Fantasy name generator Adamant: World of the Rings (MUD). Russian MAD Adamant: World of Rings. How to come up with new unique names for characters in your stories Fantastic names

The heroes of the book should have “speaking” names. Especially for characters acting in a fantasy story. Reading books by other authors, people are surprised: how writers manage to give characters such precise, meaningful names. The successful name of the hero is perceived as the name of a close, well-known person for a long time, to whose fate it is impossible to remain indifferent. As if this character really exists, and was not invented by the author, and is about to meet somewhere on the street. Well-chosen names of heroes should evoke this feeling in readers. Adopting a name gives credibility to the character, and therefore to the entire narrative. Makes you empathize and read voraciously. How to come up with good names for the characters in a fantasy book?

Look for a hero

First you need to think about the hero himself. If you choose a name for your child, you don’t do it at random. You know his family, his history, his future lifestyle, you can draw character traits and come up with his main occupation. The heroes of the book are the writer’s “children.” And the personality of each person, along with his story, must be thought out to the smallest detail. It is best to use a notebook for this or open a file on the computer - “open a file” for each of the characters, both main and secondary. It’s not for nothing that an Oscar is given for a supporting role. Sometimes a minor character is able to play an important role in history and become the favorite of millions.

Come up with a legend

So, the legend. The hero must have: appearance, age, zodiac sign, worldview, character, psychological characteristics, distinctive features, experience, manner of communication, social connections, memory, past, habits, attachments, dislikes. And it is desirable that all this be original. Don't be afraid of unexpected decisions and crazy ideas that come into your head. On the contrary, write them down and use them immediately. Every name should have some kind of story associated with it.

What can help in finding a suitable name?

Reading historical books. Often the names of representatives of some ancient family are very suitable for the fantasy genre.

Search for materials about different parts of the planet, authentic names and geographical names.

Occult sciences and any other information about “parallel worlds”.

Studying flora and fauna - you may not even know many strange creatures living on the ocean floor or in impenetrable jungles, but their names, habits and characteristics may surprisingly suit your hero.

And an absolutely win-win option is an anagram. This is a literary device of rearranging letters in a word. Original, interesting, exciting.

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Fantastic names

Fantasy names

Fantastic names- these are the names of heroes of science fiction novels (fantasy). Heroes of popular science fiction films are a new source for names.

Recently, more and more people are escaping from reality into a fantasy and virtual world created by their own or someone else’s imagination. This is also reflected in name creation. Some people began to give their children fantastic names (names of fantastic heroes).

Fantastic baby names


Amidala (Star Wars)












Brown (The Matrix)





Wynn (Rebel Spirit)



Harry Potter








Jabba (Return of the Jedi)


Dampir Magier (Rebel Spirit)




Jones (The Matrix)

Dozer (The Matrix)












Lisil (Rebel Spirit)

Lilu (The Fifth Element)



Mouse (The Matrix)



Merlin (Merlin)

Ming (Flash Gordon)


Morpheus (The Matrix)


Neo (The Matrix)


Pythia (Matrix)







Cypher (Matrix)

Smith (The Matrix)

Trinity (Matrix)



Oorfene Deuce










Alice (Resident Evil)


Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Fantastic names. Fantasy names


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WARNING! This name generator generates random names.
It is created only to help players get inspired to come up with their own name, or, after critically examining the list of names, choose one of the proposed ones.

We do NOT guarantee that names are appropriate for any MUD (eg Adamant MUD).
We do not guarantee that they are not already in use.
We do NOT guarantee that they are decent. F).
We do not guarantee...

Our immortals, whether approving or disapproving of your name, will NOT take into account the fact that it was obtained using this generator.
Please be critical of the information you receive. This name generator, like all others like it, produces an arbitrary combination of parts of complex character names and some roots of the languages ​​\u200b\u200bthat are inherent in the corresponding races in Tolkien's world. Therefore, sometimes the names are simply ridiculous, applicable only in a parodic sense. But, we hope, you will be able to “separate the wheat from the chaff” and choose a worthy name for yourself. So:

Select the race and gender of the character for which you want to generate a name.
Press the GO button and wait for the result.


  • Dwarf - Gnome
  • Orc - Orc
  • Human - Man
  • Elf - Elf


  • Male - Male
  • Female - Female.

Please note that for some races or genders this generator will not be able to generate a name. Unfortunately, we could not find enough names for these races in Tolkien to analyze them. If you can help us with this, write to us and we will add new features to the generator.

To get new names just press go again

If the generator does not help you, we will give some general advice. Names in Quenya and Sindarin are appropriate for elves, but not suitable for orcs, trolls or “dark” people.
For an orc or troll, it is better to take a name in the Dark Speech.
You can't go wrong with an Old English name for someone from Rohan.
The professor took names from the Elder Edda for the gnomes he invented, and in general was fond of North German mythology. Why don't you follow his example when choosing a name for your gnome character? Of course, you will have the tact not to appropriate the name of one of the Aesir or Vanir, especially since this is prohibited by the rules of our MUD (see the “Names” help).
In short, we do not insist, but we advise you to be guided by common sense and a sense of proportion when choosing a name - this way it will be more pleasant for you to play, and your name will not irritate others.

As you noticed, we are not very good with hobbit names (there are none), so I recommend visiting one nice page. It's nicely decorated; but you should not, of course, take seriously the statement that if you enter your own name, you will be returned its hobbit version - this generator quickly produces the next Podo or Bulbo and in response to a completely arbitrary set of characters.

Those who find it difficult to determine which race they want to play with can download a funny race test and use it to solve your problem. We got it on the website, dedicated to works in the fantasy style, and the author is listed in the application's splash screen.

Creatures experiencing an identity crisis may also find relief test composed by Neo-Zoisy. It also helps to determine which fantasy race the subject is a representative of.

Tired of going through the same names for the heroes of your stories? Do you seem to return to the same trivial options again and again? Here are some ways to come up with interesting, unusual names.


Creating Unique Names

    You can use your first name as a last name. Since first and last names usually sound very different, breaking this rule will help your character stand out a little from others.

    • Examples of such rotation include: Anna Joey, Robert Gideon, Paul Michael
    • This subtle technique is best suited for describing events unfolding in a place and time close to the author.
  1. Look for names in unexpected places. View the credits for a TV show or movie; there you can find a large number of atypical names and their combinations. When walking or driving around the city by bicycle or car, pay attention to the street names. For a name, you can even borrow the name of a foreign city, a distant nebula or an exotic plant.

    • This is a fairly free approach, so it can be extended to the whole variety of genres and names: both male and female.
  2. Unusual options can be found in books. Look through the telephone directory or a dictionary of names, especially children's names. There you can find many rare names and interesting variations of their pronunciation.

    • Can those found there be called commonly used: Rezili, Cadia, Joval, Dzhantani, Karil or Kaelin?
    • If you don’t just want to find a beautiful name, but strive for it to emphasize the character of the hero, turn to the library of myths. However, so that it does not sound too banal (say, Athena), we will have to abandon Scandinavian, Greek or Roman mythology.
  3. Create names from simple words. They say that JK Rowling composed some of the names in “Harry Potter” as an anagram to describe the character’s character. There are a number of algorithms for such a search that can be used in such a selection. For example:

    • Mix up common names. Thus, from “Sarah” and “Josephine” one can get “Josara” and “Seraphine”; “Garrett” and “Adrian” can become “Adriette” and “Garran”, and so on.
    • Experiment with different pronunciations. Replace Michael with Mikael, Gabriel with Gabriel, etc.
    • Rearrange the order of the letters in your own name (or your friend's name). If your name is Bob Smith, you can use letter inversion to get something like Omi Tibbs. Your friend Eileen can become Nellie, Annabelle Belanna, and so on.
    • Make anagrams of everyday words. For example, “laughter” can become the basis for the name Mesk, “jumper” - for Gunpri. You can also use this method to create a name that matches your character's personality. So, a person named Mesk (from the word “laughter”) can be a joker and a merry fellow, and a character with a name that is an anagram of the word “jumper” can really be into parkour and be famous for jumping the highest.
  4. Arbitrary choice. If you're looking for something truly unique, give up the idea of ​​building on something you already know and try to come up with something completely new. It could be something from the realm of science fiction or fantasy stories that is completely out of your current cultural context.

    • Type a random set of letters in a text editor (for example, Word). Then choose from it the sequence that seems most promising to you and remake it so that you like it.
    • Or you can cut out individual letters from a magazine, throw them up, and see what combination you get when they hit the floor.
  5. Name the character after your favorite literary character. But try not to make it too obvious, because you don't want to be outright plagiarizing.

    • Say, if you want to name your character after Katniss Everdeen, don't just call her Katniss Everdeen, as that is not only unoriginal, but also a violation of copyright law. Instead, try to create a similar name, such as “Katarina” instead of “Katniss,” or “Dean” instead of “Everdeen.”
    • You can also use celebrity names to create new ones by mixing or combining them. For example, Justin Bieber and Kate Alexa could become Jaxa Kelbair.
  6. To create new names, use existing words and phrases: adapt them or write them down with errors. This could be a spelling error or the use of transliteration.

    • Let’s try to write down “Like that” with errors. Let it turn out to be “Vratitavo”. Then, from what we get, we choose an interesting combination. For example: Titav, Itav or Rati.
    • Write down a short excerpt from a song without spaces between words and try to find interesting combinations. For example, based on the fragment: “He who believes is on the way. Voice of the wind, stars of love” we got Tover, Tigol, Etraz, Ritto, Losve, Etra, Azve.
  7. Change the gender of the name. Make a feminine name out of a masculine one and vice versa.

    • But remember that not all names have an equivalent for the opposite sex.
  8. Look up names online. If you use a name generator program (which actually involves creating baby names, but can still be useful), you will most likely come across at least one, or even several, names that you want to call your characters.

Using your favorite letter(s)

    Make a list of letters whose presence in the name is desirable. If you're still hesitant, let it be just one of your favorite letters. For example, you want a character's name to have an L or an S in it because you like the way they sound or you feel they would fit with the character's personality.

    Choose the ending. Usually female names end in -a, -bel, -na, -li, -i, -ey, -lin, etc. Typical endings for male names: -ob, -ab, -an, -li, etc. Choose the one you like or compose it yourself!

  1. Make a name based on any word you like or from the name of the first object that catches your eye when you look away from the monitor or look out the window. If the name of this object, in your opinion, is not a very suitable starting point for composing a name, select synonyms.

    • For example, you are looking at the moon. Why not also use the synonym “celestial body”, from which the name “Bessie” can be created.
  2. Add more letters to the ones you like. Let your favorite letters be “O” or “A”; you can add “n” and “x” to make “Hannah”.

    • If the name you made up sounds a little clumsy, add more letters, but don't overdo it.

Finding names that match a character

  1. Use a name that fits the atmosphere of your story. Names must be appropriate to the setting, time frame and/or country where the events take place.

    • If the names sound typical for the region, this will add credibility to your story. For example, if the setting is China, then most likely the names will have to be completely different than in a story that takes place in Africa.
    • Another technique once used by John Brain is to use place names from the region or country where your character is located.
  2. Choose a name that is easy to pronounce. Most readers don't have the patience to spell out the character's name every time it appears. A name that is difficult to pronounce may even discourage the reader from engaging further with the story, and may even stop reading altogether.

    • Choose names that you can easily pronounce out loud and practice pronouncing them.
    • Avoid using too many strangely spelled names for your characters, as this can confuse the reader and even dampen their interest in the events.
  3. Think about what meaning(s) might be behind the name of the hero of your work. The meaning of a name can help you find a connection between what he is called and his personality traits. Think about how the meaning of a name can highlight his personality characteristics.

    • You can also use the technique of contrasting a name with a character to create a contrast between the sound or meaning of the name and the personality of the character. For example, a rude and stubborn girl can be called Lacey, and a boring child can be called Brock.
  • Try changing the order of the letters in the word that describes the character. For example, Crafty to Vakul, Shy to Etzas Winch, Naive to Naya Van, and so on. Then you can add and remove letters as you wish.
  • If you need a name for a sci-fi piece, you can use permutations and combinations of your choice. There are thousands of names, and by combining science fiction names you can come up with a completely unique character.
  • Names like Aristotle, Sebastian and Bridgell are good for classic stories, while Andrew and Tom or Emma and Sarah are great for protagonists in more “modern” stories.
  • Modify a common name to break it up into more interesting forms. For example, Kris can become Kriss, Kreis, or even Crystal.

Nowadays there are more and more children named with unusual fairy-tale names. Many parents try to come up with such rare names for their children, as if they are participating in a competition for originality. What are the mythical names and what do they mean?

Male names of fairy-tale heroes

Before naming a child after a character from fairy tales, epics or folk legends, you need to read the interpretation of this name. There is a science - anthroponymy, which talks about the importance of choosing a name for a person: fate and the future path of life depend on it. And although few take seriously the theses put forward by representatives of anthroponymy, it is still important to know the meaning of the name in any case.

Mythical names for boys:

Cupid is the patron saint of lovers among the ancient Romans.

Apollo is the god of the arts among the ancient Greeks.

Ares is the god of war in Ancient Greece.

Achilles is a character in the Illiad.

Boyan is a singer praising heroes in Slavic songs.

Hector - warrior of the battle of Troy.

Hercules is a hero of Ancient Greece who performed 12 labors and became immortal for this.

Hermes is the messenger of the gods who accompanied the dead to the underworld.

Dionysus is the patron saint of wine and fertility among the ancient Greeks.

Dior is the leader of one of the peoples in the Trojan Battle.

Zeus is the patron of thunder and lightning among the ancient Greeks.

Icarus is a young man who flew away on wax wings, who came too close to the Sun and burned.

Castor is a hero of Ancient Greece.

Cupid is the patron saint of lovers in Ancient Rome.

Lucifer is the ruler of hell among Christians.

Mars is the god of war of the ancient Romans.

Morpheus is the patron saint of dreams.

Neptune is the god of the seas among the ancient Romans.

Nestor is the king of one of the Greek islands.

Nirey - leader of the soldiers in the Trojan campaign.

Oden is the highest god of the Scandinavians.

Odysseus is a hero of Ancient Greece.

Oracle is a predictor.

Orion is a giant and hunter who turned into a star after death.

Orpheus is a singer and musician.

Paris is the hero of Ancient Greece.

Paean is the patron saint of healing.

Pegasus is Zeus's horse with wings.

Perseus is an ancient Greek character.

Pluto is the god of the underworld among the ancient Greeks.

Poseidon is the ancient Greek patron of the seas.

Priam is the last king of Troy.

Ramses is the king of Egypt.

Samson is a hero of biblical legends, distinguished by his mighty strength.

Seraphim is a fiery angel.

Silvanus is the patron of forests among the ancient Romans.

Tantalus is a king who received punishment for insulting his enemies.

Triton is the son of Poseidon, patron of the seas.

Uranus is the god of the sky among the ancient Greeks.

Phoenix is ​​a fiery bird.

Aeneas is one of the heroes of the Trojan Battle.

Eros is the patron saint of lovers among the ancient Greeks.

Jan is the two-faced god of Ancient Rome.

Female mythical names

The names of heroines from Scandinavian, ancient Greek and Roman mythology are very popular among girls.

The most common female mythical names are:

Aurora is the queen of the dawn in Ancient Rome.

Alexia is a protector.

Apollinaria - serving the patron of light.

Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty.

Artemis is the ancient Greek patroness of hunting.

Hera is the patroness of marriage among the ancient Greeks.

Grace is the Roman goddess of beauty.

Diana is the patroness of hunting among the ancient Romans.

Zinaida - born to Zeus.

Helen is the daughter of Zeus, whose abduction led to the Battle of Trojans.

Ida is a mountain near Troy.

Isis is the Egyptian patroness of motherhood and fertility.

Cassandra is a soothsayer in Ancient Greece.

Kera is the goddess of death.

Lada is the patroness of the Moon and family among the Slavs.

The muse is the patroness of science and art among the ancient Greeks.

Maya is a mountain nymph.

Minerva is the goddess of wisdom of the ancient Romans.

Nike is the goddess of victory.

Ophelia - providing assistance.

Penelope is a “faithful wife” among the ancient Greeks (a common noun).

Psyche - the one who revived souls.

Roxanne - dawn.

Selena is the patroness of the night sky.

Seraphim is a fiery angel.

Theodora is God's gift.

Themis is the goddess of justice.

Elissa is a wanderer.

Eris is in a fight.

Efemia is polite.

Eugenia is well born.

Yumelia is melodic.

Juno is the goddess of family, marriage, and assistant in childbirth in Ancient Rome.

Fabulous names of the ancient Slavs

Separately, it is worth noting the Slavic names of fairy-tale heroes. Recently, there has been a growing tendency to give a child an Old Church Slavonic name. Even though these are “our” names, you should still know their meanings:

Agnia - light, fiery.

Belogor is highly enlightened.

Blagomir - bringer of good.

Bogdan - given by God.

Borislav - fighting for glory.

Vyatko is the eldest, the main one.

Dobrynya - kind.

Izbor is the chosen fighter.

Lyubomud is a sage.

Miroslav is smart.

Nemir is restless.

Ognedar - giving fire.

Peresvet - life.

Slawomir - glorifying world.

Shemyaka - with strong hands.

Female Old Slavonic names are mainly derivatives of male names.



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