What will happen if you make a corridor of mirrors. Mirror corridor. Full-length mirror: features of the decorative item

Since ancient times, the mirror corridor has fascinated people with its infinity, mysterious dark depths, attracted the attention of ordinary people, and aroused the interest of researchers magical world. a mirror corridor is created using two mirrors placed opposite each other. It is best when the mirrors are turned slightly at an angle, then you can look into such a mirrored corridor, and your image will not interfere with the contemplation of reflections endlessly running into the distance. Looking into the sucking mirror valley, it begins to seem as if your consciousness is flying away from your body, and it is being taken over by a mystical mirror corridor...
The mirror corridor is used quite widely in magic. Mirror, water, any reflective surfaces have always been considered windows into another world, and were used to communicate with spirits, to obtain information through meditation, etc. The Druids, for example, had such a relic as the Mirror of Atmu, which was believed to reflect the truth.
Basically, the magic of the looking glass is used in summoning the spirits of the other world, opening astral portals, and the mirror corridor is also used in some cleansing rituals. For example, in rituals to remove the crown of celibacy, damage, curses. The mirror corridor must be used with extreme caution and preferably under the guidance of an experienced magician. What danger does the mirror corridor pose? First of all, a mirror is a place where two or more realities connect. And the mirror corridor can be multiple portals, and if the rituals are carried out incorrectly, or a large inner strength magician, the mirror corridor can lead through various looking-glass creatures, spirits, and otherworldly entities. and if a person working with a mirror corridor does not have sufficient strength and protection, he can be attacked by entities.
You need to use the mirror corridor to remove the curse as follows. The time of the ceremony is midnight, between Tuesday and Wednesday, between 17 and 30 lunar days. On Monday, before the day when you are going to do the ceremony on the mirror corridor, you need to read the akathist to the guardian angel. For the ritual you will need 3 candles and church water. Create a mirrored corridor and stand between the mirrors and lit candles. You must be wearing new underwear. Look into your eyes in the mirror, read the spell from memory: “Black night, dark mirror, reflect from me the evil word, human curse, sign of hell - I ask for the first time. Black night, dark mirror, reflect from me the evil word, human curse , a sign of hell - I ask for the second time. Black night, dark mirror, reflect the evil word from me, the curse of man, a sign of hell - I ask for the third time. " After this, in the same place, standing where the mirrored corridor is, wash yourself with holy water and dry yourself with your T-shirt without taking it off. Look into the mirrored hallway for as long as you like. Leave the candles to burn out. On the first Sunday after you have performed the ceremony on the mirror corridor, place 3 candles in the church for the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Panteleimon the Healer. Thank them for their help.
To call entities from the other world, you need to use the mirror corridor like this. Attention! Perform the ceremony only after you are sure that you have enough strong defense! So, at night, from 11 to 3 o’clock, turn off all the lights, put a mirror corridor on the floor. Sit in the lotus position, drawing a circle around you with chalk. Light two black candles on the sides, outside the circle. Cast a spell (from memory), looking straight into the mirror corridor: “Mirror spirit, from distant worlds, come to me, in reality, not in a dream. In the name of Adonai, I conjure, come, mirror spirit! After this, look carefully into the mirrored corridor, into its dark depths. When you see a spirit or any movement, ask a question about the name of the spirit. The answer can come telepathically or sound. Try not to leave the circle. Continue looking into the mirrored corridor without looking away. After asking the spirit everything you wanted, release the spirit. To do this, still looking into the mirrored corridor, say: “In the name of Adonai, go back to where the spirit came from. and then immediately, without leaving the circle, throw the prepared black cloth over both mirrors. In the morning, expose the mirrors that made up the mirror corridor for the ritual to the sun, drawing crosses on both with incense charcoal. Let the mirrors lie like this for three days. Cover them with black cloth at night. These mirrors can be used in the future only to call spirits, but under no circumstances for ordinary needs.
Due to the fact that a mirror corridor can be a portal to other worlds, mirrors should not be placed in the house in such a way that they create a mirror corridor. If, out of ignorance, you have mirrors hung in this way in your house, and there is no way to remove them, you can neutralize the mirrored corridor by drawing on both mirrors index finger cross in a circle. And on the night from October 31 to November 1, Halloween, curtain the mirrors with black cloth. On this day, the line between our world and the other world becomes especially thin, and the mirror corridor can provoke unclean forces, spirits, entities to get out into your apartment. and try not to look much into your mirrors, which form a mirror corridor, during these two days.

The mirror corridor is often used in various magical rituals. Water, mirror, and other reflective surfaces with for a long time were considered portals that allowed one to penetrate into the other world and communicate with spirits.

What is a mirror corridor used for?

Since ancient times, the mirror corridor has fascinated people with its infinity, mysterious dark depths, magical knowledge, attracted the attention of ordinary people, and aroused interest among researchers of the magical world.

But it must be remembered that this is a dangerous instrument; they use mirrors to tell fortunes in case of emergency. Great-grandmothers and healers left behind the magical knowledge that in the dim light of candles in the mirrored corridor you can see a dead person. Or rather, a messenger from the other world, a disembodied spirit in human form. He will show his betrothed and reveal the card of fate.

But you can start fortune telling or a ritual using a mirror corridor only if you are sure that you have very reliable protection.

How to open a mirror corridor?

  1. Two large mirrors and candles are placed opposite each other.
  2. Everything must happen in complete darkness.
  3. The mirrors, reflected in each other, form an endless corridor.
  4. We must enter a deep state of thoughtlessness².
  5. Cast aside disbelief and fear, and walk along the mirrored corridor.

The most interesting thing is that this method is often used by Celtic magicians. They inherit spells that open the gates to the mirror corridor.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ A portal in science fiction and fantasy is a technological or magical opening connecting two distant locations separated by space and time (

As you know, a mirror corridor is created using two mirrors placed opposite each other. Peering into the mirror infinity, it may seem that consciousness flies into the mirror abyss...

The mirror corridor technique is often used in magical rituals by black magicians. Since ancient times, mirrors, water, and any other reflective surfaces have been considered windows to the other world for communication with souls of the dead. By the way, nowadays, more and more often, this technique is done using a camera and a TV; it is believed that the camera’s optics are capable of picking up even more otherworldly signals.

Read also:

What danger can a mirror corridor pose? Experts in paranormal phenomena claim that any reflective surface is a junction between our and otherworldly reality. If used incorrectly, a mirror portal can allow otherworldly entities to pass through it. A person who does not have enough energy can be attacked by them. Therefore, it is not recommended to place mirrors opposite each other in your home.

Mirror corridor. Eyewitness account of Maria Alexandrovna

I work as a commandant in student dormitory. In 2009, at the end of August, as usual, I settled the freshmen into rooms. In one of the rooms in which two first-year girls lived, each of the girls hung a mirror near the bed. The beds stood opposite each other, so the mirrors “looked” at each other. I don’t know where the girls dug up these mirrors: they were old and worn out by time. No, not an antique, but both mirrors definitely heard Brezhnev’s speeches.

From that moment on, the young, rosy-cheeked village girls began to lose weight and dry out. They walked around sluggishly, with huge bags under their eyes, as if they hadn’t gotten enough sleep. This could be attributed to the fact that the girls were on a spree, but I saw that their room was always quiet, and after nine in the evening they never returned to the dorm. Then the girls began to skip classes more and more often; they could sit in a locked room until lunch.

One day I noticed that it was already eight o’clock in the evening, and the freshmen had never left the room. I have duplicate keys for all rooms. I opened the door and almost lost consciousness from what I saw; from my screams, dozens of students gathered outside the room in a matter of seconds. The girls were in the room, dead. They hung themselves opposite each other in the very center of the room, on the line where the mirrors were located, and an endless number of dead bodies were reflected in the mirrored corridor. What could have made two young freshmen do this, I will definitely never get an answer to this question.

After that incident, of course, there were no people willing to live in this room. The room was turned into a storage room. However, students who live in neighboring rooms still complain that they hear some footsteps, creaks and voices in the damned room. Although, who knows, young people love to joke!

The mirror surface is fraught with many mysteries even in our age high technology. They still cover mirrors if there is a deceased person in the house. Broken mirror brings superstitious horror and threatens many troubles to those who look at it. Mysterious mirror corridors not only increase the space, but also multiply the objects that fall into this corridor. And also a mirror corridor created in certain time, can cause the appearance of images from the looking glass, which was successfully used in the old days by girls when telling fortunes about their betrothed. All this suggests that mirrors are connected with the other world in the most direct way! To neutralize the negative vibrations of the mirror surface, candles were placed in front of the mirrors. The ban on why one cannot look through a mirror into another mirror has ancient roots.

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Why you can't look mirror in mirror - Mirror corridor.

If you place mirrors opposite each other, they form a mirror corridor, fraught with a lot of incomprehensible things. What can you see in the mirror corridor? You can see your past and future in it! What happens if you look at yourself in a mirror reflected by another mirror? And why can't you look in a mirror? The mirror is the intersection point of several realities, in which entities that are completely unfriendly to humans live. And if you make a corridor out of mirrors, then you are placing in your space a kind of portal to other dimensions, through which creatures of other worlds can penetrate. In the worst case, your soul may be stolen if you enter such a corridor at an inopportune hour, or some entity will enter your body and control your consciousness.

So think about why you can’t look in a mirror, and how this threatens a person. Halloween is considered a particularly dangerous time. At this time, the mirror corridor is especially dangerous, and mirrors must be curtained dark matter to reflect unfavorable moments associated with the other world. If you look at yourself in the mirror through another mirror standing behind you, then your soul will for some time be trapped in other dimensions, from which you simply may not escape. It is not without reason that powerful magicians use such a system of mirrors to solve many issues related to time dilation or the dumping of negativity into other dimensions. But to an ordinary person It’s better not to fall into this funnel of distorted vibrations between the worlds.

Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?

Gone are the days of disbelief in the existence of the soul. Now science has recognized that it exists, and they have even weighed the soul (that is, the weight of a person before and after death). How to connect all this with mirrors in the bedroom? Esotericism claims that during sleep, a person’s astral body is separated from the physical and travels through the subtle worlds (we partially see these journeys as a dream). And we already know that the mirror is the intersection point of other worlds, a portal to another reality. That is, the astral body can get lost in other worlds projected by the mirror and not return to the physical body. Here is the answer to the question " Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?"Death in a dream is a common phenomenon in people's lives, often difficult to explain. How to explain the incomprehensible mortality of newborns? It is better not to experiment and remove mirrors from the bedroom - they will find enough space in other rooms of the house.

You may be skeptical about what has been said, citing the fact that every day we are reflected in many mirror surfaces, and nothing otherworldly happens. That's true. But there is an explanation for this: a portal to other dimensions is not easy to open. But with a certain confluence of time layers and psychic vibrations, it can suddenly open. Better not to wonder" why you can’t eat or sleep in front of mirror surfaces?", but just don’t do it and that’s it. Out of a thousand successful experiments, one may turn out to be fatal.

What happens if you scan a mirror?

Many people are interested in this question. Many have conducted a similar experiment and invariably received a simple illuminated spot. If explained with scientific point vision, then you get a very complex answer consisting of physical terms describing the reflectivity of the mirror surface and the features of the scanning system. In practice, the answer to the question “what will happen if you scan a mirror” looks very prosaic and uninteresting - white or black spot. You will not find any images or otherworldly wonders there. The world of the looking glass does not meet the world of people halfway - it can only dictate its terms to us. We want to find out what will happen if we scan a mirror surface through a printer, but the mysteries of mirrors are so incomprehensible to the mind that no matter how many times we place the mirrors in the printer, we will not learn or see anything except Malevich’s black square.

Roger Zelazny

Mirror corridor

The last time I spoke with Roger Zelazny was on June 6, 1995, when he called me about some editorial detail related to the story below. We had a nice chat, but I didn’t like something about him. His voice sank and he seemed to have difficulty concentrating. Not suspecting anything wrong, I did not ask him about his health. But in vain. Eight days later he died of cancer.

I couldn't have known about this in advance:

Roger did not tell anyone except his loved ones about the disease with which he had been struggling for more than a year. Looking back on that conversation, I consider it a silent farewell. Science fiction writers were shocked and saddened by the loss of one of their most talented colleagues. I cannot forgive myself that, despite our friendship with Roger, we are for recent years We saw each other only a few times, but I’ve been near his house many times, but I never went. As a consolation, I have the honor to present to you another Amber story by Roger Zelazny. Alas, the last one.

John de Chancey

Both of us were unaware of the change until those six ambushed us.

Shask and I spent the night in the Dancing Mountains after watching a strange game between Dvorkin and Sukhey there. I've heard unpleasant stories about people who have stopped here for the night, but I didn't have much choice. A hurricane was raging, I was tired, my horse turned into an idol. I don’t know how it all ended, although, as a participant, I politely noted that I wouldn’t mind finding out.

The next morning, my blue horse Shask and I crossed the divide between Amber and Chaos. Shask is a shadow steed that my son Merlin found for me in the royal stables of the Domain.

Two men stepped out from behind the rocks on opposite sides of the road and pointed crossbows at us. Two more jumped out in front, one with a bow, the other with beautiful sword, probably stolen, judging by the occupation of the current owner.

Stop! And we won’t touch you,” said the one with the sword.

I pulled on the reins.

If we’re talking about money, then I’m broke myself,” I said, “but you still won’t ride my horse, even if you want to.”

Maybe we won’t sit down, or maybe we will,” the chief shook his head. - We are not picky people, we take what we have.

It’s not good to take away a person’s last,” I remarked. - Some are offended.

Few people leave this place.

What is this, a death sentence?

The leader shrugged.

“Your sword seems okay,” he said. - Show him.

I think you came up with a bad idea.

If I pull out my sword, I might accidentally kill you.

He laughed.

Okay, let's take it from your corpse. - The leader looked first to the right, then to the left.

Anything is possible.

Show me.

If you insist...

I grabbed Graysvandir and he began to sing. The leader's eyes widened: the blade described an arc designed to take off his head. The robber swung his sword at the very moment that Graysvandir, without slowing down, passed through his neck. My opponent brought his blade down on Shask, the blade passing through the blue shoulder blade. Neither blow caused any harm.

Are you a sorcerer? - asked the robber when I slashed him across the shoulder. The sword should have cut off the hand, but it passed through it freely.

Not one to do stuff like that. And you?

And I don’t,” he said, striking again. - What's happening?

I sheathed Graysvandir.

Nothing. Get busy with someone else.

I touched the reins and Shask moved forward.

Shoot him! - the leader shouted.

The crossbowmen on both sides of the road lowered their bowstrings, and so did the archer standing in front. All four arrows from crossbows passed through Shask, three robbers wounded or killed their counterparts. An arrow from a bow passed through me without causing any unpleasant sensations. The leader struck again with his sword, but also achieved nothing.

Download! - I ordered.

It looks like we're in a strange situation,” I remarked.

The beast nodded.

At least it will keep us out of trouble.

It's funny. It seemed to me that you prefer to run into them,” answered Shask.

I laughed:

Maybe yes, maybe not. I wonder how long this spell will last?

They may need to be removed.

Crap! It's always a hassle.

Better than remaining incorporeal.

That's also true.

Surely someone in Amber knows how to deal with them.

Let's hope.

We continued driving and didn't meet anyone else that day. As I lay down to sleep on my raincoat, I felt sharp stones. Why do I feel them, but did not feel, for example, a blow from a sword? It was too late to ask Shask about his feelings, since he had already turned to stone.

I yawned and stretched out on the ground. Greyswandir, protruding from its scabbard, felt quite ordinary to the touch. I put it back and fell asleep.

After my morning ablution we moved on. The Shask turned out to be quite suitable for a hellish race, no worse than most Amber horses. In some ways it’s even better. We raced through rapidly changing terrain. I thought about Amber ahead and about my captivity in the Domain. Meditation has sharpened my sensitivity to the extreme. Was it not this, together with other specific exercises, that made me invulnerable? It is possible, although I suspected that the main contribution was made by the Dancing Mountains.

I wonder what this means and where it came from? - I said out loud.

I bet it’s from your homeland,” Shask answered, “and it’s meant especially for you.”

Where did you get the idea?

On the way you told me about your family. I wouldn't trust them.

That time has long passed.

Who knows what could have happened in your absence? Old habits return easily.

But some reason is needed!

As far as I understand, one of them has a reason, and a very thorough one.

Maybe. But I don't believe it. I was gone for a long time, few people know that I am free.

Then ask these few.

Let's see.

I'm just trying to help.

Keep up the good work. Listen, what are you going to do after we get to Amber?

I haven't decided yet. By nature I am a tramp.

I laughed:

This is the beast after my heart! Your feelings are completely human. So how can I thank you for the journey?

Wait. It seems to me that the Fates will decide this for us.

So be it. In the meantime, if you think of anything, tell me.

It is a great honor to assist you, Lord Corwin. Let's settle on this.

OK. Thank you.

We rushed through one Shadow after another. The suns ran backwards, storms came from the beautiful skies.



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