Meditation on money: how to heal from poverty and find stability? Meditation "Cash Flow"

Attention! Here is a rare and powerful meditation on money that really allows you to achieve financial well-being!

The technique used by the richest people on the planet!

The history of this technique and its analogues begins around the first century AD. It was from this time that the first mentions of a secret society date back, which was engaged in the study of ancient knowledge and laws of the universe and was the founder of similar practices for attracting money.

Nowadays similar techniques are used richest people planets, although information about this is carefully hidden.

Only for those who:

1. Wants to have a lot of money;
2. Wants to live in prosperity and luxury;
3. Dreams of gaining power that will attract money.

This money meditation really attracts wealth and abundance! People who practice this technique (and its analogues) have been living in abundance for a long time.

What is the highlight of this practice?

This meditation on attracting money not only attracts money energy to a person, but also changes his money consciousness, which is much more important, because someone who wants to be rich must not only be able to attract money, but also save it.

When can I see the result?

From experience, money begins to come in after a month of regular exercise, but you can become a truly rich person only when your consciousness is completely tuned in to prosperity and abundance².

This is a difficult process and requires constant practice. For some people (whose consciousness is now focused on poverty), it can take a long time. Whether it is worth it to become a wealthy person - everyone decides for himself.


As soon as the practitioner’s consciousness is tuned to wealth and abundance, incredible financial opportunities immediately begin to come to him.

How and why does this money meditation work?

This meditation affects a person’s subconscious, enhances personal vibration and frees the brain from extraneous vibrations (negative beliefs about money, doubts, self-doubt), thereby revealing its potential.

Very powerful!

Special visualizations allow the practitioner to come into contact with a certain frequency of consciousness and fill the entire mind with it. Falling into sleep after meditation consolidates the effect, as a result of which the work of attracting money begins to take place on a subconscious level.

Meditation to attract money and abundance

The technique is performed immediately before bedtime.

Execution order

1. The practitioner lies on his back and closes his eyes.

2. Relaxes and calms thoughts, concentrating on the darkness that appears before closed eyes.

3. After the internal dialogue is stopped, the practitioner intuitively imagines the energy of money in front of him.

4. Feels love and directs this feeling into the imaginary energy of money.

5. Then the practitioner begins to slowly plunge his consciousness into the monetary energy and absorb it, imagining that the more monetary energy is absorbed, the more money will appear in the real world. By visualizing the absorption of monetary energy, the practitioner slowly drifts off to sleep and falls asleep.

In the morning, upon awakening, the practitioner must mentally imagine that in reality there is already money that belongs to him, and soon he will have this money.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Theurgy is a magical practice that appeared within the framework of Neoplatonism; in antiquity, in pagan cults, aimed at practical influence on gods, angels, archangels and demons in order to receive help, knowledge or material benefits from them (Wikipedia).

² A special

Success, luck and material wealth are the dreams of every person. One of the popular and effective ways Meditation to attract money can help speed up the fulfillment of your desire.

One of the powerful visualizations developed for the “Wishes Fulfillment 2” training. Listen to it to learn to see new opportunities, enjoy life and be in the flow! This is a meditation that will allow you to be in the flow as often as possible and attract more opportunities and money into your life!

To make this meditation on money as useful as possible for you, listen to it several times during the week - remember the state of “flow” at the body level so that you can consciously enter or switch to it when you give up!

Why does this meditation help attract money? The secret is that you learn to trust and focus more on the fact that the providence of life is guiding you and you are moving closer to your dream step by step.

Preparing for Meditation

There are many options for carrying out such a ritual; everyone chooses the one that suits them.

The main thing to remember is that in addition to mental practices, you also need to act and make efforts to increase your wealth.

Properly conducted meditation helps get rid of negative thoughts and makes life brighter. Plus, it's a great way to relax.

Sessions should be conducted in a pleasant, comfortable environment, while receiving only positive emotions. All technologies can be supplemented or changed by you at will. The main thing is to create the right mood and active mental image!

When is the best time to meditate?

It is better to attract money through meditation in the evening, when nothing is bothering you, or during the day, if you have free time. It is better to start carrying out sessions on the waxing moon and continue for 2 weeks.

During the session, it is important to feel contact with money; also include in your meditation your dreams, the goals for which you want to gain wealth. Try to imagine money not separately from yourself, but as if you are a single whole.

For example, you can do the following exercise: sit comfortably, remember that you have a liver, stomach and other organs, legs, arms, focus your attention on a specific organ or muscle, while you relax them.

Meditation “Sun Energy”

You need to take a banknote in your hands, close your eyes and completely relax. Then take a few deep breaths and imagine that you are inhaling lightness and coolness, and exhaling tension.

Mentally draw a bright sun in front of your head, warming you and illuminating you with light. Concentrate your attention on the solar plexus area, imagine how a ray of sun enters it and fills it completely.

For several minutes, try to hold the sunlight in the solar plexus area and place a banknote there. It is necessary to clearly imagine how it is charged with the accumulated energy of the sun, light and heat. Then try to see the moment when you spend the bill, and how at this time a huge cash flow is directed towards you.

It is important to make a purchase with the banknote used during meditation as soon as possible.

Meditation "Moneyfall"

Collect banknotes that are in your house. Sit on the bed or sofa, positioning and covering the money with your palms. For a better effect, you can turn on music that imitates the clinking of coins or murmur, creating a magnifying effect.

Relax and concentrate on the source of wealth, it could be a cloud from which coins are pouring out or a money fountain.

Try to mentally combine the source with your money, imagine how the cash flow falls on you, fills your pockets and places where money is stored in the house, and then goes to your desired purchases and to make your dreams come true.

Express Meditation

You can do a little quick meditation throughout the day. To do this, close your eyes and imagine one of the situations. For example, you can visualize a situation where banknote, which is in your hands, begins to multiply, and there is more and more money.

To quickly increase material wealth, meditation is carried out for. Imagine the sky, an expanding strip of silver and gold, from which coins and bills begin to fall. Finish the meditation when you feel that you have a lot of money, try to maintain the feeling of abundance for as long as possible.

Removing money blocks

The basis of meditation is the assumption that the cause of any problem (including lack of money) is resentment towards another person, which creates an emotional block to achieving goals.

During meditation, it is important to identify and mentally remove all blocks accumulated in the body. To do this you should do breathing exercises(notice the gaps between inhalation and exhalation), which help the body to relax and the mind to enter a special state similar to deep sleep.

When the state is achieved, order yourself to free yourself from what is stopping you in life in order to achieve your goal. The duration of the meditation is about 15 minutes. It is necessary to perform 1 session per day for 21 days for complete cleansing.

Remember that frequent thoughts about something sooner or later inevitably turn into reality. Prepare for sessions and conduct meditation to attract money correctly, and success, luck and wealth will come into your life!

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that in order to cleanse and activate your money channel, to enhance the flow of money energy, you need to learn how to do meditations to attract money and good luck. This is a very rewarding and enjoyable experience. Visualizing money is not only beneficial, but also aesthetic. But, main question to those who want to get rid of poverty and become rich: how much money are you willing to let into your life?

Powerful meditation for prosperity and attracting financial luck

Before going to bed, doing something simple and strong in its completeness meditation to attract money and good luck, imagining how money comes into your life in a stream of green or golden radiance, you will fall asleep with a feeling of peace and joy. Peace of mind also means a lot. When a person is calm, he is confident, and a confident person thinks positively, works fruitfully and makes the right decisions to attract good luck and prosperity into his life.

There is no doubt that independent meditation on money and luck is good for the cause, helps you to mobilize internally and achieve the desired result. But, the first and most important thing you need to understand, involving practical magic and your own inner strength to connect to the money egregor, is this how much money you are willing to accept? You will have exactly as much money as you are willing to receive and accept.

This is the law of the magic of attracting money into your life.

Apply a beautiful meditation technique to fulfill your desires and attract money, and if your intention is to get rich, save what you have acquired and achieve financial prosperity, it will help you realize it.

People desire prosperity and success in all areas of their lives. And if we talk only specifically about money, then this aspect is understood differently by people. The question is what exactly a person prioritizes. For some, financial stability and prosperity -

  1. This successful business and big sales,
  2. for some – peace and comfort,
  3. for others it is professional demand.

In this life, people are not looking for the same thing. Everyone is looking for something of their own, congenial, accessible according to their capabilities. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that in order to move towards your goal, you need to form it. There are many spiritual techniques that allow you to get what you want closer, and meditation on money and luck is one of them.

What music attracts money - listen to meditations on money and luck

Relax. Close your eyes. Get away from the daily hustle and bustle. Breathe calmly, measuredly and deeply. Mentally transport yourself to a place where you feel good, pleasant, where you can stay in complete comfort.

Listen to the melody that attracts money, luck, happy circumstances in your life.

  • Visualize the beauty of the place, the landscape, or your dream home.
  • You no longer experience any negative experiences.
  • Nothing worries you.
  • You exist in a world that is safe and comfortable, in a world where everything is the way you want it.
  • Having calmed down, reconciled with yourself, take the drawing in your hands - mandala to attract good luck and luck, and open your eyes. Look at the drawing, feel how the energy of prosperity fills you.
  • You bathe in this beneficial energy, and your life is transformed minute by minute.

A very powerful mandala for making a wish come true

Without exaggeration, each of us would like luck to be our companion in our financial affairs and in all our endeavors. Without her support, you have to overcome a lot of obstacles, waste energy and time, and these expenses are not always justified. But with luck, the road is smooth, and everything works out! Drawing a beautiful mandala yourself to quickly fulfill your desires will bring you closer to getting what you want and need.

Mandalas are ancient drawings. One of the types of meditation. There are many mandalas, and each of them has the power to attract good luck and give help in fulfilling desires. It is believed that self-created images have the greatest power. It is believed that by creating an original drawing, a person makes changes to his destiny.

During the creation of a mandala for attracting good luck and luck, he endows it with the energy of goodness and prosperity. There are no rules or restrictions in coloring mystical drawings. You can start from the edge of the pattern, gradually moving towards the center or, conversely, from the center to the edge. Coloring of individual areas of the image is allowed. There are no restrictions on personal creativity.

To create a very powerful mandala for fulfilling desires, while drawing, it is necessary to tune in to the best, think positively, endowing the image with the energy of well-being. It is not advisable to use a stencil. Draw a mandala to attract good luck, arranging the elements symmetrically. Create designs that correspond to success: star, coins, flowers, etc. You also need to know the meaning of colors, since this is the drawing itself.
  • yellow color gives the power of blossoming, wisdom and inspiration
  • orange color gives vital energy, makes a person self-confident
  • red color is used if you want to get luck in love affairs
  • purple color will give inspiration, in addition, it has the ability to unite opposites
  • blue color symbolizes balance, calm and harmony

A very powerful mudra for fulfilling wishes.

What is mudra? Mudra is a magical interlace of fingers. A unique non-verbal language of relationship with the universe. Mudras arose many thousands of years before our days. It is unknown who created them. But, we have legends. And one of the versions says that the authors of the mudras are the gods.

How strong mudras affect a person remains a mystery. But, before those who fold mudras, the world opens up! With their help you can heal, get rich, and attract good luck into your life. There are mudras for fulfilling desires. The most cherished desires will come true thanks to the interlacing of fingers!

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Meditation on attracting money, if used correctly, helps eliminate negative financial blockages and create favorable energy exploration. As a result, you will learn to easily receive and give money and stop concentrating on financial problems.

Practice of attracting material well-being

This practice has two parts. The first is working with formulations, the second is meditation itself.

How does it work? The fact is that there are no temporary attachments in your subconscious, only your feelings and emotions are there. If these emotions are negative in relation to money (for example, you have a lot of debts, loans, or you suddenly lost a large sum money), then the energy radiation is negative. Consequently, there is no need to talk about material well-being.

Therefore, you need, first of all, to rewrite the negative script with the power of your own subconscious, catch the necessary energy radiation, and then consolidate positive attitudes in the subconscious through meditation.

What to do in the first part:

  • Take a sheet of A4 format. Even more is better if there are a lot of negative financial blockages. Divide it into two parts
  • In the first half, list in a column all the negative events related to money and their consequences. For example: a wallet was stolen and there was not enough money to buy a phone for a child. Or: I have three loans, so most of my salary goes to repay them, I have to save
  • Describe everything that comes to mind. Don’t save paper, try to describe all your thoughts
  • After that, we proceed to “changing the script.” We replace negative events and consequences with positive ones. Use your imagination. For example: “I found a wallet on the street and returned it to the owner, received a reward.” Or: “I accidentally discovered a large sum of money in an old fur coat, I was able to pay off the loan” And so on

Try to consolidate new script joyful emotions. Don't do it mechanically. This completes the first part, all you have to do is consolidate the effect of working with the subconscious through meditation.

How to meditate:

  • Close your eyes for 10-15 minutes every day and mentally replay the events from the positive scenario you have come up with as if they had already happened
  • A prerequisite is that you must feel positive emotions during the meditation process.

The visualization session can be carried out at any other time convenient for you. For example, while you are riding the subway or waiting in line at the clinic.

Meditation practices for getting rid of debts and loans

Money luck can completely turn away from you if you continue to be burdened by your debts and constantly think about them. To prevent anything bad from happening, you need to shift your focus to more positive things. Meditations aimed at getting money and good luck help with this.

Best in similar situations Meditations with visualizations and the use of positive statements - affirmations - work.

How to meditate:

  1. Try to set aside at least 15 minutes a day for meditation. And meditate every day, because only regular practice can help you
  2. IN everyday life stop concentrating all your thoughts on debts and loans, try to instantly switch, think about anything but this. Otherwise, you will minimize the positive effect of meditation.
  3. As you meditate, shift your focus to increasing your income. This should be yours main goal. You have two ways: either imagine your successful, free and beautiful life by visualizing. Or repeat affirmations like this: “My income is growing, I can afford whatever I want.”

If the situation is critical (for example, a debt needs to be paid within a few days), you can use the following formulation: “I gratefully accept the nth amount I need to pay off the debt, may my wish come true for my and everyone’s good.” But use such an affirmation in the most extreme cases.

Do meditation aimed at attracting financial benefits regularly, and the Universe will definitely send you opportunities to improve the situation.

Installations for monetary well-being

In principle, all classic money meditations come down to the same thing:

  • You turn on pleasant music, take a comfortable position and close your eyes
  • Try to relax your body and drive away any extraneous thoughts from your subconscious
  • And then you visualize images of what you want to get. Or repeat positive statements

The algorithm is quite simple. You can use it always by choosing the appropriate settings. Let's figure out how to do it correctly.

It is very important to carefully filter your thoughts and correctly formulate financial desires. When you ask for a specific amount, your wish rarely comes true, because money is not the goal for the Universe.

It is better to ask for your dream job or some thing, travel, and so on. It is important that this is the need of your soul.

Examples of positive attitudes that can be used:

  • Money loves me
  • I attract financial prosperity into my life
  • Every day my income is growing
  • I always have enough money
  • My salary is 100 thousand rubles a month or even more

Never set an upper limit. Always remember that the boundaries are only in your head, but the possibilities of the Universe are limitless. Work with the statements that suit you best. Come up with your own wording options.



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