Centers for career guidance and psychological support. Career guidance centers in the Moscow region

Every parent dreams of seeing their child successful person. It is the family that must prompt and guide the child in the right direction, to recognize the beginnings of talent in a certain area. But currently there is large number specializations. Often it is at the moment of choice future profession baffles not only teenagers, but also adults. For such cases, a special test has been developed, and many parents ask the question: “Where to take a career guidance test in Moscow?” To do this, just contact our French psychological and pedagogical center “Socrates”.

In the process of professional guidance, it is important to study many components of personality, namely:

Taking into account all the components of the child’s psychological portrait, the specialist will be able to most accurately select a future profession that will allow the teenager to realize himself as a highly qualified specialist.

This type of testing is especially relevant for teenagers who are faced with choosing higher educational institutions. Thanks to a multifactorial assessment of the psychological portrait, it is possible to recommend a list of universities and the level of educational load that will be optimal for each child individually. A competent and individual approach to choosing a future profession is the key to a happy future for your child.

What is a career guidance test?

Testing for career guidance is an event in which passing tests and assignments of various nature, a future profession is being selected for the child. When choosing a place to undergo career guidance, it is important to consider that its specialists take an individual approach and do not act in a formulaic manner. Psychologists at the Socrates Center use not only tests from the international scientific community, but also methods of personal interaction with the child. Therefore, our results reliably reflect professional opportunities teenager

How is the career aptitude test administered?

If a child feels difficulties in choosing a future profession, it is not recommended to make a choice at random. At worst, you may end up with a dissatisfied person who hates his job with all his heart. In this situation, it is important to contact a competent clinical psychologist in a timely manner. You can undergo career guidance in Moscow at our psychological and pedagogical center “Socrates”, which employs leading clinical psychologists.

Career guidance testing includes a battery of tests, both written and oral. The testing format is determined by the psychologist during the first meeting. Thanks to dialogue with a psychologist, a deeper assessment of all facets of the teenager’s personality is carried out.

The testing determines in which areas the teenager is most interested and capable. At the end of the study, the child and his parents are provided with a list of professions that best suit his personality type.

Work with children in our Socrates center takes place in 3 stages:

  • The first meeting is an introduction between the clinical psychologist, the child and his parents. During this meeting, the specialist determines the range of problems, builds rough plan work, gently prepares the child for work and begins the testing procedure;
  • The second meeting is the continuation and completion of testing. The child is offered a variety of tasks in oral and written form. This is a rather exciting process, so testing is relaxed and does not make the child nervous. After the second meeting, the specialist conducts an in-depth analysis of all the collected information - from the child’s first spoken phrases and gestures to an analysis of the quantitative indicators of the completed test tasks. The analytical work of a psychologist takes from 8 to 12 hours;
  • The third meeting is the announcement of the test results to the child and parents. The psychologist gives recommendations regarding not only the future profession, but also activities in clubs and sections that will allow the child to develop as much as possible. best sides. A further plan of work with children and their parents is determined, and it is possible to draw up an individual correctional and developmental program.

Repeated meetings between the child and a specialist from our center are a key component of diagnosis. Psychologists often encounter the problem of isolation in children and adolescents. With each new meeting, the barrier in communication between the psychologist and the child decreases, which makes it possible to assess his psychological portrait as accurately as possible. As a result, this tactic allows the specialist to make more competent recommendations regarding each client. That is why, to answer the question “Where can a schoolchild get career guidance?”, we suggest the Socrates psychological and pedagogical center.

Why choose the psychological diagnostic center “Socrates”

Before choosing where to take a career guidance test, it is important to study information about the center where you want to apply. Determining professional orientation requires an individual approach. The personality of every child and teenager is not only interesting, but also very complex, so only an experienced specialist can understand its subtle structure. Our center employs leading clinical psychologists with many years of experience. They pay special attention to every client.

If you wish, you can take a trial free version online testing on our center’s website http://site/test.

In addition to the career guidance test, the Socrates center offers other types of testing that will help the family in raising a successful person:

  • Diagnosis and correction of disorders of personal development and behavior of children and adolescents;
  • Level of intelligence of children and adolescents;
  • Leading trends in personal development;
  • The child's readiness for school;
  • The child's readiness to learn in specialized classes or to study abroad;
  • Determination of the dominant type of thinking;
  • Determination of inclinations and special abilities child.

Choosing a profession is one of the most important decisions in life, which must be made while still at school in order to timely plan your admission to a higher or secondary educational institution.

Relevant specialists can help in making such a decision. Since 2009, in Moscow, in accordance with the city target program for the development of education “Capital Education-5” for 2009-2011, a system of professional guidance for students began to be created.

Today, this system is represented by Career Guidance Centers created by district education departments in each administrative district. The main goal of these institutions is to compile for each schoolchild, student or young specialist individual educational and professional route.

The main activities of career guidance centers are:

Testing to identify individual inclinations and preferences, allowing you to determine suitable areas of professional activity;

Consultations on choosing a profession and educational institution higher or secondary education providing training in the chosen specialty, according to the state of the labor market in the region

Psychological assistance in preparation for upcoming examination tests, in case of conflict between parents and children arising over the choice of professions.

Organizing and conducting “vacancy fairs”, “training and workplace fairs”, “career fairs”, training seminars and other career guidance events;

Creating a close relationship between educational institutions of basic general, secondary vocational and higher education in the matter of professional guidance;

Providing psychological, pedagogical, informational, methodological support to parents and teachers who promote professional self-determination of schoolchildren.

In addition, career guidance centers can organize excursions to enterprises and invite representatives of various professions to talk about the features of various areas labor activity. Career guidance centers place particular importance on working with children with special educational needs and disabilities. In order to develop and implement a system of measures to organize vocational guidance for such children, many centers enter into agreements with specialized schools and colleges.

One of the most popular services of career guidance centers is psychological testing to determine professional inclinations and preferences. But that’s all, not the main reason why you should come to the center. After all, only there, in addition to the testing itself, can schoolchildren discuss its results with specialists, receive all the information about the professions that interest them (including existing health restrictions), obtain reliable information about the state of the labor market today, and also determine those educational institutions, where you can study your desired specialty.

Anyone can use the services of career guidance centers. To do this, you must write a corresponding application and present your passport. If a student wishes to receive the necessary consultation, then his parent writes an application indicating his own passport data. In addition, career guidance centers actively cooperate with schools, colleges and universities. Therefore, vocational guidance services can also be provided at the request of the relevant educational institutions.

Group consultations on vocational guidance and psychological support are usually provided free of charge. Individual - on a paid basis (about 1000 rubles).

It is important to note that due to gaps in modern Russian legislation, which does not take into account the interdepartmental nature of vocational guidance, the activities of the centers were devoid of strict regulation. The fact is that the main legal acts (provisions and regulations) on the provision of vocational guidance services are addressed primarily to employment centers.

Thus, among government institutions, career guidance work is carried out by employment centers subordinate to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development and career guidance centers within the education system. But unlike employment centers, whose main task is to find jobs for unemployed citizens, career guidance centers are designed to help specifically in professional self-determination. Target Audience Career guidance centers are mainly schoolchildren, while employment services work with various categories of citizens.

What is career guidance for schoolchildren?

Career guidance for schoolchildren is the process of finding an answer to the question “what should a schoolchild be?” In order to find this answer, you need to examine this student for his abilities, needs, values, skills and knowledge.

The career guidance counselor does this in the presence of parents and with the participation of parents. This is deep collaboration. Of course, the student will be given tasks to determine the properties of his intelligence and personality.

In our center, ProfGid does not do all this computer program, but a living person. We believe that this is fundamentally valuable for making an accurate decision about the fate of the child.

At what age can you choose a profession?

At the age of 14-15, a person can determine his profession quite accurately. But let's make a reservation: if he is ready to work according to his choice of profession. This means that if he has enough experience of interacting with different aspects of reality, if he is ready to disagree with the statement of an adult, if he has a habit of mental and physical work and if he is mentally healthy.

Is career guidance possible for children under 12 years of age?

Before the age of 12, not everyone can choose a profession, and only very approximately. There are two reasons. Firstly, the child has not yet studied chemistry, physics, or biology at school. Secondly, he has little social experience. Therefore, at this age, you should not limit the child by driving him into certain areas. Let him develop comprehensively, studying himself and the world around him.

And yet, by the age of 12, the main directions of possible development and the main limitations in abilities are already visible. It is important to very carefully identify these limitations and the child’s properties - both personal and intellectual. It is possible and necessary to develop a plan for intellectual and personal development up to the age of 15, determine the specialization of the class, school, send the child to clubs and sections, give a list of books required to read and a list of skills that he should master by the age of 14-15.

Neuropsychologist Anna Andreeva does this, identifying the abilities of children under 12 years of age and analyzing the most complex cases.

When do consultations take place?

We can see you on any day convenient for you. Career guidance begins at 10, 13, 16 and 19 hours Moscow time.
Career guidance is possible both in the office in Moscow and online (skype, viber).

Is online consultation no worse?

A consultation via Skype or Viber is no worse if there is a good connection and we see and hear each other. As a rule, the connection is good.

Certainly! This is a very important part of career guidance. We try to find universities and colleges that suit you by location (city, country), by price, by Unified State Exam scores, by the set of subjects, by whether there is a military department, a dormitory, and other parameters.

What if my child doesn’t know what he wants at all?

It doesn’t happen that a teenager doesn’t want anything. He doesn't just want what you offer him. But for him there are very pleasant gifts of fate. You just don't know about it yet. We always find activities that are enjoyable for the child. Always.

Usually, high school students come to career guidance with complete confusion in their smart heads. Why the confusion? But why? It is unknown what to consider when choosing a profession. The most obvious: school subjects.

Are they supposed to make me dance? Social studies is going well - I’ll go where they teach it. And these are economic universities. Do you want to work as an economist? No? And by whom? So let's figure it out. Or: if physics and mathematics are good, I’ll go to an engineering university. Do you want to work with it later? With drawings, calculations? IN design bureau? Or at a factory or at a construction site? No? So we need to figure it out.

Lay out the entire “child’s card” on the table and see strengths and inclinations (interests). Tendencies can be so strange and different - that, well, nothing is clear. neither the high school student nor his parents. The child wants everything. And here we sit and figure it out. This must be done, it must be done. Consider everything from all sides, see everything and make an informed decision. There are no people who are unfit for anything. No. And in your child there is a treasure. Let's look for the treasure together.

What is career guidance for schoolchildren?

Career guidance for schoolchildren is the process of finding an answer to the question “what should a schoolchild be?” In order to find this answer, you need to examine this student for his abilities, needs, values, skills and knowledge.

The career guidance counselor does this in the presence of parents and with the participation of parents. This is deep collaboration. Of course, the student will be given tasks to determine the properties of his intelligence and personality.

In our ProfGid center, all this is done not by a computer program, but by a living person. We believe that this is fundamentally valuable for making an accurate decision about the fate of the child.

At what age can you choose a profession?

At the age of 14-15, a person can determine his profession quite accurately. But let's make a reservation: if he is ready to work according to his choice of profession. This means that if he has enough experience of interacting with different aspects of reality, if he is ready to disagree with the statement of an adult, if he has a habit of mental and physical work and if he is mentally healthy.

Is career guidance possible for children under 12 years of age?

Before the age of 12, not everyone can choose a profession, and only very approximately. There are two reasons. Firstly, the child has not yet studied chemistry, physics, or biology at school. Secondly, he has little social experience. Therefore, at this age, you should not limit the child by driving him into certain areas. Let him develop comprehensively, studying himself and the world around him.

And yet, by the age of 12, the main directions of possible development and the main limitations in abilities are already visible. It is important to very carefully identify these limitations and the child’s properties - both personal and intellectual. It is possible and necessary to develop a plan for intellectual and personal development up to the age of 15, determine the specialization of the class, school, send the child to clubs and sections, give a list of books required to read and a list of skills that he should master by the age of 14-15.

This is what a neuropsychologist does. Anna Andreeva, identifying the abilities of children under 12 years old and analyzing the most difficult cases.

When do consultations take place?

We can see you on any day convenient for you. Career guidance begins at 10, 13, 16 and 19 hours Moscow time.
Career guidance is possible both in the office in Moscow and online (skype, viber).

Is online consultation no worse?

A consultation via Skype or Viber is no worse if there is a good connection and we see and hear each other. As a rule, the connection is good.

Certainly! This is a very important part of career guidance. We try to find universities and colleges that suit you by location (city, country), by price, by Unified State Exam scores, by the set of subjects, by whether there is a military department, a dormitory, and other parameters.

What if my child doesn’t know what he wants at all?

It doesn’t happen that a teenager doesn’t want anything. He doesn't just want what you offer him. But for him there are very pleasant gifts of fate. You just don't know about it yet. We always find activities that are enjoyable for the child. Always.

Usually, high school students come to career guidance with complete confusion in their smart heads. Why the confusion? But why? It is unknown what to consider when choosing a profession. The most obvious: school subjects.

Are they supposed to make me dance? Social studies is going well - I’ll go where they teach it. And these are economic universities. Do you want to work as an economist? No? And by whom? So let's figure it out. Or: if physics and mathematics are good, I’ll go to an engineering university. Do you want to work with it later? With drawings, calculations? In the design bureau? Or at a factory or at a construction site? No? So we need to figure it out.

Lay out the entire “child’s card” on the table and see the strengths and inclinations (interests). Tendencies can be so strange and different - that, well, nothing is clear. neither the high school student nor his parents. The child wants everything. And here we sit and figure it out. This must be done, it must be done. Consider everything from all sides, see everything and make an informed decision. There are no people who are unfit for anything. No. And in your child there is a treasure. Let's look for the treasure together.



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