Throwing pearls before swine meaning and origin. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language: what is throwing beads, what does it mean and how to spell it correctly. “Civil defense” and phraseology

Hello, dear creatives! How are you feeling? Today we will not talk about beading techniques and how to wear jewelry. Let's talk about philosophy. Probably, each of you has heard the following phrase: “Don’t throw pearls before swine.” Do you know what it means and where it came from? Let's figure it out.

In the article you will learn:

  1. What does the phrase “don’t throw pearls before swine” mean?
  2. Where does the phrase “don’t throw your pearls before swine” come from?
  3. What does beads have to do with it?

I originally came across this phrase in the Gospel of Matthew, specifically in the sixth verse of the seventh chapter. It contains the words of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. The words sound like this: “Do not give what is holy to dogs and do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.”

  1. Shrines are a sacrament of the Christian faith.
  2. Dogs are people who blaspheme and scold Christ.
  3. Pigs are passionate people who do dirty things.
  4. Throwing means teaching, teaching, enlightening, offering sacred things to these dirty people.

What does it mean to cast pearls before swine?

Phraseologism throwing pearls before swine everyday life will naturally be interpreted differently in each individual case. This phrase is often used in speech when a person wants to say that there is no need to waste your time trying to explain something if the other person does not strive to understand it and is not able to appreciate it.

What does beads have to do with it?

When they say this expression “throwing before swine,” beads are understood here not as a material for creativity, not as glass, but as human values. Values ​​are emotional, spiritual, intellectual, material.

It is also our knowledge, our work and our efforts, our dreams and goals, desires and thoughts.

In the context of the expression we are analyzing, this means the following: you should not flaunt your values ​​in front of people. You shouldn’t share, you shouldn’t pour out your soul, complain and ask. There is no need to completely reveal to a person (literally to a pig) your deepest secrets and dreams.

You should not argue with people, conflict and prove that you are right. There is no need to waste your personal time on those who are not interested in you.

Otherwise, one day it may turn against you, i.e. in the context of the phrase: “people will bark at you, curse you.”

But why do we throw beads in front of people? We want to prove that we are right, to convince of something, to appear better. Why are they rushing in front of us? yes for the same reasons.

What does the expression cast pearls before swine mean in other sources?

  1. Phrasebook Russian language. Throwing pearls before swine means expressing thoughts and feelings to someone who is unable or unwilling to understand and appreciate them.
  2. Russian phraseological dictionary literary language. To throw pearls before swine is to talk about something in vain or to prove that you are right to someone who is unable or unwilling to understand it.
  3. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. There is no specific phrase for our request in this dictionary. But there is a decoding of the word “beads” and examples of its use: - do not throw beads before swine, lest they trample them underfoot; - tears are not beads, you can’t bring them down.
  4. Michelson's large explanatory and phraseological dictionary. This source uses the following expression: - beads of eloquence - to use, to use sophisticated expressions, loud words, but not always convincing.

That's probably all. I think I have clearly explained what the expression “don’t throw your pearls before swine” means. I hope you found it interesting to read and think about.

“Who should I throw in front of then? Who should I open up to and who should I talk to?” - you ask. To those who are truly close to you, who are ready to listen to you day and night. Who will always come to the rescue and listen to even your most delusional nonsense. In front of your loved ones for real.

Appreciate every second of your time! Remember, this is your value. Don't waste it on useless conversations with pigs. After all, sometimes it happens that there is not enough for anything. Don't throw pearls before swine.

Be sure to subscribe to blog updates and you will be the first to know: how to weave a heart from beads in the next article.

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Publication date:09.19.2018

Not everyone will decide to open their soul, especially if there is no confidence that the interlocutor will not only be able to hear innermost thoughts, but will also understand and take the words spoken seriously. To describe a situation when it makes no sense for the interlocutor to talk about personal things, to open up feelings, because he simply will not understand what was said, the phraseological unit “ cast pearls before swine" How did this stable phrase appear in the Russian language, and why does it carry such a subtext?

The meaning of phraseology

This catchphrase used in book speech and journalism in the context of a warning or understanding of the failure of attempts to convince unreceptive opponents or partners. For example, this expression is used by A. Pushkin when assessing the comedy “Woe from Wit.” The poet notes that the main distinguishing feature of an intelligent person is to initially know who you will be dealing with and not “throw pearls” in front of people of a certain type.

Origin of phraseology

The phraseology “throwing pearls before swine” has a religious origin. This phrase was originally used in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus Christ pronounces it during the famous Sermon on the Mount. The entire quote is not part of the overall narrative, but sounds like a separate parting word and guide to action. IN synodal translation In the Bible, it sounds like a call not to give holy things to dogs and not to throw pearls before swine. Otherwise, animals may trample it and tear to pieces those who threw the pearls.

The key message of this expression is that pigs are unable to appreciate the beauty of pearls. This inability to appreciate beauty is put in parallel with the ability for mutual understanding between people.

You may have noticed that the word “beads” is used in phraseological units, but for some reason we began to call them pearls. The thing is that in the Church Slavonic language the word “beads” was used to call pearls.

There is also an assumption that the meaning of the phraseological unit has been transformed and distorted over time. The essence of the phrase was the meaninglessness of trusting a saint to those people who do not have faith in the sacred principle and existing spiritual values. By trusting such unworthy people, a person defiles the Almighty, that is, in this case, pearls become beads.

In addition, there is another unusual version of the use, as well as the interpretation of the phraseological unit “throwing pearls before swine.” The statement is referred to as the slang of card players, emphasizing that such a phrase emphasizes a successful distribution of cards. The bottom line is that “there is no point in talking about the situation to a person who has no idea about card game“, he is considered a “pig” among experts. Although this version of the interpretation of the expression is not considered plausible, unlike the traditional interpretation, it has the right to exist.

(Excerpt from the book “Life Lessons in Words”)

Throwing pearls before swine... What is this? How to understand? From where in modern language did this strange expression appear?
This phrase comes from the Biblical phrase: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.” But here we are talking about precious pearls, and not about simple and cheap small beads. Everything becomes clear if you know that small river pearls, which were mined in northern rivers, were first called beads in Rus'. Much later, beads began to be called any small beads (glass, bone, metal, and plastic) intended for embroidery.
What is the meaning of the phraseological unit: “Do not throw pearls before swine”? These words are a warning for people who waste themselves, wasting precious energy on those who are unable to appreciate the good. Why this pointless waste of time? The treasure will still be trampled, and only pain will remain in the heart, which will turn into the emptiness of disappointment.
Is it necessary to prove with asinine persistence that GOOD is better than BAD? What is GOOD for one person may seem BAD for another. Tell him the first time, warn him a second time about the possible danger, and then just step aside, allowing the person to face the consequences of his choice. After all, people learn from mistakes. What if the consequences turn out to be tragic? But the man was warned, and therefore armed. What else can be done here? Is it necessary, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, to waste the golden time of life on useless attempts to tell something to a deaf mind or show something to a blind heart? Is there any point in sowing good seed in barren soil?
It is sometimes easier for a stubborn egoist to fall to the very bottom of life, and, on occasion, to commit suicide, than to admit his mistakes...
Whatever a person’s choice, even if we disagree with someone, we will respect his inner freedom, given to everyone from birth. Everyone decides for himself to live or die, to fuss or to realize his abilities, to love or to hate, to learn from the mistakes of others or to count the bumps on his own stubbornness.
Should we give bread to those who are mad about fat? Let's go to the hungry. Why splash living water in vain if thirsty people are waiting for us somewhere?
Let’s not knock and knock endlessly on tightly closed doors, but simply write on them:
1. Selfishness is a space closed in on itself, stagnant, stinking waters.
2. Hatred is hell for the soul.
3. Alcohol, drugs and any other addiction are an attempt to get away from problems that become even worse.
4. Suicide is a pathetic desertion or a stupid attempt to attract attention to oneself.
5. Buried talent is happiness buried alive.
6. Blaming others is, first of all, recognizing oneself as incapable of influencing own life, avoidance of one’s responsibility, lack of understanding of what each person is given personal power, able to overcome a wide variety of life obstacles.
7. The search for idols-patrons around oneself is the lot of irresponsible people who do not realize that salvation lies within the person himself, and this is the Divine - Love, which must be allowed to awaken, while opening the heart closed by fear and doubts. Positive consciousness is heaven for a person who loves and is capable of accepting love.
8. Righteous anger is a force that tears off masks, exposes, incinerates evil, and vain anger is the beginning of self-destruction.

Having written all this on behind closed doors, leave without regret, heading towards those who are waiting for you. Shake off the dust of dislike, mistrust, hopelessness from your feet, go without looking back, rush to the call of the hungry and thirsty.
But what about those who remain in the bonds of egocentrism? If you want, cry, regretting the perishing, pray, if you believe in the power of prayer. What else can be done here? The door is closed.
What about the sign on the door? How will it be read? No way...unless they open their hearts. In this case, these words may be useful not for the one who hid from life, but for the passerby who prefers to learn from the mistakes of others.

The dung beetle will find its pile.
He feels comfortable and warm in shit.
Don't torment yourself with doubt.
Why does ingratitude need love?
Everyone has what they are looking for in life.
Some people need the stink. Your scent
Among wonderful roses let him breathe eternal caress.
Forward! Forward! Why look back?
Why feed the fed up with honey?
Why give water to those who are not thirsty? Keep
For those seeking and waiting for your miracle.
Let the lights flash in the morning sky!
The light of the sun is not born for moles.
For those who have plugged their ears with cotton, the song is not a song.
Touch a living nerve with sounds.
Why the soullessness of extinct planets?
Pig in the mud. Beads are not a reward for her.
Don't sow grain in the desert. Harvest
For the hungry there is only true joy.
Do not believe the deception of false mirages.

Illustration by Boyko Alla.

In pairs climb - climb, see - see, hear - hear, lift - lift the second option is colloquial.

8. It is necessary to distinguish between the meanings of paired verbs of motion:

run - run
fly - fly
drive – lead
carry – carry
to carry - to carry
swim - swim
drive - drive
crawl – crawl
ride - go
drag - drag
roll - roll
walk – go
climb – climb

The first verbs in each pair denote an action without indicating a direction or an action that is not performed in one step (verbs of indefinite movement), and the second - actions that flow in one direction, or an action that occurs continuously and at a certain moment (verbs of definite movement). Wed: a truck carries a brick - a truck carries a brick; the plane flies over the forest - the plane flies over the forest; ducks swim in the reeds - ducks swim to the shore, etc.

In some cases, both forms are acceptable, for example: A bus on this line runs every five minutes. – A bus runs along this line every five minutes. The difference between both options is the following: walks means “there and back”, i.e. indicates movement in more than one direction, but goes only means “there”, i.e. indicates movement in one direction.

Wed. also: go to the post office (movement in one direction) – don’t go to the post office (“movement there and back” and prefix formations: my brother came to see me (“arrived and is here” – my brother came to see me (“was and left”).

The meaning of the forms under consideration also depends on the context: when specifying an action, verbs of a certain movement are used. Wed:

This morning he took us to the station. “This morning he drove us to the station very quickly;

I went to work yesterday. – I was a little late when I went to work yesterday;

That day we went to the city. “We weren’t tired that day because we drove to the city slowly.

9. The names of means of land, mechanical and air transport are usually combined with the verb to go, for example: The bus goes along a new route; The train travels at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour; The tram goes to the park; Planes go (also fly) one after another, but: Trams run poorly. The word motorcycle is combined with the verb to go, for example: The motorcycle was driving straight towards us.

The names of means of transportation on water are combined with both the verb to go and the verb to swim, for example: Loaded barges go (float) down the river; A boat was walking (swimming) near the shore; Destroyers sail in a wake column; Ships are sailing at sea.
10. Parallel forms masculine past tense verbs with the suffix -nu-vyal - faded, lip - stuck, blind - went blind, rejected - rejected, perished - perished, resorted - resorted, terminated - dissolved, refuted - refuted, fluff - fluffed are equal; the forms dried, froze, got wet, went out, chilled, in the presence of the normative dry, froze, got wet, went out, and chilled are acceptable.

The expression “throwing pearls before swine” comes from the Bible, more precisely from the Gospel of Matthew. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ said: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.”

Pearls and beads

The expression “throwing pearls before swine” came into Russian from the Church Slavonic text of the Holy Scriptures. In the Church Slavonic language the word “beads” had a different meaning. Now small beads are called beads - in the modern world they are glass, in ancient times, as a rule, they were bone. But in the Church Slavonic language the word “beads” meant pearls.

Thus, the Savior spoke not about beads in the modern sense, but about pearls. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a more thankless task than throwing such a jewel in front of pigs, expecting that the animals will be able to appreciate it.

Meaning of the expression

This quotation from the Gospel, which became catchphrase, can plunge into bewilderment. In Christianity, unlike pagan religions (for example, Egyptian), there has never been any “secret knowledge” available only to a narrow circle of select people. And the Christian faith itself is open to all people, regardless of their nationality - this religion does not know any discrimination. Therefore, it seems strange to compare some people with “pigs”, before whom it is not worth throwing precious pearls - the word of God.

This comparison is understandable to a Christian who has to communicate with unchurched and unbelieving people. IN modern world Every Christian finds himself in this situation—even monks have to at least sometimes deal with atheists.

Even if an unchurched person asks a Christian questions about faith, this does not always indicate a true desire to understand something, to learn something. This may be caused by a desire to mock the person, to see how he will cope with tricky questions. After such conversations, a Christian feels only fatigue and devastation, which is by no means good for the soul, since it easily leads to the sin of despondency. The unbeliever will celebrate the victory and become convinced that he is right; this will also harm him.

It was precisely such conversations that the Savior warned his followers against, calling “not to throw pearls before swine.” Of course, this does not mean that non-believers should be looked down upon, comparing them to pigs - this would be a manifestation of pride, but it is not worth explaining the word of God to a person who does not want to perceive and understand it.



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