Status about a long-awaited vacation. Cool statuses about vacation

Chief!!! I need a vacation! - From which one? - Excuse me, dick or numbers?

Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss it now...

The thing you hate most about your job is the few days before your vacation.

From the statement: “How do I feel…” Crossed out. “How I did you all...” Crossed out. “Yes, you all should go to...” Crossed out. “Please grant me another vacation.”

Did you take warm clothes? - yes, seven bottles.

Subordinates have two vacations, the first is their own, the second is the boss’s vacation!

I went to Turkey. All inclusive. Really everything! The computer is good, the Internet is fast, ICQ, Skype, toys. I had a great time, I recommend it to everyone.

The Germans get up at 5 in the morning to put their towels on the still free sunbeds, then calmly go to bed, the Russians get up at 3 in the afternoon, go to the sunbeds and think: “What great service in Turkey - sunbeds with German towels!”

Only a Russian person, after a sick leave, can go to work tanned and with a hangover!!!))))

The husband leaves for the resort alone, without his wife. A week later he sends her an SMS: “I still love only you!” Wife: “Yes, and you are the best so far.”

Family vacation. Dad wants to go to the Alps and mom wants to go to the sea. Dad began to look for a compromise, but mom had already found a compromise - the whole family was going to the sea, but dad was allowed to take skis with him.

The strength of the tan is determined by the whiteness of the butt relative to other parts of the body.

Two people meet after a vacation: - Well, how is it on the Red Sea? - Get hurt! Diving, yachting, dancing, shopping! What about you?! - And here we have vyping, dragging, bleating, fucking!

One guy asks a friend how to teach a girl to swim. - Well, this is a whole science: you hug your waist with one hand, and put the other under your chest. - Fool, I'm talking about my sister! - So I would have said right away - give her a kick from the bridge.

Soul on the sea. Ass on a chair.

There was no money, I went on vacation to Turkey, Switzerland, money appeared, I went on vacation to Crimea.

It's hard to stop in time when you're lying on the couch selflessly and recklessly...

Sea... I can still hear your gentle whisper! I'll be back... I promise!

And my vacation has begun! :- People, borrow a liver for three weeks.. I’ll return it double..

"Good morning!" - This is when the clock says 13:00, summer is on the calendar, and outside the window is the Mediterranean Sea...

Vacation is a short period of time given by the employer to remind you that you can do just fine without you.

Take care of your homeland - relax abroad.

I went back to work after vacation, I feel like children in kindergarten - I want to cry and go home!

For our tourists in a hotel, anything that is not nailed to the floor is a souvenir...

Well, how did you spend your vacation? - The same as at work. You sit, do nothing and wait for lunch.

On the beach, meet the palest girl, she's just got it!

I want to go where there is no internet... the SEA worries... the SUMMER lights up...!!!

All good things come to an end sooner or later - the moral of this phrase is that the Khan has come to leave.

The main thing in extreme recreation is to notice in time when the extreme ends and the f*ck begins.

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. If I want to go crazy and go to the dacha! I will water, weed, dig.

Only the magnet on the refrigerator helped me remember where I spent my vacation

Paradise is a place where there are no alarm clocks, Mondays and bosses...

After your vacation, you definitely need to rest for a week.

SOMEWHERE is the most popular holiday destination...

I want summer. It’s stupid to hang out on the street, trying to find shade, so that the breeze blows, not thinking and not even knowing the day of the week!

Planning a vacation is very easy: your boss tells you when, your wife tells you where.

I left where I was sent, I behave as they called me. I really like it!

The worse the person returning from vacation looks, the better rested he was.

As long as there are legs, the road does not end; as long as there is a butt, something happens to it.

During the entire vacation I received only 1 text message from home: “Where is your corkscrew?”

The last day before my vacation to work I had to walk through the door sideways - my happy face couldn’t get through!

For some, vacation is just a substitute office romance to the resort...

Vacation is when each subsequent day is a rest after the previous one

If a Russian person decides to do nothing, he cannot be stopped. mother and I were writing a list of things to buy with us on my mother burned out..."Should my daughter buy condoms? Or let them buy it themselves?”...0_o...I'm shocked...

All day long I dream about you, and this is not a lie... Hurry to you, hurry to you... my beloved sofa!

The first vacation is like the first sex... You look forward to it, but don’t know what to do!

Vacation is the most anticipated time of the year. Who hasn’t dreamed of spending a vacation on a hot beach, reclining on a sun lounger and drinking an airy cocktail, admiring beautiful tanned bodies and enjoying the long-awaited freedom? I came to the hotel and it was all inclusive. Comp. good, fast internet, ICQ, Skype, toys. Isn't this a dream? And the view from the window is the sun, the sea, a sandy beach, the subtle smell of the sea wind and the feeling of a kiss from a beloved man. Simply - super!

What a vacation - such a status!

As practice shows, the status “on vacation” can change personal inner world at one moment, today you are on vacation, and tomorrow you are no longer alone, or vice versa. But this can only mean one thing: changes await you in personal life. Vacation is such a special time of year, which can be defined by a feeling of unending happiness, but you need to be able to enjoy every vacation day you get, regardless of your marital status. Do you have a loved one? Amazing! Enjoy each other. No partner? Amazing! There is an opportunity to devote time to yourself, you have the right to flirt. And yet, another advantage of the summer saga is that you don’t have to worry about what day of the week it is, which is at the moment number; you may not even know your name, temporary amnesia, so to speak.

You can call your friends at three in the morning and ask: “Are you sleeping?” And they happily say, “Come in!” You can simply travel well in a beautiful car with your loved one along the sea, stop in unfamiliar places, and everywhere there is sun, fun and laughter. And you don’t have to think at all about the end of summer, which is much worse than the end of the world.

Aphorisms about vacation

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

There are only a few hours left until the start of summer, which means vacation is coming soon. It is about vacation that we will talk about in today’s selection of aphorisms.

Aphorisms about vacation

When going on vacation, take half as many things and twice as much money. Susan Anderson

You need to come out of a vacation, like a binge, gradually.

And summer smells like barbecue smoke, raspberries, the sea, pouring rain, ripe cherries, sunscreen... and the vacation we're waiting for!

Eternity is the time from the beginning of the working day to its end.

A moment is 28 calendar days vacation.

Vacation is the fifth time of the year, which can only be defined by the feeling of lasting happiness!

Cool statuses about vacation- From the vacation report: Has sunk into summer.

How did you spend your vacation? - Like Pushkin! - And how is this? - I rolled into the village and spent the Obolden autumn there!

Imagine, gentlemen, mushrooms and girls, fishing and girls, hunting and girls! I'm already reluctant... and girls!

Increasingly, I am haunted by the feeling that in the fall most people have brains like birds - they fly away to warmer climes and return just in time for vacation - in the summer to relax!

Vacation is the fifth time of the year, which can only be determined by feeling quotes about the end of vacation happiness!

The most beautiful girls appear on the beach on the last day of vacation.

From the vacation report: Gone into summer.

It is difficult to find time for vacation, especially when there is none.

A cleaning lady on vacation shits, litters and throws away. That's how he rests.

Vacation is a month of disappointment from eleven months of dreams and fantasies.

If some people didn't tell you about it, you would never notice that they were on vacation.

On vacation, girls look out for their husbands, and husbands look out for girls.

In Germany, the average vacation is six and a half weeks. In Russia there are only four, and the rest is compensated by Fridays.

In holiday romances, the main thing is to let them go for the next year.

Work is the soul's calling to vacation.

Family vacation - continuation of the war between spouses in another territory

Vacation is the most difficult time.

At this time the most important thing is checked business quality human - the ability to relax.

If all the people in Hollywood who have had plastic surgery go on vacation, there won't be a soul left in the city.

To get into the summer vacation atmosphere, all you have to do is tip every second person you come across.

If your cat barks at you, then it's time for you to go on vacation.

And my grandfather went on vacation to Germany and, out of habit, took Berlin!

How was your vacation, did you rest? - I had a rest, my liver worked three shifts!

It's time to go on vacation. Yesterday I dreamed that salaries were given in pieces of paper for 512 rubles.

The sun shines, but does not warm. Vacation warms, but doesn't shine!

I was on vacation at Lake Baikal. Double shock! The first from the beauty of nature, the second from three days in a reserved seat.

Vacation is a short period of time given by the employer to remind you that you can do just fine without you.

His vacation always fell at the height of the heating season.

When the flood began, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Exactly like during my last vacation.

The vacation was a success. I forgot my computer password.

If you look like the photo in your passport, then it’s time for you to go on vacation.

The ideal vacation is a week or two in the shadow of a pretty blonde.

You go on vacation to forget about everything; and, having unpacked your suitcases, you see that you managed to forget a lot

Vacations often turn a tired person into an exhausted one.

Don't take your other half on vacation, and he will become quotes about the end of vacation twice as much.

After all, the best thing about any vacation is not so much the relaxation yourself, but watching others work.

The perfect way to spend summer vacation. Heat, loneliness, freedom.

Vacation is the most best way work normally and calmly!

Did we think that we would be looking forward to a vacation to go to cold countries?!

A person hopes for the best when he goes on vacation to do some renovations.

On vacation it’s the same as at work: you don’t do a damn thing and think, “I wish it was lunch soon!”

On weekdays they will think about the future, on weekends - about the past, and only on vacation - about the present.

You can't spend your vacation - it always ends on time.

Planning a vacation is very easy. The boss tells you when, the wife tells you where.

Almost everyone has a book from which everyone can determine where they will spend their next vacation. Book title: "Checkbook".

How much we sometimes need a vacation, but in reality it is still very far away. What to do in this case? No, under no circumstances should you despair. Get positive by simply posting beautiful photo sandy beach, and attach a cheerful status to this photo that will remind you that vacation is coming soon, the main thing is to wait for it. You can find this status on this page. Huge number statuses will cheer you up, and you can use them to cheer up someone close to you. They will certainly appreciate it. In addition, by reading these statuses, your mood will rise and you will get the feeling that life is beautiful, and that you can find a positive place in gray everyday life.

I'm going on vacation, dear friends, there is no need to envy and wish good luck. I will be very happy without it!

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. If I want to go crazy and go to the dacha! I will water, weed, dig.

I want summer. It’s stupid to hang out on the street, trying to find shade, so that the breeze blows, not thinking and not even knowing the day of the week!

When going on vacation, take half as many things and twice as much money.

Someone comes back from vacation tanned, and someone blue.

Cool statuses about vacation: If your cat barked at you, then it’s time for you to go on vacation...

As soon as a girl of questionable behavior appeared on the beach, a crowd of doubters immediately formed around her.

The sun is shining but not warming, vacation is warming but not shining...

After rest, you need to rest.

All good things come to an end sooner or later - the moral of this phrase is that the Khan has come to leave.

As long as there are legs, the road does not end; as long as there is a butt, something happens to it.

For our tourists in a hotel, anything that is not nailed to the floor is a souvenir...

How good it is to do nothing at first, and then relax a little more

Dear alarm clock! Don't call me anymore! It's all over between us! I'm leaving! On vacation...

The last day before my vacation to work I had to walk through the door sideways - my happy face couldn’t get through!

It's hard to stop in time when you're lying on the couch selflessly and recklessly...

The first vacation is like the first sex... You look forward to it, but don’t know what to do!

You have to live in such a way that it would be embarrassing to tell, but it’s nice to remember!

The girl went to the sea, and did not rest herself, and did not give it to others.

If there is a line at the pharmacy for condoms and pregnancy tests, it means summer has arrived.

And my vacation has begun! People, borrow a liver for three weeks... I’ll return it double...

Cool statuses about vacation: In summer you can’t see the difference between outerwear and underwear.

If it weren’t for such heat on weekdays and not such rain on weekends, then I would probably get through the time without vacation easier!

Everyone has the right to spend their vacation the way they want! And some are also an opportunity...

Cute girl looking young man for an exciting trip to Ivanovo to visit my parents, if you like it, we can stay.

The length of girls' skirts depends on the thermometer; the higher the temperature, the shorter the skirts.

Where did you spend your vacation? - In the Canary Islands. -Where is it? - I have no idea, I flew by plane.

The sun, air and water will never help, Only sex and indifference strengthen the body!!!

The circle of the sun, the sky around - this is a drawing of a boy... A naked woman, vodka, a barbecue - it was his father who helped him.

Boss uncles, if you want to see during the beach season beautiful girls– let them go on vacation!

Chief!!! I need a vacation! - From which one? - Excuse me, dick or numbers?

Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss it now...

The thing you hate most about your job is the few days before your vacation.

From the statement: “How do I feel…” Crossed out. “How I did you all...” Crossed out. “Yes, you all should go to...” Crossed out. “Please grant me another vacation.”

Did you take warm clothes? - yes, seven bottles.

Subordinates have two vacations, the first is their own, the second is the boss’s vacation!

I went to Turkey. All inclusive. Really everything! The computer is good, the Internet is fast, ICQ, Skype, toys. I had a great time, I recommend it to everyone.

The Germans get up at 5 in the morning to put their towels on the still free sunbeds, then calmly go to bed, the Russians get up at 3 in the afternoon, go to the sunbeds and think: “What great service in Turkey - sunbeds with German towels!”

Only a Russian person, after a sick leave, can go to work tanned and with a hangover!!!))))

The husband leaves for the resort alone, without his wife. A week later he sends her an SMS: “I still love only you!” Wife: “Yes, and you are the best so far.”

Family vacation. Dad wants to go to the Alps and mom wants to go to the sea. Dad began to look for a compromise, but mom had already found a compromise - the whole family was going to the sea, but dad was allowed to take skis with him.

The strength of the tan is determined by the whiteness of the butt relative to other parts of the body.

Two people meet after a vacation: - Well, how is it on the Red Sea? - Get hurt! Diving, yachting, dancing, shopping! What about you?! - And here we have vyping, dragging, bleating, fucking!

One guy asks a friend how to teach a girl to swim. - Well, this is a whole science: you hug your waist with one hand, and put the other under your chest. - Fool, I'm talking about my sister! - So I would have said right away - give her a kick from the bridge.

Soul on the sea. Ass on a chair.

There was no money, I went on vacation to Turkey, Switzerland, money appeared, I went on vacation to Crimea.

It's hard to stop in time when you're lying on the couch selflessly and recklessly...

Sea... I can still hear your gentle whisper! I'll be back... I promise!

And my vacation has begun! :- People, borrow a liver for three weeks.. I’ll return it double..

"Good morning!" - This is when the clock says 13:00, it’s summer on the calendar, and outside the window is the Mediterranean Sea...

Vacation is a short period of time given by the employer to remind you that you can do just fine without you.

Take care of your homeland - relax abroad.

I went back to work after vacation, I feel like children in kindergarten - I want to cry and go home!

For our tourists in a hotel, anything that is not nailed to the floor is a souvenir...

Well, how did you spend your vacation? - The same as at work. You sit, do nothing and wait for lunch.

On the beach, meet the palest girl, she's just got it!

I want to go where there is no internet... the SEA worries... the SUMMER lights up...!!!

All good things come to an end sooner or later - the moral of this phrase is that the Khan has come to leave.

The main thing in extreme recreation is to notice in time when the extreme ends and the f*ck begins.

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. If I want to go crazy and go to the dacha! I will water, weed, dig.

Only the magnet on the refrigerator helped me remember where I spent my vacation

Paradise is a place where there are no alarm clocks, Mondays and bosses...

After your vacation, you definitely need to rest for a week.

SOMEWHERE is the most popular holiday destination...

I want summer. It’s stupid to hang out on the street, trying to find shade, so that the breeze blows, not thinking and not even knowing the day of the week!

Planning a vacation is very easy: your boss tells you when, your wife tells you where.

I left where I was sent, I behave as they called me. I really like it!

The worse the person returning from vacation looks, the better rested he was.

As long as there are legs, the road does not end; as long as there is a butt, something happens to it.

During the entire vacation I received only 1 text message from home: “Where is your corkscrew?”

The last day before my vacation to work I had to walk through the door sideways - my happy face couldn’t get through!

For some, a vacation is just replacing an office romance with a resort one...

Vacation is when each subsequent day is a rest after the previous one

If a Russian person decides to do nothing, he cannot be stopped. mother and I were writing a list of things to buy with us on my mother burned out..."Should my daughter buy condoms? Or let them buy it themselves?”...0_o...I'm shocked...

All day long I dream about you, and this is not a lie... Hurry to you, hurry to you... my beloved sofa!

The first vacation is like the first sex... You look forward to it, but don’t know what to do!



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