How to prune strawberries after fruiting and harvesting? Proper care of garden strawberries after harvest How to process strawberries after harvest

It is natural that there is no such gardener who would not have at least a few strawberry bushes in his garden plot. There are also those who occupy whole "hundred square meters" with strawberry plantations and get good yields, but they sometimes do not know what to do with the plants after the entire crop, that is, up to a single strawberry, is harvested. It turns out that during this period nothing should be left to chance and strawberry plants should not be left to their fate. The end of fruiting is the most important period when the next year's harvest begins to be actively laid, and if the plant has enough of everything - warmth, moisture, nutrition and care, then next year the harvest can be even higher than this year.

Care of strawberries after harvest. © James A. Guilliam

Pineapple or garden strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa) and its berries are often called strawberries, which is incorrect from the point of view of botanical nomenclature, but is universally accepted in everyday life. Using the word "strawberry" in this material, we mean garden strawberries.

Rules for the care of strawberries after harvest

So, we will tell you about what needs to be done immediately after harvesting the entire crop from strawberry plantations, and then we will analyze each stage in as much detail as possible so that no black (obscure) spots remain.


The first stage is, of course, loosening the soil. It is necessary to loosen the soil carefully, both in the aisles and under the bushes, trying not to damage the fragile root system of the strawberry and not to take its roots to the surface. Loosening will ensure soil ventilation, get rid of the soil crust, increase air and water exchanges, respectively, plants will begin to receive more nutrition and moisture from the same area unit, grow normally, develop and lay a sufficient number of generative buds to ensure a high yield of strawberries.

When loosening the soil around the strawberry bushes, try to at the same time slightly pile them up with fresh and nutritious soil, especially if you notice that one or more roots are bare.


The second important event that can be carried out literally according to the list is weeding the beds, that is, removing all weeds, especially wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is extremely tenacious and consumes a lot of moisture and nutrients from the soil. It is better not to weed it out of the ground, but literally pull it out with your hands, then, perhaps, its further growth will be greatly slowed down.

Do not lose sight of other weeds, because they are the same competitors, and therefore must be removed. It is best to remove the weeds after watering or good rain, then the roots of the weeds are mostly and much more easily pulled out of the soil.


The beds need to be kept moist, just try to pour moisture under the bushes in the evening. It is better not to pour water on the leaves at noon - sunburn may occur. Naturally, you need to water strawberries based on the weather outside the window, for example, if it is raining and the soil is already saturated with moisture, then additional watering is not needed at all, it is much more appropriate to loosen the soil, and perhaps tear off a couple of lower leaves from those , which are literally nailed to the ground to enhance the evaporation of moisture and prevent rot from forming.

If the weather is dry, and there is not even a hint of rain, then watering is a must. When watering, it is best to use settled water or rainwater, it should soak the soil to a depth of at least 5-6 cm so that the roots are saturated with moisture. Waterlogging the soil is also impossible, but overdried soil will be detrimental to plants.

Drip irrigation of strawberries. © Reeser Manley

If you are a resident of a summer cottage, where you visit only on weekends, then you can design a simple drip irrigation system. To do this, you need to take a barrel of 200 liters, install it on a slight elevation, under the stream of rain from the roof, make a couple of holes in the base of the barrel (according to the number of rows in the garden) for special tubes - droppers and spread out along the beds with strawberries. Moisture, acting on droppers, will moisten the soil in your absence, where it is needed.


If you don’t want to “bother” with the installation of droppers, then you can simply mulch the soil after each watering, with a layer of a couple of centimeters. As a mulch for strawberries, you can use straw, sawdust, humus, or just dry soil. For several days, such mulch will be quite enough to save moisture in the soil.

In the event that, after harvesting the garden strawberry, a layer of old mulch, say, straw, remains on the site, which you laid out to keep the berry clean and save it from fruit rot, you need to remove such mulch as carefully as possible and burn it, reuse it not necessary, as harmful microorganisms can accumulate in it.

Removing old leaves

The next stage: as you know, leaf blades of garden strawberries, having served their two years, begin to age, so they can be safely removed. They do it in different ways: they comb it with a rake, mow it and even cut it out by hand. There is no clear guide to such actions, however, do not forget that when removing old strawberry leaf blades that have changed their color, it is important not to damage the growth points. Given this, two methods are considered the most sparing - raking old leaves with a rake (they are easily separated) and removing them manually.

Top dressing strawberries

This stage can be combined: the removal of old leaf blades can be combined with plant nutrition. Having reproduced offspring, strawberry plants are quite depleted, and there is a long winter ahead and a short period during which you need to have time to re-lay flower buds in order to give a good harvest next year.

If there is little nutrition in the soil, then this can also negatively affect immunity: it will weaken and plants can freeze in winter and at the stage of growth activity, so the bushes will lay a minimum number of flower buds.

What to feed garden strawberries after harvesting?

The introduction of one element to maintain the optimal balance of nutrients in the soil will not be enough. Moreover, we strongly recommend that all elements be introduced in a form dissolved in water so that they reach the roots as quickly as possible and, accordingly, into the plant.

It is best to use potassium sulfate (not chloride), ammonium nitrate and superphosphate dissolved in water during this period. Potassium sulfate, in terms of a square meter of soil, previously diluted in a bucket of water, you need 15-18 grams (this is one liter per square meter), ammonium nitrate - the same amount for the same area, but superphosphate needs 45-50 grams, also dissolved in a bucket of water, and in the same amount per square meter of beds with garden strawberries.

In addition to applying liquid mineral fertilizers, after about a week, 50-70 g of wood ash can be poured under each bush into the soil previously loosened and watered with water, although there is not much potassium in the wood ash, only 5-6%, but there are many other mineral substances (microelements).

In the absence of wood ash, you can sprinkle a handful of compost under the garden strawberry bushes, nothing bad will come of it. Somehow the advice came to me that a handful of dried manure was poured under the garden strawberries at that time, I tried it on a couple of plants, they dried up after that, so this advice is at your own peril and risk.

As for wood ash, it can be poured not only under each bush, but also scattered in the aisles, previously loosened and weeded, spending two kilograms per square meter. Some write that it helps from the bear, I doubt it, but it’s a fact that ash enriches the soil with potassium and microelements.

It would probably be superfluous to say that when doing all these operations, you leave plant residues and old foliage on the plantation, of course, you shouldn’t do this, absolutely all garbage from the site must be removed and burned: diseases, pests and various diseases can accumulate in it. pathogens.

Loosening the soil and hilling strawberry bushes. © Gerri and Steve Grady

Protection of strawberries from diseases and pests

The next important stage, which for some reason is neglected by many, is the preventive and eradicating treatment of garden strawberry plantations after the end of fruiting, both from pests and diseases. Once all the berries have been removed, carefully inspect the plants for pests or signs of various diseases.

Diseases, contrary to popular belief, there are quite a lot of garden strawberries. Take at least powdery mildew. Its first signs of manifestation are observed in the form of a grayish coating on the leaf blades of strawberries, later these leaves begin to rot, and of course, fall off, pre-twisting.

At the first sign of the presence of the disease, when the entire strawberry crop has already been harvested, the plants should be generously treated from above and below with a solution of colloidal sulfur, for which it is necessary to dilute 100 grams of colloidal sulfur in a bucket of water at room temperature, stir well, refill the spray bottle and treat the plants, wetting the entire surface.

Gray rot also harms garden strawberries. Usually, clearly visible gray spots are visible on the berries, and in some places such berries are still hanging, pickers simply ignore them. You can't do that. First you need to collect all the affected strawberries and destroy them by burning: after all, these are foci of infection; and then - treat all plants and especially carefully those where diseased berries were found, with a solution of copper oxychloride, in an amount of 45 g per bucket of water. It is necessary to moisten the entire aerial part of diseased plants with a solution.

Another rot that few people distinguish from gray rot is black rot, it can be distinguished by spots on the berries, they are exactly black, although the action itself and the treatment methods are exactly the same as for gray rot.

We go further: spotting, usually spotting, affects the leaf blades of garden strawberries, and brown-red spots appear on them. It is impossible to delay, the disease can quickly spread to still healthy plants and capture most of the plantation. Outwardly, it seems that this is nonsense, well, just think - spots, in fact, these spots lead to disruptions in the photosynthetic apparatus and, against this background, inhibit the overall development of the plant.

Of course, to a large extent this will not be able to affect the laying of the next year's strawberry crop, but spotting must still be fought. In this case, treatment with a solution of copper oxychloride effectively helps, it must be diluted at a concentration of 50 g per bucket of water and diseased strawberry plants should be treated with this solution.

By the way, beginners quite often confuse outdated foliage with a reddish tint with affected spotting. Firmly remember that the old foliage just needs to be removed, it no longer needs any additional processing.

From diseases, we smoothly move on to pests - during the period when the garden strawberry gave the entire crop, it also needs protection from pests. At this time, strawberries are attacked by strawberry weevil, strawberry mites and spider mites.

Strawberry weevil usually eats leaf blades, in earlier stages of plant development it can also affect buds. In order to get rid of the strawberry weevil, the plants must be treated with permitted insecticides such as karbofos, spending 70-80 g of the drug per bucket of water. When processing, you need to carefully moisten the top and bottom of the strawberry leaves and also process the soil.

An even smaller insect is the strawberry mite. It is possible to understand that it was he who struck the strawberry plantations by the slightly deformed foliage, which changed its color to yellow. The control measures here are the same as in the case of the weevil.

Finding a spider mite on strawberry plants is quite simple: if you turn the leaf over, you will see a cobweb from below, this is the trace of the life of the spider mite.

After you notice a spider mite on strawberries, which sucks the juice from the leaf blades and greatly inhibits the development of the plant, reducing its immunity, it is necessary to treat the plants with any permitted acaricide, and if strawberry plants are severely affected, it is better to remove them and burn them outside the site.

Mulching plantings of strawberries. © GrowOrganic

Replacing old strawberry bushes

So, we have already said a lot about what needs to be done after the strawberries have fruited, but far from everything, there are still secrets left, and we will definitely tell about them now.

For example, do you know that the full-fledged fruiting of strawberries lasts only four years, but on sufficiently moist, nutritious soil it can last even five years, after which, alas, it fades away without a trace, and it is better to renew the plantation? Now know!

Therefore, as soon as you have collected the fifth, full-fledged crop, the strawberry plantation will need to be replaced with a new one. Around the end of July, all old and drying strawberry leaves should be cut, removed, only the very base of the bush about 2-3 cm high should be left from the shoots and shoots.

All that is cut off must be removed from the site and burned. This procedure is cruel, however, this fall it will allow the plants to form a new leaf mass and lay flowering buds, that is, a guarantee of next year's harvest.

What to do with strawberry whiskers?

When the processes are removed, there are a lot of them and it can be really a pity to destroy them. Given this, if you have enough free space, then the remaining shoots, choosing the strongest and most well-developed and healthy of them, should be transplanted into newly laid beds. All other whiskers must be removed, otherwise they will simply draw moisture and additional substances onto themselves to the detriment of the formation of the generative sphere of plants.

Cutting strawberry whiskers should be done in any way, for this a garden knife is usually taken and the whiskers are removed as close to the soil surface as possible. In no case do not pull out the process, so you almost always pull out part of the root, and it can dry out, and therefore the whole plant will die.

Rejuvenation of strawberry plantings with mustache layering. © Chloe

Preparing strawberries for winter

Preparing strawberries for winter should not be ignored, this is a significant part of the guarantee of a good harvest for next year. If there is enough moisture in the soil, then it is not necessary to water the plants in late autumn, if it is not enough, then around the end of October, you can pour a couple of buckets of water per square meter of soil.

Once again, carefully inspect the plants, especially after watering, if you notice that the root system is sticking out in some places, then be sure to dig it in with moist and nutritious soil. At the onset of the first stable frosts, in order to retain snow in the garden with strawberries, it is necessary to cover it with spruce branches, it is not such a reliable protection from the cold, but it retains snow on the site just perfectly.

But many do not recommend using straw for the winter as a covering material for strawberries, mice usually start there, so if you already have a lot of straw and nowhere to put it, then at the same time lay out poisoned baits to protect yourself from mice.

Well, that's all we wanted to tell you. If you have questions or tips, then write about them in the comments, we will be happy to answer questions and use the tips!

Each gardener grows not only vegetables on his plot. Here you can find fruits and berries. These favorite crops include strawberries. Its taste is admired by adults and children. And it must also be grown correctly, because if it does not have enough nutrients, then it will not give a good harvest. Consider how strawberries should be cared for after fruiting.

Everyone knows strawberries. This plant can be recognized by its appearance:

  • undersized bushes, the height of which does not exceed 35 cm;
  • straight stems with a little fluff;
  • during flowering, white buds are formed, which have 5 petals;
  • The fruits are bright red in color and have a delightful aroma.

There are a large number of varieties. All have their own maturity period. The earliest of them falls on May and can last until the beginning of autumn.

In order for the plant to give a big harvest, you need to properly care for it. The main stages of preparation include:

  • watering;
  • weeding from weeds;
  • hilling;
  • loosening;
  • top dressing.

But what about the plants from which you have harvested the entire crop? Under no circumstances should they be dropped here. It is necessary to carry out further care for strawberries in the summer, after fruiting. And our task is to find out how this is done.

With the move

The main thing that can be done with the plant after harvest is to transplant it. To begin with, you must prepare the right place for the berry. It must meet the following requirements:

  • the soil is well-groomed, dug up, fertilized;
  • the place where onions, legumes or garlic grew is ideal;
  • use organic matter, such as bird droppings or humus, to fertilize the beds.

You can transplant the shoots that the berry gave. It is better to dig up old bushes and throw them away. It is recommended to carry out the procedure on a cloudy day, when there is no strong sun. If the weather is clear, then it is better to postpone the transplant until the evening. Moisten the transplanted bushes well.

If you think that this is where caring for strawberries after fruiting ends, then you are deeply mistaken. Still just getting started.

Sanitary treatment of bushes

As you know, garden strawberries are considered the most popular berry in the country. Care after fruiting will help restore the strength of the plant by next year. During this period, active leaf growth begins. At this time, we begin to think about the future harvest and do everything according to our instructions. After picking the berries, if there is no need to replant the plants, it is necessary to carry out hygienic treatment according to the following principle. The very first step is weeding the beds with berries from weeds. Remove everything well and loosen the soil.

  1. You need to cut out all the mustache and old leaves. At the same time, leave the young shoots that managed to get out.
  2. Be sure to clean the berry soil from dry foliage. Serious carriers of infections and various diseases can remain on it.
  3. If you notice that young shoots have taken on a painful appearance, do not rush to get rid of them. You can try treating strawberries with colloidal sulfur.
  4. The next important step will be loosening the beds. This cannot be done in the immediate vicinity of the bushes, since their root system is located on the surface. Loosen the soil carefully, between rows, to a depth of about 15 cm.

We have gradually figured out what is the care of strawberries after fruiting. Pruning bushes is included in the list of measures. Do not be afraid to carry out this procedure. The berry will not suffer from this, but will only benefit and give a good harvest in the new season.


The main care for strawberries after fruiting includes feeding the bushes with various fertilizers. First of all, you need to make mineral preparations. For each square meter of beds, 30-40 grams of substances are needed. Special ready-made mixtures of preparations that are made specifically for berries are ideal. Other than that, use:

  • ammophoska, it contains such necessary substances as phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium;
  • humus;
  • compost.

The only enemy of strawberries is chlorine. Avoid fertilizers that contain such a substance. But after fertilizing, you need to thoroughly moisten the soil.

Watering according to all the rules

We proceed to the next procedure, which is included in the basic care of strawberries after fruiting. Ganichkina, a well-known agrotechnician, recommends paying special attention to watering. She gives some advice on this:

  1. Moisten the soil after each fertilization. This will help the nutrients to dissolve faster and soak into the ground.
  2. So that a crust does not form on the soil, sprinkle the bed with peat.
  3. The whole season it is necessary to keep the soil in a damp state. In no case should you fill the bushes so that they do not start to rot.
  4. Humidification should be carried out as needed. Watering should be plentiful. There will be no sense from superficial moisture.
  5. After each watering, loosen the soil, weed from weeds and be sure to remove the whiskers. Strawberry bushes should not waste their strength and juices on them.

Preparing for the autumn-winter period

For all the care of strawberries after fruiting, you have already spent a lot of time and effort. And most importantly, you don't have to stop there. An important period lies ahead. Autumn and winter are the main enemies of the berry. So that in the new season you can see the plants in good health, make preparations:

  1. In autumn, you can stop moistening the soil. But don't stop at fighting weeds and mustaches.
  2. Cover all bushes with a layer of straw. It will protect the plants from the coming frosts.
  3. Rows between strawberries can be overlaid with grass. It will not only warm, but also become fertilizer in early spring.

We have considered how to care for standard plant varieties. It is worth paying attention to repairmen.

May to November

Modern breeders offer gardeners the most interesting varieties. One of these is the repair berry. With it, you can harvest several times a season. In order to have a lot of berries, you need to properly care for remontant strawberries after the first fruiting. It is as follows:

  1. Loosen the bushes constantly so that the roots remain in the ground.
  2. After you have harvested the first crop of ripe berries, feed the bushes with mineral fertilizers.
  3. Water as needed.
  4. To keep the berries from spoiling, keep the bed covered with a special black material. Moisture passes well through it and it is very difficult - various insects and weeds.

Now you know how to properly care for strawberries. The quality and quantity of tasty and fragrant berries depend on these important procedures.

After picking berries, strawberry bushes require special care to recuperate and intensively lay fruiting buds for the next year.

With the correct implementation of summer-autumn preventive measures, garden strawberries (the scientific name of strawberries) increase fruiting by at least 15-30 percent. The fruits become larger, juicier and sweeter. Any variety, simple or remontant strawberry, responds with gratitude to care and attention, therefore, berries grown by one's own hands are noticeably different from store-bought ones.

Care for strawberries after harvest

At the end of July-beginning of August, after the fruiting of strawberries, the care corresponding to this period is carried out, consisting of: trimming the mustache, removing damaged leaves, weeding, top dressing, hilling the bushes.

In July, after harvesting strawberries, the plants begin to grow new leaves, form new horns, the growth of whiskers with side rosettes intensifies and new flower buds are laid for the new season.

Be sure to weed the beds, that is, the removal of all weeds. Excess mustache and dried leaves are also removed. Reddened leaf blades are removed first.

It is impossible to cut off foliage and mustaches, you can only cut it off, otherwise the bush will be damaged and will hurt. For trimming, take only sharp scissors or secateurs. Old, cut leaves, in order to avoid the reproduction of pests, it is better to burn. If the young leaves are curled or look corrugated, this indicates that the plants are infected with strawberry mites and they should be treated with a special preparation.

After pruning, the soil around the strawberries is loosened, fertilized, and watered. The aisles are loosened 10 centimeters deep. Around the plants, loosening is carried out by 5-7 centimeters. It is desirable to spud bushes.

In this case, the roots should be completely covered, and the upper part of the bush should remain above the ground. In no case do not fill up the growth point, that is, the middle of the rosette of leaves.

Feeding strawberries in July

Mineral fertilizers with a wide content of trace elements are taken for top dressing. About 30 grams of fertilizer goes per square meter. For this, a special fertilizer for garden strawberries is suitable - Fertik, ammophoska.

Fertilizers containing potassium chloride should not be used, as it slows down growth and impairs fruiting. Fertilizers are embedded in the soil to a depth of about 5-8 centimeters.

In addition to these fertilizers, you can use last year's humus. It crumbles around the bushes and digs a little into the soil. Humus improves soil structure and makes it more fertile.

You can also fertilize the beds with diluted chicken manure (breeding it in a ratio of 1:15 with water). When feeding, we must not forget that this solution should not fall on the foliage, otherwise burns will appear on the plants, which provokes the development of diseases. A high concentration of the solution can generally destroy the bush. Therefore, this type of dressing is not used so often. And more often in spring than in summer and autumn.

If the weather is dry, then the beds with strawberries are abundantly spilled with water. Soil moisture should be maintained until the end of the season. Watering is done once a week in a bucket per square meter.

For best results, drip irrigation can be used. This type of watering allows you to get the right amount of moisture and at the same time the plants do not rot, since the soil does not become waterlogged.

Caring for strawberries in August

To get a bountiful harvest for the next season, perennials need proper care at the end of summer. It includes: pruning leaves, transplanting mustaches, preparing plants in winter, that is, sheltering bushes.

Old leaves are cut off. Here, gardeners act differently, some mow all the foliage completely, others remove only leaves damaged by diseases. If strawberries grow in groups, early varieties are processed first. Then come the middle and late varieties, this will allow you to evenly care for the plants and prevent them from overgrowing, which leads to the threat of infection with diseases and pests.

Mustaches with new rosettes and young roots are planted to form young bushes. For this, the strongest specimens are selected, usually this is the first rosette on the antennae. Strawberry plantings are recommended to be renewed every 3 years, this is how many years the bush bears fruit as much as possible, then the bush ages and the yield decreases markedly.

To protect strawberries from various fungi, powdery mildew, pests, the bushes are sprayed with special preparations, or with self-prepared means.

For spraying, drugs such as:

  • Karbofos or Actellik, this is protection against weevil and strawberry mites;
  • Azocen and Topaz are used for the prevention and control of powdery mildew;
  • a one percent solution of lime and copper sulfate saves bushes and berries from rot, spotting.

Fertilizing strawberries in August

Top dressing of the bushes during this period increases the degree of frost resistance of the plant and contributes to the laying of future flower buds.

Complex mineral fertilizers should include: 1 part nitrogen, 2 parts phosphorus, 4 parts potassium. In the finished version, it can be: Fasco, Autumn, Autumn. All these preparations, except for the base, contain other useful substances.

Fertilizer Autumn in its composition does not contain nitrogen, which allows it to be used even in a later period, but this preparation contains all the elements that are necessary for the growth and good fruiting of strawberries.

In the form of organic fertilizers suitable: peat, horse manure in granules, humus, bone meal.

Mineral and organic fertilizers should not be mixed. In rare cases, when the soil is depleted, mineral and organic top dressings are applied over the entire area of ​​​​the beds. If the strawberry planting area is quite large, this mixture can also be used.

After feeding, the plants are covered with mulch, and for wintering, the bushes are covered with leaves, needles, potato tops, and straw. Dry weather is chosen for shelter, otherwise the layer may compact and cause the formation of pests and diseases within the layer or lead to root rot.

The layer of mulch covering plants from frost should be at least 7 centimeters. In addition to mulch, non-woven material is used, for example, spunbond.

Autumn care for remontant strawberries

Remontant strawberries, in comparison with simple varieties, have a short life span and after two years the plants must change new ones. Some varieties do not produce mustaches and are easier to care for, but seeds are used to propagate them, which complicates the breeding process.

July and August are suitable for updating strawberry plantations. By autumn, the bushes take root and easily endure the winter.

In preparation for winter, flower stalks and leaves are cut off from the mother bushes. Bushes are hilled so that the roots are covered with soil. But the core of the plant must remain open, otherwise it will begin to rot.

Treated beds are covered with foliage, grass, hay, or special covering material - this allows strawberries to easily endure even a snowless winter.

When warm days come in the spring, the mulch from the strawberries must be removed so that the plants do not begin to rot.

Processing strawberries after harvest, video

Have a good harvest!

The harvest of strawberries (garden strawberries) directly depends on your diligence and how fully you follow the recommendations when caring for it. Often, gardeners ignore the maintenance of the berry after fruiting, which is a mistake.

Many inexperienced gardeners believe that after fruiting, garden strawberries do not need care, and they can be “preserved” until the next season. However, with this approach, one should not be surprised that next year there is no harvest or it is completely scarce. After all, preparation for a new stage of fruiting begins immediately after picking strawberries and continues for an even greater part of the season. In this article you will find the most popular tips for how to care for strawberries after harvest.

strawberry care in july

An important component of the July strawberry care is mustache trimming. The fact is that strawberry bushes, which are 3-5 years old, actively grow mustaches after fruiting and consume a large amount of nutrients for this. Therefore, they are removed with secateurs to facilitate the development of the plant.

In no case do not cut off the mustache, as this can easily damage the strawberry bush, and the plant will spend a lot of energy on recovery.

Before removing parts of the strawberry bush, it should feed. For 1 sq.m, add a mixture of superphosphate (40-60 g), ammonium nitrate (20-30 g) and potassium chloride (15-20 g). loosen soil between rows to a depth of 10 cm and next to strawberry bushes.

Oxygen for the roots is no less important than water and top dressing, so regularly loosen the soil near the strawberry bushes

Healthy strawberries, which will enter the active growth phase in 5-7 days, should be fed with a mixture of nitrophoska (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) and wood ash (1 cup). For young plants of the first year of fruiting, spend 1 liter of the solution, and for those that are older - 1.5-2 liters.

Closer to mid-July, strawberries should be fed fresh chicken manure. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15-20. Plants are watered from a watering can, trying not to fall on the leaves. 10 liters of solution is enough for 6-8 bushes of adult strawberries and 20-25 young bushes. Fertilizer should be applied after rain or a couple of hours after watering.

    How to feed strawberries after harvest

    Do strawberries need fertilizing after fruiting? Yes, and even more than during the periods of flowering and fruiting.

In a timely manner pull out the weeds removing them after watering and rain. Also regularly loosen the soil to saturate the root system with oxygen.

Caring for strawberries in August

Without knowing, how to care for strawberries in august, you risk losing your crop next year. The last summer month is often dry and hot. Therefore, it is important to carry out watering at least 2 times a week. The plants themselves "signals" the need for watering - the bushes wilt, and the foliage dries up.

You can water strawberries both by sprinkling and under the root - the sun is no longer so aggressive, and there will be no burn on the leaves

If the leaves continue to dry out, become stained, weaken, they should be carefully cutting down and leave only 3-4 healthy leaves for the improvement of the "green mass". The same goes for mustache, which are removed if they are still growing, or if you forgot to do it in July.

Plants can feed with a weak solution of mullein(1:10) or bird droppings(1:20) and loosen the soil. One bucket of 10 liters should be enough for 10-12 bushes. Around the beds, you can form earthen "sides" up to 15 cm high and fill them with water to the top.

And it is also recommended in August plant new strawberry bushes Location on. It is best to do this in the evening or on a cloudy day. Seedlings should have three true leaves and a developed root system. It is planted in a pre-prepared wet hole.

    Planting strawberries in autumn

    Strawberries can be planted not only in spring, but also in autumn. How to do it right?

    Strawberry seedlings: how to choose and buy healthy seedlings

    We tell you how not to make a mistake when choosing spring seedlings of strawberries.

September strawberry care

Autumn strawberry care slightly different from summer activities. However, they should not be neglected either.

Strawberries of some varieties continue to form flowers even in September. The berries on them will not ripen before the onset of cold weather, therefore such “idle” inflorescence follows cut off. The same applies to mustache strawberries.

Removing inflorescences from varietal strawberries in the fall will help protect them from anthracnose and white spot

Even if the forecasts promise a mild winter, feed the bushes. Great for this Ammophos(the contents are added at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq.m). For "insulation" they also bring in rotted chicken manure, diluted in water in a ratio of 1:15. Under each bush pour 1-1.5 liters of the composition. Sometimes they use cow dung, diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 with the addition of 1 cup of ash. Strawberries are abundantly watered with the resulting composition at the rate of 1.5-2 liters per bush.

For the last time before winter, inspect the strawberry bushes and reject diseased and affected specimens, as well as remove excess whiskers and withered leaves. Don't throw away the "bad" plants, but put them in the compost heap.

    Autumn strawberry care

    Not sure how to care for strawberries in the fall? Then read this article.

Now you know, how to care for strawberries in september. Armed with this information, next year you are guaranteed to get a bountiful harvest.

Caring for strawberries after pruning leaves

Outdoor strawberry care implies not only the removal of mustaches and inflorescences, but also leaves. However, you do not need to “bare” the plant completely, because by picking healthy leaves, you reduce the likelihood of the formation of peduncles and fruits, reduce yields and doom strawberries to difficulties during the wintering period. First of all, remove dry and withered leaves affected by strawberry mites. If the fruit-bearing plant is affected almost entirely, then it is easier to cut it with a pruner just above the growth point and burn the remains.

If you need seedlings for propagation, then you should not remove the mustache, you need to give them the opportunity to take root and grow a strong outlet

After cutting loosen the ground and water it. Treat the bushes with a weak solution potassium permanganate and sprinkle ash. To ensure good bud growth, feed strawberries with an all-purpose fertilizer at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters of water. Also suitable ammonium nitrate and nitrogen fertilizers(use according to instructions).

Toward the end of September, strawberry bushes can be overlaid straw to protect them from coming frosts. In the aisle, spread the freshly cut grass- it will be the first spring fertilizer.

Caring for remontant strawberries

From mid-September, start caring for the fruiting bushes. Loosen the soil to hide the root system and protect it from the cold. As a rule, at this time, plants are covered with a "blanket" of cut green manure or mulch soil with straw, hay, fallen leaves and mowed weeds. Remove the remaining flower stalks so that they do not weaken the plants, but withered cut the leaves after the first frost.

As you can see, caring for garden strawberries after fruiting is easy. It is enough just to carry out the necessary set of standard measures, and grateful plants will give you a bountiful harvest.

A novice gardener does not even know that the cessation of the appearance of berries on the bushes does not mean the end of gardening. At a time when their favorite strawberries bloom and ripen, many summer residents try not only not to use preparations for protection, but also not to disturb the site with the same weeding. But this has its detrimental consequences, however, it is important to benefit your favorite garden. Let's figure out why we need care for strawberries after fruiting.

Processing strawberries after fruiting in the summer is needed for the following purposes:

  • laying the future harvest;
  • protection of plants from various adversities;
  • maintaining the health of the bushes.

Strawberries bloom and bear fruit throughout the summer, this feature depends on the variety. Early varieties of culture can bear fruit in May, late ones - in June, July. We must not forget about remontant varieties that give a harvest repeatedly. The culture blooms and brings berries early - from spring to mid-summer (June), and for this reason its roots cannot receive the necessary substances for the formation of large and tasty berries. The harvest is usually laid at the end of the summer season and before the beginning of the autumn of the previous year, and after harvesting it is very important to take care of the plant.

  1. crop
  2. feed.

When to prune strawberries after harvest

It is not recommended to postpone pruning strawberries after harvest until such a late time as autumn. It is better to prune strawberries immediately after fruiting stops. In remontant varieties, after 2 years of life, the yield decreases quite noticeably, the berries appear less and less and become smaller. Experienced summer residents believe that it is best to remove old leaves and diseased bushes in August.

How to prune strawberries after fruiting:

  • To begin with, carefully cut off the old leaves and tendrils, if you do not plan to leave them for the propagation of bushes. It is best not to touch the young leaves. But if they got under the scissors, then cut them off too. Even if, after pruning, only the stems remain sticking out, there is nothing to worry about. Young leaves will have time to grow before winter.
  • It will be more convenient for you if you correctly select strawberries in the beds according to their fruiting dates. This can be done by looking at the varieties of your plant that have the same dates among themselves, and group them in rows.

Pests that have accumulated over the whole season in old foliage will be able to migrate to fresh leaves if strawberries are not cut in time.

Pay attention to the condition of your garden and don't let the bushes die - get rid of the weeds between the rows. If you notice young strawberry leaves that are wrinkled and deformed, prepare means to combat harmful insects.

Improving the quality of the soil in the garden

Loosen the soil carefully, because plants need oxygen. However, care must be taken at the bushes themselves, strawberries have a superficial root system, which can be damaged by indiscretion. Sprinkle the adventitious roots with earth so that they are located under the soil.

How often is it necessary to water strawberries for its subsequent restoration of strength and the beginning of the budding buds? The culture should be irrigated rarely after harvesting the berries, once a week is enough. The earth must be abundantly saturated with moisture in order for the bushes to come to life and gain strength.

How to feed strawberries after fruiting in July

In the matter of how to care for strawberries after fruiting, fertilizing strawberries is a must. The following supplements work well for this task:

  • humus;
  • horse dung;
  • mullein.

When choosing how to treat strawberries after cutting the leaves, it is not recommended to choose fertilizers containing chlorine, because strawberries do not tolerate it at all. Prepare a solution for feeding strawberries by putting 1 kg of feeding in 10 liters of warm water. If you do not have these additives, then chicken manure will be a good food for strawberries. As a rule, a bucket of such fertilizer is enough for 8 bushes.

Another thing to fertilize strawberries after harvesting is copper sulphate. You can also spray blue vitriol to keep strawberries out of trouble. This component fights against such misfortunes as powdery mildew, spotting, and rot. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of copper sulfate for 10 liters of water, and it is best to spray the plants on a dry and calm day.

Natural recipes for fertilizing strawberries after harvest

Feeding strawberries with bird droppings

Bird droppings, as a rule, are sold in dry form, therefore, before use, the concentrate is converted into a liquid infusion:

  • Dilute 1 part of litter in 10 parts of water;
  • let it brew for 2 days;
  • apply the finished product to the soil, trying not to get on the green parts of the plants;
  • pour the mixture into the grooves between rows and bushes at the rate of 1 liter per bush.

In no case do not feed strawberries with dry chicken manure, otherwise you can burn the roots of plants.

How to make strawberry feed from mullein

As an alternative to bird droppings, you can use mullein infusion and make an excellent top dressing for strawberries:

  • take 1 part of mullein infusion and dilute it with 10 parts of water;
  • add charcoal if desired - 1 part charcoal to 10 parts mullein;
  • put the mixture for a day in a warm room;
  • apply up to 1 liter of fertilizer under one bush.

Mullein can also be used dry as mulch. It is laid in the aisles, providing strawberries with nutrients for several years. To feed strawberries after fruiting, use only rotted mullein to prevent the development of fungal diseases.


This is another good feeding option that allows strawberries to get the necessary supply of nutrients. The recipe for its preparation is similar to the above:

  • Dilute 1 liter of slurry in 8 liters of water;
  • let the mixture brew for 2 days;
  • water the beds with the finished product, trying not to fall on the leaves;
  • add about 1 liter of infusion under one bush.

Don't do all three feedings at the same time - pick one, as too much nitrogen can kill plants.

Choose a dry and sunny day for strawberry dressing

Second phase top dressing occurs at the end of October and is carried out after pruning the leaves. At this time, it is good to introduce potassium and phosphorus preparations (both in dry and liquid form). Dry fertilizers have a positive effect longer, and liquid fertilizers are better absorbed, so they can be combined.

Top dressing for strawberries after fruiting from wood ash

How to feed strawberries after fruiting and pruning is ash. Ash as a fertilizer is used both in dry and diluted form.

Sprinkle the dry mixture on the plant at the base to protect it from pest attacks. The liquid preparation is prepared as follows:

  • Dilute 100-150 g of ash in 10 liters of water;
  • apply 0.5 liters of fertilizer under each bush.

Urea and ammonium nitrate for strawberries

These substances are rich in nitrogen, which gives strawberries a rich red color and unique taste.

  • for cooking urea solution dilute 1 tbsp. the drug in 10 liters of water and add 0.5 liters of the composition under each bush;
  • ammonium nitrate use in the second year of the plant's life. Bring the dry matter into the grooves between the rows and bury it in the ground with a rake. For a plot of 10 square meters, you will need 100 g of saltpeter. You can also dilute the granules with a total weight of 25-30 g in 10 liters of water and pour the mixture under the bushes (up to 1 liter of solution for each).

You can also add 50 g of Kemira Autumn to 1 sq.m. By following the rules for caring for strawberries after fruiting, you can enjoy large and tasty berries every year.

After fruiting, strawberry plants remain active for a long time - it is during this period that the next year's harvest is laid. If the care of strawberries after harvesting is thorough and complete, then next year you can feel an increase in yield up to 30%. Rested bushes that have received additional nutrition will give more tasty, juicy, sweet berries. Care for garden strawberries (strawberries) after fruiting continues all summer in July and August.

Caring for strawberries in July after harvest

In July, after fruiting, it is imperative to trim the mustache, remove dry foliage, weed the beds, feed the plants, water and hill up. It is not necessary to cut or mow all strawberry foliage in July. It is required to remove only unnecessary leaves and mustaches. But if a nematode is found on strawberries, the bushes should be dug up and destroyed without regret. Spraying will save you from strawberry mites. Timely top dressing and watering will help the plants both restore strength and stock up on new ones.

Pruning strawberries after harvest

Immediately after harvesting, we advise you to weed the beds, removing all weeds. At the same time, you can remove part of the mustache, especially those that crawl out of the garden, and also cut out all the dried and blushing leaf blades.

I advise you to burn the cut leaves as soon as possible. They do not need to be composted, and do not make a layer of mulch or covering material from them. Leaves may contain diseases or pests.

Immediately after you remove all the more unnecessary leaves, you need to get rid of the old layer of mulch if it was. Then you can start loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing.

How to properly cut strawberries

You can remove the leaves by combing them with a rake, beveling or cutting with a garden knife or scissors. I strongly do not advise cutting off the leaves: by pulling on the leaf, you can pull out the bush or part of it, violating the root system. A damaged bush will recover for a long time, get sick, and the crop for the next season will decrease.

The best option for those who have small plots is to remove unnecessary leaf blades with sharp garden shears or secateurs. You can mow the leaves, but try not to damage the sockets and healthy leaf mass.

Handling strawberries after harvest

When working with garden strawberries, I advise you to pay more attention to the leaves. If you notice that some have become corrugated, then most likely they were attacked strawberry mite . If it is found, the plants must be treated with any approved acaricidal (anti-tick) preparations, strictly following the instructions on the package.

Sometimes the central leaves of a strawberry plant suddenly begin to turn yellow, their petioles noticeably thicken, become shorter. It means only one thing - the bushes struck nematode . It is difficult to get rid of it, it is much easier to remove the bushes from the site, and shed the soil where they grew with boiling water.

Loosening strawberries after harvest

Try to loosen only the aisles, I do not advise you to climb close to the bushes so as not to damage the root system. In the aisles, you can deepen the tip of the hoe by 7-8 cm, this is quite enough. After loosening the row spacing, you can spud the bushes with fresh soil by 2 cm.

First of all, try to hill up those bushes in which the root system is bare for some reason (usually in plants of 2-3 years of age), while the soil should not fall into the center of the bush.

Feeding strawberries after harvest

In July, it is successful to use a mixture of complex and mineral fertilizers for top dressing. Consumption rate: 20-25 g per 1 m². When using nitroammophoska, it is scattered on the surface of the soil, both in dry and in dissolved form.

How to fertilize strawberries

Dry mineral fertilizers for strawberries must be applied in a certain order:

  1. loosen the soil
  2. pour - a bucket of water per 1 m²,
  3. sprinkle fertilizer on the surface,
  4. sprinkle dry soil on top.

Also, dry mineral fertilizers can be dissolved in water (0.5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) and poured over the soil under the compatriot bushes, spending 2-3 liters per 1 m² of soil.


It is impossible to apply fertilizers containing chlorine, such as potassium chloride, under garden strawberries. Strawberries react very badly to chlorine: growth retardation or deterioration in fruiting may be observed.

Photo: Phosphorus-potassium water-soluble fertilizer Monopotassium phosphate for fertilizing fruit and berry and other crops

Feeding strawberries after harvesting with chicken manure

In July, you can enrich strawberries and organic matter. Toward the end of the month, it is permissible to feed strawberries with chicken manure diluted 15 times with water. Chicken droppings dissolved in water can only be applied under plants, you can’t get on the foliage - this can cause severe burns.

In general, try to water and fertilize in the evening or early in the morning.

Watering strawberries after harvest

Watering is combined with top dressing. 2-3 days after top dressing, if there is no rain, you can water the strawberries again, pouring 2 buckets per 1 m² and mulch the surface with humus with a layer of 2-3 cm. Humus affects the soil very well: it prevents the formation of a crust, does not allow to evaporate moisture, slows down the growth of weeds and improves the structure of the soil substrate.

How often to water strawberries

Throughout the season and until its completion, on a strawberry plantation, the soil must be kept slightly moist, preventing the earthen coma from drying out. Watering should be carried out in accordance with the weather outside the window. If it is cool, it is raining, then there is no need to water the plants. If it is dry and hot, then watering is necessary and at least 1 time per week.

For 1 m² of strawberry beds, 2 buckets of water are consumed. When watering, it is advisable to use the water that has settled during the day, which the sun has warmed to room temperature.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation of strawberries

The ideal irrigation option is drip irrigation: both water is saved and precious time. The best solution for drip irrigation for a summer house with your own hands is to install a tank under the roof. Put it on a small elevation and take a few droppers from it directly to the beds. To prevent leaves or large debris from the roof from getting inside, which can clog the holes of the droppers, the surface of the tank must be covered with a plastic mesh with the smallest holes. Water will pass through the holes, but debris and leaves will not.

Caring for strawberries after harvesting in August

The second stage of care work for garden strawberries after fruiting falls on August. At this time, you need to continue removing dry foliage, watering, fertilizing, removing mustaches. It is also time to start preparing the plants for the winter period.

Pruning strawberries in August

In August, you need to cut off all dried and reddening leaves on strawberries. First of all, pay attention to early varieties, then go to mid-season and, finally, cut off the leaves of late varieties.

Processing strawberries in August

In August, it is possible to carry out preventive treatments against a fungal infection (fungicides) and against a tick (acaricidal preparations). Use only approved drugs, the list of which is updated annually.

To combat the infection, you can also use a more environmentally friendly 1% solution of lime and copper sulfate. It will prevent the appearance of rot and spots on the plants.

Fertilizing strawberries in August

To increase the immunity and winter hardiness of plants in August, you can repeat some top dressing. I do not recommend using nitrogen fertilizers in August; strawberries do not need excessive growth activity in autumn.

You can use a solution of potassium salt (1 tsp per 1 m²) and a solution of superphosphate in the same volume. Superphosphate does not dissolve very well in cold water, so it is better to use water heated to 35-40 ° C.

Watering strawberries in August

Approximately in the middle of the month, you can loosen the soil on a strawberry bed, water it at the rate of 1.5 buckets per 1 m² and mulch the surface with humus with a layer of 2-3 cm. During the month, you should also remember about additional watering, you should not allow long and strong drying of the soil .

Covering strawberries for the winter

At the end of the month, I advise you to start preparing for the winter period. For these purposes, you need to stock up on covering material, such as straw, or buy non-woven covering material such as spunbond.

For good fruiting of strawberries, year-round care is required for this crop. Once harvested, strawberry bushes require special care to recover. With proper preventive maintenance, strawberries increase fruiting by at least 15-30 percent.

The fruits become larger, juicier and sweeter. Any variety of simple or remontant strawberries is grateful for care and berries grown by one's own hands are strikingly different from store-bought ones.

How to care for strawberries after fruiting

Care after picking berries in July

In July, after the fruiting of strawberries, the care corresponding to this period is carried out, these are:

  • mustache trimming,
  • dried leaves,
  • weeding,
  • top dressing,
  • hilling strawberries.

In July, after picking berries, the plants begin to grow new leaves, the formation of new horns, the growth of whiskers with lateral rosettes intensifies and new flower buds are laid.

First, the beds are weeded. Excess mustache and dried leaves are removed. Reddened leaves are removed first. It is impossible to cut off foliage and mustaches, you can only cut it off, otherwise the bush will be damaged and will hurt.

For trimming, sharp scissors or secateurs are taken. It is better to burn old leaves in order to avoid the reproduction of pests. If young leaves curl or take on a corrugated shape, this is an indicator of strawberry mite infestation and the plants should be treated with acaricidal preparations.

If the central leaves turn yellow, the petioles are thickened and short, this is a sign of a nematode. At the same time, the plant is dug up, treated with boiling water and removed from the site.

After pruning, the old mulch is removed from the beds. The soil around the strawberries is loosened, fertilized, watered.

The aisles are loosened 10 centimeters deep. Around the plants, loosening is done by 5 centimeters. The bushes are spudding.

In this case, the roots should be completely covered, and the upper part of the bush should remain above the ground. This is especially true for plants that have been growing for more than a year, as their root system begins to protrude above the ground.

For top dressing, mineral fertilizers are taken with an admixture of trace elements. About 30 grams of fertilizer goes per square meter. For this, a special fertilizer for garden strawberries, Fertik, ammophoska is suitable.

Fertilizers containing potassium chloride should not be used, as it slows down growth and impairs fruiting. Fertilizers are embedded in the soil to a depth of about 6 centimeters.

In addition to these fertilizers, you can use last year's humus. It crumbles from above. It will improve the structure of the soil and make it more fertile.

You can also fertilize the beds with diluted chicken manure (15 parts of water and 1 part of manure). When feeding, we must not forget that this solution should not fall on the foliage, otherwise burns will appear on the plants, which provokes the development of diseases. A high concentration of the solution can generally destroy the bush. Therefore, this type of dressing is not used so often.

In dry weather, the beds are watered. Soil moisture should be maintained until the end of the season. Watering is done once a week in a bucket per square meter.

For best results, drip irrigation can be used. This type of watering will allow you to get the right amount of moisture and at the same time the plants do not rot, since the soil does not swamp.

The soil around the bushes is mulched with chopped grass, peat, straw.

Caring for strawberries in August

Proper care is required to get a bountiful strawberry harvest next year. The last month of summer is the best for this.

Care includes:

  • leaf pruning,
  • mustache transplant,
  • preparation of plants for wintering.

Old leaves are cut off. If varieties grow in groups, early varieties are processed first. Then come the middle and late varieties, this will allow you to evenly care for the plants and prevent them from overgrowing, which leads to the threat of infection with diseases and pests.

Mustaches are cut with an indent of 10 centimeters from the base of the bush. After pruning, young foliage and core (horns) remain on the bush.

Mustaches with new rosettes and young roots are planted to form young bushes. To do this, the strongest instances are selected, while the weak ones are removed.

For better yields, after harvesting, the strongest mustache remains on the bush. A new mother bush will grow from it to replace the old one. This operation is carried out every three years.

And the spots are treated with therapeutic and prophylactic spraying of strawberries.

For spraying, drugs such as Karbofos or Aktellik are used, this is protection against weevil and strawberry mites; Azocen and Topaz are used for the prevention and control of powdery mildew; a one percent solution of lime and copper sulfate saves bushes and berries from rot, spotting.

Feeding the bushes during this period increases the degree of frost resistance of the plant and promotes the formation of flower buds.

Top dressing with fertilizers

For fertilizers, fertilizers with nitrogen are taken (a strong urea solution is not suitable).
Complex mineral fertilizers should include: 1 part nitrogen, 2 parts phosphorus, 4 parts potassium. In the finished version, it can be: Fasco, Autumn, Autumn. All these preparations, except for the base, contain other useful substances.

Fertilizer Autumn in its composition does not contain nitrogen, which allows it to be used even in a later period, but this preparation contains in its composition all the elements that are necessary for the growth and good fruiting of strawberries.

In the form of organic fertilizers suitable: peat, horse manure in granules, humus, bone meal.

Bird droppings are not used to avoid excess nitrogen.

Mineral and organic fertilizers should not be mixed. In rare cases, when the soil is depleted, mineral and organic top dressings are applied over the entire area of ​​​​the beds. If the strawberry planting area is quite large, this mixture can also be used.

After feeding, the plants are covered with mulch, and for wintering, the bushes are covered with leaves, needles, potato tops, and straw. Dry weather is chosen for shelter, otherwise the layer may compact and cause the formation of pests and diseases within the layer or lead to root rot.

The layer of mulch covering plants from frost should be at least 7 centimeters. In addition to mulch, non-woven material is used, for example, spunbond.

Caring for remontant strawberries after picking berries

Remontant strawberries differ from standard varieties in that they produce several harvests per year. Proper care guarantees not only abundant harvests, but also the formation of new bushes, which allows you to quickly breed this variety on the site.

To obtain a second and third good result, flower stalks are necessarily thinned out.

After each fruiting, reddened and diseased leaves are removed from the bushes. Mustaches of the first order remain on the uterine bush. It is best to root them in prepared cups for further seating. After the end of the season, the cups are collected, the mustache is cut off from the main bush and they can be planted in prepared beds.

When caring for remontant strawberries, watering should be done more often than when watering standard varieties, but less plentifully. For irrigation, it is better to take heated water. The soil must be moist, but not swampy, otherwise the strawberry root system may begin to rot.

Remontant strawberry varieties are demanding on fertilizers and must be constantly supplied with potassium and nitrogen. When preparing the soil for planting new plants, phosphate fertilizers are added.

Do not leave bushes with berries under the snow

After harvesting the last autumn harvest from the plants, it is necessary to cut off all the foliage, flower stalks and cover the bushes with a special non-woven material that will protect the plants from frost.

Remontant strawberries, in comparison with simple varieties, have a short life span and after two years the plants must change new ones. Some varieties do not produce mustaches and are easier to care for, but seeds are used to propagate them, which complicates the breeding process.

July and August are suitable for updating strawberry plantations. By autumn, the bushes take root and easily endure the winter.

In preparation for winter, flower stalks and leaves are cut off from the mother bushes. Bushes are hilled so that the roots are covered with soil. But the core must remain open, otherwise it will begin to rot. Prepared beds are covered with foliage, grass.

Remontant strawberries, in addition to the standard growing method, can grow on trellises, columns, and in tunnels.

To protect plants on trellises, protective plants are planted on both sides of the strawberries, such as corn, which remains to winter and additionally saves the strawberries from freezing.

After the last fruiting, strawberries are covered with a breathable non-woven material that saves the planting from freezing. When grown in tunnels, fruiting lasts until the first frost.

In the warm period of Indian summer, the covering material rises on one side to allow air to circulate. Even with lower temperatures under the material, strawberries fully ripen and do not lose their taste.

And remontant, and, in particular, this applies to the period after fruiting, as the plants are depleted, grow and may begin to hurt.

With careful and careful care, the yield increases, the size of the berries of even small varieties becomes larger, the fruits are saturated with moisture and sweetness.

And in each region, even rather cool ones, you can choose the appropriate option that will delight you with a tasty and fragrant harvest.

Hello dear gardeners! It's time to harvest the strawberries. In order for this berry to retain its qualities and continue to give a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to properly care for strawberries after harvesting. Today we will talk about this.

Features of care

After harvesting, Victoria bushes need special care if you also want to enjoy juicy fruits in the future. At the end of the season it becomes weak, overgrown with weeds. The first question for gardeners: what to do?

  1. Remove the mulch first.
  2. Then get rid of the weeds.
  3. Loosen the soil between the rows.

After the initial events, try to restore the strength of the green mass. How to care after picking berries? Immediately after fruiting, it is necessary to trim the mustache and bushes.

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Proper pruning

Pruning is carried out at the end of August or at the very beginning of September. And before pruning, remove all dry and damaged leaves. When to cut the leaves is also an important question. If your plant has been “living” for the second year, then pruning of foliage is required. Seedlings of the first year go before winter uncut.

Pruning is carried out so that part of a bush 5-6 cm high. Take a sharp pruner and cut!

Some gardeners mow the entire victoria plantation. Do you need to mow! Of course not! You can mow the seedlings of the first year, and this is completely unacceptable.

When to prune offshoots? At the end of August, you need to trim the mustache, if this is not done, then they will greatly weaken the strawberry bush. Leave the strongest shoots. Do not leave much, otherwise they will draw all the strength from the mother seedling.

Do I need to trim the mustache at the root? Cut off the shoots with secateurs as low as possible to the ground.

How to water strawberries at the end of the growing season? During this period, proper watering is very important. Often watering is not worth it, once every 14 days is enough, but abundantly!

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Pest control

In August or September, seedlings should be processed. Especially dangerous are viral and fungal diseases that stick to weakened plants. Conduct comprehensive disease prevention "Nitrafen".

Powdery mildew most often affects. How to spray from powdery mildew. Use as a supplement "Topaz".

As a preventive measure at the end of the season should be treated karbofos or Aktellik.

If at least one berry saw gray rot, then do not expect damage to the entire crop or the transition of the disease to the next season. This is a very dangerous fungus.

When a smoky layer appears on the berries, immediate treatment for diseases is required. First, remove the spoiled, leaves, weeds along with the root. Burn it all, but don't put it in the compost heap! Then spray with the drug Alirin-B.

Treatment with the drug is carried out before flowering and after. A second procedure should be carried out 2 weeks after the first spraying. Dilute 2 tablets of the drug in 1 liter of water.

To save the plantation, carry out 2 treatments per season.

drug "Switch" plants are also treated before and after flowering with an interval of 7 days. Enough 10 g of funds for 5 liters of water. After harvesting, also spray the area with one of these products.

May be sprayed in autumn Bordeaux liquid so that next year your beds are clean and productive.

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Folk recipes

Many gardeners are generally against the use of chemicals.

  • From all diseases will protect the usual iodine- 15 drops per bucket of water. The procedure is carried out before flowering 2-3 times. At the stage of berry formation, it is not carried out, since there is no need.
  • Milk serum-1 glass per bucket of water. Can be strengthened with 2-3 drops of iodine.
  • Potassium permanganate- pink solution + 5-6 drops of boric acid. Treat before flowering.
  • + laundry soap. Grind a few cloves of garlic, cover with water for 7 days. After a week, pour water into a bucket, cut a piece of laundry soap for better adhesion.
  • Save strawberries from gray rot will help solution : 50 g of powder for 5 liters of hot water. Let it brew for 48 hours, then add 5 liters of water. Use before or after flowering, and when the berries begin to fill with juice.

Preventive measures against diseases

  • The first thing to do is to choose the right site for planting. Choose a well-lit, ventilated area. The best place is the middle of the territory with nutritious, loose soil.
  • During the formation of berries, mulch the aisles with a thin layer straw, sawdust or needles so that the fruits do not fall on the ground.
  • Powder the soil between the plants tree resin.
  • Plant nearby.

These simple tricks will also help to secure the crop.

Top dressing is an important step in the care of strawberries

What to feed after picking berries? A severely weakened Victoria especially needs to be fed. It is customary to feed this culture with organic matter in August - September. It can be chicken manure, mullein or horse manure.

Horse and cow dung you can simply spread out between the rows and under each bush. Autumn rains will soak the pieces of manure, delivering nutrients to the roots. But chicken manure will have to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Water in this way: a bucket for 8-10 seedlings.

Many gardeners choose mineral fertilizer. They simply scatter it over the planting area, then pass it with a chopper and water it abundantly. To prevent the formation of a crust, planting fall asleep peat or needles. Instead of organics, they often make ammophoska.

Important! In autumn, strawberries are fed only once, on any day after harvest.

Remontant strawberries - the love of gardeners

The remontant strawberry attracts by the fact that it gives 2-3 crops per season. Only one thing is depressing - it is too vulnerable to disease. In spite of everything, it is grown by an increasing number of gardeners.

The first harvest can be harvested in July, and the second - at the end of August. But between these periods, you can also feast on ripe berries.

More often grown remontant varieties NSD. And if you want to make blanks for the winter, then choose DSD varieties. The disadvantage of this type of Victoria is its short lifespan due to severe exhaustion. But proper care will help you enjoy the fruits for 3 or more years.

If you decide to grow this culture, then planting will have to be done in early September to allow it to take root. It can be propagated by bushes and mustaches.

The well-known agrotechnician Ganichkina helps to grow an excellent crop of many crops, so we will heed her advice.

After fruiting, strawberries must be prepared for the next harvest year. Oktyabrina proposes to produce removal of foliage and shoots. When the bushes are free from fruits, it's time to trim the mustache. To do this, cut them at the very base of the bush, and repeat several times. This is done in order not to reduce the next year's harvest.

Pruning leaves is also an important aspect of care. This manipulation should be carried out after fruiting, during the laying of fruit buds. Infected leaves should also be cut off. This is done 2-2.5 months after picking the fruit, when the leaves turn red.

Watering plantings should also be plentiful - 1 time per week. Top dressing is carried out in the same way as in the usual Victoria.



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