Why dream of lying on the operating table. Operation interpretation of the dream book

Why do people dream about surgery? Such night dreams can have both positive and negative meanings. It is not at all necessary that such a plot hints at future or existing health problems. Details play an important role and should definitely be recalled in memory. So, what do dream books say about this?

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century: Why do you dream about surgery?

The interpreter of the 21st century makes various assumptions on this matter. Why dream of an operation if a person performs it on someone or acts as an assistant without the appropriate education? Such a plot predicts the successful completion of a complex matter. However, if the dreamer uses a laser beam, this indicates his immaturity. You shouldn’t rely entirely on the opinions of friends and relatives; it’s time to learn to think with your own mind.

If you dreamed that the operation was being performed on someone else, in reality you will have to make a decision that will affect the rest of your life. If a person takes on certain obligations, he will not be able to refuse them in the future. Organ implantation is a dream of change; most likely, the current situation will improve, the clouds that have gathered overhead will dissipate.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Why dream of an operation if the sleeping person experiences it? Such a plot promises the acquisition of spiritual freedom and independence. The dark streak will remain in the past, luck will turn its face to the person. If the owner of the dream personally performs the operation or observes it, in reality he will take control of the situation and become the master of the situation.

Such dreams may have another meaning, according to the seer Medea. One of the false friends encroaches on a person’s property and neglects his rights. You need to take a closer look at your surroundings before it's too late.

Hospital, operating room

What should a person who sees a hospital in a dream prepare for? First you need to remember whether the room was dirty or clean. Dirt in the operating room can be a dream for those who in reality are in for serious trouble. This could be a conflict with someone close to you, or a deterioration in your reputation.

The sterile cleanliness of the operating room can predict various things. In the coming days, changes for the better may occur in the dreamer's life; a pleasant surprise awaits him. It is also likely to communicate with sincere and straightforward people. The dishonesty of the owner of the dream can cause pain to one of his close friends or relatives, so it is better to tell the truth.

Prepare for surgery

A person may see himself in a dream in a hospital while preparing for surgery. Such a plot hints that the sleeper is committed to serious actions, the result of which will be changes in life. There is no need to be afraid, as the changes will be positive.

Why do you dream about anesthesia before surgery? Such dreams can predict a strong emotional outburst. The sleeper will be plunged into a state of maximum psychological tension, from which it will be difficult to get out. The current situation must be brought under control as soon as possible to prevent this from happening.

Who is undergoing surgery?

In their dreams, people see not only strangers, but also those who surround them in real life. Why dream of an operation if the other half acts as the patient? This is a warning sign indicating that there are problems in the relationship. The object of passion can manipulate the dreamer in such a way that he does not even know about it, putting pressure on his sense of guilt.

What does the vision warn about if a friend or relative takes on the role of the patient? The sleeper has a tense relationship with this person, he is tired of his pressure and leadership. You cannot give up and allow others to impose your own point of view, as this will negatively affect self-esteem.

Freud's Dream Book

What does the dream book compiled by Freud warn about? An operation in a dream can be seen by someone who is facing changes in life. personal life. Relationships with your other half leave much to be desired, and you will have to work hard to restore them. Otherwise, there is a high probability of rupture, which can be very painful.

A representative of the stronger sex may dream that he is a surgeon. In reality, a man suffers from a lack of female attention, he lacks communication and flirting. Women's love will push the dreamer to great achievements, while its absence will make him give up.

For a woman who has dreamed of an operation, the dream book suggests thinking about her approach to choosing men. Those she meets do not show her due attention and do not appreciate her dignity. A lady will not be able to create the family she dreams of if she continues to waste her time on unsuitable candidates.

Plastic surgery

Why do you dream about plastic surgery? If it was done to someone else, there is nothing to worry about. Soon life will change for the better, the work begun will be successfully completed. If a person is on the verge of a responsible decision, now the right time in order to accept it, since the probability of error is minimal.

Dreams have a different meaning if the dreamer himself plays the role of the patient. Such a plot promises the onset of a dark streak. There will be stagnation in business, and material problems cannot be ruled out. The owner of the dream will need help, but there will be no one willing to give it to him. There is also a possibility that the person simply does not like him appearance, in this case it is worth paying attention to self-care.

Representatives of the fair sex often dream of breast enlargement or reduction. If we are talking about enlargement, this indicates the lady’s subconscious desire to give birth to a child. Breast reduction means that the woman is tired of her maternal responsibilities, and the behavior of the heirs upsets her.

Abdominal surgery

What does it mean to see abdominal surgery in a dream? Such dreams often visit people who are accustomed to fighting for their happiness, their place in the sun. They warn that the time has come for new achievements.

Also, a dream may hint that it’s time to take your health seriously and leave behind bad habits that negatively affect your well-being.

Eye surgery

What does a dreamed eye surgery warn about? This plot suggests that it’s time to look at things from the outside. Amazing discoveries await a person; his understanding of the world around him may completely change.

Also, such a dream can be seen by those who have finally learned to understand people. It is worth refusing to communicate with insincere and envious characters, giving preference to friendship with kind and positive personalities.

Heart surgery

Why do you dream about heart surgery? Such dreams are directly related to the emotional sphere. A person needs to learn to take control of his feelings and give up the habit of taking everything to heart. Other people's problems should remain strangers; composure will help avoid neurosis.

Also, such a dream may indicate the acquisition or loss of love. It is possible that the sleeper is offended by the coldness of a friend, relative or loved one. Finally, this plot can hint at unrequited feelings that the dreamer is used to hiding from the world.

If a person has a other half, it is time to sort out the relationship. Mutual claims have accumulated, which can lead to a breakup. A frank conversation, discussion of conflict situations followed by reconciliation will help to avoid the worst outcome.

Arms and legs

Why do you dream about hand surgery? This dream falls into the category of negative omens. In the coming days, the sleeper risks losing something that plays an important role for him. It is not at all necessary that we are talking about material things, for example, it could be a relationship with a dear person.

A dream of a leg operation notifies that a person does not like the situation in which he finds himself. He dreams of changes for the better, but does not yet know where to start. Perhaps it's time to seek advice from people you can trust.

Various stories

What other options are possible? A person may dream that his appendix was removed. Such a plot promises changes for the better; any obstacles in the sleeper’s path will disappear. Whatever the dreamer undertakes in the near future, he will succeed.

Head surgery symbolizes danger, especially if the dreamer plays the role of the patient. In the coming days, you should exercise increased caution and avoid contact with strangers and people who do not inspire trust. You should also be wary of accidents.

If someone who is going to undergo it in reality sees a surgical procedure in their dreams, you should not take such a dream seriously. This only indicates the fears that disturb the sleeper in reality.

They perform an operation on someone - you have to take responsibility and very difficult decision, but you will be able to fulfill your obligations.

Doing the operation yourself or being an assistant is a harbinger of successful completion of the case; doing the operation using a laser beam means you are not able to make decisions on your own, you are trying to take the advice of friends and acquaintances and this prevents you from achieving your goal.

They perform an operation on you - in difficult times you can count on the help of friends; For patients, such a dream promises recovery.

Someone undergoes organ implantation or undergoes plastic surgery - good sleep. It promises a successful completion of the work begun and favorable prospects.

Implantation is done for you - hard times, obstacles and stagnation in business await you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Dream Interpretation - Operation

Operation - You are being operated on - restructuring the organs of your subtle bodies. Perhaps you exhibit abilities, including clairaudience. You operate - you interfere in someone's life. The surgeon is a higher power helping you to rebuild.

Interpretation of dreams from

Miller's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about surgery:

See Implantation, Surgeon, Surgical Instruments, Laser.

Small dream book

Seeing an operation in a dream means:

If you dreamed that the doctor prescribed an operation for you, and you feel fear about this, then in reality you will have to shoulder the burden of responsibility. Your fears about whether you can cope are in vain. You will have enough strength and intelligence to overcome all the difficulties that arise. If in a dream you are undergoing an operation, but you see everything, understand everything and talk with the surgeons, then in real life you need to stop and look around. Perhaps in the hustle and bustle of everyday life you have strayed from your intended path and become carried away by false values.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A dream with an operation in the dream book is interpreted as:

see - patience is waiting for you
to be operated on means recovery.

Esoteric dream book

Dreaming about an operation means:

You are being operated on - the organs of your subtle bodies are being reconstructed. Perhaps you exhibit abilities, including clairaudience. You operate - you interfere in someone's life. The surgeon is a higher power helping you to rebuild.

Dream book alphabetically

Meaning of sleep operation:

If in a dream you are worried about the outcome of an operation that is being performed on a person close to you, this means a successful course of affairs, not fraught with any complications.

Seeing yourself on the operating table means your health is deteriorating to such an extent that at one point you will have to call an ambulance.

A dream where your arm is amputated means minor losses; losing a leg means a decline in trade affairs.

If you have an abortion in a dream, this is a warning not to make a rash decision that can lead to irreversible and most unpleasant consequences for you in real life.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

What does it mean if a woman dreams of surgery:

If you dreamed that you were being operated on, the dream means that recovery awaits you. If you or someone else had your appendix cut out in a dream, get rid of grievances and grief.

Imagine that the operation was successful and the patient was soon back on his feet.

Dream book of the 20th century

What the operation might mean:

Getting on the operating table: a bad sign.

Apparently, in reality you risk getting involved in some dangerous business, fraught with big losses for you. Such a dream also suggests that you will hardly be able to get out of difficulties without the help or advice of specialists.

Anesthesia in a dream: means that the cause of your failures may be an inadequate assessment of the situation.

Carrying out an operation yourself in a dream: a sign that you may have to show all your abilities to resolve some extremely painful and unpleasant issue.

One of the most mysterious dreams is the one in which you see an operation. The meaning of such dreams can be very diverse. They can portend both a serious illness and successful endeavors. You can find out exactly what the operation is about in a dream only with the help of a dream book.

One of the most mysterious dreams is the one in which you see an operation.

It is quite difficult to interpret a vision in which surgical intervention is dreamed. If you believe one source, then recovery and implementation of the plans is expected soon. Others indicate that someone will rudely interfere with a measured life and begin to make decisions instead of the dreamer himself.

Actions in the operating room can cause fear, but in essence you just need to take a closer look at the people around you and figure out whether they are exerting moral pressure.

To find out exactly what such a dream actually promises, you need to take into account your own feelings and the entire situation as a whole. Most important details in this case there will be:

  • who performs the operation (friend, stranger, relative, or the sleeping person himself);
  • the intervention is performed on what part of the body;
  • How is the rehabilitation going and the appearance of the stitches.

Operation in the dream book (video)

Why do you dream about surgery on the stomach, head, heart, eyes?

For correct interpretation In dreams, you should definitely take into account which part of the body you dreamed about the operation. The meaning of dreams can change dramatically:

  1. Heart. Losing or gaining love. It is possible that loved ones behave distantly towards the sleeping person. He is advised to learn to express his emotions and then his life will change in better side, bright and kind feelings will appear in her.
  2. Stomach. A person tirelessly fights for his happiness and strives for maximum achievements. During this period, you will have the opportunity not only to improve your health, but also to get rid of bad habits. You will also be able to show your creativity. The path to success will be difficult, but you will still be able to achieve the desired result.
  3. Head. It is quite possible that the dreamer is in serious danger. He should be more vigilant, only in this way the consequences can be avoided. But plastic surgery on the face indicates that the owner of the dreams is dissatisfied with his appearance. It is quite possible that in real life he would like to change his nose or lips.
  4. Eyes. Finally, there will be an opportunity to see the world in real colors. Some moments will be unpleasant, but after changing your own views, positive changes will be noted.

To correctly interpret dreams, you must take into account which part of the body you dreamed about the operation

Why do you dream about surgery like a woman?

If a woman dreamed that she had undergone an operation that was related to the reproductive system, then this clearly indicates that she is unpleasant to herself. She should improve her self-esteem and accept herself for who she is.

Dreams in which a woman changes her mammary glands deserve special attention. If they happened to increase, then there is a high probability that she will soon become aware of all the joys of motherhood. But their decrease indicates that the woman does not want to have children.

If a woman dreamed that she had undergone an operation that was related to the reproductive system, then this clearly indicates that she is unpleasant to herself

Separately, it is worth noting such a type of surgical intervention as abortion. The meaning of such dreams can be quite varied:

  • agree - the plans that have been made may lead to undesirable consequences;
  • for a doctor - he should think about how professional he is in his activities and whether he takes the responsibilities assigned to him seriously;
  • see - due to hasty decisions, the plan cannot be realized;
  • for a man - a pointless undertaking;
  • do - you will have to take responsibility for other people’s problems;
  • getting ready to do it, already lying on the table, but changing your mind - a successful choice of a spouse among several suitors;
  • regret what you have done - you should move towards your goal more confidently.

Dreaming about someone undergoing surgery

In the event that the object for the surgeon was not the dreamer himself, but someone else, then in order to interpret the vision correctly, it is necessary to take into account who exactly acted as the doctor:

  • friend or relative - they put direct pressure on the owner of dreams and everyone possible ways trying to impose their point of view on him;
  • loved one - you should be more careful, since it is possible that manipulations are being carried out for which feelings of guilt are used;
  • to operate yourself - you will soon have to make a very important decision.

If the person being operated on in a dream was a loved one, you should be more careful, since it is possible that manipulations are being carried out for which feelings of guilt are used

Attention should also be paid to anesthesia. If it took place, then it is quite possible that the sleeper is being deceived and is in error because he sees only what is allowed to him.

Preparing for surgery in a dream

Preparing for an operation, seen in a dream, indicates that the sleeper is already ready for serious changes in life and performing all the actions necessary for this. It is quite possible that life will soon change beyond recognition. But these changes will be exclusively positive.

Preparation for surgery, seen in a dream, indicates that the sleeper is already ready for serious changes in life

The owner of such dreams should be bolder and more decisive, and leave fears in the past. Only thanks to this will he be able to achieve everything he has long dreamed of.

If anesthesia was given before the operation, then a strong emotional outburst is soon expected, which will be quite difficult to overcome. Psychological stress will be maximum. The dreamer will have to make a number of serious decisions, on which the development of the situation and his entire future life directly depend.

Seeing a hospital or operating room in a dream

In order to find out the meaning of these dreams, it is necessary to remember the condition of the hospital premises and the operating room itself. If sterile cleanliness was noted, then this vision can be considered good sign, foreshadowing pleasant surprises that will change life for the better.

If there was dirt everywhere, then you can soon expect serious problems, due to which the sleeper could spoil his own reputation. Serious quarrels with loved ones are not excluded.

The operating room, but only if it is clean, may also indicate that you will soon have to be as sincere and straightforward with people as possible. It might even hurt them heartache. It’s worth thinking about this and during a serious conversation try to choose more carefully necessary words so as not to injure a person with them.

Why do you dream about surgery (video)

Surgery is an unpleasant process, regardless of whether it is performed on the leg or other parts of the body. Of course, dreams in which you see such an unpleasant picture have a certain meaning. For a correct interpretation, be sure to take into account all, even minor, points, because the future of the owner of such dreams depends on them. Their meaning can be very diverse: both positive, promising good luck in business and recovery, and negative. But even with the most unsuccessful variation of interpretation, you should not despair, pull yourself together and try to correct the situation yourself.

Attention, TODAY only!

They perform an operation on someone - you have to make a responsible and very difficult decision, but you will be able to fulfill your obligations.

Doing the operation yourself or being an assistant is a harbinger of successful completion of the case; doing the operation using a laser beam means you are not able to make decisions on your own, you are trying to take the advice of friends and acquaintances and this prevents you from achieving your goal.

They perform an operation on you - in difficult times you can count on the help of friends; For patients, such a dream promises recovery.

Someone undergoing organ implantation or undergoing plastic surgery means a good dream. It promises a successful completion of the work begun and favorable prospects.

Implantation is done for you - hard times, obstacles and stagnation in business await you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Seeing Operation in a dream

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Operation

Operation - You are being operated on - restructuring the organs of your subtle bodies. Perhaps you exhibit abilities, including clairaudience. You operate - you interfere in someone's life. The surgeon is a higher power helping you to rebuild.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Dream about Operation

Being operated on in a dream is a sign that you will be temporarily assigned responsibilities that were previously the responsibility of another person. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you should control your anger. In addition, such a dream means that new opportunities will open up for you that will change your life for the better. Operating yourself in a dream is a sign of profit and benefit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Operation

If in a dream you are worried about the outcome of an operation that is being performed on a person close to you, this means a successful course of affairs, not fraught with any complications.

Seeing yourself on the operating table means your health is deteriorating to such an extent that at one point you will have to call an ambulance.

A dream where your arm is amputated means minor losses; losing a leg means a decline in trade affairs.

If you have an abortion in a dream, this is a warning not to make a rash decision that can lead to irreversible and most unpleasant consequences for you in real life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Interpretation of sleep Operation

To operate yourself, to see, to participate in radical changes for the better in health, creativity, and business. A scalpel is a painful break in a relationship for the benefit of both.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

What does Operation predict in a dream?

Attend surgery or undergo surgery yourself for a radical change for the better.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Happiness

What does it mean to see Operation in a dream?

If you dreamed that you were being operated on, the dream means that recovery awaits you. If you or someone else had your appendix cut out in a dream, get rid of grievances and grief.

Imagine that the operation was successful and the patient was soon back on his feet.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of sleep Operation

Getting on the operating table: a bad sign.

Apparently, in reality you risk getting involved in some dangerous business, fraught with big losses for you. Such a dream also suggests that you will hardly be able to get out of difficulties without the help or advice of specialists.

Anesthesia in a dream: means that the cause of your failures may be an inadequate assessment of the situation.

Carrying out an operation yourself in a dream: a sign that you may have to show all your abilities to resolve some extremely painful and unpleasant issue.

Interpretation of dreams from



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