How to shave a man's groin - do girls like a shaved groin? Intimate hygiene for men How girls feel about the lack of hair in a man’s groin

If previously bikinis, tango panties and thongs could only be seen on the fair sex, today men also prefer to wear such underwear. Accordingly, the question arises about the intricacies of caring for the bikini area. And just like women, men try to eliminate excessive hair in this part of the body by tidying up the genital area.

Based on this, topics on how to shave a man’s balls and pubic genitalia so that tight-fitting underwear does not demonstrate the unkempt state of the groin are increasingly emerging in online public pages. Such procedures are especially in demand and relevant in the summer, when leisure time is spent on the beach, and the stronger sex wears light and sometimes transparent clothes.

Do you know why hair grows in the groin?

Before looking for answers on how to shave a man’s penis, namely the groin area, you need to know what the hair in this part of the body is generally intended for. Anatomically speaking, groin hair grows to serve two purposes:

  • Genital protection. According to the anatomical features of the structure of the human body, the genitals are considered to be the most vulnerable parts of the body. Experts also note that it is very important not to overcool the genitals, as this can lead to diseases. Therefore, nature made sure that during human evolution, hair remained on the genitals.
  • The hairy areas of the body have a large number of glands, and in the groin area they can secrete specific pheromones. They contribute in every possible way to attracting the opposite sex, which means that hair is responsible for the attraction between people.

Based on the purpose of the groin hair, questions about how to shave a guy’s groin become controversial. It would seem that without hair it is much easier to maintain the sterility and cleanliness of the genitals. But hair serves to protect organs and attract the opposite sex.

How to shave a man's groin at home?

As the practice of recent years has shown, shaving the groin correctly means for a man to increase self-esteem. The thing is that a penis without hair visually becomes larger and more voluminous than before. Thick hair usually hides all the charms of a man’s genital organ, which is why modern men are increasingly inclined to shaving.

You can shave the genital area according to the following instructions:

  1. Use a trimmer or scissors to shorten hair, thereby protecting the razor from damage and clogging.
  2. Foam or depilatory gel is applied to the area where shaving will be done.. Thanks to them, the skin becomes softer, as does the hair in the groin, and the machine then glides better over the skin.
  3. Shaving should be done as carefully as possible, since the epidermis in the penis area is very delicate. Using your hands, you can provide sufficient tension to the skin, thereby preventing cuts.
  4. After the man managed to shave his penis correctly, After shaving care products are applied to the cleaned area of ​​skin.

For reference! Despite the fact that many men prefer to shave to prevent the groin area from itching, after a while it can still itch due to irritation. This is facilitated by changes in humidity and temperature in the bikini area, so it is important to monitor your skin using special products.

In order not to injure the skin of the genital organs during hair removal, the procedure can be entrusted to the spouse. In order to shave her husband’s penis, a woman can use three types of improvised means:

  • Electric shaver. This device easily removes hair from the face, but it is completely unsuitable for the groin area, so it is not used in practice.
  • Disposable or reusable razor, which is the best tool for removing hair without itching in the future, but subject to the use of skin care products.
  • Classic razor, which barbers used before. An effective hair remover, but dangerous due to the high likelihood of cuts.

Life hack on the topic

To make shaving the genital area painless and even enjoyable, you need to apply shaving foam or gel to the desired part of the body, then leave it for 3-5 minutes. Thus, the hair will become softer, as will the skin. In addition, you first need to steam the genital area in a warm bath. And, of course, don’t forget about aftershave products that will leave your skin without irritation.

Contact a specialist: where can you find such a specialist?

Special beauty salons and hairdressers will help you determine how to properly shave your groin. Such services have a specific name - intimate haircut or depilation of the bikini area. Despite the fact that it is in demand more by women, salons offer shaving of the genital area to men as well. Regardless of shaving without a machine, without machines, without scissors, the result will always satisfy the client.

In general, hairdressers offer several types of intimate haircuts:

  1. Hair cutting - in order to refine the intimate area, so as not to prick.
  2. Shaving is a regular procedure for complete hair removal.
  3. Epilation - wax, mechanical or sugar, during which hairs in the intimate area are removed from the roots for a longer period.

In addition, beauty salons and beauty salons offer modern methods of dealing with the hairy part of the groin - photoepilation for complete removal of hair follicles, as well as laser hair removal with the same result, but with a gentle effect on the skin.

Skin care after shaving

To avoid irritation in the groin area after shaving, men need to use shaving products after shaving. Thanks to the first, the hair is softened, and thanks to the second, the skin is moisturized and nourished with the necessary substances. High-quality cosmetics do not penetrate into the places where sperm are formed in a man.

As for hair removal in the scrotal area, such procedures can be postponed as a last resort. As practice has shown, the hairiness of this part of the genital organs does not play a special role. You can limit yourself to hair removal in the pubic area, which will advantageously emphasize manhood.

Rules for using cosmetics before shaving and after shaving

As mentioned earlier, saving money on the purchase of shaving products and after-shave skin care products is not worth it. It is good if cosmetics do not contain fragrances and fragrances, but are based on vegetable or animal fats. Moisturization is the main condition for shaving without irritation and without itching. But before using cosmetics, they need to be tested.


  1. The selected gel or foam should be applied in a small amount to the wrist area. If after some time no redness or itching appears, the product can be used for its intended purpose.
  2. The shaving product is applied to damp, clean hair and left for a certain time.
  3. After shaving, the foam or gel is washed off with warm water, and aftershave is applied to dry skin.

It is this sequence of actions that will provide a man with an easy shave, as well as protection of the skin from cuts, peeling, itching and irritation in the future.

Intimate styling is becoming increasingly popular among men and women, but achieving smooth and sexy skin in intimate areas is not so easy - it is a delicate matter and requires certain skills and abilities. It doesn't matter whether you're a woman or a man, it's important to shave your hair without risking injury or causing skin irritation, and in this article we'll show you how.


Preparing to shave

    Trim your pubic hair first. Razors are designed for shaving short stubble and quickly become clogged and dull when used on long hair. To cut the hair, gently pull it up and away from you, and then trim it with small, sharp scissors or a clipper with an attachment. You can even use an electric trimmer without rotating heads. You should leave only half a centimeter of hair length or less.

    • If you've never had an intimate haircut, you may want to leave your hair short for a few days - this will allow you to get used to the new sensations.
    • If you lack dexterity, it is better to keep the scissors away from such a vulnerable area of ​​the body. You will have to bring the cutting surfaces very close to the skin. Therefore, if the thought of this makes you nervous, it is better to use an electric trimmer, with which you can trim your hair without hurting your skin.
  1. Take a hot shower or bath to soften your hair and hair follicles. This will make coarse pubic hair much easier to shave. This may seem like an extra step, but a hot bath or shower will make shaving much easier.

    Lather your hair to avoid irritation. You can also use unscented shaving foam or gel. It is best to choose a foam or cream that is designed for shaving hair in the intimate area, and not on the face, because these products have significant differences. Remember that Shaving hair without cream or foam is not recommended.

    Maximum shaving performance

    1. Take a razor. It's new to you, isn't it? The newer the blade, the better it will shave. It is recommended to use machines with multiple blades and gel pads on both sides, which will allow the machine head to slide. It makes no difference whether your razor is pink or blue. If it is sharp and has 3-4 blades, shaving will not only be easier, but also safer.

      • Don't want to keep buying new razors? In this case, you should take good care of the ones you already have. Dedicate one machine to caring for your intimate area and always rinse it thoroughly after use. Also, keep your razor dry because water can accelerate the corrosion of the blades, causing them to become dull faster.
    2. Pull the skin tightly. If you drag a razor over relaxed skin, you can cut yourself. Razors cut hairs best on a straight, smooth surface. With your free hand, pull the skin tightly and continue to hold it - this will make it much easier for you.

      • To make it easier, start from the navel. Pull the skin above the hairline and move in any direction. The type of intimate hairstyle depends only on your desires. You can shave it all off, or you can leave a small section or do something more elaborate. Your body is the canvas and you are the artist. However, if you lock yourself in the bathroom for several hours to create a masterpiece, people will start asking you questions.
    3. Shave with soft and smooth movements. Important things to remember: shaving By hair growth will help avoid irritation, and shaving against hair growth will make the skin smoother. Don't forget this, but act according to your body's characteristics. If you have very sensitive skin, it is better to shave along the hairline, even if it takes you twice as long as shaving against the grain.

      • If you want to achieve a smoother look, try shaving across the direction of the hair growth. For example, if your hair grows downward, shave left or right. Learn to feel the hairs by touch instead of trying to see them. Not having to look at the skin up close will speed up the process.
      • Don't shave for too long. Shave each area just long enough to remove hair. If you move the razor too much, it will cause your skin to become inflamed.
      • At first, you will notice that if you shave your intimate area for two days in a row, your skin will develop red bumps and/or itchiness. In this case, simply take a few days off between treatments until your skin gets used to the changes.
    4. Don't forget the area between your buttocks. If you've ever had your bikini area waxed, you probably remember how you thought it was all over, but then the waxer asked you to turn over to the other side. That's right. She needed to get to that part of the body that you had completely forgotten about. In the case of shaving, everything is exactly the same if you want to get rid of unnecessary hair everywhere.

    5. Clean up after yourself. Save yourself the embarrassment, show respect for others, and clean up the drain after yourself.

      • The easiest way to cut your hair is over the toilet, and to shave your hair in the shower (at least when it comes to cleaning). Once you're done, carefully inspect the drains, floor, towels, and razor. There should be no traces left anywhere.

    If you are cutting pubic hair, use separate scissors. This means that those scissors you use to cut your bangs and the ones you use to open a carton of milk in the kitchen should not do the job below the waist. “There are certain bacteria and fungi that live in the groin that you don’t want to spread to other parts of the body,” says Anthony Rossi, a dermatologist at Weill Cornell Medical College (USA). Before starting the procedure, wipe the scissors with alcohol and wash your hands and groin thoroughly. This way you are less likely to get an infection during the process.

    Lay the foundation

    The results of a study conducted last year in the United States show that about half of women prefer complete or partial absence of hair in the groin of their partner. If you want to get rid of vegetation, then first you need to prepare everything. You should not immediately demolish your bushes - this can cause skin irritation and itching. Long, stubborn hairs get stuck in the razor and can cause painful cuts. “If you have thick growth, trim it first with scissors,” advises Rossi. “Because pubic hair is coarser and curlier, it often becomes ingrown.” Cut them short, but not to the skin, but to about 2 mm. This way they won’t be able to curl and grow in.

    Take a hot shower

    Shaving dry pubic hair is a bad idea. It's better to do this after a hot shower. Warm water softens the skin and washes away dirt and grease. The water also wets the surface being treated, preventing the razor from pulling out hair. You shouldn't use your regular soap: it's better to take shaving gel, it moisturizes better. “Buy an alcohol-free gel that contains aloe extract,” advises Rossi. This will prevent irritation.

    Brave in the right direction

    “If you want to achieve perfect smoothness, you need to shave in the direction of hair growth, not against it,” says Rossi. Look in which direction the hair is sticking out, and shave with even movements in the same direction. This will avoid stubble and getting caught in ingrown hairs. In addition, there is less chance of irritation after shaving, since the razor will not pull the hair in an unusual direction.

    Be careful with your testicles

    The skin on the scrotum and base of the penis is wrinkled, which means it can be easily cut with a razor. “There are a lot of bacteria living in these areas, and the slightest cut can lead to infection,” warns Brian Steixner, director of the Institute of Men's Health in Atlantic City (USA). Panniculitis, abscesses, Fournier's gangrene - believe me, you don't want to look at this, so don't even look for pictures on the Internet. So, caution and caution again. “Use your other hand to stretch the skin before shaving or cutting,” advises Rossi. And to see all corners clearly, stand over the mirror in a well-lit bathroom.

    Wash the cut

    Even if you're super careful, you can still cut yourself. This is the most common injury from genital shaving. Don't panic. “The main thing is to wash the cut area with warm water and soap and wipe with rubbing alcohol,” advises Rossi. If the cut is shallow, simply press a piece of toilet paper into the area to stop the bleeding. Hold for 10–15 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop or if it is pulsating, call an ambulance. Deep cuts may require stitches.

    Complete the procedure with moisturizing

    Irritation and itching are common after shaving. “This is due to the increased sensitivity of the genital skin, as well as the curved structure of the follicles,” explains Rossi. Moisturizing with aftershave lotion will help prevent these sensations. “Choose a lotion with aloe extract or camphor,” advises Rossi. But if the problem does not go away within a few days, you may have an infection or inflammation of the follicle. Go to a dermatologist to prescribe treatment.

    Every person sooner or later is faced with the need to remove vegetation in intimate areas. There are many methods of depilation and hair removal, but the most popular of them has been and remains shaving, due to its effectiveness, availability and low cost.

    But to prevent irritation and accompanying severe discomfort from appearing on the skin later, you should shave your pubic hair correctly, following a few simple recommendations when performing this procedure.

    In particular, remember that since Mother Nature has provided the most secluded corners of the human body with “hairstyles,” then hair is therefore needed there. The air cushion they create protects the genitals from hypothermia or overheating, is a natural barrier to pathogenic flora and, finally, retains pheromones - odorous substances that attract members of the opposite sex.

    Therefore, doctors advise not to shave off all the hair, but to limit it only to the pubis and bikini area. It is better to trim the rest of the vegetation just a little - this way you will be able to reach a compromise in the requirements of aesthetics and health.

    What you need for shaving

    Before you get started, stock up on everything you need. First of all, get a good reusable razor. For those whose skin is overly sensitive, it is better to buy a machine specially designed for such purposes: the blades are positioned in such a way that they shave the hairs at a right angle and slightly round off the cut points, so that the growing stubble does not turn out to be prickly. Ordinary razors cut hair obliquely.

    You will also need the best blades, the thinnest and sharpest (don't skimp!), shaving and aftershave gel or cream, scissors, tweezers, disinfectants and styptics in case of cuts.

    How to properly shave your pubic area

    Having prepared everything you need, follow these steps:

    • Take a swim and, preferably, take a steam bath. During ablution, the surface of the skin is disinfected, its upper layer softens, the hairs slightly rise and become a little softer, which makes subsequent shaving easier.
    • Use scissors to cut the hair as short as possible: long hairs are difficult for a razor to handle.
    • Treat the resulting “hedgehog” with shaving gel or cream and wait a few minutes so that the skin becomes more elastic under its action.

    Everything is ready for shaving. You can begin the procedure itself.

    While slightly stretching the skin, move the machine in the direction of hair growth with light, slow movements. Try to shave the hairs at one time: repeatedly running the blade over the same area is not recommended, as this can cause irritation. Shaving against hair growth is also contraindicated.

    If there are single hairs left, use scissors or tweezers.

    Take another swim. Disinfect existing cuts and treat the skin with aftershave gel or nourishing cream.

    If you want to use a depilatory cream to perfect your appearance, then it is better to do it tomorrow: now the top layer of your skin is too sensitive and may not withstand such a test.


    Intimate hair removal for men. shaving the groin. Should men shave their genitals?!

    You can be a smart person
    And think about the beauty... of different places.
    Almost Pushkin.

    Are women comfortable with them?! Men love it when girls have everything or almost everything clean shaven in private parts. And they can be understood. It's good when girl shaves her pubis- Beautiful.
    Indeed, it is more beautiful, more erotic, and more hygienic. How to shave your pubic area and the men will sort it out. Nothing complicated!
    It’s nice for them to look at you, kiss you, touch you wife's shaved pubis, girls, friends. What about yourself?

    Many women would also like to see their partners' genitals clean-shaven or at least trimmed short. For many reasons.
    Smooth shaved male genitals They also look more erotic. In any case, more interesting than when they look out from dense thickets.

    Oral sex and shaved pubis

    A oral sex! Men love oral sex. And many women would be more pleased to give pleasure to their beloved without being periodically distracted by spitting out hairs, wouldn’t it?! And kissing something smooth, tender and pleasant to the touch is much more joyful than the same thing, but covered with hair. Think, kiss shaved pubis nicer than hairy.
    So men could count on women being more enthusiastic about oral sex, if more attention was paid to the grooming of intimate places. At least to make women feel more comfortable with them when having sex.

    Yes, and about grooming! Agree, shaved or short trimmed crotch immediately associated with grooming. At first glance, it is clear that the man takes care of himself, washes, and shaves. And this puts the girl in a more positive mood than when she sees thickets untouched by civilization, which it is unknown when a human hand touched.

    Yes and for men shaving intimate areas there are undoubted advantages.
    Have you ever thought that when smoothly shaved genitals, the penis looks 1.5-2 centimeters longer?! Shaved pubes of guys give them additional visual advantages. And if most men are so worried about whether their parameters are satisfactory or not, then shouldn’t they shave everything off and get a visually longer penis?! Guys, men! Shaved pubis makes the penis visually larger!

    And in general - no pubic hair make a man courageous.
    What makes a man a real man is his actions and attitude towards a woman.
    A man is not necessarily something unshaven and not always smelling good.
    A man is someone who is smart, reliable, decent, attractive, sexy and irresistible.

    By the way, if you look at porn films made in recent years, you will see that most of the handsome actors who play heroic lovers have not only attractive bodies, but also smoothly shaved crotch. They shave off all pubic hair.
    Unlike girls, a man with some kind of strip of hair left on his pubic area would look a little strange. But it's clean smoothly shaved genitals, according to most women, they look very sexy and erotic. We agree that otherwise porn actors would not shave, but would grow hair in these places.

    Of course, no one owes anyone anything. Everyone does as he pleases. But it is worth remembering that in the eyes of the opposite sex, both men and women who remove hair from intimate places look more attractive than those who can braid their hair there.
    Vasilyeva Natasha especially for

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