Where not to put sockets. Correct and convenient installation of sockets in the apartment. Features placement of sockets

The daily comfort of all the inhabitants of a city apartment depends on the electrical circuit. Most of us know that there are never too many outlets and it is better to place them at a level of 25–30 centimeters from the floor, and switches at a height of 85–90 centimeters. But this basic knowledge is not enough to make your home truly ergonomic. Brainstorm Buro designer Galina Tishutina compiled a detailed guide for The Village on how to properly plan an electrician in an apartment.

Galina tishutina

Automatic and RCD

One day, we encountered a customer's desire to make a huge shield for a couple of dozen machines in a house built in 1969 with a gas stove. It seemed that the solution would be very reliable. But in the end, such a large number of machines was not justified.

It all depends on how much power the introductory machine is at the very beginning of the circuit, that is, near the electric meter. The formula is simple: power equals current times voltage. Thus, if your introductory machine is 25 A, then you will have 25 A x 220 V = 5.5 kW in total for all your electrical appliances in the apartment. But what happens if you turn on a little more at one time? Everyone knows what will blow the plugs. But let's figure out what is behind this, and understand the role of automata.

The machine will instantly turn off in case of a short circuit or in the case of an RCD (residual current device) - in case of current leakage. Its main task is to prevent heating and destruction of wiring with a smooth increase in load. That is, when you turned on too many energy consumers on a winter evening, the machine should work first, take the hit so that the wiring remains cold, and therefore intact. To accomplish this task, the power of the machine must be directly related to the cross section of the cable that is connected to it.

Hence our main advice: carefully look at the material of the input cable (copper or aluminum) in the electric meter of your apartment, what section this cable is and what condition it is in. This will determine the real possibilities for the total power of electrical appliances in your home.

Master switch

If during the repair you re-do all the electrics, then it’s worth making the “hotel” system, which we already talked about. All that is needed is to connect all the lighting circuits to a separate group of automata in the dashboard. In practice, this is a few additional meters of cable and certain efforts to lay it. But on the other hand, a master switch can be included in the circuit, which will control this group of automata through a relay. The master switch looks like a regular key, and it is better to place it directly at the front door. And if the apartment is small and there is little lighting, then you can get by with an ordinary switch: it opens the circuit up to 2.2 kW, which is quite enough. Now, going outside, you press one button - and the apartment plunges into darkness. But at the same time, all household appliances will continue to work.

Hallway and corridor

For the hallway and corridor, we recommend to provide several scenarios. The most versatile ones are maximum overhead light, soft wall lighting with the ability to adjust the direction (useful for highlighting paintings and other objects) and something pointy. In the hallway, it is very important to correctly consider the illumination of the full-length mirror, avoiding contrasting shadows on the face of the beholder. Sometimes in the morning, one of the inhabitants of the apartment wants to quietly pack up and leave without waking everyone else up with a bright light, so a conclusion for a small lamp on a table in the hallway would be very helpful.

If the corridor is long, then for the convenience of sudden night walks to the toilet or to the refrigerator, you can make the lower night illumination, we call it "take-off" - by analogy with the runway. You will get additional comfort if you connect these lamps to a motion sensor: they will turn on softly on their own, illuminate the corridor, showing the way, and then turn off after a while. The main advantage of such a lighting circuit is invisibility and comfort, because the lamps are close to the floor and therefore do not make a sleepy person squint.

A good idea in the hallway is to consider a place where the Wi-Fi router and other gadgets, such as a NAS drive, will be placed. In this place, you need an additional number of outlets and at least an Ethernet cable to switch the smart TV.


In the bedroom, our top recommendation is to use walk-through switches. They are very convenient: you can turn on the light with one switch at the door, and turn it off with another, which is located by the bed. However, you need to ensure that the electrician correctly connects the wires and the switches are in agreement with each other in the location of the keys. That is, if you turned on the light at the door of the room by pressing the top of the switch, then intuitively you will try to press the bottom of the reciprocal switch by the bed. And vice versa, and since the switches do not have a predetermined switching position, they work like a swing. This little nuance is hard to catch during renovations, but it can be very noticeable in everyday life.

Also, in the layout of the bedroom, we always do a “check with a crib”, trying to simulate the situation of furniture placement, if a baby also lives in the bedroom for some time. Even if you understand that this is not your scenario for the near future, it can be envisaged to make the layout more competent. In addition, perhaps one day it will be appreciated as a plus by potential buyers.

Living room and kitchen

In the living room, as well as in the bedroom, it is important to correctly use the switches. We recommend that you duplicate the switches of all circuits near the dining table. This is very convenient: without getting up, you can adjust the light around.

Traditionally, a beautiful lampshade creates coziness and romance over the dining table. Use a dimmer to make light bulb adjustment smooth. In this case, place the dimmer also at arm's length. Consider seasonal lighting as well. For example, determine the place where the Christmas tree will stand, and decide where the garland will be included. In this case, it is very good to use sockets that are controlled by a switch.

In the kitchen, try to ensure that the light control unit is in the area of ​​​​the kitchen set and within the reach of the hostess. In case the illumination of the work surface suddenly became insufficient, it should be possible to quickly and easily add an overhead light with one click.

On a kitchen backsplash, you always want to find a middle ground in terms of the number of sockets: on the one hand, to have enough of them for all gadgets, and on the other hand, not to get too bulky frame blocks. Our advice - count the gadgets and add in reserve. Almost everyone remembers the outlet for the kettle and microwave, but in recent years, household coffee makers have come to us, and cappuccinators and coffee grinders have come to them. More multicookers, blenders, bread makers and even yogurt makers. How many innovations will still be ahead, no one knows, but it would be a good idea to provide sockets for them already at the repair stage.


Over the years of the Soviet past, we have become accustomed to the fact that the light switches for bathrooms are located outside. This was primarily due to safety considerations, because there could be significant humidity inside the bathroom, which would lead to oxidation of the contacts. Modern switches have become much more technologically advanced, so we recommend placing switches inside the bathroom whenever possible. In this case, no one can turn off the light for you when you are inside.

We also actively use motion sensors with a 5–7 minute timer for scenarios in which someone just came in to wash their hands quickly. Even in the bathroom, cozy contours of light at shoulder and floor level always look very interesting - mirror lighting, lamps, soaring bathroom lighting near the floor and niches in the walls.

As for sockets: in a modern bathroom near the sink, in addition to toothbrushes, which are often electric, household irrigators have appeared. It would be nice for each device to have its own waterproof outlet with a cover, because open tees in the sink area are not a very cool idea.


If you have a wardrobe, then it is better to provide at least two lighting circuits in it. One should illuminate the entire space, so it is located high enough. And the second circuit should additionally accentuate key places, such as a mirror. And, of course, do not forget at least one outlet: one day it will definitely come in handy.


The peculiarity of the nursery is that in this room everything changes very quickly. Therefore, we always recommend using many lighting contours, but not being tied to stationary lamps and sconces on the walls, in order to leave maximum flexibility in furniture placement. We advise you to plan outlet blocks for each wall and use at least two outlet circuits connected to switches so that you can get cozy spotlights almost anywhere in the room.

PHOTOS: cover - Dima Tsyrenshchikov,
1 - shutterstock.com/Photographee.eu , 2 -

For safe and convenient use of electrical appliances and control of light sources, stationary power points are installed in the apartment. The location of sockets and switches in the apartment is chosen in terms of ease of use, but the technical rules of installation must also be taken into account.

Rules for the placement of switches

One of the most reliable options for placing sockets and switches is the European standard.

There are two standards for switch placement and each has its own advantages:

When choosing switches, you should be aware that electrical appliances of this kind have varying degrees of moisture protection. For wet rooms, you need to purchase a device with protection against penetration and ingress of moisture or take it out of the room.

Outlet placement planning

In order to deal in detail with the placement of sockets in the apartment, before the direct installation of electrical devices, it is necessary to draw up a plan, taking into account the amount of equipment. First of all, they draw up a diagram of the apartment, noting the location of furniture and technical appliances. Moreover, the number of electrical outlets is increased by one or two units, providing for a possible expansion of the arsenal of household appliances used.

In addition to technical requirements, they take into account how convenient it will be to use the connector, whether it is invisible or conspicuous and spoils the interior.

Electrical appliances are placed on the side of the door handle, and not on the hinges, since in the latter case you will have to bypass the canvas to use them.


If a plan for sockets and switches is drawn up for builders, it is mandatory to make it on a scale on graph paper with reference to the overall layout. The location and installation height of devices are indicated in accordance with the regulations.

Layout of sockets and switches in the apartment

The project for the location of electrical wiring elements must be agreed with the designer.

How to determine the required amount

The correct connection diagram and calculation of the minimum number of sockets will allow you to conveniently use appliances in the kitchen

How many outlets should be in the apartment depends on its equipment with household appliances. Experts advise to provide for each electrical device its own connector, located in a place convenient for its use. Moreover, in each room, a couple of electrical outlets should also be added with the expectation of the future. A good help in determining the number of electrical appliances is a detailed plan.

Features of the placement of sockets

Installation height of sockets and switches

When detailing the installation plan, it should be clarified that the placement of sockets in the apartment is subject to special rules that are advisory in nature, reflected in the "Code of Regulations for Construction and Design", as well as in SNiP 31-110-2003:

  • The height of the switch is determined taking into account the average height of family members, so that everyone can use it without raising their hands. On average, this figure is 80-90 cm from the floor surface.
  • The switch should be placed on the side of the door handle, in close proximity to the doorway, about 10-15 cm from it.
  • Electrical connectors should not be covered by furniture, which impairs access to them and the outflow of heat.
  • Switches for the bathroom and toilet are taken out into the corridor.

Rules for placement in various residential areas

Each room is equipped with electrical appliances for different purposes, and their number also varies. When drawing up a plan for the location of electrical points, it is important to take into account the features of the room. The provisions on the correct location of sockets and switches in the apartment are fixed in the regulatory documents: SNiP, PUE, GOST.


Layout of outlets in the kitchen

In order to correctly determine the location of all electrical points, it is necessary to plan exactly where household appliances will be located. Since small and large household appliances are installed in the kitchen, it is important that there are as many outlets as there are devices, and preferably with a margin. They should be located conveniently so that you do not have to use extension cords or tees.

First of all, they think over the location of sockets and switches for stationary household appliances:

  • refrigerator;
  • washing machine;
  • hoods;
  • waste grinder;
  • dishwashers;
  • built-in microwave;
  • electric oven and hob;
  • water leakage sensor;
  • ceiling and built-in furniture fixtures.

The hob connector is conveniently located on the side, in a cabinet with a hinged door, or in a baseboard. Moreover, some models are connected directly to the wire, and not to the outlet. Therefore, a separate connector may not be required.

To connect non-stationary appliances, sockets are needed on the apron, two sockets on the left and right side of the kitchen. It is convenient when one or two outlets are located next to the dining table. It is important to provide that small household appliances can be connected to the network at the same time.

Gira sockets – HDMI, VGA, USB

You will need to organize access to the mains for the TV, if it is a model with the SMART function, you need an Internet outlet. The connector for the vacuum cleaner is recommended to be installed at a level of 30-40 cm from the floor, next to the entrance to the kitchen. The optimal location for installing a kitchen light switch is 75-90 cm from the floor and 10-15 cm from the doorway.

At the same time, some requirements are followed:

  • It is forbidden to place the socket behind household appliances. It should be installed next to, behind the wall of an adjacent cabinet or in a baseboard.
  • Connectors for the hood and TV are mounted at a height of 2-2.5 cm from the floor, that is, above the hood and behind the TV panel.
  • Sockets for small appliances should be at a height of 10-30 cm from the countertop, with the lower edge at least 5 cm from it.
  • For the hob and oven, two separate sockets are made, since a double socket will not withstand the load.

Sockets located in the immediate vicinity of the water source must be with a high degree of moisture protection. This applies to connectors for the chopper, washing machine and dishwasher.

Living room

Location of sockets in the living room

In the living room, the switch should be placed at the door at a height of 75-90 cm so that it is accessible to all family members. There is also a socket, for example, it can be used to connect a vacuum cleaner. About 10 cm recede from the doorway, and 30 cm from the floor. If the room is large, the vacuum cleaner will need another outlet - at the far end of the hall.

In the area where the TV is located, you also need to install several outlets. You will need connectors for connecting a TV, DVD player, audio system, and an Internet outlet. The placement height is 130 cm. They will be covered by a TV panel, but free access will be organized to them.

The sofa should have sockets for wall lamps, a floor lamp, a laptop, a telephone. In addition, depending on the location, electrical outlets for air conditioning and additional equipment should be planned. It is advisable to make electrical outlets next to the chairs.

If a desktop is installed in the living room, you need connectors for a table lamp, computer, monitor, speakers, printer, scanner. It is better to place them above the table so that it is convenient to turn on / off appliances.

If there is an aquarium in the living room, filter connectors and lighting are needed.


In the bedroom, you will need a block of sockets next to the bedside tables to put the phone on charge, connect a laptop, tablet, e-book. Further recommendations depend on what appliances are installed in the bedroom or what zones complement the space. It can be a work area or a TV. A switch and a socket for a vacuum cleaner are usually placed at the door. Electrical outlets for additional lighting sources may also be required.


bathroom wiring diagram

The location and number of outlets in the bathroom is determined by the electrical appliances connected to them. Almost always here you need electrical points for a washing machine, hair dryer, electric razor. In addition, connectors for a water heater, heated towel rail, dryer may be required.

The correct location of outlets in the bathroom is at least 60 cm from the floor and water source. Moreover, these should be special devices with a high degree of moisture protection.


In the hallway, it is convenient to place a socket and a switch near the entrance so as not to pass through the entire room in dirty shoes in order to turn off or turn on the light. The socket can be installed under the switch - for a vacuum cleaner, for example, or a shoe dryer, a doorbell.


In the children's room, a switch is placed at the door, on the side of the door handle. Under it, at a height of 30 cm from the floor, there is a socket for a vacuum cleaner, heater, humidifier. If the child has just begun to walk, you should close them with plugs or install appliances with lids. If the child is of school age, a workplace must be equipped for him. The requirements are the same as for the workplace in the living room. The sleeping place will require sockets for a night light. Useful electrical connectors opposite the bed, to connect the TV.

We understand the electrical stuffing at home

And now you are already looking after the laminate, consulting with the designer about the tiles in the bathroom and thinking about whether to change all the electrical stuffing. Let's leave the tile and laminate alone for now and go in order - let's start with the electrical component of the home.

15 years ago: what you need to know about electrical wiring

If you live in a relatively new house, you don’t have to worry too much: the wiring here is planned and wired to suit the needs of a modern person. In new buildings, even at the design stage, it is often taken into account that powerful household appliances will be installed in the kitchen, and one outlet is not enough.
Housing, which is more than 10 - 15 years old, was built according to old projects that have survived from Soviet times. By these standards, there were two electrical outlets per room. Well, really, what was so powerful electric in the apartments of our dads and moms? Washing machine, which was turned on on weekends, TV and refrigerator. Accordingly, all electrical wiring in those apartments was designed only for lighting and low-power household appliances.
In the nineties and two thousand years, the situation changed radically - technology was available to everyone. And it was at this time that the number of fires and ignitions sharply increased, which occurred due to the fact that the wiring was burning, which could not withstand the heavy load. Therefore, if you have already started a redevelopment or repair, do not be lazy and change the old cables for new ones, with a larger section, or even for copper ones - they are better and can withstand heavy loads, albeit more expensive.

Sockets: where to put and how much to take?

First, sit down and think with the designer how many outlets you need to be happy. As a rule, such questions somehow fall out, get lost in the general list of what needs to be done. And after the repair, the apartment is suddenly overgrown with electrical extension cords, and even extension cords plugged into extension cords with splitters. Draw a plan of the apartment along with the furniture and household appliances arranged. Think about where it would be convenient for you to connect this or that electrical appliance. Determine the height of outlets and their distance from walls and windows. But first things first: let's go over the rooms, from the hallway to the toilet, and together we will think about how best to place the sockets.

Corridor and hallway

In the corridor or hallway, two or three pieces will be enough. Most often they are used in order to turn on the thermal dryer for shoes. Therefore, do not lift the connectors too high. Of course, you don’t need to hide them behind a hanger or behind a door; it’s best to place them in the corners. Wall lights are best turned on directly, through a separate switch connected to the mains.

Living room

This is the room where the family spends most of their time when they are at home. Here, as a rule, there is a TV, a cable or satellite TV set-top box, a media center, or some other audio-video equipment, such as game consoles for children. Often in the living room there is a base for a handset of a city telephone, a wi-fi router. Already five or six points. Plus, you need to leave a couple of free connectors just in case: charge your mobile phone, turn on your laptop. Yes, you never know!

1. Sofa area

To properly place the sockets, along with planning the electrical network, you need to immediately think about the arrangement of furniture in the room. Otherwise, it turns out that they are located behind the sofa or closet. Most of the electrical appliances in the living room are always on, for example, air conditioning, TV, set-top boxes, router, telephone. Sockets for them can be obscured by an armchair or, for example, a decorative flowerpot. Free points should be easily accessible.

2. TV zone

If sockets for all electronic gadgets in the living room can be left at a level of 30 cm from the floor, then a separate approach is needed to the socket for a TV hanging on the wall or an air conditioner. In this case, provide a place right behind the TV screen or near the air conditioner so that hanging wires do not spoil the picture.


What to do in the bedroom? Sleep? Certainly. But even here there is a technique, so it’s worth figuring out in advance where to place the rosettes in the room.

1. Sleeping place

If your bedroom has a classic format with a double bed and bedside tables at the edges, it would be nice to have two points near each of them: connect a night lamp and put a mobile phone or tablet on charge. The same number of connectors is needed for two separate beds. If the bedroom also has a dressing table, then there must certainly be sockets near it, preferably two or three. Hairdryer turn on, for example.

2. TV zone

A TV in the bedroom is a common sight. Most often, it is hung on the wall so that it is convenient to watch it while lying on the bed. Therefore, a point is also needed for it. The principle of its installation is the same as for the hanging TV in the living room - behind the screen. The air conditioner in the bedroom requires another socket, which must be installed at the top, next to the air conditioner installation site. Remember the hanging ugly wires? Just the same case.


1. Sleeping place

Children's room - the same bedroom, only for the younger members of the family. While they are very small, they do not need a lot of electrical appliances: a night light by the crib is enough.

2. Play area

But later, your offspring will need additional places for charging: for gaming gadgets, a personal computer and computer peripherals, a game console. The two required by building codes are clearly not enough, especially if the child is not alone. Connectors in the nursery are often made “safe”, that is, with special covers and plugs that the baby cannot pull out on his own. If the child is small, it makes sense to install just such. And no dangling wires for a child to pull on!

3. Workplace

You also need to consider the number of outlets in the place that you plan to take under the desktop. All computer equipment and table lighting requires one point for each piece of equipment. And, as always, one more in reserve.


By the number of electrical appliances per unit area, the kitchen will give odds to any room. Let's just count: a refrigerator, an electric stove or a gas stove, but with electric ignition, an oven, a hood over the stove, a microwave oven, an electric kettle. And these are only those devices that are constantly connected to the network. Plus, the kitchen can accommodate a washing machine and dishwasher.
In addition to them, there is also a mixer, a blender, a coffee grinder and a coffee maker, an electric meat grinder and a juicer, a pancake maker, a sandwich maker and a bunch of all sorts of appliances that are taken out and turned on regularly. We count again: for those who are constantly on - eight, and at least five are needed "just in case." Therefore, the question of how to properly place rosettes in the kitchen has its own technical nuances.

1. Household appliances

Connectors for the refrigerator and stove can be located right behind them: do we often rearrange the kitchen? Turned on and forgotten. If you have a microwave on the refrigerator, and this often happens, its point is in the same place - behind the refrigerator. The same applies to the washing machine and dishwasher: the connectors for them, as a rule, are hidden behind the kitchen set. Many do not know where to place the outlet for the always-on hood. In our opinion, the most suitable place is under the ceiling. If you are going to use an electric stove and an electric oven, they need separate, thicker wires.

2. Additional equipment

It is convenient to include small and infrequently used appliances in the connectors that are located above the worktop. It is convenient to use two groups of three: many designers offer their clients just such an arrangement. Another option is to embed them in the countertop.

Bathroom and toilet

In houses that were built more than thirty years ago, such electrical communications in the bathroom and toilet were not provided at all. People then had never heard of such miracles as a jacuzzi or a shower, so no one raised the question of how to place sockets in the bathroom. hairdryer. Today everyone knows about these miracles, they are all accessible and enjoyable. Therefore, when designing a bathroom, you need to immediately look at the places for sockets.


  • All switches and other electrical equipment must comply with the wet room electrical standard (at least IP44) and be properly grounded. The designer or planner should definitely tell you about it
  • The outlet for the jacuzzi and shower can be installed behind their decorative walls, you will not constantly turn these units on and off bathroom mirror, which usually hangs above the washbasin, can be mounted one or two points. One can be used to power the lamps above the mirror, the second - for a hair dryer, razor and other small appliances. Naturally, we remember about the protection class and grounding
  • If the dimensions of the bathroom allow you to install a washing machine, remember that the connector for it is located at a distance of at least 50-60 cm from the water pipes

And further...

All this, of course, at first glance is clear and seems to look easy. Seems like you can do it yourself. And the truth is: buy a screwdriver, pliers, a couple of coils of cable, and a new home-made electrician is ready. You can google a couple more articles on the topic “how to plug sockets in the right way”. Draw a diagram and plug in all the sockets, saving some money on the designer, designer and professional team. But you probably already imagine what will come of it. By the way, the fire department phone number is 101.


1. For household appliances and indoor lighting

Before installing the kitchen, it is important to plan the location of the equipment and its quantity in order to provide the necessary sockets. Standard items: stove or hob and oven, refrigerator, extractor hood. Optional: microwave, dishwasher, kettle, coffee machine, toaster, multicooker, built-in lighting.

When renovating, you can’t know for sure whether you will have a toaster in a few years or not, so it’s better to make a little more sockets in advance. At the same time, it should be taken into account that not every time small household appliances will be used and connected to the network at the same time. As a result, approximately 7-8 outlets are obtained only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen set. Add a couple more pieces near the dining table in case you need to connect your phone to charge or you want to put a table lamp there.

The recommended installation height of sockets for built-in appliances: 30-60 cm. Some place them in the basement of furniture - at a height of 5 cm from the floor. Socket outlets must not be located directly behind built-in electrical appliances. It is better to make an outlet for the hood at a height of 50-60 mm from the top of the kitchen cabinet. It must not be blocked by a ventilation duct.

Place sockets above the worktop at a height of 10-30 cm from the worktop. Do not put them behind the sink and stove - they can deteriorate from moisture or hot air.

2. For additional equipment

Sometimes outlets in the kitchen are also needed for a vacuum cleaner. In this case, they should be placed at a height of 30-40 cm from the floor.

The common kitchen switch is sometimes taken out into the corridor, place it at a height of 75-90 cm and at a distance of 10-15 cm from the door.

Placement of outlets under the TV depends on the place where you place it, and on the screen size. It is better to hide them behind the screen, but provide access to the power plugs. You will need 2 standard electrical outlets: one TV and one Internet outlet - a must-have option for modern smart TVs.

Living room

1. At the door

For the location of switches and sockets at the living room door, the same rules apply as in the kitchen: height 75-90 cm, free access for all family members with different heights.

An outlet is also needed in the entrance area: for a vacuum cleaner or a heater. On average, the height from the floor should be 30 cm, from the doorway - 10 cm.

2. In the TV zone

TV is a must for many in the living room. The TV area needs several outlets. The average location height is 130 cm, then they will not be visible behind the equipment. You will need 2 electrical outlets and one outlet for TV and Internet.

3. In the sofa area

When planning sockets in the living room, you need to consider the location of floor lamps, electrical appliances, as well as additional sockets for a laptop and phone. The average location height is from 15 to 30 cm.

Often, when planning outlets in living rooms, technology such as air conditioners, electric fireplaces, humidifiers and game consoles is forgotten. Consider the appliances you have, those that you plan to purchase, and based on this, plan the number of outlets.

4. At the desktop

Often the living room is also a work area. In this case, more outlets will be needed. Provide 2-3 pieces in the place where the desktop will stand. It is more convenient to place them above the table so as not to climb under it every time to turn it on / off, but not everyone likes this solution aesthetically. If you have a desktop computer, you can put sockets at the bottom - it is unlikely that you will constantly turn it on and off.

Children's room

1. At the door

At the entrance to the room, a switch is traditionally placed. Usually, the toggle switch is installed at a height of 75-90 cm from the floor, so that each family member is comfortable. It is also important to see if the switch closes the cabinet or open door - place it on the same side as the handle.

An outlet should also be placed next to the switch. It will be needed for a vacuum cleaner, heater or humidifier. Recommended placement parameters: height about 30 cm and distance from the door 10 cm. If the child is small and begins to walk, provide plugs or covers for sockets.

2. By the bed

Near the bed, you will need an outlet for a night light, a musical pendant for a crib, or another device (the same air humidifier). Do not forget about protection, this place will become the most accessible for the child as soon as he starts to get up on his own in the crib.

For an adult child, sockets will also come in handy in front of the bed, for the TV. Sometimes they can be interesting to beat in the interior, if the TV has not yet been purchased. Just like the parents did in this room.

3. At the desktop

The student's room should be with a desk - sockets are also needed there. At least for a lamp and a computer. Where to put - above the countertop or below - a moot point. Some find it inconvenient to constantly crawl under the table to connect the device. Others don't like the look of the wires. Choose after weighing the pros and cons.


1. Next to the bed

A modern person needs an outlet near the bed. Charging a phone, an e-book, working on a laptop - it will be inconvenient without an outlet nearby. A block of several outlets on the sides of the bed will save you from these inconveniences.

2. Near functional areas

Further options depend on the furniture and areas that are provided in the bedroom. If this is a desktop, the rules will be the same as for the living room and nursery. If you want to hang a TV, also consider the recommendations listed above.

3. At the door

The number of sockets depends on the electrical appliances that you will place in the bathroom. Standard: washing machine, hair dryer; optional: water heater and electric towel warmer. It is important that the distance from the socket to the floor and the water source is at least 60 cm.

For the bathroom, special waterproof versions of sockets with a cover and a special degree of protection are needed. They are protected on the inside and allow water to drain if it gets inside the socket.


In the hallway, a socket and a switch are needed at the front door. The socket is useful for a vacuum cleaner, and it is always convenient to turn on the light immediately after entering the apartment. Sometimes switches are placed in the hallway at the entrance to the bathroom and kitchen.

The comfort of using electrical outlets largely depends on how competently the place of their permanent placement in a fixed wall state is chosen. Moreover, the location of the outlets in the apartment is primarily determined by the convenience of connecting any of the household appliances operated in it. In addition, before placing sockets within the apartment, you should take care in advance that in the future they will not be hidden behind furniture (in the absence of alternatives in its arrangement, for example). Thus, a competent approach to the indicated problem will allow you to do without tedious procedures for connecting and laying special extension cords along the walls or moving the device itself closer to the outlet.

In our article, we will try to tell you in detail about how to properly distribute sockets within each of the rooms, as well as familiarize you with the basic rules for choosing a specific place for their installation. Subject to these rules, you will not have any problems associated with the impossibility of quickly connecting a particular household appliance.

Distribution of outlets on the wall surface

The distribution of sockets along the walls of residential premises depends on the functional purpose of the premises, as well as on the number of connected electrical appliances in it. Taking into account this circumstance, before placing the sockets in the apartment, a separate scheme is drawn up for each room, tied to the general layout of your apartment. The provisions of the current regulations (PUE, SNiP, etc.) strictly define the permissible areas for placing sockets in the kitchen, bathroom, living room and other areas of the apartment.

Moreover, these restrictions apply not only to the location of the installation products relative to the floor (in height), but also to their distance from the communication elements available in the room (gas pipes, exhaust ducts, etc.). The layout of sockets and switches for the bedroom, for example, is shown in the drawing.

Additional information: On areas of the wall surface completely free from foreign objects, the position of the socket is selected based on considerations of ease of use. So, for example, an additional socket for connecting a laptop charger is installed near the coffee table (taking into account the regulated distance from the floor).

Location restrictions

We note right away that the locations of sockets in a particular room are not strictly standardized, however, general recommendations for their installation in certain areas are usually taken into account. So, the choice of optimal positions for placing rosette products in height, as well as their distance from door and window openings, is normalized by the following restrictions:

  • height relative to the floor - at least 20-30 cm;
  • when placing the installation product near the desktop (in the kitchen or in the office), this distance can be increased to 90-120 cm;
  • distance from the jambs of doors and window openings - at least 10-15 cm.

An example of choosing places for installing sockets

As an example, consider the choice of positions of socket products in the living room and office. In these rooms, the following areas for the location of installation products should be provided:

  1. Near a doorway, where it is often necessary to connect a mobile heating radiator or a portable vacuum cleaner. The location of this outlet is selected in accordance with the requirements of the regulations (at a distance of 10 cm from the jamb of the doorway and 20 cm from the floor);
  2. In the area of ​​​​the television receiver, in which the socket is mounted at the required height so that it is not visible at all;
  3. In the sofa area, the socket must be installed in such a way that it can be used to power phone or laptop chargers. Most often, it is made double, which makes it possible to connect a floor lamp to it, for example. Another installation product near the floor can be used to connect an electric fireplace or a floor lamp;
  4. For a study, the choice of the location of the outlets is determined by the convenience of connecting a personal computer and chargers to them, as well as the possibility of connecting a table lamp to the network. The position of the outlets above the desktop is determined by standard standards (at a distance of about 10-15 cm).

You can find examples of the location of sockets and switches for the kitchen and bathroom in the next section.

Bathroom, kitchen and hallway

The bathroom is characterized by such an arrangement of socket products that would provide the owner with the convenience of using electrical appliances specific to this room (hair dryers, curling irons, razors, etc.). At the same time, the choice of their placement is regulated by the requirements of the PUE, according to which the sockets must be located at a distance of about 60 cm from the bathroom (shower) or washbasin located within the room.

Important! These restrictions are explained by the requirements for the safe operation of electrical appliances in rooms with high humidity.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of positions for placing sockets in the kitchen, where their position is determined not only by the convenience of connection, but also by the requirements for removal from nearby gas pipes (at least 0.5 meters). At the same distance, a place is chosen for their installation near the ventilation shaft hatches and exhaust openings. The general layout of outlet products in the kitchen is given below.

In the hallway of a typical apartment, one socket is usually used, which can be located at the bottom of the mirror rack (directly above the plinth) at a height of about 20 centimeters. In the indicated place, it will be convenient to connect a hair dryer, a vacuum cleaner, hair tongs, a phone charger, as well as an electric device for drying shoes.

Please note: If the hallway has a large area, you can install another socket in it, mounted in a block with a key switch.

In conclusion, we note that not only the convenience of connecting to the network, but also the safety of working with operated household appliances depends on the correct choice of the location of sockets within residential premises.



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