Consonant sounds and letters. Rule of paired consonants at the end of a word


  1. Organize work on mastering the spelling rules for paired consonants at the root of a word.
  2. Help improve the skills of observing, comparing, and drawing conclusions. 3. To instill interest in the subject, cultivate good feelings and develop the creative potential of students.

Lesson objectives:


  • create positive motivation for learning;
  • develop interest in the subject:
  • develop personal qualities: friendliness, tolerance;
  • develop attention, memory and logical thinking.


  • develop universal learning activities;
  • develop oral and written speech;
  • develop the ability to work in pairs and independently; draw conclusions.


  • learn to select test words;
  • develop the ability to explain the spelling of words;
  • develop spelling vigilance.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, cards, textbook, presentation.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

U. The long-awaited bell rang and the lesson began.

We looked at each other, smiled...

I wish you success and good luck in the lesson.

І I. Calligraphy, communication of lesson objectives.

U. Write it down and continue the pattern.

U. Have you guessed what we will work on today in class?

D. Above paired consonants.

U. What two groups can paired consonants be divided into?

D. For voiced and voiceless consonants.

Working on a proverb

A friend looks in the face, and an enemy follows.

U. Explain the proverb. Find words with studied spellings.

III. Updating knowledge.

1. The words are written on the board:

Watchman, teeth, horse, watchman, tooth, horse, oak trees, notebook, oak, notebook.

U. Divide the words into two groups. What groups can words be divided into?

D. For words with paired consonants at the end of a word and for words with paired consonants in the middle of a word.

U. Observe how paired consonants are pronounced at the end of a word and in the middle of a word.

D. Like voiceless consonants.

U. How to check a paired consonant at the end of a word?

D. To correctly write a paired consonant at the end of a word, it must be checked. To do this, the word must be changed so that after the consonant sound there is a vowel.

U. Can this rule be applied to paired consonants in the middle of a word?

D.(Children's answers)

U. Today we have to explore and answer the question: How to check a paired consonant sound in the middle of a word?

What will the topic of the lesson be?

D. Spelling paired consonant sounds in the middle of a word.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1.Front work.

Ex. 187., p. 98

U. Let's watch the words. How are the sounds pronounced in place of the highlighted letters?

D. Like voiceless consonants.

U. What sounds - voiced or unvoiced - are pronounced after them?

D. Deaf [k].

U. What conclusion can be drawn?

D. Paired consonants before voiceless consonants are pronounced as voiceless consonants.

U. How to correctly write words with paired consonants in the middle of the word?

D. We need to check. To do this, you need to change the word or select a word with the same root so that after the consonant sound there is a vowel.

2. Independent work

Exercise 188, p.98.

U. Compare the pronunciation of consonant sounds in place of the highlighted letters. What sounds follow them? Think about what word will be the test word. Emphasize it.

1 row writes off 1 line

2nd row – 2nd line

3rd row – 3rd line

3. Introduction to the rule

4. Teamwork.

U. What are antonyms?

D. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.

Recording from dictation. Choose an antonym and a test word

One student works at the board.

  • High – low (low)
  • Bitter – sweet (sweet)
  • Wide - narrow (narrow)
  • Far - close (close)

V. Physical education minute

U. If I name a word that has a paired consonant in the middle of the word that needs to be checked, you stretch, raising your arms up. If there is no need to check the consonant in a word, you squat.

Cow, cockerels, mugs, eyes, horse, pipe, irons, fish, cabinets, shovel, bed.

V. Consolidation of the studied material.

Work in pairs.

(Task cards are on the desks).


Children read sentences. The fans show the letters missing in the words.

  • The berry is red, but tastes bitter.
  • Soft paws, and scratches on the paws.

VI. Work on repeating the material covered.

VII. Creative work.

The result of our research will be creative work. Complete the story with words related to the topic of our lesson and write them correctly, using the methods we found to check paired consonants in the middle of a word.

Option 1.

Outside... A fluffy one fell out... Sasha put on a warm one... and a fur one.... The guys are playing...

Words for reference: hat, fur coat, snow, snowballs, frost.

Option 2.

Grandma has a big... in the village. There on... it turns green... and delicious... grows. On... grandma prepared a delicious....

Words for reference: lunch, onions, vegetable garden, beds, carrots, soup.

VIII. Summing up.

U. What consonants did we work on today?

D. Above paired consonants.

U. What groups are paired consonants divided into?

D. Voiced and unvoiced.

U. When we check a paired consonant, where is it located in the word?

D. Paired consonants must be checked in the middle and at the end of the word.

U. How to check the spelling of paired consonants?

D. It is necessary to change the word so that after the consonant sound there is a vowel.

( As the discussion progresses, the following diagram is drawn up)

IX. Homework

P. 101. ex. 191.

X. Reflection.

U. That's the end of the lesson.

Continue these offers

U. Guys, thanks for the lesson.

When checking the correct spelling of a consonant, it is necessary to change the word or select a related one so that after the consonant being checked there is a vowel. For example: “” (mow), “request” (ask), “carving” (cut). In this case, you need to be careful about the context of the sentence in order to avoid mistakes as a result of incorrect definition of the semantic load: “frost” (), “drizzle” (drizzle); “mok” (wet), “mog” (I can).

Exception words: “wedding” (matchmaking), “hole” (open), “ladder” (lezu).

Please note that sometimes in words with the same root there is an alternation of consonants: voiceless words always alternate with voiceless ones, voiced with voiced ones. For example: alternating “k” - “h” (“lik” - “little face”), “f” - “g” - “z” (“girlfriend” - “friend” - “friends”), “s” - “ sh" ("forest" - "goblin"), "x" - "sh" ("plow" - "plows").

It is impossible to check words of foreign origin in this way: “corruption” (corrupt), “transcription” (transcribe).

There is a verification option in which the word is changed so that after the dubious consonant there are “l”, “m”, “r”, “n” (“forest” - “”, “chord” - “chord”).

Words whose root consonants need to be memorized: “”, “building”, “here”, “ham”, “astronaut”, “tailbone”, “boots”, “”, “dispatcher”.

Spelling unpronounceable consonants in the root

When checking the unpronounceable consonant at the root of a word, you need to choose a related word in which it appears after the vowel or the letters “l”, “m”, “r”, “n”. For example: “ ” (crossroads), “sun” (sunny), “pasture” (graze), “clear” (explicit).

It is better to remember the word “stairs”, since the spelling related words varies, which can lead to confusion: “climb”, “climb” and others. The word "coeval" comes from the obsolete "rovo" (temporary measure), therefore without the "t".

Spelling double consonants in the root

Two consonants are written:
- in the roots of Russian words: “reins”, “yeast”, “Russia”, “eleven”, “juniper”, “quarrel”, “art” and their derivatives;
- V foreign words: “ ”, “group”, “certificate”, “cancel”, “appeal” and others;
- in compound abbreviated words, if one part ends and the other begins with the same letter: “Mossovet”, “chief physician”;
- if the stem ends with a double consonant: “compromise” - “compromise”.

Exceptions: “Finn”, but “Finnish”; " ", but "five-ton"; “crystal” but “crystalline”, “ ” but “column”. They are also written with one consonant diminutives names “Emma”, “Alla” (“Emka”, “Alka”) and others.

Video on the topic


  • Spelling of consonants

Tip 4: When to take birth control pills

Birth control pills are usually selected by a gynecologist, but most of them have the same indications and contraindications. In any case, when taking them, you should definitely check your health with a mammologist and gynecologist.

The Russian language is marked by inconsistencies in spelling and pronunciation. This feature creates many difficulties. To master the Russian language perfectly, you should learn the basics of spelling from primary classes. Special attention require paired consonant sounds at the root of the word.

The main question that interests students is what paired consonants are and what they look like.

What paired sounds are can be understood through comparison. The consonants in the root words are compared in accordance with certain characteristics. Among the many study criteria, it is customary to highlight the principle of contrasting sounds on the basis of deafness/voicedness.

Looking at the consonants in the root words, students notice characteristic feature. If the method of pronunciation and place of formation are identical, sound comparison occurs depending on vocal participation. When studying what paired sounds are, attention is focused on the sound process. The participation of the voice gives an idea of ​​such a concept as paired consonants at the root.

Pay attention! Consonants at the root of words form a specific combination according to their sound correspondence.

It is advisable to divide the consonants in the root of the word into 3 groups of sounds, namely:

  1. b, c, d, e, g, h;
  2. p, f, k, t, w, s;
  3. y, l, m, x, c, h, sch.

Elements from the first two groups correspond to each other according to the principle of voiced/voiceless. The third group is distinguished by the absence of a paired combination according to this principle.

Paired consonants

Spelling Basics

The study of paired consonant sounds in the root of a word is carried out within the framework of educational program 3 classes.
This is due to the fact that grade 3 is marked by mastering the basics of spelling and the rules of the Russian language.

A special place in the training program is given to the course of spelling paired sounds.

Writing paired consonant sounds at the root of a word requires increased attention from the Russian language teacher.

This is due to the difficulty of students setting correct letter. Without mastering the rule, students will encounter difficulties in writing regular texts and test papers.

As a result, there will be problems with successful completion academic year and transfer to next class. Errors will be present not only when studying at school, but also when entering secondary or higher education. educational institution. The prospect of illiterate employees in the workplace is not encouraging.

Please note! In Russian, when writing words, they are not guided by pronunciation.

The pronunciation of paired sounds is marked by the ability to replace each other. This interchangeability is not reflected in the written version. The writing of paired consonants in the root of a word is accompanied by the immutability of letters. The presence of other sounds is not taken into account. This feature forms the basis of morphemic uniformity. This principle is used when choosing which paired consonant in the root needs to be written.

Paired consonants are at the root and their spelling is subject to the following rule:

  • The same representation of the word root is taken into account. The principle of uniformity is defined by semantics.
  • Checking the spelling is done by selecting words with the same root or changing the word form. The test word should be one in which the questionable letter is accompanied by a sonorant or vowel sound. By sonorant we mean the sounds th, l, m, n, r.

The basics of spelling involve the ability to identify the root. First of all, you need to select the original value. The formation of a test version is considered secondary. The detection of a vowel present after the test root is indicated by underlining 2 strokes. Analysis of this nature makes it obvious that the original spelling was correct. The reasons for displaying one or another consonant also become clear.

Availability of letters in strong position does not require verification. This is true for words in which a consonant is followed by a sonorant consonant or vowel.

The fundamental task of a teacher is to be able to convey the necessary knowledge to a group of students. Students' ability to select cognate words for testing determines their success in spelling.

Useful video: voiceless and voiced paired consonants at the root of a word


Properties such as voicedness and dullness of consonant sounds can be determined by their semantic connotation.

Examples include the following pairs:

  • Bush - thick. In relation to bush combination is used over the river, by the way thick - soup.
  • Pillar - pillar. For pillar applicable adjective telegraph, For pillarAlexandrian.
  • Kora is a mountain. Mountain combines with adjective high, bark– with clarification oak
  • Shara - heat. Heat completed with an adjective unbearable, ball– noun surface.
  • Rose - rose Word grew up seen in combination with a noun boy, roses – with the word bouquet.
  • Tom is home. For Houses actual adjective new, For volumesthick.

Paired consonants require mandatory verification. This need is due to the emergence of confusion in meaning. For example, a couple of words grew up - rose. This combination is marked by the presence of consonants at the end of the word. This causes sounds to hit a weak position.

The consonants being tested are studied by changing:

  • Adjectives and nouns - by cases and numbers.
  • - by numbers and persons.

To check, a suffix method of word formation is used with the appearance of other parts of speech.

Let's look at ways to check using words as an example:

  • pillar];
  • le[x]ky;
  • bir[s]ka;
  • pro[p]ka;
  • kana[f]ka;
  • fold[t]ka;
  • crust;
  • train;
  • bula[f]ka;
  • boo[t]ka;
  • road[sh]ka;
  • side[sh]ka;
  • girlfriend;
  • uka[s]ka;
  • doomed;
  • carrots;
  • boro[t]ka;
  • dream[k].

The method of changing the number leads to verification results such as:

  • table[p] – pillars;
  • kol[z]ki – spikelet.

Consonants at the root of words

The suffix method of word formation generates the following test words:

  • le[h]kiy – lightly;
  • birch[s]ka – birch tree;
  • fold [t]ka – fold;
  • pro[p]ka – cork;
  • bula[f]ka – pin;
  • poe[t]ka – travel;
  • koro[p]ka – box / peddler;
  • bu[t]ka – booth;
  • sk[d]ka – roll up;
  • side [sh]ka – guard;
  • path[sh]ka - little path;
  • girlfriend - girlfriend;
  • uka[s]ka – pointer;
  • trim[s]ka – trim;
  • sal[s]ki – sled.

It is relevant to use the suffixless method, for example:

  • ditch[f]ka – ditch;
  • beard [t]ka – beard.

Changing the case leads to versions such as:

  • carrots - carrots;
  • snow[k] – snow.

Based on the results of the checks, it becomes possible to generate the final version:

  • table[p] – pillars – pillar;
  • spikelets - spikelets - spikelets;
  • birch[s]ka - birch - birch;
  • le[h]kiy - lightly - light;
  • koro[p]ka – box / peddler – box;
  • pro[p]ka – cork – cork;
  • pin[f]ka – pin – pin;
  • fold[t]ka – fold – fold;
  • sk[d]ka – roll up – roll up;
  • poez [t]ka – travel – trip;
  • boo[t]ka – booth – booth;
  • girlfriend - girlfriend - girlfriend;
  • path[sh]ka - path - path;
  • prun[s]ka – trim – pruning;
  • side[sh]ka – guard – guardhouse;
  • beard[t]ka – beard – goatee;
  • uka[s]ka – pointer – pointer;
  • carrots - carrots - carrots;
  • ditch[f]ka – ditch – ditch;
  • snow[k] - snow - snow.

Useful video: spelling voiced and voiceless consonants at the root


Knowing the basics of the Russian language greatly simplifies the writing process. A thorough study of paired consonant sounds at the root of a word prevents students from making mistakes and illiteracy.

We present to your attention a test with answers on the topic “Paired consonants in the roots of words”, which can be used in the Russian language course for grade 2. The structure of the test is presented as follows: a question, and then an answer on a gray background. To successfully pass the test, we recommend that you refresh your knowledge on this topic using this link.

1. Complete the rule.

To check the paired consonant at the root of a word, you need to change the word so that after _________________________________.

To check the paired consonant at the root of a word, you need to change the word so that after the consonant was a vowel.

2. Read. Highlight in a different color the words in which the missing letter must be checked. Fill in the missing letter:

Truck, loading, pot, smooth, smart, frosty, horse, careful, cook, do_ki.

Tra V ka, I'll dive h ka, to n Ilka, gla d cue, Narya d ny, moro h ny, horse d ka, be careful and ny, ready V it, do d ki.

P.S. The words: elegant, frosty and careful do not need to be checked, for the reason that after the consonant, in each of these words, there is a sonorant consonant “N”.

Unpaired voiced ones: N, M, L, R, Y have an additional name - sonorant consonants.

The rule should also be supplemented: to check a paired consonant, you need to choose a test word such that after the consonant there is a vowel, either a sonorant (N, M, L, R, Y), or the letter V.

3. Highlight the word being checked in blue, the test word in red.

Fishy - fish, fabulous - fairy tale, pie - pies, pipe - pipe, birch - birch, watchman - watchman, eyes - eyes, notebook - notebook, jump - jumps.

4. Select and write down test words for these words. Fill in the missing letters

kru_ka — ______ immer_ka -______ bere_ka — ______

morko_ka — ______ uka_ka — ______ kry_ka — ______

flag_ki - ______ zaga_ka - ______ ry_ka - ______

cross_ka — ______ ska_ ka — ______ road_ka -______

Crewe and ka-kru and I'm going to immerse myself h ka-gru h take it h ka - take h and Morco V ka - morko V and uka h ka - uka h cover w ka-kry w a fla and ki - fla and ok zaga d ka - zaga d face-to-face b ka-ry b and Perez d ka - peres d it's ska h ka-ska h points doro and ka - doro and ek

5.Read. Choose and insert the desired letter into the words.

snow__ki (f, w), re__kiy (d, t), yu__ka (b, p), paper__ka (f, w), sharp__ki (v, f), boots (f, w), bliky (z, s), bun__ka (v, f), soft (g, x), sweet (d, t)

Dream and ki ( and, w), re d cue ( d, t), yu b ka ( b, p), boom and ka ( and, w), sharp V ki ( V, f), boots and ki ( and, w), bli h cue ( h, c), bula V ka ( V, f), me G cue ( G, x), sl d cue ( d, T)

6.Insert the missing letters. Write the test words in brackets. Write the text to separate sheet, underline the spelling pattern being studied.

Lebe. b (____________) is called the king of all water birds. It is white as snow, with shiny, transparent small eyes. kami (_________), with a black nose and black varnishes (__________). He has a long gi. kaya (____________) and a beautiful neck. It is beautiful when it floats around. which (__________) surface of the water.

Lebe d ь (lebe d i) called the king of all water birds. It is white as snow, with shiny, transparent small eyes. h kami (gla h a), with a black nose and black tails n kami (la n s). He has a long gi b kaya (gi b ok) and a beautiful neck. He is beautiful when he floats across his eyes d coy (gla d ok) surface of the water.

  1. Circle the paired consonants: z n t h b x r f k
  1. Highlight the test words. tooth, teeth, teeth, teeth, dental
tooth, teeth, teeth, clove, dental
  1. Highlight the words in the text with consonants at the end that need to be checked.

It's hot outside. Gleb and Oleg went to the beach. A white sail is visible in the distance. sea ​​water washes the shore. The boys took off their clothes and shoes and dived into the water. The sea was warm. And swimming is fun.

It's hot outside. Gleb And Oleg went to beach. White is visible in the distance sail. Sea water washes shore. The boys took off their clothes and shoes, and dived into the water. The sea was warm. And swimming is fun.

Online test on the topic “Paired consonants”

We also bring to your attention an online test to test your knowledge on the topic: “Paired consonants at the root of a word.”

city... by selecting the test word:



Fill in the missing letter in the word take... by selecting the test word:



Fill in the missing letter in the word meh... by selecting the test word:



Fill in the missing letter in the word by selecting the test word:


Paired consonants in Russian: examples, table. Spelling paired consonants. What is a paired consonant?

September 12, 2016

IN primary school the basis of human spelling literacy is formed. Everyone knows that the difficulty of the Russian language is largely due to the discrepancy between spelling and pronunciation. This is often associated with paired consonants.

What is a paired consonant?

All consonants are in one or another opposition to each other in their characteristic features. One of them is the contrast between sounds based on deafness and voicedness.

Some consonants, while all other features coincide, such as the place of formation and the method of pronunciation, differ only in the participation of the voice in the sound process. They are called pairs. The remaining consonants do not have a voiceless-voiced pair: l, m, x, ts, ch, shch, y.

Paired consonants

examples of words with paired consonants

tables[b]s - table[p]

draw[v]a - draw[f]

doro[g]a - doro[k]

boro[d]a - boro[t]ka

blah[zh]it - blah[sh]

frosty[z]ny - frosty[s]

Paired consonants are given here. The table also contains examples that illustrate the spelling “Verified consonants in the root of a word.”

Spelling rule for paired consonants

During pronunciation, paired sounds can be interchangeable. But this process is not reflected in writing. That is, the letters do not change, no matter what sounds we hear in their place. This is how the principle of uniformity of morphemes is implemented in the Russian language. The spelling of paired consonants is completely subject to this law.

The rule can be stated in the following paragraphs:

  • the root of the word is always written the same way, since semantics depends on this;
  • spelling needs to be checked by selecting words with the same root or changing word forms;
  • You must select as a test one the one that has either a vowel sound or a sonorant sound after the dubious consonant (р,л,м,н,й).

This can be seen in the examples from the table: consonant spellings appear either at the end of words or before other paired sounds. In test words they are located before vowels or before phonemes that are unpaired in voicing.

Video on the topic

Application of the rule

The spelling of paired consonants needs to be practiced. You need to start by developing the ability to see the spelling pattern being studied. This will be the end of a word or a combination of consonants, in which sounds begin to influence the sound of each other - the subsequent one changes the quality of the pronunciation of the previous one.

When we know what a paired consonant is, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion about which option to choose:

  • bo[p] - beans - bean;
  • bro[t] - broda - ford;
  • bro[f"] - eyebrows - eyebrow;
  • nail[t"] - nails - nail;
  • vegetable garden [t] - vegetable gardens - vegetable garden;
  • dro [sh] - trembling - trembling;
  • stripe [s]ka - stripe - stripe;
  • ko[z"]ba - mow - mowing;
  • re[z"]ba - cut - carving;
  • goro[d"]ba - fence - gorodba;
  • kro[v"] - blood - blood;
  • str[sh] - guard - guard.

Paired consonants. Examples of differentiating words

Deafness and voicedness are able to distinguish words by meaning. For example:

  • (soup) thick - (above the river) bush;
  • (telegraph) pole - (Alexandria) pillar;
  • bark (oak) - (high) mountain;
  • (unbearable) heat - (surface) of the ball;
  • (bouquet) of roses - (boy) grew up;
  • (new) house - (thick) volume.

IN weak positions, at the end of words, for example, as in the example of “roses” and “ros”, a check is required to avoid semantic confusion. Paired consonants in Russian require careful attention.

Test on the topic studied

1. What is a paired consonant? _____________________________________________

2. Complete the sentence:

To check paired consonants, you need _____________________________________

3. Highlight the words that need checking:

Dive..ka, underwater..ny,, smart..ny, horse..ka, careful..kay,,, other..ny.

grass[..]ka, fish[..]ka, zu[..]ki, arbu[..], lo[..]ka, kor[..]ka, ko[..]ti.

Fabulous - fairy tale, head - head, pie - pies, ditch - groove, birch - birch, eyes - eyes, stripe - stripes, notebook - notebook, spikelet - spikelets, jump - jumping

6. F or W?,,,,,,,,,, lay

  • (__________);
  • (__________);
  • gr... (__________);
  • gla... (__________);
  • (____________);
  • lo...ka (____________);
  • horse (______________);
  • zu.. (_______).

Sha(p/b)ka, provo(d/t), kru(g/k), povya(s/z)ka, myo(d/t), su(d/t), sla(d/t) cue, oshi(b/p)ka, doba(v/f)ka, uka(z/s)ka.

9. Insert letters in the text:

Swan is the king of all waterfowl. He is, like a dream..., white, graceful, he has shiny eyes, black varnishes and a long, flexible neck. How beautifully he floats on the smooth water of the pond!

10. Correct errors:

  • I love reading stories.
  • How fragrant the strawberries are!
  • Carrots are sown on the beds.
  • A flexible birch tree flutters its petals in the wind.
  • The tray floated on the lake.
  • Berek is gradually approaching.
  • Storosh is not sleeping.
  • A mongrel rattles loudly in the yard.
  • Yosh rustles in the bushes.


1. What is a paired consonant? A consonant that has a pair of deafness or voicedness.

2. Complete the sentence:

To check paired consonants, you need choose a test word.

3. Highlight the words that need checking:

immer..ka, underwater... smooth, smart... horse, careful..prepare,, l, other..ny.

4. Write the sounds in square brackets:

grass[V]ka, lo[D]ka, zu[B]ki, arbu[Z], lo[D]ka, koro[B]ka, ko[G]ti.

5. Underline the test word:

Fabulous - fairy tale, head - head, pie - pies, ditch - ditch, birch - birch, eyes - eyes, stripe - stripes, notebook - notebook, spikelet - spikelets, bounce- jumping

6. F or W?

Boots, paths, pieces of paper, crumbs, horns, powders, lambs, spoons, toys, cups, frogs.

7. Write down the test words and insert letters instead of dots:

  • beeps(beep);
  • checkboxes(checkbox);
  • griB (mushrooms);
  • glaZ (eyes);
  • jumping (jump);
  • boat (boat);
  • horse(horses);
  • Teeth (teeth).

8. Choose the correct option:

Hat, wire, circle, bandage, honey, court, sweet, mistake, additive, pointer.

9. Insert letters in the text:

The swan is the king of all waterfowl. He is like snow, white, graceful, he has sparkling eyes, black paws and a long flexible neck. How beautifully he floats on the smooth water of the pond!

10. Correct errors:

  • I love reading fairy tales.
  • How fragrant the strawberries are!
  • Carrots are sown in the beds.
  • A flexible birch tree flutters its petals in the wind.
  • The boat was sailing on the lake.
  • The coastline is gradually approaching.
  • The watchman is not sleeping.
  • A mongrel barks loudly in the yard.
  • The hedgehog rustles in the bushes.



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