The height of the railings of the flight of stairs. What should be the height of the handrails on the stairs according to GOST? Types of fencing structures

  • A roof fence is required if the height of the building is more than 10 m and the roof slope is 12 degrees or less. For larger angles and building heights of 7 meters or more, a fence is also required. On balconies, loggias, and flights of stairs, railings are required, regardless of height. (Federal Law No. 123).
  • The parapet is considered a full-fledged fence in buildings with internal drainage. Its minimum height is 60 cm. If the parapet does not fit into this value, then it is replaced with a lattice fence. (SNiP 31-03-2001).

  • Emergency exits from the attic in multi-storey buildings must be equipped with platforms and transition areas, which must have fences. All potentially dangerous roofs and stairs are also blocked.

    The height of the fence starts from 1.2 m. There are several more important requirements regarding fences (SNiP 31-03-2003):

  • They must not contain breaks.
  • They must end with handrails.
  • The fence must withstand a load of 300 kg per 1 m2.
  • In administrative public places, according to the standards, all dangerous areas must have fences at least 90 cm high that can prevent an accidental fall.

    Their height is smaller, as they are designed for children. The requirement for handrails and the ability to withstand at least 300 kg per 1 m2 remains. (SNiP 31-05-2003).

  • For public buildings, the following requirements are imposed on railings and fences: when the roof height is more than 10 meters, a steel fence is required that complies with GOST 25772; in a situation where in one room there are height differences of more than 1 meter, fences with a height of 90 cm or 1 are installed along the perimeter of the elevation, 1 m if the room is visited by children. (SNiP 31-06-2009).

This document explains what handrails and barriers should be like. First of all, this standard controls the production and production of fences. It is clear from its number that GOST was issued back in 1983.

What useful things can you learn from this document?

  • The height of the stair railing, which is responsible for safety: for indoor stairs - 80 cm (from the flight level 90 cm).

    For external stairs, the height from the flight level should be 1.2 m.

    The height of fences for preschool institutions is 1.18 m.

  • The height of the railing for the landing has exactly the same values ​​as in the first point.
  • Height of balcony railings. If the height of the building does not reach 30 m, then the fences are made up to 1 m. For higher heights, the fences are made 1.1 m.

    In preschool buildings - 1.2 m.

  • On roofs without parapets, lattice fences 60 cm high are installed.

Standards for the construction of a private house

SNiP 31-02 will be useful to those who plan to build a house themselves.

  • It is desirable that at least one staircase in a building for every two floors has a flight width of 90 cm or more. This requirement is related to a possible evacuation situation.

  • The slope of internal stairs should not exceed a ratio of 1:1.25. This is also related to fire safety.

  • There are no more than 18 steps in one flight of stairs. All steps are made the same size.

  • It is advisable to equip internal stairs with steps with a height of 12.5 to 20 cm and a width of 21 to 35 cm.

  • The landing cannot be smaller than the flight of stairs.
  • If the landing ends in a doorway, then its dimensions should be much larger than the width of the door.
  • For winder steps and spiral staircases, the wide part should be 20 cm, and the narrow part should be at least 15 cm.

  • Stairs outside the house, made of wood, should not touch the ground unless they are properly antiseptically treated.


An elevation starting from 60 cm must be fenced. This applies to terraces, balconies, galleries, external staircases with three or more steps, and ramps. The boundaries of the internal staircase opening are also blocked by fencing.
Objects rising at a level of more than 1.8 meters are fenced with railings from 1.07 m.

Height of fencing for staircases and landings

The distance between the bars in the fence should not be more than 10 cm. Most accidents occur due to the fact that the child tried to stick his head through the gap in the fence.


The height of the handrails on the stairs is subject to strict regulation. This is due to the fact that guardrails are primarily designed to protect people walking along steps from falling. Despite the wild imagination of designers and the huge options for decorating railings, craftsmen must comply with the requirements regarding their height, material of manufacture, type of fastening and level of strength.

Height of railings and fences: GOST and SNiP requirements

The main dimensions and parameters of stair railings are indicated in administrative documents such as GOST and SNiP. In accordance with their points, every structure containing more than three steps must be equipped with railings. Their height and type depend on the location of the staircase, its width and frequency of use. Fences can only be installed on one side if the width of the structure does not exceed 125 cm and the other side is adjacent to a wall or permanent structure. Larger objects require railings on both sides. A feature of very wide stairs, which reach 250 cm, is the need to build fences not only on the sides, but also in the center.

But that's not all. The standard height of railings along the stairs of private houses differs from the parameters of railings erected in public buildings or in educational institutions. Based on the fact that the latter are designed for more intensive traffic, greater attention is paid to the safety of people.

Fencing in residential buildings

The height of the stairs above six meters must be at least one meter. For lower structures, it is necessary to erect railings, the dimensions of which are not less than 90 cm. If the room is equipped with ramps, they must also be accompanied by fences. For different categories of users, handrails are installed at 70 and 90 cm. This design allows us to meet the needs of people with limited mobility who travel on foot or in a wheelchair.

Rules governing the construction of stair railings in public buildings

Handrails and railings installed in rooms where a large number of people stay daily are subject to much greater loads than staircase elements in private homes. For this reason, increased attention is paid to their manufacture and installation. The minimum height of handrails on stairs in a public building is set at 90 cm. Schools and other educational organizations become exceptions. Here, fences should be erected no lower than 120 cm. If we are talking about institutions where children with a slow development rate are taught, then the mandatory height of the railings increases to 180 cm. At the same time, the distance between the balusters cannot exceed 10 cm. This is due to the fact that with wider gaps there is a risk of injury to children stuck in the fence. The required strength for railings is the same as for residential premises. They must withstand a load of at least 30 kg/cm 3 .

Other types of fencing

GOST contains requirements for the equipment of roofs in use. If it is possible for people to exit onto the roof of a building, fences should be placed along its edge. The minimum height of railings on the roofs of buildings with a height of more than 10 m is 60 cm. Only steel is used for their manufacture. When equipping buildings up to 30 m, railings one meter high are placed on the roof. For taller houses, the size of the fences increases to 120 cm. If there is a low parapet on the roof, the dimensions of the railings mounted on this base may be smaller than those installed. However, the total height of the fence must comply with the standard. If the architecture of the room contains an internal podium or elevation for another purpose, it must be fenced. The height of the railing according to GOST is 90 cm.

Non-standard fencing and their features

Curvilinear (spiral) staircase structures must be equipped with railings on both sides. This is not necessary when constructing spiral staircases. After all, they are located around a support pillar. If necessary, a person can use the railing to maintain balance. Designers and craftsmen must strictly fulfill these requirements, since curved structures are more dangerous than traditional straight or rotary ones.

Types of fencing structures

The type of railing is chosen based on the design and configuration of the staircase. When designing this element, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Materials used in the construction of stairs.
  • Purpose and height of fences.
  • Rules and regulations regarding a specific type of fencing.

The most common are metal railings. It can be used in combination with other materials (concrete, wood, glass, stone, gypsum). When building residential buildings, many owners give preference to wooden structures. You can install, paint and repair them yourself.

Glass and concrete fencing

For stairs whose railings are made of glass, the requirements for the strength and safety of the material are considered one of the most important. There are special rules and standards for such fencing structures. They involve the use of laminated, reinforced or tempered glass.

Based on popularity and fencing, standards have also been developed for them. must contain metal reinforcement. True, this still does not put them on a par with the full GOST, which indicates the level of minimum horizontal load that the railings must withstand: 30 kg/cm 3 . Concrete balusters that are unstable in shape or cast from poor quality material may not meet this standard. To increase the safety of such a staircase, craftsmen resort to placing strong vertical pillars along the edges of its flights. Their size can be larger than the height of the railing, and the material is either metal or concrete. Finished fencing structures must be checked. They control all the main parameters: height, strength, reliability of fastening. Identification of discrepancies may result in the application of penalties.

This has already become a habit. It doesn’t matter whether when going up or down the stairs, all people instinctively do this. They reach for the railings - an integral element of most flights of stairs. Therefore, the height of the railing on the stairs is of considerable importance, which should be the most convenient for all categories of people. Young and old, children and disabled people. This article will look at how stair fencing should be organized, what the railings should be like and how best to install them.

Basic requirements for stair fencing, fencing installation

Attention! Regulatory and legal acts that regulate the optimal values ​​for these operations should become an important help in the design of stair railings.

In particular, all the necessary information about what the height of the railings of a wooden staircase should be can be found in SNiP IV-14-84. There are many other literature with instructions, but for your first, individual construction, this one is quite enough. If the staircase structure is being built to someone’s order, then it is better, of course, to take into account all existing standards and recommendations in your work, and not just the personal wishes of the customer, so that problems do not arise later.

When to make fencing

  • Firstly, according to SNiP, it is necessary to fence all staircase structures with a height of more than three steps with railings, with the exception of external (or any located on the street) staircases. In fact, even if the lifting structure is located outside the house, it is better to protect it with railings in order to certainly avoid accidents.

  • Secondly, for flights of stairs whose width does not reach 1m 20cm, and a wall or some kind of partition comes close to it on the left or right edge, you can save money and install only one handrail.
  • Thirdly, if the width of the stairs ranges from 1 m and 20 cm to two and a half meters, the railings should be arranged on both sides. In wider cases, a central handrail can be used, dividing a large staircase into two small ones.
  • Fourthly, all of the above principles are relevant for both curved staircases and spiral staircases, but in the case of spiral staircases, on one side an axial pillar perfectly copes with the role of a fence.

Design of railings and fences

Elements of stairs such as railings and railings can have very different structures:

Solid ones are the most reliable and durable. These are prefabricated or monolithic variations. Most often they can be found in various public buildings. It is also used on private construction sites in external formations, but not always, and the height of the stair railings is small.

Lattice is the most popular type of fencing today. They look like handrails mounted on top of vertically installed rods that support them. Between the bars, the fence is built up with strips or inclined elements. They not only provide support for the railings, but also perform a protective function, preventing people from falling down the stairs.

Combined - are a hybrid of the previous two options. In this case, their handrails are mounted to vertical posts, and the space between them is filled with various materials, such as glass, foam plastic, wood or metal.

What should the railings be like?

The height of the handrails on the stairs in the house is a leading indicator, the values ​​of which must be taken into account and carefully calculated.

Attention! The standard height of staircase railings should not go beyond GOST, not only because neglecting its standards can result in penalties. You should first of all think about the health and safety of your loved ones. Moving along flights of stairs organized with poorly thought-out heights of handrails is simply uncomfortable and, moreover, life-threatening.

Handrail dimensions

What should be the height of the handrail on the stairs? Regarding the optimal, minimum and maximum heights of handrails, regulations state the following:

The height of the handrail on a wooden staircase in a residential building must be at least 90 cm.

As for the inter-flight platforms, the height of the fence should also start from 90 cm.

What is the height of the handrail on the stairs outside the house? For external, street stairs, this figure should be no less than 120 cm.

In residential buildings and institutions where internal flights of stairs are used daily, mainly by children of all ages, the minimum height of the fences should be 110 cm.

Attention! To make it more comfortable for both children and adults to use the stairs, you can make railings at a height for parents and add another row of railings lower for kids.

Not only the height matters, but also the angle at which the railing is made. It should fall within the range of 20 to 45 degrees and in no case go beyond it.

Almost every day, many of us have to use stairs: going down the steps in multi-storey buildings, going into offices or shops, going up the stairs at school or university, or walking along the steps in an underground passage. For all these structures, certain rules are provided that regulate not only the size of the steps, but also the height of the railing.


When going up or down the stairs, many people involuntarily begin to look for the handrail so that they can hold on to it and feel completely safe. Many people have not even thought before about what the height of the railing should be, but the safety of pedestrians walking along the steps depends on this. Railings are special fences that are located vertically on the stairs and are installed along the edge of the flight to provide support for people ascending or descending. Residents of high-rise buildings know how difficult it is to climb to the upper floors without additional support. When going down stairs, you often need additional support. This applies to older people, small children and residents who have health problems, because dizziness or other problems can often occur during descent or ascent.

When moving along the steps, a young person will quickly go down or go up, while older people have to slowly climb the stairs, while the railing will serve them not only for convenience, but also for safety in the event of a possible fall. In the event of loss of balance, the person must be able to quickly grab the guardrail. The height of the railing is determined according to special GOST standards; it should ensure convenience and safety during movement. In addition, the railings, in addition to their protective function, also have a decorative function; many staircases are equipped with luxurious forged or carved railings. Thanks to this finishing, the designs sometimes look simply chic.

Stair railings consist of the following elements:

  • from the handrail. A hand is placed on the handrail while moving up the stairs. Handrails are installed both on one side and on both sides of the flight; they are attached to balusters or directly to the wall;
  • from balusters. Balusters are columns that serve as supports for handrails. They perform a load-bearing function and are a decorative element;
  • fastening systems. Thanks to the fastening system, the railings will be securely fastened;
  • main supports.

Often, balusters can be replaced with bowstrings; these elements are located not vertically, but horizontally.

Types of structures

Various materials are used to make railings. Fences can be made of the following materials:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • bricks;
  • combined materials.

Made of metal

Quite often you can see structures made of wood or metal. With the help of openwork forms made of metal, you can give the structure a very interesting look, and when choosing wooden railings - homely warmth and comfort. Therefore, when choosing a design, you should consider for what purpose and in what location it will be located. If we consider metal stairs, then steel is most often used for their manufacture; you can often see a structure made of cast iron, iron, brass, aluminum. When choosing aluminum, keep in mind that it is not suitable for creating a durable structure. Although the advantage of this choice is that aluminum products are not afraid of corrosion and are easy to install.

Typically, aluminum railings are prefabricated; they are chosen for rooms where gentle operating conditions are provided. If you choose a stainless steel product, you should know that you can use them both indoors and for outdoor stairs. You can often see combined type stairs, which consist of wooden handrails and racks made of stainless steel. An excellent option would be a fence where the handrails are made of stainless steel and the filling is made of glass. Stainless steel railings for stairs look no less impressive. Forged structures look stylish and elegant, and are particularly decorative.

Although such products have a high cost, such a price will be justified if we take into account the peculiarities of this design.

Made of wood

Wooden products remain the most popular; wood is also used to make railings. If the fence is made of a different material, it is worth using handrails made of wood or options made of PVC that will imitate wood. But many people choose wood products because they can be purchased at an affordable price. Thanks to the attractive appearance of wood, you can make beautiful railings that will be pleasant to the touch.

Along with the main advantages, it is worth talking about the disadvantages of using wood to make railings. First of all, such products will not be durable, because this material is susceptible to temperature changes and high humidity. When choosing valuable tree species for railings, you have to pay quite a lot of money. To extend the service life, you should choose the highest quality materials. You can protect wood products by treating the surface with special products.

General norms and standards

During the design process and when creating a staircase structure, basic parameters are taken, with special attention paid to the height of the railings. Dimensions for stair railings are specified in certain regulatory documents. If a staircase is being built for a private house, only basic regulatory documents are sufficient, namely:

  • GOST 23120-78;
  • SNiP IV-14-84.

If the work is carried out to order, the dimensions of all elements must be agreed upon both with the customer and with the authorities giving permission to install stairs. According to GOST and SNiP documents, stair railings must have certain dimensions and parameters. The minimum height of railings according to GOST is 90 cm, so this is the height that should be used when installing structures in offices, residential buildings, shops or administrative institutions. According to GOST documentation, structures that have more than three steps must be equipped with railings.

If the staircase consists of three or more steps, and the porch is located near a public institution where there is a lot of traffic, the height for the fences should be 80 cm.

If the width of the structure is less than 1.25 m, it is allowed to install fences only on one side, and on the other, the structure can be adjacent to the wall. When the staircase has less than three steps, railings do not need to be installed. If the width of the structure is greater, then the railings should be installed on both sides. If the staircase is very wide, about 2.5 m, then fences are installed on the sides and in the center. When studying the height of products, it should be said that the height of the staircase railings in a private house may differ from the height of the railings in public institutions. This is explained by the fact that in a public building or educational institution there is a very large volume of people, so special attention is paid to the safety of those passing by. The height of the fence may be different, but it must fulfill its function - to serve the safety of people’s movement along the march.

When a staircase is installed in a private house, it is necessary to take into account the height of the people living in the house. To determine the optimal height, take the length of the segment from the floor to the palm of the tallest person in the room; such parameters will be the most convenient. If we talk about preschool institutions, then the height of the railings in them, according to SNiP and GOST standards, should be about half a meter. Often, kindergartens install railings for both children and adults. Railings intended for children should have a height of 0.5 m, and the height of the fence for adults should be 90 cm.

Certain requirements also apply to stairs that are installed in primary preschool institutions. Children over the age of six are very active, and therefore their presence on the stairs should be the safest and most comfortable. For this reason, the height of the fence must be at least 1.2 meters. For schools and boarding schools where children with various pathologies, including mental ones, study, the height of the fences in relation to the marches should be 1.8 meters. If a metal mesh is used for the structure, the standard height is 1.5 meters.

You should also consider the distance between the balusters. In rooms where children are, it should be about 20 cm. The distance should not be large so that the child cannot accidentally fall out. At the same time, it should be taken into account that children may accidentally get stuck between the balusters. There are also certain requirements for the width of handrails. It should not be less than 3 cm, at the same time, the width of the handrail should not be more than 7 cm. The only exception may be the main staircases, where deviations from the standard width are allowed. For main staircases, the width can be more than 7 cm. The distance between the balusters should be no more than 0.5 meters, since with a larger distance the handrail may sag.

If the distance between the balusters is more than 15 cm, use horizontal crossbars.

Requirements depending on the type of premises

The width and height of the railings should be selected taking into account the relevant regulations. The numerical value of the dimensions of the stair railings must be in a strictly defined order. When designing stairs in buildings, not only the dimensions are chosen, but also the following are taken into account:

  • for what purposes the building or structure is intended;
  • its functions - for what purpose the staircase is intended;
  • the number of people who will use this design;
  • installation of a special staircase for people with disabilities;
  • material for making the structure.

When installing a staircase, it must be taken into account that it can be used by disabled people and people with limited abilities, so this design must be adapted to their needs.

When determining the standard height of the railing, the following points must be taken into account:

  • the maximum height can be up to 1.2 meters;
  • differences in the size of railings in a residential building should not be allowed;
  • Differences in height and depth of fencing in public buildings, such as kindergartens and schools, are not allowed;
  • for a spiral staircase, the height of the fence should not be more than 1.2 meters.

In a private house, courtyard stairs are often built, which have the following varieties:

  • a staircase, which is constructed by giving the necessary slope along the ground;
  • stairs, for the installation of which side boards are used;
  • a concrete structure that is installed on a crushed stone base;
  • staircase with brick steps.

When constructing these structures, they follow the same dimensions and ratios provided for in the documents that regulate the parameters of stairs in a residential building.

According to GOST and SNiP, for residential buildings the height of the railings should be no less than 90 cm.

When choosing the material and height for the railing, you should be guided by the reviews of experienced craftsmen. The material is chosen according to the chosen style. For example, if the room is made in the Baroque style, then for such a building it is better to choose forged products, thanks to which the design will immediately become richer and transform the entire room. If the room is made in high-tech or loft style, you should choose stainless steel or glass fencing. Forged railings look very nice; vinyl fences, which are made from PVC, are becoming a new product. There are ready-made fences on sale that are immediately matched to the type of stairs.

How to correctly design the parameters of a staircase during construction or renovation of a house - read on. The staircase is one of the most necessary, and at the same time potentially dangerous, building structures in the house, so sketches of the railings, a general drawing of the location of parts on the staircase, which indicates the distance between the railings, are required. As a rule, it is impossible to do without stairs during the construction and operation of buildings for any purpose, be it residential, public or industrial buildings.

The safety of movement and the durability of the staircase structure itself depend on the correct design of the staircase, compliance with construction technologies, as well as the use of high-quality materials in manufacturing. That is why the correct height of the staircase railings according to GOST is one of the most important parameters ensuring the safe functionality and ergonomics of this building element.

When designing and creating staircase structures, a number of basic numerical parameters are used, for example, the height of the railing.

These fundamental dimensions for stairs in residential buildings are stipulated by certain regulatory documents.


  1. The regulatory document SNiP 31-01-2003 establishes general requirements, including safety requirements for staircase elements - the slope and width of flights of stairs and ramps, the height of handrails and the width of treads, the width of landings, the height of passages, the minimum width and maximum slope of staircases marches, etc. in residential multi-apartment buildings. This document also regulates the tolerances for the installation of spiral staircase structures with winder steps in multi-level houses or apartments.
  2. Standards and regulations such as SNiP 31-02-2001 define general requirements for the structural elements of stairs, for example, in your own residential single-apartment building.
  3. SNiP 21-01-97. These rules and regulations regulate fire safety requirements for various building structures, including stairs and staircases.
  4. State standard 8717.1-84 specifies the general requirements for the dimensions and designs of concrete and reinforced concrete steps of internal and external rear stairs.
  5. State standard 8717.0-84 describes the technical conditions for the manufacture of steps from different types of concrete.
  6. In addition, for the design and construction of stairs in public and industrial buildings, one should rely on the requirements of the relevant SNiPs that regulate the requirements for staircase structures of specific buildings and structures.

When designing and manufacturing stairs for any purpose, compliance with the requirements of relevant regulatory documents is mandatory, which ensures the design service life, functionality and safety of structures.

Optimal height of stair railings and risers

It should be noted that the staircase is convenient to use only if a certain ratio is maintained between its main components - the tread and the riser.

In addition, the main parameters of stairs in residential buildings must comply with the following requirements:

  1. The sum of the dimensions of one tread and two risers should be equal to the average human step, i.e. from 0.6 to 0.65 m.
  2. According to regulatory documents, the riser height should be 0.12-0.2 m. The recommended riser height is usually 0.14-0.17 m, including for the first step.
  3. The tread width according to the standards should be 0.2-0.4 m. The standard tread width is 0.28-0.3 m.
  4. Most often, in practice, slopes of 80-85% are used for stairs.

Compliance with these basic requirements is the guarantee that the staircase will be perfect, i.e. convenient and comfortable.

Railing designs for stairs: principles and features of choosing parameters

The width and height of the staircase railings are those parameters whose numerical value is strictly regulated by the relevant regulatory documents. As mentioned above, the numerical values ​​of the width and height of stair railings are within strictly defined limits.

In practice, when designing stairs in buildings for various purposes, the values ​​of the height and width of steps are selected that take into account:

  1. Purpose of a building or structure.
  2. The functional purpose of the staircase, for example, a staircase for evacuating people, etc.
  3. The approximate number of people who will use the staircase structure.
  4. The presence of people with limited physical capabilities among the users of the stairs, for example, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, etc.
  5. The material from which the stairs will be made, etc.

If the stairs will be used by people who have limited physical capabilities, then its size and design must be adapted to the needs of disabled people.

The highest and standard height of stair railings: parameters for different buildings

The upper limit of the height of stair railings is limited by the requirements of the relevant building codes and regulations, as well as standards. What is the maximum height a stair railing can have?

The maximum height of the staircase railing is selected based on the following requirements:

  1. The upper limit of the height of the railing should not exceed 1.2 m.
  2. Changes in height and depth of railings in residential buildings are not allowed.
  3. Differences in height and depth of railings on one flight in public buildings are not allowed. This applies, for example, to school stairs, stairs in kindergarten, etc.
  4. The height of the railings of spiral staircases or stairs with winder steps in multi-level apartments or houses should not exceed 1.2 m, and the width of the tread in the middle of the flight should be at least 1.18 m.

The height of stair railings is one of the most important parameters ensuring the safety and convenience of the staircase during operation.

Height on the drawing of the railing for the stairs in your house

As for courtyard stairs, there are several varieties of these building structures.

  1. Stairs with infill and ground steps. They are carried out on compacted or solid soil, which has the required slope.
  2. Stairs with infill steps using side boards.
  3. Monolithic concrete structures. Such stairs are built on an inclined crushed stone base.
  4. Stairs with brick steps.

To install these building structures, you should adhere to the same ratios and dimensions that are established in the regulatory documents regulating the parameters of stairs in residential buildings.

Standard height of handrails on stairs according to GOST (video)

Summing up, we can conclude that, when developing and implementing a staircase project, strict compliance with the requirements of the relevant GOSTs and SNiPs is mandatory. In addition, a comfortable and safe staircase also means high-quality materials, ergonomic dimensions and compliance with the manufacturing technology of building structures.

Railings on the stairs (photo)



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