Essay by an educational psychologist. The image of a psychologist in modern society. All about image psychology Image of a practical psychologist in education

Speaking with his annual Address to the Federal Assembly, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin emphasized the importance of improving the qualifications of teachers in secondary schools: “...At the same time, the most important thing that worries parents, teachers and the public is, of course, the content of the educational process; the extent to which school education meets the two basic tasks that Academician D.S. spoke about. Likhachev: to give knowledge and educate a moral person. He rightly believed that the moral basis is the main thing that determines the viability of society: economic, state, creative.” Much attention is paid to psychologists by the Committee on Economic Policy of the Federation Council, which is forming a working group to develop a law on psychological assistance. Based on such current problems that are addressed at the state level, one cannot ignore such an important component of a psychologist’s activity as his image.

Imageology is a practical, comprehensive discipline that uses the results of a number of sciences (social psychology, cultural studies, sociology, etc.) to create and transform image into professional activities. The emergence of this direction was influenced by such scientists as A. N. Garansky, D. James, D. Carnegie, A. V. Panasyuk, G. G. Pochentsov, V. M. Shepel and others. Studying the concept

“image”, scientists have explored the importance of gender, profession, membership in a particular social group, level of professionalism, individual personality traits in forming an impression of a particular person. These results provided additional opportunities for more effective management of people’s relationships, to optimize the process of their communication in the sphere of work, everyday life, and education.

The term “image” translated from English means “image”, and translated from French it means “image”, “representation”.

The image of a psychologist is an emotionally charged stereotype of the perception of the image of a psychologist in the minds of students, colleagues, the social environment, and in the mass consciousness. When forming a teacher's image, real qualities are closely intertwined with those attributed to him by others.

In the psychological literature, the concept of “image” is defined as a purposefully formed image of a person, phenomenon or object, highlighting certain of its value characteristics, and designed to have an emotional and psychological impact for a specific purpose. The term “image” is defined today as self-presentation, as a person’s construction of his image for others. It represents the external image of a person, his portrait, the features of which convey his inner world. Thus, E. Sampson emphasizes that “personal image is a picture of a person that regulates what is inside him. According to this scientist, image is a combination of external and internal factors.” P. Bird also characterizes image as the picture of a person that he presents to others. This picture, in his opinion, includes how a person looks, speaks, dresses, acts, as well as his skills, posture, posture and body language, accessories. The image is always a unit of the symbolic world, as it represents iconic characteristics. Image is a complex concept, which means that individual manifestations of the image must form a coherent whole and not contradict each other.

The image of a teacher-psychologist includes such components as his external visual image (suit, hairstyle, plasticity, facial expressions), internal image (voice, dominant emotional state, temperament), mentality. In the appearance of a teacher-psychologist, his internal culture and self-esteem are reflected, that is, projected. Verbal and non-verbal means of communication implemented by the teacher-psychologist with students and teachers, the postures and gestures demonstrated by him, facial expressions, speech intonations - all this is an important component of his image. All this affects the effectiveness of a psychologist in an educational institution. It is the image of the specialist that plays the main role during the first consultation with the client. In many ways, the image strengthens the relationship between the psychologist and the client.

Of course, the image of a psychologist can work against the specialist himself. This occurs when the external image contradicts the verbal image. Teachers, students, and parents are more willing to believe what they see rather than what they hear.

A teacher-psychologist of an educational institution must constantly work on his positive image. The psychologist’s purposeful formation of his positive image in the minds of the participants in the pedagogical process seriously affects the effectiveness of interaction in the work process.


1. Bozadzhiev V.L. Image of a psychologist. - M.: Publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences", 2009. - 219 p.

2. Kapustina Z. Image of a modern teacher // M.: Teacher. - 2006 - No. 1. - 298 p.

3. Ovodova A.G. The image of a modern teacher // M.: Elementary school plus before and after. - 2004 - No. 5. - 189 p.

4. Perelygina E.B. Psychology of image: Proc. allowance / E.B. Perelygina. - M.: Aspect Press, 2002. -223 p.

The saying of our ancestors: “You are greeted by your clothes, you are seen off by your mind” has not lost its relevance to this day. Bill Gates, with his millions, may not need to charm others, but for those taking their first steps up the career ladder, knowledge of how to make a favorable first impression is essential.

When going for an interview, business negotiations or a date, we care primarily about clothes, hairstyle, and other little things, without thinking about creating a complete, harmonious image that does not contradict our inner world. In addition to the external one, there are other types of image, the skillful use of which can make our life much easier.

What does this term mean?

Let's figure out what the concept and essence of image is, why you need to create it, and how to manage it. The meaning of the word “image” translated from English is “image, imagination, representation.”

For the first time, this term began to be used in marketing to designate one of the tools for increasing the attractiveness of a product or service in the eyes of the consumer. Having evolved, it became the main weapon of large corporations in the fight for customer loyalty, and eventually degenerated into the image of a person.

From the point of view of general psychology, the concept of image includes the processes of mental representation of an objective phenomenon and the transformation of initial information under the influence of perception filters. Often the result of such a transformation is that the data perceived by the human brain is strikingly different from reality.

It is this phenomenon that explains the effectiveness of the first impression, forcing others to make a decision in favor of a person they like. In addition to the external one, the following types of image are distinguished:

  • Facial image - implies skillful mastery of facial expressions, the so-called “masks”. This skill is especially important for politicians and various kinds of public figures who are forced to keep emotions under control.
  • Kinetic image - presupposes the ability to control the body, move gracefully, smoothly, and gesticulate correctly. Our body can reveal what the tongue is silent about, so we shouldn’t forget about it.
  • Verbal image is what and how you say. The power of words is great - you can find both fans and ardent opponents.
  • Mental image is your attitude, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, beliefs that influence everything you do. It’s not for nothing that the sage said: “The same thought can create and it can destroy. It all depends on the head in which it has settled.”
  • Background image – rumors, gossip that accompany any person; they can destroy a reputation or raise it to unprecedented heights.
  • Status image – attributes of a rich life, confirming a person’s well-being and wealth: expensive cars, clothes, real estate.

The structure of the image can be different, it mainly depends on the type of activity of the individual. For example, the typology of the image of politicians is as follows: this is a self-confident person, able to withstand any difficulties, purposeful, unshakable, honest, with undoubted confidence.

Therefore, when forming such an image, experts focus on the verbal, kinetic, and facial components in combination with the external surroundings. For actors and singers, background and mental components are important, and for managers of large corporations - verbal and status.

How and why you need to create an image

In nature, everything is neutral, but the human brain tends to evaluate the surrounding reality and assign categories “bad” or “good.” A person with an unemotional image is more likely to risk being classified as “bad” than “good” due to stereotypical thinking.

A correctly formulated information message will be received positively by others, which will greatly facilitate further communications and building relationships with them. Psychologists note two most important properties of the image:

  • Endowing an object with qualities that are not actually inherent to it.
  • The ability to manipulate people's opinions through a skillfully created image.

Psychology identifies the following functions of image: identification, idealization, opposition. The meaning of identification is to facilitate the recognition of an object as non-dangerous and worthy of trust. The second function helps to “improve” the object in the mind of the individual and reduce the threshold of criticality of assessments. The latter is built by comparing existing images, i.e. the good are better seen next to the villains.

So what is image building? From the point of view of psychology, the following stages of image formation can be distinguished: collecting and analyzing information about a person, creating an image, receiving a response and making changes. Additionally, at the first stage, the goals that are planned to be achieved through the new image and the tasks that need to be solved to achieve the desired effect are identified. The last two stages can be repeated many times until the desired reaction from the target audience is obtained.

In the USA, according to statistics, approximately 20% of working women and 25% of men use the services of professional image makers and coaches who create a personal image; in Europe - about 15% of working people of both sexes. These are mainly top managers of large corporations and heads of medium-sized companies who understand that the wrong image can ruin a career. In Russia, this figure is significantly lower: according to a VTsIOM survey conducted in Moscow in 2015, it is no more than 3% of the total number of study participants.

How to create your own image that will make you stand out from the crowd? Coaches argue that a person's image should correspond to his profession. Creativity is only appropriate for creative people; in an ordinary office, overly fashionable or provocative images will repel others. It is important to consider that image and reputation are interconnected, so an inappropriate image can negatively affect the description that your work colleagues give you.

How to create the desired image

Image in psychology is one of the most interesting topics; the most voluminous works and many practical studies have been devoted to it. Creating an image must go through several stages and take into account the peculiarities of the laws of perception. The first law recommends identifying the audience you want to impress. For example, the image of pop stars conveys a message of sexuality, uninhibitedness, and exclusivity.

The second law is related to associativity, i.e. the image should evoke a positive response from others. Negative associations can negate all the good reviews about you as a person and professional. Often, a negative image very quickly merges with an image, and changing it to a new one becomes much more difficult.

The last law concerns the adequacy of the created image to the true one and moderate originality. We are talking about physical parameters, characteristics of thinking and the individual’s presentation of himself. If a girl has a round face, you should not get a bob haircut, which will further emphasize this feature. Overweight men are not recommended to wear tapered trousers and jackets; they should also avoid light colors in clothing.

People often wonder how to change their image if significant changes have occurred in your life? First, you will have to find a new style for yourself and completely change your wardrobe, leaving only the most versatile items. Secondly, you need to take care of a new hairstyle and makeup, which will change your image beyond recognition. The last point is the most important, it will allow you to add zest to your new look through changes in your speech pattern and body language.

Lady and business

Achieving success in the world of big business and politics is very difficult, especially for the fairer sex, so an attractive appearance becomes an additional advantage. So what is the image of a business woman and what does it consist of?

The most popular and successful image was developed by American image makers back in the 50s: at first this style was demonstrated by the first ladies of states, then the fashion for it spread to all layers of working women. Margaret Thatcher, Nancy Reagan, Hilary Clinton, Elvira Nabiullina are vivid examples of what the correct image of a business woman should be.

The image should be created comprehensively, avoiding excessive softness or hardness, finding a balance between the external appearance and the inner world of a woman. The image and style of clothing should be thought out to the smallest detail and harmoniously complement each other: for example, a formal business suit can be decorated with cute but stylish accessories. Heavy and expensive jewelry, excessively bright makeup, short skirts, deep necklines are taboos, as they cause mixed reactions from people.

A business image requires not only a suit, good shoes, proper makeup, but also the presence of manners and knowledge of business etiquette. The main rule is to be natural; any falsehood will be perceived as an attempt to deceive and will cause distrust in you as a specialist. Don't try to play the role of a successful person - just be one.

Behavioral image means complete control of your body, from your gait to the slightest movement of your eyebrows. You should not cross your legs or fidget during a conversation - this will be perceived as a desire to end the conversation. The interlocutor will instinctively consider his arms crossed on his chest as distrust of him or excessive isolation. Do not laugh without reason or use ambiguous hints - this can seriously damage your reputation.

The psychology of image suggests that, having created a certain image for ourselves, we gradually adopt its qualities and transform them into our own. It is important to prepare the consciousness for the perception of a new, improved “I”, so as not to cause contradictions or resistance from your internal censor. Psychologists advise taking training courses that will help you adapt to new attitudes and reduce stress levels. Author: Natalya Ivanova

Image of a school psychologist.

In my work, I would like to consider the image of a school psychologist, since I believe that this profession at this stage of the development of society is very important. Modern children, on the one hand, are emotional, hyperactive and impressionable, and on the other, withdrawn, susceptible to stress and uncontrollable aggression. Due to busyness or lack of attention from parents, schoolchildren are left alone with themselves, with no one to listen to them or support them. In this regard, the problem of the lack of psychologists in most Russian schools is more relevant than ever.

The professional image of a practical psychologist is a collective, generalized image that reveals the most characteristic features of him. Its components are:

Professional competence;

Psychological culture

Sociodemographic and physical data

Visual image

When forming his image, it is not enough for a professional psychologist working in the education system to know what he should change in his appearance, when and what to wear. Important points in self-image technology, in my opinion, are:

Integrity of perception of one’s own image;

Adequate self-esteem;

Knowing your character traits.

Since the late 80s, practical educational psychology began to actively develop in our country. To date, many schools have introduced a staff position of “teacher-psychologist,” and many higher educational institutions train psychologists specifically for work in educational institutions. However, there is still no clarity and precision in defining the functions of a school psychologist and the range of tasks he solves. Often, when entering school, it is difficult for a young specialist to find and occupy his niche in the specific closed system of the school. It takes a lot of time to adapt and understand the system of an educational institution and determine the directions of one’s work.

Meanwhile, counseling at school plays a very important role: every parent or teacher has the right to contact a psychologist with a problem, or ask for help regarding a child. For a child, school is the center of social development. The first experience of interpersonal relationships, learning knowledge, and much more - all this is gained by the child at school. It is here that it is necessary to develop a unified line of work for teachers, parents, and psychologists. The psychologist helps the child to assimilate all this experience through mastering behavior and building his own position, in which the child develops a conscious perception of the world. Many people mistakenly believe that a psychologist only deals with testing, and that psychology lessons are held at the level of elective classes and do not represent anything valuable for a child’s knowledge. The schoolchild, with the coordinated work of the psychologist and the teaching staff, creates the conditions for creating a personal one. A psychologist can identify the causes of poor performance, disinhibition or aggressiveness in children.

Of course, the profession of a school psychologist, as well as many others, has its difficulties.

Students, as a rule, do not turn to a psychologist themselves, this is especially true for younger schoolchildren. Usually their parents or teachers do this for them. They bring you in and tell you to listen to what a professional has to say. Teachers bring children more often because they want a psychologist to deal with the problems of a difficult child with whom they themselves are no longer able to deal. Parents contact the psychologist less often for several reasons: some believe that their child is the best and therefore prefer not to notice the difficulties, others simply do not trust the psychologist because they do not have a correct idea of ​​​​the functions he performs, or simply do not believe that he is capable of doing something .

High school students sometimes come on their own, without advice or recommendations. They are mainly concerned about the problems of choosing a profession, especially in the absence of clearly expressed interests and abilities. Children who are unsure of themselves and have difficulties communicating with peers also often seek help.

And yet, I believe that the image of a school psychologist cannot be accurately determined, since in all educational institutions the psychological service is at a different level, and in some places they have not even heard of a psychologist, therefore, in the minds of different people, the psychologist will have quite contradictory characteristics.

To understand this issue, I will try to give an example of two Moscow schools.

In each of them, a survey of high school students was conducted. Everyone was asked the same questions: Who is a school psychologist? What are its functions in your school? What should a school psychologist be like so that you are not afraid to contact him?

In one school, the results were disastrous. There is only one psychologist working here, and most of the respondents have unformed or completely inadequate ideas about his work. Almost half of the subjects demonstrate the most common stereotype regarding a psychologist - they perceive him as a doctor treating people with mental disorders. Mental disorders are usually cited as reasons that might prompt one to consult a psychologist. The students were unable to clearly explain the functions of the school psychologist. Many simply found it difficult to answer this question, while others offered options like: “This is a person who gives us some tests a couple of times a year.” The last question also did not give varied answers. Schoolchildren believe that they do not need a psychologist at all, and they would never turn to one anyway. A survey conducted in this school showed that the psychological service here is at a zero level, the psychologist is needed only “for show,” he practically does not work with children, and his image seems to students to be absolutely faceless and alien.

The second school that underwent our “test” was a pleasant surprise. Here children perceive the psychologist as a person who is always ready to help them. The vast majority of respondents listed a lot of functions of this specialist. To the question: “What should a school psychologist be like so that you are not afraid to contact him”? – many answered “like ours.” Among the qualities they identified were the ability to listen, understand, empathize, kindness, decency, sincerity, and interest in the problem. A psychologist, in their opinion, should have a pleasant appearance, a soft voice, and dress not brightly, but stylishly. From these answers we see that in this educational institution the psychologist is not a superfluous person - they love him, respect him, and most importantly, they turn to him.

As we found out, the psychological service of this school consists of two psychologists, each of whom provides psychological support to students throughout their entire education at the educational institution. There is even one specialized psychology class and special courses in psychology.

Based on all of the above, we came to the conclusion that a school psychologist is an indispensable specialist who, along with teachers, should be part of the teaching staff.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that a successfully created image indirectly guarantees high quality service and serves as evidence that a professional works exemplarily, maintaining order in everything. Thus, the image forms respect for the professional, trust in his proposals and recommendations.

Nowadays, the school psychologist has a hard time. Due to the misconception about the “uselessness” of this profession and the insufficient level of wages, people who do not have not only a specialized, but even any additional education in the specialty “Psychologist” often go to work as psychologists. Because of this, in some schools the image of the school psychologist is already quite damaged.

I would like to believe that over time our education system will understand the uniqueness and indispensability of a school psychologist as a specialist doing exactly his job. And maybe he will be the one who will make our children a little happier?

Government of the Russian Federation

National Research University

High School of Economics

Psychology faculty

Department of General and Experimental Psychology


in the discipline "General Psychology"

The image of a psychologist in the mass consciousness

Student of group No. 181

Latypova Alina Damirovna

I checked

Kuznetsova Maria Dmitrievna

Moscow 2012


“A psychologist introduced at a party immediately turns out to be the subject of increased attention and fun, which can even cause some awkwardness.”

At Freshman Day in Gorky Park, the presenter on stage listed the faculties of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, and students had to respond when the name of their faculties was called. When it was the turn of the psychology department, the presenter spoke in a mysterious voice and made a strange hand gesture, which, it seemed to me, symbolized uncertainty and incomprehensibility.

Why did he do this? Who does he think psychologists are?

I have repeatedly witnessed situations in which, when talking about psychologists, people took on a completely comical, mysterious look, rolled their eyes, looked at each other, choked with grins and uttered the word “crazy.” What does this all mean? How do people imagine psychologists?

There are also many events in films, television series, and popular literature in which, with the advent of a psychologist, people begin to behave unnaturally. What is this connected with?

It is these questions that I will try to find an answer to, because at the moment they are somewhat pressing, since I, as a first-year student at the Faculty of Psychology, am extremely interested in the reasons for such behavior and attitudes.

Often, when I voiced my chosen specialty, I observed many different reactions: my interlocutors widened their eyes in surprise and then behaved with restraint, while others said: “Oh, say something about me, you’re a psychologist!” Hearing such an exclamation, I usually remain silent in confusion, because I have absolutely no idea how to respond to this.

It seems to me that the restraint of some is caused precisely by the thought that the psychologist is none other than a hidden, mysterious manipulator who knows how to pull people by the strings of their souls, like puppets. The latter, most likely, are convinced that the psychologist has a very good understanding of people and, based on some external signs, can determine personality traits, unravel the “secret of the soul,” and understand who a person really is. In addition, a huge number of films and TV series about psychologists influence the opinion of the masses, such as the series “The Theory of Lies”, the main character of which is based on Paul Ekman - famous for studying how lies affect human behavior. As far as I know, Paul Ekman’s teachings are not entirely scientific, and, moreover, they don’t teach how to identify liars by facial expressions at the psychology department. However, they don’t teach any incredible manipulation techniques either.

I asked my friends about what they consider psychologists to be, read the opinions of people on forums on the Internet, on the Answers project ( and determined that people’s opinions diverge into several main directions.

A psychologist is a cynical manipulator who sees right through people

image psychologist stereotype consciousness

Some believe that psychologists are taught “secret knowledge”; they know the mechanisms of all human feelings and know how to control them; by non-verbal signs they can determine what a person thinks, what he is like and what he experiences. Such a psychologist can quietly force people to do what he needs, he exerts influence, and knows how to “persuade”. Such people are good businessmen who create new teachings, religions and even “sects”. People who have not received a psychological education and have nothing to do with psychology can easily become victims of such “psychologists” who earn huge sums of money by deception.

Of course, there are figures who, having received a more or less passable psychological education, come up with new teachings, write manuals on “how to get rich/wiser/become successful/fulfill all desires/learn to manipulate in a short time,” but, it seems to me, all these pseudo-teachings are “water”, senseless and merciless poisoning of the readers’ brains, and if they consider all this useful and effective, and the psychological authors as influential and competent people, then this is only a consequence of their (the readers’) own unreasonableness.

A psychologist is an understanding person who will always listen and help, “whom you can cry to.” You can turn to him for advice, he will help, “guide you on the right path.” A psychologist knows the answers to all questions, he is able to solve any problem, while he himself has no problems, otherwise what kind of professional is he? He has miraculous methods for resolving difficult situations and in one consultation can help you regain lost harmony in your soul. Moreover, he has no personal life, he is entirely in the service of people, devoting himself to them and only to them.

This point of view, perhaps expressed by me a little grotesquely, but clearly and clearly, seems to me the most naive. A psychologist is also a person! He has a personal life. And it’s quite normal for him to have his own problems, it’s as if a dentist who had a toothache was declared incompetent - illogical, absurd!

Psychologist sticks “labels”

There is also an opinion that psychologists are engaged in typifying people, sticking “labels”. Various classifications, tests to determine the type of temperament, socionics, etc. give the impression that psychologists are exclusively concerned with the taxonomy of human mental properties.

It seems to me that all this is conditional and relative. No typology is absolutely true, and each person, in turn, is unique.

And another rather interesting point of view: psychologists are “mostly sick people.” Very often, reading forums and discussions on the Internet, I came across a similar opinion. It was the phrase “sick people” that I came across every now and then. I would also like to give some quotes: “sick people who, because of their illness, cannot make money in any other way except by stirring a stick in other people’s problems”, “people with problems, but successfully hiding them...”, “sick people people who have slightly improved their psyche through meditative practices.”

It is a well-known fact that many students go to study as psychologists in order to understand themselves and be able to find solutions and explanations for their problems. But I don’t understand at all the reason why a large number of people consider psychologists to be mentally ill. Moreover, there are completely absurd “sentiments” in which psychologists are called shamans, wizards and psychics! I can’t get out of my head a photograph of a sign near the church, where it is written: “Church candles are prohibited from being sold to persons addressing the servants of dark forces, i.e. sorcerers, magicians, psychics, sorcerers and psychotherapists.” I cannot give a meaningful explanation for this phenomenon.


Many people associate the image of a psychologist with the famous founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. Most people’s knowledge of Freud’s works is superficial and shallow; they absorb information that “is in the air” from anecdotes and various stories; Moreover, many people know only two words about it: “theory” and “sexuality.” All this gets mixed up, merges with the image of the psychologist and creates an unimaginably distorted opinion about psychologists, which manifests itself in indecent jokes, giggles, or, on the contrary, furious indignation. Apparently, they think that psychologists are some kind of perverts who put people on the same level as animals.

Fortunately, I have come across adequate, factual assumptions about who psychologists are. But, still, a large number of people do not see the difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist, believing that a psychologist is the same as a doctor. There is an opinion that psychologists treat, have the right to prescribe medications, and determine diagnoses.

This leads to another myth, which can be expressed in the following question: “Am I sick or something, so that I can go to psychologists?” . Largely because of this stereotype that only mentally ill people go to psychologists, people resort to, for example, alcohol or turn to friends who may well turn out to be ignorant in a given situation; although it would be wiser to consult a psychologist.

Also, I would really like to give an example from my personal experience (and, as it seems to me, the experience of every student of the Faculty of Psychology): some acquaintances (those who are ignorant) sometimes say something astonishing: “Tell me something about me, you’re a psychologist!” It is very naive and reckless to say this to students who have not yet received full higher education and experience; that is, if such a student is unreasonable enough to say something unreasonable or harsh, then there is a high probability that it will not correspond to the truth or even hurt the person asking, will be imprinted on his soul and will upset him for a very long time, maybe even lead to some - thoughtless actions, changes, many are quite easily hurt or “offended” by words.

“So who is a psychologist? This is a specialist. This is a person who can look at your problem with a professional eye and help you find a solution. This is the guide who carries the lantern until you come out into the light."

I really like this definition, largely because of the word “help”, since the psychologist does not look for a solution himself, does not offer a ready-made one, but only helps to find it.


In fact, while researching opinions about who psychologists are, faced with the discrepancy between the real image of a psychologist and ideas about him, I laughed heartily. It is impossible to read about “shamans” and “servants of dark forces” without laughing, but, on the other hand, such incompetence is extremely sad.

People don’t know who psychologists are, they make ridiculous assumptions based on vague rumors, instead of just reading Wikipedia.

The distorted image of a psychologist in the mass consciousness often pushes people away from psychologists, that is, when a problem arises for which it is worth turning to a psychologist, people do not do this due to some stereotypes.

I can only sympathize with the ignorant and wish to be more inquisitive and less influenced by the opinions of ordinary people.


Berger P. Invitation to sociology: a humanistic perspective / Transl. from English O.A. Oberemko, ed. G.S. Batygina. M.: Aspect-Press, 1996.

Vasilkina Yu., Who is a psychologist? - 2011. [Electronic resource]. URL:<#"justify">Shadrikov V.D., The world of human inner life. - M.: University Book, Logos, 2006. - 392 p.: ill.

Chance A., Myths about psychologists, or who is a psychologist? - 2012. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 11/15/2012)

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  • Introduction
  • 2. The essence of the image of a teacher-psychologist in the general system of interaction, the significance of his appearance
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Introduction

In recent years, the concept of image has firmly entered the vocabulary of modern people. What is image?

Many reference books reveal the content of the concept of image, treating it as a purposefully formed image; as an emotionally charged image that has developed in the mass consciousness and has the character of a stereotype; as a set of certain qualities that people associate with a certain personality; or as a mental representation of something previously seen...concrete or abstract, strongly the mind of another.

Thus, most often the concept of image is deciphered as an emotionally charged image of someone or something that has developed in the mass consciousness and has the character of a stereotype.

In Russia, the concept of image became the subject of public attention and scientific analysis only at the end of the 20th century. The general reader was aware of this area thanks to certain popular publications by foreign practitioners-designers, makeup artists, and hairdressers. In the mid-90s, the first serious domestic developments in image development appeared, devoted to the psychological aspects of image formation (R.F. Romashkina, E.I. Manyakina, E.V. Grishunina, P.S. Gurevich, F.A. Kuzin, V.D. Popov, B.G. Ushikov, V.M. Shepel, I.A. Fedorov, etc.).

Is there a specific image of a teacher? - asks the famous Russian psychologist L.M. Mitina and answers in the affirmative: A teacher is identified very quickly in a non-professional environment. The author sees the reason for this in the fact that “...most teachers drive their individuality and originality into a Procrustean bed of outdated and unconstructive traditions and rules...”

In this work we will study the issues of the appearance of a teacher-psychologist and his image in the general system of interaction.

1. Social and psychological foundations of the image of a teacher-psychologist

Consideration of the content of works related to the psychology of people’s knowledge of each other, carried out by famous domestic and foreign psychologists recently, allows us to clearly see certain trends characterizing the development of this area. Based on the theory of the formation of a person as a subject of labor, cognition and communication, personal development in the process of activity and communication, we will analyze the main provisions of the process of cognition of a person by a person, taking into account his age, individual and professional characteristics.

The image has properties similar to the stereotype: a pronounced emotional assessment, stability among representatives of various social groups, and sketchiness. The image has something in common with the attitude in that the formed image influences the readiness to perform certain actions in relation to the evaluated object.

However, it seems to us that the image has a number of features that allow us to talk about it as a separate mechanism of social perception.

Image is a specially constructed image for potential students and all participants in the holistic pedagogical process, which must meet their expectations and needs. In the image, initially, in essence, it is set: sketchiness and incompleteness, as well as a positive direction of emotional assessment. A positive assessment inherent in the image is extremely important, as it is the key to the sustainability of an enterprise in crisis situations and a guarantee of a politician’s success in elections. Image plays a role and takes place in indirect communication of large groups of people, when the main source of information about an educational institution, school or a specific teacher is the media.

Thus, the image as a result of the perception of a person or institution is much less based on sensory perception or direct contact of the subject with the object than other attitudinal knowledge.

We take as a basis the definition given by V.N. Kunitsyna, that an image is an image, a representation, through the method of associations, endowing an object with additional values ​​that have no basis in the real properties of the object itself, but have social significance for the perceiver of this object. Our definition applies to all cases of use of the concept, whether we mean the image of a teacher, the image of a school or the image of educational institutions. The difference between the image of a teacher and the image of a school, in our opinion, lies only in the fact that when perceiving an enterprise there is no reliance on a real, tangible and perceived object, on the “functional” characteristics inherent to one degree or another in a teacher or leader.

In pedagogy, as well as in a number of other sciences, “image” has received its well-deserved recognition. The appearance of a teacher in the halo of a person creating his own image allowed us to talk about the emergence of a new branch of imageology - pedagogical imageology. In the generally accepted and our view, the image of a teacher is an expressively colored stereotype of the feeling of the image of a teacher in the minds of a group of students, colleagues, the social environment, and in the mass consciousness. When forming the image of a teacher, existing qualities are organically intertwined with those properties that are attributed to others.

However, pedagogical imageology is a fundamentally new branch, partly fashionable and working for the audience. Pedagogical imageology allows us to take a different look at teaching in higher educational institutions and at the teacher himself.

In other words, within the framework of pedagogical imageology, the image of a teacher is considered as a product of special activities to create or transform the image, as a result of the application of targeted professional efforts. This, in particular, explains why the definitions and provisions of imageology should not be uncritically transferred to the field of social psychology of image, the purpose of which is the theoretical reflection of image as an objective socio-psychological phenomenon, knowledge of those objective socio-psychological patterns that underlie its occurrence and functioning and which, to one degree or another, corresponding to the degree of their awareness, can be used in practical imageology. The socio-psychological definition of image must take into account its dual nature - social and psychological. Being the image of a subject for a social group, the image in a certain sense is at the same time the image of a given group for a given subject, since the construction of an image occurs in accordance with the subject’s conscious or unconscious ideas about the characteristics of the group for which the image is being built. Image cannot be considered only as a phenomenon of the mental life of an individual, but at the same time it is incorrect to describe it as exclusively a manifestation of factors external to the individual, including the influence of the group. It is a manifestation of the work of the psyche in coordinating its own impulses with individual and group experience.

Taking into account all that has been said, we can propose the following socio-psychological definition of a teacher’s image: an image is a symbolic image of a subject created in the process of subject-subject interaction between the teacher and participants in the holistic pedagogical process.

In modern Russian society, which has lost many of its former landmarks, the teaching profession has lost its former heights, and the need for its rehabilitation is beyond doubt. Of course, government support for the teacher is required. But is it always only the economic factor that determines the image of the teacher and the attitude towards him on the part of students and parents? What can teachers themselves do to raise the prestige of the profession?

The answer to this question is largely related to the individual images of each teacher, because the general idea of ​​any profession is formed as a result of identifying the typical characteristics of its representatives in the public consciousness.

Teachers themselves have different attitudes towards image. Those representatives of the older generation of teachers who understand it as a mask have a negative attitude towards it. They are convinced of the priority of internal content over external content and believe that the main thing is to be, not to appear. He perceives any talk about the image of a teacher with caution, as a call to be insincere.

However, supporters of this position forget that one of the results of the student’s perception of the teacher is the formation of the image of the teacher. Every teacher has an image, regardless of his personal views on this topic. The process of building an image depends both on the teacher himself and on the individual characteristics of the student, his gender, age, as well as on experience, knowledge, nationality and other factors.

There is another side to the problem - a teacher who creates his own image not only looks better, but also feels better, is more confident, and ultimately works more successfully!

Modern domestic researchers have identified a contradiction in the importance of a teacher’s personal image for students and teachers. According to E. Russkaya, in the list of ten professionally significant qualities of a teacher at the end of the 20th century, image ranks second from the point of view of children and only eighth from the point of view of teachers themselves.

The image of a teacher is manifested in some generalized form, which may contain the following structural components: individual characteristics, personal, communicative, activity and external behavioral.

The image of a particular teacher combines individual, professional and age-related images. People around them make judgments about both the personal, age, gender, and purely professional qualities of the teacher.

In the structure of the image of a professional proposed by L.M. Mitina, external, procedural and internal components are identified.

2. The essence of the image of a teacher-psychologist in the general system of interaction, the meaning of its appearance

Today, professional social and humanitarian knowledge and pedagogical skills do not provide the modern teacher with achieving a high level of success in his chosen field of activity. You need the ability to win people over, and, therefore, take care of your image.

Many people think that image is necessary only for politicians and businessmen, managers, and public figures. This is not true. Imageology - the science of the technology of personal charm - believes that everyone whose professional activity is connected with people should take care of their image. For teachers, whose activities are carried out mainly in communication with people, the problem of image is of particular importance. But in the teaching field, not everyone is concerned about the impression they make on others. Teachers underestimate the importance of their image. But image is a kind of tool that helps build relationships with others, especially since 85% of people build their first impression on the basis of the external data of the interlocutor. If the teacher’s appearance is attractive, it is easier for him to win over his interlocutor or audience. In the same way, you can push people away from you with your unsightly appearance.

“Image” is a word that appeared in our language in the late 80s. Translated from English it means “image”. Moreover, by image one must understand not only a visual image (appearance, appearance), but also a way of thinking, actions, and actions. This is the ability to communicate, the art of speaking and, especially, listening. The correctly chosen tone of conversation, timbre of voice, and grace of movements largely determine the image in which the educational psychologist appears to students and colleagues. Together with tact, education, and business qualities, our appearance is either a continuation of our advantages, or it becomes another negative trait that interferes with our life and career. In other words, the Russian word “image” should be used in a broad sense - as an idea of ​​a person.

Most scientists include in this concept not only a person’s appearance, determined by his anatomical features and clothing style, but almost all characteristics accessible to perception. Thus, psychologist P. Bird writes that image is “the complete picture of you” that you present to others. It includes the way you look, talk, dress, act; your skills, your posture, posture and body language; your accessories, your surroundings. Some specialists, who in their practical activities specialize specifically in improving the client’s appearance, use the term “image” in a narrow sense, meaning only the appearance itself (face, hairstyle, clothing style, etc.).

So, an image is a purposefully formed idea that endows an object with additional values, thereby facilitating effective mutual understanding and influence. Ways to build an image are carried out using both the natural qualities of the individual and specially developed ones. These problems are explored by imageology, which functions in interaction with the entire complex of social sciences. The special professional and social functions of a teacher, the need to always be in sight of his students, their parents, and the general public, place increased demands on the personality of the teacher and his moral character. This, in turn, determines the success of teaching activities. For a teacher, it is necessary to have unity of internal content, activity and external appearance. Therefore, the structure of the teacher’s image should be separately considered. .

Let us remember the saying: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind.” For many people, the information received from a visual image is the only “data bank” about a person, and on this basis they build their relationships. And the more accurately the image of a teacher is created, the easier it is for people to communicate with him, and the less effort it will take to find a common language with their students.

Therefore, we can conclude that the effect of personal charm plays almost the main role in the work of a teacher, sometimes it is almost the only argument in solving problem situations. The charming appearance of the teacher has a powerful positive psychotherapeutic effect on his students.

We think the first step towards creating a “halo effect” can be considered working on your own image. Visual appeal is a primary component of a teacher’s image. What matters here is the color scheme of the work suit, correctly applied makeup, and a fashionable haircut or styling.

However, simply having the appropriate appearance is clearly not enough. It is necessary that the educational psychologist himself feels comfortable, and that his confidence is transferred to the audience. If a teacher knows that he is well dressed, well-haired, and in reasonable physical shape, then he will be confident. If the teacher feels that something is wrong with him, that something does not meet his own standards, then he will involuntarily begin to focus on this particular detail, which will constantly distract his attention. If the teacher’s appearance is attractive, then he can win the audience over to his side even before he utters the first word.

Therefore, when choosing clothes, you need to remember about the combination of color and pattern, about catchy details that distract attention. When choosing a minimal wardrobe, you should consider color combinations so that you can vary the different details of the clothing. It is best to choose natural fabrics or fabrics with the addition of synthetics. The suit must be well tailored, impeccably fitted and sewn.

Hair should frame the face in a decent manner. They should not dominate, obscure attractive features or attract undue attention. Throwing hair away from the eyes, rearranging strands and other fuss are all distracting gestures.

In addition, many professional modern teachers owe their success to their voice. Just like appearance, people make judgments about voice within a few seconds. The voice is the sound that a person makes with the help of vibrations of the ligaments located in the throat. This sound is the technical support for the teacher’s speech. The teacher’s voice is of great importance: it is a means that can increase the significance of speech, but it often acts as a means of leveling the significance of speech, transforming its potential positive influence into something opposite - into an agent of a corrupting influence.

Voice should contribute to the success of the teacher. Some companies abroad send their employees to seminars and private voice training courses. They professionally provide correct pronunciation and clear articulation. Students will be more willing to listen to the teacher if he has a pleasant voice. It doesn't matter what voice you were given at birth. Thanks to systematic exercises, the teacher will be able to get rid of the accent, learn to clearly articulate and pronounce sounds correctly.

Working on your own speech technique can play a positive role in the professional development of a young specialist and increasing the success of an experienced teacher in his activities.

The so-called “non-verbal” image is associated with the extent to which we have pleasant manners, which means gestures, facial expressions, posture, and gait. Good manners help you quickly adapt to any environment and make it easier to establish communication connections with people.

Characterizing the non-verbal actions of a teacher as a sign expressing an attitude towards children, one should trace the change in voice in the following situations: first, sit imposingly on a chair, cross-legged, and address an imaginary abstract person. Then, in a modified position: the body is tilted slightly forward. In both cases, the intonation of the voice is recorded.

Having illustrated the results, you can see how the teacher’s posture affects the content of speech and the intonation of the voice: in the second case there will be more of a wish, a polite address, in the first case the request will not work, but there will be a whim, an order. The location of the teacher’s body in the act of interaction with students is of significant importance. A slight tilt of the body forward, a slight tilt of the head to the side and a smile not only have a favorable effect on the audience, but also force them to share the teacher’s point of view.

By characterizing sign language as a system of body movements used as a means of communication along with verbal speech, it is possible to show how sign language is associated with the cultural traditions of peoples and social groups. So, for example, with the help of gestures during a speech hesitation, it seems to temporarily “rescue”, “protect” from an opponent’s attack: the sweeping and decisive nature of gestures speaks of the strong-willed qualities of the teacher; Nervous twitching of the body indicates a person’s uncertainty and psychological discomfort.

Speaking about the teacher’s gait, it is advisable to emphasize that it is also an expression of his image. The stooped figure of the teacher, moving slowly and measuredly around the office, prepares students to fulfill pedagogical requirements and keeps them in psychological tension. A light, “fluttering” gait, on the contrary, has a relaxing effect on children and can arouse in them the opposite mood. It mobilizes students to a lesser extent to complete educational tasks. In this case, the attention of schoolchildren will be more likely to be focused on the extravagance of the teacher than on the importance of the educational material.

Noting the expressiveness of facial muscle movements (facial expressions) as a manifestation of human feelings, experiences, emotions, one should pay attention to the fact that often a novice educational psychologist does not know how to control his face and facial reactions are ahead of speech reactions. Children are very observant and accurately compare microfacial reactions with the semantic content of the teacher’s speech. If, as a result of comparing verbal and nonverbal speech, they involuntarily feel falsehood, deception, hypocrisy, then the educational psychologist who once discovered this will not enjoy the personal trust of students.

The teacher’s lifestyle is also important. The image of a teacher’s lifestyle is how people perceive his personal life, relationships with others and household members, his moral principles, dignity, behavior and character. Sometimes it happens that all the elements of a powerful image are in place, but it still doesn’t work. It is not at all necessary that people like the teacher, they just have to like him.

Of course, creating a positive image of a teacher is not an easy task in our problematic times. Personal charm is often “worked out.” It requires a lot of work on oneself, but it brings good results: it forms positive attitudes towards the teacher of others, makes communication with him pleasant and comfortable. Crisis in society, family, unworthy wages, intensive work, forced increased educational loads, conflict-prone school communities, lack of teacher authority - all this does not encourage work on oneself.

The external component includes facial expressions, gestures, timbre and strength of voice, costume, manners, and gait.

Professional activity, according to L.M. Mitina, is revealed through the procedural component of the image, which is concretized by such forms of communication as professionalism, plasticity, expressiveness, etc.

An emotionally rich educational psychologist who masters the techniques of verbal and non-verbal expression of feelings and purposefully uses them... is able to enliven the lesson, make it expressive, and bring it closer to natural communication.

In a situation where the importance of a teacher’s appearance becomes the key to the conditions for first success, according to sociological research (according to V.M. Shepel, 1997), only 19% of teachers are satisfied with their appearance. This is a problem that needs to be solved immediately! - calls V.M. Shepel.

They look at the teacher carefully. The image of the teacher is preserved in memory in the most striking external characteristics. An example of this is the memoirs of various writers and publicists.

It is important for a teacher to competently implement the function of self-presentation in pedagogical communication, especially at the moment of forming the first impression of oneself. Research shows that 25% of novice teachers experience the greatest difficulties in situations of first contact with students.

The phenomenon of first impression in many cases determines the further dynamics of the interaction process. The student’s first impression of the teacher is the most important aspect of interaction in educational activities, wrote A.A. Bodalev.

Based on the first impression, an initial and often quite stable stereotype of the teacher’s perception is formed. The first impression of a teacher plays a big role in the emergence of pedagogical influence and influence on children.

When forming a strategy and tactics for self-presentation, it is necessary to take into account that 85% of people build their first impression based on a person’s appearance (according to N.V. Panferov). Also N.D. Levitov, in his studies conducted in the 40s of the 20th century, noted that in the first impression of the teacher, students turn out to be more united among themselves than in subsequent ones.

3. Reasons for the need to create the image of a teacher and its understanding

The concept of “image” is based on the Latin word imago, which means image, appearance, picture, likeness. True, in ancient times this word was already used in a figurative sense to refer to death wax masks, equipped with a text that reflected the bibliographic nature of the “recreated” image. At the beginning of the 20th century, a formalistic movement of popular lyric poets arose - “imagism”, whose supporters attached self-sufficient importance to the artistic image, as a rule, pretentious, complicated. Currently, the concept of “image” is actively used in the field of entrepreneurship as the main means of psychological influence on the consumer; image has become an element of the theory and practice of “Public Relations”, firmly entering public life.

Image arose as a consequence of social needs and is designed to ensure effective activities to satisfy them. The starting point for the emergence of an image is the desire to be liked, provoked by society, in order to achieve one’s selfish goals. In modern pedagogical dictionaries, the image of a teacher is defined as an emotionally charged stereotype of the perception of the image of a teacher in the minds of students, colleagues, the social environment, and in the mass consciousness. The image should reflect the personal qualities of the teacher: professional competence, creative, spiritual and moral potential, mastery of progressive technologies of teaching and education, ability for continuous education. The image of a teacher performs the following functions: professional - in the context of pedagogical activity, it contributes to the fulfillment of the professional function of ensuring high quality teaching and education); social - contributes to the development of creative activity of students, increasing the status and prestige of the teaching profession, increasing the social significance of this profession; spiritual and moral - influences the formation of the student’s personality, manifested in relation to the people around him, to nature, to the objective world, to spiritual values, moral qualities of students (non-violence, cooperation, honesty, kindness, respect for other people); visual - influences the formation of a positive external impression, fosters a culture of appearance.

The phrase “teacher image” is relatively new to pedagogical science. And in this regard, it is interesting to find out how practicing teachers and future teachers themselves understand this phrase and what they mean by its meaning. 433 people took part in the survey (teachers from Moscow schools and students of the Moscow State Pedagogical University).

The responses received from teachers and students were not fundamentally different. Both categories agree and the image of a teacher is understood as a set of qualities: appearance (50%), culture of behavior (34%), professionalism (20%), internal principles (16%), image of a teacher (15%), personal qualities ( 11%), the ability to make an impression (8%). Thus, we can say that in the public consciousness of practicing and future teachers, the image of a teacher is understood as a combination of external and internal individual, personal and professional qualities of a teacher. The individual image of a teacher is a harmonious combination of external and internal, individual, personal and professional qualities of a teacher, designed to demonstrate his desires, readiness and ability for subject-to-subject communication with participants in the educational process. We will adhere to this definition in our research. The image of a teacher, his image, is a set of qualities that people associate with a certain individuality. It is synonymous with personification, but is more generalized, since it includes both natural personality properties and specially developed, artificially created ones. Image must be considered as part of the whole structure of authority. Bringing the teacher's image to a state that corresponds to the goals of managing the educational process is an important point in the formation of the teacher's authority. Creating an attractive image of a teacher is an essential factor for building authoritative relationships. An educational psychologist is often considered by others as a symbol of an educational institution. Therefore, the positive image of a teacher is an important component of the image of a general education institution. It is inextricably linked and is a component of the overall structure of the image of a general education institution.

The image of a teacher largely depends on his teaching style. In the ancient world, style was a literary style, an individual creative manner. The concept of "style" has many meanings. The style of a teacher is usually understood as the style of his work, the style of relationships between participants in the educational process (teacher-psychologist - student, educational psychologist - educational psychologist, educational psychologist - administration), contacts with students’ parents, behavior patterns and habits of the teacher, characterized by special distinctive features. In the context of the fact that the educational psychologist is the leader of the student body, we can talk about the style of pedagogical leadership. The leadership style is expressed in the methods by which the teacher-psychologist encourages the team to take action, to proactively and creatively solve problems facing the class, and how he controls the results of activities. Typically, style is stable, but this stability is relative, since style also has a certain dynamics. The ability to be mobile in stylistic manifestations is considered as a virtue and is valued so highly by many researchers that, according to them, “the best type of leader is dynamic” and that “the ability to lead is the ability to change leadership style.” The most common classification of leadership styles is their division into authoritarian, liberal and democratic. A teacher-psychologist, adhering to an authoritarian style, single-handedly decides all issues of the life of the class, determines each specific goal based only on his own attitudes, strictly controls the solution of any problem and subjectively evaluates the results. He is characterized by a more demanding and less respectful attitude towards students. An authoritarian teacher can achieve blind obedience through dictate, pressure, and psychological pressure.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that students, as a rule, are afraid of such a teacher. Children outwardly fawn on him and at the same time reward him with offensive nicknames. In most cases, an authoritarian teacher is not trusted. Schoolchildren's resistance to teacher pressure most often leads to conflict situations.

The liberal style implements non-interference tactics, which are based on indifference and disinterest in the problems of the school and students. Such teachers formally perform their functional duties, limiting themselves only to teaching. The liberal style is characterized by a more respectful and less demanding attitude towards students. Such a teacher-psychologist does not enjoy authority among children, since schoolchildren sense his psychological weakness; he is inconsistent in his actions, scattered, and often does not bring his demands to their logical conclusion. The atmosphere in the classroom is not working, the discipline is unsatisfactory. Despite the apparent contrast between liberal and authoritarian styles, they have common features: distant relationships between the teacher and students, lack of trust between them, isolation and alienation of the teacher, and his demonstrative emphasis on his dominant position. The democratic style assumes that the educational psychologist is focused on developing student activity and involving each child in solving common problems.

The democratic style is more acceptable in the implementation of the educational process. A teacher-psychologist, who shows an equally high level of exactingness and respect for students, enjoys the trust and authority of his colleagues, his opinion is listened to, and help is often sought. The main feature of this style is mutual acceptance and mutual orientation. To form a positive image, the teacher must have a democratic style of interaction with students, create a “major” psychological climate in the classroom and encourage openness and trust among students. We have already said that all components of the image structure are interconnected and complementary. Thus, despite the fact that the teacher’s style of activity is part of the professional component, it also reveals personal qualities, refracted to a certain extent through the prism of the characteristics and needs of the team he leads; general and professional culture, reflecting general and professional value orientations; characteristics of character and temperament. The psychological personality type of a teacher also acts as a condition for a professional style of activity. A teacher’s style of activity is largely characterized by relationships with students. The style of relationships largely develops subconsciously and gradually, but this does not mean that the style is formed spontaneously. The process of developing an activity style should be considered as a complex process that lasts quite a long time. In addition, this or that leadership style in its pure form is rare.

In real teaching practice, “mixed” styles most often occur. Pedagogical technology also needs to be considered as a structural unit of the professional component of the overall structure of the teacher’s image.

Pedagogical technology refers to the means of expressive influence in solving a wide variety of problems of teaching and upbringing; it should be considered as one of the components of pedagogical technology, acting as a set of skills for using one’s psychophysiological apparatus as an instrument of influence. But the entire professional component of a teacher’s image is permeated with personal content: culture, values, and character - everything is reflected in the professional component.


Thus, in pedagogy, as well as in a number of other sciences, “image” received its well-deserved recognition. The appearance of a teacher in the halo of a person creating his own image allowed us to talk about the emergence of a new branch of imageology - pedagogical imageology. In the generally accepted and our view, the image of a teacher is an expressively colored stereotype of the feeling of the image of a teacher in the minds of a group of students, colleagues, the social environment, and in the mass consciousness. When forming the image of a teacher, existing qualities are organically intertwined with those properties that are attributed to others. However, pedagogical imageology is a fundamentally new branch, partly fashionable and working for the audience. Pedagogical imageology allows us to take a different look at teaching in higher educational institutions and at the teacher himself.

In modern Russian society, which has lost many of its former landmarks, the teaching profession has lost its former heights, and the need for its rehabilitation is beyond doubt. Of course, government support for the teacher is required.

Modern domestic researchers have identified a contradiction in the importance of a teacher’s personal image for students and teachers. The image of a teacher is manifested in some generalized form, which may contain the following structural components: individual characteristics, personal, communicative, activity and external behavioral. The image of a particular teacher combines individual, professional and age-related images. People around them make judgments about both the personal, age, gender, and purely professional qualities of the teacher.

Of course, creating a positive image of a teacher is not an easy task in our problematic times. Personal charm is often “worked out.” It requires a lot of work on oneself, but it brings good results: it forms positive attitudes towards the teacher of others, makes communication with him pleasant and comfortable.

The teacher's appearance, of course, can create a working or non-working mood in the lesson, promote or hinder mutual understanding, facilitating or complicating pedagogical communication.


1. Wilson G. Sign language - the path to success - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Peter", 2006. - 224 p.

2. Dal V.I. Illustrated explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. - M.: Eksmo, 2007 - 896 p.

3. Kapustina Z. Image of a modern teacher // M.: Teacher. - 2006 - No. 1.- 298 pp..

4. Ovodova A.G. The image of a modern teacher // M.: Elementary school plus before and after. - 2004 - No. 5. - 189 p.

5. Perelygina E.B. Psychology of image: Proc. allowance / E.B. Perelygina. - M.: Aspect Press, 2002. - 223 p.

6. Yakovlev S. Image of a teacher: what should he be like? On the style of pedagogical relationships with students. // M.: Teacher. - 2008. - No. 1. - 234 p.

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