It is true that tomatoes kill cancer cells. Food is the enemy: foods that “feed” cancer cells. Ginger. What it contains and what it fights

Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Medicine has counted more than 100 types of cancer.

Spread of cancer cells

Let us draw attention to the fact that the human body is subject to angiogenesis, in other words, the stage of formation of blood vessels in a tissue or organ. These are skin, veins, arteries. The phase of their formation is quite long. Its duration is until death. As a result of injury, blood vessels are re-formed.

The process is quite intense, but a natural process. In many cases, it concerns the spread of cancer, that is, the suppression of healthy cells by cancer cells. We are talking about inhibitors and activators. The latter quite actively stimulate the growth of vascular cells.

It is advisable to include in your diet the following 5 killer foods that can influence the process of antiangiogenesis. In practice, the body, having become saturated with the nutrients that these products contain, independently prevents the spread of cancer cells by being enriched with nutrients.

Killer products

Blueberries and raspberries

Blueberries and raspberries are leaders in demand among people with weakened immune systems. This is a real storehouse of useful substances and vitamins. Berries have a lot of beneficial properties, so they are relevant in case of cancer. Treatment of ovarian cancer is no exception. Raspberries and blueberries are rich in phytochemicals, being excellent antioxidants that protect the human body from harmful substances that are formed during the oxidation of one of several biological processes involved in aging and the development of a huge number of diseases.

The latter are associated with damage to the body's nervous system. Both berries reduce oxyfative stress. As a result of regular consumption of raspberries and blueberries, key indicators of aging are improved.

Green tea and coffee

These are the most consumed drinks in human daily life. In oncology, coffee and green tea are consumed in complex treatment, reducing the risk of developing cancer. Both products have an anticancer effect, being an antimutagen and an anticarcinogen.

Cancer patients suffer from low blood pressure, depression, and exhaustion. This condition is corrected by drinking coffee. In the case of liver cancer and colon cancer, coffee enemas are relevant. Regular use of coffee increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy in the treatment of various types of sarcoma.

Coffee reduces excess weight, corrects visceral fat mass, reducing the level of free estradiol. Its consumption increases plasma levels of globulin, which binds sex hormones, increasing insulin sensitivity. The healthiest organic coffee, black, freshly ground.

While coffee is consumed in the morning, green tea is preferred in the afternoon. Then it is especially beneficial for health, since its consumption is the prevention and treatment of cancer. Its effect on cancer cells is very strong, it contains a high concentration of fluoride. Green tea prevents cancer cells from hijacking healthy cells by creating new blood vessels to feed themselves. It is beneficial due to the presence of EGCG. Green tea extract reduces the frequency and size of rectal cancer relapses and suppresses the growth of kidney cancer cells.


Tomatoes have been proven to cure cancer. Their chemical composition has a beneficial effect on humans. Numerous scientific experiments have proven that the category of people who constantly consume cooked tomatoes are up to 50% less likely to suffer from prostate cancer.

The fact is that tomatoes actively prevent angiogenesis. They contain lycopene, a red pigment or substance that has fairly strong antiangiogenic properties. It is not produced in the human body. Lipokene is responsible for inhibiting the mutation process. If there is not enough of it in the human body, then the risk of cancer increases and the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. Experts in the field believe that lycopene is easily distributed through the digestive system because it breaks down in our body fat.

Dark chocolate

This exquisite delicacy has an excellent reputation, leading on several fronts at once. It contains a fairly large amount of antioxidants that are effective for the body, taking an active part in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis is not an exception. It perfectly stimulates brain activity, improving the general condition of the human body, and can prevent the spread of cancer cells. The main thing is to consume dark dark chocolate in moderation and regularly. The key rule for its consumption is the absence of palm and coconut oil.


Consumption of turmeric has an excellent preventive effect against the appearance of cancerous tumors of various types. With numerous health benefits, this product is effective in reducing fat and is used as a preventative measure in the treatment of cancer.

Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Every fifth man and every fourth woman are victims of cancer in the world. Disappointing statistics were published in the journal JAMA Oncology. Cancer is today one of the main causes of death in most developed countries and countries with economies in transition - after heart and vascular diseases, as well as diabetes.

In the States for 2010 Every fourth person dies from this disease. Half a century ago, the death rate from cancer was 1:10, then in the world this ratio is approaching 1:5

Over the past 100 years, in terms of morbidity and mortality in the world, oncopathology has moved from 10th place to 3-5th, second only to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

More recently, AIDS was still considered the plague of the 21st century, but today oncology (Cancer) poses a much greater danger.

Doctors call cancer a plague 21st century.

If we take data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer and compare data on cases in 2000 and 2015, we see a huge difference in the results. In 2000, 10 million people worldwide fell ill with malignant tumors, and about 8 million people died. In 2015 In 2018, the number of cases reached 20 million, and about 13 million died.


Here is a list of foods that you should stop eating immediately. They have been found to cause cancer and generally ruin your health.

1. Salt comes first on this list (cooked). Experts warn that salty food lovers accumulate chlorine, which is a carcinogen, in their bodies. Constantly adding too much salt to food increases the risk of cancer of the digestive system.

A large amount of salt in food contributes to the development of kidney stones, as well as the leaching of calcium from the body. Reduce the amount of salt you consume. Advice! In cooking, it is better to use Himalayan or sea salt. ?

2.Smoking and Alcohol. Alcohol and smoking play an important role in the development of cancer. Most people diagnosed with cancer tend to have a history of heavy drinking. Regardless of how much alcohol is consumed, a lot or a little.

In any doses, alcohol will lead to the development of cancer, since the ethanol contained in alcohol is itself a carcinogen, and it is known to contribute to the development of cancer.

3. Meat- Eating red meat has a negative effect on your cells - accelerates aging, causes heart disease and cancer. in the ability to cause cancer of the colon and rectum. Researchers do not call for a complete abandonment of meat products and a transition to a vegetarian diet, but they argue that it is advisable to reduce animal protein in the diet to a minimum.

Pancreatic cancer- This is the problem of excessive consumption of animal proteins and meat. Residents of Denmark, New Zealand, America and Canada are most often affected. For comparison, the daily diet of a New Zealander contains more than 200 g of fatty meat products, while for the Japanese and Italians this figure does not reach 70 g.

Recently, the transition to vegetarian diets has become one of the global trends; more and more people in the world are abandoning food of animal origin, partially or completely.

4. Potato chips. For children under twelve years of age, chips are generally strictly contraindicated, since chips contain a very large number of a wide variety of carcinogenic substances.

Eating chips increases the risk of developing not only breast cancer, but also stomach cancer and skin cancer. And unfortunately, this is no longer a hypothesis, but a proven fact.

5. Coca Cola or Diet Coke. When sugar isn't added to diet drinks, something worse is added. Aspartame is a natural sugar substitute in Diet Coke and 20 European studies have found that this ingredient may cause cancer and birth defects.
What foods cause cancer?

6. In general, carbonated drinks. All types of carbonated drinks have artificial sweeteners, flavors and about 10 teaspoons of sugar. Research shows that consuming two servings of soda per week increases a person's risk of pancreatic cancer.

7. Canned foods and canned tomatoes. Tomatoes are acidic enough to be canned and are not safe to eat.

8. Smoked products. During the smoking process, a chemical carcinogen is released - the polycyclic hydrocarbon benzopyrene, which is poorly excreted from the body and tends to accumulate.

9. Microwave popcorn. We understand perfectly well that there is nothing easier than sticking a bag of popcorn in the microwave and crunching deliciously on a “naked carcinogen” while sitting in front of the TV. Friends! Have pity on your poor liver and pancreas!

Popcorn contains carcinogenic substances, which create an artificial butter flavor. “Popcorn” carcinogens are extremely dangerous and create a favorable environment for cancer. What to do? Eliminate popcorn from your diet. At all!

10. Smoked products, processed products, processed cheese - they contain nitrates and nitrites. They form nitrosamine carcinogens. They provoke the formation of cancer. These products should be excluded. The risk of colon cancer increases by 36%.

11. Animal fats. Foods that cause breast cancer. First of all, these are animal fats. Beef fats come first in terms of harmfulness, followed by milk.

Christian Dr. Ellsworth Wareham from California. He is the most famous and experienced cardiac surgeon in the world who performed open heart surgery until he was 95 years old. This figure is quite popular because... Almost all foreign media wrote about him (Fox News, CNN,, etc.).

Heart surgeon told the truth about fats animal origin

Animal fat is deposited around internal organs, this is visceral fat, which contains substances that cause breast cancer. When a person eats a lot of fatty foods, their estrogen levels increase, which causes breast tissue to grow and cancer occurs.

12. Sausages and Sausages. It was found that for every 30 grams per day increase in processed meat consumption, the risk of developing stomach cancer increases by 15–38%. According to scientists, the increased risk of cancer may be associated with the addition of nitrates and preservatives to these products.

In large quantities, these substances are carcinogenic. The second important factor is the impact of toxic substances produced when smoking meat.

13. Margarine - Another product that is classified as a cancer-causing product is margarine; it contains the most harmful and dangerous fats.

So it turns out that all products that contain margarine can safely be called nothing more than products that provoke cancer.

14. Vinegar and Soy Sauce- carcinogenic. 35% of the sauce is carcinogenic. Due to the content of E 621 – monosodium glutamate.

15. One of the main causes of oncology is Dairy products!!! - Products that cause cancer mostly in women, and more precisely breast cancer. These products include dairy products, in particular milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, koumiss, cream, mayonnaise, ice cream, yogurt and cheese.

And as a result, it contributes to the development of cancer. It sounds strange, but this has been proven more than once.

16. Flour products (white flour and premium flour). After an intensive processing process, wheat flour not only loses almost all of its beneficial properties, but it is also exposed to a chemical called chlorine gas, which is a bleach. This gas is considered dangerous and even lethal. In addition, flour products have a high glycemic index, which increases blood sugar levels. They not only make us fat, but also cause cancer.

Constant consumption of white flour products increases blood sugar and creates a favorable environment for the development of cancer, since cancer “feeds” on sugar. Flour should be whole grain or coarse flour. Bread made from whole grain flour is rightly called a medicinal product.

17. Products with flavor enhancers. H read the label! Among the conditional carcinogens is one of the most popular flavor enhancers - monosodium glutamate. E - 621. It is found in all sausages, fish products, instant noodles, bouillon cubes, E 621 - Food drug and silent killer (the more you eat, the more you want).

18. Refined vegetable oils. We often use refined/deodorized oil for cooking, which differs like heaven and earth from its natural counterpart - natural vegetable (Only the first pressing of olive glass containers, wheat, soybean, flaxseed, etc.) oil.

Hydrogenated oil is extremely unhealthy because it contains a lot of preservatives. What to do? Carefully read the labels on the packages and buy only natural oil, which, of course, is a little expensive for many, but health is more valuable! Only the first pressing of olive oil and glass containers.

19. Refined sugar. A recent study highlighted in the Epidemiological Journal of Cancer Research claims that using refined sugar increases the risk of breast cancer by 220 percent. We have already said above that cancer cells are partial to sugar, but refined sugar for them is like the most delicious treat for us.

Therefore, the rate of cancer among people with a sweet tooth is extremely high. High-glycemic foods in general have been shown to rapidly increase sugar levels in the body, which directly feeds cancer cells, allowing them to grow and spread. It is advisable to replace sugar with honey.

What to do? Consume sweets in moderation. Just don't use artificial sweeteners!

Anti-Cancer Products (List 2018)

In general, your diet should consist of fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts. Foods low in saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, salt and sugar are healthy.

Cruciferous: radish, cabbage, cauliflower, ginger root, cucurma
Solanaceae: tomatoes, potatoes.
Garlic: garlic, onion, asparagus, asparagus.
Nuts: walnuts, pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts.
Legumes: peas, green beans, selenium prevents the development of cancer of the esophagus and stomach. Fish, Brazil nuts and most whole grains are rich in selenium.
Fruits: apples, oranges, grapefruits, watermelon, melon, red and black grapes, avocados, live cranberries, carrots, red peppers, red beets, peaches, pomegranate.
Berries: blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, red currants, cranberries.
Herbal: brown rice, oats, corn, wheat, lentils.
Umbrella: coriander, carrots, parsley, dill.
Citrus: Citrus peel, lime, lemons.
Other: Honey, Flaxseed, Pumpkin Seeds, Apricot Seeds, Grape Seeds, Real Dark Chocolate ( Definitely no additives and no dairy).

Required Sports or Exercise!!!

The bright colors of the fruit indicate that these vegetables are incredibly rich in beta-carotenes, which, together with vitamin C, are considered powerful antioxidants that effectively protect the mucous membrane.

Thus, regular consumption of fruit reduces the risk of cancer by 63 percent. All of these products contain substances that prevent cancer. Daily consumption of foods from each group increases the body's resistance, improves immunity and protection against cancer.

The importance of dietary nutrition in the prevention of cancer is recognized by all doctors without exception. Numerous scientific studies conducted over the past 20 years have convincingly proven that regular consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the likelihood of developing cancer by more than 40%. This happens due to the abundance of vitamins and minerals that support the immune system, as well as due to the presence of antioxidants and other valuable substances designed to fight free radicals in the body. Taking a close look at this issue, a group of scientists identified 15 unique products that really help in the fight against cancer cells. Let's get to know them better.

15 unique foods that prevent cancer

1. Red apples

Recent research by scientists shows that red fruits, especially red apples, reduce the risk of developing cancer, and primarily breast cancer. Carotenoids, which color fruits red, yellow or orange, have been shown to have anti-carcinogenic properties. Thus, in order to prevent the occurrence of cancer, you should eat red and yellow apples more often, including the peel.

This exotic fruit, which also has a reddish peel, helps prevent breast and intestinal cancer. According to scientists, this is due to a large number of polyphenolic compounds that have antioxidant characteristics and actively reduce oxidative stress (cell damage due to oxidation), which is associated with the appearance of cancerous tumors. Let's add to this that the polyphenols contained in mangoes actively eliminate existing inflammatory processes in the body, so consuming this fruit helps stop the development of cancer.

3. Citrus fruits

Everyone knows that our popular citrus fruits, such as lemons, oranges, grapefruits and tangerines, are rich sources of vitamin C. But when ingested, vitamin C prevents the formation of nitrosamines - carcinogenic nitrogen compounds that contribute to the accelerated division of cancer cells. As a rule, nitrosamines enter the body through the consumption of fried and smoked meat, dark beer, and also through smoking. In this regard, refusing to eat junk food, beer and cigarettes, as well as regularly including citrus fruits in the diet, will help reduce the likelihood of developing cancer of the larynx, stomach, lung and thyroid cancer by 35%. Separately, it is worth mentioning such a citrus fruit as kiwi. It contains 12 times more vitamin C than an orange, and 60 times more than an apple, and therefore, according to experts, kiwi is the best cancer fighter among all citrus fruits.

For numerous fans of healthy eating, the overseas fruit avocado is primarily known for its beneficial effects on the heart and eyesight, and all thanks to the high content of potassium, lutein and beta carotene. However, more recently, a group of scientists discovered powerful anti-carcinogenic substances in avocado pulp that actively deal with precancerous cells, increasing the amount of reactive oxygen in them, and preventing them from turning into cancer cells. Thus, by regularly eating avocados, you can help your body prevent oral, prostate and breast cancer.

5. Red dates

In the East, red dates are one of the main delicacies and the primary means of fighting cancer. Scientists have recognized that dates are associated with a low incidence of cancer in Asians. Dates contain a lot of different vitamins and mineral compounds, but the anti-cancer properties of this fruit that interest us are hidden in pectins and dietary fiber. To prevent the appearance of cancer, you should consume a decoction of 10 red dates, 1 glass, on an empty stomach for 30 days, twice a year. In addition, doctors recommend consuming dates during the recovery period after surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, since this fruit not only quickly restores strength, but also prevents the reappearance of cancer cells.

This oriental fruit is no less popular in its homeland than dates. But it contains derivatives of benzaldehyde - a substance that, according to scientists, has a powerful antitumor effect. That is why people who have been diagnosed with cancer should regularly consume figs, which will help stop the spread of cancer cells and fight the existing tumor. It is assumed that this exotic fruit can cope with cancer of the colon and liver, bladder and stomach, as well as lymphosarcoma and leukemia.

Raspberries contain many minerals and vitamins, but the most valuable are special antioxidants called anthocyanins. These valuable substances can fight intestinal cancer, prostate cancer and other cancer diseases. According to doctors, in order to significantly reduce the likelihood of developing cancer by 20–25%, it is enough to eat 40 g of this aromatic berry daily.

This berry has interested scientists, primarily because it contains a powerful antitumor substance called lupeol. Research conducted by Hong Kong scientists has confirmed that the antitumor properties of this substance act faster and more effectively than chemotherapy used to fight cancer. Recent experiments have shown that lupeol is effective in the treatment of blood cancer and head cancer, however, the study of this valuable component of grapes has only just begun, which means that it is quite possible that it helps cope with other oncological diseases. By the way, in addition to grapes, lupeol is present in mangoes and strawberries, although in smaller quantities.

Considering that for the fair sex, an alarming factor in the development of oncology is an excess of the hormone estrogen, doctors recommend that they consume broccoli more often. This vegetable maintains hormonal balance, which reduces the likelihood of developing a deadly tumor in the breast or uterus.

This wonderful vegetable contains the most valuable compound - the substance allicin, which in itself is a powerful antioxidant that destroys cancer cells and prevents their massive division. According to experts, garlic is the best means of preventing cancer among all known vegetables, and therefore by consuming 1-2 cloves of it a day, you can be sure that oncology will bypass you. Interestingly, garlic is effective against all types of cancer, with the possible exception of skin cancer.

In the event that cancer cells do begin to divide, breaking through the body's first line of defense, more powerful substances can come to the rescue - isocyanates, present in all types. These substances activate special protein molecules that destroy carcinogens that attack healthy cells. That is why cabbage must be present in your daily diet, even in small quantities.

Soybeans, in which scientists have discovered genistein, come to the rescue when the disease has already made itself known and is developing rapidly. This organic substance from the group of bioflavonoids destroys the channels of an existing cancer tumor, thereby preventing its growth. That is, soy helps prevent the most dangerous thing - the catastrophic proliferation of killer cells and their spread throughout the body.

More than 30% of medications produced in Japan to combat cancer are based on medicinal mushrooms. Japanese scientists were the first to identify specific polysaccharides - glucans, which are capable of activating special cellular immunity and building powerful antitumor defense. And considering that in more than 25% of cases, cancerous tumors are simply not detected during examination, mushrooms become an excellent prevention of this deadly disease. Scientists have recognized reishi, meitake and shiitake as the best mushrooms for fighting cancer.

14. Tomatoes

Red tomatoes are recognized as man's most faithful allies in the fight against cancer. This happens due to the presence of the carotenoid pigment lycopene in tomatoes, which acts in the body as a powerful antioxidant. Research conducted in Europe over the past 5 years has shown that men who regularly consumed fresh tomatoes and tomato sauce had a 55% reduction in the risk of prostate cancer. There is evidence that lycopene plays an important role in the prevention of cancer of the esophagus and rectum, pancreas and mammary glands, as well as cervical cancer in women.

15. Green tea

Green tea is a worldwide recognized means of preventing cancer. And how could it be otherwise, if it contains the strongest natural antioxidant EGCG or epigallocatechin-3-gallate. According to experts, by regularly starting your day with a cup of aromatic green tea, you protect your body from prostate cancer and blood cancer. Moreover, people who have been diagnosed with ovarian or breast cancer must take this tea, as it slows down the development of tumors.

As you can see, there are many products in nature that can resist even deadly diseases such as cancer. Knowing this, each of us has the opportunity to make changes to our own diet and thereby prevent disease. Good health to you!

Are there foods that help fight cancer: myth or reality?

In some cases, you can defeat cancer not only with the help of medicines, but also with food: as you know, the health of each person depends on what he eats, so you can fight diseases by changing your diet.

Until now, the exact reasons for the formation of cancer cells are unknown, but doctors are already saying that cancer can occur due to several unfavorable factors:

  • Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Radiation exposure;
  • Consumption of products containing carcinogens;
  • Frequent and severe stress;
  • Hereditary predisposition.

Against the backdrop of a weakened immune system, malignant tumors develop that attack absolutely healthy cells, and in these cases it is necessary not only to be treated by an oncologist, but also to include anti-cancer foods that increase immunity in your diet. The principle of their action is quite simple: they prevent cancer cells from developing, and also prevent the occurrence of this disease in general.

It is necessary for both sick and healthy people to consume foods that prevent the growth of cancer cells, because to this day the nature of the occurrence of cancer has not been thoroughly studied, but with their help, everyone can improve their health.

List of anti-cancer foods: how they affect malignant neoplasms

Products against breast cancer

According to statistics, every twentieth woman is faced with a disease such as breast cancer or the formation of benign cysts. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to eat healthy foods that prevent the appearance of tumors and the proliferation of cancer cells:

  • Cabbage: regulates estrogen levels, eliminates its excess;
  • Wheat bran: cleanses the intestines, normalizes estrogen levels in the blood;
  • Beans: they contain phytoestrogens, which reduce estrogen activity;
  • Soy: inhibits the growth of cancer cells, strengthens and restores muscles;
  • Seafood and sea fish: contain fatty acids that stop the development of tumors;
  • Milk: enriches the body with vitamin D, which prevents the growth of cancer in women during and after menopause;
  • Citrus fruits and bell peppers: contain vitamin C, which reduces the risk of cancer.

Products against bowel cancer

People facing a disease such as bowel cancer may benefit from eating the following foods:

  • Garlic and onions: stop the development of genes that provoke cancer, increase immunity, cleanse the body of harmful microbes and bacteria;
  • Tomatoes and red peppers: contain pigments that have anti-cancer effects;
  • Blueberries: protects cells from destruction, improves vision;
  • Raspberry: prevents tumor penetration into blood vessels and the development of metastases;
  • Walnuts: heal the vascular system;
  • Spices: inhibit cancer cell division;
  • Wine: protects healthy cells from radiation during radiation therapy, reduces the likelihood of lung cancer;
  • Coffee: prevents cancer;
  • Bananas: provide physical and mental energy, cleanse the intestines.

Products against cervical cancer

As with any cancer, for cervical cancer a special diet is prescribed, which includes the following foods:

  • Any types of cabbage;
  • Asparagus;
  • Garlic and onion;
  • Legumes;
  • Green;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.

Products against lung cancer

In addition to lung cancer, these products can fight damage to other organs:

  • Broccoli: counteracts liver and breast destruction;
  • Berries: prevent skin, intestinal and oral cancer;
  • Tomatoes: improve the condition of the prostate and stomach;
  • Legumes: Fight colon and breast cancer.

Products against prostate cancer

For men facing this problem, in addition to the above-mentioned anti-oncology products, it is recommended to eat salmon, pomegranates, Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds - all of them actively fight cancer cells and stop their reproduction.

Products against pancreatic cancer

When making such a diagnosis, it is advisable to enrich your diet with healthy foods:

Products against skin cancer

With this disease, it is very important to consume healthy foods against cancer, because they increase immunity, stop the division of diseased cells and protect the skin from harmful external influences:

Bee products against cancer

It has long been proven that honey, propolis and bee footstool have a powerful anti-cancer effect:

  • Inhibits the growth of tumors;
  • They have an antimetastatic effect;
  • Strengthen the effect of drug treatment;
  • Reduce the toxicity of drugs.

Selenium products against cancer

As you know, selenium, an important microelement for the body, slows down the growth of cancerous tumors, and it is contained in the following products:

Foods that cause cancer

Those who want to avoid cancer or stop the development of this disease are advised to avoid smoked meats, fatty meats, overcooked foods, alcohol (except wine) and foods with nitrates. All of them clog the body, which ultimately leads to inflammatory processes and often to cancer.

Doctors do not advise relying only on food against cancer in treatment, because in the treatment of such a disease an integrated approach is important, consisting of therapy, proper nutrition and the use of medications. If you do not follow this simple rule, you will not be able to cure or slow down the disease.

Today, there are many alternative ways to fight cancer. The attention of scientists around the world is drawn to this significant problem, which takes many lives every year. So anyway what kills cancer cells without affecting healthy people? Modern medicine is already able to imagine potential “oncology killers”.

Medical agents against cancer

The strategy of the latest world research in the field of destroying the genes of malignant cells opens up a wide range of scientific achievements in oncology. Among them, it is worth highlighting those natural substances that, according to scientists’ experiments, most effectively kill cancer cells:

  • A combination of two proteins. E-selectin and apoptosis-inducing ligandin.

It has been proven that when destroying malignant cells using proteins dissolved in physiological solution, success is guaranteed in 60% of cases.

Research has also shown that when cancer cells come into contact with this compound in the fast flow of blood, they kill themselves.

  • Natural supplements containing cesium, wormwood and vitamin B 17.

They are completely safe for healthy cells, but deadly for mutated ones.

Capable of influencing oncological formations. This was first noted back in the 1900s during studies of the vital functions of the fetus, but was not given serious significance. Now there is every reason to talk about the ability of enzymes to destroy cancer cells, since there are concrete facts of cure for cancer, presented in the works of Dr. Kelly and Dr. Gonzalez.

What kills cancer cells in the body through the activity of pancreatic enzymes?

The reason for the insufficient level of activity of human enzymes is that people consume most food in processed form, and the human digestive system is aimed at assimilation of raw foods. Only during food processing are the necessary enzymes formed.

Research has also shown that the immune system perceives processed food as poison, causing white blood cells to spike.

To help the pancreas cope with food processing and at the same time kill cancer cells, you can additionally take the necessary enzymes:

  1. Element Red 65: This is an extract of an Asian medicinal leech molecule that is used to cleanse the blood of toxins and has thinning properties.
  2. Digestive enzymes are aimed at destroying fibrin protein, which accumulates in the blood. It protects the cancerous tumor from the immune system. In order to stop this process, you need to take enough protease and/or nattokinase.

Foods that kill cancer cells

Alternative medicine has very good potential for the effective treatment of malignant tumors and the destruction of mutated genes. Let's pay attention to some known products that kill cancer cells:

1. Olive oil:

Contains a substance that can cause rapid self-destruction in cancer cells. The original hypothesis of American scientists, in particular Paul Breslin, was recently confirmed experimentally. After applying the olive oil constituent oleocanthal, the cancer cells died within 30 minutes to an hour. Moreover, the most prosperous period of the day is between 16 and 24 hours.

2. Regular garlic, as well as representatives of the allium family (all types of onions):

Capable of stopping the action of carcinogenic substances that affect the rate of DNA gene restoration. In this regard, products containing allium have been proven to kill cancer cells. Garlic also reduces the risk of colon cancer and fights Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which cause stomach ulcers and tumors.

3. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables (cabbage in all types):

Contains the red natural dye lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant. It stops the growth of breast, lung, endometrial and prostate tumors by boosting the immune system. An interesting fact is that tomatoes can be consumed in any form: from fresh fruits to tomato juice or pizza sauce. Moreover, processing makes the compound more accessible to absorption.

5. Watermelon, pink grapefruit and red pepper also contain lycopene.

6. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, blueberries:

Rich in antioxidant substances, in particular vitamin C and ellagic acid. They contain flavonoids, which inhibit an enzyme that breaks down the DNA of healthy cells and kills cancerous compounds.

One of the simplest vegetables that contains a large amount of vitamins, especially beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant. Scientists believe it protects cell membranes from damage by toxins and slows the growth of cancer cells. Cooked carrots supply the body with more antioxidants than raw carrots. The best method of heat treatment is to boil it entirely in water or steam it. These methods reduce nutrient loss.

Herbs that kill cancer cells

Many seemingly common plant species have cancer cell-killing properties, including:

  1. wheat sprouts- an indispensable assistant in the fight against cancer. They contain 13 vitamins, many minerals and trace elements, including selenium and all 20 amino acids. Wheat sprouts contain more than 30 antioxidant enzymes, of which the so-called one stands out especially. SOD. It is capable of transforming the most dangerous forms of free radicals that cause cancer.
  2. Wheatgrass and the juice from it contain a large amount of chlorophyll, aimed at breaking down carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. This plant neutralizes the effect of the hormone gonadotropin, which is produced by cancer cells.
  3. Lemongrass from Israel‒ one of the latest discoveries in oncology. It has been proven that this plant can kill cancer cells while leaving healthy ones unharmed. A drink with just one gram of lemongrass contains enough of the substance citral, which causes cancer cell suicide.
  4. Herbs oregano, sage, marjoram, lemon balm, mint, dill, parsley, tarragon are also known for their anti-cancer effects due to their rich green color.
  5. Barley contains a type of enzyme superoxide dismutase that destroys free radicals in the body.

Science has already discovered many effective ways to influence the malignant process. Unfortunately, much more remains unknown. But if you take into account all the recommendations regarding what kills cancer cells. then you can be at least partially confident in protecting your body from the disease.

Important to know:

A person close to me was diagnosed with skin cancer 3 years ago at stage 2. The tumor was removed and they began to restore the immune system. Everything was going well, but suddenly they found metastasis in the lung, it was 2.2 mm. The doctors told me to do chemotherapy. They did 6 courses but the tumor did not increase much and the doctors said we need to stop doing chemistry, we need to restore the liver. Well, they did 10 IVs, they came and took tests, the doctors said an irreversible process had begun. Tell me what to do?

Firstly, nutrition, a lot has been described about it. Secondly, try the Chaga mushroom, it increases immunity, has a positive effect on hematopoiesis, and prevents the spread of metastasis. And also Hemlock, but with caution, a course is described on the Internet. I WISH YOU A COMPLETE RECOVERY. THE MAIN THING is fight and believe.

The immune system controls the number of cancer cells in the body. As long as your immune system is healthy, you will not face cancer.

However, under the influence of a variety of negative factors, including poor ecology, poor nutrition, stress, infectious diseases or bad habits, the well-functioning immune defense mechanism malfunctions.

The body's defense system simply loses the ability to control the number of cancer cells, as a result of which their number increases exponentially. This is how cancer appears.

What foods help prevent the growth of cancer cells?


Garlic not only protects against vampires, but also, thanks to special compounds, increases the activity of immune system cells, which is responsible for resistance to cancer. Scientists have long proven that garlic reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Moreover, it can protect against stomach cancer and intestinal cancer - two of the biggest killer diseases on the planet.

Studies have proven that those who consume garlic regularly experience stomach and intestinal cancer much less frequently. In this regard, medical scientists recommend that even healthy people eat garlic every day. The amount of garlic eaten per week should be at least 5 cloves. Garlic supplements are allowed.


Beans are an excellent source of vegetable protein, provide the body with a good dose of fiber, and have anti-cancer properties. Beans and legumes contain certain phytochemicals that prevent genetic damage to cells or significantly slow down the process. Beans and beans can protect against many types of cancer, but they protect best against prostate cancer, plus they reduce the risk of developing cancer of the digestive organs.


We all know that carrots are a powerful antioxidant and source of beta-carotene. But not everyone knows that these substances and properties reduce the risk of developing a certain type of cancer - cancer of the oral cavity and larynx, stomach and colon, bladder and prostate. Research by urologists has confirmed that carrots have some resistance to bladder cancer. For the prevention of this terrible disease, both raw and boiled carrots are suitable, however, it is the raw product that retains greater nutritional value, which contributes to better resistance to cancer.


Broccoli - this plant can neutralize even the destructive effects of cancer. Broccoli acts as an antioxidant and stimulates human cells, causing them to fight disease. Young broccoli plants are of the greatest value; they contain a number of anti-cancer elements. Broccoli sprouts, so beneficial in the fight against cancer, can be found in health food stores or grown yourself. Consuming just 100 grams of broccoli weekly provides protection against the development of prostate adenoma in men and helps prevent breast cancer in women. It’s so easy to protect your own health by adding a few sprouts of this incredibly healthy plant to your next dish.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper contains a substance that causes a burning sensation throughout the mouth, but the same substance successfully fights cancer cells. You can use it as much as you can bear. The process follows the same principle as a steam bath against colds - the hotter the better.


Mushrooms are a storehouse of useful substances for the whole body, but they are also very effective in the fight against cancer. Even six thousand years ago, the Chinese used Asian mushrooms for medicinal purposes. Mushrooms that benefit the body come in different varieties. For example, shiitake, reishi, oyster mushrooms and others. You can eat the mushrooms themselves directly, or you can purchase special supplements with extracts of these products.

Asian mushrooms contain a substance that perfectly fights prostate cancer cells, it stops the growth of cancer cells and causes them to self-destruct. Numerous studies confirm this.


Raspberries are a source of antioxidants and other substances that protect against cancer. Special studies on rats showed that in those animals that consumed black raspberries, the percentage of esophageal cancer cells was significantly reduced. Later, raspberry powder was given to people with colorectal cancer, and the results were also good. Therefore, in protecting and fighting cancer, you need to take these tasty and very healthy berries into your arsenal.

Green tea

Green tea contains substances that inhibit the destructive effects of cancer cells in the lungs and digestive system. But this applies exclusively to real green tea supplied from Japan. Most of the packaging on display in modern supermarkets is not the tea in question. Therefore, if you want to protect yourself from cancer with green tea, you will have to look for an Asian store and purchase the product there.


Tomatoes contain a lot of useful substances, and it doesn’t matter at all whether you consume them processed or raw. They contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that stimulates our immune system and protects against certain types of cancer, particularly prostate cancer. Remember - tomatoes should be bright red and you need to eat 2-3 of them per day. In men who regularly consumed tomatoes and dishes made from them, the risk of developing prostate cancer was reduced by 35% (!).


Turmeric has long been successfully used in the treatment of inflammatory and colds, and in relieving asthma symptoms. However, scientists recently stated that turmeric can also fight cancer. This conclusion was drawn from the following information: In the United States, the incidence of prostate cancer is very high, but in India, the incidence is extremely low. Scientists have suggested that Indians eat differently, eating foods that protect them from developing cancer, while Americans eat just about anything.

Cancer is one of the most terrible diagnoses for any person. About 20% of all deaths occur due to cancer. Their characteristic feature is the ability to arise in absolutely any organ. What worries doctors especially is that the disease is rapidly getting younger.

Predictability of the disease

It is impossible to predict whether a person will get cancer or not, and if he does, which organ will be attacked. Cancer arises from cells that have malfunctioned for some reason. It has been proven that strong radiation, food carcinogens, environmental pollution, smoking, and alcohol can provoke such a mutation. But it is not known for certain why, under the same living conditions, cancer cells appear in one person and not in another. There are only assumptions, conjectures, theories of the occurrence and development of cancer.

The occurrence and development of cancer

Every day, under the influence of various factors, some cells in the body change their structure. When a cell is damaged, the genetic information changes and it becomes atypical. It's not cancer yet. If a person has a strong immune system, such cells will be quickly recognized and destroyed. But for unknown reasons, the immune system sometimes fails, and atypical cells live, multiply, turning into cancer. Their peculiarity is that they do not die, but continue to reproduce chaotically and uncontrollably. Any cell that finds itself in a foreign environment dies immediately, but the mutated one penetrates other organs and feels great. As they multiply, cancer cells (you see the photo in the article) replace healthy tissues, gradually displacing them, which often leads to complete damage to the organ. They enter the general bloodstream and are distributed throughout the body. Cancer cells in the blood feel great, multiply and move to other organs and systems. Such tumors spread throughout the body are called metastases. When metastases affect several organs and systems of the body at once, cancer treatment becomes almost impossible.

Cancer and immunity

Conventional medicine increasingly believes that cancer is an immune disease. The body is able to cope with atypical cells at the earliest stages. If a person is weakened, cancer cells grow, form colonies, and then there is not enough strength to suppress cancer foci. Without medical intervention at this stage, cancer treatment is impossible.

Cancer treatment

Every person wants to know what kills cancer cells. Cancer is the general name for a large group of diseases. Just as the types of oncology differ from each other, so does the treatment. Common methods of treating the tumor are chemotherapy and surgery. In the first case, the patient receives a large dose of toxic substances that destroy cancer cells. Healthy people also die along with them, which is why recovery, even with successful treatment, often takes many months and even years. Chemotherapy often has almost the same harmful effects on the body as the tumor itself. Surgery allows you to locally remove the source of the disease, but does not save you from metastases, if any appear. It is effective only in the initial stages of cancer, when it has not yet spread throughout the body.

Medicine is looking for new ways to treat cancer, some modern technologies are already being successfully used, but there is still no panacea for this terrible disease.

Immunity and nutrition

Good immunity is the best defense against cancer. To strengthen or restore the body's defenses, you should follow simple rules. No matter how trivial it may sound, for health it is simply necessary to lead a normal lifestyle, exercise, and eat a balanced diet. Fasting and mono-diets reduce immunity. The diet should include vegetables, fruits, nuts, and berries. Vitamins and amino acids contained in vegetables and fruits stimulate the production of phagocytes, which successfully destroy cancer cells. Gifts of nature containing large amounts of folic acid are especially useful for maintaining immunity. These are greens, artichokes, beans, lentils, asparagus, cabbage. These products, which kill cancer cells, have a beneficial effect on the nervous and circulatory system, thereby strengthening the body's defenses.

Diet for the prevention of cancer

To reduce the risk of developing pathologies of this kind, you need to exclude harmful foods from your diet. Cancer loves carcinogens, genetically modified foods, sugar, preservatives. All types of sausages, carbonated drinks, smoked foods, too sweet desserts, genetically modified vegetables - all this is an environment in which modified cells will feel comfortable. Fresh vegetables and fruits increase the body's defenses. Numerous studies have proven that consuming natural foods containing large amounts of beneficial amino acids helps to “reprogram” cancer cells and slow down their proliferation. Moreover, heat treatment of healthy food should be minimal. They especially “dislike” artichokes, parsley, celery, red and orange vegetables.

Now the media is full of advertisements about the miraculous fruit under the exotic name “suacept” or “guanabana”. The more common and well-known name in Russia is “soursop.” There is information on certain websites that cancer cells are more afraid of this fruit than chemotherapy. In most countries, Suasept is used to flavor tea, make low-alcohol drinks and as a diuretic. Its pulp can be eaten simply raw.

Like any fruit, it contains a lot of nutrients, vitamins and is a very useful product for both healthy people and those suffering from cancer. But studies have shown that guanabana kills cancer cells no better than any other plant. Moreover, this fruit can only be consumed in strictly limited quantities. The miraculous properties of suasept are nothing more than a marketing ploy to increase sales of an exotic fruit. Everyone knows that prevention is better than cure. Proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, a positive attitude, and the absence of severe stress reduce the risk of getting cancer several times. And timely consultation with a doctor and preventive examinations will allow you to diagnose early forms of any pathology and successfully treat them.



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