Beautiful words from different languages ​​of the world. Beautiful English words with translation

The name of a new company is no less important than a prestigious one appearance for a business person. It creates the first impression of the organization; a successful and memorable name increases the client base. You should not overestimate its importance - without quality, a suitable price and other components, the name itself will not make the company popular.

However, you should not put it off for later or take this issue lightly, since this is one of the main parts of the PR image of any company, which should be handled by people of appropriate qualifications, knowledgeable about the rules marketing and not lacking a creative approach.

Types of names

Any enterprise can have from one to six titles. But only one of them is mandatory– full company name in Russian . Based on the term, it becomes clear that this must be a full name containing the phrase “Limited Liability Company” written in Cyrillic, in compliance with the rules of the Russian language.

There are also a number of other names in addition to the full name requirements:

  • the mandatory name should not have English words, except in Russian transcription, foreign language characters, some prefixes like “VIP”;
  • The use of obscene words or any word forms that discredit any part or social group of the population, as well as violating the rules of morality and ethics, is not allowed;
  • a prerequisite is uniqueness, that is, a company with that name should not be in Rosreestr;
  • names of foreign countries cannot be inserted;
  • Without special permission, it is prohibited to use the word “Russia” and all derivative (cognate) words, as well as the names of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, settlements, authorities, the word “Federal” and other similar words.

Apart from the official business name, other forms are optional and some of the requirements do not apply to them. Such an “alternative” may be an abbreviated name, a full name in English (in compliance with international standards) for the foreign market, and an abbreviated name in English. A short name in any language of the peoples of Russia is allowed.

Legal aspects

Regulation of the activities of any organization occurs in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. IN Civil Code There is Article 54, the content of which affects the name, location and legal address of the organization. In addition, the fifth paragraph indicates that the full corporate name of the legal entity is indicated in the constituent document and in the Unified State Register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

The name is officially approved for the enterprise at the time of state registration.

The uniqueness of the name is another prerequisite. However, at the time of the emergence of a legal entity, repetition is not excluded. You can verify its uniqueness using special service, available on the Internet, which is called “search service in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” at

If two companies have exactly the same names and are engaged in similar activities, the previously formed company can demand a name change from the second one in court.

How to come up with a company name yourself

Anyone who decides to solve this problem on their own needs to rely on the rules of marketing, the Russian language and, of course, a creative approach.

What you need to keep in mind when choosing the name of your organization:

  1. Reflection of the company's scope of activity. If necessary, the name should indicate exactly what the business does or the product it produces, for example, “Planet Plumbing.”
  2. Internet oriented. It's no secret that a person solves most of his problems through search engines. Therefore, you need to make sure that, with the corresponding request, the company is high enough in the list of answers and does not have consonant (identical) names with companies in the same list.
  3. Positive effect. The word (phrase) should evoke neutral or positive associations, without negativity or ambiguity.
  4. Ease. Make sure the name is easy to read, pronounce and remember. You shouldn’t go too far with abbreviations; few people will want to contact the RPPKZL company without knowing what it does.
  5. No unnecessary hyperbole (exaggeration). It would be a mistake to call an average establishment a big word, especially if the essence does not correspond to the name. These include “elite”, “royal”, “empire” and other similar epithets.
  6. The right combination of beautiful, one might say fabulous words and pragmatism. In this case, a lot depends on the specific activity.
  7. No hint of a larger organization. Many entrepreneurs sin by creating doubles of large holdings with a similar name in order to attract additional customers using the name of an older competitor. At one time, the doubles “Abibas”, “Neike”, “BucksstarsCofee” were known. Beware of the trend, introduced after the success of Apple, of using an "i" at the beginning of the name, so as not to end up with something like "iBank" "iCoffee" or "iWheels".

Suitable for most areas standard rules for creating a name, which are not very imaginative, but have already been time-tested:

  • names (one's own, relatives), folded syllables from first or last names, with and without prepositions;
  • a surname in which the ending “-ov” changes to “-off” or a surname with the addition of “and K”, “and Ko”, “and partners”;
  • abbreviations for activities/products or made up of the first letters of various words;
  • geographical names (pond, mountains, street);
  • category of activity, types of services.

You can learn how to choose a name for your company from this video.

Examples by area of ​​activity

Suitable for organizations different names depending on the type of services provided and the area. Below are examples of such names that can be considered successful.

  1. Trade. It is important for a trading company to point out wide choice, product quality and possibly specific types of goods. Example: “Alliance” speaks of a wide range, “Wallpaper Planet” speaks of a sphere.
  2. Construction. The use of cognate words, professions, and the use of objects are suitable. Example: “BigStroy”, “Brigadier”, “New House”.
  3. Transport, cargo transportation. In this area, speed, power and the expeditionary component are important. Example: “Forsazh”, “Forpost”, “Ural-Logistic”.
  4. Public catering. The widest flight of imagination and scope for experimentation is provided specifically for public catering establishments. From the banal “At Maxim’s” and “Georgian Dinner” to the spontaneous “Rainbow of Taste”, “Sweet Paradise” and “Wine Grad”. The main condition is memorability and the absence of repulsive factors.
  5. Construction of oil and gas wells . A serious industry requires a serious approach. The name should inspire trust and reliability. Letter combinations such as “gas”, “oil”, “oil”, “tech”, “resource” are often found. Example: Sakha-Oil, Gazbank or Dobytchik.
  6. Medicine. Medical terms and industry-related words will sound good. Example: “Hippocrates Medical Center”, “Emergency Surgery Clinic”, “Vision+”.
  7. Consulting. Any company that advises on important legal issues must inspire confidence with its name, speak about its involvement in the law and high level knowledge. Example: “Hand of Themis”, “Partner”, “Lawyer Advisor”.
  8. Tourism. When people imagine tourism, they think of sun, sea, flights and vacations. This is exactly what the name of a travel agency should convey. For international tours, English words are also common. If the company specializes in last-minute travel packages, this must also be indicated. Example: “Fire Tours”, “AsiaFly”, “Flying”, “Discover the Earth”.
  9. Car service. The most common prefix is ​​“Auto”. If we are talking about service for servicing tires and wheels, then the corresponding word is added. Example: “Altai-Auto”, “Tires and Wheels”, “Siberian Tuning”.
  10. Furniture. Furniture production and implementation is an expensive and important business, which means the name plays an important role. It should attract and speak of grandeur and elitism; the use of certain styles is possible. Example: “Exclusive Furniture”, “Loft-Classic”, “Sofa Empire”.

For those looking for a relatively neutral and simple name, here is an alphabetical list of some names:

Proper use of creativity

Often, in pursuit of originality and attracting attention, many companies fantasize about naming, sometimes arriving at surprising results. One of the toy stores for children's creativity spared even two letters, calling itself LLC “Y”.

The Moscow supplier of sand and crushed stone did not even change the letter, creating the sonorous LLC “Ooo”. The travel agency “Away” seems to call for incredible travels and achievements with its name. In Zelenograd, there are incredibly positive installers of engineering equipment working at LLC “EVERYTHING WILL BE COOL!!!”.

Another innovative way - name your legal entity according to Feng Shui. According to this theory, the name should contain a development vector, it should not be capacious (3-5 letters) and, preferably, begin with a vowel.

Uniqueness and humor can, of course, attract a customer base, but you need to realize that humor is inappropriate in some areas, so be careful with it.

Popular questions

Is the name of the business inclined? Names can be declined in different ways. The most popular is using a generic word. For example: Organization "Invest" - organizations "Invest" - into organization "Invest". Abbreviations, of course, are not declined.

Another option is by the main word in the title. Example: “Cellular systems of the Caucasus” - no “Cellular systems of the Caucasus”. Thus, a name is declined unless it is preceded by a generic word.

Are there any services for selecting names? Yes, and freely available. On the Internet you can find more than one generator of names for legal entities, projects and the like, if the founders do not want to do it themselves. As for the names of branches, products and other things, this should be handled by the organization’s PR department.

You will learn several ways to come up with a company name in this video.

Every language has its own unique set of words that sound wonderful, can evoke the most tender feelings and create a sensation. When you learn English, you will learn many new words and expressions. At the time of publication of this article there are approximately 1,025,109 registered words in English. In today's article we want to draw attention to only 11 of our favorite words, with transcription, translation and of course an example of use in speech! And so, there is no better time than now to learn something new!

  1. Ethereal[ɪ’θɪərɪəl] - so light and gentle that it seems magical. (Unearthly, divine)
    Example: Many people speak about the ethereal beauty of the Northern Lights. I’d love to see them myself one day. — Many people talk about the unearthly beauty of the Northern Lights. I'd like to see him one day.
  2. Ineffable[ɪ’nefəbl] - too great or big to express in words. (Indescribable)
    Example: The Grand Canyon left me in an ineffable daze; the immense size and scale of the sight was unbelievable. “The Grand Canyon left me in inexpressible amazement; the sheer size and scale were incredible.
  3. Melancholy[‘melənk(ə)lɪ] - a feeling of thoughtful sadness, usually without a clear reason. (Melancholy)
    Example: I love listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata when it's raining. The melody is sweet but full of melancholy. — I love listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata when it's raining. The melody is sweet, but full of melancholy.
  4. Mellifluous- a sweet, smooth sound that is pleasant to hear. (Mellifluous)
    Example: The singer had a soft, mellifluous voice and performed her song beautifully. — The singer had a soft, sweet-sounding voice and performed his song perfectly.
  5. Nefarious- evil, criminal, villainous, or despicable. (Unholy)
    Example: The man was stopped by police for speeding, but they soon discovered that he had committed far more nefarious crimes. — The man was stopped by the police for speeding, but they soon discovered that he had committed much more heinous crimes.
  6. Opulent[‘ɔpjulənt] - something lush or luxurious, rich. (Pompous, posh)
    Example: The Palace of Versailles is one of the most opulent historical buildings in France. I wish I could live there! — Palace of Versailles is one of the most luxurious historical buildings in France. I would like to live there!
  7. Ripple[‘rɪpl] - a small wave or series of waves on the surface of the water. (Ripple)
    Example: When I was young, I loved throwing pebbles into the lake and watching the ripples they created. “When I was young, I loved throwing pebbles into the lake and watching the ripples it created.
  8. Solitude[‘sɔlɪt(j)uːd] - a state of isolation or a feeling that you are alone in the whole world. (Solitude, loneliness)
    Example: Some people need to socialize all the time, but I think it’s important to understand the value of solitude too. “Some people need to socialize all the time, but I think it’s important to understand the value of being alone too.”
  9. Wonderlust[‘wɔndəlʌst] — wanderlust; wanderlust.
    Example: I watched “Eat Pray Love” with my mum yesterday, and now I’m feeling strong wanderlust. I want to catch the next flight to Bali! — I watched “Eat, Pray, Love” with my mom yesterday, and now I have a lot of wanderlust. I want to catch the next flight to Bali!
  10. Catharsis- release of emotional stress, especially through art or music. (Catharsis)
    Example: I think that artists like Vincent Van Gogh experienced catharsis through their art. It must have helped them let go of their troubles. — I think that artists like Vincent Van Gogh experienced catharsis through their art. This must have helped them let go of their problems.
  11. Cuddle[‘kʌdl] - long hugs, full of affection and/or love.
    Example: One of my favorite things to do in winter is to watch a movie and cuddle my cat, whose name is Fluffy, on the sofa. — One of my favorite things to do in winter is watch a movie while sitting on the couch and hugging my cat, named Fluffy.

A beautiful company name can attract attention and stand out among competitors. Especially at the initial stage of entering the market. Therefore, businessmen pay great attention to the name of their brainchild. After all, it is known: whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail.

Although there are now many companies offering naming and branding services, I still think that it is quite possible to come up with spectacular and bright names yourself. It’s enough to turn on your imagination and connect your immediate environment. Many names of famous brands originated in this unprosaic way.

For example, the legendary name Apple is not the work of highly paid brand makers, but the result of the “threat” of Steve Jobs. He threatened that if by a certain time he was not given an acceptable name, then he would call the company Apple (Apple). And so it happened.

Brevity is the sister of talent, and this statement applies when choosing a company name. The shorter the better, and this can be seen in the example of IKEA IK are the initials of the company’s founder, EA is the abbreviated name of the Elmtarid farm in the village of Agunnarid, where Ingvar Kamprad was born and raised.

Using the name of your hometown in a brand is also a fairly common method. For example: Nokia is the name of the Finnish village where the company was founded.

There are many examples of successful names, but I would like to suggest creating your own top list of the most beautiful company names. Perhaps this will be useful to someone and give them an idea when choosing a name for their company.

I made a selection of top-30 company names in Russian and English various fields activities, focusing on your taste.


  • Commerce Pro
  • TradeTorg
  • goodzone
  • Hobia
  • MedSnab
  • AlkoSbyt
  • Region-Trading
  • TradeStandard
  • EconomyMarket
  • RollbackOffice


  • StandardIndustry
  • MonolithTechno
  • MasterArchitect
  • Prorabych
  • SnabMonolith
  • BrickTechnique
  • Extrastroy
  • STIMStroy
  • Supply Brigade
  • Swift Repair


  • ProfVoyage
  • ZagranExtreme
  • Souvenir tur
  • Zagranka
  • StandardTravel
  • EcoTransit
  • VoyageEverything
  • Travel package
  • LuxVoyage
  • TourDeMir (similar to tour de france)

What is the most beautiful name for a company that you can suggest? What should you consider and what should you pay attention to when choosing a name?

Reviews and statements

Well, it seems to me. The most important thing is that the name of the company is memorable, there is less text, there is no need for long names with complex words, so that a person remembers the company for a long time and the first time. Just like, a window installation company, I came across it on the Internet when I was doing assignments, the company is called OKONIKA, easy to remember, cute name.

It seems to me that the most beautiful company name in English is Google, few people know, but it is a number, one and 100 zeros. Perhaps Google predicted the successful existence of the company with this name; soon there will be Google searches on Google all over the world :) In general, I like English names more than Russian ones.

I agree, it’s a cool name, it’s somehow parallel to me, whether it’s a Russian or an English name, the main thing is that it carries meaning and is easy to remember. Here are some not bad names for asphalt plants, DorLider, and Basalt.

This is a fun name for the company. What kind of counter is this :)?

Varan said about Google, but I think the most beautiful company name, both Russian and English, is Yandex, I think it sounds beautiful and impressive, and the meaning is also there.

Alex, inspired by the news that the Kalashnikov plant is ready to pay 40 million rubles for the creation of a website. Large amount, which is difficult to get out of your head. But in my head it plays like “rollback”, “rollback”...hence the name for the company “OtkatKontora” :) It’s a logical process, however.

I think that when choosing a name for a company, you need to somehow indicate the field of activity in which this company operates.
I really liked the name "BrocCo" (brokerage company)

The name is beautiful, but in my opinion it is not suitable for brokerage company, but for some dessert :)

Name your company by your first or last name. This will be the best, as your clients will immediately remember you and the attitude will be respectful. Just as there used to be companies like Smirnoff or Ivanov and Sons.

Maybe a middle name? Nikolaich 🙂
the surname is somehow very traditional: Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Meryl Lynch, Berrings, Barclays - the “s” at the end of the word is plural
but the names with the name of the country sound more global: “Bank of America”, “Credit Suisse”, “Royal Bank of Scotland”, “People’s Bank of China”

I really like it when the name feels lexical originality. When I used to live in another area, there was a dental office called “Dentist and Me.” I always paid attention and looked at this sign. I also like the name of the YouTube service (the name plays on the slang boob tube “telly”, “box”, and you indicates the degree of personal factor).

Shorten it to the point of euphony or take a couple of letters out of the name, like Poroshenko’s. For a long time I didn’t even know that the candies were named after his last name, I thought it was some kind of French company. There’s nothing wrong with my last name, I got it from my husband and it’s a beautiful one. I named my company “Swan”

It always infuriates me more, and this very often manifests itself in the names of stores, especially grocery stores when they take names. It’s as if people’s imagination doesn’t work at all, and they came up with the name in the first two minutes. I have a very positive attitude towards short names that carry a lot of meaning, this is a truly professional approach.

There was also a case, by the way, I saw a kiosk with diminutive suffixes (beer, hot dogs, etc.), also cheerful and interesting idea. Those. use a comic component to attract customers.

I can’t help but agree with Helen, the traditions of old merchant houses were and still are... . The proposed list contains just a selection of the ugliest names. The owners want, first of all, to reflect what their company specifically does. But I like more mediated titles. where originality is combined with purpose. For example, Firefox.

When I dreamed of my own cafe, and a children’s cafe at that, I wanted to call it Peter Pan. Now I’m thinking about the name of the pizzeria, I decided to name it Pizza-Vera in honor of my sister, it turned out it was already taken.

Well, this is just your opinion, in my opinion, several of the company names presented in the first post are beautiful and memorable. And I don’t think that a company should have the most beautiful name, it should be original and memorable, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s in Russian or English.

For example, “Prorabych”, it may not be the most beautiful for the company, but it is sonorous, original and memorable. It will immediately stick in your head and be remembered. When choosing names for a company, first of all you need to think not about beauty, but about simplicity, this is, of course, just my opinion. And if you just pay attention to beauty, then I like English brands more.

Yes. Alex, there is also Mobilych. And so on... But why attack English names so much? But here you are also right... Not everyone speaks English. And for them these words mean nothing. Regarding Google, I think we need to ask the exact meaning of this word. I haven't been interested in this yet.

Not only textbooks, but also your favorite musical groups will help you learn English. Some of them put a lot of effort into coming up with their names. In this article we have selected teams for each letter English alphabet from A to Z. We hope the stories and explanations behind the team names will inspire you to learn and open up a lot of new things.

  • AC/DC

Alternating current/ direct current, which in English means alternating current/ D.C.. In slang, this concept refers to bisexual.

  • the black Eyed Peas

The translation of the group's name in Russian does not sound so musical - Cow's peas, by the way, very productive plant, belonging to the legume family.

  • The Cranberries - cranberries
  • Deep Purple - deep purple / dark purple / dark purple

Evanescence |ˌiːvəˈnesns| - disappearance, ephemerality, fleetingness

  • Franz Ferdinand

The group is named after the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
His murder in Sarajevo in 1914 led to the declaration of the First World War.

  • Genesis |ˈdʒɛnɪsɪs| - Genesis, Genesis, origin

In the early 90s, the group began their musical career with the name His Infernal Magesty (His Devilish Majesty), which was later shortened to the abbreviation HIM.

  • Iron Maiden - iron maiden
  • Kasabian

Once the former guitarist of the group, Chris Karloff, saw the name Linda Kasabian in one of the books he was reading. It was so engraved in his memory that it later became the name of the group. Linda, in turn, received her surname by marrying Robert Kaseybian, an Armenian-American. It is not difficult to guess that the original surname sounds like “Kasabyan”.

  • Led Zeppelin

Several legends are associated with the name of this foreign group. One of them says that the participants initially used Lead |ˈled| Zeppelin (Lead Zeppelin, a type of airship). To avoid errors in pronunciation, some read the word Lead as |ˈli:d|, the letter -a- was removed from the name. According to another version, The Who frontman wanted to call their solo project that, which they told the future manager of Led Zeppelin about.

  • Marilyn Manson

The name of the group comes from the merger of the names of actress Marilyn Monroe and maniac Charlie Manson.

  • Nightwish - night desire
  • OutKast |ˈaʊtkɑːst|

The name of this American duet is due to the word ‘outcast’ - translated from English it means “outcast”, “homeless”, “expelled”. Replacing letters with phonetically similar ones is very popular in creative circles - it makes the name special.

  • Placebo |pləˈsiːbəʊ|

Placebo, a harmless medicine prescribed to calm a patient

  • Queens of the Stone Age - Queens of the Stone Age
  • The Rolling Stones [ˈrəʊ.lɪŋ stəʊnz]

The name is an idiomatic expression and is translated as “free wanderers”, “vagabonds”, “tumbleweeds”, although some still persistently call them rolling stones.

  • Slipknot [ˈslɪp.nɑːt] - noose, noose, “sliding” knot
  • The Thrills - trepidation, nervous excitement, deep excitement
  • The Undertones |ˈʌndətəʊn| - shade, subtext

Please note that the English name of the group is plural; this emphasizes that there are several participants in the team.

  • Vice Squad |skwɒd| - vicious squad
  • Wye Oak

This American band was named after a centuries-old white oak tree (‘Wye Oak’ apparently comes from a consonance with ‘white oak’) in Maryland.

  • Yeah Yeah Yeahs

The name refers to New York slang. The word ‘yeah’ itself is translated from English as “yes, yes”

  • ZZ Top

According to band member Billy Gibbons, the title is a tribute to B.B. King, since the team initially planned to be named Z. Z. King. But due to the consonance, the participants changed their name to Top, since B.B. King was a “top” musician. In a word, a game of association.

We hope you have fun learning our alternative alphabet. By the way, there is no letter X in it. Let this be its highlight.

We wish you interesting English and success in your studies.

Victoria Tetkina

Do you want to show off your knowledge of rare and apt English words in front of your friends or colleagues? We invite you to consider rare words that exist in the English language. We agree that they are not used everywhere, but knowing them will help in solving crosswords in English.

Rare words in English:


Intrigued? Really rare words? Having trouble with translation? Don't despair. See the tips in the illustrations below.

Let's move on to explaining the meanings and translate these rare words into Russian.

a credulous person; especially: one who believes everything he or she hears
Translation: a simpleton who believes all the rumors and news. From French: gober une mouche - to swallow a fly.

an assertion of doubtful truth or accuracy, as with some statements in Pliny’s Natural History
Translation: plinism - the statement that an unproven or neat fact is true

amount that can be held in two hands cupped together
Translation: handful

Resembling or having the form of buttocks
Good translation: turnip-shaped, turnip-shaped

not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning.
Translation: accidental, unintentional, unintentional, unintentional.

a becoming or keeping silent or mute
Translation: stubborn silence

to squeeze; crowd
Translation: crowd; push, push each other

Excessive affection of a wife for her husband
Translation: painfully passionate love of a wife for her husband

Lenten; having the meagreness of Lenten meals
Translation: Lenten (about food)

facial cosmetics
Translation: white (for face)

— (politics) to prove that (a member of parliament) has changed his views from those quoted earlier
— to show that (a person) previously held a different point of view
Translation: 1) present the member of parliament with his previous statements, 2) point out previous statements

youthful appearance in an old person
Translation: the property of not growing old, remaining forever young; get younger.

One who swerves from and is unfaithful to the marriage vow
Translation: to be unfaithful (about spouses). From swerve, v - deviate from the straight path, turn to the side

any man of heroic courage and unstained honor
Translation: desperate head, hot head

a baby that is always hungry, thought to be a fairy changeling
Translation: a child who cannot be fed. Hence the play on words: kill - kill, crop - harvest.

By the way, fairy changeling- a thing or child left by elves or fairies in return for something stolen.



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