Psychology is simple. Why do you have erotic dreams?

Why do you dream of vulgarity?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Hearing in a dream vulgar conversations conducted by tipsy men - in reality foreshadows strong anger.

Dealing with a notorious vulgar in a dream means that you will be deprived of the reward you were counting on.

Talking vulgarities to men in a dream, fueling their unhealthy interest in yourself, means that victory in the fight against competitors will leave you without the expected profit.

Hearing vulgarities from respectable ladies - you will gain new knowledge that will help you make better decisions in life.

Why do you dream of vulgarity?

Big dream book

Vulgarity - Hearing vulgar conversations in a dream conducted by tipsy men - in reality foreshadows strong anger. Why do you dream of vulgarity - To have dealings with a notorious vulgarity in a dream means that you will be deprived of the reward that you were counting on. Speaking vulgarities to men in a dream, fueling their unhealthy interest in yourself, means that victory in the fight against competitors will leave you without the expected profit. Hearing vulgarities from respectable ladies - you will gain new knowledge that will help you make better decisions in life.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

The dream contains encrypted advice, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeper or his loved ones. Bright and pleasant dream portends good luck in current affairs and endeavors. Pictures that contain barriers or restrictions have the opposite meaning. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

17th lunar day

Sleep when correct interpretation may be significant for the sleeper. Pay attention to your emotional state after waking up. If it is good, you are on the right path, where interesting acquaintances and new ones await you. business contacts. Bad dream promises a lack of communication.

Waning Moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

Despite the fact that people are very much concerned with the sexual side of life, very few people can say that they are engaged in regular sex life and I am very pleased with it. If you have a lack of sex or its low quality, then the appearance of erotic dreams is quite natural. The body is “waiting” for orgasm, and sleep only indicates this. Even if everything is fine with sex in life, such dreams still occur from time to time, although rarely.

Both women and men have erotic dreams, but to an unequal extent. According to studies, they visit men slightly more often than women. But, as psychologists note, it all depends on temperament, in which some women can give a head start to any man.

At the same time, there are some differences between women's and men's erotic dreams: the fair half of humanity often has psychological overtones.

Even if you have a very naughty dream that may embarrass you, this is completely normal. Standards of morality and decency are acquired in the process of education; these are restrictions that are necessary for a person to exist in society. But in a dream there are no such restrictions, so you can see anything there.

What could an erotic dream mean?

Sometimes dreams don't mean anything, but sometimes they can indicate something psychological characteristics person or reflect the situation in which he finds himself. The frequency of erotic dreams, for example, suggests that in real life you really miss sex. The more you think about sex, the more often you dream about it.

To understand what exactly your dream is about, it is useful to write down as many details as possible immediately after waking up. Ask yourself, what did you like about what happened? What shocked you? Did you experience pleasure? It is important what your partner was like, how he behaved with you. All this may reflect your secret desires or fears.

Try to build associative series. Is there something in your dream that hints at some recent events in your life? Were some of your secret and strong aspirations reflected in your dream?

It happens that dreams tell people about psychological trauma and suppressed emotions. Try to spin things that resonate deeply with you, even if you don't understand why. Don't forget to write everything down to make it easier to draw conclusions.

Whatever you find, don't forget that dreams are often just dreams. The subconscious doesn’t always try to tell or explain something to you, sometimes you just see interesting “

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

To whom?

It is generally accepted in society that those individuals who, in fact, lack intimate relationships, that is, single people without a partner or those who have a shortage of love pleasures in the family. In fact, this is not true. Neither presence or absence, frequency of proximity, nor social status the number of such dreams is not affected. But gender matters. According to statistics, men have frank dreams 15 times a month, women only five.

And, again, based on statistical data, you need to download that on average every third woman has ero-dreams, while almost all men see them, starting from adolescence. The peak of such male dreams is the age period of 20-25 years - this is due to the active “games” of hormones.


If you dreamed erotic dream, this does not mean at all that in this very dream you saw the most frank scene of intimate relationships. Quite often in dreams of such content there is nothing at all directly related to intimacy. The main thing is the sensations that arise in you after this very dream.

So, for example, Freud said that erotic dreams are those dreams in which a woman’s breasts or manhood, moreover, “not in its natural form,” but in the form of a so-called “phallic symbol.” Even Big Ben could be considered such, according to Freud.

However, it also happens that a person has dreams of an erotic nature with very explicit content. In this case, according to statistics, the lady will see herself in the arms of a familiar person in her dream. But men, again, according to statistics, most often dream of scenes with strangers.


Do you constantly have erotic dreams and want to understand why this happens? Firstly, we hasten to assure you that such dreams are not necessarily associated with the lack of a sufficient number of intimate relationships in your life (we have already discussed this above). A frank dream may indicate completely different life problems, situations, desires and anxieties. So, for example, intimacy while sleeping with a boss or boss may indicate a desire to take his position...


The interpretation of erotic dreams is a rather complex process in which not only the person himself, but also an experienced specialist should take part. However, there are some common cliches that can understand what an erotic dream means. However, again, those stamps that we will talk about later are not at all one hundred percent accurate. Accurate interpretation, we note once again, this is only possible in personal consultation with a specialist.

Intimacy in a dream with that person who is unpleasant to you may well be a protest against the way of life that you want at the moment you lead.

Hot hugs with exes are often a signal of remaining feelings or that you have common unfinished business.

Love in front of the public will be a signal that you are experiencing some discomfort at this point in your life, and this discomfort may have nothing to do with the intimate sphere.

The meaning of an ero-dream in which you indulge in pleasures with a familiar person may be as follows: you would like your partner to be somewhat like the hero of this dream.

If you think that when you have a dream with erotic content, this is only a consequence in real life, we dare to disappoint you. In most cases, sex in a dream does not tell us about eroticism at all.

Let's start with the fact that our personality is controlled not only by consciousness, but also by a huge layer of unconscious desires, motives, and fears. When a person falls asleep, a passive phase begins for consciousness, while the unconscious component does not sleep 24 hours a day.

The unconscious does not obey the laws of logic and never speaks to us directly. What it wants to tell us is always symbolic. That is why dreams should never be interpreted literally.

Many people misunderstand what they saw in a dream. I dreamed of sex with a stranger - it means I want an intimate relationship with another partner. I experience erotic fantasies towards an employee, boss or ex-husband- I secretly wish to have a connection with them.

By understanding the basic patterns and essence of dreams, you can easily decipher their true meaning.

The girl has matured

Erotic dreams, especially brightly colored ones and accompanied by orgasm, do not indicate at all that a man or woman has “neglected” their intimate life - rather, it is a signal that our body is ready for sex. Our body has prepared itself at the hormonal level for discharge and is trying to convey this information to us.

This explains the fact that pregnant women often dream of amorous dreams, including orgasms. It would be strange to think that dreams of such a sensitive nature indicate that expectant mother wants sex with a housemate or an ex-lover - it’s just her body’s way of reacting to hormonal fluctuations.

Through dreams, including erotic ones, the subconscious tries to convey to us information that we are not aware of or are not able to “digest” in conscious life.

Sometimes night fantasies may indicate the fact that the relationship with a man was not psychologically worked out at the time. So, for example, you can see your employee as a lover, and it is not at all necessary that you will have a romantic relationship with him. More likely, you didn’t agree on something in real life, you haven’t survived some situation, you are in the process of resolving a task that is important to you. As a result, your brain tries to process it.

Also in a dream we can demonstrate behavior that is not typical for us in everyday life.

Often a woman in bed is gentle and attentive, “white and fluffy,” but in an erotic dream she sees herself as aggressive and dominant.

Don't be afraid of this. In fact, this may mean that unexpressed aggression has accumulated inside, which has powerful energy potential.

Record your emotions

The unconscious part of the psyche in a dream talks to us through symbols in the language of feelings, emotions and sensations. Therefore, it is very important after waking up to analyze what feelings you had after watching the dream. It is quite possible that the erotic dream carried anxiety, doubt, feelings of shame or guilt.

The unconscious part tries to “scan” the event associated with this experience, and the dream simply registers this.

Try to analyze what situation in real life creates and retains the feeling experienced in a dream for a long time.

This may be related to the partner you saw in your dream. Let's say you dream of an erotic scene with a loved one, but what you saw may be based on a completely non-erotic feeling, a problem that you cannot solve in reality.

Psychoanalysts who interpret dreams always take information about dreams based on the feelings and sensations that remain with clients after they awaken. And they ask that a person who wants to explore his dreams keep a diary. It is not so much the plot that is recorded as the experiences experienced, so to speak, the “aftertaste” from it, the essence of dreams, because the plot can change, but feelings can be obsessively repeated. Sometimes prophetic dreams can tell you a lot.

In someone else's body

If in a dream you act as a man, perhaps in real life you are trying to get into someone else’s territory, making responsible decisions, doing something unusual for female energy.

The second option is that a woman takes a dominant role in a relationship, while completely ignoring the interests of her partner. Such a dream is an excellent opportunity to look at the feelings that a man experiences in a given situation from the outside.

Failed attempt

A fiasco in a dream can indicate dissatisfaction in sexual life and in other areas: for example, a person is not satisfied with his position, size wages. If there is a feeling of disappointment behind the dream, then perhaps you feel that you made a mistake in choosing a partner. Analyze the current period, determine in which aspects of your life there is a place for such experiences.

Gay sex

If you have a dream in which you make love to a woman, you should not interpret it as a desire for same-sex love. The essence of the dream may mean that during this period you lack attention to your body - treat yourself to a massage or manicure.

Or this is a signal that there is not enough care on the part of the partner. If a person begins to think about a dream from this perspective, he usually immediately understands what kind of problem is indicated.

As a witness

The meaning of such a person’s dream depends on the emotional coloring of the dream. If what you see excites and encourages you, then perhaps you want to become a more public person, to be in the center of attention.

If you feel confusion because you have been exposed, this is a consequence of anxiety due to the fact that some secret situation has become obvious and has come to the surface.

Should you tell your loved one?

  • Your relationship with your partner is trusting and fairly open. You understand that the discussion will not be reduced to a literal interpretation of what was seen.
  • You trust your lover so much that you can discuss with him not only the essence of dreams, but also the feelings that underlie what you saw.
  • Your companion is able to give good feedback: an adequate assessment and support of what kind of dream you are having.
  • At the same time, you should not dedicate a close man to your nightly fantasies if there is a possibility that, interpreting the essence of the dreams, he may accuse you of wanting to cheat on him. In a word, everything depends on the level of trust, mental and intimate harmony, on the extent to which partners can allow themselves to discuss such intimate experiences and feelings of each other, to be a support for the other, and not a danger.


Try to bring maximum trust and intimacy into your relationship, because if the partners are close, even the most compromising dream can be turned to your advantage by simply turning it into a joke: since it’s a dream, let’s try!

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