What are catchphrases? Catchphrases. Examples from works. Extraordinary lightness in thoughts

In our today's publication we will talk about popular expressions, aphorisms, proverbs and sayings as a heritage, if not more precisely, as an anthology left to us by wise people, our ancestors, who with love and care passed on and preserved that knowledge and philosophy of perception life itself. Proverbs and sayings seem to be forgotten in our school textbooks, but this is far from the case. They are a reflection of our life. So, let's take a closer look at what catchphrases are. They are regardless of the historical era or political situation, and, of course, this is not a tribute to fashion.

Ancient Rome

Before we present to your attention popular expressions and aphorisms, we note the following. The civilization of Ancient Rome left the world a huge legacy: parliament, church, prison, hospital, maternity hospitals became the pillars on which the world rests.

The Romans formed the structure on which modern society exists. The grains planted in the fertile soil of civilization gave rise to growth, and the huge branchy giant trees that grew in their place still bloom and bear fruit to this day. These services to humanity, as you can see, were not limited to a list of popular expressions in Latin. Of course, modifications have occurred, but the salt itself, the essence, has remained unchanged. And it is not surprising that popular expressions in Latin are still relevant today.

Meanings of Latin expressions

So, what are catchphrases? This stable phraseological units figurative in nature, which have entered everyday vocabulary from historical or literary sources, and have become widespread among the masses. The source of semantic expressions in Latin became myths, journalism and speeches of outstanding people of their era. A number of popular expressions of this kind have long lost contact with the original source, but are used in every period of history in relation to certain events.

A tuo lare incipe, as they said in Ancient Rome, or “start from your home.” Yes, these words were spoken many centuries ago, but they are still relevant and important today. Wise words, an axiom written down by life itself, words with which it is difficult to disagree, because everything begins with the person’s own home, where not only order and cleanliness should reign, but love, respect should flourish, and when everything is exactly like this in a person’s life, then he can give the world that light, that purity of soul and thought that he is.

Let's consider such a Latin catchphrase as imago animi vunus est, which means “the world is the mirror of the soul,” which seems to continue the idea of ​​the first expression. The world can be beautiful and at the same time it can become destructive and ominously cruel. How does this happen? The answer lies precisely in this expression; in other words, we can say: whatever the soul is, black or piercing white, then such will be the world. Correct actions will lead to good, cruel or thoughtless actions will lead to its ruin.

Manifestum non eget probatione. Let us translate this Latin catchphrase as “the obvious does not need proof.” Note that these irrefutable and certainly wise thoughts were formulated several thousand years ago!

So, let’s continue our list, which reveals the topic: “What are catchphrases?”

In angustiis amici apparent. Let us translate this expression as “friends are made in adversity.” You have heard this kind of expression more than once or twice and you know what it means. We learn the meaning of friendship literally from the first years of our lives. The next expression will also be devoted to the theme of friendship: Vitae sal - amicitia. Translated, this phrase means: “Friendship is the salt of life.” In this context, the word “salt” does not mean a food additive during the cooking process, but something important, located inside, in the center, which is the basis of the basics.

This expression can truly be safely attributed to catchphrases, thanks to the Soviet film “D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”, where the motto of the magnificent four “one for all and all for one” is the same Latin expression formulated in distant, distant times, unus pro omnibus omnespro uno.

Learn and conquer!

Knowledge is power, moreover, it is a well-known fact, which makes no sense to refute. Knowledge is exactly what makes us ourselves. In addition, we note that you should not stop there, because a person is designed in such a way that his skill, talent or some ability is formed, improved, polished only when he constantly works and studies. Only by receiving the fruits of his labor is he able to feel that indescribable feeling of pleasure, which is incomparable to anything, which makes him a person and will allow him to take his rightful place in this life.

So, let's continue the list of popular expressions in Latin: Veni, vidi, vici. “I came, I saw, I conquered.” What is not a motto for a young, purposeful person? Or this expression: Mens sana in corpore sano, which means “a healthy mind in a healthy body.” This expression has been the slogan and motto of competitions for more than one generation in our country, it has not lost all its relevance today, and we are not afraid to say that it will not lose it for many years to come.

There is another wonderful expression that I would like to remind the general public: Medicus curat, natura sanat, which means “the doctor heals, nature heals.” In this context, the meaning comes down to the following: the help provided by a doctor to a person will heal his body, and nature will complete this process comprehensively, that is in different ways, both the body and soul of a person, thanks to the sun, air and all favorable factors, will be completely healed.

The popular expressions in Latin are amazing and amazing to the core, and the fact that they have passed through millennia and have not lost that vital relevance evokes a deep sense of respect for those people who left us the “ABC” of life, allowing us to develop, and most importantly, to understand ours is not simple, but so amazing world: Utile dulci miscere - “combine business with pleasure.” And finally, it is still worth saying that “times change, and we change with them.” Or: Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis.

Aphorisms as world history

An aphorism is a complete, laconic thought that is easy to remember and has a deep meaning, it has an author and, of course, it is often repeated, sometimes from generation to generation, by people. Aphorisms are dedicated to every topic, every area of ​​activity, phenomena, professions, and relationships between people. From century to century, reading the aphorisms of people, politicians, philosophers, poets, musicians, you understand that, despite the inevitable changes in the very course of life, its very essence remains unchanged. So let's look at some examples.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov is a famous fabulist who, with his work, gave his descendants an incredible number of aphorisms and catchphrases. “You are gray, and I, my friend, am gray.” Just one line, but how much meaning there is in it! In other words, you can say this: “You are cunning and resourceful, but I, my friend, am wise, wisdom always prevails over deceit.” Or let’s give another aphorism as an example: “It’s better to let a sneaky person press a shoe on your foot than a hand.” Or here’s a rather memorable aphorism: “If they spit in your back, it means you are going ahead” (Confucius).

Proverbs and sayings

Proverbs and sayings occupy a special niche in our heritage, firstly, as we have already noted, this is the heritage, but of our native people, who are both the author and the bearer. Secondly, unlike Latin expressions and aphorisms that we can begin to understand once we reach, say, a certain age; proverbs and sayings simply permeate and permeate our fairy tales, cartoons, and poems.

That is, kids learn all this at an early age, learn to understand and remember them, moreover, even use them in everyday speech. In this case great influence provided by our parents, educators and teachers. So, let’s give a few well-known catchphrases, proverbs and sayings: “If you hurry, you will make people laugh,” “You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without effort,” “What you sow, so will you reap,” “What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax.”


In conclusion, summing up what has been said, we note: the topic of what catchphrases and aphorisms are is infinitely vast, interesting and educational not only for a growing audience, but also for adults. And if sometimes something seems incomprehensible or even uninteresting to children, then, given a certain lack of life experience, this should be considered normal. But already as an adult, you will not only understand them, but also empathize with what you read; moreover, many of them may turn out to be the best adviser in life at the right moment, at the right moment. What are catchphrases? This is light, this is a gift, this is an experience, this is truth.

When communicating with people, you can often hear phrases that are not very simple and immediately understandable to everyone. These could be, for example, the words of literary heroes or film characters. If such phrases become famous in wide circles, then they become popular.

So, what are catchphrases? - these are words or entire phrases that have become stable due to their expressiveness and repeated use. The primary sources of popular expressions are any cultural or literary spheres of activity.

Very often, many can no longer remember the specific source of the catchphrase, but the words themselves do not leave the memory. For example, almost everyone knows the phrase “After us at least a flood,” but not everyone remembers that these words were spoken by the Marquise de Pompadour. There are many similar examples that can be named.

The meaning of the concept of “catchphrase” is similar to “phraseologism”. A phraseological unit is also a stable verbal expression, but not in all cases it has a specific literary source. In addition, a phraseological unit is a separate lexical unit, which cannot be said about a catchphrase.

The catchphrase goes through different periods of life, depending on the level of cultural development in society and on the speed of introduction of new elements into everyday life. For example, the expression “Life, as they say, is good. And living well is even better!” from “Prisoner of the Caucasus” is most often used by people of the older generation; today this phrase does not evoke much emotion among young people, because the current generation adheres to other values ​​and cultural orientations.

Catchphrases represent a cultural phenomenon indicating high spiritual development. Cultural memory is associated with the continuity by a new generation of previously established traditions and customs. Given the sufficient development of cultural memory, the new generation will probably also respect the events of a long past time.

Together with the article “What are catchphrases?” read:

“If the mountain does not come to Mohammed”, “On a silver platter”, “And you, Brutus!” - how firmly these phrases have entered our lives. And each of them very briefly and accurately, in just a few words, can describe the current situation or convey the feelings experienced.

What is it?

Winged words, or expressions - phraseological units that are drawn from historical events, folklore and various literary sources - artistic, journalistic, scientific. They often contain the names of literary characters, historical figures, geographical names. These may be quotes from speeches famous people.

Most catch phrases lose their original meaning and are used in relation to current realities.

Winged words can have the features of an aphorism, or simply have a figurative character, or be used in figuratively. They, like proverbs, are known to many, are often and universally used, have special expressiveness and accurately convey ideas.

Where did this name come from?

The very phrase “winged words” belongs to Homer and has by no means the meaning that is attributed to it now. The Greek poet in his Odyssey had in mind loud speech. Later, however, the expression “winged words” acquired a slightly different meaning in the mouth of Homer. It has come to mean smooth speech, the words of which fly from the mouth of the speaker to the ear of the listener.

This phrase acquired its current meaning thanks to the publication in 1864 of a collection of popular quotes compiled by the German scientist Georg Buchmann. Since then, the expression has become a term used in stylistics and linguistics.

The history of the appearance of some catch phrases dates back to ancient times. Some of them relate to mythology, others to historical events or speeches prominent figures and philosophers of the past. Translated from Latin and Greek language, catchphrases have firmly entered our lives, having, however, lost their original meaning. And expressions drawn from mythology are generally used only in a figurative sense.


A special place is occupied by winged words, the source of which is the Bible. Individual phrases or even entire sentences - biblical words - are often found in everyday speech and give it a special coloring and meaning. The most famous of them are “judge not, lest ye be judged”, “the book with seven seals”, “the voice of one crying in the wilderness” and many others.

In addition, a separate niche is occupied by literary sayings found in the works of Russian and Ukrainian classics - N.V. Gogol, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov. A huge source of popular expressions are the fables of I. A. Krylov and “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboyedov. Much later, the collection of similar phrases was replenished with quotes from the works of Ilf and Petrov.

Losing their original meaning, partially changing under the influence of time, winged words, however, decorate our speech, making it richer and more interesting. Some expressions are instructive, others add a humorous spin to the words. Increasingly, popular expressions can be found in the titles of books and articles.


However, some phrases in different countries may have a slightly different meaning, although taken from the same source. There are expressions that have no analogues at all in another language, and when translated they will seem completely meaningless. This is worth knowing for people who want to show off their speech and knowledge abroad, so as not to get into an awkward position. It’s better to memorize several popular expressions that are actively used in a given country. This will be the best evidence of genuine interest in the culture and history of the host country.

Or literary sources and widely used due to its expressiveness. Studied by phraseology.

The sources of catchphrases can be myths, folklore, literature, words from a song or other piece of music (opera, operetta), journalism, memoirs, speeches of famous people. These can be quotes or figurative expressions that appear based on them. This is, for example, the biblical “forbidden fruit”. Such expressions could have long ago lost touch with the source and in every era be used in relation to current events.

The expression “catchphrase” is itself a catchphrase.


The expression “winged word” (Greek. ἔπεα πτερόεντα ) is found in Homer, but usually means not an aphorism, but loud speech. For example, the eighteenth canto of the poem “Odyssey” contains, in particular, the following text:

Having entered the door, he began to force Odysseus to leave
your home; and, irritated, threw him the winged word:
“Get away from the door, old man, or you’ll be dragged out by the legs!”

Widespread in modern meaning The expression “winged words” received thanks to the collection of popular quotes compiled by Georg Büchmann, published for the first time in the city under that name.


See also


  • Ashukin N. S., Ashukina M. G. Winged words: Literary quotations; Figurative expressions. - 4th ed., add. - M.: Fiction, 1987. - 528 p.



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See what a “Catchphrase” is in other dictionaries:

    phrase- ornate (Ertel); fenced (Markevich); rounded (Oliger); loud (Nadson); pompous (Yushkevich); spicy (Pisemsky); lush (Lermontov); bloated (Fet); codfish (Boborykin, Grigorovich, Nekrasov, Pisemsky); biting (Ertel);… … Dictionary of epithets

    Y; and. [from Greek phrasis expression, figure of speech] 1. A segment of speech that is relatively independent in semantic and intonation terms (usually accompanied by a pause). Clear, confusing phrases. Incomplete f. (expressing an unspoken thought). Competently... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    phrase- s; and. (from the Greek phrasis expression, figure of speech) see also. phrasal 1) A segment of speech that is relatively independent in semantics and intonation (usually accompanied by a pause) Clear, confusing phrases. Incomplete phrase/for. (expressing... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    - “You forgot Poland” is a catchphrase that appeared during televised debates on the eve of the 2004 US presidential election. Contents 1 Appearance 2 Fate ... Wikipedia

    The phrase first appears in Juvenal's Satires Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Latin catchphrase, translated means “Who will guard the watchmen themselves?” Used to describe a situation when people put ... Wikipedia

    ALSO GUY IS MAKING NOISE- A catchphrase from one of the many titular members of the Odessa nation of Ukrainians, who made a huge contribution to the creation and development of the Odessa language. A.G.Sh. usually used during discussions of various events or actions, often... ...

    POTS, IS MOMMY HOME?- Catchphrase. Currently, it is also synonymous with the above term Pots Ivanovich. Originally corresponded only to expressions such as “close the gate” in Russian, which means “your trousers are not buttoned on the most interesting... ... Large semi-interpretive dictionary of the Odessa language

    THINGS LIKE IN POLAND- A long-standing catchphrase of one of the many titular members of the Odessa nation of Poles, who made a great contribution to the creation and development of the Odessa language. The phrase D.K.V. P. was born in Odessa at a time when Warsaw was also a Russian city. Phrase... Large semi-interpretive dictionary of the Odessa language

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Vinokur. Vladimir Vinokur ... Wikipedia

    party- , ii, w. 1. Political organization of people united common interests, ideals, goals and those fighting for their implementation. ◘ There cannot be several parties, because the party is part of the class (Stalin). Kupina, 17. Be a member of the Communist Party.… … Dictionary language of the Council of Deputies


  • Russia. Guide TOP 30. This is a must see! , Evgeny Golomolzin. Evgeny Golomolzin is a traveler, photojournalist, and author of many guidebooks for tourists. “In antiquity there was a catchphrase “See Rome and die.” It could be done again...
Description of some catchphrases

We often use so-called catchphrases without even knowing their origin. Of course, everyone knows: “And Vaska listens and eats” - this is from Krylov’s fable, “gifts of the Danaans” and “Trojan horse” - from Greek legends about the Trojan War... But many words have become so close and familiar that it doesn’t even occur to us whoever said them first may come.

The history of this expression is as follows: the ancient Jews had a rite of absolution. The priest laid both hands on the head of the living goat, thereby, as it were, transferring the sins of the entire people onto it. After this, the goat was driven out into the desert. Many, many years have passed, and the ritual no longer exists, but the expression still lives on...

The mysterious “tryn-grass” is not at all some kind of herbal medicine that people drink so as not to worry. At first it was called “tyn-grass”, and tyn is a fence. The result was “fence grass,” that is, a weed that no one needed, everyone was indifferent to.

Master of sour cabbage soup
Sour cabbage soup - simple peasant food: water yes sauerkraut. Preparing them was not particularly difficult. And if someone was called a master of sour cabbage soup, it meant that he was not fit for anything worthwhile. Balzac’s age

The expression arose after the publication of the novel by the French writer Honore de Balzac (1799-1850) “A Woman of Thirty” (1831); used as a characteristic of women aged 30-40 years.

White Crow
This expression, as a designation of a rare person, sharply different from the rest, is given in the 7th satire of the Roman poet Juvenal (mid-1st century - after 127 AD):
Fate gives kingdoms to slaves and brings triumphs to captives.
However, such a lucky person is rarer than a black sheep.

Plant the pig
In all likelihood, this expression is due to the fact that some peoples do not eat pork for religious reasons. And if such a person was discreetly put pork into his food, then his faith was desecrated.

Throwing a stone
The expression “throwing a stone” at someone in the sense of “accusing” arose from the Gospel (John 8:7); Jesus said to the scribes and Pharisees, who, tempting him, brought to him a woman caught in adultery: “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her” (in ancient Judea there was a penalty - stoning).

Paper endures everything (Paper does not turn red)
The expression goes back to the Roman writer and orator Cicero (106 - 43 BC); in his letters “To Friends” there is an expression: “Epistola non erubescit” - “A letter does not blush,” that is, in writing one can express thoughts that one is embarrassed to express orally.

To be or not to be - that is the question
The beginning of Hamlet's monologue in Shakespeare's tragedy of the same name, translated by N.A. Polevoy (1837).

Wolf in sheep's clothing
The expression originated from the Gospel: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”

Crow in peacock feathers
It arose from a fable by I.A. Krylov “The Crow” (1825).

Add the first number
You won’t believe it, but... from the old school, where students were flogged every week, no matter who was right or wrong. And if the mentor overdoes it, then such a spanking would last for a long time, until the first day of the next month.

Register Izhitsa
Izhitsa - name last letter Church Slavonic alphabet. Marks of spanking on famous places careless students strongly resembled this letter. So registering an Izhitsa means teaching a lesson, punishing it, and it’s easier to flog it. And you still criticize modern school!

I carry everything I have with me
The expression originated from an ancient Greek legend. When the Persian king Cyrus occupied the city of Priene in Ionia, the inhabitants abandoned it, taking with them the most valuable of their possessions. Only Biant, one of the “seven wise men”, a native of Priene, left empty-handed. In response to the perplexed questions of his fellow citizens, he answered, referring to spiritual values: “I carry everything I own with me.” This expression is often used in the Latin formulation due to Cicero: Omnia mea mecum porto.
Everything flows, everything changes
This expression, which defines the constant variability of all things, sets out the essence of the teachings of the Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 530-470 BC)

Goal like a falcon
Terribly poor, beggar. People usually think that we are talking about a bird. But the falcon has nothing to do with it. In fact, the “falcon” is an ancient military battering gun. It was a completely smooth (“bare”) cast iron block attached to chains. Nothing extra!

Orphan Kazan
This is what they say about a person who pretends to be unhappy, offended, helpless in order to pity someone. But why is the orphan “Kazan”? It turns out that this phraseological unit arose after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. The Mirzas (Tatar princes), finding themselves subjects of the Russian Tsar, tried to beg all sorts of concessions from him, complaining about their orphanhood and bitter fate.

Unlucky man
In the old days in Rus', “path” was the name given not only to the road, but also to various positions at the prince’s court. The falconer's path is in charge of princely hunting, the hunter's path is in charge of hound hunting, the stablemaster's path is in charge of carriages and horses. The boyars tried by hook or by crook to get a position from the prince. And those who did not succeed were spoken of with disdain: a good-for-nothing person.

Was there a boy?
One of the episodes of M. Gorky’s novel “The Life of Klim Samgin” tells about the boy Klim skating with other children. Boris Varavka and Varya Somova fall into the wormwood. Klim hands Boris the end of his gymnasium belt, but, feeling that he too is being pulled into the water, he lets go of the belt. Children are drowning. When the search for the drowned begins, Klim is struck by “someone’s serious, incredulous question: “Was there a boy, maybe there wasn’t a boy.” The last phrase became popular as a figurative expression of extreme doubt about something.

Twenty two misfortunes
So in the play by A.P. Chekhov “ Cherry Orchard"(1903) is the name of the clerk Epikhodov, with whom some comic misfortune happens every day. The expression is applied to people with whom some misfortune constantly happens.

Money doesn't smell
The expression arose from the words of the Roman emperor (69 - 79 AD) Vespasian, said by him, as Suetonius reports in his biography, on the following occasion. When Vespasian's son Titus reproached his father for introducing a tax on public latrines, Vespasian brought the first money received from this tax to his nose and asked if it smelled. To Titus's negative answer, Vespasian said: "And yet they are made of urine."

Draconian measures
This is the name given to the excessively harsh laws named after Dragon, the first legislator of the Athenian Republic (VII century BC). Among the punishments determined by its laws, a prominent place allegedly occupied death penalty, which punished, for example, such an offense as stealing vegetables. There was a legend that these laws were written in blood (Plutarch, Solon). In literary speech, the expression “draconian laws”, “draconian measures, punishments” have become stronger in the meaning of harsh, cruel laws.

Now this seems to be a completely harmless expression. And once it was associated with shameful punishment. During the time of Ivan the Terrible, a guilty boyar was placed backwards on a horse with his clothes turned inside out and, in this disgraced form, was driven around the city to the whistling and jeers of the street crowd.

Retired goat drummer
In the old days, trained bears were brought to fairs. They were accompanied by a dancing boy dressed as a goat, and a drummer accompanying his dance. This was the goat drummer. He was perceived as a worthless, frivolous person.

Yellow press
In 1895, American graphic artist Richard Outcault published a series of frivolous drawings with humorous text in a number of issues of the New York newspaper “The World”; Among the drawings was a picture of a child in a yellow shirt, to whom various funny sayings were attributed. Soon another newspaper, the New York Journal, began publishing a series of similar drawings. A dispute arose between these two newspapers over the right of primacy to the “yellow boy”. In 1896, Erwin Wardman, editor of the New York Press, published an article in his magazine in which he contemptuously called both competing newspapers "yellow press." Since then, the expression has become popular.

Finest hour
An expression by Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) from the preface to his collection of historical short stories, Humanity's Finest Hours (1927). Zweig explains that he called historical moments starry hours “because, like eternal stars, they invariably shine in the night of oblivion and decay.”

Golden mean
An expression from the 2nd book of odes of the Roman poet Horace: “aurea mediocritas.”

Choose the lesser of two evils
An expression found in the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle “Nicomachean Ethics” in the form: “The lesser of evils must be chosen.” Cicero (in his essay “On Duties”) says: “One should not only choose the least of evils, but also extract from them themselves what can be good in them.”

Making mountains out of molehills
The expression is one of the ancient ones. It is quoted by the Greek writer Lucian (3rd century AD), who ends his satirical “Praise of the Fly” like this: “But I interrupt my speech, although I could say a lot more, lest anyone think that I “, as the proverb goes, I make a mountain out of a molehill.”

The expression is used in the meaning: something that gives a special taste, attractiveness to something (a dish, a story, a person, etc.). Originated from folk proverb: “Kvass is not expensive, the zest in kvass is expensive”; became popular after the appearance of L. N. Tolstoy’s drama “The Living Corpse” (1912). The hero of the drama, Protasov, talking about his family life, says: “My wife was an ideal woman... But what can I tell you? There was no zest - you know, there is zest in kvass? - there was no game in our lives. And I needed to forget. And without the game you won’t forget...”

Lead by the nose
Apparently, trained bears were very popular, because this expression was also associated with fairground entertainment. Gypsies led bears by a ring threaded through their noses. And they forced them, the poor fellows, to do various tricks, deceiving them with the promise of a handout.

Sharpen the laces
Lyasy (balusters) are turned figured posts of railings at the porch. Only a true master. Probably, at first, “sharpening balusters” meant conducting an elegant, fancy, ornate (like balusters) conversation. But in our time, the number of people skilled in conducting such a conversation became fewer and fewer. So this expression came to mean empty chatter.

Swan song
The expression is used to mean: the last manifestation of talent. Based on the belief that swans sing before death, it arose in ancient times. Evidence of this is found in one of Aesop’s fables (6th century BC): “They say that swans sing before they die.”

Flying Dutchman
A Dutch legend has preserved the story of a sailor who vowed, in a strong storm, to round the cape that blocked his path, even if it took him forever. Because of his pride, he was doomed to forever rush around on a ship on a stormy sea, never landing on the shore. This legend obviously arose in the age of great discoveries. It is possible that its historical basis was the expedition of Vasco da Gama (1469-1524), who rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1497. In the 17th century this legend was associated with several Dutch captains, which is reflected in its name.

Seize the day
The expression apparently goes back to Horace (“carpe diem” - “seize the day”, “take advantage of the day”).

The lion's share
The expression goes back to the fable of the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop “The Lion, the Fox and the Donkey”, the plot of which - the division of prey among the animals - was later used by Phaedrus, La Fontaine and other fabulists.

The Moor has done his job, the Moor can leave
Quote from the drama by F. Schiller (1759 - 1805) “The Fiesco Conspiracy in Genoa” (1783). This phrase (d. 3, iv. 4) is pronounced by the Moor, who turned out to be unnecessary after he helped Count Fisco organize a rebellion of the Republicans against the tyrant of Genoa, Doge Doria. This phrase has become a saying characterizing a cynical attitude towards a person whose services are no longer needed.

Manna from heaven
According to the Bible, manna is the food that God sent to the Jews every morning from heaven when they walked through the desert to the promised land (Exodus 16, 14-16 and 31).

The expression arose from I. A. Krylov’s fable “The Hermit and the Bear” (1808).

The idea that the happiness of the first stage of marriage quickly gives way to the bitterness of disappointment, figuratively expressed in eastern folklore, was used by Voltaire for his philosophical novel “Zadig, or Fate” (1747), in the 3rd chapter of which he writes: “Zadig experienced that The first month of marriage, as described in the book of Zend, is the honeymoon, and the second is the wormwood month.”

Young people love us everywhere
Quote from “Song of the Motherland” in the film “Circus” (1936), text by V. I. Lebedev-Kumach, music by I. O. Dunaevsky.

Silence is a sign of consent
Expression of Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303) in one of his messages, included in canon law (a set of decrees of church authority). This expression goes back to Sophocles (496-406 BC), in whose tragedy “The Trachinian Women” it is said: “Don’t you understand that by silence you agree with the accuser?”

Torments of Tantalus
In Greek mythology, Tantalus, the king of Phrygia (also called the king of Lydia), was the favorite of the gods, who often invited him to their feasts. But, proud of his position, he offended the gods, for which he was severely punished. According to Homer (“Odyssey”), his punishment was that, cast into Tartarus (hell), he forever experiences unbearable pangs of thirst and hunger; he stands up to his neck in water, but the water recedes from him as soon as he bows his head to drink; branches with luxurious fruits hang over him, but as soon as he stretches out his hands to them, the branches deviate. This is where the expression “torment of Tantalus” arose, meaning: unbearable torment due to the inability to achieve the desired goal, despite its proximity.

Over the moon
Expression meaning highest degree joy, happiness, goes back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC), who in his essay “On Heaven” explains the structure of the firmament. He believed that the sky consists of seven motionless crystal spheres on which the stars and planets are established. The seven heavens are mentioned in various places in the Koran: for example, it is said that the Koran itself was brought by an angel from the seventh.

I don't want to study, I want to get married
Words by Mitrofanushka from D. I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” (1783), no. 3, yavl. 7.

New is well forgotten old
In 1824, the memoirs of milliner Marie Antoinette Mademoiselle Bertin were published in France, in which she said these words about the queen’s old dress that she had updated (in reality, her memoirs are fake, their author is Jacques Pesce). This idea was perceived as new only because it had been well forgotten. Already Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) said that “there is no new custom that is not old.” This quote from Chaucer was popularized by Walter Scott's book The Folk Songs of Southern Scotland.

Hack on the nose
In this expression, the word “nose” has nothing to do with the organ of smell. A “nose” was the name given to a memorial plaque, or a note tag. In the distant past, illiterate people always carried such tablets and sticks with them, with the help of which all kinds of notes or notches were made as memories.

Neither fluff nor feather
This expression arose among hunters and was based on the superstitious idea that with a direct wish (both down and feather), the results of a hunt can be jinxed. In the language of hunters, feather means bird, and down means animals. IN ancient times a hunter going on a hunt received this parting word, the “translation” of which looks something like this: “Let your arrows fly past the target, let the snares and traps you set remain empty, just like the trapping pit!” To which the earner, in order not to jinx it either, replied: “To hell!” And both were confident that the evil spirits, invisibly present during this dialogue, would be satisfied and leave behind, and would not plot intrigues during the hunt.

Beat your head
What are “baklushi”, who “beats” them and when? WITH for a long time artisans made spoons, cups and other utensils from wood. To carve a spoon, it was necessary to chop off a block of wood from a log. Apprentices were entrusted with preparing the bucks: it was an easy, trivial task that did not require any special skill. Preparing such chocks was called “beating the lumps.” From here, from the mockery of the masters at the auxiliary workers - “baklushechnik”, our saying came from.

About the dead it's either good or nothing
The expression often quoted in Latin: “De mortuis nil nisi bene” or “De mortuis aut bene aut nihil”, apparently goes back to the work of Diogenes Laertius (3rd century AD): “Life, teaching and opinions famous philosophers”, which contains the saying of one of the “seven wise men” - Chilon (VI century BC): “Do not slander the dead.”

Oh holy simplicity!
This expression is attributed to the leader of the Czech national movement, Jan Hus (1369-1415). Sentenced by a church council as a heretic to be burned, he allegedly uttered these words at the stake when he saw that some old woman (according to another version, a peasant woman) in simple-minded religious zeal threw the brushwood she had brought into the fire. However, Hus's biographers, based on reports of eyewitnesses to his death, deny the fact that he uttered this phrase. The church writer Turanius Rufinus (c. 345-410), in his continuation of Eusebius's History of the Church, reports that the expression “holy simplicity” was uttered at the first Council of Nicaea (325) by one of the theologians. This expression is often used in Latin: “O sancta simplicitas!”

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
An expression from the Bible, the formula for the law of retribution: “A fracture for a fracture, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth: as he has injured a person’s body, so must he do it” (Leviticus 24:20; about the same - Exodus 21: 24; Deuteronomy 19, 21).

From great to funny one step
This phrase was often repeated by Napoleon during his flight from Russia in December 1812 to his ambassador in Warsaw, de Pradt, who spoke about it in the book “History of the Embassy to the Grand Duchy of Warsaw” (1816). Its primary source is the expression of the French writer Jean-François Marmontel (1723-1799) in the fifth volume of his works (1787): “In general, the funny comes into contact with the great.”

The language will take you to Kyiv
In 999, a certain Kiev resident Nikita Shchekomyaka got lost in the endless, then Russian, steppe and ended up among the Polovtsians. When the Polovtsians asked him: Where are you from, Nikita? He answered that he was from the rich and beautiful city of Kyiv, and described the wealth and beauty of his native city to the nomads in such a way that the Polovtsian Khan Nunchak attached Nikita by the tongue to the tail of his horse, and the Polovtsians went to fight and plunder Kyiv. This is how Nikita Shchekomyaka got home with the help of his tongue.

1812 When the French burned Moscow and were left in Russia without food, they came to Russian villages and asked for food She rami, like give it to me. So the Russians began to call them that. (one of the hypotheses).

This is an idiomatic phrase. There is a river called Voloch, when the fishermen came with their catch, they said ours and Voloch came. There are several other tomological meanings of this word. To drag - to collect, to drag. This word came from them. But it became abusive not long ago. This is the merit of 70 years in the CPSU.

Know all the ins and outs
The expression is associated with an ancient torture in which needles or nails were driven under the fingernails of the accused to extract a confession.

Oh, you are heavy, Monomakh’s hat!
Quote from A. S. Pushkin’s tragedy “Boris Godunov”, scene “The Royal Chambers” (1831), monologue of Boris (Monomakh in Greek is a martial artist; a nickname associated with the names of some Byzantine emperors. IN ancient Rus' this nickname was assigned to the Grand Duke Vladimir (beginning of the 12th century), from whom the Moscow kings traced their origin. Monomakh's cap is the crown with which the Moscow kings were crowned kings, a symbol of royal power). The above quote characterizes a difficult situation.

Plato is my friend, but truth is dearer
The Greek philosopher Plato (427-347 BC) in his essay “Phaedo” attributes to Socrates the words “Following me, think less about Socrates, and more about the truth.” Aristotle, in his work “Nicomachean Ethics,” polemicizing with Plato and referring to him, writes: “Even though friends and truth are dear to me, duty commands me to give preference to truth.” Luther (1483-1546) says: “Plato is my friend, Socrates is my friend, but truth should be preferred” (“On the Enslaved Will,” 1525). The expression “Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas” - “Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer”, was formulated by Cervantes in the 2nd part, ch. 51 novels "Don Quixote" (1615).

Dancing to someone else's tune
The expression is used to mean: to act not according to one’s own will, but according to the will of another. Goes back to the Greek historian Herodotus (5th century BC), who in the 1st book of his “History” says: when the Persian king Cyrus conquered the Medes, the Greeks of Asia Minor, whom he had previously tried in vain to win over to his side, expressed their readiness obey him, but under certain conditions. Then Cyrus told them the following fable: “One flute player, seeing fish in the sea, began to play the flute, expecting them to come out to him on land. Having lost his hope, he took a net, threw it in and pulled out many fish. Seeing the fish struggling in the nets, he said to them: “Stop dancing; when I played the flute, you didn’t want to come out and dance.” This fable is attributed to Aesop (VI century BC).

After the rain on Thursday
The Rusichi - the most ancient ancestors of the Russians - honored among their gods the main god - the god of thunder and lightning Perun. One of the days of the week was dedicated to him - Thursday (it is interesting that among the ancient Romans Thursday was also dedicated to the Latin Perun - Jupiter). Prayers were offered to Perun for rain during the drought. It was believed that he should be especially willing to fulfill requests on “his day” - Thursday. And since these prayers often remained in vain, the saying “After the rain on Thursday” began to be applied to everything that is unknown when it will come true.

Get into trouble
In dialects, a binder is a fish trap woven from branches. And, as in any trap, being in it is not a pleasant thing. Beluga roar

Beluga roar
He's as dumb as a fish - you've known that for a long time. And suddenly a beluga roars? It turns out that we are not talking about the beluga, but the beluga whale, which is the name of the polar dolphin. He really roars very loudly.

Success is never blamed
These words are attributed to Catherine II, who allegedly expressed herself this way when A.V. Suvorov was put on trial by military court for the assault on Turtukai in 1773, undertaken by him contrary to the orders of Field Marshal Rumyantsev. However, the story about Suvorov’s arbitrary actions and about putting him on trial is refuted by serious researchers.

Know yourself
According to the legend reported by Plato in the dialogue “Protagoras”, the seven sages of ancient Greece (Thales, Pittacus, Bias, Solon, Cleobulus, Myson and Chilo), meeting together in the temple of Apollo at Delphi, wrote: “Know yourself.” The idea of ​​knowing oneself was explained and disseminated by Socrates. This expression is often used in its Latin form: nosce te ipsum.

Rare bird
This expression (Latin rara avis) meaning “rare creature” is first found in the satires of Roman poets, for example, in Juvenal (mid-1st century - after 127 AD): “A rare bird on earth, sort of like black swan".

Born to crawl cannot fly
Quote from “Song of the Falcon” by M. Gorky.

Smoke rocker
IN old Rus' huts were often heated black: the smoke escaped not through a chimney (there was none at all), but through a special window or door. And they predicted the weather by the shape of the smoke. The smoke comes in a column - it will be clear, dragging - towards fog, rain, a rocker - towards the wind, bad weather, or even a storm.

Not appropriate
This is very old saying: both in the house and in the yard (in the yard) only the animal that the brownie likes will live. If he doesn’t like it, he’ll get sick, get sick, or run away. What to do - not good!

Hair on end
But what kind of rack is this? It turns out that standing on end means standing at attention, on your fingertips. That is, when a person gets scared, his hair seems to stand on tiptoes on his head.

Get into trouble
Rozhon is a sharp pole. And in some Russian provinces this is what they called four-pronged pitchforks. Indeed, you can’t really trample on them!

From the ship to the ball
Expression from “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin, chapter 8, stanza 13 (1832):

And travel for him,
Like everyone else in the world, I'm tired of it,
He returned and hit
Like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball.

This expression characterizes an unexpected, sharp change in situation or circumstances.

Combine business with pleasure
An expression from “The Art of Poetry” by Horace, who says about the poet: “He who combines the pleasant with the useful is worthy of all approval.”

Wash your hands
Used to mean: to avoid responsibility for something. It arose from the Gospel: Pilate washed his hands before the crowd, giving Jesus to them for execution, and said: “I am not guilty of the blood of this righteous man” (Matt. 27:24). The ritual washing of hands, which serves as evidence of the non-involvement of the person washing in anything, is described in the Bible (Deuteronomy 21:6-7).

Weak spot
It arose from the myth about the only vulnerable spot on the hero’s body: Achilles’ heel, a spot on Siegfried’s back, etc. Used in the meaning: the weak side of a person, deeds.

Fortune. Wheel of Fortune
Fortuna is the goddess of blind chance, happiness and misfortune in Roman mythology. She was depicted blindfolded, standing on a ball or wheel (emphasizing her constant changeability), and holding a steering wheel in one hand and a cornucopia in the other. The rudder indicated that fortune controls a person's destiny.

Upside down
Loitering - in many Russian provinces this word meant walking. So, upside down is just walking upside down, upside down.

Grated kalach
By the way, in fact there was such a type of bread - grated kalach. The dough for it was crushed, kneaded, and grated for a very long time, which is why the kalach turned out to be unusually fluffy. And there was also a proverb - don’t grate, don’t crush, there won’t be a kalach. That is, trials and tribulations teach a person. The expression comes from a proverb, and not from the name of the bread.

Output to clean water
Once upon a time they said to bring fish to clean water. And if it’s a fish, then everything is clear: in thickets of reeds or where snags are drowning in silt, a fish caught on a hook can easily break the fishing line and leave. And in clear water, over a clean bottom - let him try. So it is with an exposed swindler: if all the circumstances are clear, he will not escape retribution.

And there is a hole in the old woman
And what kind of gap (mistake, oversight by Ozhegov and Efremova) is this, a gap (i.e. flaw, defect) or what? The meaning, therefore, is this: And a person wise by experience can make mistakes. Interpretation from the mouth of an expert ancient Russian literature: And on the old woman there is a porukha Porukha (Ukrainian zh. up-down. 1 - Harm, destruction, damage; 2 - Trouble). In a specific sense, porukha (other Russian) is rape. Those. everything is possible.

He who laughs last laughs best
The expression belongs to the French writer Jean-Pierre Florian (1755-1794), who used it in the fable “Two Peasants and a Cloud.”

End justifies the means
The idea of ​​this expression, which is the basis of Jesuit morality, was borrowed by them from the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679).

Man is a wolf to man
An expression from the “Donkey Comedy” by the ancient Roman writer Plautus (c. 254-184 BC).



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