Why do you dream that a dead person has died? Not always a bad sign, or why a living person dreams of being dead

Sometimes death comes to a sleeping person in a dream, and the next morning he wakes up with the most mixed feelings, contradictory emotions. If you dreamed that a person died, there is little pleasant; however, you should not take such an image literally and wind yourself up with disturbing thoughts in advance.

What if you dream about a person dying?

If a person died in a dream, it is important to carefully consider and remember what kind of person he is. In addition, it is necessary to understand in detail why and under what circumstances he died so suddenly. Such seemingly insignificant clues will help you give an accurate forecast for the future and help you prevent troubles and disasters in your everyday life.

If a deceased person has already died in a night incident, then after waking up in the morning you need to remember this person and go to church. Perhaps everyone in heaven forgot about him, so he reminds of himself, coming and frightening in dreams. The dream is neither bad nor good; but in any case, it leads to disturbing thoughts and deep reasoning.

If in a dream a person dies from a serious illness, this indicates that the dreamer must also strengthen control over his own health. It is possible that in the absence of timely preventive measures he will very soon be crushed by one disease or another. So on this one important point follows in mandatory turn your attention.

If death in a night incident was due to an accident, this means that the dreamer is in great danger. It is possible that there are ill-wishers nearby who are waiting for him to stumble; or are ready to assist him in this. Here it is better to be careful in your communication and vigilant in your actions, otherwise problems in all areas of life cannot be avoided.

Death in a dream is rebirth in real life; This is why it is so important to recognize the deceased person. The dream may relate specifically to his life, and in no way affect the dreamer’s fate. It is advisable to tell the “dead man in the night” in a careful manner about the upcoming changes in his life.

If a person hears the voices of a real dead person in a dream, then he must listen carefully and understand the essence of what was said. This is a valuable hint for the future, which will help avoid tragedy and misfortune in the future. It is possible that this is a secret message from the guardian angel himself.

When an unmarried woman has such a dream, it means that soon in her personal life radical changes will come, and she will finally find the long-awaited women's happiness. For a man, this is a symbol of small and dirty troubles, which most likely relate to his labor activity, old ideas for work. For a married young lady, the sight of a deceased person in a dream promises in real life continuous troubles in her personal life and misunderstanding with her legal spouse. If you don’t change your attitude towards your family, you may end up left in splendid isolation.

The death of children in a dream means unpleasant news, tragic events, and reckless actions. Such changes will definitely not go unnoticed; moreover, they will noticeably undermine and completely ruin the dreamer’s reputation. The dream is clearly unfavorable, especially when a little girl appears in the image of a dead person.

Seeing the death of an old person means not knowing problems with one’s own health, but the sudden death of a young man promises unforeseen circumstances that have nothing to do with the will of the dreamer. You will have to get used to new living conditions, and moreover, adapt to those around you.

So it is very important to look at who exactly died in a dream and for what reason, this is the only way to count on a true forecast for the future.

What does it portend?

If you look at the dream book, then each interpreter gives his own prediction, unique and truthful. It is advisable to trust the same publication, especially if it has more than once given truthful and accurate answers to the questions posed in a dream.

So, the magical dream book says: if a person died in the dreamer’s dream, then in reality he is also in serious danger, and may soon become a victim of big troubles or even tragedy.

An old dream book gives a solution if a sleeping person saw the death of his own children in a dream. Oddly enough, this is a favorable sign for the future, which promises prosperity, financial independence, prosperity and a sense of boundless happiness.

According to the symbolic dream book, relatives who die in a dream are in reality in perfect health and very happy with their lives. But Miller’s dream book is sure: if a person dies in a dream, then in reality a series of troubles, continuous disasters and failures await him. A dangerous sign that simply must alert the dreamer.

The Wanderer's Dream Book compares this night image with changes on the love front, which will become an unexpected nuisance for a sleeping woman. As for men, a deceased person in a night incident promises troubles and troubles at work, misunderstanding in communication with superiors.

Historically, people's attitudes toward death have been different. Why do you dream about the death of a person who is alive: today we are discussing a dream with exactly this content.

With the emergence of various religious movements, relationships with death have become more complex. People began to fear death and tried to drive away thoughts of possible death. This attitude was also reflected in the interpretation of dreams in various medieval dream books.
However, if you analyze the general orientation of dreams about death, they carry not only negative forecasts, but also quite life-affirming motives.

Dream Interpretation: the meaning of a dream about the death of a person who is still alive and has not died?

Since dreams of death are a reflection of our daytime fears, the subconscious gives us the reassuring thought that such dreams are simply harbingers of changes in our lives.

In fact, rarely does anyone see themselves dead in a dream. As a rule, we dream of other people, relatives and friends, who are dead, about whom we know for sure that they are alive.

In general, a dream that a person who is now alive has died promises him a long and happy life. That is, such a dream is more likely a good harbinger, and not a sign of illness, death and misfortune.

For someone who has seen the death of an acquaintance, relative or friend, such a dream promises an improvement in relations with the living person, the restoration of broken connections, a new round of friendship or love.

Why do you dream about the death of a person who is alive, what does such a dream warn about?

If you were in a quarrel and your relationship left much to be desired (except for cases where you saw your enemy or ill-wisher dead), such a dream will restore lost trust and show you how small your grievances are and how great the value of this person is to you.

In fact, death in a dream means some life changes for the dreamer. They won't necessarily be negative. Very often, a dream about the death of a friend or acquaintance promises a change of job or place of residence. Single or unmarried people can meet their fate and tie the knot - there can be a lot of interpretation options.

If you see one of your friends dead, this may mean an imminent separation from them. Maybe you or they are ready to leave for another city or even another country, and your separation will be long and your meetings will be rare. In any case, such a dream promises changes not only for you, but also for those whom you saw in the dream.

A dream about the death of one of your relatives also, as a rule, promises them health and longevity. Your anxiety about their condition in this case will be unnecessary.

If you see a stranger in a coffin, this is a sign that in real life you have done something that you want to forget. By burying a stranger, you are burying unpleasant or shameful memories with him. You just need to take such a dream as a given, reassuring your conscience with the fact that everyone has the right to make mistakes and you have already drawn conclusions from yours.

If you see one of your colleagues in a coffin, then such a dream means your desire to part with your current job. Apparently it does not evoke positivity in you and does not bring you either moral or material satisfaction. You should think about changing your employer or even your type of activity. Such a dream pushes you to make a difficult decision for you, which in the future may turn out to be correct and reasonable.

Dreams about the death of loved ones vary somewhat in their interpretations.

  • You may dream about your mother's death;
  • You can see the death of a living father;
  • You may dream of a living grandmother who has died;
  • You can see in a dream that your grandfather has died;

If you dreamed about your mother's death

It is very painful to lose loved ones. What does a dream tell about the death of a mother in a dream?

Why did you dream about the death of your mother if she is still alive? Having seen such an unpleasant dream, many people rush to the phone in the morning to make sure that nothing bad has happened to the person closest to them.

In fact, for your mother, such a dream promises cheerfulness, happiness and long life.

But for you, if you are a woman, such a dream predicts not entirely rosy prospects - you may have difficulties and misunderstandings with your partner, and the first crack may appear in your marriage. If you do not take action, the crack will grow and the marriage will be difficult to save.

You should treat such a dream carefully and think about your own personal life. Your role in creating and maintaining a home cannot be delegated to someone else and all responsibility for the family climate falls on you.

If you are a man and have a dream about the death of your mother, for you this may mean the need to finally take responsibility for wealth in the family and the happiness of your loved ones.

If you didn't give of great importance your role in a partnership or family - now is the time to reconsider it and draw adequate conclusions for yourself, otherwise you risk being left alone.

In addition, if you had a dream about the death of your mother, you should take a closer look at the lives of your children.

Perhaps they need your help and support, but they just don’t know how to say it directly.

If you do not pay attention to a possible crisis in their life, a person may appear whose opinion will outweigh yours. Attachment to such a person will sooner or later take them away from your influence.

If you dreamed about your dad's death

Why did you dream about your mother’s death if he was still alive? A dream about the death of a living father means longevity for him, and for a woman it foreshadows changes in her personal life. Such a dream can promise a change of partner, divorce or wedding - and carry both positive and negative potential.

If you dreamed about the death of a dad who has not yet died. This means that your dad will live a long time

In fact, if a woman is dissatisfied with the existing order of things, if her marriage or relationship has exhausted itself, the best way out is to end the negative relationship.

However, it may also turn out that the woman herself is not ready for such radical decisions, but her marriage is collapsing.

In such cases, a dream about her father's death may reflect her feelings of insecurity and anticipation of meeting someone who can take care of her.

If you saw such a dream, take a closer look at your existing relationships - do you need to change something in your life, do you need to reconsider your life priorities, or can you try to save existing relationships. Is your partner so dear to you that you would try to smooth out all misunderstandings and problems?

If a man dreams of his father’s death, this is most likely a warning about an unreliable position in his life. career growth. It may turn out that his business has been jeopardized, and a time of crisis has come for him.

If you had such a dream, you should put your finances in order so as not to incur critical losses. A well-thought-out investment strategy will help you protect your main capital and create a safety net for your business.

If you dreamed about your grandmother's death

Why did you dream about the death of your grandmother if she is still alive? If you have an old grandmother who is sick, and you saw her in dead in my sleep, this portends her recovery and long life. For yourself, such a dream means a change in status and personal relationships - if you were a lonely person, it means you will meet your soul mate.

A dream about the death of a grandmother or grandfather who has not yet died carries positive energy.

If you are a family person, such a dream foretells an improvement in the climate in the family, and maybe even the appearance of a child in it.

In any case, such a dream is positive for both the dreamer and the person he saw in the dream.

If you saw your grandmother in a coffin, this means that prosperity and wealth await you, which you will spend to provide for your family and relatives. Caring for people close to you will not seem like a big burden, but will bring real satisfaction and joy.

If you dreamed about the death of your grandfather

Having seen such a dream, you can safely decide to change jobs - your future place of service will be the beginning of a new, successful career for you. Job growth will be rapid, and material rewards will increase significantly and allow you to fulfill your cherished dream.

For your grandfather, a dream about his death does not pose any threat to life and health.

If you analyze such seemingly negative dreams about death, you can see that for the most part they promise significant and positive changes for all participants.

In any case, such dreams carry an element of warning - you can always correct the situation in time if you listen to your subconscious.

If, for example, the bride or groom dreams of a partner lying in a coffin, this foreshadows the emergence of difficulties and misunderstandings in their relationship. Having seen such a dream, the dreamer should think about the reasons for the discord and, if his partner is truly dear to him, take all measures to correct the situation.

Seeing ill-wishers or enemies dead is a promise that everything will go well in your life, intrigues directed against you will not harm you, and those who wanted to cause you trouble will most likely suffer.

If you dreamed that a person died, you should not give in to fears and anxieties. This dream does not portend anything bad or terrible. He tells us about the departure of the past, the old from your life and the emergence of new opportunities and radical changes.

There are very rare cases when you dream about the death of a person and in the end it means his death in reality. For the one who supposedly died in your dream, on the contrary, the dream promises longevity and good health.

In fact, general interpretation this dream comes from the opposite: to see in a dream, then he will live a long time and enjoy life; if an unmarried woman saw someone’s death, it means that she will soon find her family and love happiness.

Sometimes there are cases when a seriously ill person dreams that he is dying, or you dream that the patient himself is dying, this may indicate his death in real life.

Seers interpret differently what it means to dream that a person has died. Much depends on the nuances night dreams: do you know the deceased, who he was to you in reality. It is not uncommon for a terrible event in a dream to foreshadow joyful changes.

Miller's version

The psychologist not only explains what dying means in dreams, but also gives advice on what to do. First of all, the dream book recommends paying attention to the words that were spoken by the characters in the vision. They often help you make the right decision and get out of a difficult situation. Conversation in a dream does not need to be interpreted; it must be taken literally.

If a (now living) person died in a dream and came to life again, Miller promises a successful completion of all affairs.

Died alive

It is alarming to see in a dream how a healthy person died in reality. But usually this plot, on the contrary, means that the character will live for a long time.

Another version of why you dream that a person who is alive in reality has died. Relations with him will deteriorate, a serious quarrel is possible. Probable Cause– condemnation of his worldview and actions.

A loved one has passed away

In a dream, a deceased lover is good sign. If a character now has health problems at work, then soon they will end, and luck will smile.


The death of a relative in a dream predicts the beginning of a favorable period. However, a dream may mean that you have stayed in one place, and you urgently need to change the state of things.

The dying man was babbling something incoherently - listen to what your loved ones are saying. It is very likely that the sleeper is fixated on himself and ignores the opinions of the people around him.

The deceased made a request in a dream, but you were unable to fulfill it, which means that in reality you forgot about your duty. This plot is a warning; for a successful life, complete all things.

Seers, explaining why you dream that a loved one has died, advise taking into account who exactly he was to you.

  • If your father died, be careful, in reality you will encounter an insidious person who will try to deceive you.
  • You lost your mother in a dream - think about your every step, avoid dishonest actions. There is a high probability of making a mistake and repenting for a long time.
  • If your uncle or aunt died, the dream book recommends devoting more time to self-development.
  • A brother or sister died before our eyes, which means that in reality you cannot find them with common language, constantly quarrel, get offended. It's time to stop the hostility! The dream book notes that although the relationship is strained, you continue to worry about the fate of your relatives. This means they are dear to you.

What did the dead man take with him?

If the person who died in a dream is an old friend, Miss Hasse’s dream book recommends not to worry. You may quarrel and stop communicating, but this is temporary and the relationship will resume soon.

The Muslim dream book interprets this plot as getting rid of unnecessary things. Harsh memories, feelings of guilt, regrets about what happened - everything will become a thing of the past.

It is necessary to take into account the characters in the dream; perhaps a person will be able to adopt and correct these traits in himself.


Why do you dream that a person has died and you remain indifferent? Difficulties that arise in reality will resolve themselves, and you will find inner harmony.

Sad news

Death was reported, the dream book speaks of the successful completion of all started projects. And the information received in reality will be useful and will help you earn extra money.

Another thing to dream about is death. In reality, intrigues are woven around you; the instigator is probably the person who delivered the sad news in a dream.

In a dream, a woman dreamed of her beloved dying. Forecasters warn that relationships are on the verge of breaking down. The only way to save is to start working on yourself and take communication with your partner to a new level.

Vanga’s dream book, if a friend dies, warns that you will encounter injustice and will not be able to change anything.

If a patient died, in reality this person, on the contrary, will begin to recover.


Why dream of kissing the deceased. Many seers consider this an unfavorable sign that can lead to serious illness, large financial losses, and the loss of something valuable.

But Velesov’s dream book, on the contrary, assures us that this is a good omen. A person has been waiting for many years happy life and good health.

Things from days gone by

Why dream of a person’s death if he died many years ago. Usually this plot is interpreted positively.

For a woman who has repeatedly buried her husband, the dream book hints that it is time to take off the ostrich and live, enjoying the new day. It is very likely that you will meet your husband, which will lead to marriage.

Aesop, if you re-experienced the loss of a long-dead person in a dream, predicts a radical change in the weather.

In addition, seeing the deceased alive again means that you are tormented by a feeling of guilt.

Resurrection from the Dead

Why do you dream when a deceased person wakes up as if from a deep faint? Zhu-Gong gives an interesting interpretation of this plot. In reality, they will report amazing news. The dream book draws attention to the fact that if you are able to use the information correctly, you will avoid trouble and benefit.

In a dream, you took part in the revival of the deceased. Beware of robbers and scammers. The dream book also warns that events from the past may remind you of yourself.

Other interpretations

Why do you dream of a deceased person who was far away - perhaps you will be promoted on the career ladder or replenishment of your personal budget. However, you will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve your goals.

When death in a dream was right next to you, and you suffered very much in a dream, then personal changes cannot be avoided. Perhaps someone will report a happy addition to your family circle.

It is also important to remember who exactly died in the dream. Its further interpretation depends on this. For example, the death in reality of living parents speaks of financial success, winnings and fortune in these matters.

Even more information can be found on the page - why do you dream that a person has died.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After reading the interpretation of sleep from the dream book, it is recommended to visit the section. The likelihood of a dream fulfilling depends entirely on the day of the week and lunar day when I had a dream. The meaning of the lunar day can be found in the section . In the section " lunar horoscope» favorable and unfavorable days, by which you can predict the fulfillment of dreams, as well as avoid unwanted situations in the future.

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For every person, seeing a dead person alive in a dream is not the most pleasant and even frightening sight. Finding out the meaning of such a dream becomes a priority because it seems that something terrifying is awaiting you. However, contrary to prejudice, if you dreamed of a deceased person alive, basically nothing related to death awaits you. Much depends on the emotions of the sleeper experienced in the dream and who exactly came to you from heaven.

Miller's dream book saw a deceased relative alive

According to Miller see dead alive in a dream - interpreted as a warning. If you suddenly had to see your late father alive in a dream, then you should be wary of enemies lurking in your immediate environment, and also be prepared for failures in business. In cases where you need to learn restraint and be able not to show evil feelings towards others, you can see in a dream deceased mother alive. Her appearance in dreams is also an omen or rather a warning about illness. But seeing a deceased brother alive or a close friend in a dream means that soon someone will need your help.

In the case when you dreamed of a deceased person alive and happy, you should know that the dream is interpreted as follows: you have come under someone’s not very good attention and if you do not get rid of him by willpower, then you should be prepared for material losses.

Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and talking to him means that he is expecting some very important promise from you that can prevent a big disaster in the future.

I dreamed of a man who died - Vanga’s dream book

The great fortuneteller interprets the meaning of a dream about a person who has died radically: in the future we will face diseases, disasters and epidemics.

But if you dreamed of a person who is no longer alive, but he was your friend, then you should know that he is trying to warn about something, you should think about the meaning of his words or actions in order to understand the warning.

Loff's Dream Interpretation: Someone who died in a dream is alive

According to the interpretations of this dream book, seeing a dead person alive in a dream promises some active discussions of very important issues. But the dream book explains why you dream of a deceased relative alive whom you are hosting as a guest by your longing for this person.
It is a completely different matter if the deceased dreamed of being alive, but lying in a coffin. This means that soon you will have to sort things out, moreover, with someone very close and dear to the sleeping person. It is worth noting that ignoring an unpleasant conversation in the future will lead to a serious conflict.

Seeing a dead person alive in a dream - Tsvetkov’s interpretation

If you dreamed of a deceased person alive, cheerful and happy, then you should be wary of the evil plans of your enemies and make decisions with caution.

When do you see a deceased relative alive or any other person in a dream? loved one, the dream book calls him the messenger of fate. Soon your life will change dramatically, for example, you will enter into new love relationship or receive an unexpected job offer.

If you dreamed that your deceased husband was alive and kissing you three times, then you will soon have to part with a person close and dear to your heart.
There are dreams when a person alive in reality is seen as a dead person alive in a dream. Such a twisted dream foreshadows an invitation to a wedding. But for a young girl, such a dream only promises trouble.

Freud deciphers why a dead person dreams of being alive

According to Sigmund Freud, a dead person dreams of being alive in order to warn about something. You should listen to him carefully and take into account his words and advice.
If you dream of living people as dead people, then you should think about how unpleasant your relationship with them is.

Big dream book: why does a dead person dream of being alive and hugging him?

One of the happiest omens is to see a dead person alive in a dream and hug him, which means long life and a happy old age.
The dream book explains why deceased parents dream of being alive: you will finally be able to solve an important and rather complex issue and continue to enjoy a prosperous period in life.

But to be afraid or feel anxious if you dream of a dead person alive means that you should expect big troubles and trials in the near future.

Video dream book - dreamed of a dead man as if he were alive

Dream theme: ,

A dream in which people die always worries a person. But what is most upsetting is the visions in which loved ones died. In order not to worry about unnecessary things, you need to figure out why you dream about the death of a loved one, because such a dream is not always a bad omen.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the death of a loved one?

According to many dream books, death is a sign of the approach of great changes in the path of life, which can affect the dreamer’s position in the future, namely:

  1. Miller's dream book suggests that this dream warns of trials and problems on the financial plane.
  2. Vanga's dream book interprets death seen in a dream as an omen that the dreamer may soon make a mistake that will entail suffering.
  3. The Mayan dream book means longevity and success by the death of relatives in a dream. Moreover, the loss of children in this dream book is a sign of an imminent pregnancy.

Seeing the death of mother, father, sister, brother in a dream

The death of relatives, even in a dream, brings a lot of worries about their health.

To reduce emotional distress, you need to remember all the nuances of the dream:

  1. Seeing your mother's death in a dream means the approach of future changes, such as a change of residence, a wedding, or pregnancy.
  2. A dream in which a sibling dies foreshadows for the dreamer imminent betrayal and meanness from a colleague or friends - it’s worth taking a closer look at the people around you. Also, such a vision promises a long and successful life for both the hero of the dream and the one who saw this dream.
  3. The death of a father in a dream is usually considered a dangerous sign, which notifies the dreamer that friends and acquaintances may deceive him and then involve him in illegal activities. As for the father himself, he will be healthy and live a long time.
  4. When you dreamed about the death of your sister, this dream predicts possible problems in the family. In this situation, you need to provide maximum support to your loved ones on your part. On a psychological level, such a dream may reflect the desire to make peace and forgive all grievances.



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