Fenugreek and stone oil. Stone oil, properties, application, treatment, contraindications. Fenugreek oil for weight loss

Stone oil is a unique gift of nature found in the mountains. Altaians call it Brakshun, other popular names are “white Mumiyo”, “stone of immortality”.

In fact, despite the name, this natural substance is not a stone and is nothing like oil. Essentially, stone oil is healing minerals, alum. In appearance, stone oil can be flat plates or volumetric formations. They are quite hard, often sold in crushed powder form. The color of rock oil varies depending on the exact chemical composition - in some areas, for example, it may have a little more zinc or other minerals. There is a stone oil of white, beige, yellowish or greenish tint. In a purified, that is, suitable for consumption, form, the “white Mumiyo” is always light, close to white.

Until now, scientists cannot answer the question with accuracy - how stone oil is formed and where it is better to look for it. The only thing that is a fact is that potassium alum comes from the mountains and needs a high moisture content in the air. Under these conditions, the process of leaching of the rock takes place. Usually this precious substance hides in deep rock cracks, crevices or caves. You can find it in the Mongolian and Chinese mountains, in Russia - in Eastern Siberia, the Altai Mountains, in the Western Sayan Mountains.

Alum of stone oil is porous, has the ability to dissolve easily in water. Solutions from alcohol are obtained poorly. The taste of stone oil is sour, knitting.

Procurement and storage

Preparing stone oil is an almost impossible task for an unprepared person. It is impossible to find a deposit of stone oil by any standard signs - they have no special signs. It is unfair to even call the places where stone oil appears “deposits” - the amounts of this unique substance are always small, the alum layer may not even be a build-up, but a thin film on the surface of a rock grotto. stone oil is simply scraped off the walls of caves or crevices. Procurers should find it before mountain animals and birds do it - it has been noticed that representatives of the local fauna enjoy the healing product with pleasure.

The substance obtained after extraction contains many impurities - particles of rocks, small stones, sand and other ballast substances. In this form, stone oil cannot be used, it requires special purification, preferably with the help of professional equipment, in order to undergo filtering, evaporation, settling, etc. procedures.

The shelf life of stone oil can be unlimited. It is recommended to wrap the vessel with stone oil in foil.

The history of the use of the "stone of immortality"

Stone oil has been used by people for over four millennia. There are real legends about its medicinal power, rejuvenating effect and ability to heal any ailments from time immemorial. The Mongol khans and the Burmese rulers bought up the precious healing substance at the price of gold. Chinese emperors valued the rare miraculous medicine no less, and forbade ordinary people to use it - all found stone oil should have been intended only for members of the ruling family.

Tibetan lamas mined stone oil in the mountains and used it in recipes for healing diseases of internal organs.

In Chinese legends, stone oil is described as the food of the immortals. Until now, there is a legend about a mountain village, all the inhabitants of which eat "white stone" and live, not subject to disease, until very old age.

In the traditions of folk medicine in different areas, stone oil is considered a product that relieves inflammation, stops bleeding, heals fractures and burns, and is useful for the stomach and all organs.

In our country, stone oil became widely known during the time of Peter I. It was he who decided that the supply of this medicine from Siberian villages to the capital should be arranged. By decree of the king, stone oil appeared in the pharmacies of St. Petersburg.

The interest of official medicine in stone oil manifested itself already in the days of the USSR. In the 60s and 70s, doctors and biochemists conducted a series of experiments and studies that confirmed the unique composition and healing effect of stone oil, after which its official use in medicine was allowed. On the basis of stone oil, several drugs have been developed that are recommended for use in various diseases.

In the 1980s, a lot of work on the study of stone oil was carried out by scientists from the Academy of Sciences in Kazakhstan. Spectral analysis revealed about fifty chemical elements in optimal concentration in this unique natural substance. After chemists, doctors contributed to the popularization of the "white Mumiyo" by conducting clinical experiments on the use of this substance in tuberculosis. The results were stunning: in patients, the cure was much more effective due to the antibacterial effect and the ability of stone oil to fight inflammation, restoring and strengthening the immune system.

Experiments that researchers conducted on laboratory animals are also known. Their results proved that stone oil promotes the regeneration of skin lesions and treats inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity better than conventional drugs.

Meanwhile, folk healers and herbalists talk about the mystical power and powerful energy of stone oil. It accumulates and absorbs the age-old experience of mountain formation, the energy of the sun and earth, the power of transformations and movements of mountain layers - and becomes the universal response of our mother nature to any violations in primordial harmony, including health problems. When using the "stone of immortality" the whole body tunes in to the right wave, begins to function in accordance with natural rhythms and gradually gets rid of all ailments.

Chemical composition

The very name "white Mumiyo" leads many people to the idea that stone oil is a variety of Mumiyo. Many people confuse these two substances. However, this is a gross mistake. In reality, stone oil has in common with Mumiye only mountain origin, a rather small distribution in nature, mainly in hard-to-reach places, and the associated difficulties in extraction. Also, in fairness, it should be added that stone oil and Mumiyo are similar in that they strengthen the immune system, and both of these products have very extensive possibilities for medicinal purposes. The serious difference lies in the fact that stone oil is a mineral alum of inorganic origin. And Mumiye is a remedy that contains not only mineral, but also organic parts.

Stone oil consists of magnesium sulfate and rock elements, it contains about fifty elements from the periodic table.

Among them are potassium, vital for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as magnesium, without which the functioning of nerves, the growth of bones and teeth is impossible.

Calcium, the source of which is also stone oil, is extremely important not only for the skeleton, but also for the circulatory system, it is involved in blood coagulation reactions and the regulation of cholesterol metabolism.

Without zinc, the concentration of which in the "white Mummy" is very high, the work of the brain, organs of vision, normal metabolism is impossible, its deficiency leads to infertility in men and women.

Stone oil also contains phosphorus, which plays an important role in the health of the nervous system and regeneration processes, iron, which transports oxygen in the body and is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin.

The external rejuvenating effect of stone oil is the merit of silicon, which is important for the beauty of the skin no less than for the health of the heart, as well as copper - it has a beneficial effect on both the skin and the condition of the hair.

Iodine is another important element in stone oil, a cornerstone in the functioning of the thyroid gland and other organs of the endocrine system.

Also in the "white Mummy" there is manganese, chromium, nickel and cobalt, and even precious metals - platinum, gold and silver, and many basic essential substances - oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen.

The incomparable healing properties of stone oil are due not only to a long list of components, but also to the fact that they are in high concentration. At the same time, the healing solution in its structure is such that the most effective assimilation of trace elements by the body occurs, providing nutrition to cells and tissues. An aqueous solution of stone oil concentrates mineral molecules in an active ionic form, they are instantly absorbed and absorbed much more fully than the same substances in food products.

Application in medicine

After the substances from the stone oil are absorbed into the blood, they contribute to the restoration of the correct oxidation processes, normalize the balance of electrolytes in the intercellular space. Cells are fed with oxygen, the body's immune defense is enhanced, the fight against viruses, harmful microorganisms, and malignant cells is activated. In this case, the regeneration of damage and blood purification occurs faster.

Stone oil is effective in lung diseases, severe colds, tuberculosis, sinusitis symptoms, in general, it has a positive therapeutic effect on all ENT organs.

For a long time, with the help of stone oil, injuries, bone fractures, sprains, bruises of soft tissues have been healed - its ability to enhance cell regeneration and have an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect comes in handy. The same properties are very necessary after surgical interventions, and stone oil stimulates the immune system and helps to recover from an illness.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system is another indication for the use of stone oil. Its trace elements have a beneficial effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, promote the excretion of cholesterol, therefore, stone oil is prescribed for atherosclerotic manifestations, high blood pressure, coronary disease.

Stone oil has a strong positive effect on problems with the gastrointestinal tract - from indigestion to poisoning, with manifestations of gastritis and colitis. Clinical studies have proven the high effectiveness of stone oil in stomach ulcers. It is advised to take stone oil to help patients with cholelithiasis and kidney stones, liver problems - and hepatitis, and cirrhosis.

"White Mummy" helps in case of cystitis, other inflammatory diseases in the urogenital area, helps to get rid of urinary incontinence.

All disorders caused by impaired salt metabolism can also be treated with stone oil - its components establish proper metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, and other harmful substances.

Thanks to therapy with the use of stone oil, the condition of patients with diabetes improves significantly, weight normalizes - extra pounds go away.

This legendary natural medicine has the ability to dissolve tumors of various origins. Benign formations are treated with stone oil preparations; oncological diseases are amenable to it. It has long been known to use the "stone of immortality" as a means to fight cancer, it allows you to stop the growth of tumors in various organs, prevents the appearance of metastases.

Traditionally, stone oil is advised to be taken if a long-awaited pregnancy does not occur. It has a beneficial effect on the sexual sphere of both women and men. Among the gynecological diseases that can be treated with stone oil are cervical erosion, fibroids and other women's ailments. For the stronger sex, "white Mumiyo" helps get rid of prostatitis, improve erectile function. It often happens that after both partners undergo a course of treatment with stone oil, the couple gets rid of infertility that has tormented them for years.

Favorably acts stone oil with hernias of the spine, hemorrhoids, epilepsy. They treat eye diseases with stone oil, including cataracts. Its powerful restorative properties help to heal burns and a variety of skin injuries faster - purulent wounds, cuts, ulcerative manifestations, herpes.

Stone oil is successfully used to treat pancreas and hormonal problems. In dentistry, rock oil solutions to which glycerin is added are a natural remedy for gum inflammation and bleeding.

Stone oil is a natural adaptogen, it has a general strengthening effect, gives strength, prevents aging of the body, increases mental and physical activity, improves performance, makes sleep healthy and sound.

Stone oil is most often used in the form of an aqueous solution, rarely - oil. Sometimes tinctures of stone oil in alcohol are used. In complex therapy, stone oil is perfectly combined with many medicinal plants, its solutions are added to herbal collections or taken separately. In external use, stone oil effectively manifests its healing properties with douching and the introduction of microclysters. There are also such forms of using “white Mumiyo”, as adding it to medicinal ointments, creams, bath products. Often, stone oil is used in the same treatment course both inside and out - on the same day it can be drunk as a solution, and the settled residue can be used as an external preparation, on the basis of which healing compresses and lotions are obtained on the diseased area. It should be noted that, unfortunately, the reserves of stone oil are very small, the area of ​​its distribution is small. In this regard, it has long been and to this day is not the cheapest medicine, its use is still very beneficial. The course usually requires a small amount of the drug, and its effectiveness is very high.

It is not recommended to use stone oil for jaundice, pregnancy, lactation. Careful observation of a doctor requires treatment if the patient is prone to thrombosis, has problems with increased blood clotting.

When taking stone oil, it is important to monitor the work of the digestive organs, prevent constipation, and if you are prone to stool retention, take laxatives. Thus, if regular cleansing is observed, stone oil will remove toxins and slags in a timely manner, preventing them from being absorbed back.

During the course of stone oil, it is highly undesirable to use products that can stain enamel - strong tea, coffee and other colored drinks, in order to avoid the appearance of a yellow tint on the teeth. It is impossible to combine stone oil with medicines containing antibiotics. Alcoholic drinks should be excluded from the diet, radishes and radishes from vegetables, as well as poultry, lamb and pork.

What is a brackshun?

Contrary to its name, stone oil initially looks like multi-colored small crystals, otherwise called alum, which are mined in the depths of natural caves and rocks. For what reason they are formed there and what contributes to this, is unknown. It is from these minerals that a powder suitable for use as a therapeutic drug is subsequently made.

In Russia, stone oil is mined in Transbaikalia. On sale you can find both a purified product in the form of a powder or small stones, and unrefined raw materials, which you can prepare for use yourself.

Many confuse stone oil with mummy, which has a similar extraction method (in rocks and natural caves). But in their appearance and method of formation, stone oil and mumiyo differ (it is believed that, in part, mumiyo is a product of the vital activity of animals and microorganisms). It is this similarity and closeness of the healing properties of these two products that gave grounds for people to call stone oil white mummy.

Healing properties of stone oil

You should not call stone oil a panacea, but it would be wrong to deny its incredible healing power. The uniqueness of the "juice of the rocks" lies in the fact that it contains almost all the elements of the periodic table. This is due to its ability to prevent and treat many diseases.

Having a high concentration of natural vitamins and minerals, getting into the human body, stone oil helps to restore those processes that are disturbed. The body itself takes what it currently lacks. This helps in the fight against diseases that interfere with the normal functioning of life support processes. We can safely say that this natural healer is the best immunomodulator.

This mineral has powerful anti-inflammatory, antimetastatic, antibacterial properties. It is an excellent assistant in the treatment of open wounds, burns, frostbite, fractures, as it promotes skin regeneration and bone tissue growth.

What does stone oil treat?

The manufacturer convinces that the tool will help in the fight against diseases such as:

  • infertility;
  • prostatitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • diabetes;
  • cataract;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cystitis;
  • kidney disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • myoma.

Due to the rich content of natural nutrients, stone oil improves the overall physical and mental health of a person. Improves the chemical composition of the blood, the condition of blood vessels, joints, skin. Helps with postoperative recovery. Brakshun is even able to strengthen the human energy system, normalize the psychological state, and stabilize the nervous system.

In order for the healing properties of stone oil to have a real effect, it is important to take the drug correctly. With proper use, the effectiveness of healing was noted in 85-90% of cases. The first results will be noticeable after a month of use.

Instructions for the use of stone oil

The product can be used internally and externally. External application is suitable for mechanical damage to the skin (wounds, abrasions, burns, frostbite, purulent inflammation, insect bites, inflammation of the mucous membranes). Internally, brakshun is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes in the fight against chronic diseases, as well as diseases of various organs and systems. It can be used to improve overall health and to strengthen the immune system.

Before starting treatment with stone oil, it is necessary to test the substance in a small dose for several days. If everything goes well, no side effects will appear, you can start taking the drug, strictly following the instructions in accordance with the disease.

Recipes for ingestion

For internal use, stone oil powder is dissolved in warm boiled water. The concentration of the drug depends on the type of disease.

Disease Boiled water for 3 grams of brakshun powder Method of preparation and use
Cystitis, cataract, myoma, cholecystitis, hepatitis, pneumonia 1 liter Dissolve the powder in water. Use 200 ml. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals (one hour before meals with increased acidity of the stomach)
stomach ulcer 600 ml
Kidney disease, diabetes 2 liters
Crayfish 600 ml
Inflammation and fissures in the rectum 500 ml Use the solution as an enema, clean the intestines before the procedure.
Cold or flu 200 ml Use as nasal drops
Bronchial asthma 300 ml The solution is used for inhalation

The recommended course of taking stone oil for medicinal purposes is about a month. Then you should take a two-week break and, if necessary, continue the course. With a preventive effect, it is enough to take the drug for a month every six months, while the concentration should be weaker than during treatment (1 g per 1 liter of water is enough). Drink a glass of solution three times a day for half an hour to an hour before meals.

To restore the body and strengthen immunity in the postoperative period, you can use brakshun at a concentration of 3 g. per 1 liter water 100 ml. 3 times a day half an hour before meals, adding 1 tbsp. honey. The same recipe and method of administration, excluding honey, is suitable for expelling stones from the kidneys.

Lotions, compresses

  • In case of inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes, as well as after an insect bite, a solution of 3g is standardly used. stone oil powder and 300 ml. warm water. In the resulting liquid, moisten gauze or bandage and apply for 1-3 hours on the area of ​​​​inflammation. You can use such lotions for 7 days no more than once a day;
  • If the skin has cracks, burns or wounds, then the above recipe is also suitable. But before applying a compress, the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin can be covered with pure stone oil powder, this will speed up the healing process;
  • Purulent inflammation, the touch of which is especially painful, can be sprayed with a solution of 1 g. powder per 10 ml. water;
  • Compresses with liquid from stone oil are also suitable for the treatment of bruises, sinusitis, and colds. Help with headaches. The ratio of powder and water in such cases will be 3 grams. for 200 ml.

The use of stone oil in cosmetology

Stone oil powder is a great helper in the fight against stretch marks. A few grams added to the night cream will give the skin elasticity, firmness, and have a rejuvenating effect. Also, with this application, the process of skin regeneration will start, which will give it an even, healthy shade.

The product is suitable for problem skin of the face: it evens out the tone, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and has a lifting effect.

If the powder is added to a hair care product or simply dissolved in water and moistened with hair and scalp after washing, the effect will not be long in coming. Hair will become stronger, thicker, gain shine and healthy color, and will also grow faster.


First of all, stone oil is contraindicated for children and pregnant women, as well as mothers who are breastfeeding. Oil will also not bring any benefit to people with obstructive jaundice, but, on the contrary, having a choleretic effect, it will only cause even more harm to health. For constipation or irregular stools, the intake of solutions with stone oil will have to be postponed while the problem of emptying is resolved. Otherwise, the toxins that will be removed from the body during treatment will begin to be reabsorbed through the intestines.

During the treatment with Braxun, it is advisable to adhere to proper nutrition and eat only healthy food. And also give up chocolate, coffee, cocoa, tea, duck, lamb and pork. It is recommended not to eat foods that cause flatulence. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, and the use of carbonated water should be minimized. Stone oil is also incompatible with antibiotics.

All these contraindications apply to cases of ingestion of oil. External use is not limited to anything.

Quote message Fenugreek - a cure for a hundred diseases

If people knew how much good a helba is, they would buy it at the price of gold.
English scientist Kleber: "If all medicines are put on one scale, and on the other helba, then the scales will balance."

Fenugreek or helba (trigonella foenum-graecum L., fenugreek hay, hilbe, shambhala, chaman, fenugreek, fenigrekova grass, Greek hay, Greek goat trefoil, Greek cinnamon, cocked hat, camel grass) is a popular spice and medicine all over the world. The whole plant (including seeds) has an intense odor with a slight nutty aroma.

Fenugreek seed recipes have been found in Egyptian papyri dating back to 1500 BC. BC.
In ancient Egypt, hilbe was used to treat burns and to stimulate childbirth, as well as to embalm mummies. In the fifth century BC, the famous Hippocrates treated many diseases with fenugreek. These seeds were once used by both gladiators and Greek athletes to give strength and appetite. Charlemagne cultivated fenugreek in his domain and used it as a remedy for baldness.

Arab doctors used fenugreek in ointments to treat wounds and abscesses, since the seeds of the hilba contain a lot of plant mucus and adhesives. Applying this mucus to a wound is good for soothing irritated and inflamed tissues. It works in the same way when taken orally. Chinese doctors used it to treat hernia, fever, bladder, kidney, muscle pain and impotence, fevers, intestinal and lung diseases, sexual infections in men, constipation, atherosclerosis, high triglycerides and cholesterol. Indian experts use this spice to treat peptic ulcer disease and improve women's health. In Europe, Benedictine monks widely used hilbe. Since the 9th century, this plant has been widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of wounds, fevers, respiratory and stomach diseases. In North America, colonists used fenugreek to treat women's ailments. Over time, it became the main ingredient in Lydia Pinkham's famous herbal remedy, a well-known remedy for menstrual discomfort. In any case, the American creator of this drug declared it the greatest medical discovery of the 19th century.

Hilbe is now widely used in many countries around the world. In Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries, the hilbe is popular, they use not only the seeds of this plant, but also green leaves because of their high nutritional value. There are several popular dishes in some parts of Saudi Arabia that are prepared using khilbe seeds, especially during the month of Ramadan.

Modern scientists, after analyzing the composition of fenugreek, found that it is rich in protein and carbohydrates, and also contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, PP, folic acid, and is very similar in composition to fish fat.

Fenugreek belongs to the legume family. Seeds of medium size, mustard color, rectangular shape, with stripes. Fenugreek sprouts take 6-7 days to germinate.

Hilbe sprouts disinfect and purify the blood, kidneys and liver. They stimulate appetite, are recommended for anemia and physical fatigue. They contain a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins A, D, E and group B, minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur.

Hilbe sprouts are consumed raw. Their taste is slightly spicy, so they are used as a seasoning for salads, soups.

The range of medical use of hilbe is very wide, because it has strong anti-inflammatory properties and has a calming effect. Hilbe is an excellent remedy for people weakened after an illness and recovering, especially for diseases of the nervous, respiratory and reproductive systems.

Biological action of fenugreek: expectorant, antipyretic, tonic, antiatherosclerotic, antidiabetic, laxative, etc. Hilbe is used to help with diabetes and sugar intolerance.

The American Cancer Center (Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center) states:

“Fenugreek has strong hypocholesterol, hypolipid and hypoglycemic activity in healthy and diabetic individuals.”

After in-depth scientific research, the European Herbal Science Society has included fenugreek in the list of drugs useful for the treatment of diabetes and lowering cholesterol levels. Fenugreek also promotes lipid oxidation and thereby reduces the level of free radicals in the blood.

The German Food and Drug Administration, similar to the FDA (USA), recognized the usefulness of fenugreek and approved its use for medicinal purposes, in particular, to dissolve mucus and other secretions, to improve blood circulation and prevent the growth of infections.

Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna):

Hilbe soothes throat and chest pains, soothes coughs and asthma, especially when boiled with honey. If boiled with vinegar (apple), then it is very useful for the treatment of intestinal ulcers, and if boiled in water, it is useful for diarrhea. Hilbe oil is useful for stomach tumors. If its oil is boiled with honey, then it helps to remove dense moisture (slags) from the intestines, increases the excretion of urine and menstrual blood, and also becomes useful for patients with hemorrhoids.

Respiratory diseases

Hilbe is one of the best home remedies for colds and lung diseases, it is used for influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, prolonged, chronic cough, bronchial asthma.
It is recommended to boil 2 teaspoons of seeds in 1 glass of water for 5-10 minutes. over low heat with dates, figs or honey (can be combined). Take 3-4 times a day for half a glass of drink. With a dry cough, the milk decoction of the hilbe helps a lot.
For sore throats, you can gargle with infusion: 2 tablespoons of hilbe seeds simmer for 30 minutes. in 0.5 l of water, remove, let stand for 15 minutes, strain.

Women Health

Modern research has confirmed that hilbe is an excellent medicine for the treatment of female diseases. Hilbe seeds contain diosgenin, which is similar in structure and action to the female sex hormone estrogen. In large quantities, Hilbe acts as a strong stimulant that promotes the onset of menstruation and causes the flow of breast milk. With a lack of milk, drink 3-4 cups of infusion of hilbe seeds per day (2 teaspoons of seeds per cup of boiling water, brew with honey).

Douching with a strong infusion (1-2 tablespoons of seeds per cup of boiling water) is successfully used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the genital area, inflammation of the uterus, vagina and vulva.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

A decoction of hilbe cleanses the stomach, kidneys, intestines from mucus and toxins. The infusion covers the walls of the internal organs with protective mucus, which has a healing effect on gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Cholesterol control

Studies conducted in the United States have shown that fenugreek seeds significantly reduce bad cholesterol.

Skin diseases

A paste of ground seeds is used to treat ulcers, abscesses and hard-to-heal wounds, cleanses the skin, and gets rid of warts.

Odor from the mouth or from the body

Due to the large accumulation of toxins in the body, an unpleasant odor appears in the body. If you drink tea from hilbe, the smell that confuses you will miraculously change to the pleasant aroma of this plant after a while.


Soak 2 teaspoons of seeds in water and leave overnight. In the morning, drink the resulting infusion with a decoction of stevia.

Hilbe seeds are rich in iron. Take 1-2 teaspoons with dates or honey. In this combination, iron is well absorbed, the level of its content in the blood increases.


As a general tonic and tonic, take 2 teaspoons of crushed seeds daily in a cup of hot milk. Sprouted grains of hilbe are especially useful.

For inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, simmer the seeds (1 teaspoon) in 250 ml of water until half the volume remains. Drink 3-4 cups of decoction per day.


Hilbe is an excellent antipyretic.

Hilbe is used in severe forms of arthritis and polyarthritis: darken 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds for 5 minutes. with stevia leaves, drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. Use incense at the same time.

kidney problems

Hilbe tea cleanses not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the kidneys.
A thick decoction of dates with fenugreek is a good diuretic, crushes kidney and bladder stones.

Fenugreek is a tonic and stimulant for the whole body and especially for the urinary system, usually animals resort to it in diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Hilbe in cosmetology:

Hair masks

1 teaspoon of ground fenugreek is mixed with olive and caraway oil. You can add a pinch of ground black pepper. Rub the mixture into the roots of the hair, warm the head. Keep the mask on your hair for half an hour, then rinse. Hair growth is accelerated, dandruff is destroyed and various dermatitis of the scalp is cured.

A slurry of ground seeds, applied to the scalp, promotes hair growth. Also use sprouted hilbe grains in writing to enhance the effect. For dandruff, soak 2 tbsp. l. seeds in water overnight. In the morning, grind the softened seeds into a pulp and apply on the scalp for 1 hour. Then wash your hair thoroughly.

Boil 4 tablespoons of the powder in one glass of water, then strain and wipe the skin with the resulting composition several times a day. Use to treat dull, brittle hair, with loss.

Face masks

Purifying mask. 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil, applied for ten minutes. The mask helps to get rid of acne, various dermatitis.

Nourishing mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of ground seeds with yolk, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp caraway oil, 1 tsp olive oil. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse.

Moisturizing mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of Hilbe seeds with 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp carrot juice and 1 tsp. aloe juice. Apply for 20 minutes, rinse.

Cosmetic effect of Hilbe essential oil

Anti-inflammatory agent, cleanses the skin. Used to prevent hair loss and increase hair growth. It is used for head massage, added to masks and shampoos.

Dosages and contraindications

Unless otherwise indicated, 1-2 teaspoons of seeds (preferably ground) are simmered in 1 glass of water over low heat for 5 minutes. To improve the taste, add dates, honey, figs, lemon, mint, stevia.

Contraindications: do not use hilbe in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it has an abortive effect, as well as for vaginal bleeding.


Hilbe at the beginning of application gives a specific smell to sweat (strong cleansing properties). But with daily hygiene of the body and the use of a sufficient amount of liquid, the smell can be avoided. If you often drink tea from hilbe, over time, the embarrassing smell will be replaced by the pleasant aroma of this plant.

delicious recipe

Arabic sweet - helba

2 cups regular semolina
1/3-1/2 cup ground walnuts
1 tbsp Sahara,
a pinch of salt,
1/3 tsp cinnamon,
1/3 tsp turmeric for color
1/2 cup olive oil for pastry
1/2-2/3 cups of helba broth,
2 tbsp vegetable oil for lubrication.

Helba decoction
1 dessert spoon of helba seeds,
1 glass of water.

1 glass of water
1 cup of sugar,
1 tbsp lemon juice.

Syrup preparation
Bring water to a boil, put sugar, stir until completely dissolved, add lemon juice and cook for 4-5 minutes over low heat. The finished syrup should be similar in thickness to children's cough syrups, i.e. don't be thick. Cool the syrup.

Preparation of a decoction of helba.
Pour 1 dessert spoon of helba with 1 glass of hot water. Cook covered over low heat for 3-4 minutes. Cool and strain.

Preheat the oven to 170-180 degrees.

Test preparation.

In a bowl, mix semolina, sugar, ground nuts, spices - cinnamon, salt, turmeric.
Then add half a glass of vegetable oil and mix thoroughly.
Pour half a glass or a little more of the helba broth to make an elastic dough.
Lubricate the form with vegetable oil, put the dough and distribute it evenly over the form, pressing it with your palms. The thickness of the dough should not be more than 1 cm. Grease the dough with vegetable oil on top.
Cut the dough into portioned pieces in the form of rhombuses, put a nut - almond or a quarter (half) of a walnut on each piece and lightly press it into the dough.
Put the mold with the dough into the heated oven. Bake over low heat until golden
brown for about 40-45 minutes.
Pour hot helba with cooled syrup (maybe there will be excess). The syrup is absorbed slowly, so you need to leave it for 3 hours or overnight.
Ready-made sweets have a dense, slightly crunchy texture.

Stone oil is a medicine used by traditional medicine in China, Tibet and Burma, as well as by some peoples of Western and Eastern Siberia, Altai, and Mongolia. It is a rare natural mineral, which, unlike mummy, does not contain organic impurities.

What is stone oil?

This unusual substance has been known to people since ancient times, and for the first time it attracted the attention of mountain hunters, who noticed animals licking stones. Looking closely, people saw that they were not licking the stones themselves, but the hardened film on them, which is now called differently: stone oil, brush, white stone, mountain wax, and so on. The mineral is mined in high-mountainous regions where there is no vegetation, literally bit by bit scraping it off the surface of cave rocks and crevices.

The exact mechanism by which brackshun (stone oil) is formed is not known, but it has been found that it is a leaching product of certain rocks. The extracted product is cleaned from limestone and other rocks. It is a plate, crushed into a white-yellow or beige powder, which may have a reddish or greenish tint (depending on the predominance of certain additional elements). Brakshun has an astringent taste with slight sourness, it is highly soluble in water, but poorly soluble in alcohol, glycerin, ether.

Stone oil - composition

Studying the chemical composition of brackshun, experts attributed it to the group of aluminum-magnesium alum. About 90-95% of it is occupied by magnesium and aluminum sulfates, and the remaining components vary depending on the type and age of the mountains on which it was formed. In the highest concentrations, Chinese stone oil often contains the following ingredients:

  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • silicon;
  • selenium;
  • nickel;
  • gold;
  • vanadium;
  • phosphorus;
  • chromium;
  • manganese;
  • cobalt;
  • sodium.

All of these substances are beneficial to the human body, but, in addition to them, the composition of the product in question may contain harmful ingredients: mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead. It is worth noting that the concentrations of harmful elements in stone oil are so negligible that, with proper use, they are not able to negatively affect the state of health.

Stone oil - medicinal properties

The main properties of mountain wax are due to its main components - magnesium and aluminum sulfates, but many auxiliary components also have a healing effect. We list the healing properties of stone oil:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • wound healing;
  • painkillers;
  • antispasmodic;
  • tonic;
  • hemostatic;
  • antitumor;
  • antimetastatic;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • choleretic;
  • adaptogenic;
  • immuno-strengthening;
  • detoxification;
  • anti-stress;
  • sedatives.

Stone oil - use and contraindications

If you plan to use Braxun, treatment must be carried out after consultation with your doctor. Despite the fact that stone oil is effective in many pathologies, it cannot be considered a panacea. With a clearly established diagnosis and the absence of contraindications for use, it can become a good addition to the main medical, physiotherapeutic or surgical treatment of the disease.

Stone oil - application

How to take stone oil depends on the nature of the pathology and its stage. Carry out both internal administration of the drug - in the form of a drinking solution, and they are treated locally - in the form of compresses, lotions, baths, rinses, rinses, douches. Indications for its use are the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, food intoxication);
  • cardiovascular diseases (stroke, hypertension, coronary heart disease, vasculitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, myocarditis, pericarditis);
  • dermatological pathologies and damage to the skin (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, urticaria, acne, seborrhea, boils, burns, bedsores, frostbite, purulent wounds);
  • diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, fractures, bruises, dislocations);
  • lesions of the urinary system (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, nephrosis, urolithiasis);
  • gynecological pathologies (adnexitis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and polyps, colpitis, cervicitis, cervical erosion);
  • diseases of the respiratory system (respiratory viral infections, influenza, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis);
  • ENT pathologies (sinusitis, otitis media, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis);
  • dental diseases (periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, caries, pulpitis);
  • diseases of the organs of vision (cataract, diabetic retinopathy);
  • proctological diseases (hemorrhoids, rectal fissures);
  • malignant tumors (in the early stages);
  • endocrine diseases (thyroiditis, endemic goiter, diabetes mellitus, obesity);
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • neurological pathologies (neuritis, neuralgia, epilepsy, poliomyelitis, paralysis, paresis, migraine);
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • diseases of the hair, scalp (seborrhea, baldness);
  • deficiency of trace elements in the body.

Stone oil - contraindications

Do not use white stone oil either internally or topically in such situations:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • children's age up to 10 years;
  • mechanical jaundice;
  • diseases of the digestive tract during an exacerbation;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • heart defects;
  • chronic constipation.

Stone oil - treatment recipes

Carrying out treatment with stone oil from mineral powder, which can be purchased at specialized shops and pharmacies, they prepare solutions, ointments, creams, tinctures, combining with other necessary components. Often, the use of external forms of the drug is combined with ingestion, which further strengthens the immune system. Consider how stone oil is used for some common ailments.

Stone oil for oncology

In the case of malignant tumors, bracchun, which is often treated as part of complex therapy, can be used in parallel with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, after surgical removal of the neoplasm. The mineral is able to stop the growth of a cancerous tumor, prevent metastasis. It is recommended to ingest an oil solution prepared by dissolving 3 g of powder in 500 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Dosage - a glass of solution three times a day for half an hour before a meal.

It is advisable to simultaneously apply the agent externally: for tumors of the genital organs, pack the vagina (at night), for intestinal cancer - microclysters (1-2 times a week), for breast tumors - compresses (every other day for 2-3 hours). For tampons and microclysters, the solution is prepared at the rate of 3 g per 600 ml of water, and for a compress, a solution of 200 ml of water, 3 g of brush and a tablespoon of honey. The course of treatment is about six months.

Stone oil for joints

If the joints hurt and deform, stone oil can help in the treatment, provided that the basic therapy is correctly prescribed. On sale you can find a lot of products based on stone oil in the form of ointments, industrial balms, but a greater effect is achieved with the regular use of home compresses.

Compress recipe


  • stone oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Preparation and application

  1. Dissolve oil in water, add honey.
  2. In the resulting solution, moisten a piece of gauze folded four times, squeeze lightly and apply to the affected area.
  3. Cover with polyethylene on top, hold for 1-3 hours.
  4. Remove, wipe the skin with a dry towel.

Stone oil - treatment of the liver

The properties of stone oil allow it to be used in various liver pathologies. In this case, the internal intake of the solution is indicated, which should be combined with a plant-based diet and regular cleansing enemas. In addition, in parallel, it is recommended to take an infusion of golden volodushka herb, which has powerful hepatoprotective qualities. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

Recipe for a stone oil solution for the liver


  • brakshun - 3 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Preparation and application

  1. Dissolve stone powder in water.
  2. Take 200 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.

Recipe for volodushka infusion


  • raw materials - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • boiling water - 300 ml.

Preparation and application

  1. Pour boiled water over grass, cover.
  2. Strain after an hour.
  3. Drink 100 ml three times a day.

Stone oil for eye treatment

Using stone oil for eye diseases, the method of application involves instillation of a specially prepared solution into the conjunctival sacs. To do this, 3 g of powdered stone wax is thoroughly dissolved in 150 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Drip means should be 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. Along with this, you can take a solution prepared by dissolving 3 g of oil in a liter of water three times a day half an hour before meals.

Stone oil for hair treatment

Many women are interested in which stone oil should be used to improve hair and scalp. For this purpose, it is used by adding it to shampoos (1 g per 200 ml of shampoo), and also rub the solution into the root area after washing (1 g of oil per 50 ml of water), and prepare masks with it. The recipe for one of the masks, applicable for various problems with the hair, is given below.

Hair Mask

Arab doctors used fenugreek in ointments for the treatment of wounds and abscesses, since the seeds of the hilbe contain a lot of plant mucus and adhesives. Applying this mucus to a wound is good for soothing irritated and inflamed tissues. It works in the same way when taken orally. Chinese doctors it was used to treat hernia, fever, bladder, kidney, muscle pain and impotence, it was recommended for fevers, intestinal and pulmonary diseases, sexual infections in men, constipation, atherosclerosis, high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. Indian specialists this spice treats peptic ulcer, strengthens women's health. Hilbe was widely used in Europe Benedictine monks. Since the 9th century, this plant has been widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of wounds, fevers, respiratory and stomach diseases. In North America the colonists used fenugreek to treat women's diseases. Over time, it became the main ingredient in Lydia Pinkham's famous herbal remedy, a well-known remedy for menstrual discomfort. In any case, the American creator of this drug declared it the greatest medical discovery of the 19th century.

Hilbe is now widely used in many countries around the world. In Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries, the hilbe is popular, they use not only the seeds of this plant, but also green leaves because of their high nutritional value. There are several popular dishes in some parts of Saudi Arabia that are prepared using khilbe seeds, especially during the month of Ramadan.

Modern scientists, after analyzing the composition of fenugreek, found that it is rich in protein and carbohydrates, and also contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, PP, folic acid, and is very similar in composition to fish fat.

Respiratory diseases

Hilbe is one of the best home remedies for colds and lung diseases, it is used for influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, prolonged, chronic cough, bronchial asthma.
It is recommended to boil 2 teaspoons of seeds in 1 glass of water for 5-10 minutes. over low heat with dates, figs or honey (can be combined). Take 3-4 times a day for half a glass of drink. With a dry cough, the milk decoction of the hilbe helps a lot.
For sore throats, you can gargle with infusion: 2 tablespoons of hilbe seeds simmer for 30 minutes. in 0.5 l of water, remove, let stand for 15 minutes, strain.

Women Health

Modern research has confirmed that hilbe is an excellent medicine for the treatment of female diseases. Hilbe seeds contain diosgenin, which is similar in structure and action to the female sex hormone estrogen. In large quantities, Hilbe acts as a strong stimulant that promotes the onset of menstruation and causes the flow of breast milk. With a lack of milk, drink 3-4 cups of infusion of hilbe seeds per day (2 teaspoons of seeds per cup of boiling water, brew with honey).

Douching with a strong infusion (1-2 tablespoons of seeds per cup of boiling water) is successfully used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the genital area, inflammation of the uterus, vagina and vulva.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

A decoction of hilbe cleanses the stomach, kidneys, intestines from mucus and toxins. The infusion covers the walls of the internal organs with protective mucus, which has a healing effect on gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Cholesterol control

Studies conducted in the United States have shown that fenugreek seeds significantly reduce bad cholesterol.

Skin diseases

A paste of ground seeds is used to treat ulcers, abscesses and hard-to-heal wounds, cleanses the skin, and gets rid of warts.

Odor from the mouth or from the body

Due to the large accumulation of toxins in the body, an unpleasant odor appears in the body. If you drink tea from hilbe, the smell that confuses you will miraculously change to the pleasant aroma of this plant after a while.


Soak 2 teaspoons of seeds in water and leave overnight. In the morning, drink the resulting infusion with a decoction of stevia.


Hilbe seeds are rich in iron. Take 1-2 teaspoons with dates or honey. In this combination, iron is well absorbed, the level of its content in the blood increases.


As a general tonic and tonic, take 2 teaspoons of crushed seeds daily in a cup of hot milk. Sprouted grains of hilbe are especially useful.


For inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, simmer the seeds (1 teaspoon) in 250 ml of water until half the volume remains. Drink 3-4 cups of decoction per day.


Hilbe is an excellent antipyretic.


Hilbe is used in severe forms of arthritis and polyarthritis: darken 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds for 5 minutes. with stevia leaves, drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. Use incense at the same time.

kidney problems

Hilbe tea cleanses not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the kidneys.
A thick decoction of dates with fenugreek is a good diuretic, crushes kidney and bladder stones.

Fenugreek is a tonic and stimulant for the whole body and especially for the urinary system, usually animals resort to it in diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Hilbe in cosmetology:

Hair masks

1 teaspoon of ground fenugreek is mixed with olive and caraway oil. You can add a pinch of ground black pepper. Rub the mixture into the roots of the hair, warm the head. Keep the mask on your hair for half an hour, then rinse. Hair growth is accelerated, dandruff is destroyed and various dermatitis of the scalp is cured.

A slurry of ground seeds, applied to the scalp, promotes hair growth. Also use sprouted hilbe grains in writing to enhance the effect. For dandruff, soak 2 tbsp. l. seeds in water overnight. In the morning, grind the softened seeds into a pulp and apply on the scalp for 1 hour. Then wash your hair thoroughly.

Boil 4 tablespoons of the powder in one glass of water, then strain and wipe the skin with the resulting composition several times a day. Use to treat dull, brittle hair, with loss.

Face masks

Purifying mask. 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil, applied for ten minutes. The mask helps to get rid of acne, various dermatitis.

Nourishing mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of ground seeds with yolk, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp caraway oil, 1 tsp olive oil. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse.

Moisturizing mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of Hilbe seeds with 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp carrot juice and 1 tsp. aloe juice. Apply for 20 minutes, rinse.

Cosmetic effect of Hilbe essential oil

Anti-inflammatory agent, cleanses the skin. Used to prevent hair loss and increase hair growth. It is used for head massage, added to masks and shampoos.

Dosages and contraindications

Unless otherwise indicated, 1-2 teaspoons of seeds (preferably ground) are simmered in 1 glass of water over low heat for 5 minutes. To improve the taste, add dates, honey, figs, lemon, mint, stevia.

Contraindications: do not use hilbe in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it has an abortive effect, as well as for vaginal bleeding.


Hilbe at the beginning of application gives a specific smell to sweat (strong cleansing properties). But with daily hygiene of the body and the use of a sufficient amount of liquid, the smell can be avoided. If you often drink tea from hilbe, over time, the embarrassing smell will be replaced by the pleasant aroma of this plant.



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