Dream Interpretation: berries in a dream. Why do you dream of wild, forest, sour berries? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about berries?

Dreams that feature red berries are a signal that change is coming. Moreover, these changes, according to the dream books that decipher why such images are dreamed of, will not happen suddenly and imperceptibly - they will cause resonance and leave an indelible mark on the dreamer’s life. But whether it’s pleasant or not will be determined by the details of the dream seen in a dream.

Interpretations of sleep according to Miller

Perhaps the most ambiguous explanations for why red berries are dreamed of are given by Miller’s dream book. So, in his opinion, dreaming of berries can promise both unforeseen difficulties in business and an equally sudden end to this very business. Moreover, quite a successful ending!

For example, if you saw in a dream how you were eating cherries, then, according to Mr. Miller’s interpretations, you should be prepared to “shed tears.” But here comes a clarification: sour cherries are a harbinger of sadness, but sweet and juicy ones prophesy tears of happiness.

Berries that are frankly sour in reality, such as lemongrass or barberry, seemed sweet to you in a dream? Wait for the arrival of guests, most likely they will be distant relatives.

Strawberry is a sign of sensuality and passionate relationships

Freud's dream book predicts a craving for sexual pleasure for those who ate red strawberries in a dream. His opponent, Pastor David Loff, in his dream interpreter explains the meaning of a vision in which you eat strawberries - you will meet a person who will evoke in you emotions hitherto unknown to you.

Eating unripe strawberries is a sign of dissatisfaction. And if you dreamed about a rotten or wormy strawberry, then this means that your feelings are not as passionate as you want to show, explains the Gypsy interpreter.

Raspberries as a symbol of simplicity and love of life

A dream about raspberries speaks about a cheerful disposition and the ability to meet any circumstances halfway. If you see in a dream that you are picking red raspberries, then this means that you have exquisite taste and easily adapt to new conditions for you, says the Eastern Dream Book.

Why do you dream that you are picking raspberries that look larger than usual? waiting for you fun event, and a large-scale one, like a wedding, and it is possible that in your honor, dream books will please you.

And if you had to pick green berries, this means that you do not understand the meaning of what is happening to you at this time.

Cherry, or From love to hostility...

According to the dream book, cherry is a contradictory symbol. In the White Magician's dream book you will find the following interpretation: eating large ripe cherries in a dream is a sign of a new interesting acquaintance. Large but sour red cherries promise disappointment in love. And if you put a large ripe cherry in your mouth, but felt that it was rotten, then this promises you self-deception.

Why dream of picking large cherry clusters from a tree and making jam from them? This is a signal that you will be able to charm any person you like, the dream book pleases.

Why did you dream about Berries (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • You eat berries - this is a favorable sign that symbolizes well-being in material affairs. However, in all other cases, berries are a negative sign.
  • If you dreamed of red berries- this leads to tears.
  • White berries dream of an unpleasant celebration.
  • Seeing black berries is a sign of sadness.
  • If you harvest berries or share berries with other people, expect failure in personal and career matters.
  • Why dream of berries on a bush, especially unripe ones - the dream symbolizes dangerous life events in which you can lose vigilance and relax, not noticing the impending danger.
  • Dried berries are a sign of your greed, which will lead to quarrels with loved ones.

Why did Yagoda dream (Psychiatric dream book)

Associative thinking perceives image of berries in a dream as a strong human need for natural vitamins. If you had such a dream about berries, not everything is in order with your health. See a doctor to see the full picture.

Why do you dream about Berries (Romantic dream book)

From all the variety of berries, point out the events in personal life maybe only red currants. If you see these red berries, you will soon receive news from your loved one. It will be pleasant, and after studying it you will feel lightness and joy in your soul.

The meaning of a dream about Berries (Symbolic dream book)

The berries are symbolically “out of luck.” Eating or seeing a lot of berries (especially berries dark color), as practice shows, very often signals a person about future illnesses, exacerbations of chronic diseases and various painful sensations. The following associative anticipatory logic is possible: the patient needs natural vitamins. So sick wild In order to heal, the animal is looking for some herb or berry to eat in nature.

To dream about Yagoda, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

  • Dreamed berries symbolize the fruits of past labors or the consequences of pleasures.
  • Eating sweet berries in a dream is a sign of success.
  • If you dreamed of eating red berries, it portends financial success.
  • Picking berries in a dream means your efforts will be appreciated.

Seeing Berries Glade, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Picking berries in a dream symbolizes stupid chores and minor troubles.
  • You dream of green, unripe berries; the dream symbolizes imbalance and impatience in matters in which this is unacceptable.
  • You ate berries in a dream - foretells that pleasure awaits you in the near future.
  • If you dreamed about wormy berries, it means that there is a person in your environment who wishes you harm.
  • Selling a berry harvest in a dream means troubles related to money.

Features of a dream about Jam (according to the Culinary Dream Book)

  • Eating wine berries is a joy.
  • Seeing a lot of berries and walking on them- winning a victory over the enemy, whatever it may be, this is how what you are dreaming about is deciphered.
  • Dreaming of dried or boiled berries means well-being and success in your undertaking.
  • Why do you dream of red berries - tears?
  • You saw a growing berry, the dream predicts a new relationship for you, which you will be very happy about. You will be surprised and pleasantly pleased by the intimate side of your new romance.
  • Harvesting berries means experiencing the joy that your new sexual partner shares your passions.

Berries according to O. Adaskina’s dream book

  • you collect garden berries - successful completion of business awaits you. The results will please you beyond words.
  • Why do you dream about collecting? wild berries- be prepared for fate to bestow its bounties on you. You will have a unique chance to dramatically change your life. This is an interpretation of what berries mean in dreams.
  • If in a dream you make berry jam This means that you are trying with all your might to warm up the feelings of your chosen one that have begun to cool down.

Dream interpretation of picking berries

The berry is a very ambiguous symbol. It is quite exciting, often incomprehensible. Birth comes from a flower - a beautiful and promising creation of nature, which promises delight, anticipation of unknown sensations, and moments of aesthetic bliss.

Classic symbols of tears

The berry, due to its peculiar shape, reminiscent of a tear, is traditionally interpreted in dreams as their harbinger. Just as the reasons why we shed tears are different, so is the message of each berry. Let's see what the soothsayers will tell us about this.

Berry picking according to classical soothsayers

It cannot be stated unequivocally that this delicacy in a dream promises tears and sadness, as mentioned above due to its similar shape. After all, the round shape imitates the sun.

Therefore, interpretations of dreams where delicacies were collected can be both positive and negative.

Miller's Dream Book

A dream where you came to the forest to pick berries and found a clearing in which there is an abundance of them is a guarantee of improved affairs. In case of illness of the dreamer - recovery.

Picking berries in a dream

Seeing fruits being collected in a deep container, knowing that they can be choked, foreshadows misfortunes that will result in the dreamer’s good-hearted intentions.

The dream book indicates that collecting unripe delicacies in the forest is a call not to run ahead of the locomotive, not to rush things. This will not speed up the progress of the project, but will only introduce chaos.

Freud's Dream Book

A skilled expert in the field of psychoanalysis considered the berries to be symbolic signs of the bulges of a woman’s figure. Therefore, their collection is associated with sexual intercourse.

If you don't find anything during the collection, it means your partner has lost interest in you.

The berries are ripe

The interpretation of such a phenomenon as the collection of juicy fruits sometimes has negative forecasts. This is facilitated by the detail associated with the purpose of picking berries.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A dream where I happened to see how they picked berries on personal plot, promises favor of fate towards the dreamer.

If the purpose of the collection was to make jam or prepare wine, then there was an opportunity for the successful implementation of all undertakings.

If you have not decided on a goal, difficulties are in store for you. You are not confident in your intuition and are afraid to take a step towards your destiny.

Noble dream book of Grishina

Picking berries with your own hands

A follower of her ancestors, in compiling dream interpreters, claims that picking these fruits in a dream is to personally create a reason for frustration and tears.

Danilova's erotic dream book

A dream where you picked berries for a romantic dinner indicates that your new betrothed shares your likes and passions.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

The white magician believes that dreams where you see the process of picking berries are very significant. He can warn you about a lot of things and suggest a plan of action.

Picking blackberries in a dream is a call not to do everything indiscriminately, in order to save time and effort. Moreover, even failures do not convince you that they occurred because of your haste and desire to do everything at once.

A dream in which you picked gooseberries and pricked yourself with a thorn is evidence that you take to heart the words spoken by the people around you. You react to every comment, sometimes thrown thoughtlessly, trying to change. But you only lose your individuality.

If you picked mushrooms along with berries, then you will achieve success in several areas of your activity.

Interpretations of opposite meanings

As mentioned above, the berry is a symbolic sign of tears, but also of the sun overnight. Their taste and maturity are different.

Why do you dream about picking tasty fruits?

Tears are different. A person pours them out of sadness and resentment, sometimes out of joy. It happens that we may shed tears from a heart-tugging feeling. In a moment when the soul is filled with the light of memories, comprehension of what has been lived. And sometimes - tears of empathy, tenderness, and also from laughter. So different berries have their own message, their own meaning, their own significance.

Berry varieties

Receive grapes as a gift

Grapes that someone else cut and treated you to means the willingness of some close friend to serve and sacrifice something for you.

Why do you dream that you are picking one berry from a strawberry bush? This is evidence that the dreamer is prone to monogamous relationships. He will be faithful to his partner or spouse all his life.

Why do you dream that you have picked a lot of strawberries? This indicates your promiscuity in choosing a sex partner.. Are you attracted to love games, for you does not have of great importance partner's personality.

If you happen to pick strawberries for a bouquet, then this promises frank desires for you by the one for whom the bouquet was intended in a dream.

Cherry picking promises physical intimacy with a person you have long sought.

A dream where you had to see how raspberries were picked foreshadows suffering due to the loss of newly acquired success. Perhaps you were unable to hold it in your hands due to loss of vigilance from joy. You need to understand that competitors are not ignorant people, and they are not asleep either.

Why pick strawberries in the forest in a dream? This is a guarantee that the goal will be achieved, and success will be your constant companion.

If you happened to pick black strawberry fruits, then this indicates the need for painstaking and persistent work before it is adequately rewarded.

Picking strawberries

A dream where they collected strawberries on their farm garden plot, indicates your indecisiveness regarding business and matters of the heart.

Berry qualities

Why do you have a dream where you found a huge clearing in the forest in which unfamiliar and black berry fruits grew, and you began to pick them?

This is an omen of the wrong direction in finding your way. Or the wrong choice of a partner whom you do not know at all, despite a sufficient period of acquaintance. He doesn't show his fake self.

Seeing the picking of sour berries in a dream is a disappointment in those things that were previously interesting. This is associated with the dreamer’s inconsistency in his hobbies. He cannot decide what to give preference to.

Sweet fruits dream of sensual and passionate pleasures. Bitter ones can either promise tears, or sometimes prophesy good health to the dreamer.

Interesting stories

Everyone loves to eat berries. To do this, they go to the market to buy delicacies or collect summer cottage. And sometimes dreams are drawn to us non-standard options getting what you want. Why do you dream about picking berries?

  • in someone else's garden;
  • at the top of the tree;
  • different sizes;
  • among which mushrooms grew?

Seeing berries being picked in a neighboring yard suggests that you are in need of new experiences. It is possible that you have been depressed for a long time. Be more open, try to communicate more with friends, do not withdraw into yourself.

Picking berries on a tree

Why do you dream about a plot where fruits grew on a tree, at its very top, and you tried to pick them, which you masterfully succeeded in doing? This means that you are persistent in achieving your goal. The reward will be worthy.

Why do you dream about a plot where you picked mushrooms and berries in the forest? The large ones were eaten immediately, and the small ones were put on mushrooms in a basket. This indicates the dreamer's ambition. He is arrogant towards others. To achieve your goals and desire even more, you do not consider the interests of others.

Seeing black fruits in a dream, among which you are trying to find and pick juicy, large red ones, means the dreamer’s attempts to solve financial problems in production.

Things are not going well because there is little need for the product being sold that your company produces.

Do you dream of stories where you planned to pick mushrooms, but, not finding them at the edge of the forest, you collected a basket full of berries? This is a sign of useless troubles that will take up the sleeper’s precious time.

Mushroom dreams are often associated with harbingers of poisoning. But what does the dream promise us about where they were collected?

  • Edible mushrooms promise good and stable profits.
  • Toadstools and fly agarics, black and rotten - these are uncertain or rash actions.
  • Mushrooms found in prohibited places are the personification of gossip.
  • A clearing with cut mushrooms indicates the sleeper’s incorrigible slowness in business matters.

Walking through the forest, picking mushrooms or berries - the dream foreshadows good income, only if the mushroom berries were not poisonous.

Imagine returning home from the forest with baskets full of mushrooms and berries. All of them are edible.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Berries

Picking wild berries in a dream foreshadows a fun time with new friends. Harvesting berries in the garden - in reality, you will meet a person who will bring a lot of new and unusual things into your life.

Red berries in a dream indicate that you will be disappointed with someone in whom you expected to meet a person with a selfless and sympathetic soul. Black berries are a sign of misunderstandings due to excessive and unfounded jealousy.

If in a dream you are preparing jam from berries, it means that in reality you will long journey, associated with many hardships and inconveniences. Wine or berry liqueur foreshadows a difference of opinion with a loved one and, as a result, a cooling of love feelings leading to mutual dissatisfaction and disappointment.

Interpretation of dreams from

In dreams, a person receives various clues from the subconscious, which can relate to both the present and the future. To find out important information it is necessary to remember the main details of the plot and the tested ones. All this will allow you to put together a complete picture.

Why do you dream about red berries?

Finding yourself in a clearing strewn with such fruits is a symbol of the fact that happiness and stability will soon come in business. For a sick person, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery. Seeing sour red berries in a dream means you should prepare for serious disappointments. For a young representative of the fair sex, a dream where she made jam from red berries predicts the emergence of problems in a relationship with a loved one, which will be associated with his cooling down. One of the dream books contains information according to which a dream about a red berry is a symbol of good health and joy.

Picking red berries in a dream means that there will be complete harmony and happiness in your personal life. It could also be a sign of new sexual relations. For a man, such a dream may mean receiving a reward for the work done. Night vision, where I had to collect wild berries, is positive sign, which promises a chance to radically change life in better side. If you crush fruits in a dream, this is a warning about unexpected obstacles. Eating red berries in a dream means you can expect a passionate relationship ahead. Such night vision can also symbolize strong emotional stress. Ripe wine berries are a harbinger of achieving your goals, which will give you many joyful events.

Why do you dream of a delicious red berry?

Tasty, ripe, juicy berries indicate opening tempting prospects. If you eat delicious fruits, it means you will be satisfied with your relationship with your loved one and life in general.



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