How to seal rubber boots without a patch. way to seal rubber boots. What to prepare to seal waders or fishing boots

Rubber boots are footwear necessary not only for the country house, but also for the city. They protect from bad weather and dirt. But they have one drawback - any nail or piece of glass is enough to render the shoes unusable. Of course, the easiest thing would be to simply take the shoes for repair, paying a tidy sum, but here we also face a problem: not all shoe shops undertake to glue rubber boots because they themselves don’t know how to do it.

Sealing rubber boots at home can be very difficult. This can be confirmed by everyone who has ever tried to do this. The fact is that ordinary glue, which we use to glue ordinary shoes, is not suitable for rubber boots. It doesn’t matter whether you want to seal the seam, the sole, or any other part of the boot.

To effectively seal rubber boots, you need to know where the damage is. Rubber is a material that is very easy to pierce with a sharp object. You can simply step on glass or a sharp brick to create a through hole in the sole. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon, as water will quickly accumulate in the shoes. But if we find damage, we can repair it at home.

And there are several methods by which this can be done. Let's take a closer look at how to seal rubber boots.

Tips before gluing boots

In order for the repair to be successful and the boots to last for a very long time, you need to know the following:

Before repairing, rubber shoes must be very thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried.
- The patch can be cut from a tire or old rubber boots.
- It is better to carefully process the patch on the reverse side with sandpaper or a file to make the surface rough for better setting glue.
- It is best to degrease the surface of shoes with acetone or solvent.
- You need to choose a special glue, which must indicate, for example, “shoe” or “rubber”.
- Before repairing rubber boots, be sure to read the instructions from the glue manufacturer in order to do everything correctly.
- It is best to smear the patch and the gluing area special glue several times, after waiting until the first layer dries a little.
- When gluing the surfaces, you need to press very firmly against each other or tap the gluing area with a hammer.
- The patch on the boot can be easily disguised using sandpaper.

4 ways to seal rubber boots

Method 1. You can tape your boots special glue. It can be purchased in stores for hunters and fishermen. But in order to acquire the right glue, you need to know what exactly the shoes are made of. The fact is that shoes made of EVA or polyurethane require different adhesive compounds.

The seller can help you purchase the necessary glue by giving advice. Then everything is simple - you need to sand and degrease part of the boot and stick on a patch. If the shoes are made from porous material, then you can glue it without using a patch. The edges at the cut site just need to be turned out, generously coated with glue and pressed together.

Method 2. For this method you will need the usual bicycle repair kit. It contains patches on special protective films, sandpaper and, of course, glue. Clean the desired area on the shoe with sandpaper and thoroughly degrease. Next, after first removing the film from the patch, you need to apply glue to it and press the patch to the hole. You can use the shoes almost immediately, but it is better to wait at least 12 hours.

The only drawback of this method is the unaesthetic appearance of the shoes after repair. If the hole appears not on the boot, but on the sole, the gluing technology does not change. You just need to make the surface smooth and even, because usually the sole on such shoes is quite textured. This is possible using sharpening machine. And only then glue the patch to this place.

But it is important to know that such a patch will not last long, especially if the sole of the boots comes into contact with a rough and hard surface very often. Therefore, it is better to wear such boots, for example, when fishing. Well, if the sole breaks again, the gluing procedure will need to be repeated.

Method 3. In order to seal women's boots without using patches, you need to purchase adhesive sealant. This can be done at any car enthusiast store. First you need to degrease the gluing area, and then lubricate the torn edges with glue and press them together. If you do everything carefully, the boots will look like new.

Method 4. This method of repairing cuts new shoes also called "hot" method. It is not complicated, but it requires certain skills and, most importantly, a vulcanizer. Rubber pre-soaked in gasoline is used as a patch. It is placed on the hole in the boot and clamped with a vulcanizer. The device needs to be turned on for 20-30 minutes, then turned off and cooled. Only after it has cooled can you remove the press.

Don't despair if your favorite rubber boots suddenly break. It is enough to put in a little effort and the repaired boots will be no different from new shoes. You can use taped boots a day after the patch was applied. But if you don’t have time to wait, then you can wear them in an hour.

How to care for boots

Rubber shoes must be properly cared for. And then you won’t have to resort to frequent repairs. After all, even the high quality guaranteed by the manufacturer does not always mean the safety of the shoes.

Rubber boots need to be cleaned properly. They are best washed with a solution of glycerin and water. In this case, boots should be wiped with a soft cloth and dried often to prevent fungus from appearing.

Wet rubber boots cannot be dried with a hair dryer or radiator. It is necessary that the shoes dry naturally.

A small shard of glass, a nail or an ordinary push pin lying under the table is enough to render rubber boots completely unusable. The unpleasant surprise is aggravated by the fact that shoe repair shops Rubber boots are not accepted. Don't buy new boots. Let's try to figure out how to seal rubber boots with our own hands.

It is worth noting that rubber boots, like EVA boots, are not so easy to seal. Regular shoe glue won't take them, but superglue will ruin them.. You need special glue.

Angler's method

Look for a special rubber glue Available in hunting and fishing stores. The number of unsuccessful attempts will be reduced to a minimum if you know what your rubber boots are made of. To repair products made from PVC, polyurethane or EVA, completely different adhesives are required. Ask the seller for the glue you need and follow the instructions on the package. As a rule, the technology is the same: sand, degrease, glue a patch.

How to seal boots made of EVA, because they are porous? If you purchased special glue for EVA, then you won’t even need a patch. Carefully turn out the edges of the hole and apply glue to the porous structure until it is absorbed. Then line up the edges and press. After repair, even the boot will look quite aesthetically pleasing.

Cyclist's way

A proven way to reliably seal rubber boots is a bicycle repair kit. It usually contains several patches on protective films, special glue and sandpaper. Rub the area where the patch is glued with sandpaper, an area slightly larger than the size of the patch. Then degrease it with acetone.

Remove the film from the patch and apply glue to the exposed surface; also cover the glued area on the boot with glue. After 5-10 minutes, when the glue has dried, press the patch firmly.

You can use repaired boots almost immediately, they will be completely sealed. One problem is that bicycle patches do not look very aesthetically pleasing, so they are only suitable for rubber country boots.

Motorist method

What to do if smart women's rubber boots need repair? Like EVA boots, they are best sealed without a patch. You can fill the hole in colored and transparent rubber boots with elastic adhesive sealant.

The “Crazy Hands” adhesive-sealant from the “Done Deal” brand has proven itself well. You can buy one in stores for car enthusiasts. For everything to work out as it should, do not neglect preparatory stages. After washing, dry the shoes thoroughly and degrease the hole with acetone. The quality of gluing depends on this.

Again, you also need rubber boots different glue- keep in mind that all of the listed materials are not suitable for leather.

A torn boot is a great reason to buy a new pair. But this is not always possible. If the damaged shoes are expensive, very comfortable or well-loved, it would be a shame to throw them away. And here the question arises: how to seal boots securely and neatly?

It is better to take expensive boots to a workshop. Careless handling of glue can aggravate the situation. Professional shoemakers have a lot of experience, and they can make sure that not a trace remains of a hole. But if your hands are not for boredom, and curiosity outweighs the risks, then you can try it!

Choosing glue

If you are faced with the question of how and with what to seal your boots, you should under no circumstances use superglue. Caustic instant glue disrupts the structure of the material and makes the gluing area as fragile as glass. When worn, shoes undergo natural stretching and bend, the patch will crumble, after which the boots will become completely unusable.

Only elastic types of glue should be used, for example, “Moment Marathon”. Professional shoemakers use Dismakol and Nairit adhesives, but finding them is not so easy. To ensure that the patch is as strong as possible, carefully read the instructions on the glue package before gluing your boots and follow all recommendations.

How to glue boots if...

Situation No. 1: the top of the boot has come apart at the seam, the threads have frayed

There is no need to seal anything. If the material is not damaged and holes from the seam are visible, such a hole can be easily sewed up with strong, thick nylon threads. Support the lining and approach the hole from the inside out. Repeat the seam exactly along the holes. If you make more holes in the leather, it may tear.

Situation No. 2: the leather (or leatherette) is torn in a smooth place

Such a hole is the most frustrating, because the sealing mark will still be visible. How to seal boots as discreetly as possible? You need to make a patch from the inside. Pick up a piece of thin leather or thick fabric, such as raincoat fabric. Apply glue around the hole, not reaching its edges 3-5 mm. Carefully joining the edges, press the patch. Turn the boot over onto your face. The unadhered edges must be carefully coated with glue using a toothpick and pressed firmly. The main thing is that the glue does not get on the face of the shoe, and that the edges of the hole are clearly aligned.

Situation No. 3: the material is torn along the seam

Glue a piece of leather to each side of the seam to repair the torn seam allowance. After completely dry sew glue exactly at the place of the original seam.

Situation No. 4: the sole came off

How to glue a boot if it “begs for porridge”? To ensure that the sole sticks firmly, sand the tear area with sandpaper and thoroughly clean it of old glue. Be sure to wipe the surfaces to be glued with acetone or alcohol before applying glue. To create stress, bandage the boot tightly.

To prevent shoes from deteriorating, it is important to wear them. It is better to save the boxes in which it was purchased and store the boots in them, then creases will not form on them and the leather of the boots will not be deformed.

A person feels extremely uncomfortable in shoes with holes, even if the puncture is not visible from the outside. This, of course, is an excellent reason to buy new boots, but this opportunity is not always available. But even if there is one, don’t rush to throw away the spoiled pair. It is very possible that she will still serve. How to seal boots? Read about this in our article.

What kind of shoes were torn?

It's no secret that repairing rubber boots differs from repairing leather boots, but it has some similarities with sealing shoes made of PVC or waterproof material called “EVA”. Leather shoes can sometimes be sewn up, and this is better than putting a patch on glue, but with rubber shoes you can’t do anything like that - glue, just glue, and no unnecessary punctures!

The repair method may also depend on which part of the boot the hole is found in:

  • in the sole;
  • the upper has peeled off from the sole;
  • on the smooth part of the top;
  • on the boot;
  • in the seams.

Are there any prospects?

  • The first option is the hardest. The sole rubs and experiences serious mechanical stress, so the connection must be strong. Most often, a hole appears because a person stepped on a nail or something similar.

Important! It is possible to seal the hole, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to do it in such a way that the boots will last for several more seasons. At worst, they will last a month.

  • A peeling top is also a bad option. There is less friction and mechanical loads too, but they are enough that after a couple of times the recently repaired shoes will fall apart again. It’s better if there is even the slightest opportunity to sew the top to the sole at least in this place.

Lung damage

  • A hole in the smooth part of the upper and boot is usually repaired quite easily and the patch takes a long time. In this case, it is very important to choose the right glue. This is especially true if the hole is at the bottom, which is exposed to water and dirt.
  • A hole in the boot appears if you bump into reinforcement sticking out of the ground or run into a nail that has come out of the wall. In this case, there are almost no mechanical loads on the gluing site, so you can also think about aesthetics - make a patch that will not be very noticeable (or vice versa - turn it into a decorative element).
  • A ripped seam can also be repaired quite simply. This defect is naturally characteristic of leather shoes or boots made of leatherette. The seam will hold up better than gluing.

We repair leather boots

It is better to take expensive dress shoes to a workshop. True, repairs are sometimes more expensive than a new pair, so each case must be approached individually. But putting a patch on top part They may consider it a minor repair, so it will cost relatively little.

Choosing glue

The first thought that comes to mind when you need to glue a small, but important detail- use superglue. In this case, it is better to discard this idea immediately. The glue, of course, will dry quickly, but it has a bad effect on the structure of the leather or leatherette, and the gluing area becomes fragile.

Important! If you try to walk in boots repaired in this way, the hole will simply grow larger and its edges will become brittle.

Professional adhesives are suitable for you:

  • “Dismakol”;
  • “Nairit.”

These are the compounds used by professional shoemakers. They are not always on sale, and the best place to look for them is in stores that sell leather scraps and other arts and crafts supplies. If there is no such specialized store nearby, “Moment Marathon” or another elastic composition will help you out.

Important! Before starting work, be sure to read the instructions and act strictly in accordance with them.

If the seam on the boot comes apart

In this case, you won't need glue at all. You need:

  • thick nylon threads;
  • needle;
  • awl;
  • tablet;
  • blade.

Important! An awl and a board are needed just in case the needle does not fit into the existing holes.

Sew up:

  1. There is no need to make additional holes; they reduce the strength of the product.
  2. Use a blade to carefully support the lining.
  3. Thread the thread through the needle, fold it in half and make a knot at the end.
  4. Insert the needle from the wrong side into the outer hole.
  5. Pull the thread to the right side.
  6. Insert the needle into the outermost hole on the opposite side of the seam.
  7. Pull the thread until the outside of the stitch is flat, but do not pull too tight - nylon thread may tear the skin.
  8. Insert the needle from the wrong side into the second hole on the side from which you started sewing.
  9. Make a second stitch - into the second hole on the opposite side.
  10. Having finished the seam, bring the thread to the wrong side and secure with any in a convenient way(you can even melt it).

Gluing the seam

Many modern models They look like they are sewn, but in fact the seams on them are purely decorative, and the strength is ensured by gluing. In this case, stitching the hole is useless. It's better to do this:

  1. Cut 2 strips of leather 1 cm longer than the hole.
  2. Glue them to each side of the seam, leaving a 0.5 cm seam allowance.
  3. Glue the allowances together or sew them with nylon threads.

The top tore in a smooth place

The most unpleasant option is that any patch glued to the outside will be perfectly visible. There are two options:

  • stick the patch on the inside;
  • stick on the outside, making an applique,

Important! In the second case, you will have to repair the other boot, even if it is completely intact. Therefore, you need twice as much leather for a patch.

Option 1

A piece of leather, pasted over from the inside, comes into contact with the leg and may begin to rub. Therefore, the patch should be made of thin leather or even waterproof fabric:

  • raincoats;
  • bologna;
  • avisenta.

But the size of the flap can be anything. To seal your boots, proceed as follows:

  1. If possible, turn the boot inside out.
  2. Cut the patch so that it completely covers the puncture and there is still allowance on all sides.
  3. Apply glue around the hole at a distance of 3-5 mm from the edge.
  4. Attach the patch from the wrong side.
  5. Bring the edges of the hole together and press.
  6. Turn the boot right side out.
  7. Carefully coat the edges that are not glued with glue (you can use a cotton swab).
  8. Press the edges well.
  9. Remove excess glue immediately.

Option 2

It is much simpler than the previous one, because all work is done on the front side:

  1. Cut 2 identical leather parts– in tone or contrasting.
  2. Lubricate them with glue.
  3. Cover the hole with one piece, and symmetrically glue the other to the second boot.

Torn out sole

In this case, you won't get away with a tube of glue and a small piece of leather. You will also need:

  • skin;
  • acetone or white spirit;
  • wire or elastic bandage.

Before you seal your boots at home, get them in order. Shoes must be clean and dry.

  1. Clean the tear area of ​​any old glue.
  2. Go over it with fine sandpaper.
  3. Degrease surfaces with white spirit or acetone.
  4. Apply glue according to instructions.
  5. Press the parts tightly together - they can be tied with wire or bandaged with an elastic bandage.
  6. Wait for the glue to set - this usually takes a day.

Hole in the sole

If you step on a thick nail, your shoes will also have to be sealed. You will need:

  • epoxy resin;
  • patch material;
  • scissors or sharp knife.

It is best to fill the break area. Epoxy is suitable for both leather and plastic soles:

  1. We apply the composition according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Fill the hole.
  3. Let it harden.
  4. Cover the puncture site with a patch or insole on top.

How to care for leather boots?

No one is immune from some damage - anyone, even the most careful person, can run into a piece of reinforcement or a nail. But sometimes boots crack and tear simply from improper care:

  1. After you come in from the street, put your shoes in order - clean them from dirt and dry them.
  2. Clean leather boots regularly with cream.
  3. Lubricate your shoes with castor oil periodically.

Important! If you need to place boots or shoes on long-term storage, do not forget to stuff them with napkins or newsprint. Napkins will also help you out when drying - by filling the toes of your boots with them, you can be sure that the shoes will not lose their shape.

How to fix rubber boots?

Many people think that repairing rubber boots with their own hands is impossible; it is better to immediately throw them away and buy new ones. This is not entirely true. Your shoes will last you a very long time if you carefully seal them, and before you get down to business, follow a few simple steps:

  1. Wash your boots thoroughly.
  2. Dry them well.

What to make the patch from?

A needlewoman will always have a scrap of leather in her house, but where can she get a piece of rubber? Nothing complicated. They will help you out:

  • old bicycle tire;
  • old rubber boots;
  • hammer;
  • a piece of rubberized fabric.

You also need rubber glue (you can also use universal shoe glue if you can get it), as well as fine sandpaper or a file.

Important! Rubber gloves or old rubber toys will not work for you: the former are too thin, and the latter are made of a different grade that delaminates.

Let's start the renovation

The rubber patch can be cut simply with sharp scissors. She must be more hole, but not by much. Unlike leather shoes, which sometimes come apart simply because the threads have rotted, a hole in rubber boots most often appears from mechanical damage. Therefore, you can easily encounter a situation where a piece is simply torn out and the edges cannot be aligned.

It is better to glue on the front side, proceeding in this way:

  1. Cut out the patch.
  2. Treat the underside of the workpiece with sandpaper or a file - this is necessary so that the surface becomes rough, then it will hold better.
  3. Wipe the surfaces to be glued with acetone or white spirit.
  4. Lubricate both surfaces with glue according to the instructions.
  5. Press the patch firmly against the boot.
  6. Tap the gluing area with a hammer.
  7. When everything is dry, go over the seams with sandpaper to make the glued area uniform and mask the patch.

How to seal PVC boots at home?

In everyday life, all boots made of waterproof materials are usually called rubber. However, this is far from the case. To make such shoes, PVC, polyurethane, and EVA are used.

The repair technology in all cases will be the same as when working with rubber, but a different glue is needed. It must indicate what material it is intended for. And, of course, when buying boots, it is very useful to remember what they are made of - there may not be markings on such products, but there is usually one on the price tag in the store.

Repair without patch

Waterproof shoes can be repaired without a patch:

  1. Turn the edges of the hole outward.
  2. Lubricate them well with glue.
  3. Press the edges together so that there is no gap between them.

We use a repair kit

If you have rubber boots in which you go hunting or fishing, buy a regular bicycle repair kit, with its help you can repair your shoes in the field. The kit contains ready-made patches on special protective films. In addition, there you will find glue (designed specifically for this material) and a piece of sandpaper of the required fraction. The boot is sealed in the same way as with a self-cut piece of rubber, but there is no need to degrease the patch, because it has protective film which needs to be removed.

Important! The hole in the sole is repaired in the same way as in the boot.

Women's rubber boots

Rubber boots are not only worn by hunters and fishermen. They can also be seen on the capital's fashionistas. However, stylish boots tear no less often than those worn by lovers of extreme recreation.

But in this case, it is important that the gluing area is not noticeable, and that the boots retain their attractive appearance. Silicone sealant will help you out:

  1. Degrease the gluing area with acetone or another compound.
  2. Apply sealant to the edges of the hole.
  3. Press them tightly together.


Most reliable way repair of rubber shoes. But it requires determination, certain skills and special equipment- vulcanizer:

  1. Before gluing the flap, you need to soak it in gasoline for a little while.
  2. Apply a patch to the hole.
  3. Press the entire structure with a press.
  4. Turn on the vulcanizer and let it run for about half an hour.
  5. Turn off the vulcanizer.
  6. Let it cool completely.
  7. Remove the press.

Two words about leaving

Rubber boots are an unpretentious product. However, it also needs care:

  1. After you take off your boots, wash and dry them well.
  2. Please pay special attention on the lining - if it is not dried well enough, it will begin to rot and quickly tear.
  3. From time to time, wipe rubber products with a cloth soaked in glycerin.
  4. In this article we told you about all the ways to repair boots from the most different materials. Now, we hope that in any situation you can find the right decision and repair your shoes using improvised means.

If your favorite hunting or fishing boots are damaged, do not rush to throw them away.

They can still be repaired using available means and detailed instructions to action.

What to prepare to seal waders or fishing boots

For boots made of EVA material, you need to prepare a repair kit, which consists of two patches and glue.

You will also need:

  • sandpaper;
  • degreaser;
  • protective gloves (you can use ordinary non-sterile ones from a pharmacy);
  • piece of fabric;
  • two plastic bags.

The patch can be cut from any durable, water-resistant material. Special glue should be used; in extreme cases, the universal “Moment” will do.

It is best to use “EVA shoe glue” in a white tube from the supplier KAYUR LLC. Its cost varies between 120 rubles.

For PVC boots You will need a repair kit consisting of two patches and glue.

We repair PVC boots

You will also find it useful:

  • “fine” sandpaper;
  • surface degreasing agent;
  • protective gloves;
  • napkins for removing excess glue along the edges of the patch;
  • hair dryer (mounted or regular).

Any glue that is created specifically for PVC materials. For quick shoe repairs while hiking, fishing and hunting, special repair kits are sold.

For example, KU-3105, consisting of glue and a transparent patch film. An hour after application, the glue dries completely. The cost of such a set is about 100 rubles.

Seal the hole in the boot step by step

Before you get started, here are some tips and tricks:

  • do all work with glue only with gloves;
  • carefully read the instructions on the glue tube;
  • do not arbitrarily change the time intervals specified in the instructions;
  • Do not use materials for which the selected adhesive is not suitable as a patch.

How to seal boots made of EVA material

  1. Thoroughly clean and degrease the damaged area of ​​the boot. Using sandpaper to roughen the surface where the glue will be applied, also sand the patches. This condition must be observed, since the glue does not adhere to glossy surfaces!
  2. Reach your hand into the boot and push out the torn part of the boot. Apply glue to the sides of the torn part. From the outside, carefully push this part inward, joining the edges.
  3. Apply glue to the patch and apply it to the damaged area from the outside.
  4. Apply the patch in the same way with inside and press it. To do this, place a piece of fabric wrapped in a bag in the boot.
  5. Place a weight on top of the boot placed in the bag. A day after repair, the boots can be used.


How to seal PVC boots

  1. Thoroughly clean and degrease the damaged area of ​​the boot. Use sandpaper to roughen the surface on which the glue will be applied.
  2. Apply a thin layer of glue to the damaged area and patch. It should dry, so stop working for 15 minutes.
  3. Apply a second layer of glue to the previously treated surfaces. Leave for half an hour.
  4. Using a hairdryer, carefully heat the glue and connect the torn parts of the boot fabric. Then, immediately apply patches to the outside and inside.
  5. Using your fingers, gently but firmly, squeeze the gluing area for 1-2 minutes or roll it. Boots can be put on after the period of time indicated on the tube of glue.
  6. If there is not a cut on the boot, but a hole, place a piece of paper under the surface to be glued so that the tops do not stick together.


Is it possible to repair a rubber boot if the sole is torn?

Depends on the nature of the damage. If a crack appears, there are several repair options.

  • Buy elastic glue and fill the space in the crack with it. After it is completely dry, use sandpaper to clean the repaired part of the sole. How long will it last? One or two exits.
  • For this method you will need a small piece of nylon the size of a crack in the sole and a soldering iron. The nylon is inserted into the crack and carefully heated with a soldering iron. Then it pushes into the crack in the sole. How long will it last? For two or three exits.

If the damage is more serious, there is no need to waste time repairing the boots. It will be easier and more reliable to buy a new pair!



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