Dating games “Snowball. Snowball

This game is best played at the “getting to know each other”, when the guys sit in a large, close circle. The counselor should start the game by saying his name. The person sitting to his left must say the name of the counselor and his own. The next one further clockwise will have to name the two previous names, his own, and so on in a circle. The counselor must again finish by calling the entire squad by name. Everything is in a circle. One person says his name, quality with the same letter and shows a gesture. The second person repeats everything about the first and identifies himself: name, quality and gesture, etc. At the end, everyone repeats in chorus about everyone. The task is difficult, but realistic and doable. Try it - success is guaranteed.

The presenter says his name. The next player says the leader's name and his own name. The third player calls the names of the previous ones and his own, and so on in a circle. The most difficult thing will be for the last player - he will have to name the names of everyone present.

  • Please note that sometimes children try to memorize just a sequence of names in order to repeat them accurately, like parrots. To avoid this, during the game, focus their attention on the remarkableness of each player (“This is such a smiling Igor,” “Very nice, Sveta with wonderful hairpins”)
  • The game can be lengthened and complicated if, on the second round, each participant says not only his name, but also what he will need on the desert island. It's long but fun.

For example: “This is Kostya, on a desert island he can cook food for everyone. This is Lesha, he will light a fire for us. Denis will give us a clown show, Sasha will boss everyone around, Anya and Nastya will make our home beautiful, Ksyusha will tell us what happened before, Ignat will organize sports competitions, Vera and Masha will chat on the phone, and Partridge will help everyone medical care" It might turn out funny, and everyone will quickly remember each other. Another option is com-toon.

The squad stands in a circle. In turn, everyone says loudly their name and any association associated with it or the quality of their person, starting with the first letter of their name. The next person repeats and says his name. The last one to say his name is the counselor. Having previously named the names of all the guys. The association can be an adjective, an animal, a movie character, a gesture, and so on.

Alternatively, the squad can repeat in chorus.

Option with movements: also everyone stands in a circle. In turn, everyone takes a step inside the circle, simultaneously says their name and shows the movement that characterizes it. After this, everyone repeats the name and movement of the person showing twice.

According to traditional rules. associations by adjectives (when each child, in addition to his name, names an adjective starting with the same letter as his name, which characterizes him in his opinion); associations of animals, plants (the same thing, only instead of adjectives - the name); “repeat me” (the participant, calling the name, walks out into the circle with a peculiar gait, or makes some funny movement and returns to his place. Everyone else must repeat “his” gait or movement after the participant).

The first person says his name, the second repeats the name of the first and says his, the third repeats the name of the first, second and says his. You can play the game in this order: name + adjective with the same letter; name + noun; name + verb; name + movement.

In the circle, the first participant says his name, the second - the name of the first participant and his own, the third - the names of all previous participants and his own, and so on until the turn again reaches the first participant, who calls the names of everyone. This game has various variations. For example, you can add various objects or character qualities to a name that begin with the same letter: Masha - wise, Sasha - brave, etc.

The players sit in a circle. The first player says his name. Each next player must say the names of the players sitting in front of him who said their names, and then their name. When the host’s turn comes again, he calls the names of all the players. This game has several variations. We're going on a hike. The player, having said his name, names an item starting with the first letter of his name, which he can take with him on a hike. For example:<Меня зовут Катя, я иду в поход и беру с собой компас>. Then the next player says:<Меня зовут Сережа, я иду в поход и беру с собой спальник, а ещё Катю с компасом>, etc. Hello, Katya. The player says his name and shows any gesture. All players say his name in unison and repeat the proposed gesture. I love to do. The player says his name and favorite activity. The next player states his attitude to the named matter, then introduces himself and says what he likes. For example:<Как, я люблю танцевать, не умею играть на гитаре, как Андрей. Меня зовут Рома и я люблю играть в футбол>.

The players stand or sit in a circle, facing inward. The one who starts the game says his name loudly. The one who follows him, either clockwise or counterclockwise, loudly calls his name and himself, the next one names first the first two, then himself. And so on, the task of everyone in the circle is to name all the previous ones, and then themselves. You can agree and add to the name a characteristic quality, or a mood, or a favorite character, or a book-film, a favorite color or dish and a lot of other things, and you can also offer add a gesture characterizing this person to the name (there is a very interesting and exciting game, which took place in the 4th lesson of the Courses).. But when large quantities Participants Snowball can be very drawn out, so if there are more than 15-20 participants, then it makes sense to split into two or three circles, play at the same time, and then play again, mixing the lineup. It is very important to play dynamically, but not to overdo it...

The players stand in a circle. One of the players starts, calling his name, the next one calls the name of the previous one, then his own, etc. (1 Anya, 2- Anya, Masha, 3- Anya, Masha, Petya)

All participants in the game sit down or stand in a circle, so that all players can see each other. Participants take turns saying their name. Each subsequent player names the names of all previous players, adding his own to them.

Participants join hands to form a circle. The first player starts the game by saying his name. The second participant repeats the name of the first participant in a circle and says his own. The third participant repeats the names of the first two and says his name. And so the game continues until the last person names all the names, including his own.

The group stands in a circle and the first one says their name. The second one says the name of the first one and his own. The third is the name of the first, the second and your own. Along with your name, you can depict your favorite gesture, name your favorite drink, personal quality(option - starting with the first letter of the name), hobby, etc.

The players sit in a circle. The counselor says his name (and definition - Vyacheslav is strong, Maria is sexy). The person sitting to his left says the name of the counselor and his own. The next one further clockwise names the two previous names and his own. And so on. The counselor must finish by calling the entire squad by name. The game can be complicated by calling names from the middle, from the end.

Game in a circle. The first one says any word, the person sitting next to him repeats it and says his word in last letter first. The third player repeats all the previous words and names his own according to the same principle, etc. in a circle. Those who make a mistake are eliminated from the game (or not).

Music is playing. In the center of the hall, in the circle of game participants, only one couple dances. After 8 or 16 bars, the leader of the dance evening stops the music by clapping his hands. The dancers turn to face the participants of the evening standing in a circle and quickly choose a partner. This must be done before the manager claps his hands twice (an interval of 3-10 seconds), after which the second invitation to dance follows and two couples are already dancing in a circle. The clap is heard again - a command to stop the dance. A short selection of new partners, and 4 couples are already dancing. The game continues, and the number of dancers grows like a snowball. Finally the moment comes when everyone dances.

A group of concepts is limited by a certain condition. The first player names any word from this group, the second repeats the word that the first player named and adds his own word to it. The third player repeats the previous two words and adds a third, etc. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The last player remaining is declared the winner.

Game example:

1st player: "Oak."

2nd player: “Oak, aspen.”

3rd player: "Oak, aspen, maple."

4th player: "Oak, aspen, maple, birch."

5th player: "Oak, aspen, maple, birch, linden."

6th player: "Oak, aspen, maple, birch, linden, alder." etc.

Everyone stands in a circle. The first person says his name and quality to the first letter of the name (flower, animal, etc.). The next one repeats what the first one said, and names his name and quality with the first letter of his name, and so on in a circle until the first person.

10-30 people, strangers to each other, play. The first person says his name. The second person says the first person's name, then his own. The third is the name of the first, the second, your own. And so on until the last person (he must have a good memory!) The game can be made more interesting if you add an adjective to each name starting with the first letter of the name. For example: artistic Anya, mysterious Tanya, Lazy Lesha, etc.

Everyone stands in a circle. The first person says his name and quality to the first letter of the name (flower, animal, etc.). The next one repeats what the first one said and names his name and quality with the first letter of his name, and so on in a circle until the first person.

Goal: presenting your name and remembering the names of other participants in the game. Time: 5-7 min. Number of participants: from 8 to 30. Venue: any, but participants must sit together in a circle. The counselor explains the rules: “Friends, now we will try to get to know everyone together. To do this, you need to be very attentive. The rules of our game are as follows: the first person says his name. His neighbor says the name of the first and his. The neighbor of the neighbor says the name of the first, the second and his . And so on". 1 person Petya; 2 people Petya, Vasya; 3 people Petya, Vasya, Lena; 4 people Petya, Vasya, Lena, Olya...

It is advisable that the counselor be the last and correctly, without mistakes, name all the names of the children (winning the favor of the group). Options for this game: 1. say your name and make some movement; 2. name + word with which you are associated; 3. name + word, object that you like starting with the same letter.

The goal of the game is to introduce by name all the members of the new team and try to make sure that the guys remember these names. To conduct it, everyone needs to sit or stand in a circle. The game is played clockwise. The host starts the game. It is better if he has some object in his hands. The presenter says his name and passes the item in his hands to the player sitting (standing) to his left. The second player calls the leader’s name, his name and passes the item on. The third one names the names of previous players and his own, etc. The last player will have the hardest time - he must correctly pronounce the names of all participants in the game and not forget to say his own.

The players sit in a circle. The first one says his name, the second one says the name of the first one and his own. The third names the previous two and his own, and so on until the first names the names of all players. The game can be complicated by calling names from the middle, from the end.

All players stand in a circle. The presenter begins, i.e. says his name. The next participant says the leader's name, then his own. The next one is the two previous names and your own, etc.

The group stands in a circle and the first one says his name. The second one says the name of the first one and his own. The third is the name of the first, the second and your own. Along with the name, you can depict your favorite gesture, name your favorite drink, personal quality (option - starting with the first letter of the name), hobby, etc.

All participants in the game sit down or stand in a circle, so that all players can see each other. Participants take turns saying their name. Each subsequent player names the names of all previous players, adding his own to them. For example: the first participant says his name, the second - the name of the first and his, the third - the name of the first, the name of the second and his, and so on until the last player, who must name the names of everyone in the circle.

Game options:

  • In addition to his name, each player names a quality that begins with the first letter of his name and corresponds to his character.

For example: Vera - loyalty, Sergei - brave, Natalya - tender...

  • Each player, calling his name, accompanies it with some kind of gesture.
  • Each player, calling his name, enters the circle of players, making some movement - waving his hand, limping, bowing, etc. Following him, all the players take a step into the circle, calling the name of the previous player and repeating his movement.

Tips for organizers:

  • When carrying out all variants of the “Snowball”, be sure to change or rearrange the players each time, this promotes memorization more names
  • Use the game "General Quality" to move players. After swapping participants several times, you can use another version of the “Snowball”, etc.

Nadezhda Litvinyuk
Summary of game interaction between the teacher and music director with children early age on the topic: “We are rolling a snowball”


Form ideas about winter natural phenomena: cold, snowing, frosty, slippery (cognition). Introduce children to the art of appliqué, develop interest in this type of activity (artistic creativity).

Develop emotionality and imagery perception of music through musical-rhythmic movements, the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text; develop dynamic hearing (music) . Promote the development of speech as a means of communication. Develop children's speech by enriching their active vocabulary with adjectives denoting color, shape, state of objects, adverbs - round, white, frosty, slippery, etc. (communication).

Raise kindness in children, caring attitude towards each other and others, interest in game activities and desire to participate in them (socialization).

Materials and equipment:

Music center, laptop, paper snowflakes, Snowman toy, Whatman paper, paper napkins, glue, glue sockets, a simple pencil, red and black felt-tip pens.

Educator begins to look at slides on the laptop depicting winter natural phenomena, thereby attracting the attention of children.

Educator: Guys, look how beautiful it is!

1 slide. What is shown here? (Forest) What time of year? (Winter)

2slide. Oh look, it's snowing! Snowflakes are spinning, they're flying!

3slide. Everything around is white, there is a lot of snow! What happened? (Snowdrifts)

4 slide. Who's here? (People) What are they doing? (ride) What are they on? ride? (On skis) These are skiers.

5 slide. Look what the kids are doing? (Slide down the hill)

6 slide. Well, this is a snowman, he’s used to the snow and the cold. Who makes a snowman? (Kids) What a wonderful time of year - winter!

Sounds are heard (winds, blizzards).

Educator: Do you hear? What are these sounds? (The wind blows). That's right, it's a song of the wind. How does the wind blow? (Children show). The wind is blowing hard!

Educator draws children's attention to snowflakes lying on the floor.

Educator: Oh-oh-oh! Look here! How many snowflakes! And winter has arrived in our group! How interesting... Both there and here - everywhere snowflakes. It turned out real snow path! Let's go and see where it leads?

Children together with the teacher walks on snowflakes that lead them to music hall, in which the effect is created using a mirror rotating ball "falling snowflakes» .

Music supervisor: Hello guys, look how beautiful it is around! How many snowflakes? (Many)

What time of year do they fly? snowflakes? (Winter)

Guys, ah What are snowflakes made of?? (Out of snow)

What kind of snow do we have? (White, fluffy, prickly, cold)

Oh, winter, winter

Spun and swept.

All paths, all paths,

Don't pass, don't pass!

Many snowflakes, let's play with them.

Musical rhythm game« Snowflakes»

Music, lyrics by T. Shikalov, music. processing by Yu. Zabutov

1 verse:

They flew, they flew, they flew one after another

White snowflakes,

White snowflakes –

Lungs snowflakes.

Verse 2:

Spinning, spinning, spinning

In a friendly round dance

White snowflakes –

Lungs snowflakes.

Verse 3:

They started playing, sparkling, raising and lowering snowflakes

White snowflakes,

White snowflakes –

Lungs snowflakes.

Verse 4:

Quietly spinning in the air, squatting

To lie down on the meadow fields

It immediately became so bright!

Everything around is white - white!

Music supervisor: Everywhere I look, snowflakes are spinning, they're flying!

Visual gymnastics « Snowflakes»

Snowflakes flew to the right,

The eyes looked right.

Snowflakes flew to the left,

The eyes looked to the left.

The wind lifted them up

And he lowered it to the ground.

Educator: Dropped snowflakes down, straight into a snowdrift. Let's blow on them, let them fly up again. (Children blow on snowflakes) .

Sounds music"The Crunch of Snow"

Educator: What is this? Is someone coming towards us? Whose steps are these? (Children's guesses). Guys, look, it's a snowman. But for some reason he is sad... Ask him what happened, why is he sad? (Children ask in chorus and one at a time).

Snowman: Very sad alone,

I miss you a lot.

I'm very, very afraid

That I'll melt out of sadness.

Educator(addresses children): Guys, why is the snowman bored?

Children: Because he is alone, he has no one to play with...

Educator: Are you and I bored?

Children: No.

Educator: Why?

Children: There are many of us, we can play with each other...

Educator: We need to help him, let's help the snowman, guys?

There is no time to waste.

We need to help a friend!

Educator(addresses the snowman): You sit down, relax, and the guys and I will come up with something. Guys, maybe we can make a friend for the snowman?

Children come to the table, there is a sheet of paper, napkins, and glue on the table.

Educator(draws a silhouette of a snowman): This is the torso. What is this? (Children repeat). What body? (Large, round). Now what am I drawing? (Children's guesses). That's right, head. What head? (Round, small). "Sculpt" we'll make a snowman snowballs. We make lumps from napkins.

Educator demonstrates the execution sequence work: crumple a napkin, roll out in palms To make a round lump, dip it in glue, apply it to the silhouette of a snowman and press lightly.

We roll a snowball

Round, like a ball.

The snowman will have a friend

So and not otherwise!

What do we make lumps from? (From napkins). What lumps? (Soft, round, white, light). How many snowballs pasted? (Many).

And now we're smart

Let's insert a carrot nose,

Let's draw the eyes,

A cap on your head.

What a snowman

Funny, fat white guy!

What kind of snowman did you get? (White, beautiful, big)

What does the snowman have? (torso, head, eyes, nose, cap).

What was the snowman made of? (From snowballs) .

Ask our snowman if he likes his friend? (Children ask).

Snowman: Well done, guys! This is what a good friend I have turned out to be, handsome, funny! I will play with my friend on the sled ride!

Musically-rhythmic song-game "Sled"

(music by T. Suvorova)

A friend will always come to the rescue

It will help a friend.

After all, in joy you need friends,

Needed in grief too!

Educator invites children to invite snowmen to their group.


  • The game requires a flat area measuring at least 50 x 50 m;
  • 2 or more teams with the same number of participants in each take part;
  • teams make a lot of snowballs before the game;
  • throws are made only from the starting line, you cannot step behind it;
  • You can throw only after the signal, otherwise one point is deducted;
  • the player can repeat the throw if he is prevented from making the first one.

How to play:

2 bright targets are installed or simply drawn on the site, each of which consists of three circles with a diameter of 0.5 m, 1.0 m and 1.5 m. The starting line is drawn 5 meters from the location of the targets, the distance is increased depending on age players. The teams line up and one player from each team begins throwing snowballs at the targets. Everyone has 2 attempts, 3 points are counted for getting into the central circle, 2 points for getting into the middle circle, and 1 point for getting into the outer circle. The team with the most points wins. You can diversify the game by setting new rules, for example, throwing snowballs with your left hand, running or jumping. When children learn accuracy, the distance to the targets can be gradually increased.


  • For the game you need a flat area measuring 50 x 20 m with a marked start line;
  • participate from 2 teams, each of which consists of 3 participants;
  • teams must prepare the attributes for sculpting a snowman in advance; they can only use them in the game;
  • snow for snowmen is taken strictly from a certain area;
  • You cannot intentionally interfere with the work of other teams;
  • For violation of the rules, half the points will be deducted.

How to play:

All items for making a snowman are laid out on the starting line, and you are allowed to take them one at a time. The distance between the teams is divided by a strip, it is approximately 8-10 m. At the signal, the teams begin to make a snowman, and after finishing work, they line up at the start. Team captain with the words "Ready!" raises his hand. Appointed judges evaluate the quality of the teams' work based on the principles of size, visual appeal and degree of sustainability. If 3 teams participate, then the first to complete it receives 2 points, the second - 1 point, and the last - 0 points. If there are more teams, then the number of points distributed between them increases proportionally.


  • For the game you need a flat area measuring 50 x 50 m;
  • Participate from 2 teams, the composition of which is from 3 to 6 participants;
  • players must prepare in advance a certain amount snowballs;
  • It is prohibited to step beyond the throwing line, otherwise the attempt is not counted;
  • You can throw only after the signal; attempts made earlier do not count.

How to play:

The playing area is divided into small areas, their size depends on the number of teams. A ball or any other strong target is placed in the center of the playing field. Participants of one team can be on one side or on both, each participant has three snowballs. If teams consist of 3 players, after the signal they begin to throw the ball simultaneously. If 6 people participate, then they throw alternately in teams of three. Accordingly, the team whose members made the greatest number of accurate hits and the minimum number of errors becomes the leader.


  • It is unacceptable to catch players with your hands, this attempt is not counted;
  • It is prohibited to throw snow in the face;
  • You can “get away” from the snow in all sorts of ways, even hiding behind trees and buildings;
  • mandatory participation of at least 3 participants, but in general, the more, the more interesting.

How to play:

First, the player who will drive is selected. After the signal “Run up!”, he makes a snowball and begins to run with it after the scattered players. The one it hits declares “I am a tag!” and becomes a driver. Now he makes a snowball and tries to hit the fleeing guys.


  • you need a spacious area to play;
  • 6 or more children participate;
  • indispensable attributes are a stick and a puck (or something similar in size and weight).

How to play:

First, a huge circle is drawn on the site, with smaller circles inside it (about 1 m in diameter). Their number depends on the number of teams into which the children are divided. In these small circles, one participant from different teams, selected by lot or vote, becomes. Now they must, with the help of a stick, bravely and with all their might protect the circle in which they are located from attacks from opposing teams. The game time is initially agreed upon and the team that scores wins greatest number heads into the "cauldron".

Dating games

The players sit in a circle. The first says his name, the second says the name of the first and his own, the third says the names of the first and second, then says his own, etc., until the circle is closed. As a result, the last one in the circle says the names of all the players, and then his own. It’s easier, of course, to be first, but last is more useful.

"I'll take it with me on a hike"

The game is played in the same way as “Snowball”, but in addition to his name, each player also names an item that he would take with him on a hike (or anywhere) and that begins with the first letter of his name.

"Let's get acquainted"

The players form two circles. Those standing in the inner circle turn to face the outer one. Music sounds, players play in circles and move in opposite directions. After the music stops, the participants in the game stop in front of each other, introduce themselves, saying their names. Then the music sounds again, only now, moving in different directions and running past an acquaintance, they wave to him. The music stops playing, new acquaintances appear. The game continues.

"Sing Your Name"

Each player takes turns singing their name. Everyone else must repeat the name, i.e. sing it the same way, with the same intonations, etc.

"Who is faster"

The squad is divided into 2 teams. Between teams, assistants hold a screen (for example, a blanket). One person per team approaches the screen and crouches; they should not see each other. At the command of the leader, the screen is lowered and the players sitting near it must say each other’s names. The one who calls faster wins. The loser moves to the opposing team. Etc.

"Zoo with names"

This is the same game as “Zoo 1” or “Zoo 2” (section “Reaction Games”), but each player also says his name each time.

"I've never..."

Everyone sits in a circle and puts their hands on their knees. The first player says something he has never done in his life. For example, he says: “I have never flown on an airplane.” If one of the players was flying, then he bends one finger on his hand. Then the next player speaks, and so on. in a circle. The winner is the one who bends all his fingers the fastest.


Everyone sits in a circle on chairs and settles for first or third. The first numbers will be, for example, apples, the second – bananas, the third – oranges. In the center is the driver, who begins a story about himself and as soon as he mentions one of the named fruits in his story, these players must quickly change places. If the driver says: “Tutti-frutti,” then all the players change places.


The players sit in a circle. The driver says: “My name is..., I love...” (you can love anything and anyone) and rolls the apple to someone from the circle. He picks up the apple and also says: “My name is..., I love...”. And the apple rolls to the next one. The game continues until all players have introduced themselves.

Gorgeous Valeria

Participants stand in a circle. The first participant says his name and an adjective that characterizes him (the player) and begins with the same letter as his name. For example: Magnificent Valeria, Interesting Igor, etc. The second participant names the phrase of the first and says his own. The third participant names the phrases of the first two players and so on until the last participant says his name.


Participants join hands to form a circle. The first player starts the game by saying his name. The second participant repeats the name of the first participant in a circle and says his own. The third participant repeats the names of the first two and says his name. And so the game continues until the last person names all the names, including his own.


Participants are divided into two teams, located opposite each other. A blanket is pulled between them. From each team, one person sits closer to the blanket. As soon as the blanket is lowered, you must have time to say the name of the person sitting opposite you. Whoever names it faster takes the player to his team. The winner is the team that “draws” more players to itself, that is, the team that knows more names.

And I'm going, and so am I, and I'm a hare

The participants of the game sit on chairs in a circle, one seat is not occupied by anyone. In the center is the driver. During the game, all participants change seats in a circle counterclockwise. A player sitting near an empty chair changes to it with the words “I’m going.” The next player says “me too.” The third participant says “I’m a hare” and, hitting an empty chair with his left hand, calls the name of the person sitting in the circle. The one whose name was spoken must run to an empty chair as quickly as possible. The driver's task is to have time to take a chair faster than that who was named. Those who did not have time become the driver. The game starts over.

We're going on a hike

Participants stand in a circle. The first participant starts the game by saying his name and the item he is taking with him on the hike. The presenter begins: “My name is Katya, I take rolls with me.” All participants need to guess that the object must begin with the same letter as the name. Whoever guessed it, the leader takes him on a hike. And so on until everyone says it correctly.


Participants stand in a circle. Everyone makes two claps together, snaps their fingers right hand, snapping the fingers of the left hand, two claps, etc. It is advisable for the counselor to start. So, when clicking the fingers of the right and left hands, the presenter says his name, then two claps, after that, when he clicks the fingers of his right hand, he says his name, and when he clicks the fingers of his left hand, he says the name of one of the participants. The player whose name was called repeats the same thing. For example: Olya, Olya, two claps, Olya, Igor, Igor, Igor, two claps, Igor, Sveta, etc. Those who didn’t make it in time “missed it.”


Participants stand in a circle. The presenter approaches any player and says: “Hello, I’m a locomotive. What’s your name?” The participant says his name, the “locomotive” repeats. It is important to repeat with the same intonation as the participant said. Whoever introduces himself joins the locomotive. The game continues until all participants join each other.

Favorite activity

All participants sit in a circle on chairs. The leader is in the center, he pronounces a certain characteristic (for example: who likes to dance, who plays the guitar, who likes ice cream, etc.), the players who attribute it to themselves must change places. If the leader is the first to occupy an empty chair, then the player without a chair becomes the leader.

Vanity of Vanities

All participants are given cards, which are divided into 9-16 cells. Each cell contains a task. The essence is the same: write down in the box the name of a person who (here there is room for imagination) loves fish, keeps a dog at home, loves the stars... The more unexpected the task, the better. You can put what you need on this card. For example, to identify lovers of drawing, singing, playing the guitar, etc. The winner is the one who collects names faster and more accurately.

Molecule - chaos

Participants depict Brownian motion of molecules. When meeting, they greet each other and get to know each other. At the command of the leader: “Molecules of 2, 3, etc.”, the players are divided into groups of 2, 3, etc. people. As soon as the command “Chaos” sounds, the participants again begin to move like molecules. Thus the game continues.


The presenter invites participants to line up according to eye color (from lightest to darkest); by dates and months of birth from January 1 to December 31; V alphabetical order by the first letters of full names, etc.

"Find a partner."

A group of children stands in a row according to age or some other characteristic. The middle divides the row into two groups, which stand next to each other so that they form pairs. Each pair comes up with a code consisting of two words, for example: (moon - ball, children - kindergarten, etc..). The pair is determined that the first word-code belongs, for example, to participant "A", and the second word - code - to participant "B". Codes are announced to all participants in the game so that they are not repeated. Participants “A” stand on the opposite side of the playing area, change places with each other and are blindfolded.

To avoid accidents, players must extend their arms forward. Now each player tries, by calling his code, to find his half of the pair. Couples who have found each other take off their blindfolds and get to know each other.


The players choose someone from those present. The driver must guess it. To do this, he asks questions: “Suppose the person you have in mind will be furniture. What object does it remind you of?” Analyzing the answers of the players, the driver tries to find out who the mystery is. An interesting option is when the driver himself is guessed. Associations are given both by a person’s appearance and by his character.

This game is played at a very late stage.

"Imaginary Portrait"

Partners interview each other about names, places of residence, jobs, ages, hobbies, expectations, pets, etc. The host sets the time. Then partner "A" introduces partner "B" to everyone present. In the partner's presentation, the whole group is told 4 facts (events, details, details) that one of the partners finds most interesting. One detail out of four is fictitious. The entire group present must guess the fictitious information.

"False coat of arms"

A group of children is divided into pairs. Each pair receives colored pencils, markers, and sheets of paper from the leader. There may be ready-made outlines of the coat of arms on sheets of paper. Each participant draws 4 images inside the coat of arms (what is characteristic of him is characteristic). 3 - correct, real, 1 - false, fictitious, not characteristic of the participant. Each couple carefully studies the painted coat of arms of their partner and tries to recognize (guess) the false image. Next step of the game: The whole group of children gathers together. Partners from each couple present (comment on) each other’s coats of arms as plausibly as possible. The goal of the whole group is to guess which of the 4 images on each coat of arms is false.

"Duel of Names"

The group of children is divided into 2 subgroups. They (subgroups) are located opposite each other. The leader and assistant hold the blanket between the groups so that the subgroups do not see each other. In silence, each subgroup chooses one player. They must sneak up to the sheet and squat down facing it. At a signal, the presenters quickly lower the sheet. Two participants who are sitting opposite each other must say the name of the player opposite each other as quickly as possible. Whoever calls the name first has the right to take the player with him to his team.


Each child receives the task of making a passport (cardboard card), using which all participants in the game can learn more and get to know each other.

The passport contains small information about the passport holder (5 - 8 facts). Every fact (appearance, interests, details from personal life) is described in one sentence. The finished passports are placed in a large hat or box and mixed. Each participant pulls out one passport and, based on the data described in it, tries to find out who they are talking about. The contents of all passports are read aloud and all participants in the game try to find out who they are talking about.

"Imaginary Portrait"

Partners interview each other about names, places of residence, jobs, ages, hobbies, expectations, pets, etc. The host sets the time. Then partner "A" introduces partner "B" to everyone present. In the partner's presentation, the entire group is told 4 facts (events, details, details) that one of the partners finds most interesting. One detail out of four is fictitious. The entire group present must guess the fictitious information.


The players stand facing each other, forming two circles. You can do this: girls - inner circle, boys - outer circle.

The inner circle is “tickets”, the outer circle is “passengers”. In the center there is a stowaway “hare”. At the command of the leader, the circles begin to move in different directions. The presenter shouts: “controller”! Tickets remain in place, and passengers must find their match. The “hare” grabs the “ticket” that he liked. The "passenger" left without a ticket becomes the driver - the "Hare". When meeting, the “passenger” and the “ticket” get acquainted. After some time, the “passenger” can catch not only his own, but also any “ticket” he likes. The game can be accompanied by music.

"Agents 007"

Each participant is given a can of film. There may be some inside (for example, pebbles, sand, salt, flour, etc.). The participants’ task is to find their match by the sound without opening the jar.

Make good use of your time on the Internet:


There are a lot of games that will help people of any age have fun, and there are games that develop intelligence or help you get comfortable in a new company. TO similar types entertainment includes the game “Snowball”, which helps develop memory and gets acquainted with a group of even 30 people in a playful way.

How to play the Snowball game?

The rules of the game “Snowball” are quite simple and have a lot of variations. The main principle of the game is that words accumulate in the process, like a snowball.

For a group of unfamiliar people, the rules of the game “Snowball” look like this:

  1. The presenter says his name.
  2. The next player repeats the name of the previous player and says his name. So, moving around the circle, the number of names becomes larger and larger, and the last player must list the names of all participants.
  3. You can complicate the game by adding, for example, a profession to the name. This game will last longer, but it will become more interesting.

You can add activity to the game, then the rules of the game “Snowball” will look like this:

  1. The first one takes a step inside the circle, while saying the owl’s name and making any movement, the whole circle repeats the movement after him.
  2. The next participant does the same, calling the name of the previous player and repeating his movement.
  3. Gradually, the players list the names of all participants and repeat the entire set of movements that the previous participants made.

In this version, the game “Snowball” becomes fun and develops not only memory and associative thinking, but also helps to train the body a little.

If the company knows each other's names well, then the name snowball game will not be interesting, because everyone can simply list familiar names sequentially. In this case, it is better to choose any category of objects, animals or plants. For example, kitchen equipment. And using the same principle, make a chain of names.

And if after one round, the participants have not yet played enough, you can leave all the previous conditions and simply rearrange the players.

How to become an ace in the game "Snowball"?

At first glance, it seems impossible to quickly memorize such a number of words, and even in a certain sequence. However, this is not the case if we act on the principle of associations.



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