How to navigate the building in English. How to navigate the city in English: a simple phrasebook. VIII. Improving vocabulary skills


Listen, repeat and memorize.

Listen, repeat, memorize.


be (where?)

Where is… located?

Where is...?

Tell me, please, where… is located?

Please tell me where is...?

Can you, please, tell me where… is located?

Can you tell me where... is?

… is located on Lesnaya street, on Kutuzovsky prospect

...located on Lesnaya Street, Kutuzovsky Prospekt

near, near by, next to


on the left / on the right

left / right

to the left / to the right

left / right



bus stop,

tram stop, trolleybus stop

tram, trolleybus

metro station

taxi rank

go, go

go by bus

by tram

by trolleybus

by car

Where are you going?

Where are you going?

Where are you going?


to make a transfer

do / make a transplant

to exit, to get out

go out / go out

Are you getting out?

(at the next stop)?

Are you leaving now?

Yes, I'm getting out.

Yes, I'm going out.

No, I'm not getting out.

No, I'm not going out.

How can I get to…?

How to get to...?

How to get to…?

Tell me, please, how to get to...?

Please tell me how to get to...? / How to get to…?

Can you, please, tell me how to get to…?

Can you tell me how to get to...? / How to get to…?

Sorry, I don't know.

Sorry, I don't know.

you need to go…

need to go... need to go...

you can go... you can go...

How many stops (stations)

How many stops (stations) are needed?

are needed to get to…?

go to...?








exhibit, exhibition


Grammar comment

1. Verb to go has the meaning “to go, walk” and “to go, ride”, i.e. it can denote movement both on foot and in transport, while the verb to walk(“go, walk”) denotes only movement on foot.

For example:

Go! Go!

Don't run walk!

Don't run, but go!

Where are you going?

Where are you going are you coming? Where are you going are you going?

2. The meaning of Russian adverbs Here And over there usually expressed in English by a combination of words here(“here”) and there(“there”) with verb to be: adverb Here matches the combination Here is... (Here are...), and the adverb over there matches the combination There is... (There are...).

For example:

Here is your book.

Here's your book.

There is John.


Here are your glasses.

Here are your glasses.

There are his brothers.

There are his brothers.

However, sometimes the adverb Here translated into English by combination not with here, and with there, as, for example, in this mini-dialogue from this lesson:

– No, it’s not far. There it is.

- No, not far. Here she is.


Listen and read aloud the dialogues below.

Listen and read the dialogues below aloud.

– Tell me, please, where is the Kremlin located?

– Tell me, please, where is the Kremlin?

– The Kremlin is located in the center of Moscow.

– The Kremlin is located in the center of Moscow.

- Thank you.

– Excuse me, can you, please, tell me where the hotel “Marriott” is located?

– Excuse me, can you tell me where the Marriott Hotel is located?

– The hotel “Marriott” is located on Tverskaya street.

– The Marriott Hotel is located on Tverskaya Street.

- Thank you.

– Excuse me, do you know where the store “Biblio-Globus” is located?

- Excuse me, do you know where the Biblio-Globus store is located?

– “Biblio-Globus” is located on Miasnitskaya street.

– “Biblio-Globus” is located on Myasnitskaya Street.

– And how do you get to Miasnitskaya street?

– How to get to Myasnitskaya Street?

– You need to go by metro to station “Lubianka”.

– You need to take the metro to the Lubyanka station.

– Tell me, please, how do you get to MSU?

– Tell me, please, how to get to Moscow State University?

– You need to go by metro to the station “University”, and then it’s a 10-minute walk.

– You need to take the metro to the “University” station, and then walk 10 minutes.

– Tell me, please, how do you get to the “Et Cetera” Theater?

– Please tell me how to get to the Et Cetera theater?

– On the trolleybus.

- By trolleybus.

– And where is the trolleybus stop? Is it far?

– Where is the trolleybus stop? Far?

– No, it’s not far. There it is.

- No, not far. Here she is.

– Do you know where the metro is?

– Do you know where the metro is?

– Go straight ahead, then to the left.

– Go straight, then left.

- Is it far?

– No, it’s close. About 100 meters.

- No, it’s close, about 100 meters.

– Do you know how to get to the British Embassy?

– You don’t know how to get to the British embassy?

– You can get there by foot. It's near. Go straight, and then to the right.

- You can walk there. It's nearby. Go straight, then right.

– Tell me, please, how do you get to the hotel “National”?

– Tell me how to get to the National Hotel?

– You need to go by metro to station “Komsomolskaya” and then make a transfer and go to station “Okhotny riad”. There, you will exit. The hotel “National” is opposite the metro.

– You need to take the metro to the Komsomolskaya station, then change and get to the Okhotny Ryad metro station. There you go out. Hotel "National" opposite the metro station.

– Sasha, do you know where the store “Global USA” is located?

– Sasha, do you know where the Global USA store is?

– Yes. It’s on Leningradsky prospect.

- I know. On Leningradsky Prospekt.

– And how do you get to Leningradsky prospect?

– How to get to Leningradsky Prospekt?

– You need to go by metro to station “Sokol” and then it’s 5 minutes on foot. Or, you can go 4 stops on the trolleybus.

– You need to go to the Sokol metro station, and then you need to walk to the store for about 5 minutes. Or you can take a trolleybus 4 stops.

– Sveta, where do you live?

- Sveta, where do you live?

– I live on Lesnaya street.

– I live on Lesnaya Street.

– And the metro is nearby?

– Is there a metro nearby?

– Yes, metro “Belorusskaya” is nearby.

- Yes, near the Belorusskaya metro station.

– Is it a major street?

– Is this a big street?

– Yes, it’s a major street.

- Yes, this is a big street.

– Can you get to Lesnaya street only by metro?

– Is it possible to get to Lesnaya Street only by metro?

– No, you can take the trolleybus number 12.

– No, you can get there by trolleybus No. 12.

– Excuse me, do you know how to get to the American Embassy?

– Excuse me, do you know how to get to the American embassy?

– I’m sorry, I don’t know.

- Sorry, I don't know.

– Kim, do you know where the restaurant “Savoy” is located?

– Kim, do you know where the Savoy restaurant is?

– I’m sorry, I don’t know.

- Sorry, I don't know.

– Are you getting out now?

-Are you leaving now?

– Yes, I’m getting out.

- Yes, I'm going out.

– Excuse me, are you getting out now?

- Excuse me, are you leaving now?

– No, I’m not getting out.

- No, I’m not going out.

– Can you tell me what metro station this is?

– Tell me, what metro station is this?

– It’s “Kievskaya”.

- This is Kyiv.

– And how do you get to “Baumanskaya”?

– How to get to “Baumanskaya”?

– You need to go to station “Kurskaya” and there make a transfer, and then go to station “Baumanskaya”.

– You need to go to the Kurskaya station, change trains there, and then go to the Baumanskaya station.

- Thank you.

– Lena, how long does it take you to get to work?

– Lena, how many minutes does it take you to get to work?

– It takes 30 minutes.

– I drive 30 minutes to work.

– And where do you work?

-Where do you work?

– I work on Kutuzovsky prospect, and live on the Garden Ring road.

– I work on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, and live on the Garden Ring.

– Do you go by metro?

-Are you going by metro?

– Yes, by metro, and then a short walk.

– Yes, I take the metro and walk a little more.

– Tell me, please, how do you get to the movie theater “Leningrad”?

– Tell me, how to get to the Leningrad cinema?

– You need to go straight, then left, then right.

– You need to go straight, then left, then right.

- Is it far?

– Yes. It’s better to go by trolleybus 3 stops.

- Yes, far away. It is better to take a trolleybus 3 stops.

– Penny, have you been to the Bolshoi Theater?

– Penny, have you been to the Bolshoi Theater?

– Yes. And you?

- Was. And you?

– I haven’t, but I know that the Bolshoi Theater is located in central Moscow.

– I haven’t been, but I know that the Bolshoi Theater is located in the center of Moscow.

– It’s located in Theater Square. The Maly Theater and the Russian Youth Academic Theater are also located there.

– It is located on Theater Square. There is also the Maly Theater and the Russian Academic Youth Theater.

– And how do you get to Theater Square?

– How to get to Teatralnaya Square?

– You need to go to station “Teatralnaya”. The theater is opposite the metro.

– You need to go to the Teatralnaya metro station. Theater opposite the metro.

– Tom, is Chicago your native city?

– Tom, is Chicago your hometown?

– No, my native city is Boston. But I am now studying and living in Moscow.

– No, my hometown is Boston. But now I live and study in Moscow.

– Do you live in a dormitory?

– Do you live in a dormitory?

– And where is it located?

-Where is it located?

– The dormitory is located on Lomonosovsky prospect.

– The hostel is located on Lomonosovsky Prospekt.

– Do you get to the dorm by metro?

– Are you going to the hostel by metro?

– Yes, it’s better to go by metro to station “University”, but you can also go by trolleybus.

– Yes, it’s better to take the metro to the University station, but you can also take a trolleybus.

– How long does it take you to get to the university?

– How many minutes does it take you to get to the university?

– About 15–20 minutes.

– 15–20 minutes.

– Let's get acquainted. My name is Steve. I'm American.

- Let's get acquainted. My name is Steve. I'm American.

– My name is Dasha. I am Russian.

- And my name is Dasha. I'm Russian.

– Dasha, do you work or study?

– Dasha, do you work or study?

– I study at the university.

– I study at the university.

– What university?

- Which university?

– The medical university. And you?

- In medical. What about you?

– I work at an American firm. I am a lawyer. And where is your university located?

– I work for an American company. I'm a lawyer. Where is your university located?

– It is on Bolshaya Pirogovskaya street. And the dormitory is nearby. You can walk to the university. And where do you live?

- On Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street. And the hostel is nearby. The university can be reached on foot. Where do you live?

– I live on Ostoghenka street. I get to work by car.

– I live on Ostozhenka Street. I go to work by car.



1) Complete the sentences.

I live on ____________________.

Red Square is located ____________________.

The metro ____________________.

The bus stop ____________________.

The American Embassy ____________________.

You need to go ____________________.

Tell me please, how do you get ____________________?

Do you know where ____________________?

Do you know how to get ____________________?

2) Instead of dots, insert the necessary words from Lesson 8.

… to the New Arbat?… to station “Arbatskaya”?… is located on Tverskaya street. The hotel “Cosmos”... on Prospect Mira... is opposite the metro... a major street?... trolleybus number 12... how to get to the American Embassy?... on Leningradskiy prospect and... on the Garden Ring road. -… by metro? – Yes, by metro and... It is better to go... You need to go straight, then..., then... -... far? - No,...

3) Translate into English.

a) My name is Marina. I'm a secretary, I work in a company. I live on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Near the metro station "Kutuzovskaya". Our company is located on the Garden Ring. Near the metro station "Krasnopresnenskaya". I go to work by metro. First to the Kievskaya metro station, there I change trains and go to the Krasnopresnenskaya metro station. Then I walk a little.

b) My name is Andrey. I am a student, I study at Moscow State University. Now I live in Moscow, in a hostel. The hostel is located on Vernadsky Avenue. You can get to the university by metro - one station - or by trolleybus, several stops. And walk for 10-15 minutes. And this is my friend Andrew. He's American. Now he is also studying at Moscow State University. He lives on Lomonosovsky Prospekt. During the day we study, and in the evening we go to the movies, cafes, and restaurants.

4) Take a map of Moscow and ask each other where theaters, museums, etc. are located, and how to get there (Take a map of Moscow (or your city) and ask each other where theaters, museums, etc. are located and how to get there or get there).

5) Ask your partner where he (she) lives, how he (she) gets to the institute or to work (Ask your friend / girlfriend (or colleague):

a) where he (she) lives;

b) how he (she) gets to the place of study or work).

1. Fill in the answers.

1) – How long does it take you to get to work? _________________________

2) – Excuse me, do you know where the metro is? _________________________

3) – How can I get to Red Square? _________________________

4) – Are you getting out now? _________________________

5) – Is it far? _________________________

6) – How do you get to the hotel “Cosmos”? _________________________

7) – Can you get to Mokhovaya street only by metro? _________________________

8) – How do you get to the movie theater “Oktyabr”? _________________________

9) – Where is your embassy located? _________________________

10) – Do you get to the dorm by metro? _________________________

2. Fill in the questions.

1) ____________________ – Go straight ahead, then to the left.

2) ____________________ – No, it’s not far.

3) ____________________ – I live on Chasovaya street.

4) ____________________ – You need to go by tram 3 stops.

5) ____________________ – No, I’m not getting out.

6) ____________________ – You need to go by metro to station “Mayakovskaya”.

7) ____________________ – About 5-10 minutes.

8) ____________________ – I’m sorry, I don’t know.

9) ____________________ – The hotel “Marriott” is located on Tverskaya street.

10) __________________ – Yes, it’s better to go by metro, but you can also go by trolleybus.

3. Make up dialogues similar to those of Lesson 8.

Have you often gotten lost on the streets of an unfamiliar city abroad in your life? Or maybe you were asked in English how to get to such and such an address, but you didn’t know what to answer? Let's fix this once and for all invalid error and learn how to correctly ask for directions on, and also learn how to prompt other people who find themselves in a difficult situation.

Everyone who has ever traveled has probably tried to ask for directions in English. However, not everyone knows how to ask for directions in order to be fully understood by foreigners. In addition, when we are suddenly asked in English how to get somewhere, it is also not always possible to remember the right words. However, it's all about a few phrases that you just need to remember.

The picture shows the main directions of movement with translation:

Go straight on until you come to a crossroads. - Go straight to the intersection.

Turn left into Gordon Street. - Turn left onto Gordon Street.

Take the next left. - The next turn is left.

Take the second road on the left . - On the second road, turn left (second lane).

Turn right at the traffic lights. - Turn right at the traffic light.

It's opposite the church. - It's opposite the church.

It's next to the bank. - It's next to the bank.

It's between the school and the shop. - It's between the school and the store.

It's at the end of the road. - It's at the end of the road.

It’s on the corner of Market Street and Baker Street. - It's on the corner of Market and Baker Streets.

It's just behind this building. - It's behind this building.

It's in front of the school. - It's in front of the school.

It's just around the corner. - It's around the corner here.

It's on the left/right. — It (is) on the left/right.

It's around the corner.- It's around the corner.

It is better if you take a taxi. - It's better to take a taxi.

It's 500 meters from here. — It's 500 meters from here.

Bank Street is parallel with this street. - Bank Street is parallel to this street.

Penny Street is perpendicular to this street. - Penny Street is perpendicular to this street.

It's four blocks down the street on this side of the road. - It's four blocks down this side of the street.

Turn right at the roundabout. - Turn right at the road roundabout.

Asking for directions: useful expressions

Use these template phrases to ask for directions in an unfamiliar place:

I'm trying to get to the museum. - I'm trying to get to the museum (I need to find my way to the museum).

Do you know where the post office is? - Do you know where the post office is?

What’s the best way to get to the train station? - What is the best way to get to the railway station?

Can you give me directions to the nearest bus stop? — Can you indicate the direction to the nearest bus stop?

How do I get to the train station? — How to get to the railway station?

Where can I find the nearest bakery? — Where can I find the nearest bakery?

How can I get to the bank? — How to get to the bank?

Where is the hospital? —Where (is) the hospital?

Don't forget to be polite:

Exuse me, how can I go to the library? - Excuse me, how do I get to the library?

Exuse me, is there a supermarket near here? — Excuse me, is there a supermarket somewhere nearby?

Pardon me, I’m lost, how do I get to the library? - Sorry, I'm lost, how do I get to the library?

Could you, please, tell me how to get to the computer store? — Could you tell me how to get to the computer store?

Dialogue on the topic

If the presented material seems insufficient to you, I suggest moving on to a dialogue on the topic of orientation in English. Here you will find many additional phrases about how to ask for directions or help someone by indicating the direction of travel.

Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the following words: east, bank, school, roundabout, third, church

The dialogue is quite interesting and simple, so try to translate it yourself. Moreover, you received enough tips in this lesson, so you can use them when translating.

Lenny: Excuse me, I’m trying to find a pub called the Cock & Bull. Could you point me in the right direction?

George: Ah... the Cock & Bull. I know it well. Excellent pub.

Lenny: Oh, great. I’m new to the city and I’m supposed to meet a friend there, but I haven’t got a clue where I am.

George: Right. Go straight ahead. Then, take the (1) _______ road on your left. That's Queen Street. Follow it until you pass a (2) ________, and then… No, hang on. That's not right.

Lenny: Oh, I can ask someone else if you’re not sure.

George: No, no. I know London like the back of my hand... OK. Ignore everything I just said. From here, you want to get onto Charles Street, which is parallel to this street. Then walk (3) _____________ about 500 meters until you see an old (4) _______. Turn right at the church and… Wait a minute…

Lenny: I’ve got a map here…

George: I don't need a map. I've lived here all my life. And the Cock & Bull isn’t far. Excellent pub, by the way. They do a fantastic steak and kidney pie… Or was it steak and mushroom? Anyway. Go about four hundred meters that way and when you get to a (5)____________, hang a left. Walk for another two minutes and you’ll see a (5)_________ on the opposite side of the road. The pub is just next to the bank. You can't miss it.

Lenny: Great! Thank you!

George: No, hold on… That’s where the pub used to be. It moved 15 years ago.

Lenny: Maybe I should ask someone else.

George: No, no, I’m your man. I practically live at the Bear & Bull.

Lenny: You mean the Cock & Bull.

George: No, the Bear & Bull.

Lenny: I'm trying to get to the Cock & Bull.

George: The Cock & Bull? No idea! Never heard of it! Goodbye!

This is how dialogues in our lives can take place in such a funny way. In any case, this dialogue has shown us how to give directions to English V real life, and also how to ask passers-by for directions. As you can see, passersby cannot always help, so you need to be more patient and not despair.

Academic subject: English language

Teacher : Biktimirova Zulfiya Mukhametovna

Class: 6

Lesson topic : Orientation in the city

Lesson type : a lesson in systematization and generalization of acquired knowledge

Teaching approach: system-activity, differentiated, communicative-oriented learning

Technologies used:

Technology of individualization of learning (helps to implement a person-centered approach, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of students).

Technology of communicative learning (communication: communication, information processing)

Collaborative learning technology (implements the idea of ​​mutual learning, exercising both individual and collective responsibility for solving educational problems)

Technology for developing critical thinking

Health saving technology

Application of ICT

Lesson educational resources: basic : textbook, computer, projector, presentation, drawing of a rose for phonetic exercises; additional: didactic handout.(cards-schemes of the city, cards for independent work, assessment sheets, handouts for dialogue)

Objective of the lesson: Formation of communicative competence within the framework of the topic “Orientation in the city”

Lesson objectives:


Improve lexical speaking skills, namely the ability to conduct an etiquette dialogue: politely ask how to find the way in an unfamiliar place and how to explain the way;

Improve the ability to describe a route using the necessary vocabulary and a city map;

Intensify the use of lexical units on the topic “Ask for directions”

Remember the names of previously studied London attractions: the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, the Natural History Museum;


Formation of readiness to comprehend the sociocultural characteristics of the country of the language being studied;

Cultural enrichment due to new information about the culture of the country of the language being studied


Development of language abilities and sustainable interest in learning English;

Development of imagination, the ability to guess, distribute and switch attention, to compare and contrast;

Development of the ability to combine and transform speech units, the ability to carry out productive speech actions


Development and education in schoolchildren of an understanding of the importance of learning a foreign language in modern world and the need to use it as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation;

Developing communicative speech tact and sociability in communicating with peers and adults;

Formation of the need and ability for cooperation and mutual assistance when working in pairs and groups;

Fostering activity in solving communicative and cognitive-search tasks

Planned results




Acceptance and mastery social role the student, the development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

Developing skills to collaborate with peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations;

Awareness of a foreign language as a means of international intercultural communication, bringing people together, ensuring friendly contacts and business interaction;

mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation;

Mastering ways to solve search problems;

Formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

Mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

Mastering the skills of semantic reading of text in accordance with goals and objectives; consciously construct a speech utterance in accordance with the objectives of communication and compose texts in oral and written forms;

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

Defining a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess one’s own behavior and the behavior of others;

Development of social skills of a schoolchild necessary for communication in a foreign language within the limits of his linguistic abilities.

Formation of language skills (phonetic, spelling, lexical) within the framework of the topic “How to navigate the city”;

Improving speaking skills through the practice of dialogic speech

Development of listening, reading, writing skills within the framework of the proposed topic.

Lesson progress

  1. Organizational stage

Good morning class! Nice to meet you. Sit down please.

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent today?

Today we have a very unusual lesson. And I hope you will like it. Try to work hard and be very attentive.

Are you ready to begin our lesson?

II.Motivational stage.

1. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Look at the slide (board). What are we going to talk about? We are going to walk around the town.

Motivation for learning activities students.

You see the dialogue. ………read it please. Imagine that you are going on a tour by bus around London.

Come here. I’ll be a conductor and you have to buy tickets on a bus.

Acting out a dialogue; instead of tickets, students receive evaluation sheets.

Look at your tickets and say what are we going to do at our lesson? For the next lesson we will take a test on the completed section, so what should we achieve by the end of the lesson?

Let's go!

Phonetic exercise

The first task is a game Snowball. We name words on a given topic, but before you say your word, you need to say everything that was said before you.

1st row - means of transport

2nd row - names of buildings

3rd row - sights of London

III. Speech warm-up

What's the English for How do I get from ... to .....?(How can I get from… to….?).

The next task is to ask your friend how can you get from your school to another place.

(work from pictures)

IV. Updating and consolidating existing knowledge

  1. We use more than just one phrase: How can I get…. What phrases and expressions do you know?

So your task is to match the questions with their answers. Work in pairs.

(Work in pairs on pieces of paper). Examination

For the next task you have to work in groups. The next task is a riddle. What do you see in this picture? You have 4 riddles. Read them, find the place on the picture and answer the questions. Work in groups.

  1. The next point isindividual work

Take a sheet of paper and find the task. You have to read the words and fill in the gaps.

Write down separately the letters that you inserted into the words. What happened? If you get the word……………………….. It means the task was completed correctly, if there are any errors, we will check everything together.

  1. Dynamic pause
  2. Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation
  1. The third point is……. Your task is to listen to the dialogue and correct the mistakes on your papers number...

(Listening to the dialogue 2 times, checking, comparing with the correct answer on the board)

  1. Also it will be pair work. Look at the pictures on your desks and make up the dialogues. You can use the words given below.

Making up dialogues, acting out dialogues.

Put the mark for speaking.

  1. Summing up

At the beginning of the lesson, we had the goal of repeating all the topics in the section so that we could easily complete the test for the next lesson. Have we achieved our goal? Have you repeated everything?

Now you can put total mark for the lesson.You know how to calculate the overall assessment. …… What is your mark? I would like you to pay attention to…….

  1. Homework.
  1. WB p 34 ex A- read, translate the dialogue, and answer the question,
  2. My route - route from home to school with description.
  1. Reflection.

Continue the phrase Now I can…. Now I know…….

The lesson is over. Good bye!

Navigate in unfamiliar city is definitely not easy, especially if you don't know foreign languages and did not learn English quickly (follow the link). But in fact, even knowledge of English at a beginner level can greatly help you on tourist trips and move freely around the city without a guide. In addition, you can always supplement your words with gestures, or sign up for conversational English courses!

You will need knowledge of prepositions - signs, the ability to ask questions about the location of objects of interest to you, as well as knowledge of the names of types of public transport and important symbols.

Let's look at popular words and expressions right now!

Prepositions to show directions

over there - over there.

There is a good cafe over there.

around here - somewhere here.

Is there any sushi place around here?

downtown - city center.

There are many night clubs downtown.

uptown - an area far from the center.

There are not many tourist attractions uptown.

far from here - far from here.

It's not far from here.

in front of the _______ - opposite ______.

There is a Starbucks in front of the train station.

next to the ___________ - next to ____.

The Zara shop is next to the H&M shop.

round the corner - around the corner.

There is a nice restaurant round the corner.

on the corner of __ and __ - on the corner of ___ and ___.

You will see an AT&T store o n the corner of 5 th Avenue and 2nd Street.

on the right side of the road - on the right side of the road.

You will see a green sign on the right side of the road.

on your right - to your right.

The Costa Coffee will be on your right.

on 5 th Avenue - on Fifth Avenue.

There are many souvenir shops on 5th Avenue.

at the crossroads - at the crossroads.

Take a left at the crossroads.

The Madame Tussauds is further down this street.

opposite / across from _______ – across the road from _____.

The shopping mall is opposite the park.

between __ and __ - between ___ and ____.

The police station is between the fire station and the hospital.


go straight ahead - go straight all the time

take a left - turn left

take the second left - (take) the second left turn

go two blocks - walk two blocks

cross the street - go to the other side of the street

go along - keep going

go to the end of the road - get to the end of the road

go past - pass by

turn round the corner - turn around the corner

go through - go through

turn right into 5th Avenue - turn straight onto 5th Avenue


  • You are at the tennis court. Go past the University, cross 1 st Street, go two blocks, take a left and go past the pharmacy. Where are you?
  • You are at the museum. Go along 3 rd Street till the fire station, turn round the corner. What do you see?
  • You are at the stadium. Cross 2nd Avenue, go past the café and the department store to the end of the block, then turn left and cross the street. Where are you?
  • You are at the opera house. Go along 3rd Street, take the second left, go through the park, then turn right and cross the street. Where are you?

Ways to ask (how to ask for directions):

  • Where is the nearest bus stop?
  • Excuse me. How do I get to the train station from here, please?
  • Can you tell me how to get there?
  • Excuse me. Is there a bank around here?

Public transport

Bus - Bus

Bus stop - Bus stop

Subway station/ Tube/Underground - metro

Cab/taxi - taxi

Train - train

Fair - tariff, fee

Ride - trip

Ticket - ticket

On time - On time

Expected - Expected arrival

Delayed - Delayed

Canceled - Canceled

Priority seat - Special place (for pregnant women, elderly, disabled people)


  • Excuse me, how do I get downtown, please?
  • You can take a bus or the subway. Subway will be faster because the traffic is bad at this time of the day.
  • What is the number of the bus that goes downtown?
  • You can take any bus. They all run in that direction.
  • How can I get to the nearest Western Union office, please?
  • Where's the nearest subway station, please?
  • (In a taxi) Hello! I need to go downtown.
  • I'm sorry. I'm not on duty.
  • Please help me out. I'm so late. I’ll pay you a double fee.
  • Get in.
  • What's your charge?
  • That will be around $20.

BONUS: How to rent a car in the USA

Renting a car during your trip can be very convenient - you will be able to move around freely and save money on taxis.

We give advice on car rental in the USA based on our personal experience!)

  • Renters and prices. You can rent a car at any airport. Such car rental services can be found under the sign CAR RENT or at counters with the names of rental agencies: Hertz, Avis, Enterprise, etc. It is impossible to say which company is better as each has both positive and negative reviews. Prices also vary from region to region, in addition to the fact that rental services run various promotions on an ongoing basis, so the best deal can be found by spending some time online.
  • Types of machines. Almost all cars in the United States are equipped with an automatic transmission and air conditioning. Typically, models are not discussed; the price is affected only by the class of the car: Economy / Standard / Premium / Luxury / Minivan / SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) / convertible.
  • Receiving a car. Upon receipt of the car, an advance payment plus 25-30% “in reserve” is debited from the card - the final payment is made upon delivery of the car. If you are traveling with a child under 2 years old, check in advance that you will need a car seat for the child.
  • Insurance. If possible, try to take out insurance that covers as much as possible. Don't take the risk of driving a rental car without insurance: it could lead to huge unexpected expenses. CDW/LDW (collision/loss damage waiver) is an analogue of our CASCO insurance, it insures against theft and damage, it can be with or without a deductible, sometimes when renting a car with a gold category card and higher, such insurance is provided at the expense of the bank; SLI (supplemental liability insurance) - an analogue of our MTPL, liability to third parties; PAE/PPP (personal protect plan) - medical insurance for the driver and passengers, not needed if you have already purchased personal medical insurance. insurance before entering the States.
  • Petrol. If you need to refuel your car, then you go to a gas station and choose the type of gasoline: unleaded regular, unleaded plus (clean), premium gas (super clean). Gasoline is measured in gallons (3.79 liters). Gas stations accept credit cards, the sequence of actions is usually indicated on the board. When you pick up and drop off your car, the tank must be full. If you return your car with an incomplete tank, you will have to pay for the missing gasoline at rates several times higher than usual.
  • Documents. To rent a car in the States you will need a passport with a valid visa, a driver’s license (our “plastic” is enough, international licenses are not required) and a credit card (precisely a credit card, but since debit cards, issued in Russia, it is not indicated that they are debit, but you can remain silent about it...). The driver must be at least 25 years old (if so, you will have to pay a “young driver” fee of about $25).

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Good day, ladies and gentlemen! Today we are completing a series of audio lessons and articles that can be combined under the title “ Orientation in space", that is, "How to find out directions in English." In this audio lesson, you will learn to ask a lot of questions using the words “Where is it???” or “Where is it???” in English. This way you can correctly navigate the area and find the direction, building or establishment you need.

Orientation in space is a very useful skill, which, unfortunately, not everyone has developed, but fortunately, we have a language that will help us find out the direction from passers-by and successfully navigate the area using a map. Therefore, to communicate with English-speaking passers-by, you need to learn phrases with which you can find out where to go and where the hotel, zoo, cultural and historical monuments, embassies and others are located. administrative buildings cities.

Repeat all completed audio lessons on the topic “Orientation in space”:

And learn a new online audio lesson with basic phrases in English on the topic “Orientation” or “Direction”: /wp-content/uploads/2014/07/RUEN041.mp3 With this audio recording of the lesson, train your perception, pronunciation and get rid of your accent .

Finding your way around in English

Also carefully study the table with basic English expressions for local orientation. Read the translation into Russian if you do not understand the meaning of the phrase, but immediately memorize the speech patterns in English. This way you will achieve greater efficiency in learning English.

Orientation (Where is... ?)

English Russian
Where is the tourist information office? Where is the tourist office?
Do you have a city map for me? Do you have a city map for me?
Can one reserve a room here?Can I book a hotel room here?
Where is the old city?Where is the old city?
Where is the cathedral?Where is the cathedral?
Where is the museum?Where is the museum?
Where can one buy stamps?Where can you buy postage stamps?
Where can one buy flowers?Where can I buy flowers?
Where can one buy tickets?Where can I buy travel tickets?
Where is the harbor / harbor (am)? Where is the port?
Where is the market?Where is the market?
Where is the castle?Where is the castle?
When does the tour begin?When does the tour start?
When does the tour end?When does the tour end?
How long is the tour?How long is the excursion?
I would like a guide who speaks German I would like a guide who speaks German
I would like a guide who speaks Italian I would like a guide who speaks Italian
I would like a guide who speaks French I would like a guide who speaks French

If you are not sure that you are moving in the right direction or you realize that you are lost, then ask the locals for directions using the phrases that you learned during this audio lesson.

Explore all articles and listen to all 100 English lessons for beginners

I wish you a wonderful and interesting time! See you soon!



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