Test to identify students' creative abilities. Creativity tests

The test is aimed at determining the creative potential of an individual.

    10 points - your compliance with what is said is very high.

    9-6 points - significant correspondence.

    5 points - in this sense, you are somewhere at the average level.

    4-2 points - in this part your level is below average.

    1 point - this is not typical for you at all.

Questionnaire text

    Are you curious? Do you doubt the obvious? Are you worried about what, how, why, why not? Do you like collecting information?

    Are you observant? Do you notice changes happening around you?

    Do you accept other people's points of view? When you disagree with someone, are you able to understand the person you disagree with? Can you look at an old problem in a new way?

    Are you ready to change your perspective? Are you open to new ideas? If someone makes additions to your idea or makes changes to it, are you willing to accept them? Are you looking for new ideas instead of sticking to your old ones?

    Do you learn from your mistakes? Can you acknowledge your failure without giving up? Do you understand that as long as you don't give up, all is not lost?

    Do you use your imagination? Do you say to yourself: “What will happen if...”?

    Do you notice similarities between things that seem to have nothing in common?What's in common?(For example, what do a desert plant have in common with a stubborn person?) Do you use things in new ways (like a glass as a flower vase)?

    Do you believe in yourself? Do you approach the task with confidence that you can handle it? Do you consider yourself capable of finding solutions to problems?

    Do you try to refrain from judging other people?other people's ideas, new situations? Do you wait until you have enough information to come to a certain conclusion?

10. Do you tend to find interest in any activity? Will you do something that looks stupid from the outside? Do you believe in yourself enough to be entrepreneurial and take risks? Do you offer solutions that might be rejected by others, or do you usually not give in?

Calculate your total points and determine your creative potential score:

    80-100 points - the potential is very high.

    60-80 points - you are a creative person.

    40-60 points - you are no worse than most.

    20-40 points - you are not as creative a person as most.

    10-20 points - you should attend clubs with a creative focus.

Test "Creativity" (2)

Target. Assessment of creative imagination, speed of thought processes and breadth of vocabulary.

Instructions. After the signal “Attention!” I will name and write three words on the board. Your task is to write as many phrases as quickly as possible so that each of them includes all three words. For example, the words “rain”, “field”, “earth” are given. They could be combined into the following phrases: “The rain in the field thoroughly soaked the ground,” “After the rain, the ground became wet, and I didn’t go for a walk in the field,” “It had not rained for a month, and the ground in the field became like stone.”

Each phrase must be written on a new line. When I say: “Dash,” put a clear line in the place where my team will find you. Write quickly, but in normal handwriting so that it is easy to read. When I give the command “Stop!”, stop writing and turn over the sheet of paper. “Attention!”... Words are called. The experimenter records the time. After 10 minutes, the experimenter gives the command “Stop!”

Processing the results. Each phrase is scored on a five-point system:

    5 - a witty, original combination.

    4 - correct, logical combination of words.

    3 - perhaps this is possible.

    2 - two words are connected, and the third is illogical.

    1 is a meaningless combination of words.

These indicators can be reduced to one coefficient of creative imagination, which is equal to the sum of points divided by the number of phrases written in 10 minutes.

Many people spend their entire lives working at a job for which they have no inclination and which does not bring them pleasure. This situation cannot be called normal. Timely diagnosis of creative abilities in adolescents allows one to avoid a fatal mistake, which, unfortunately, occurs in the lives of many. How many people who have a college degree never use it? How many young people and girls get a second and third education when they realize that they didn’t get it right with the first?

Of course, you can be an “eternal student” and spend half your life learning something that will never be useful. But a much better way is to use modern methods to identify your real abilities and talents. And this is exactly what we offer you!

Test to identify your abilities

Right on our website, we invite you to take a practice test to understand in which area you are most gifted. The experience of many psychologists around the world shows that each person has his own thinking characteristics, depending on how pronounced his following talents are:

  • Subject-effective thinking.
  • Abstract-symbolic thinking.
  • Verbal-logical.
  • Visual-figurative.
  • Creativity.

Each of these qualities is responsible for a specific set of talents.

  • People with strong action-oriented thinking have a good understanding of how the physical world works. They make technicians, mechanics, and also, paradoxically, artists and athletes.
  • Abstract symbolic thinking is important for scientists.
  • Verbal and logical for speakers, journalists, writers.
  • Visual and figurative for architects, artists.

Creativity stands apart, which is responsible for innovation and the ability to rebuild the system, find new and non-standard solutions to a problem.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, each individual person receives special development of 2-3 talents from the above list. Depending on what your psychological portrait is, you can very accurately say in which area you will achieve success, and which area is poorly suited to your personal qualities and way of thinking.

The diagnostics of adolescents’ creative abilities that we offer takes very little time, but is highly accurate.

How to pass the test correctly?

  • Answer “yes” or “no” to 40 consecutive questions.
  • Read your test results and see how many points you added to each type of thinking, as well as creativity.
  • Write down for yourself those skills that received the maximum rating. These are the areas in which you can succeed the most.

Think about the combination of your strengths. For example, object-based and visual-figurative thinking in combination provide ideal skills for working with objects and designing mechanisms. Verbal-logical + abstract-symbolic will give success in the humanities, in public speaking, and even in the development of programming languages.

Despite the fact that such testing of adolescents to identify abilities takes only a few minutes, it can be considered a serious study of a person’s inner world. Once you have done this kind of research, you will have a good idea of ​​what you are meant to do, and you can possibly save years by putting together a program that will help you study what is most relevant and useful to you.

We have no doubt that the methods proposed by our Socrates center will be useful to schoolchildren, students, and every person who wants to find their place in life.

Trial testing is a good method for determining your talents, but if you need more, then contact the specialists of our center and receive comprehensive qualified assistance.



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