Official Golden Fleece Olympics. Golden Fleece

February is interesting for schoolchildren because the XVI game competition is held at this time “ Golden Fleece" There are many participants, but it never hurts to try your hand. Moreover, the tasks are varied and there is time to find the necessary answer. As you know, the “Golden Fleece” 2018 competition is held annually, and each time it is dedicated to some new topic. Children are given questions to take home, and there, using reference material, they are within three days complete tasks.

What is the Golden Fleece competition about?

"Golden Fleece" - international competition on the history of world artistic culture, one of the projects of the Institute of Productive Education Russian Academy Education (St. Petersburg) under the leadership of Academician M.I. Bashmakova.

Participants will be able to plunge into the heyday of Russian culture and feel the historical context of the 19th century: emperors, state and public figures, travelers, industrialists and philanthropists, great reforms, political and cultural connections of Russia, as well as romanticism and realism in artistic culture, Russian Empire style and classicism in architecture and much more.

From the history of the competition

The competition was held for the first time in Russia in 2003 and has now gained great popularity. IN different years The topics of the competition were:

  • "Argonautica".
  • Bella Italia.
  • Douce France.
  • "Portraits of Time 1861-1914".
  • "European Capitals of Culture".
  • "Literary heroes" and others.

IN recent years the number of participants is about 500,000.

Features of the Golden Fleece Olympiad

The form of the competition is similar to its “brothers” - the “Kangaroo”, “Russian Bear” and others competitions. However, it has several significant differences.

Firstly, this is a family format of the competition. Assignments and answer forms are given to participants on Friday, the weekend, and completed answer forms are collected on Monday. Secondly, each time the topic of the competition is announced in advance.

Who can take part in the competition?

Any student from grades 2 to 11 who has paid the registration fee can become a participant in the competition. Participation in the competition is voluntary.

The tasks are compiled for 4 age groups:

  • 9–11 grades.

Olympiad tasks

Competition questions can seem very difficult, especially to those who are participating for the first time, which sometimes causes a negative reaction among students and their parents. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare - study materials on the topic of the competition in advance and select the appropriate literature, as well as familiarize yourself with the tasks of past competitions on the official website of the event.

When answering assignment questions, you can use various sources of information, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, scientific and fiction. The tasks for all participants will consist of 45 questions, and not 60, as it was before.

Algorithm for holding the Olympiad at the educational institution

  • Until September 8, 2017 – distribution of a package of documents about the competition by email.
  • Since September 18, 2017, the Regional Organizing Committee has been holding consultations for school and district coordinators on the organization and conduct of the competition.
  • Until January 19, 2018 – accepting applications for participation in the competition from schools.
  • Until January 26, 2018 – applications from schools and district organizers for participation in the competition are accepted by the Regional Organizing Committee.
  • Until January 26, 2018 – payment of registration fees for participation in the competition. The registration fee in 2018 is 70 rubles for each participant.
  • February 14, 2018 – issuance of assignment forms and answer forms in accordance with submitted and paid applications.
  • February 15, 2018 – distribution of assignment forms and answer forms to schools in accordance with submitted applications.
  • February 16 – 19, 2018 – COMPETITION! Competition assignments are handed out at home on Friday, February 16th and collected at school on Monday, February 19th.
  • February 19, 20 and 21, 2018 – acceptance of packages with answer forms.
  • April 2018 – presentation of the competition results to the organizing committee.

All questions and answers will be broadcast on the official website.

Theme and date of the competition in 2018

Everyone who wants to take part in this competition is concerned about two questions:

The video series “History of the Russian State,” based on the work of the same name by an outstanding writer and historian, can help you prepare for the competition. Russian culture 19th century Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin:

School competitions in game form significantly expand the educational space, and also combine the classroom and extracurricular activities of students. When creating necessary conditions, they can maximize the school's ability to effective development students.

As is known, existing state educational standards pay great attention self-study schoolchildren. One of the ways to stimulate educational activities, are various competition tasks.

Speaking about their development, one cannot fail to mention ak. M. Bashmakova. He and the team he led took part in the creation of already well-known and popular competitions, such as:

Such competitions contribute to:

  • increased motivation in searching for the necessary information, the desire to gain broad knowledge;
  • additional study of subjects that are not fully covered at school;
  • activation of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren and involvement of parents in their children’s education;
  • development of knowledge and broadening of horizons;
  • orientation to ideological principles when searching for solutions;
  • development of empirical thinking and acquisition of meta-subject skills, working with different sources;
  • development of skills in setting and solving problems;
  • developing team participation skills.

Productive gaming competitions differ significantly from such competitive events as:

  1. quizzes;
  2. tests;
  3. Olympics.

In organizational terms:

  • Anyone can take part in the competition; there is no pre-selection.
  • Participants have the opportunity to compare the results of the competition in different schools, districts, cities, etc.
  • The winners of the competitions receive awards, certificates and prizes.
  • All information is recorded in statements where you can find out the results of participants individually, as well as for each school, district, etc.
  • Simultaneously with the competitions, additional activities, publication of literature and guidelines.

Participation in similar types competitions:

  • expands the information environment;
  • promotes consolidation of acquired knowledge;
  • motivates the search for necessary information during the learning process;
  • stimulates the formation of systems thinking;
  • encourages the search for new methods of achieving goals.

All-Russian competition "Golden Fleece"

It was created by the academy headed by M. Bashmakov, but is dedicated to a completely different topic - artistic culture. The competition appeared in 2003. and immediately fell in love Russian schoolchildren. The event is based on important events related to art. culture, as well as biography of famous people. When the Golden Fleece will be held, it becomes known already at the beginning academic year, so teachers can plan in advance the focus of extracurricular activities, as well as the topics of excursions.

The peculiarity of the competition is that it can take place in the family circle, at home and in free time. When completing the task, you are allowed to use any sources:

  • reference books;
  • encyclopedias;
  • dictionaries;
  • Internet;
  • fiction and scientific literature.

You can use the help of specialists, relatives and friends. This facilitates new opportunities for interaction with teachers and all those associated with the event.

When developing the project, the authors focused not on the knowledge that a student receives at school and his memory, but on the ability to work with information obtained during the search. The participant's ability to find possible sources and analyze the data obtained was also taken into account.

When drawing up questions, the event developers do not forget about the moral component. Universal human aesthetic values, as well as age and cultural conformity are taken into account.

The questions are designed for four age groups:

  • 3-4 grade;
  • 5-6 grade;
  • 7-8 grade;
  • 9-11 grade.

All groups have sixty questions. For each of them, four answers are provided, from which you must choose the correct solution.

Questions are out of scope curriculum. This makes the competition a test of the ability to find the necessary information, and not of the knowledge acquired in school.

At first glance, the tasks seem quite complicated. Students and parents are advised to go through the previous year's question papers first to make a final decision. This can be done by going to the official website

Second-graders also take part in the event, answering questions for the group: 3-4th grade. First-graders are not allowed to participate. The competition is held on a paid basis. The cost is set by the organizers every year. You can complete tasks on a purely voluntary basis; any coercion is not permitted.

When will it be held in 2017

Golden Fleece in 2017 will be held from 02/17/17. to 02/20/17 The theme of the new competition: “The Eighteenth Century: The Age of Enlightenment in Russia.” Assignments are distributed from the 17th, and answers are accepted on the twentieth of February. Holding the event earlier than the scheduled date is prohibited.

  1. Filling out documents is done only with paste.
  2. Entries must be made in block letters.
  3. Writing the educational institution code, class and full name. must be produced according to the pattern in each individual cell.
  4. Correct answers must be marked with an X in the box opposite the answer.
  5. Corrections are not permitted.
  6. Accidental marks should be excluded, otherwise the answers will not be counted.

Before issuing the assignment, the responsible person must inform all participants of the school’s OU code. It's better to important information schoolchildren filled out in the presence of an authorized person, in order to avoid ridiculous mistakes.

"Golden Fleece"- an international competition on the history of world artistic culture, one of the projects of the Institute of Productive Education of the Russian Academy of Education (St. Petersburg) under the leadership of academician M.I. Bashmakov.

For the first time in Russia, the competition was held in 2003 and has now gained great popularity; in recent years, the number of participants is about 500,000. The form of the competition is similar to its “brothers” - the “Kangaroo”, “Russian Bear” and others competitions. However, it has several significant differences. Firstly, this is a family format of the competition. Assignments and answer forms are given to participants on Friday, the weekend, and completed answer forms are collected on Monday. Secondly, each time the topic of the competition is announced in advance.

The competition is part of the “Productive Game Competitions” program of the Institute of Productive Education under the leadership of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education M.I. Bashmakov and is held with the support of the Russian Academy of Education. The program is focused on the development of schoolchildren within the framework of extracurricular activities and enriching the learning environment. Participation in productive gaming competitions contributes to the formation of analytical skills, systematization and consolidation of knowledge, expansion of the information environment, and the search for new ways to achieve results, as a result of which schoolchildren increase motivation, including to study individual subjects, develop cognitive activity and individual abilities.

Key Feature The Golden Fleece competition is a family format that involves participants solving issues at home on weekends. While completing tasks, you can use various sources of information (including those published on the Internet), as well as seek help from relatives and friends. The content of the competition is focused not so much on memory and knowledge gained as part of the study school curriculum how much on the participants’ ability to work with new information, search for data, compare, analyze.

Competition tasks can seem very difficult, especially to those who are participating for the first time, which sometimes causes a negative reaction among students and their parents. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare for the competition - study materials on the topic of the competition in advance and select the appropriate literature, as well as familiarize yourself with the tasks of past competitions on the website.

Over the years, the themes of the competition were: “Argonautica”, “Bella Italia”, “Douce France”, “Portraits of Time 1861-1914”, “Cultural Capitals of Europe”, “Literary Heroes” and others.

The topic of the next competition that will be held February 17-20, 2017 "XVIIIcentury: Age of Enlightenment in Russia".

Competition assignments are given to your home on Friday, February 17, 2017 and collected at school on Monday, February 20, 2017. The assignments are compiled for 4 age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades and consist of 60 questions divided into thematic blocks.

To participate in the Competition, you must contact the organizer at your educational institution.

No. OU,

Full name of the Competition organizer

Job title

Kovalenko Natalia Alexandrovna

Teacher fine arts, MHC

Mikhailova Olga Voitekhovna

MHC and history teacher

Todinova Oksana Petrovna

Art teacher

Apalkova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Teacher of Literature and MHC

Isaeva Elena Vasilievna

Teacher of Literature and MHC

Demkina Valentina Pavlovna

Zinovieva Olga Anatolyevna

History teacher, social studies

Organizers of the Competition in educational institutions submit applications from schools to participate in the game-competition "Golden Fleece" in in the prescribed manner Tokar L.F., methodologist, MBU "TsODOU" December 28, 2016(k/t 3-56-50).

"Golden Fleece"- an international competition on the history of world artistic culture, one of the projects of the Institute of Productive Learning of the Russian Academy of Education (St. Petersburg) under the leadership of Academician M.I. Bashmakova.

For the first time in Russia, the competition was held in 2003 and has now gained great popularity; in recent years, the number of participants is about 500,000. The form of the competition is similar to its “brothers” - the “Kangaroo”, “Russian Bear” and others competitions. However, it has several significant differences. Firstly, this is a family format of the competition. Assignments and answer forms are given to participants on Friday, the weekend, and completed answer forms are collected on Monday. Secondly, each time the topic of the competition is announced in advance.

The competition is part of the “Productive Game Competitions” program of the Institute of Productive Education under the leadership of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education M.I. Bashmakov and is held with the support of the Russian Academy of Education. The program is focused on the development of schoolchildren through extracurricular activities and enrichment of the learning environment. Participation in productive gaming competitions contributes to the formation of analytical skills, systematization and consolidation of knowledge, expansion of the information environment, and the search for new ways to achieve results, as a result of which schoolchildren increase motivation, including to study individual subjects, develop cognitive activity and individual abilities.

The most important feature of the Golden Fleece competition is its family format, which involves participants solving issues at home on weekends. While completing tasks, you can use various sources of information (including those published on the Internet), as well as seek help from relatives and friends. The content of the competition is focused not so much on memory and knowledge gained as part of studying the school curriculum, but on the ability of participants to work with new information, search for data, compare, and analyze.

Competition tasks can seem very difficult, especially to those who are participating for the first time, which sometimes causes a negative reaction among students and their parents. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare for the competition - study materials on the topic of the competition in advance and select the appropriate literature, as well as familiarize yourself with the tasks of past competitions on the website

Over the years, the themes of the competition were: “Argonautica”, “Bella Italia”, “Douce France”, “Portraits of Time 1861-1914”, “Cultural Capitals of Europe”, “Literary Heroes” and others.



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