How an Aquarius woman falls in love with a Pisces man. How an Aquarius woman can conquer a Pisces man. Can one parent raise a child?

At first, this relationship seems very inspiring. Aquarius women and Pisces men are completely absorbed in each other. Pisces sincerely admire the charming and unusually intelligent Aquarius, while they themselves pose a real mystery to him with their incomprehensible and unpredictable changes in their moods. However, if a serious romance begins between them, the partners soon begin to understand that it brings with it quite a lot of problems. Thus, the Aquarius woman feels literally constrained, since the Pisces man has extremely strong possessive instincts, and Pisces themselves are not very comfortable in this novel due to the restless and unpredictable nature of Aquarius. In general, there are too many worries, both on one side and the other. Their views differ on literally everything - the Aquarius woman and the Pisces man have different views on family and friends, on the society in which they have to move, on their way of life, and so on. The result of this is constant mutual resentment, misunderstandings and even jealousy. In order to maintain this union, partners need to seek compromises, which can be very difficult, because while Pisces men live by emotions, Aquarius women live by their minds.

Sexual compatibility of Aquarius women and Pisces men

For both one and the other partner, it is much more important that they have complete spiritual intimacy than physical intimacy. Perhaps that is why, at the beginning of their acquaintance, they show some indecisiveness in sexual relations, often bordering on wariness. An Aquarius woman and a Pisces man seem to be taking a closer look at each other, studying each other, in order to understand whether this is really the person they need and to what extent they can trust him. If an Aquarius woman notices even the slightest hint that her partner does not want intimacy on an intellectual, spiritual level, she will instantly distance herself and turn into an icicle. Physical intimacy is not in the first place for Aquarius. That's why intimate relationships These two partners are often very much like an experiment.

Business compatibility of Aquarius woman and Pisces man

If in business relations these partners will be able to find common language, then their tandem can be very productive. Pisces men love creative work, and the more complex it turns out to be, the better for them. An Aquarius woman can process the results obtained and make them more graceful or complete. However, when Pisces are intensely busy with something, they can easily become rude, which Aquarius usually perceives extremely painfully. Quite serious conflicts sometimes arise on this basis. At the same time, this couple can cope with any, even the most difficult, work, since they do everything together and are always ready to lend a shoulder to each other.

What an Aquarius woman needs to know about a Pisces man

As a rule, men born under the sign of Pisces are kind, gentle and caring. If he loves a woman, then he is ready to give her everything he has and even more. Unfortunately, Pisces men usually have little, because others have already taken advantage of their kindness. And, besides, Pisces do not so much try to achieve something in life as they prefer to dream about it. Meanwhile, Pisces men have almost everything they need to achieve success, significantly ahead of their rivals. This is undoubted talent, intelligence and knowledge. Thus, if they added a little more aggressive pressure to this, they would have succeeded. On the other hand, for you, Aquarius woman, it has always been much more important not material, but spiritual values ​​- ideals, dreams, thoughts, feelings. Something, and Pisces men usually have enough of this goodness.

What a Pisces man needs to know about an Aquarius woman

Despite all their eccentricity, Aquarius women can be surprisingly practical in relation to ordinary everyday life. But you shouldn't judge them by their first impression. So, if on your way, Pisces, you come across a quiet, modest and inconspicuous woman who works, for example, as a cashier or an economist, it is not a fact that she does not have, for example, some amazing hobby. For example, she may love driving a tractor. Aquarius women are always different from others in some way, and it may not even occur to you - in what way. They simply cannot live according to general standards. They don't fit in

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Pisces man: chances for the future

This couple has the best chance if the partners are engaged in some common activity, for example, creativity. In ordinary life, many difficulties await them, mainly due to the dissimilarity of temperaments. An active and extraordinary Aquarius woman may simply become bored next to the calm and dreamy Pisces men. If they want to preserve this union and prevent a break, it is advisable that Pisces share at least some of Aquarius’ hobbies.

Aquarius-Pisces Compatibility: How to Lose the Love of an Aquarius

  • Tell him you saw his hairstyle in last year's fashion magazine.
  • Instead of Sunday dinner at home, suggest going to an expensive restaurant.
  • Make a list of rules for living together.
  • Argue that the poor simply need to work more.
  • Don't agree with him.
  • Tell him you like it when he keeps his head down.
  • Break his navigator.

What makes Aquarius incomparable:

  • His brilliant, inventive mind.
  • His desire to help the weak.
  • His rejection of generally accepted norms and ability to convince others of the need for change.
  • His desire to accept someone else's lifestyle.
  • His dreaminess.
  • His tenacity in defending his beliefs.

Partners have different ideas about life, opposite characters and temperaments. However, such marriages can be found quite often, which is explained by the positive fusion of the intellect of Aquarius and the emotional component of Pisces. Compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces signs defines relationships with a clear division of roles. Of course, the leader in such relationships will be the representative of the air sign. He is more rational and independent. Pisces attract a partner with their softness and pliability. They are caring and devoted, having chosen a life partner, the representative of the Pisces sign will do his best to support him and surround him with tender love. This is what fascinates Aquarius so much. He is one of the few signs that can appreciate such self-sacrifice. Pisces surprisingly simply perceive their partner’s reluctance to adapt to other people’s opinions. This independence of Aquarius makes him very attractive in the eyes of a water sign.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces is also based on their mutual dreaminess and love of art. Both partners have a fairly subtle mental organization, which is why it is so easy for them to understand each other.

Quarrels also occur between partners, although they quickly fade away, ending in hugs. In such situations, Pisces make categorical remarks and stop the verbal fight, and Aquarius tries to bring it to a real conflict in order to throw out emotions and then feel relief.

It is important that the compatibility of the signs Aquarius and Pisces is primarily based on their spiritual kinship. They first become close friends, and then lovers. The key to harmony in such relationships is intellectual unity, which greatly enhances their physical attraction.

Aquarius and Pisces have general views on issues of education and career growth. There will be no disagreements in financial matters. Moreover, these signs are similar in their rejection of any promises. Pisces rarely make promises, but even less often they keep what they promise. Aquarius is even more categorical: he never makes promises, because he cannot be sure that tomorrow his plans will not change.

The relationship between Aquarius and Pisces can be negatively affected by the latter's great secrecy. Their evasiveness will sooner or later begin to irritate their partner; they should learn sincerity.

In general, the compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces gives these partners everything they need to form a happy family union. The most important thing is that their waves have the same frequency and they understand each other perfectly.

Sexual compatibility between Aquarius and Pisces

Sexual compatibility The signs Aquarius and Pisces are promising. Already at the initial stage, partners are attractive to each other. In addition, they are interested in learning something new together in their intimate life, since both are very inventive. Difficulties may arise if the open and sociable Aquarius begins to dislike unraveling the secrets of his chosen one, and the fussiness of the air sign begins to irritate Pisces. However, if there is strong feelings these obstacles will be easily overcome.

Compatibility: Aquarius man - Pisces woman

Such a union is not uncommon, because it is pure form reunification of the masculine and feminine principles. A man born under the sign of Aquarius may seem a little out of this world. However, in difficult situations It is precisely this type that shows amazing strength of character, and the Pisces woman, who has developed intuition, immediately feels this. On the other hand, a lady born under the sign of Water has a real femininity, and her attractiveness is of particular importance to Aquarius. Being fascinated by his companion, this airy man can behave quite strangely and even repulsively. Poor Pisces will decide that he is unpleasant and will be very worried. But then her intuition will still tell her what kind of feelings force her chosen one to commit such extravagant acts.

The physical side of this couple’s relationship deserves special attention. It is in this ratio that the compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces becomes the embodiment of the ideal classical union of a man and a woman. The soft and pliable Pisces lady becomes a faithful companion to the strong and rational Aquarius. These are the couples that people around call beautiful.

Compatibility: Aquarius woman - Pisces man

The Aquarius girl is the embodiment of extravagance. She often surprises those around her with very strange behavior, doing it voluntarily or unwittingly. In any case, it gives her great pleasure. The Pisces man, whose personality cannot be called ordinary due to his dreaminess and mystery, is one of the few representatives of the Zodiac circle who is very tolerant of such manifestations of his chosen one. Sometimes he doesn’t even notice anything unusual; for him, many strange things seem quite familiar.

At the same time, the representative of the Pisces sign is very gentle towards the Aquarius woman and gives her himself without reserve. However, such sacrifice does not embarrass her, but, on the contrary, makes her partner a real man in the eyes of the airy lady. In addition, the Pisces man can listen to his partner and give her excellent advice, which the Aquarius girl will certainly take advantage of. Such a couple will be happy and harmonious for many years. Each partner has something that the other lacks.

Business compatibility between Pisces and Aquarius

In business relationships, partners should avoid close emotional contacts. This will not have the best effect on both their work and the activities of the entire team. Generally Compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces not bad in business: the technical rationalism of Aquarius perfectly complements the flexibility and excellent intuitive intelligence of Pisces.

The most important thing that both the Aquarius woman and the Pisces man are looking for in love is depth. They are both intelligent enough to understand the relationship as a unity of two personalities, each of which cares about its own development and desires the same for the other. They hate jealousy, possessive instincts, and don’t understand why they should focus on one person. We can say that their relationship will even be somewhat cynical, as if a little cold. At the same time, they will have real respect and interest in their partner as a unique individual, and not as some kind of foreign object. The Aquarius woman and the Pisces man will have to develop a livelier, more passionate approach to love in order to be able to enjoy all its delights, in order to live a more juicy and rich life.

Sex between an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man will be something akin to meditation. They are both tuned in rather not to physical pleasure from the process (although this is also an important part, of course), but to sensory-emotional pleasure. The preparation stage, foreplay, is extremely important for them. Long relaxing conversations, the right music - all this will be of very high quality, as if this is the most important part. Perhaps this is true.

Family and marriage

The marriage between an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man will be very tender and strong. They will not play the roles of ideal spouses familiar to society - they have completely different interests - but their family will be truly strong. The Aquarius woman will always be able to support her husband, and the Pisces man quite often experiences difficulties associated with the pragmatic side of life. She will inspire him and inspire him to overcome difficulties of any kind. He, in turn, will create the necessary emotional atmosphere of love and peace, in which any family member, especially children, will be very comfortable. The Aquarius woman and the Pisces man will be very concerned about maximizing everyone’s talents: both their own and the talents of their children.

They will also be able to be friends. They are both quite sociable (though the Pisces man often opens up only in private), love adventure and are eager for something new. These will be real friends, friends who can tell each other about everything that makes them happy or worries. The Aquarius woman will always be a little more cheerful than her Pisces man friend, so the role of the ringleader in their micro-company will most likely belong to her. He will peacefully agree to everything that she came up with - and will be happy. The Pisces man will be able to understand her worries, listen and give good advice- the Aquarius woman will be very grateful for such friendly support.

Work and business

They will be able to work together to create something beautiful and interesting. It is unlikely that they will be able to show themselves in what has long been clear and known to everyone: the Aquarius woman and the Pisces man cope better with what has not yet been explored, where the field for research is wide enough. Together they will be able to set ambitious goals and achieve them. The Pisces man has excellent intuition; he will definitely find a way to solve any problem, and the Aquarius woman will receive the necessary information no matter what.

The Pisces man and the Aquarius woman have many contradictions in their relationship. But there are similarities between the couple that can help them achieve mutual understanding and love.

Partner interaction

An Aquarius woman will certainly attract the attention of Pisces men with her eccentricity, charisma, and elegance. Women, representatives of this zodiac sign, have taste and unsurpassed style, which allows them to stand out from the crowd of people around them. Aquarius is a fascinating conversationalist, as she is in constant development, searching for new impressions and emotions. At the same time, the Aquarius woman manages to combine modesty, good nature and a sense of tact. She will be impressed by the sensitivity and romanticism of the Pisces man; his behavior and refined manners will immediately appeal to the Aquarius woman.

Aquarius can perfectly motivate his chosen one, inspire him, gently pushing him towards development. She is able to develop in him best qualities character, helps to reveal the full creative potential of Pisces men. Aquarius, represented by Pisces men, also finds a person who perfectly understands and accepts her inner world. This makes the Aquarius woman absolutely happy. Pisces, just like Aquarius, live by ideals, bright dreams that not everyone will understand. Both have deep spiritual peace and will understand each other without words.

Difficulties in relationships. How to avoid them?

The Pisces man, like the Aquarius woman, lacks practicality, a sense of responsibility, and stability in life. Usually, they choose stronger and more reliable partners for life. The couple perfectly supports each other morally, sharing the views and interests of their companion. However, in everyday matters and everyday life they will lack that support and reliability on which they can rely. Aquarius and Pisces will eventually demand that help and active participation that each of them cannot give.

Also, differences between a pair of a man - Pisces and a woman - Aquarius arise when choosing a pastime. Pisces value silence and tranquility more. They are able to find complete happiness and harmony when they are alone with their loved one. Aquarius is determined to interact with the world around him, without which it will be very difficult for him.

The Aquarius woman is very sociable, loves to spend time with friends and attend interesting events. All this gives her a feeling of happiness and a desire to develop. Spending time at home, she will soon get bored and begin to blame her man, Pisces, for this. He, in turn, will also feel lonely and will not understand why his beloved half does not want to spend time with him.

If a couple of Aquarius and Pisces has a desire to preserve their relationship, the couple is quite capable of achieving this. The main thing is not to harbor grudges, show understanding towards your partner and learn to forgive. The Pisces man responds well to tender words and romance. By assuring him that he is the only one and beloved, devoting at least a little time to him, Aquarius will be able to give him happiness. In return, he will also be devoted and full of tenderness. The Aquarius woman will understand that her efforts only benefit their relationship and over time she will learn to show her feminine wisdom to the fullest.

Compatibility in work and friendship

A Pisces man and an Aquarius woman rarely find a common language at work. Everyone works in their own field and is not able to evaluate the qualities of an employee. IN working hours, the couple rarely communicates because they don’t have much in common. Aquarius does not like it when Pisces are irresponsible and impractical. Aquarius is more purposeful and her work brings her a lot of pleasure.

Pisces and Aquarius are great friends, but the friendship between them is not very close. They enjoy spending time together. Pisces is impressed by the cheerfulness and cheerful disposition of Aquarius. Since Pisces are often depressed, they really value people who can support them. Aquarius also appreciates a friend who is able to appreciate her spontaneity and originality. But when a Pisces man finds his soul mate, he often stops communicating with Aquarius, since he is usually faithful to his beloved and considers his behavior tactless.

Compatibility Horoscope this couple foreshadows good compatibility, but it should be noted that despite this, there is often a lack of passion between these signs.

Even if they get together, this union rarely turns out to be long-lasting, since both signs are accustomed to having their head in the clouds and floating away with the flow of fantasies.

In this couple, neither partner will want to take responsibility for leadership in the relationship. This leads to the fact that as buddies or friends they are compatible, but in marriage their compatibility turns out to be unsuccessful.

The Aquarius girl is used to trusting only her mind and does what she considers logically correct. The Pisces guy cannot understand her, since he is naturally endowed with enviable intuition, which always guides him in the right direction.

It should be noted that it is these differences that attract them to each other at the beginning of their acquaintance, but over time it is these differences that will begin to irritate both and threaten their union. It is very difficult for Aquarius and Pisces to look at the world through the eyes of their partner, because both are not used to adapting or limiting themselves in anything.

Aquarius admires the kind and calm character of Pisces, who does not deceive or be a hypocrite, but prefers to remain himself.

The Pisces man is not a fan of noisy parties and an active lifestyle, but, strangely, he is attracted to the energy and eccentric disposition of Aquarius. With her, he is ready to go to any meeting or party with friends and relatives.

What is important for both is a union of people who, above all, are true friends who completely trust each other.

It’s not strange that they don’t try to limit each other’s freedom and don’t make scenes of jealousy.

The main enemy of this relationship is financial problems, since their attitude to money is radically different.

He constantly saves and saves, but she believes that money exists only to be spent. It should be noted that, at the same time, she will consider him stingy and petty, which he clearly will not forgive her for.

If all these differences do not frighten them, then they can count on quite successful union, of course, if they try really hard.

Are passionate relationships the basis of a happy marriage?

Yes it is

I can't agree

What kind of spouses will an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man make?

The marriage of this couple often turns out to be unsuccessful. Pisces and Aquarius are incompatible in the family, as they have completely different ideas about harmonious relationships.

The Aquarius wife does not know how to spend a lot of time at home with her husband and children. She will often be absent, stay late and believe that no one has the right to make comments to her, even if it is her legal spouse.

Pisces' husband will be able to keep her at home only if he is compatible with her on an intellectual level. He should become an interesting and erudite conversationalist with whom she will want to spend a lot of time.

An Aquarius mother runs the risk of raising children who are too spoiled and capricious, since she is too pliable and fulfills all their whims. If her husband can help her, then she can find optimal method in raising children.

Pisces father can reach excellent results, if he doesn’t set the bar too high for his child. He must understand that it is important for a child to have a faithful friend in a parent with whom he can share all his problems.

Can one parent raise a child?

Find out what kind of colleagues an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man will have

Aquarius submissive able to keep secret any secret entrusted by his leader. In addition to this, he is always ready to give worthwhile advice about solving any problems. His manager will appreciate such dedication and will value the employee.

With such an employee Pisces head will be able to reach all career heights that he never even dreamed of. What is characteristic of this cooperation is that Pisces is not very decisive, but a determined Aquarius will be able to carry out all orders.

Pisces subordinate must understand that his manager loves active and proactive employees. Since Pisces is very indecisive about nature, in cooperation with Aquarius he will have to change radically and show what he is capable of.

Office romance could it have a serious sequel?

Nothing will work out

The relationship will be successful



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