Dream of a cross on a chain. Why do you dream of a pectoral cross, a cross, a pectoral cross - Dream Interpretation

The plot of the night visions in which I dreamed pectoral cross interpreted differently depending on the chosen source of interpretation. However, most interpreters, both ancient and close to our time, consider a whole and unharmed cross to be a good sign. The prediction may vary depending on the material from which the amulet was made in the dream, how it was worn or how it came to the dreamer, and what impressions it left.

What does it mean to see a pectoral cross in a dream?

Why do you dream about a cross? There are a number of answers to this question, which will depend on the opinion of the compilers of dream interpretation books. Worth exploring everything existing values sleep to prepare for any possible situations in reality.

  • Miller's Dream Book

A pectoral cross dreamed of by a young girl , promises her a good reputation and a reliable life partner if she behaves modestly and shows kindness to others in reality.

  • Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing a cross in a dream means to be blessed by higher powers, the seer believed. Those who see him know how to love and forgive, and should not extinguish this gift within themselves.

Why do we dream about the cross that the priest puts on the dreamer’s neck? In the near future you should be prepared for troubles, but higher powers will help you overcome them.

  • Women's dream book

This source assures that a pectoral cross seen in a dream promises good luck in business, which will come from heaven.

  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

This interpreter regards the cross as a warning dream. If the dreamer dreams of this symbol, it means that dishonest people will soon put him in front of a difficult choice, where the easiest and most profitable option will be to go against his own conscience and attitudes. This dream suggests that you should not succumb to provocations, but should continue to go your own way.

If you dreamed of wearing a cross around your neck , then soon someone from the environment of the person who surprised the dream will need help, but if it is provided without much thought, you can find yourself in a very difficult situation, the interpreter believed.

  • Dream book of the 21st century

The compilers of the book of interpretations consider the cross to be a positive sign for those who have already given up hope for good things. Soon something will happen that will instill in the dreamer's soul faith in a better future.

If you dreamed of a wooden Christian symbol of faith , then you can soon expect the beginning of a bright streak in life, good luck in all your endeavors.

  • Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream of a cross on a chain? The interpretation of this dream book is not positive, and assures that the symbol of faith promises the dreamer great trials. At the same time, the decision towards which the person who saw the dream is inclined can most likely become a major mistake. Perhaps it is not yet time to do anything, but for now it is worth thinking about everything and waiting for the development of events, which will prompt the correct answer. Having acted against his conscience, a person who sees a cross in a dream will pay, the compilers of the book say.

  • Universal dream book

Seeing a crucifix on a chain in a dream promises the dreamer in reality obligations that will be placed on him in the near future. After this symbol, you should think twice, agree to the matter, or come to the conclusion that the dreamer is beyond his strength.

Sometimes a cross is seen in a dream by those who will soon have to sacrifice something, give up something in favor of another person, and by doing this, the dreamer will know goodness.

  • Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

According to this interpreter, a pectoral cross in a dream warns of pain and depression in real life. If the dreamer once upon a time did something shameful or unlawful, soon the time will come to pay for it and answer to the fullest extent. If you repent in time and make amends to the oppressed, perhaps a catastrophe can be avoided.

If a person with a chronic illness dreams of a cross or with a predisposition to serious illnesses, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Why does a girl dream about a Christian symbol on her body? According to this interpreter, she should be wary of a man who will soon resort to deceit and ruin her life.

Golden cross

This object seen in dreams means the approach of interesting events, good news, as well as a situation when it will be necessary to show kindness, understanding and forgiveness.

Why do you dream of a golden cross? Dream interpreter Vanga considered this symbol a harbinger of situations when life will require showing kind and wise qualities not only with loved ones, but also with strangers who will not be nice to the person who saw the dream.

The dream book of Nostradamus positioned the golden cross as a good sign. If you dream about such an amulet decoration young girl, and she understands people quite well, then her path will be worthy, although not easy. Such a symbol promises right choice life partner, the main thing is to approach this issue wisely.

Why do you dream gold chain with a cross? For people who work hard, this dream promises payment according to their deserts. Single people who want to change themselves for the better can find a worthy couple soon after this dream.

Silver cross

General interpretations promise improvements in different areas life to those who know how to believe and wait. This also applies family life, and work, and spirituality.

Why do you dream of a silver cross on your body? Some dream interpreters claim that this is a sign of hope for the best, and the person who sees it in reality will be able to see this for himself.

Why do you dream of a silver cross on a chain? It is likely that friends and relatives will greatly help and support the dreamer in the near future. Sometimes this meaning is interpreted as the approach of wonderful news from distant relatives.

Miller’s dream book says that you dream of a silver cross as a hint about the need to help your neighbor, and this will certainly pay off in due time with kindness.

Interpretations of different dream plots

Broken, lost, found, gifted symbol of faith - each of these meanings carries its own meaning, warns or supports the dreamer.

Why do you dream of a broken cross on your body? Some dreamers claim that a broken symbol of faith on a chain promises retribution for sins committed.

If you dreamed that the cross was breaking in your hands , we should expect that the unpleasant moments of the dreamer’s life, which he is not proud of, will soon become public knowledge, and they will have to pay for it for a long time.

Other compilers of dream books are sure that broken cross in a dream dreams of those who will soon experience a financial or moral crisis. To help yourself, knowledgeable people believe, you need to turn to faith.

Another meaning of a talisman breaking in a dream is a warning that you do not need to bear someone else’s cross on yourself. If a hopeless situation soon arises, the only way to get out of it will be to get rid of an unbearable burden that is not intended for the dreamer by fate.

Losing a cross in a dream - a difficult dream, which suggests that soon luck may leave the sleeper, just as the amulet left. Therefore, interpreters warn, you need to be very careful in business and conversation.

Why do you dream of finding a cross? This dream promises quick changes in the dreamer's real life.

Find and put this jewelry on yourself in a dream - warning about illness. If you dreamed pick up the found cross , then the subconscious tells the dreamer that he pays little attention to his family. But carry a found cross in your hand on a chain means that the search for one’s Self will be crowned with success.

Buy beautiful decoration with a symbol of faith good sign, which promises that the solution to an important issue will certainly be crowned with success.

Why do you dream of a cross as a gift? This dream symbol is interpreted as the devotion of loved ones. Soon the dreamer will be able to make sure that family or friendly ties are very dear to him.

You will find the designation of a dream with a chain and a cross in this article, as well as other dream options.

Dream interpretation cross in the sky, gold on a chain, found, silver, body broken, with diamonds, in hand, on a rope

A cross seen in a dream in the sky is a sign symbolizing unlimited possibilities. You are one step away from realizing your dream.

To dream of a cross on a gold chain symbolizes profits gained through hard work. The same dream predicts marriage for single people.

A dream in which you find a cross is a sign of grace and joy.

If you dreamed of a silver cross, this is a blessing from above. Continue what you started and you will certainly achieve success.

If you dreamed that your pectoral cross was broken, then in real life you have shouldered too many things that will be beyond your strength. Choose the main one and “carry your cross” further.

Cross with diamonds - a test of wealth awaits you. A dream where a chain is visible and a broken (broken, broken) cross is a series of failures in personal life. To throw it away means to receive unpleasant news, but to receive it as a gift (given, a gift) and a lot of crosses, this means the appearance of an influential patron.

Holding a cross in your hand is a sign of goodwill. You are a decent and highly moral person.

A cross on a rope seen in a dream is a symbol of upcoming difficulties.

In a dream, see a cross as a gift, wooden, look for, buy, with stones, baptismal, small, on the neck, lose

A dream in which you are given a cross is a sign of approval and support from loved ones in any endeavor. On your part, you should also try to preserve such relationships.

Seeing a cross made of wood in a dream is a symbol that in reality you should not take on a new business. Be content with what you have today.

A dream in which you are looking for a cross means that in real life you should finish a certain task as soon as possible or completely abandon this type of activity.

Buying a cross means receiving a blessing to fulfill your plans.

A cross with stones foreshadows troubling times for the dreamer. A lot of effort will have to be made before all problems are resolved.

You dream of a baptismal or small cross as a sign that your Guardian Angel is protecting you.

If you see a cross on your neck, then this dream serves as a warning not to lose hope and to persevere through all adversity. Give support to others and comfort yourself.

Losing a cross is a warning dream. You may be drawn into a very unpleasant situation. In another way, this dream is interpreted as a dissolute life, for which retribution will certainly come.

If you dream of taking off a cross, on a thread, putting it on, giving it away, blackened (black), rusty, stolen, stolen, fallen

A dream in which you take off your cross symbolizes the pangs of conscience for your action.

A cross on a thread is a symbol that you are losing faith and may suffer because of it.

Wearing a cross means the onset of a favorable period in your life.

Giving up your cross is a sign that you are placing your hopes on others instead of doing something yourself.

A blackened or rusty cross is a symbol of approaching misfortune. You have to endure a serious test.

If you dreamed that your cross was stolen, it means you have too many envious people in real life. Help others, and no one can harm you.

A dream in which you stole a cross means that you are looking for easy ways for yourself, neglecting moral standards.

If in a dream you saw that the cross was falling, then in real life you will get rid of the heavy burden that you have taken upon yourself in lately.

Dream interpretation of dropping a cross, decoration, church, kissing a cross, someone else's

Dropping a cross is a sign that you are giving in to difficulties. The dream can also serve as a warning not to fall under bad influence.

A dream in which you wear a cross as a decoration is evidence of your insincerity towards yourself.

The church cross is a sign of happiness and forgiveness. You have chosen the only right path for yourself.

If you dreamed that you were kissing a cross, it means that in real life you are an example of moral courage and fortitude.

Seeing someone else's cross means in reality taking someone else's problems upon yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Juno cross

In Juno’s dream book, if you dream of a cross, it means that you are aware of your destiny and know how to survive all adversity with dignity, without losing hope and patience.

Miller's dream book cross

According to Miller's dream book, a cross seen in a dream foreshadows misfortunes that will happen to you due to the fault of others.

Kissing the cross is a dream, meaning that you will accept with due fortitude everything destined for you by fate.

Vanga's dream book cross

According to Vanga’s dream book, the cross is a symbol of renewal, protection from evil and forgiveness.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena cross

A cross seen in a dream should force the dreamer to engage in spiritual enlightenment in real life, otherwise you will incur misfortunes and troubles.

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...

Seeing a pectoral cross in a dream- such a dream is a very bad omen. If a person dreams of a cross, then he is immediately seized with great anxiety, since it is associated with the heavy cross that Jesus once carried. In fact, such a dream personifies the anxiety and restlessness that torment and overcome a person in life.

How to interpret such a dream? A pectoral cross in a dream – what does it mean and what to expect?

The cross is called “pectoral” because it is worn on the body, under the shirt, that is, hidden from prying eyes. That is, even seeing this object in a dream instills a certain anxiety in a person’s soul. If you dreamed of a cross hanging around your neck, then this can mean one thing: you are ready to forgive offenders, forget all grievances and live in complete harmony and love for the people around you. Many dream books claim that such a dream is an alarming symbol, and therefore should cause concern.

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In any case, it is much more pleasant to consider the cross as a symbol of faith, love and protection rather than a threat. Therefore, such dreams must be considered positive and positively influencing the course of events in life. In life, it is advisable to always wear a cross on your body without taking it off. This item can be made of silver, gold or wood, there are even crosses made of ordinary metal. You can see each of them in a dream, and the immediate interpretation of the dream will depend on this. However, such dreams are united by the fact that they symbolize human protection.

    If the pectoral cross you dreamed of was not simple, but gold, then great joy awaits a person in his life, he will have a positive outlook on life. A defender can only have such sensations. If the cross in the dream was silver, then it symbolizes the source of hope that a person receives. This means that he is able to hope for the best and is never depressed. To see a wooden cross on your body in a dream means expect great success in life, both in your personal life, in business, and in work. After such a dream, you will become confident and cheerful.

What does a dream in which a pectoral cross appears portend?

If you dreamed of a pectoral cross in a different way, for example, you dressed it for someone, then the meaning of the dream will be radically different. In such a case, he personifies danger, but it will affect the person to whom you put a cross in a dream. The dream seems to warn that this person is in danger of some serious misfortune. A pectoral cross lost in a dream promises a threat. Sometimes the sensations can be so realistic that after waking up a person will continue to look for it, and when he finds it in place, he will experience great relief. However, this does not remove the threat of some kind of life loss. You need to be more careful in business and be more attentive to your loved ones.

Find a pectoral cross in a dream– a positive sign. If you are in any danger in life, then such a dream warns about it. Dreaming of an iron cross means that you need to be patient, then you will be able to withstand any life tests. Such a dream teaches patience and hope. Both in life and in a dream, you should not lose your pectoral cross, since its loss can be equated to the loss of a reliable protector. Wear this symbol constantly, but do not show it to others (many people do this, but this is a grave mistake). Thanks to this, you will feel more confident and protected in life.

The pectoral cross is a symbol of faith in Jesus Christ, the savior of people. The mystical meaning of the cross carries a symbol of suffering and miraculous salvation, death and resurrection. Why do you dream of a pectoral cross? According to legend, finding a cross is not good. And what does a dream about a pectoral cross mean according to dream books? Let's look at it in detail.

What does it mean find a cross in a dream? If this sign is considered bad in real life, then in a dream such a find will bring happiness. However, to see in a dream someone else's cross- voluntarily shoulder the problems of another person, carry his burden.

Remember what material the cross was made from:

  • golden - according to dream books, such a cross on the body means joy and happiness;
  • silver - friends will help you solve problems;
  • iron - be patient, the problems will not go away for a long time;
  • wooden - a symbol of health and well-being;
  • copper - soon all problems will be resolved;
  • with diamond inlay - you are tempted by wealth;
  • tied on a rope - to life's difficulties;
  • baptismal - to heavenly protection;
  • blackened metal (or rusty) - for future trials;
  • plastic - to insurmountable obstacles.

Dreaming of a gold chain with a gold cross- to wealth through hard work, predicts a wedding for single people.

If the cross is broken, it means that you have taken on a burden beyond your strength. Shift some of your responsibilities onto other shoulders and continue to carry your cross further.

Actions with a cross in a dream

Remember what events happened in the dream, what did you do with the cross?

  • Throwing out a cross means bad news.
  • Accept as a gift - to a reputable patron.
  • Looking for a cross is advice to quickly complete the work you started.
  • Buying a cross means a successful start and completion of your plan.
  • Losing a cross means beware of sins for which inevitable retribution is coming.
  • Taking off your cross means repentance for your actions.
  • Wearing it around the neck means favorable changes.
  • Giving to someone means hoping for help from others in solving your problems.
  • Stolen cross - you have many ill-wishers and envious people.
  • If you stole the cross - search for easy ways and profit.
  • The cross fell - to get rid of a heavy burden in life.
  • Kissing a cross in a dream means virtue and spiritual purity.

The meaning of the pectoral cross according to dream books

  • The Italian dream book considers the cross a symbol of sadness and difficulties on the path of life.
  • The Russian dream book considers the cross to be an image of humility and patience.
  • The modern dream book prophesies misfortune.
  • Azar's dream book sees the image of a cross as an expression of sadness.
  • Vanga considers the cross as a protective symbol of protection from evil.
  • The Dream Book of Winter considers the pectoral cross a symbol of preservation from temptations and seductions.

Dream book of the 21st century believes that the pectoral cross is a harbinger of good events. A gold pectoral cross is seen in a dream as a sign of joy, a silver cross as a sign of hope, and an iron cross as a sign of trials. Finding a cross in a dream means success; wearing it as a decoration means you will charm people.

Dream Interpretation From A to Z He sees the image of a pectoral cross as protection in difficult times, he prophesies mutual understanding for lovers, and speedy healing for the sick.

Modern dream book warns: a pectoral cross promises trials, anxiety and worry. Putting a cross on someone in a dream means trouble awaits that person. Lost cross portends a series of troubles in the near future, which you will survive with the help of faith in a higher power. Buying a cross means prosperity.

Esoteric dream book considers the image of the cross to be a symbol of trials. Difficult times are coming for the dreamer, however, with faith in your heart you can survive everything. A cross on a gold chain warns: you will make a big mistake if you act rashly. The dream tells you - don’t rush into making decisions, don’t rush into things. A cross appears in a dream when a person is planning an unseemly act.

If you quarreled with someone the day before, the image of a pectoral cross advises you to reconcile and find common language with this person. The cross is the main symbol of faith in Christ, therefore the one who wears it must fulfill God’s commandment - to love his neighbor.

What happens if you don’t listen to the hint of the subconscious in a dream? You risk losing the support of higher powers, which you will soon need. The subconscious is trying to prevent future misfortunes, so it sends the image of the cross as a reminder of faith in God.

This sign for Orthodox believers is a symbol of the beginning of something new. Why do you dream about the cross? Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross to give people further life after death. This symbol is an integral part of a believer. Crosses are placed on children after the sacrament of Baptism. This sign acts as a symbol of life and eternity. Each nation has a cross with its own specific shape, but they are still similar to each other.

Why do you dream orthodox cross: dream books say that this is an important sign, such a dream is worth paying attention to.

Each of us knows that a pectoral cross is worn under clothing and is hidden from others. You should not demonstrate your faith so as not to cause condemnation. Why do you dream about a cross? Such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation. The first thing you need to do after waking up is to remember the dream in detail, not to miss the little things, then you can accurately see the interpretation of the dream. Often seeing a cross in a dream indicates that a person is experiencing anxiety in reality; it may not always be justified.

You dreamed of an Orthodox cross

Why dream of a silver cross on your body - in reality your life begins to improve. You have reconsidered your views on life and those around you, crossed out people who negatively influenced you. A person is not interested in what others think about him. But a pectoral cross in a dream is a warning. The time has come to pay for the actions you have committed thoughtlessly. Step over your pride and ask for forgiveness from the person you carelessly offended. At this time, you need to devote more time to spiritual development.

If you dreamed of a cross on your body that you found on the street, in reality you do not experience problems with your health; your lifestyle is not the best. Were you able to refuse bad habits, exercise. Now you can take on any business, it will end in success, you just need to put in a little effort.

It happens that in a dream we give someone a cross and help them put it on. As the dream book says, a pectoral cross in this case means that trouble awaits you in reality. Health problems may arise. See a doctor, get tested and undergo a preventive commission. It is worth paying attention to cardiovascular system, because lately it is she who has been making herself known. Stop drinking alcohol, quit smoking and take up cycling.

What does a grave cross portend in a dream?

Did you wake up in the morning with a feeling of fear and negative emotions? Calm down. A grave cross does not always dream of something bad and carries negative value. Why do you dream of a grave cross? It’s time to analyze your actions. Look at yourself from the other side, are you doing everything right? You need to learn to control your emotions, be less selfish and ambitious.

Did a person wake up at night with goosebumps? This means he must analyze his actions.

Why dream of grave crosses can mean that others treat you with distrust, once again avoiding communication with you. You are haunted by failures and problems that you cannot always cope with on your own. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your family and friends, they are ready to help you at any time.

Seeing a cross made of wood in a dream means that in reality everything in your life is calm and harmonious. You spend a lot of time with family and friends, value each other, and try to avoid conflict situations. A pleasant surprise awaits you in the near future; perhaps you will receive a gift that you have long dreamed of. Why dream of a cross made of wood contains more positive aspects than negative ones.

Other: seeing a tabletop crucifix, a cross in a church

If a person experiences positive emotions in a dream, in real life everything is not as bad as it seems. You will be able to cope with life's difficulties on your own, without the help of others. Let it seem to you that a dark streak has come. There are people around you who may act meanly towards you in order to achieve their goal. Be careful, then you can avoid unpleasant moments.

Did you kiss a cross in a dream? This means that in real life you can cope with failures. You will be able to find the right way out from the situation.

Why do we dream about crosses? In reality, you devote a lot of time to self-improvement and spiritual development. If a person was calm in his dream, in reality he is moving in the right direction and will be able to achieve his goal. But if you experienced a feeling of fear and rushed from corner to corner, in real life you should pay attention to your spiritual development. If a person had a dream who has been sick for a long time, it means that the illness will soon begin to recede.

A silver pectoral cross means that a white streak begins in your life.

I dreamed of a precious cross: made of gold, made of silver

Why do you dream of a pectoral cross that belongs to you? Such a dream carries positive value. In the near future, events will happen in your life, after which a person will look at himself from a different perspective.

If a married woman has a dream, an unexpected surprise awaits her. Very soon you will learn that a new life has arisen within you.

If a lonely person saw a dream, there is someone very close to him who can make him happy. It is worth taking a closer look at a person who may not be noticeable to you at first. For a long time he tries to show you signs of attention. You can calmly go through life with him, he will be a true friend for you, who will help you at any time.

According to the dream book, a cross on a chain is a good sign for those who spend a lot of time working. The management has seen great potential in you; soon you will have a long business trip, which will help you make new acquaintances. A material increase in the form of a bonus is possible.

If in a dream a person is given a golden cross, it means in reality there are people who can come to the rescue at any moment, you don’t even need to ask them for it. If a gold cross in a dream gives you unpleasant sensations, you need to be careful in real life. Before you do something, you should think several times about what the result might be. This way you can avoid problems and failures.

If in a dream the golden cross becomes dark, you should pay attention to your health. Give up bad habits, start playing sports and visit a specialist.

Why do you dream of a silver cross? This means that in real life a person can achieve success, he just needs to make every effort to achieve this. If you are conscientious about your work, you can achieve appreciation and respect.

But if a person saw a silver cross breaking, a difficult period will soon come, the time has come for a black streak. Don't lose heart and become depressed. Maybe you should ask your family and friends for help? Turn to them for advice, tell them about your problems and troubles in life, go to church, help those who really need it.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man

  • A dream in which a young girl saw a cross means that in real life a test has been prepared for her that will teach her perseverance. In the near future she will start a family with her loved one. Love and mutual respect, support and care will reign there.
  • If a woman dreams of a cross, in reality everything does not work out quite as we would like. Reconsider your views on own life, learn to control your emotions, spend more time with your family and friends.
  • If a man saw a dream, pay attention to your health, get tested and go for a consultation with a specialist. If you ignore this, you may pay with your men's health.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Remember that it is at night that we are able to experience events that will in one way or another have an impact on real life. Pay close attention to your dreams, because they may contain hidden clues that will help you accept the right decision and avoid troubles in reality. And various dream books will help you understand the secret meaning of the picture you see.

Miller's Dream Book - work on relationships

Why do you dream of a cross on a chain - not everything is going smoothly in your life. Relationships with others are often tense. You need to be able to control your emotions and not follow the lead of others. If I saw a dream married woman, this means a new stage begins in the relationship with your spouse.

Vanga's dream book - visit the church in reality

Why do you dream of crosses on your body - you need to engage in spiritual development, attend church, take communion. Spend more time with your family and friends, visit your parents more often.

Freud's Dream Book - positive emotions

According to this dream book, crosses in a dream are associated with masculinity. Seen in a dream, it can attract a lot of positive emotions into a person’s life. It's time to propose marriage to your partner. The marriage will be strong and long.

If you dreamed of a cross in a dream, this may be a sign that it is time to visit a church in reality.

Modern dream book - financial problems

- this is not a very good sign. You will have to experience problems and failures, which will primarily affect finances. Learn to control your expenses, don’t spend money left and right. Only then will it be possible to avoid problems.

Intimate dream book - hidden sadness

To wear is a hidden sadness. To see, acquire, hold in your hands - to sacrifice something for the sake of another person. Seeing a cross on someone means you should do charity work or help someone close to you.

French dream book - you need help

You want support and you ask for it. Receiving a beautiful cross as a gift and immediately putting it on is a good sign; in reality, you will receive help that you did not even expect. If you lose your pectoral cross, you should be more careful.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers - Good Health

To tear off your chest - consult with unworthy people, be careful. Lose - you will throw off the entire burden of responsibility to your superiors. Give, consider, wear - your health will not let you down on difficult journeys.

Imperial Dream Book - Spend time with your family

The cross is a sign of grief and loss. Wooden cross - connection with “roots”, family, possibly painful separation from loved ones. A cross somehow connected with a person, for example, on someone’s neck, is an incentive to show mercy and help others.

Russian dream book - you will solve your problems

There is no need to complicate everything you are trying to solve - often the solution is as simple as the very shape of the cross that you see in your dream. Such a dream can not only show you the way to solve problems, but also predict useful gift for you.

Azar's dream book - it's time to change jobs

At the cemetery - solve all problems in personal finances. Giving as a gift on a string or on a chain means that some matter pressing on you will be resolved unexpectedly well. Burning out means feeling like you are not working towards your dream.

Children's dream book - they will entrust you with a secret

If you wear a small pectoral cross in a dream, it means hidden sadness. They give you a cross - someone will share their secret with you. Someone you know is wearing a cross - he needs your help. - we should start helping those in need.

Culinary dream book - take yourself in hand

Searching for support and fortunate circumstances that will help you solve the unpleasant problems that have accumulated. Losing a cross means you will need to cope with negative moods, pull yourself together and not pay attention to bad omens.

David Loff's dream book - good news

On your chest - dissatisfaction in care and affection. Give it to a godson or goddaughter - you can build a big one spacious house. To lose means good news, a big event in the family, prayers and requests for your health and well-being.


Often in a dream we are given hints on a particular issue. If you dreamed of a grave cross or a pectoral cross, you should not rush to conclusions; a dream does not always bring only bad things. A person who treats his dreams with trepidation will be able to avoid problematic situations in his life. And we wish you only good dreams!

Video “Why do you dream about the Cross”



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