Inflammation of the patellar ligament. Inflammation of the ligaments of the knee joint. Side leg raise

After injuries, severe physical activity or various diseases of the knee joint, the ligaments and tendons that attach the patella often become inflamed. This disease is called knee tendinitis. Tendons are most often affected where they attach to bones.

Features of knee tendonitis

The inflammation mainly affects the ligaments that help to straighten the leg. They are located at the bottom of the patella and are attached to the tibia. The disease develops due to microtrauma of the ligaments. Due to heavy physical activity, small tendon ruptures occur. If they do not have time to recover, they become inflamed.

There is acute tendonitis of the knee joint, which develops as a result of injury or infection of the ligaments. If there is salt deposits in the joint, a chronic form of the disease occurs. The disease may be accompanied by bursitis - inflammation of the joint, tendinosis - inflammation of the surrounding soft tissues. Due to the inflammatory process, the strength of the ligament decreases as the disease progresses, so with any careless movement it can tear.

Why does tendonitis develop?

The disease can affect a variety of people, regardless of age and gender. But most often, athletes who constantly expose their knee to increased physical activity suffer from inflammation. Therefore, the joint affected by tendonitis is also called “jumper’s knee.” But inflammation can also develop for other reasons:

  • due to infectious diseases, fungal or helminth damage;
  • due to rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease or diabetes;
  • due to salt deposits and gout;
  • as an allergic reaction to certain medications;
  • due to poor posture, wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • degenerative changes in the joint that occur with age.

Pain first appears with increased physical activity

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of knee tendinitis is pain. In most cases, the disease goes through several stages. At first, pain appears only after heavy exertion, then after any work or even walking. It is especially noticeable when extending the leg: while climbing stairs or standing up. At the last stage, the pain becomes more severe and bothers the patient even at rest.

In addition to this symptom, the presence of the disease can be judged by other signs:

  • there is a restriction in joint mobility;
  • the knee is swollen, red, hot to the touch;
  • painful sensations occur when touched;
  • Creaking noises are heard when moving the knee joint.

Diagnostic methods

To prescribe the correct treatment, it is important to accurately determine the cause of inflammation, the stage and nature of the disease. For this, in addition to an external examination, the doctor prescribes various examination methods:

  • Ultrasound helps determine changes in the structure or length of the ligaments;
  • CT and MRI identify cases where surgical intervention is necessary if degenerative changes in the ligaments have begun;
  • X-rays can determine the presence of concomitant diseases: arthritis, arthrosis or gout;
  • Laboratory tests are also prescribed to determine if inflammation occurs due to infection or autoimmune diseases.

It is necessary to distinguish the disease from arthritis, with which it has similar symptoms. But with arthritis, the pain is constant, diffuse. Tendinitis causes localized pain, mainly with movement.

Drug injections help relieve pain and inflammation

Treatment of tendinitis

The modern level of development of medicine makes it possible to completely cure inflammation of the ligaments without serious consequences. But for this you need to consult a doctor in time and follow all his recommendations. Treatment of tendinitis in the first stages of its development can be achieved by the following methods:

  • immobilization of the limb and reduction of the load on the joint;
  • drug therapy;
  • physical therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • folk remedies.

Load reduction

In the acute stage of the inflammatory process and severe pain, immobilization of the knee is necessary for some time. To reduce the load on the patellar ligaments, taping, wearing special orthoses or casting are used. This helps relieve pain and prevent ligament damage. In the initial stages of the disease, it is enough to limit running, jumping, not kneeling, and less often climbing stairs.

Physiotherapeutic techniques are often used in the treatment of tendonitis

Drug treatment

Medicines help relieve pain and reduce inflammation, but this is only an auxiliary treatment method. The most commonly prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are: Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Piroxicam, Indomethacin. They can be used in the form of tablets, injections or ointments.

If after two weeks of therapy there is no improvement, more serious drugs are used - corticosteroids. In severe cases of the disease, the introduction of platelet-rich plasma can be used. This promotes faster regeneration of tendon tissue.

In case of infectious tendinitis, the use of antibacterial drugs is indicated.

Folk remedies

Such methods are used as adjuvant treatment. This can be ingestion of various decoctions or tinctures, compresses or applications to the joint area. After consulting with your doctor, you can use the following remedies:

  • drink a decoction of bird cherry berries;
  • alcohol infusion of walnut partitions;
  • use curcumin and ginger regularly as food seasonings;
  • make compresses with aloe juice;
  • applications from fresh ginger infusion;
  • Contrast procedures are useful: massage with ice cubes, and then warming the joint with a bag of salt.

It must be remembered that heating and compresses are done only if there is no redness or swelling of the joint, and it is not hot to the touch.

Special exercises are needed to restore ligament mobility

Special exercises that strengthen muscles and ligaments are effective. Most of them should be aimed at stretching the quadriceps muscle. Yoga classes under the guidance of an instructor and swimming are very effective. The following exercises are useful:

  • muscle stretching;
  • raising legs from a lying position;
  • swing your legs with resistance;
  • walking on a treadmill;
  • squeezing the ball with your knees.

It is very important that the increase in intensity of exercise is gradual. A return to normal activities, especially for athletes, is possible only after the complete disappearance of pain and inflammation.

It is important to avoid heavy loads and give your knees rest when playing sports.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Most often, massage is prescribed for knee tendonitis. It effectively relieves pain, helps heal and restore ligaments. In addition, the doctor may prescribe iontophoresis, UHF, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, and paraffin baths. But warming procedures are contraindicated for rheumatoid arthritis, so they are used only after an accurate diagnosis of the causes of the disease.

Surgical intervention

It is necessary at the last stage of the disease, when a tear or complete rupture of the ligament has occurred. The operation also helps to remove cysts, eliminate vasoconstriction and other degenerative changes in the tissues of the knee. Tendon length correction is often performed to help restore quadriceps function. Rehabilitation after surgery is long; the patient can return to normal life in 3-4 months.

Preventing tendinitis

Treatment of ligament inflammation takes a long time, pain interferes with the normal course of life, and complications can lead to disability. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to prevent the development of tendonitis. To do this, you need to protect the knee joint from excessive and monotonous loads, and periodically give the muscles and ligaments rest when playing sports.

Athletes and people who perform monotonous leg movements or stay in one position for a long time are at risk for tendinitis. To prevent tendon inflammation, it is important to dose physical activity. If you experience knee pain, you should consult a doctor so that treatment can begin on time. Then after 1-2 months the functionality of the knee will be restored.

Tendinitis of the patellar tendon is a diagnosis that inspires fear in many patients. The patellar ligament (Patellae proprium) is an important participant in the movement process, responsible for straightening the leg at the knee joint. Anatomically, this fibrous structure is attached to the tibial tuberosity on one side and to the lower edge of the patella on the other.

Etiology of tendinitis

Doctors from the field of sports medicine know Patellae proprium, since this injury accompanies professionals in sports and is called “jumper’s knee”. Chronic loads on the knee area during long-term training are typical for such types of movement as intense running, jumping, and sudden acceleration and braking. These “provocateurs” of inflammation are inherent in the following sports areas:

  • football;
  • cycling;
  • sprint;
  • tennis;
  • volleyball;
  • boxing;
  • basketball.

Factors contributing to the development of pathology:

  1. Flat feet, in which the foot “falls” inward, increases the tension of the ligament due to the “twisting” of the lower leg.
  2. Insufficient shock-absorbing properties of the surface where training takes place.

The second risk group for tendonitis is elderly people who may develop a degenerative process in the osteoligamentous apparatus of the knee. Increasing age of patients leads to the following changes in Patellae proprium:

  • a decrease in its flexibility;
  • elasticity;
  • decreased ability to adequately respond to stress.

As a result of minor household injuries, microcracks may appear. Microtrauma to the ligament against the background of metabolic disorders and concomitant joint diseases quickly turns into inflammation with a predominance of degenerative changes.

It should be noted that the term “elderly people” in relation to Patellae proprium tendinitis is determined not so much by age as by the condition of the articular and ligamentous apparatus. If the biological age is ahead of the actual age, then tendinitis is very likely to occur in people starting from 45 years of age.

Tendinitis Patellae proprium manifests itself primarily as pain. Patients complain that the knee pad hurts and the knee aches. Pain sensations are most often localized in the apex, less often in the area of ​​the tibial tuberosity.

The development of the disease undergoes three stages:

  1. At first, the pain is almost unnoticeable, provoked by heavy loads on the knee joint, often in the evening, activity is preserved.
  2. The pain appears with normal activity.
  3. Pain can occur even at rest.

If pain occurs along the entire patellar ligament, accompanied by tissue swelling, this is a likely sign of tendovaginitis. Patients also complain of joint stiffness and weakness in the knee.

Important! Patellar tendonitis is often complicated by rupture.


A history of the disease, taking into account the patient’s profession, helps the specialist to suspect inflammation of the patellar ligament at the very beginning of the examination. Instrumental diagnostic methods that are used to determine the diagnosis:

  1. X-ray in frontal and lateral projections - to identify fractures and foci of calcification in the Patellae proprium.
  2. MRI – helps to exclude damage to other soft structures of the knee joint (menisci).
  3. Ultrasound examination - to detect ligament compaction, signs of degeneration, ruptures.

Palpation examination of the areas of fixation Patellae proprium reveals pain. Extending the knee against resistance also causes pain.

Conservative therapy

In the first, second stage and at the initial stage of the third stage, as a rule, damaged structures respond well to the following conservative methods of therapy:

  1. Cooling the damaged area with ice (compresses).
  2. Limiting sudden movements, reducing any stress on the ligament.
  3. Developing and following a quadriceps strengthening program.
  4. Massage.
  5. Physiotherapy.
  6. The use of orthoses (special bandages), taping.

Kinesio taping involves the use of special adhesive tapes, which are glued to the damaged area in different ways, relieving the Patellae proprium.

A course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs do not affect the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of the disease, but can relieve symptoms. The duration of use should not exceed seven days. In elderly patients with concomitant diseases of the digestive tract, before using NSAIDs, it is necessary to evaluate the possible benefits of taking them and the risks of damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

Surgical treatment

Methods of surgical treatment of tendinitis can be different, it all depends on the extent of the injury.


If conservative treatment is ineffective or the ligament has already ruptured, the damaged tissue is removed. More often, an arthroscopic technique is used for this as a minimally invasive method, less often - open access. The choice of approach is determined by which area of ​​the ligament is damaged.

For example, the formation of cysts in the thickness of the ligament is an indication for open surgery. Open surgery compared to the endoscopic technique is a more traumatic method, leading to an increase in the recovery period.


It is possible to provoke the restoration of one’s own tissues by performing curettage (curettage) of the lower part of the patella. In addition, the following manipulations are prescribed:

  1. A frequent intervention is resection of the lower edge of the patella to eliminate ligament entrapment.
  2. It is also possible to excise the ligament - partial or wide, after which the edges of the ligament are fixed.

Carrying out these surgical interventions, unfortunately, does not always allow you to effectively treat the patient: in the future, relapse of the disease is possible and.

Important! Timely reconstruction can completely restore the function of the quadriceps (quadriceps femoris muscle). Delaying surgery by a month significantly reduces the likelihood of a successful outcome.


Diseases of the patellar ligament can be avoided if the following conditions are constantly met:

  1. Physical activity can only be increased and decreased gradually.
  2. Before performing physical exercises, it is necessary to “warm up” the joints and ligaments.
  3. Choose the “right” places to play sports and the “right” training methods.
  4. Balanced work and rest regime.
  5. Harmonious load on all joints, eliminating long monotonous repetitions of movements in one joint.

Timely treatment of concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system and a healthy lifestyle are also preventive methods.

Our knees can bend and straighten so easily thanks to the complex articular-cartilaginous articulation. And the so-called patellar ligament is rightfully considered the “main character” here. It helps make walking smoother and regulates the movement of the knee joint.

Tendinitis in this case manifests itself first as acute inflammatory process, which subsequently leads to degeneration of the patellar ligament. The disease is quite difficult to treat, so it is important to get it diagnosed in a timely manner.

Causes of the disease

There is another name for this disease - "jumper's knee". From here it is easy to guess about the factors that provoke its appearance. So, the causes of this disease include:

  • Frequent injuries, dislocations and sprains.
  • Excessive stress on the knee joint.
  • Incorrect load distribution.
  • Active sports (especially football, basketball, tennis and volleyball).
  • Last trimester of pregnancy.

Also, tendinitis of the patellar tendon can occur due to old age.

Why is it dangerous?

Like all diseases of the musculoskeletal system, this disease requires immediate medical intervention. Ignoring its symptoms can lead to quite serious consequences, including disability.

In the early stages, the disease can still be overcome, but then irreversible degeneration of the patellar ligament occurs.

If pain of any intensity appears in the knee area, you should immediately seek medical help.


Only an experienced doctor can make a correct diagnosis. Unfortunately, the symptoms of patellar tendonitis are similar to other diseases.

At the initial stage, many do not pay attention to periodic aching pain in the knee. However, it is from this point that the development of the disease “starts”. As a rule, pain occurs only after physical activity and subsides at rest. Sometimes stiffness of the joint may occur, which also goes away after a short time.

Further, the pain intensifies and motor dysfunction of the affected area becomes involved: it becomes difficult to straighten and bend the knee. It's like something is bothering him. In later stages, the patient suffers from constant pain that does not depend on physical activity.


Any diagnosis begins with interviewing the patient. Regarding the disease described, a special place is given to the survey and palpation. During the interview, the doctor will certainly ask about the patient’s occupation. And if his profession is related to sports, then tendonitis of the patellar ligament will be the leading expected diagnosis. In this case, the doctor will carefully probe the sore spot in order to exclude alternative diagnoses.

To obtain a more complete clinical picture of the disease, each treating specialist prescribes additional examinations:

  1. X-ray.

Laboratory testing of blood and urine may also be required.

Only after receiving the results of the studies completed, the doctor will be able to determine the diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.

Correct treatment

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the stage of the disease at which it began. So, at an early stage, when the ligament is not yet subject to a degenerative process, conservative treatment is quite sufficient.

The basis of treatment in this case is deep heating of the affected area and applying ointments based on comfrey or larkspur extract. It is recommended to apply dry ice as a decongestant.

  1. Magnetotherapy.
  2. Electrophoresis.

The duration of such treatment directly depends on the severity of the patient’s condition.

In advanced situations, in the presence of significant degradation of the patellar ligament, only surgery. It is performed using an arthroscope. The instrument is inserted into the affected area and removes the damaged areas, and sometimes the entire patella.

The surgical method is the only way out of the situation when tendinitis of the patellar tendon is combined with the formation of an extensive cyst.

Usually after 2-3 months the patient can begin to live as usual.


Preventive measures to help avoid patellar tendonitis are extremely simple. It is necessary to ensure the correct distribution of loads during sports, as well as do not overload your joints and ligaments. If there is weakness in the knee joint, you must wear an elastic bandage. This is the best prevention of wear of the patellar ligament.

After vigorous physical activity, you should always arrange “fasting days,” during which you should visit a bathhouse, a swimming pool, or simply take a bath with sea salt.

Any training should be carried out under the close supervision of a specialist.

Consequences and complications

Tendonitis of the patellar tendon, left without medical attention, leads to a whole range of serious complications. First, widespread inflammation begins, which over time spreads to neighboring areas.

This process in some cases can provoke temperature jump. If the inflammation is not extinguished, then cysts may appear on the affected area over time. In this case, immediate surgical treatment is required.

In the later stages, this disease can lead to complete degeneration of the ligament, its rupture and, as a consequence, disability.

Many people experience inflammation of the tendon that connects the tibia and the patella. This indicates tendonitis of the patellar tendon. A person feels stiffness when bending and straightening the leg. It will be difficult to play football, ride a bike or just walk. You can get rid of the disease through timely detection and taking effective measures.


Patellar tendonitis - what is it? This is a common illness among athletes. It is more often observed in sports where you need to run and jump, as they place an eccentric load on the patellar ligament.

In the onset of the disease, not only the type of sport matters, but also the person’s age. Chronic tendonitis occurs due to a variety of causes, including overuse syndrome, repeated minor injuries, secondary sprains, age-related changes and poor circulation.

According to the international classification of diseases ICD-10, tendonitis of the patellar tendon is coded M76.5. Designations are used in the medical field all over the world. The ICD-10 code for patellar tendonitis is used to complete documentation.


Doctors consider injuries and age to be the main factor in the development of tendonitis of the patellar tendon. with regular microtraumas, which usually happens in athletes and people engaged in complex physical labor that puts stress on the knees. Due to sprains, bruises, and dislocations, inflammation appears on the leg, which leads to tendinitis of the patellar tendon.

Deformation and destruction of the patellar ligament occur over time. With age, the body becomes weak and unable to eliminate inflammation on its own. The appearance of tendon disease with weak immunity occurs in pregnant women.


The disease can be identified using pronounced symptoms. Tendonitis of the patellar tendon manifests itself as pain in the knee area, which usually increases as the load on the legs increases. In order not to confuse the symptoms with the manifestation of other diseases, you need to know how the leg hurts when the front or back is damaged

Discomfort is felt when bending and straightening the leg. Movements to straighten the lower leg will be painful in the evening at the 1st stage of the disease, this disappears after rest. When ligament degeneration develops, the pain becomes intensified and is permanent. During a chronic type of disease, it is difficult to flex and extend the knee. With this disease, the temperature does not rise. Redness and slight swelling may occur in the area of ​​tendon inflammation.


There are 4 stages in the development of the disease:

  1. Pain occurs only after heavy exertion.
  2. Dull pain in the form of attacks appears in the case of standard and light loads after training or physical work.
  3. Intense pain also occurs during the rest period.
  4. The progression of the pathology causes rupture of the patellar ligaments.


The presence of tendinitis of the patellar tendon is determined after examining the knee and palpating the medial and lateral ligaments. If the diagnosis is in doubt, hardware diagnostics are used - MRI and radiography.

It is advisable to take a blood test to detect inflammation. Self-diagnosis is often erroneous and can aggravate the disease, so at the first symptoms it is advisable to consult a doctor without delay.

Treatment methods

The stage of the disease affects treatment. Symptoms of tendonitis of the patellar tendon can be eliminated with surgery, but this is performed in extreme cases. It is carried out only when the disease has become chronic, when there is a risk of disability. Conservative methods are used in the initial stages of the disease; they involve a combination of medications with physiotherapy and gymnastics.

Conservative method

Treatment of tendonitis of the patellar tendon is performed in the traditional way without the use of heavy medications. It is effective in the initial stages of the disease, when degenerative processes are still considered reversible.

You can get rid of microtraumas of the cruciate ligament with the help of rest and the use of special supports - tape tapes and elastic bandages. Deep heating and tissue restoration is performed using ointments with comfrey and mineral mud. At an advanced stage, a specialist prescribes UHF and electrophoresis of the knee, magnetic therapy. When identifying an illness at any stage, excluding chronic, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • reduce the load on the knee, reduce the intensity of training;
  • apply dry ice compresses to relieve pain and swelling;
  • use anti-inflammatory ointments, tablets that restore immunity;
  • perform physical therapy exercises, do yoga, Pilates;
  • wear supporting knee pads, bandages, and use ligament taping.


Surgical intervention is performed either in a conventional, open way or with an arthroscope. Therapy involves removing damaged tissue at the head of the patella. The doctor chooses the method of surgical intervention based on the area and nature of the degenerative processes in the ligaments. Osteophytes are removed arthroscopically, but if there is a cyst in the kneecap, the classic open surgical method is used.

After the operation, you must remain calm and undergo rehabilitation, which consists of therapeutic exercises to develop the knee, physiotherapy, and the use of medications. Recovery lasts 1-3 months. During this period, the leg should have additional support in the form of a knee brace or taping. You need to walk with the support of a cane.

Other methods

Popular methods of therapy include sanatorium-resort treatment. It involves mud and balneological treatment. Azov and Black Sea estuary muds, radon and hydrogen sulfide baths are effective.

At home, laser-ion and vibroacoustic devices are used, for example, Vitafon. Microtraumas can be cured with the help of ointments and gels for athletes, which eliminate muscle spasms and provide nutrition to joints and tendons.

Traditional medicine

Some people choose traditional treatment. For tendinitis, prescriptions will not eliminate the cause, but will help alleviate the condition, especially at the initial stage. But before using traditional medicine, you need to consult a doctor.

Various tinctures and herbal teas are used at home. For oral administration, you should use an infusion of walnut partitions. But this product is prepared in advance, as it is infused for 18 days. Because of this, it is rarely used for acute tendinitis. And in case of chronic form, take 1 tbsp vodka tincture. l. 3 times a day. The product should not be used by car drivers.

Tea made from dried bird cherry berries is also offered. This drink is presented in the form of a decoction prepared in a water bath. For 1 glass of boiling water you should take 1 tbsp. l. berries When treating an illness, you should use more turmeric seasoning, as its main component relieves pain and inflammation.

Treatment can also be performed using aloe juice compresses. It is obtained from cut leaves of the plant, which must lie in the refrigerator for 24 hours. On the 1st day after injury, 5-6 procedures should be performed, and then 1 time at night.

Using a nourishing cream, make an ointment with arnica. This relieves inflammation and relieves swelling. The cream should be applied 3 times a day. The pharmacy has ready-made ointments with this plant. An excellent result is ensured by lotions based on crushed ginger root (add 2 cups of boiling water to 2 tablespoons of raw material). Infusion is carried out for 30 minutes. Lotions should be performed 3 times a day for 10 minutes.

Compresses and contrast procedures are effective, but they can only be used in the absence of redness of the skin and increased body temperature over the affected joint. These procedures consist of alternating a light massage of ice cubes with heating using wheat grits heated in a frying pan (it is poured into a linen bag or sock). Such sessions improve blood circulation and restore tissue.


To prevent tendonitis, you should not allow overload on the knee joint and ligaments. Bruises, dislocations or sprains must be treated to the end; you should not stop therapy after eliminating the pain, otherwise the inflammation will remain deep in the tissues. As a preventative measure, a bathhouse is used; you can take baths with eucalyptus, salt and apply mud.

Physical activity should be increased and decreased gradually. Before physical exercise, you need to warm up your joints and ligaments. It is important to choose suitable places for sports and effective training methods. Equally important is the correct mode of work and rest. The load on all joints should be harmonious. Thanks to prevention, the risk of knee diseases is reduced.

Jumper's knee is a common condition that affects the ligaments and tendons of the knee joint. The pathology is predominantly found among lovers of active movement and professional athletes. It is characterized by various symptoms, and if left untreated can lead to calcification of the ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, it is advisable to treat the disease on time; for this, medications, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, surgery and traditional medicine recipes are used.

Drug therapy

Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug

As a rule, the knee joint's own patellar ligament in stages 1 and 2 of development is treated with the use of medications. Thanks to them, it is possible to prevent the serious consequences of the disease and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

The main groups of drugs prescribed for inflammation of the cruciate, medial and other ligaments and tendons of the knee are:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - used for various diseases of the ligamentous apparatus (arthritis, arthrosis, tendinosis, tendovaginitis) as prescribed by a medical specialist. Available in the form of ointments, gel, balm for external use, tablets for internal use and ampoules for injection. The main goal of these medications is to reduce inflammation, pain, swelling and prevent further progression of the pathology. The most effective and popular drugs are Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen.
  2. Glucocorticosteroids are less commonly prescribed for “jumper’s knee”, since their long-term use can lead to progression of the pathology. Hormonal drugs are used in the treatment of thickening and inflammation of the apex of the patella only when non-steroidal drugs do not provide the desired result of therapy. Glucocorticosteroids are often used for intra-articular injections.

In addition to medications, cold compresses are used for this disease, which effectively reduce pain. They are applied to the patella area for a certain period of time, especially in cases of severe pain.

Therapeutic exercises for tendonitis

Treatment of inflammation of the knee tendons must be carried out with the help of gymnastics. It is the main method of therapy and promotes the resumption of motor activity of the affected limb.

Physical education classes for tendinitis are carried out under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital setting. They are divided into courses that include several sessions of 20-30 minutes a day. The duration of gymnastics and physical activity is determined by a specialist, based on the degree of the disease, severity of symptoms and physical fitness of the patient.

To better develop the ligaments and tendons of the patella when they are stretched, resistance exercises are used to stretch the ligamentous apparatus, strengthen it and work out individual muscles of the limb and the whole body.

When performing physical therapy, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. A set of exercises should be done only after thoroughly warming up the muscles.
  2. The first training session should be educational and short.
  3. Time and load must be increased gradually.
  4. When performing physical therapy exercises, you should not rush or make sudden movements.
  5. If pain occurs during exercise, you must tell your doctor about it.

Physiotherapy for knee sprains

Knee physical therapy for tendinitis

Tenosynovitis of the knee joint also involves the use of physiotherapeutic procedures as treatment. As a rule, massage is in great demand for this disease. It helps relieve pain, inflammation, and accelerates blood circulation and metabolic processes. It is carried out in the clinic by a specific specialist.

No less effective procedures include iontophoresis, UHF, magnetic therapy and some others. They are also aimed at suppressing pronounced signs of pathology, reducing inflammation and stress on the patellar ligaments and tendons.

Manipulations associated with warming up the limb are not always used for tendonitis and require a doctor’s permission.

Taping the knee joint

Knee taping

Tendinitis of the knee joint is characterized by the fact that as a result of the disease, inflammatory processes develop and the load on the patella and nearby ligaments and tendons increases.

Therefore, the task of any medical specialist in this pathology is to reduce the load on the knee and ligamentous apparatus, thereby helping to reduce pain and further progression of the disease.

For such purposes, the taping method is widely used, which is determined by the use of special adhesive tapes that unload the ligaments and tendons.

When tendinitis develops, the following types of taping are used (see photo):

  1. Applying tape across the affected ligament.
  2. Cross-shaped gluing of tape with fixation at the bottom or top.
  3. Applying tape along the ligament below the tibial tuberosity area.
  4. Mixed taping.

Surgical treatment of the disease

Patellar tendonitis at stages 3-4 does not respond well to drug therapy, so the only way out in this case is surgery, which is performed under general anesthesia after a preliminary thorough diagnosis.

More often, for inflammatory processes of tendons and ligaments, arthroscopy is prescribed. This is a surgical intervention, as a result of which small punctures are made in the affected area, and a certain instrument is inserted, the actions of which are controlled on a computer screen. Using this procedure, it is possible to remove minor injuries to the ligamentous apparatus and growths localized at the site of the kneecap.

When cysts and other formations develop, it is necessary to perform a full-fledged open operation. The following surgical interventions are more common:

  1. Excision of the damaged ligament.
  2. Scraping the contents in the lower area of ​​the knee.
  3. Carrying out group incisions along the affected ligament.

The listed types of surgery are most preferable at stage 3 of the disease, since they can contribute to the weakening of tendons and ligaments and their rupture. At the last stage of tendinitis, plastic surgery is often performed to reconstruct the affected patella and ligaments. To do this, resection or removal of fatty formation in the knee area is performed.

Traditional methods of treatment

Cold compress to relieve inflammation

Non-traditional therapy is also widely used in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the ligamentous apparatus in the area of ​​the patella. With its help, it is possible to relieve pain, relieve inflammation and other symptoms. Traditional medicine acts as an additional method of treatment and requires mandatory medical consultation before using it.

At home, thanks to unconventional recipes, you can carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Cold and warm compresses help relieve severe symptoms and quickly suppress pain. For them, you can use ordinary water at high and low temperatures.
  2. Applications - for tendinitis, effective recipes are the use of infusions of ginger, chamomile, calendula and other medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. It is useful to drink decoctions and teas from fruits, berries and dried herbs. They help replenish vitamin deficiencies in the body and improve immune status.
  4. You can do a contrast shower for your legs and body, or just use pieces of ice to wipe the knee area.
  5. It is recommended to eat dishes made from gelatin, which increases the elasticity and strength of ligaments.

When using heat to treat tendonitis, be sure to pay attention to the appearance of the knee joint. It should not be hot to the touch and hyperemic to avoid undesirable consequences.



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