the desert.

The Israelites sinned against God, so God sent poisonous snakes to bite them, and they began to die. When the Israelites repented, i.e. changed their attitude towards God and admitted their sins, God told Moses to make a brass serpent and raise it as a banner. God promised that anyone who was bitten by a snake, if he looked in faith at the brass serpent, would be healed.

The Lord Jesus told Nicodemus that just as the bronze serpent was lifted up in the wilderness, so Jesus, the Son of God, must be lifted up. He meant His death for all people on the cross. Jesus never sinned, so He did not need to be punished for His sins. But God took our sins and laid them on his Son. (1 Peter 2:24) The Lord punished his Son in our place. How great is His love for us sinners! Now if we believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him into our lives, God accepts us into his family, we are, as it were, born again.

Nicodemus tried to keep God's laws. But he did not understand that with his own efforts he was completely unacceptable to God. He should have done what the Israelites did and simply put his faith in the Lord.

D. To further correct Nicodemus’ misunderstanding about God, Jesus tells him that God loved the whole world. (vv. 16-21)

All those who place their faith in Jesus receive eternal life from God.

READ: John. 3:16

Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son..."

Who has God entrusted to be the Savior?

Jesus was God's only Son.

There is no one like Him.

When a man, woman, or child believes in God's words and trusts in Jesus as their Savior, God will give that person new life.

The path of life and the path of death.

Jesus said that whoever believes in Him will not perish.

They will receive "ETERNAL LIFE."

READ: John. 3:17

This is God's promise.

Yes! You and I read that the Lord exactly fulfilled everything he promised.

You and I have read that for thousands of years God has always kept all His promises.

No one should wait until he dies to find out whether God will accept him or reject him.

Those who reject the Savior will immediately be judged and rejected by God.

READ: John. 5:24

Those who agree with God and trust in the Savior Jesus Christ will not be cursed.

There is only one Savior sent by God to save sinners, and that Savior is Jesus Christ.

READ: John. 3:19-20

The reason people disagree with God and don't believe in him is because they love their own sinful ways.

They don't want to admit they're wrong.

They don't want God to change them.

They try to avoid God's truths so as not to reveal their sinfulness.

But God knows everything about everyone, so it is foolish to hope that sins can be hidden.

The Bible tells us that God desires for every person to become a member of His family.

That's why He sent His Son Jesus Christ!



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