How often do flight attendants fly? If the stripe is black, it means it is taking off! About the reasons for drunkenness

Hello again, my dear readers! Today I open for you new page blog stories, for the first time on the site - an interview with a man who spends most of his life in the sky. We meet our guest, Lufthansa flight attendant Sophie Schnitzerhauer.

1. Hello Sophie, tell our readers briefly about yourself.

Hello! My name is Sophie and I come from Germany, born in Berlin. On at the moment I have been working as a senior flight attendant since 2012; previously, from 2006 to 2011, I worked as a flight attendant at Air Berlin. I am interested in the culture of other countries, foreign languages, I can’t live without the sky and travel.

2. What influenced your choice of profession? Do you think this profession romantic?

I came into this profession by accident. I never wanted to be a flight attendant. I accidentally saw an advertisement on the bus and decided to try sending my resume. Then I was only 18 years old, a young girl who already wanted to work and see the world. It was only during the course that I realized what kind of profession this was and what was ahead of me. During my internship flights, I finally fell in love with this profession and have not parted with it for 7 years.

I consider my profession the most romantic. Beautiful shape, sky, planes, you don’t know where you will end up tomorrow. It's just romance.

3. What is your work schedule, what routes do you fly on, do you have time to travel and see the world besides work?

My work schedule is irregular. No sooner have you arrived on the route than they send you the next day, for example, to Barcelona. Sometimes, especially in the summer season, there is practically no rest, and you have to work more than the required hours every day. Sometimes you just want to relax after a long-haul flight, but sometimes it's just a dream.

I fly all over the world. I don't have any specific routes. They can put it anywhere. I haven’t been anywhere in 7 years of work, I can’t even remember it all. I only get to travel during the relay race. For example, we are flying to Male, we have 2 days left while we wait for a replacement crew. During this time, I manage to have a good time at sea, see the city, try a lot of goodies and go shopping.

A significant part of my life is spent in the sky - 90 hours a month, sometimes more, especially in the summer season.

4. Due to constant travel, is there time left for personal life?

There is time for personal life, but not enough. But, if a young man is waiting for you from your flight and meets you, then this is the most best love. My boyfriend is fine with the fact that I fly all the time, although he is jealous, there are scandals, but where would we be without that. I came home, slept and went on the flight again. And if I have a little time after work, I definitely run to the beauty salon, because a real flight attendant should look her best, and I also spend time with my loved one.

5. In the near future, the best airlines of 2012 will be selected and determined by nomination at the Farnborough Airshow. What do you think is the best airline in the world?

Undoubtedly, this is Lufthansa.

6. From a steward’s point of view, does it make a difference which aircraft you work on? Maybe you have a favorite or most comfortable airliner?

My favorite type of aircraft is the AirBus 330-300 and 320-200. I don’t like Boeing 737-500, 737-500, 737-300. They are so inconvenient, especially when it comes to the location of kitchens.

7. Airbus or Boeing?

8. What can a flight attendant do in 60 seconds?

I would pose the question a little differently, not in 60 seconds, but in 90.

Most importantly, the flight attendant must be able to professionally evacuate all passengers from the plane in 90 seconds. The flight attendant must clearly know how many emergency evacuation doors are on the plane, how these doors function, how many automatic inflatable ladders and rafts, life jackets, etc.

I will never forget one of my flights, the Frankfurt-Vancouver route. We are 57 minutes from our destination and suddenly we find ourselves in severe turbulence. There were many elderly people on board and one passenger became very ill and lost consciousness. The PIC (approx. - Aircraft Captain) does not give permission to get up from his seats. But I can't just watch a person die. I get up from the chair, run to my grandmother, she is almost not breathing. I carried out rescue measures and as a result she came to her senses. After landing, a doctor came up to me and said that another minute and she would have died.

Thanks to me and my colleagues, we prevented the death of a person. Then I also hurt myself quite badly, but I don’t regret it one bit. I saved a life, this is our profession, we need to be prepared for anything, while trying to provide the best possible flight for our passengers.

The main thing in our profession is resistance to stress, always being collected and clearly controlling the situation on board. A stern look and a charming smile help me when working with passengers.

Thanks for your insightful answers, Sophie, I wish you fewer stubborn passengers and rude people! Our world is very small, I hope that somehow we will be able to “cross” in the sky.

You came here to work, not to travel.

At first there was enthusiasm, I wanted to travel everywhere and see everything. Now I just want to sleep in a hotel. The same routes, the same cities, I’ve already seen everything. If the flight is short, after landing the plane is cleaned and we fly back immediately. If a flight lasts more than five hours, this is called a “business trip.” Then the break between flights can last from 12 hours to four days, including rest. Most often we only have time to sleep in a hotel, go to the store and eat. Nobody forbids you to go and see the country instead of sleep, but the next day you will be nothing. As they tell us: “You came here to work, not to travel.”

You can see the world on vacation. The main bonus of working for an airline is that we pay approximately 30% of regular fares. They give us “stopover” tickets: if there are no seats, we don’t fly away. But you can look at the load on the plane in advance and estimate your chances. One time there were no seats, and I was flying at the “station” (a folding seat for flight attendants). We, the flight crew, have the right. But airline ground workers, who are also given discount tickets, do not have this right. The privilege is dubious: sitting on a stool for almost eight to nine hours.

Some flight attendants, when flying as passengers, manage to help “their own” in the kitchen. This is dangerous: if a person is spotted there without a uniform, they can be fined. And some, on the contrary, relax to the fullest. Once our flight attendants were flying on vacation, got drunk and became rowdy. True, they were not fired, but they were permanently deprived of the right to discounted tickets.

You can’t complain - they’ll figure it out right away

The management's attitude towards us is absolutely disregardful. There is only one major airline left - there are now dozens of applicants for one vacancy. If a passenger writes a complaint, 90% of the time is your fault. There is a whole department that sorts out complaints, calls passengers - they ask, clarify... Everything for the client. If they decide that you are to blame, they will cut your salary for six months or you will fly around Russia - every day to Samara, for example.

Where will you go? Where else will they hire someone without experience for a salary of 70,000 rubles? Only if you stand as a prostitute. So you do what you are told. So, now, due to the fact that “the situation in the world is tense,” we are removing the planes ourselves - in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg. Why the “heated situation” affects these particular cities is unknown. If you express dissatisfaction, they openly say: “Write a statement, you will fly around Russia for six months.”

You can’t go on strike, you can’t complain - they’ll figure it out right away. One time I'm in social network left an ironic comment on a post about improving the working conditions of airline employees, I was immediately called to the department: “Girl, have you mixed up anything?” Recently it was prohibited to post photos in uniform on the Internet.

It's better to fly sick

When hiring, we undergo a serious medical examination, almost like astronauts. Check hearing, vision, vestibular apparatus, psyche. But then everyone doesn’t give a damn about our health. For example, it is believed that flying across the Atlantic is very harmful due to the accumulated radiation. Previously, they were allowed to fly there only once every six months. Now no one is watching this, they could put four New Yorks in a row.

If the flight is long, one of the pilots goes to sleep in the “business” - special seats are allocated for them. We work without rest, although on ten-hour flights we have two seats at the economy end. Considering that in-flight meals are offered every three hours, and there are 12 people on board, that leaves only 20 minutes of rest per person, so no one takes advantage of this right.

It happens that we sleep only a few hours in two days. For example, recently there was bad weather on Sakhalin, we had to turn around to land in Khabarovsk. After an emergency landing, we and the passengers were taken to our hotels, announcing that in a few hours the weather would improve and we would try to take off again. Finally, the plane landed safely in Sakhalin. There we were supposed to be replaced by another team for the return flight. Suddenly the commander said: “Now people will leave, new ones will come in, and you will fly back to Moscow” - and we worked for another nine hours. This was just my second flight after vacation - it felt like I had never had a vacation.

If during a pre-flight medical examination a flight attendant's blood pressure increases, they are removed from the flight. You fly back as a passenger, then you go to the hospital to be examined - you won’t get anything for it, but they won’t pay you either. If you just have a headache or a slight cold, it is better to fly sick.

Nobody likes pilots

Every day when I come to work, I have new colleagues. A staff of 10,000 people, 20 flights in one direction per day - there is little chance that you will end up on the same plane with someone you have flown with before.

Nobody likes pilots. Our flight is, for example, an hour and a half, we have full business class, but they don’t care: “Feed me.” Understanding pilots are rare. I try to communicate with them as little as possible, and if I work in business class, I agree with the older one so that I cook and she delivers.

Pilots mostly talk to air traffic controllers and set the altitude. Usually there are two of them - the commander and the co-pilot. We have to check in every 15 minutes to make sure they don't fall asleep. If one of them leaves the cabin, one of us sits in his place. This rule was introduced a year ago, after a pilot in Germany crashed a plane with passengers.

I had no relationships with pilots. Although many date for a long time, even get married. Often pilots fly with their stewardess wives or with their mistresses - you can ask to be scheduled on the flight together.

Change class of service for a bribe

According to the rules, it is prohibited to be drunk on board. If we see that someone is drinking too much alcohol, we take the bottle away and return it only after the flight. But often alcohol is poured from printed Duty Free bags on the sly. Sometimes you notice that a glass is wet (paper cups get wet from strong alcohol) or that a person smells, but you have the right to do something only if you see a bottle with the appropriate label. You can’t say: “I know that you have whiskey in your cola” - you can’t prove it, and they can even write a complaint. The maximum you can make is a remark.

Previously, on board they could change the class of service for a bribe, or allow you to smoke in the kitchen. Now this is strictly monitored, and there are no ways to make money. Although once we were flying to Nice and one married couple hid their bottle of wine. The people were respectable, it was obvious that they were not going to get drunk. He came into the kitchen and held out a thousand: “Can we have some ice, please, a glass?” There was another case when men gave us perfume just like that. But this very rarely happens.

If a couple is alone in the bathroom, there is no rule that says we have to kick them out. So you can take advantage... True, I have never had to, although I have already been in the sky for five years. Once I was flying in business class on vacation with my boyfriend and had this thought, but there were always people in the kitchen (it’s nearby) - it was somehow inconvenient. It is better that there is no one in the kitchen or that everyone is asleep. Although the toilet is very easy to open, without a key. But this is only an extreme case.

Only drunk people cause serious problems. After the New Year there was a flight to Phuket, a family was flying: wife, husband and small child. The parents got drunk, quarreled and started fighting. We took the bottle away from them, made a remark - and that was it. In fact, you are supposed to call the police at the airport and escort them to the station. But who wants to go to nowhere after a long flight and waste their time on it? If there is a lot of rowdiness and there is a risk for passengers, the decision is made by the commander. Maybe, for example, he makes an emergency landing - all tickets are cancelled, the culprit pays for the fuel spent on landing, and he is taken to the police.

Must crouch down to be lower than the passenger

As a rule, we are assigned in advance: the team consists of regular flight attendants and those who have passed the exam to work in the business department. If there are no such people (except for the senior flight attendant), they are chosen based on experience or volunteers - not everyone likes working in “business”.

When you take an order in business class, you should sit down so that you are lower than the passenger, and not from above asking: “What would you like?” Therefore, if you want to bend your back, go into “business”. This is not required, but recommended.

Some passengers require special treatment. The airline has gold, silver, and platinum cards. They are issued to frequent fliers and mean various kinds privileges: VIP waiting room, more comfortable seat, discount and bonus programs... But on an airplane these cards mean nothing. The maximum that we can do for such a passenger is to transfer him to a more comfortable seat, if there are any available ones.

The most fun are the Chinese

In fact, the worst passengers are Russians: they constantly ask and ask for something. Foreigners are calmer. The Chinese are the coolest: they are cheerful all the time, they don’t speak Russian or English, they just smile. Now, during the crisis, mostly only foreigners fly.

The most annoying thing is when passengers ask all sorts of nonsense. When offering drinks, we always list the assortment: apple / tomato / orange juice, water, Cola, Sprite, but there is always someone who asks: “Is there pineapple?” Or, let's say it's a long flight, at the beginning of the flight we hand out menus for lunch and dinner. When I serve food, I ask the passenger: “What will you do?” “What is there?” Yes, everything is the same as what is written on the menu, nothing was delivered!

Or here's another one. There is a special compartment for animals in the luggage compartment. Some call us and ask: “Look, how is he doing?” I just want to say: “Now, as soon as I get off the plane, I’ll climb into the luggage compartment and take a look.”

Business class has a wardrobe, economy class does not. That is, there is, but only for our things. But from the staff there are always " good people", who say: "Okay, let me have yours

Why don't they like pilots? Why are Russians the worst passengers? How can I bring alcohol on board and will I be allowed to smoke in the toilet for a bribe? Read on about this and much more.

“You came here to work, not to travel”

At first there was enthusiasm, I wanted to travel everywhere and see everything. Now I just want to sleep in a hotel. The same routes, the same cities, I’ve already seen everything. If the flight is short, after landing the plane is cleaned and we fly back immediately. If a flight lasts more than five hours, this is called a “business trip.” Then the break between flights can last from 12 hours to four days, including rest. Most often we only have time to sleep in a hotel, go to the store and eat. Nobody forbids you to go and see the country instead of sleep, but the next day you will be nothing. As they tell us: “You came here to work, not to travel.”

Where else will they hire someone without experience for a salary of 70,000 rubles? Only if you stand as a prostitute

You can see the world on vacation. The main bonus of working for an airline is that we pay approximately 30% of regular fares. They give us “stopover” tickets: if there are no seats, we don’t fly away. But you can look at the load on the plane in advance and estimate your chances. One time there were no seats, and I was flying at the “station” (a folding seat for flight attendants). We, the flight crew, have the right. But airline ground workers, who are also given discount tickets, do not have this right. The privilege is dubious: sitting on a stool for almost eight to nine hours.
Some flight attendants, when flying as passengers, manage to help “their own” in the kitchen. This is dangerous: if a person is spotted there without a uniform, they can be fined. And some, on the contrary, relax to the fullest. Once our flight attendants were flying on vacation, got drunk and became rowdy. True, they were not fired, but they were permanently deprived of the right to discounted tickets.

You can’t complain - they’ll figure it out right away

The management's attitude towards us is absolutely disregardful. There is only one major airline left - there are now dozens of applicants for one vacancy. If a passenger writes a complaint, 90% of the time is your fault. There is a whole department that sorts out complaints, calls passengers - they ask, clarify... Everything for the client. If they decide that you are to blame, they will cut your salary for six months or you will fly around Russia - every day to Samara, for example.
Where will you go? Where else will they hire someone without experience for a salary of 70,000 rubles? Only if you stand as a prostitute. So you do what you are told. So, now, due to the fact that “the situation in the world is tense,” we are removing the planes ourselves - in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Why the “heated situation” affects these particular cities is unknown.
You can’t go on strike, you can’t complain—they’ll find out right away. One day, a colleague left a dissatisfied comment on a social network, and he was immediately summoned to his superiors to explain himself.

It's better to fly sick

When hiring, we undergo a serious medical examination, almost like astronauts. They check hearing, vision, vestibular apparatus, and psyche. But then everyone doesn’t give a damn about our health. For example, it is believed that flying across the Atlantic is very harmful due to the accumulated radiation. Previously, they were allowed to fly there only once every six months. Now no one is watching this, they could put four New Yorks in a row.

If the flight is long, one of the pilots goes to sleep in the “business” - special seats are allocated for them.

We work without rest, although on ten-hour flights we have two seats at the economy end. Considering that in-flight meals are offered every three hours, and there are 12 people on board, that leaves only 20 minutes of rest per person, so no one takes advantage of this right.

Usually there are two of them - the commander and the co-pilot. We have to check in every 15 minutes to make sure they don't fall asleep.

It happens that we sleep only a few hours in two days. For example, if the weather is bad, you have to land in another city. In this case, we and the passengers will be taken to hotels until the weather improves and we can continue the flight. But if, due to a forced landing, the work schedule is disrupted and the replacement team cannot replace us, we work on the way back, with virtually no rest.
If during a pre-flight medical examination a flight attendant's blood pressure increases, they are removed from the flight. You fly back as a passenger, then you go to the hospital to be examined - you won’t get anything for it, but they won’t pay you either. If you just have a headache or a slight cold, it is better to fly sick.

Nobody likes pilots

Every day when I come to work, I have new colleagues. A staff of 10,000 people, 20 flights in one direction per day - there is little chance that you will get on the same plane with someone you have flown with before.
Nobody likes pilots. Our flight is, for example, an hour and a half, we have full business class, but they don’t care: “Feed me.” Pilots who understand are rare. I try to communicate with them as little as possible, and if I work in business class, I agree with the older one so that I cook and she delivers.
Pilots mostly talk to air traffic controllers and set the altitude. Usually there are two of them - the commander and the co-pilot. We have to check in every 15 minutes to make sure they don't fall asleep. If one of them leaves the cabin, one of us sits in his place.
I had no relationships with pilots. Although many date for a long time, even get married. Often pilots fly with their stewardess wives or with their mistresses - you can ask to be scheduled on the flight together.

Change class of service for a bribe

According to the rules, it is prohibited to be drunk on board. If we see that someone is drinking too much alcohol, we take the bottle away and return it only after the flight. But often alcohol is poured from printed Duty Free bags on the sly. Sometimes you notice that a glass is wet (paper cups get wet from strong alcohol) or that a person smells, but you have the right to do something only if you see a bottle with the appropriate label. You can’t say: “I know that you have whiskey in your cola” - you can’t prove it, and they can even write a complaint. The maximum you can make is a remark.
Previously, on board they could change the class of service for a bribe, or allow you to smoke in the kitchen. Now this is strictly monitored, and there are no ways to make money. Although once we were flying to Paris and one married couple hid their bottle of wine. The people were respectable, it was obvious that they were not going to get drunk. He came into the kitchen and held out a thousand: “Can we have some ice, please, a glass?”

When accepting an order in business class, you must sit down so that you are lower than the passenger

If a couple is alone in the bathroom, there is no rule that says we have to kick them out. So you can take advantage... True, I have never had to, although I have already been in the sky for ten years and my husband and I often fly on vacation. The flight attendants are constantly fussing around in the kitchen (it’s nearby) - it’s somehow inconvenient. It is better that there is no one in the kitchen or that everyone is asleep. Although the toilet is very easy to open, without a key. But this is only an extreme case.
Only drunk people cause serious problems. One day after the holidays a married couple was flying. The husband and wife got drunk, quarreled and started fighting. We took the bottle away from them, made a reprimand, and that was it. In fact, you are supposed to call the police at the airport and escort them to the station. But who wants to go to nowhere after a long flight and waste their time on it? If there is a lot of rowdiness and there is a risk for passengers, the decision is made by the commander. Maybe, for example, he makes an emergency landing - all tickets are cancelled, the culprit pays for the fuel spent on landing, and he is taken to the police.

Must crouch down to be lower than the passenger

As a rule, we are assigned in advance: the team consists of regular flight attendants and those who have passed the exam to work in the business department. If there are no such people (except for the senior flight attendant), they are chosen based on experience or volunteers - not everyone likes working in “business”.
When you take an order in business class, you should sit down so that you are lower than the passenger, and not from above asking: “What would you like?” Therefore, if you want to bend your back, go into “business”. This is not required, but recommended.
Some passengers require special treatment. The airline has gold, silver, and platinum cards. They are issued to those who fly frequently and mean various kinds of privileges: a VIP lounge, a more comfortable seat, discount and bonus programs... But on an airplane these cards mean nothing. The maximum that we can do for such a passenger is to transfer him to a more comfortable seat, if there are any available ones.

The most fun are the Chinese

In fact, the worst passengers are Russians: they constantly ask and ask for something. Foreigners are calmer. The Chinese are the coolest: they are cheerful all the time, they don’t speak Russian or English, they just smile. Now, during the crisis, mostly only foreigners fly.
The most annoying thing is when passengers ask all sorts of nonsense. When offering drinks, we always list the assortment: apple / tomato / orange juice, water, Cola, Sprite, but there is always someone who asks: “Is there pineapple?” Or, let's say it's a long flight, at the beginning of the flight we hand out menus for lunch and dinner. When I serve food, I ask the passenger: “What will you do?” “What is there?” Yes, everything is the same as what is written on the menu, nothing was delivered!
Or here's another one. There is a special compartment for animals in the luggage compartment. Some call us and ask: “Look, how is he doing?” I just want to say: “Now, as soon as I get off the plane, I’ll climb into the luggage compartment and take a look.”
Business class has a wardrobe, economy class does not. That is, there is, but only for our things. But there are always “kind people” from the staff who say: “Okay, let me hang up your coat.” And it begins: “Last time they hanged me, but you, so-and-so, don’t want to!” So I immediately behave like “evil”, I don’t allow anything to anyone. Just in case.

Why don't they like pilots? Why are Russians the worst passengers? How can I bring alcohol on board and will I be allowed to smoke in the toilet for a bribe? Read on about this and much more.

“You came here to work, not to travel”
At first there was enthusiasm, I wanted to travel everywhere and see everything. Now I just want to sleep in a hotel. The same routes, the same cities, I’ve already seen everything. If the flight is short, after landing the plane is cleaned and we fly back immediately. If a flight lasts more than five hours, this is called a “business trip.” Then the break between flights can last from 12 hours to four days, including rest. Most often we only have time to sleep in a hotel, go to the store and eat. Nobody forbids you to go and see the country instead of sleep, but the next day you will be nothing. As they tell us: “You came here to work, not to travel.”
Where else will they hire someone without experience for a salary of 70,000 rubles? Only if you stand as a prostitute
You can see the world on vacation. The main bonus of working for an airline is that we pay approximately 30% of regular fares. They give us “stopover” tickets: if there are no seats, we don’t fly away. But you can look at the load on the plane in advance and estimate your chances. One time there were no seats, and I was flying at the “station” (a folding seat for flight attendants). We, the flight crew, have the right. But airline ground workers, who are also given discount tickets, do not have this right. The privilege is dubious: sitting on a stool for almost eight to nine hours.
Some flight attendants, when flying as passengers, manage to help “their own” in the kitchen. This is dangerous: if a person is spotted there without a uniform, they can be fined. And some, on the contrary, relax to the fullest. Once our flight attendants were flying on vacation, got drunk and became rowdy. True, they were not fired, but they were permanently deprived of the right to discounted tickets.

You can’t complain - they’ll figure it out right away
The management's attitude towards us is absolutely disregardful. There is only one major airline left - there are now dozens of applicants for one vacancy. If a passenger writes a complaint, 90% of the time is your fault. There is a whole department that sorts out complaints, calls passengers - they ask, clarify... Everything for the client. If they decide that you are to blame, they will cut your salary for six months or you will fly around Russia - every day to Samara, for example.
Where will you go? Where else will they hire someone without experience for a salary of 70,000 rubles? Only if you stand as a prostitute. So you do what you are told. So, now, due to the fact that “the situation in the world is tense,” we are removing the planes ourselves - in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg. Why the “heated situation” affects these particular cities is unknown.
You can’t go on strike, you can’t complain - they’ll figure it out right away. One day, a colleague left a dissatisfied comment on a social network, and he was immediately summoned to his superiors to explain himself.

It's better to fly sick
When hiring, we undergo a serious medical examination, almost like astronauts. They check hearing, vision, vestibular apparatus, and psyche. But then everyone doesn’t give a damn about our health. For example, it is believed that flying across the Atlantic is very harmful due to the accumulated radiation. Previously, they were allowed to fly there only once every six months. Now no one is watching this, they could put four New Yorks in a row.
If the flight is long, one of the pilots goes to sleep in the “business” - special seats are allocated for them.
We work without rest, although on ten-hour flights we have two seats at the economy end. Considering that in-flight meals are offered every three hours, and there are 12 people on board, that leaves only 20 minutes of rest per person, so no one takes advantage of this right.
Usually there are two of them - the commander and the co-pilot. We have to check in every 15 minutes to make sure they don't fall asleep.

It happens that we sleep only a few hours in two days. For example, if the weather is bad, you have to land in another city. In this case, we and the passengers will be taken to hotels until the weather improves and we can continue the flight. But if, due to a forced landing, the work schedule is disrupted and the replacement team cannot replace us, we work on the way back, with virtually no rest.
If during a pre-flight medical examination a flight attendant's blood pressure increases, they are removed from the flight. You fly back as a passenger, then you go to the hospital to be examined - you won’t get anything for it, but they won’t pay you either. If you just have a headache or a slight cold, it is better to fly sick.

Nobody likes pilots
Every day when I come to work, I have new colleagues. A staff of 10,000 people, 20 flights in one direction per day - there is little chance that you will end up on the same plane with someone you have flown with before.
Nobody likes pilots. Our flight is, for example, an hour and a half, we have full business class, but they don’t care: “Feed me.” Understanding pilots are rare. I try to communicate with them as little as possible, and if I work in business class, I agree with the older one so that I cook and she delivers.
Pilots mostly talk to air traffic controllers and set the altitude. Usually there are two of them - the commander and the co-pilot. We have to check in every 15 minutes to make sure they don't fall asleep. If one of them leaves the cabin, one of us sits in his place.
I had no relationships with pilots. Although many date for a long time, even get married. Often pilots fly with their stewardess wives or with their mistresses - you can ask to be scheduled on the flight together.

Change class of service for a bribe
According to the rules, it is prohibited to be drunk on board. If we see that someone is drinking too much alcohol, we take the bottle away and return it only after the flight. But often alcohol is poured from printed Duty Free bags on the sly. Sometimes you notice that a glass is wet (paper cups get wet from strong alcohol) or that a person smells, but you have the right to do something only if you see a bottle with the appropriate label. You can’t say: “I know that you have whiskey in your cola” - you can’t prove it, and they can even write a complaint. The maximum you can make is a remark.
Previously, on board they could change the class of service for a bribe, or allow you to smoke in the kitchen. Now this is strictly monitored, and there are no ways to make money. Although once we were flying to Paris and one married couple hid their bottle of wine. The people were respectable, it was obvious that they were not going to get drunk. He came into the kitchen and held out a thousand: “Can we have some ice, please, a glass?”
When accepting an order in business class, you must sit down so that you are lower than the passenger
If a couple is alone in the bathroom, there is no rule that says we have to kick them out. So you can take advantage... True, I have never had to, although I have already been in the sky for ten years and my husband and I often fly on vacation. The flight attendants are constantly fussing around in the kitchen (it’s nearby) - it’s somehow inconvenient. It is better that there is no one in the kitchen or that everyone is asleep. Although the toilet is very easy to open, without a key. But this is only an extreme case.
Only drunk people cause serious problems. One day after the holidays a married couple was flying. The husband and wife got drunk, quarreled and started fighting. We took the bottle away from them, made a remark - and that was it. In fact, you are supposed to call the police at the airport and escort them to the station. But who wants to go to nowhere after a long flight and waste their time on it? If there is a lot of rowdiness and there is a risk for passengers, the decision is made by the commander. Maybe, for example, he makes an emergency landing - all tickets are cancelled, the culprit pays for the fuel spent on landing, and he is taken to the police.

Must crouch down to be lower than the passenger
As a rule, we are assigned in advance: the team consists of regular flight attendants and those who have passed the exam to work in the business department. If there are no such people (except for the senior flight attendant), they are chosen based on experience or volunteers - not everyone likes working in “business”.
When you take an order in business class, you should sit down so that you are lower than the passenger, and not from above asking: “What would you like?” Therefore, if you want to bend your back, go into “business”. This is not required, but recommended.
Some passengers require special treatment. The airline has gold, silver, and platinum cards. They are issued to those who fly frequently and mean various kinds of privileges: a VIP lounge, a more comfortable seat, discount and bonus programs... But on an airplane these cards mean nothing. The maximum that we can do for such a passenger is to transfer him to a more comfortable seat, if there are any available ones.

The most fun are the Chinese
In fact, the worst passengers are Russians: they constantly ask and ask for something. Foreigners are calmer. The Chinese are the coolest: they are cheerful all the time, they don’t speak Russian or English, they just smile. Now, during the crisis, mostly only foreigners fly.
The most annoying thing is when passengers ask all sorts of nonsense. When offering drinks, we always list the assortment: apple / tomato / orange juice, water, Cola, Sprite, but there is always someone who asks: “Is there pineapple?” Or, let's say it's a long flight, at the beginning of the flight we hand out menus for lunch and dinner. When I serve food, I ask the passenger: “What will you do?” “What is there?” Yes, everything is the same as what is written on the menu, nothing was delivered!
Or here's another one. There is a special compartment for animals in the luggage compartment. Some call us and ask: “Look, how is he doing?” I just want to say: “Now, as soon as I get off the plane, I’ll climb into the luggage compartment and take a look.”
Business class has a wardrobe, economy class does not. That is, there is, but only for our things. But there are always “kind people” from the staff who say: “Okay, let me hang up your coat.” And it begins: “Last time they hanged me, but you, so-and-so, don’t want to!” So I immediately behave like “evil”, I don’t allow anything to anyone. Just in case.

Why don't they like pilots? Why are Russians the worst passengers? How can I bring alcohol on board and will I be allowed to smoke in the toilet for a bribe? Read on about this and much more.

“You came here to work, not to travel”

At first there was enthusiasm, I wanted to travel everywhere and see everything. Now I just want to sleep in a hotel. The same routes, the same cities, I’ve already seen everything. If the flight is short, after landing the plane is cleaned and we fly back immediately. If a flight lasts more than five hours, this is called a “business trip.” Then the break between flights can last from 12 hours to four days, including rest. Most often we only have time to sleep in a hotel, go to the store and eat. Nobody forbids you to go and see the country instead of sleep, but the next day you will be nothing. As they tell us: “You came here to work, not to travel.”

Where else will they hire someone without experience for a salary of 70,000 rubles? Only if you stand as a prostitute

You can see the world on vacation. The main bonus of working for an airline is that we pay approximately 30% of regular fares. They give us “stopover” tickets: if there are no seats, we don’t fly away. But you can look at the load on the plane in advance and estimate your chances. One time there were no seats, and I was flying at the “station” (a folding seat for flight attendants). We, the flight crew, have the right. But airline ground workers, who are also given discount tickets, do not have this right. The privilege is dubious: sitting on a stool for almost eight to nine hours.
Some flight attendants, when flying as passengers, manage to help “their own” in the kitchen. This is dangerous: if a person is spotted there without a uniform, they can be fined. And some, on the contrary, relax to the fullest. Once our flight attendants were flying on vacation, got drunk and became rowdy. True, they were not fired, but they were permanently deprived of the right to discounted tickets.

You can’t complain - they’ll figure it out right away

The management's attitude towards us is absolutely disregardful. There is only one major airline left - there are now dozens of applicants for one vacancy. If a passenger writes a complaint, 90% of the time is your fault. There is a whole department that sorts out complaints, calls passengers - they ask, clarify... Everything for the client. If they decide that you are to blame, they will cut your salary for six months or you will fly around Russia - every day to Samara, for example.
Where will you go? Where else will they hire someone without experience for a salary of 70,000 rubles? Only if you stand as a prostitute. So you do what you are told. So, now, due to the fact that “the situation in the world is tense,” we are removing the planes ourselves - in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Why the “heated situation” affects these particular cities is unknown.
You can’t go on strike, you can’t complain—they’ll find out right away. One day, a colleague left a dissatisfied comment on a social network, and he was immediately summoned to his superiors to explain himself.

It's better to fly sick

When hiring, we undergo a serious medical examination, almost like astronauts. They check hearing, vision, vestibular apparatus, and psyche. But then everyone doesn’t give a damn about our health. For example, it is believed that flying across the Atlantic is very harmful due to the accumulated radiation. Previously, they were allowed to fly there only once every six months. Now no one is watching this, they could put four New Yorks in a row.

If the flight is long, one of the pilots goes to sleep in the “business” - special seats are allocated for them.

We work without rest, although on ten-hour flights we have two seats at the economy end. Considering that in-flight meals are offered every three hours, and there are 12 people on board, that leaves only 20 minutes of rest per person, so no one takes advantage of this right.

Usually there are two of them - the commander and the co-pilot. We have to check in every 15 minutes to make sure they don't fall asleep.

It happens that we sleep only a few hours in two days. For example, if the weather is bad, you have to land in another city. In this case, we and the passengers will be taken to hotels until the weather improves and we can continue the flight. But if, due to a forced landing, the work schedule is disrupted and the replacement team cannot replace us, we work on the way back, with virtually no rest.
If during a pre-flight medical examination a flight attendant's blood pressure increases, they are removed from the flight. You fly back as a passenger, then you go to the hospital to be examined - you won’t get anything for it, but they won’t pay you either. If you just have a headache or a slight cold, it is better to fly sick.

Nobody likes pilots

Every day when I come to work, I have new colleagues. A staff of 10,000 people, 20 flights in one direction per day - there is little chance that you will get on the same plane with someone you have flown with before.
Nobody likes pilots. Our flight is, for example, an hour and a half, we have full business class, but they don’t care: “Feed me.” Pilots who understand are rare. I try to communicate with them as little as possible, and if I work in business class, I agree with the older one so that I cook and she delivers.
Pilots mostly talk to air traffic controllers and set the altitude. Usually there are two of them - the commander and the co-pilot. We have to check in every 15 minutes to make sure they don't fall asleep. If one of them leaves the cabin, one of us sits in his place.
I had no relationships with pilots. Although many date for a long time, even get married. Often pilots fly with their stewardess wives or with their mistresses - you can ask to be scheduled on the flight together.

Change class of service for a bribe

According to the rules, it is prohibited to be drunk on board. If we see that someone is drinking too much alcohol, we take the bottle away and return it only after the flight. But often alcohol is poured from printed Duty Free bags on the sly. Sometimes you notice that a glass is wet (paper cups get wet from strong alcohol) or that a person smells, but you have the right to do something only if you see a bottle with the appropriate label. You can’t say: “I know that you have whiskey in your cola” - you can’t prove it, and they can even write a complaint. The maximum you can make is a remark.
Previously, on board they could change the class of service for a bribe, or allow you to smoke in the kitchen. Now this is strictly monitored, and there are no ways to make money. Although once we were flying to Paris and one married couple hid their bottle of wine. The people were respectable, it was obvious that they were not going to get drunk. He came into the kitchen and held out a thousand: “Can we have some ice, please, a glass?”

When accepting an order in business class, you must sit down so that you are lower than the passenger

If a couple is alone in the bathroom, there is no rule that says we have to kick them out. So you can take advantage... True, I have never had to, although I have already been in the sky for ten years and my husband and I often fly on vacation. The flight attendants are constantly fussing around in the kitchen (it’s nearby) - it’s somehow inconvenient. It is better that there is no one in the kitchen or that everyone is asleep. Although the toilet is very easy to open, without a key. But this is only an extreme case.
Only drunk people cause serious problems. One day after the holidays a married couple was flying. The husband and wife got drunk, quarreled and started fighting. We took the bottle away from them, made a reprimand, and that was it. In fact, you are supposed to call the police at the airport and escort them to the station. But who wants to go to nowhere after a long flight and waste their time on it? If there is a lot of rowdiness and there is a risk for passengers, the decision is made by the commander. Maybe, for example, he makes an emergency landing - all tickets are cancelled, the culprit pays for the fuel spent on landing, and he is taken to the police.

Must crouch down to be lower than the passenger

As a rule, we are assigned in advance: the team consists of regular flight attendants and those who have passed the exam to work in the business department. If there are no such people (except for the senior flight attendant), they are chosen based on experience or volunteers - not everyone likes working in “business”.
When you take an order in business class, you should sit down so that you are lower than the passenger, and not from above asking: “What would you like?” Therefore, if you want to bend your back, go into “business”. This is not required, but recommended.
Some passengers require special treatment. The airline has gold, silver, and platinum cards. They are issued to those who fly frequently and mean various kinds of privileges: a VIP lounge, a more comfortable seat, discount and bonus programs... But on an airplane these cards mean nothing. The maximum that we can do for such a passenger is to transfer him to a more comfortable seat, if there are any available ones.

The most fun are the Chinese

In fact, the worst passengers are Russians: they constantly ask and ask for something. Foreigners are calmer. The Chinese are the coolest: they are cheerful all the time, they don’t speak Russian or English, they just smile. Now, during the crisis, mostly only foreigners fly.
The most annoying thing is when passengers ask all sorts of nonsense. When offering drinks, we always list the assortment: apple / tomato / orange juice, water, Cola, Sprite, but there is always someone who asks: “Is there pineapple?” Or, let's say it's a long flight, at the beginning of the flight we hand out menus for lunch and dinner. When I serve food, I ask the passenger: “What will you do?” “What is there?” Yes, everything is the same as what is written on the menu, nothing was delivered!
Or here's another one. There is a special compartment for animals in the luggage compartment. Some call us and ask: “Look, how is he doing?” I just want to say: “Now, as soon as I get off the plane, I’ll climb into the luggage compartment and take a look.”
Business class has a wardrobe, economy class does not. That is, there is, but only for our things. But there are always “kind people” from the staff who say: “Okay, let me hang up your coat.” And it begins: “Last time they hanged me, but you, so-and-so, don’t want to!” So I immediately behave like “evil”, I don’t allow anything to anyone. Just in case.



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