Seeing a lot of different little things in a dream. If you give change to someone. Dream Interpretation - Little things, small things

I admit, I often collect money, change in my dreams. And as soon as I wake up, I’m not at all happy, because small change, money in a dream does not promise anything joyful.

Alas, collecting change in a dream means trouble. The more little things you collect in a dream, the more serious your troubles will be.

Even worse, if in a dream you walk and pick out small change, money from the mud or water, getting your hands or feet dirty, this is an extremely unpleasant form of the problem.

Try not to collect change in your sleep, and if you do, throw it away! A trifle in a dream means small, but ugly and disgusting troubles.

There are also paper money in dreams. This is also bad. It’s especially bad when someone hands you a wad of paper money in a dream (a “slip a pig” situation).

Or, initially, paper money, say, suddenly ends up in your pocket in a dream. In this case, you should get rid of them, for example, throw them away, or make some purchases in the store, preferably “for everything.” So that nothing is left in your pockets.

One way or another, money in a dream means trouble. The more money you end up with in your pockets or hands, the worse the trouble;

trifle - to minor troubles; paper money, large sums= to big problems.

If it’s the other way around, in goes to sleep the process of waste, giving away money by you, then this is good sleep, which denotes the “shedding” of problems.

It’s even better when in a dream you manage to give money to someone or lose it, for example, here is a very good scenario when, due to the fact that there is a hole in your pocket, the money is suddenly lost, this is a very good dream, a solution to all current problems at once. It’s also a good option when your money burns in a fire in a dream! Very good news (that’s exactly how it’s interpreted). Those. In this case, some problem suddenly resolved itself.

All of the above applies to jewelry, furs, and gifts. In a dream, gifts and riches always mean trouble. So... Give it yourself, or get rid of what was given in a dream!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the meaning of dreams

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    Count, Check, Count money, Count trifle, Count coins. Tedious and boring activities await those who have had to do something in reality. Count in a dream. Check in dream symbolizes your desire to understand a certain moment or grasp the essence of what is happening. Count money in dream- to profit; strengthening your financial situation. Count in dream coins or trifle- to financial losses. Read more

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    I dreamed of giving Trifle, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why you dream of giving Trifle in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. I dreamed that I was buying something at the market, but I don’t remember what I did either thought small thing and I realized that I didn’t have enough to buy. Nevertheless, I bought what I needed. Read more

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    I dreamed about it Trifle, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about Trifle in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. I dreamed that I suddenly got nasty trifle, 1 g, 50 kopecks. But I didn’t see them afterwards, no thought, I just found it and picked it up. I don’t know where it went next, but I didn’t see a bunch of coins in my hands. Answer. Alena

According to many dream books, if you dream about a trifle, then this foreshadows only unimportant and insignificant changes in life. In some cases, the plot of a dream can be used to judge future financial opportunities, long-term profits or unexpected income. Pennies and small money are dreamed mainly by those people who are constantly chasing quick profits, not paying attention to really favorable conditions for replenishing their budget.

Small coins in a dream

A dreamed little thing can be interpreted as a warning about life changes in the near future. These changes will be unexpected and dramatic for the dreamer. It is possible that coins are dreamed of as the beginning of new interesting events. In any case, life will no longer be routine and boring.

Finding change in a dream - changes in financial situation in better side. In the opposite sense, this can be a bad sign that warns of waste and irrational use of your financial resources. Such a vision is a symbol of financial difficulties in the future.

Copper pennies are a sign of prolonged lack of money, poverty. Silver - tears and disappointment in other people's actions. Sometimes a dream talks about colds. Gold coins promise a person recognition and fame in society or authority among colleagues and friends.

According to the dream book of American psychologist George Miller, if you had to collect small change in a dream, this foreshadows painstaking work that will not be properly appreciated. Disappointment in one's results may prompt the dreamer to quickly get rid of ridiculous profits.

According to Loff’s prediction, only people who are rational and careful in their spending dream of carefully counting copper money. The meaning of sleep is that you can achieve a lot with your work.

Interpretation from various sources

The interpretation of dreams about small money can be different, depending on the source of interpretation:

  • Dream Interpretation of Astromeredian: a trifle dreams of gossip and gossip. Minor troubles may await a person, and in order to overcome them, you need to gain strength and enlist the help of your family. This also means possible problems for late payments.
  • Interpretation of the medium Hasse: the dream foreshadows grief or financial expenses.
  • The idiomatic dream book interprets trifles as insignificant events that do not have special influence for the future.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite: new coins - for a rich life, old ones - for minor troubles. If the dreamer mints coins himself, then he will be busy with the wrong thing.
  • According to the autumn dream book: seeing and counting pennies means minor troubles.
  • By summer dream book: if the sleeping person takes out change from his wallet to pay at the store, everything is not as bad as it seems.
  • Spring dream book says that small money brings tears to your dreams.
  • Interpretation from Alaskina: if there are a lot of coins, such a dream warns of a waste of time and effort on problems that are not worth it. When recalculating, discovering that a few coins are missing means a person will be able to achieve financial stability, but will not scatter money left and right. Giving a penny to a beggar means receiving favor from fate.
  • Gypsy dream book: if the dreamer made money at the mint, he will live in abundance, freed from material difficulties. Counterfeit money means committing dishonest actions, for which you will be ashamed. According to this dream book, the simpler the coins are, the easier the life of a sleeping person. Gold money dreams of trouble and illness.
  • According to Tsvetkov: copper pennies portend sadness. Silver: often dreamed of - to profit, rarely - to tears.

The dreamer's actions

Depending on the actions that the sleeper performed in a dream, a trifle can be either a sign of successful financial growth or an absolute failure in all matters.

When a person receives coins from a trusted person in a dream, this foreshadows the emergence of a successful idea and its successful implementation in reality. If the same money is received from a person who is very unpleasant, the dreamer will be deceived or find himself in an awkward position due to someone else’s fault.

Lack of money

I had a dream in which a person counts change and discovers that two or three kopecks are missing for any purchase - it is assumed that the dreamer knows the value of his money, and this portends him stability and prosperity. If among these coins there are those that have gone out of circulation, this means deception and failure when trying to repeat the successes of the past.

Having change in the bank that you can't reach can mean that a person trying to do everything at once will end up with nothing. A dream in which a person was paid little for his work in reality foreshadows luck in love and the creation of a family.

Cash finds

A favorable sign is when a person finds money in a dream. It doesn’t matter at all what denomination they are, luck will accompany him in all matters. For pregnant women, such a dream means that a lucrative offer or a profitable deal awaits.

Scattering small change in a dream and then collecting it - the dream book speaks of troubles in the future that the dreamer will have to overcome on his own. However, this will not require much expense and energy. If a person collects coins from the ground, this is a hint from higher powers that there is more simple methods obtaining the desired profit.

The dream book explains why the sleeping person has to pick up money in different places. This suggests that your plans can be realized if you don’t skimp on funds.

Money down the drain

If in a dream coins were exchanged for something expensive, this is a good sign that hints that there is a possibility of getting rich in reality. If the money was given free of charge, the dream book warns of excessive wastefulness.

Giving away small change under duress - according to the Wanderer’s dream book, such a vision foreshadows a triumph over justice and the return of material compensation for damage caused.

Prophetess Vanga believed that a dream in which you give alms is a warning about careless handling of finances. In the near future, the sleeper himself will need money to implement any plans. By gypsy interpretation such dreams mean disappointed hopes and a missed opportunity; a person will be disappointed in someone from his close circle.


A dream in which small change was stolen foreshadows generous compensation for losses or expenses incurred in reality. But this applies approximately to the amount that was stolen in the dream.

Stealing small money yourself is putting yourself in danger. The dream book warns that an adventurous plan will not give the desired results and a sense of satisfaction, even if the proposed operation is successful.

Wider pockets

Looking into a pocket or purse in a dream and seeing small change there instead paper bills- a sign that real life there is a person who will provide financial assistance in a timely manner.

A find in the form of a wallet full of copper coins - the dream book foreshadows many temptations on the path to true love, which must be abandoned. If a person accidentally finds small change in his pocket that he never keeps there, this is a sign that you need to be able to enjoy the simple things in life.

Why do you dream about change (money)? This question, like many others related to the interpretation of dreams, is very interesting. And, I must say, determining the meaning of this vision depends, for the most part, on the details that the dreamer managed to remember. Well, you need to figure out what interpretations of this vision are given by certain dream books.

According to Freud's dream book

First of all, it’s worth talking about why change (money) is dreamed of according to Freud. Seeing a coin in a dream means troubles, empty activities and burdensome conversations. You should pay attention to this vision and be careful in terms of wasting your time.

Even if a person sees a trifle in a dream, he should be prepared for changes in life. They can be anything - positive or negative, but one thing can be said with confidence: these changes will definitely appear unexpectedly and will radically affect your life. If a person sees a lot of large and clean coins, then this is a sign of adventure and exciting events. Overall a good sign. In general, Freud’s dream book promises one thing - soon life will cease to be monotonous and boring.

Nice find

Why dream of finding small change in a dream? Such a pleasant find is a good sign. It indicates that the person’s financial situation will soon improve. Especially if there were a lot of little things in the dream. It is important that it is clean. Dirty coins do not promise anything good - only problems and vanity.

But if a person picked up the coins, but they scattered on the floor, this is a bad sign. This is a warning signal indicating that a person may soon be overtaken by waste of money. We need to be careful with our finances and try not to be wasteful. By the way, sometimes such a vision is interpreted as a warning about the emergence of problems relating to the financial situation. You should remember this and, if something happens, be careful when handling money. After all, everyone knows that they have the sad property of ending quickly.

Gold, silver or copper?

For correct interpretation In dreams, it is also important to take into account the material from which the coins were made. Of course, it’s not always possible to remember such a detail the next morning after sleep, but if it works, that’s good. In this case, the interpretation of dreams will be much more accurate. Change made from copper is a sign of a difficult financial situation, and sometimes even poverty. Silver is also a bad sign, because it means disappointment, frustration, troubles and tears. Sometimes a small thing made from this material means the appearance of a disease. But gold coins are good. Seeing them in a dream means that you will soon be recognized in society. Honor, respect, and authority - this is what dreams of small change (money) made from such a noble material as gold mean.

Modern dream book

Now it’s worth talking about what change (money) means in dreams according to the 21st century dream book. The meanings of such a vision are numerous. If a person begins to collect small change in a dream, this means the resolution of minor issues that have worried the dreamer for some time. Moreover, they will disappear by themselves. So you should stop worrying about this and calmly get on with more important things. Collecting change for a long time in a dream means good luck. Very soon a white streak will begin in life. Things will improve at work and in your personal life.

Scattering change means quarrels and disputes. You should be prepared for the fact that you will have to fight rumors and gossip, prove something and even swear. It is possible that the arguments presented will be in vain. This dream sometimes means that someone is deliberately trying to slander a person, denigrate his reputation and cast doubt on the good name of an honest and decent person. Well, then you should be careful and react less to provocative statements or actions.

If a person sees himself asking for change in a dream, it means it’s time to think about gaining independence. It’s worth finally starting to organize your life and stop being dependent on someone. But stealing coins in a dream means danger.

Miller's Dream Book

It’s worth talking about what change (money) means in dreams according to Miller’s dream book, which is one of the most popular interpretation books. If the dreamer receives coins from someone he trusts, then this signifies the emergence of some good idea. Moreover, in the future a person will be able to implement it, and successfully. But taking change from someone with whom the dreamer has a less than pleasant relationship is not very good. positive sign. Most likely he will be deceived, or find himself in an unpleasant situation. And not of your own free will - this situation will be set up by someone. It is possible that the person who dreamed about it.

If a person sees how he counts trifles with his significant other, he should be wary. It is likely that quarrels or misunderstandings will soon arise between them based on financial issues.

Other interpretations

If a person sees how he begins to pay in small change in a dream, then this may be good sign. If he recalculates it before giving it to the seller and realizes that he has not reached the required amount, this is an excellent sign. It means quick success in the financial sector. Perhaps this is a promotion at work, an increase in salary or receiving a bonus. In general, the symbol is good.

Change or coins?

Speaking about the interpretation of dreams in which a person saw small change, one should also say a few words about what would happen if he dreamed of coins. If he just saw them, it meant imminent enmity. A person will have to resist his enemies and ill-wishers, and, most likely, this will concern the work sphere. If he mints coins - to the enterprise of vain, empty efforts. It is worth taking this into account and starting to think through your actions more carefully. Counting and sorting through silver and gold coins is a bad sign; trouble will soon happen. But seeing copper products is, on the contrary, fortunate.

In general, there are interpretations huge amount. And in order to interpret the vision as accurately as possible, you should always pay attention to the details of the dream, in this case - to the material, purity of the coins, their quantity and circumstances. Because the same dream, depending on the details, can mean both great happiness and unforeseen misfortune.

If you are lucky enough to collect change in a dream, then they are approaching good changes, but until then there is still a lot of work to be done. The dream book will help you find out exactly what the said plot is about in your dreams.

Where to start?

According to tradition, the interpretation of a dream begins with a general interpretation. So, any money symbolizes time and energy. If you dream about small things, then there is a clear lack of vitality, material resources and time.

Sometimes small money is associated in a dream with emotions and tears. The dream book reminds: collecting money literally means accumulating small problems, grievances, or, on the contrary, valuable acquisitions (experience, knowledge).

Try to remember exactly how many coins you saw. Their number will indicate how many days or months are left before some important event.

According to Miller

Did you dream about small coins? Get ready for troubles and reproaches from loved ones. In addition, you will experience serious dissatisfaction with life, relationships or work performed.

Luck or difficulties?

Why do you dream if you had to collect small change from the floor? There is a chance that you will quickly get rich and experience human glory and respect.

Did someone dream of coins scattered on the floor? You are destined for failure. It is also a sign of tears, troubles, hard work, problems related to children.

However, accidentally finding small change in a dream and picking it up from the floor is always good. The dream book predicts excellent prospects and good events.

Think about it...

Did you dream that you started collecting small change from the ground? A period of great opportunity is approaching.

Pay attention to exactly how many coins you were lucky enough to pick up from the ground in your dream? If there were a lot of them, then you will be able to use every chance you get wisely and significantly improve your life.

Seeing that very few small things have been lifted from the ground means: a grandiose plan, despite colossal efforts, will lead you to real bankruptcy. The dream book suspects that the reason for the defeat lies in the initially incorrectly chosen direction of activity.

Go for it!

Why do you dream if you still have to collect small change? In reality, do difficult work, but receive meager pay for it.

Did you dream about a lot of penny coins? The plot is especially favorable for businessmen and promises the conclusion of important contracts, deals, the establishment of long-term connections and general prosperity.

Even more details

You should definitely note where exactly you happened to collect the change.

  • In the hat - the successful implementation of an unusual idea.
  • A handful or a hand - a well-deserved reward for your efforts.
  • In your wallet - debts, lack of money.
  • In your pocket - negligence in business will lead to serious losses.


Why do you dream if you happen to collect change in a piggy bank at night? The dream book advises to be patient. It will be a long time before your efforts pay off. This same vision symbolically reflects the accumulation of everyday experience, wisdom, and knowledge.



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