What does the expression maiden memory mean? Where did the expression “girl memory” come from? Give for nuts

Gifts of the Magi

Greek gift

Give oak

Give for nuts

Two boots a pair

Two-Faced Janus

Maiden memory

Ninth wave

Making mountains out of molehills

Put on a good (cheerful) face

Money doesn't smell

Keep your nose to the wind

Bring (bring) to white heat

Until the carrot plot

House of Tolerance

Until the position of the robe

It will heal before the wedding

Fight like Sidorov's goat

Sieve friend

Steros club

Breathing on your last breath

To the point of rezz (joking) - to the extreme degree of intoxication, to the point of insanity. There are several versions of the origin of phraseological units. According to one of them, the turnover goes back to the biblical legend about Noah, who, having become drunk, exposed himself (took off and laid down his vestments). According to another version, the turnover can be perceived as a play on words, since in Orthodox Church there are two holidays of the “placement of vestments”: one - in memory of the fact that vestments belonging to Christ were placed in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow; the second - in honor of the placement of the vestments of the Virgin Mary in one of the churches of Constantinople.

Girl's memory (joking) - about bad, “short” memory.
There are two versions of the origin of the expression:
1) from the frivolity of some girls who, having found a new groom, quickly forget their vows to their former gentleman;
2) the expression arose as a result of truncation of the proverb The girl’s memory of the guy forgot.

Bring (bring) to white heat(disapproved) - to deprive someone of self-control, to greatly anger, annoy, enrage. An expression from the speech of blacksmiths. When heated before forging, the metal, depending on the temperature, first turns red, then yellow, and when heated very strongly, white.

Steros club (simple) - about an extremely stupid, stupid person, a fool, a blockhead. There are two versions of the origin of the expression: 1) the expression is based on the figurative meaning of the word cudgel - “a stupid, slow-witted person”; 2) the adjective staurosovy, due to the unusual word-formation model, makes it possible to assume the seminary origin of the phrase: it arose as a reworking of the Greek stauros “stake, pole, pile” in combination unambiguous words club - stauros, which eventually turned into the expression stauros club.

To flog like Sidorov's goat (simple) - to flog or beat someone strongly, cruelly and mercilessly. The imagery of the comparison is based on figurative meanings the words Sidor (this name was often associated with the idea of ​​an evil or grumpy person) and goat (according to popular belief, an animal with a harmful character).

Until the carrot plot (joking) - an indefinitely long time, until a time that will never come, ad infinitum. There are two versions of the origin of the expression:
1) for Christians, the last day before fasting, when believers were allowed to eat modest foods, that is, dairy and meat foods. During Lent, such food was prohibited. During the ritual they usually ate rich, fatty foods. Therefore, the combination of the word “beginning” with a “lenten” carrot was perceived as a humorous formula for the impossible;
2) names in Russian church holidays and rituals were traditionally used with a temporary meaning, for example: before the Filippov conspiracy. By association with such combinations, a humorous expression about the carrot plot arose.

Gifts of the Danaans (book disapproved) are insidious gifts brought with a treacherous purpose. An expression from the Iliad: in the legend, the Greeks took Troy by building a huge wooden horse and giving it to the Trojans. A squad of warriors was hidden inside the horse.

Two-faced Janus (book) - an insincere, two-faced person. In Roman mythology, Janus is the god of time, as well as all beginnings and ends. He was depicted with two faces facing in opposite directions: the young forward, the old - backward, into the past.

Sword of Damocles (book) - about the dangers that constantly threaten someone. Tracing paper from Greek. An expression from the ancient Greek legend about the Syracusan tyrant Dionysius the Elder (c. 432-367 BC), told by Cicero in the essay “Tusculan Conversations”: wanting to teach the flatterer Damocles a lesson, who called him the happiest of people, Dionysius ordered to imprison it in its place, having previously attached a sword hanging on a horsehair to the ceiling above this place. This sword is a symbol of the constant dangers that threaten the ruler.

To make a mountain out of a molehill - to greatly exaggerate something, to make something insignificant great value. Expression - tracing paper with French, goes back to an ancient saying.

Put on a good (cheerful) face when bad game- try to hide your failures and troubles under external calm. According to one version, this expression is a tracing paper from French: faire bonne mine a mauvais jeu. According to another, from the speech of gamblers who, having received bad cards, try to appear cheerful: mine is a “face”, a game is a “distribution of cards”.

The gifts of the Magi - according to the Gospel parable: the gifts brought by the Magi to the baby Jesus were gold as for a king, incense as for God and fragrant oils as for a mortal.

Keeping your nose to the wind means adapting to circumstances, unprincipledly changing your beliefs and behavior. According to one version, the expression came from the speech of sailors: originally the bow of the ship was meant. According to another, the turnover reflects the behavior of dogs.

House of tolerance (obsolete) - the same as a brothel, translated from French maison de tole "rance (this is a semantic tracing paper).

Money does not smell (disapproved) - from an indiscriminate attitude towards how the money was received. The expression is a tracing paper from Lat. pecunia non olet, which is a saying of Emperor Vespasian. When Vespasian's son reproached him for introducing a tax on public latrines, the emperor brought the first money from this tax to his nose and asked if it smelled. Titus gave a negative answer.

To give oak is rude. simple die. There are two versions of the origin of this expression. 1) The phrase arose on Russian soil and is associated with the verb zadubet - “to cool down, lose sensitivity, become hard.” 2) The expression originated in the south of Russia. It can be assumed that the dead were buried under the oak tree, and perhaps the image of turnover was different. The only curious thing is that the tree - a symbol of longevity - began to be used to symbolize death.

Give a damn - strongly scold, criticize someone. The expression originated in the speech of carpenters and cabinetmakers: furniture made of simple wood was often cut “to look like walnut” or “to look like oak.”

Sieve friend (simple joke or irony) - a playful, casual address to a friend. The expression is associated with baking sieve bread (from flour sifted through a sieve), which was eaten at lunch, dinner and served with tea. Eating such bread was considered a pleasure, which is why a sieve friend was originally a person with whom you feel pleasure when communicating

Two boots in a pair (ironically) - about two people who are quite similar, suitable friend to a friend, especially regarding his shortcomings.

It will heal before the wedding (colloquial joke) - it is said as a consolation to someone who has been hurt or in pain. More often - to small children: as long as you grow up, get married, everything will heal, it won’t hurt.

The ninth wave (book) - 1) [of which] the most violent, powerful manifestation of something formidable; 2) [who, what] about the peak of any achievements of creative thought or human activity. The expression is of Old Russian origin and arose as a result of the metaphorization of a phrase with a specific meaning of the most dangerous ninth wave during a storm.

Breathe on its last - about a thin, weak, sickly-looking person who does not have long to live. The expression is based on the religious symbolism of the word incense. In the church, incense is burned (they rock a vessel containing smoking incense). This rite is performed, in particular, before the dead or dying.

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When we meet a forgetful person, we immediately remember catchphrase"girl's memory" It has been familiar to us since childhood, so almost no one has ever thought about how the phraseological unit “maiden memory” appeared in the language. Many people do not even suspect that it can be used in different situations.

Most often, the expression “girl memory” is still used to describe extremely forgetful and frivolous people. This definition is more likely negative color, since it reports that a person has absolutely nothing stored in his memory. In addition, this indicates his absent-mindedness. It is impossible to rely on people with a girlish memory, and they are wary of being trusted with serious matters.

The phraseology “girl memory” began to be used in ancient times in relation to girls who too quickly forgot the vows given to their previous lovers, switching to new hobbies. The expression was very fond of our great-great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers, which ensured it a strong place in the language. But since “short memory” is a fairly common phenomenon among men, the phrase began to be used in relation to the male sex. This led to a natural increase in her popularity.

Another version of the origin of the expression “girl’s memory” has practically nothing to do with poor memory, but rather with the emotionality of the fair sex. As a rule, girls, unlike adult women with families, are more free. This means that they do not bear such responsibility for their own thoughts, actions, words - that is, their memory.

Since girls are much more emotional than men, they often act based on emotions or mood, and they are forgiven for this in society. For example, if a lady’s mood changes sharply, she can easily forget about the promise made in her hearts or the words spoken. For representatives of the fair sex, the phraseology used in this context is not an insult, since it simply emphasizes their sensual side.

In addition, if we reason in this direction, we can come to the conclusion that bad and negative points they are also forgotten by girls faster, and this is already a positive characteristic. There are people who believe that this phraseological unit is only a shortened version of the proverb “A girl’s hair is long, but her mind and memory are short.”

These are the most popular versions of the origin of the phraseological unit “maiden memory”, each of which is rooted in the past. But there is no doubt that the expression will remain popular among modern people for a long time.

The expression “maiden memory” came to us from ancient times and means short memory. Those with maiden memories easily forgot their obligations to former lovers and easily found new ones.

Which people have a maiden memory?

By calling someone's memory maiden, people imply forgetfulness and frivolity of the owner. Maiden memory is characterized by people who do not remember their assurances and promises, who are unable to learn even from their own mistakes, who constantly step on the same rake. Those with a maiden memory are absent-minded, unreliable people whom others do not trust with important matters.

This phraseological unit has synonyms: “chicken memory”, “holey head”, “memoryless as a cuckoo” and so on. The main difference between these expressions and “girl memory” is that they do not have the characteristic negative connotations based on gender.

The expression so accurately reflected the behavior of flighty girls, and took root in the language for centuries.

But short memory and love of love are inherent not only to young representatives of the fair sex. Older women, and many men also, have a “girlish memory”. Therefore, phraseological units are used outside of age and gender boundaries.

Where does the expression “girl memory” come from?

In addition to the idea of ​​girls’ poor memory, there is a version that the expression acquired its negative meaning through a comparison of young women’s ability to remember with memory married women. Adults family women are more responsible for their words and actions than unmarried girls, everyday life, the health of household members are tied to them, and they are, by definition, more serious than those who are not burdened with a family.

Emphasizes phraseology and the emotional sphere - women more often show their emotions and, accordingly, more often speak “in their hearts” and do things that they later regret. In psychology, this phenomenon is called “repression,” when a person forgets his own inconvenient or unsightly words or actions.

But is such a memory so bad? After all, it characterizes, among other things, easy-going, unforgiving people.

Some philologists trace the etiology of the expression “girl’s memory” to the proverb “A girl’s hair is long, but her mind and memory are short.” But most researchers believe that the phraseological unit about a girl’s memory is more ancient and was formed as a result of the truncation of the proverb “the girl’s memory forgot the guy.”



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