1. UR, U-rune


UR is the potential that exists within Chaos - the “space” between two opposites. In Nordic mythology, this is the space between Cosmic Fire and Cosmic Ice. This is by no means nothing. It is filled with a noumenal (unknowable) force called "ginnung" in Old Norse. The prefix ginn is similar in meaning to pre-word precede and means something that exists before the act of Creation and manifestation on any of the planes of existence. Old Norse Ginnungagap means "an unorganized life essence awaiting embodiment in form or spirit." UR is the space between two opposites, in which a magnetic force of attraction arises and enormous fusion energy is released.

Before anything can come into being, it must be charged with the intention to exist. It must be energized. UR simultaneously denotes the Unmanifested, in which something is formed, and the initiating force that makes any manifestation possible. This rune can be likened to a discharge of electrical energy that “jumps out” between the contacts of a light bulb when you turn on the light. Electric charge produces light and maintains its existence.

The light emerging from the darkness of the Unmanifested in the “beginning of beginnings” was not bright, like the light of the Sun, sharply denoting objects. It was more reminiscent of a soft, silvery moonlight, which, however, conceals incredible power.

Many rune researchers believed that UR was a symbol of a wild, now extinct, bison-like bull, or auroch, more than 2 m high at the withers, common in Europe until about the middle of the 17th century. The statutory outline really resembles the horns of an animal with its head lowered to the ground, but this is not a symbol of a bull, but of the sacred cow Audumbla, who in northern mythology was the Cosmic Mother of Creation. "Audumbla" means nurse or source of food. This runic symbol contains the potential power not of a charging bull, but of a grazing cow! Its energy is similar to the action of a pump pumping water out of deep underground wells.

So, SD is the potential inherent in the beginning of everything. It contains the seeds of the development of all things that come into existence. The artist begins work with clean slate, on which there is nothing. However, thanks to this empty space, the artist can express his ideas in visible form. From “nothing” he creates a work of art.

In lateral thinking, space can be defined as the distance between two points. Two points (or opposites) already contain the potential of space. Therefore, UR is the potential that allows things to acquire essence from “nothing”, released through movement.

Although UR is often associated with toughness or endurance, it is not raw physical power. This is a soft, powerful force that causes rain and extracts moisture from the soil so that it can again flow as life-giving rain onto the earth and give birth to new forms of life. UR itself does not have a form, but allows it to be embodied in reality. This is the vital energy present in nature before new growth begins - in the bud and seed.

The diagonal line of the UR rune can be likened to the hidden "I" - the silent subconscious essence of a person - connecting the conscious "I", represented by a vertical line, with the higher "I" of the human Soul, represented by a descending vertical line. The fourth "spirit", which is called the corporeal "I", is the essence of the physical body, which serves as a container for the other three "I", whose existence is limited to the duration of human life. The statutory outline of the UR rune means that everything can be perceived in three ways - physically, mentally and spiritually through the vessel of our body.

POTENTIAL: “Space” from which all things come into being.

KEY QUALITIES : Limitless potential, endless possibilities, renewal, release of energy, raw power, sudden change.

PRACTICAL APPLICATION : UR serves to release creative energy that brings about sudden changes. This energy precedes a new cycle of activity. Consequently, it is useful where there is a need for new ideas, fresh trends, a change of situation, a sharp rise in morale.

CALL: Have the courage to give up things you no longer need. This will open up new opportunities for you.


    Implement new ideas and translate them into everyday reality;

    Renew your vital energy and find the courage to give up everything unnecessary;

    Find inner strength to let go of the past and start over;

    Influence circumstances so that the situation develops in your favor;

    Increase your productivity;

    Strengthen your resolve and intention to assert yourself.

    Start a new business or enterprise;

    Find the courage to take the plunge;

    Feel refreshed;

    Become more independent.


Promotion. New conditions. Health. Persistence. Excerpt. Saving. Security. Physical strength.


Uruz (Ur), Ur - U rune – The beginning of everything.

“First” comes the U rune, UR, since at the beginning of all things there was a great primary Chaos, which the northern peoples called Ginnungagap, which was the “space” between two “extremes or opposites: Fire and Ice, Yin and Yang. UR symbolizes Chaos, the primary material of creation. The outline of the rune resembles the horns of a cow, lowered down when it grazes in a meadow. This rune is also the symbol of the sacred mythological cow Audumbla - which means "nurse" - a powerful, primal creative force created from the first mixture of Cosmic Fire and Ice, Yin and Yang. According to the myth, in the “womb” of Ginnungagap a bisexual giant was born, named Umr and fed with the milk of Audumbla. This act symbolizes the alchemical process of evaporation, condensation and purification; this is how UR power works

U rune, UR is the potential that exists within Chaos - the “space” between two opposites. In Nordic mythology it is the "space" between Cosmic Fire and Cosmic Ice. This is by no means “nothing” as we might assume. It is filled with a noumenal (unknowable) force called ginnung in Old Norse. The prefix ginn is similar in meaning to pre in the word “precede” and means something that exists before the act of creation and manifestation on any of the planes of existence. The Old Norse word Ginnungagap means "an unorganized life essence awaiting embodiment in form or spirit." UR is the potential energy of this entity. UR is the “space” between two opposites, in which a magnetic force of attraction arises and enormous fusion energy is released.
Before anything can come into being, it must be charged with the intention to exist. It needs to be energized. UR simultaneously denotes the Unmanifested, in which something is formed, and the initiating force that makes any manifestation possible. This rune can be likened to a discharge of electrical energy that “jumps out” between the contacts of a light bulb when you turn on the light. The electrical charge moves quickly back and forth, producing light and keeping it alive.
The light that emerged from the darkness of the Unmanifested in the “beginning of beginnings” was not bright, like the light of the sun, which sharply denotes objects. It was more reminiscent of a soft, silvery moonlight, which, however, conceals incredible power. For example, behind the pale light of the Moon there is a powerful force that moves huge masses of water in the oceans and regulates the cyclical course of life of all earthly creatures.
Many rune researchers believed that UR was a symbol of the wild, now extinct bison-like bull, or auroch, over two meters high at the withers, common in Northern Europe until about the middle of the 17th century. This assumption arose from a misunderstanding of oral tradition. The statutory outline resembles the horns of an animal with its head lowered to the ground, but this is not a symbol of a bull, but of the sacred cow Audumbla, who in northern mythology was the Cosmic Mother of Creation. "Audumbla" means "nurse" or source of food. This runic symbol contains the potential power not of an attacking bull, but of a grazing cow! Its energy is similar to the action of a pump pumping water out of deep underground wells.
The comparison with auroch has another meaning. For the American Indians, the bull was a totem of the Great Spirit - “He from whom everything else comes.” The bull provided meat for food, tendons for cords and threads, bones for various tools, leather for making clothes and wigwams. The bull's skull in the center of the Witch Doctor's Wheel represented the manifestation of the Great Spirit. Aurokh had a similar meaning to the ancient peoples of Northern Europe.
So, SD is the potential inherent in the beginning of everything. It contains the seeds of the development of all things that come into existence. The artist begins work with a blank canvas or a white sheet with nothing on it. It's just "space". However, thanks to this empty space, the artist can express his ideas in visible form. From “nothing” he creates a work of art.
In lateral thinking, space can be defined as the distance between two points. Two points (or opposites) already contain the concept of space! Therefore, UR is the potential that allows things to acquire essence from “nothing”, released through movement.
Although UR is often associated with toughness or endurance, it is not raw physical power. This is a soft but powerful force that causes rain and extracts moisture from the soil so that it can again fall on the earth as life-giving rain and give birth to new forms of life. SD itself does not have a form, but allows it to be embodied in reality. This is the vital energy present in nature before new growth begins - in the bud and seed.
The diagonal line of the UR rune can be likened to the hidden self - the silent subconscious essence of a person - connecting the conscious self, represented by an ascending vertical line, with the higher self of the human Soul, represented by a descending vertical line. The fourth "spirit", which I call the bodily "I", is the essence of the physical body, which serves as a container for the three other "I", whose existence is limited to the duration of human life. The statutory outline of the UR rune means that everything can be perceived in three ways - physically, mentally and spiritually - through the “vessel” of our body.

POTENTIAL: “Space” from which all things come into being.
KEY QUALITIES: Limitless potential, endless possibilities, renewal, release of energy, raw power, sudden change.
PRACTICAL APPLICATION: UR serves to release creative energy that brings about sudden changes. This energy precedes a new cycle of activity. Consequently, it is useful where there is a need for new ideas, fresh trends, a change of situation, a sharp rise in morale.
CALL: Have the courage to give up things you no longer need. This will open up new opportunities for you.

Rune in combinations. Surrounded by negative runes


Ur is the potential that exists within Chaos - the “space” between two opposites, in which a magnetic force of attraction arises and a huge energy of fusion is released.

This rune can be likened to a discharge of electrical energy “jumping out” between the contacts light bulb when you turn on the light. The electrical charge moves quickly back and forth, producing light and keeping it alive.
The light that emerged from the darkness of the Unmanifested in the “beginning of beginnings” was not bright, like the light of the sun, which sharply denotes objects. It was more reminiscent of a soft, silvery moonlight, which, however, conceals incredible power. For example, behind the pale light of the Moon there is a powerful force that moves huge masses of water in the oceans and regulates the cyclical course of life of all earthly creatures.

Ur is the potential inherent in the beginning of everything. It contains the seeds of the development of all things that come into existence. The artist begins work with a blank canvas or white sheet, on which there is nothing. It's just "space". However, thanks to this empty space, the artist can express his ideas in visible form. From “nothing” he creates a work of art. It is the potential that allows things to acquire essence from "nothing", released through movement.
Although Ur is often associated with strength or endurance, it is not raw physical power. This is a soft but powerful force that causes rain and extracts moisture from the soil so that it can again fall on the earth as life-giving rain and give birth to new forms of life. Ur itself has no form, but allows it to be embodied in reality. This is the vital energy present in nature before new growth begins - in the bud and seed.

POTENTIAL:"Space" from which all things come into being.
KEY QUALITIES: Limitless potential, endless possibilities, renewal, release of energy, unbridled power, sudden change.
PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Ur serves to release creative energy that brings about sudden changes. This energy precedes a new cycle of activity. Consequently, it is useful where there is a need for new ideas, fresh trends, a change of situation, a sharp rise in morale.
CALL: Have the courage to give up things you no longer need. This will open up new opportunities for you.

The rune can help you:
- implement your ideas, translate them into everyday reality;
- renew vital energy and find the courage to give up everything unnecessary;
- gain inner strength to part with the past and start over;
- influence circumstances so that situations develop in your favor;
- increase your productivity;
- strengthen your determination and intention to assert yourself.

The Ur rune strengthens the spirit, gives men strength and women attractiveness. Awakens the best feelings in a person. They use it to win or restore friendship and love. Gender doesn't matter. You can restore friendships with an entire group of people or get a group of people on your side.

Positive development and changes in life. You must act energetically, as you will have to take on greater responsibility and prove your abilities in practice.

You must act decisively and put in some effort.

Here and Now Consciousness speaks
Considering its own activities, the mind always compares and judges: “This is good, this is bad, this is something else.” This comparison is not an observation.

“First” comes the U-rune, UR, since at the beginning of all things there was a great primary Chaos, which the northern peoples called Ginnungagap, which was the “space” between two extremes or opposites: Fire and Ice, Yin and Yang. UR symbolizes Chaos, the primary material of creation. The outline of the rune resembles the horns of a cow, lowered down when it grazes in a meadow. This rune is also the symbol of the sacred mythological cow Audumbla - which means "nurse" - a powerful, primal creative force created from the first mixture of Cosmic Fire and Ice, Yin and Yang. According to the myth, in the “womb” of Ginnungagap a bisexual giant was born, named Umr and fed with the milk of Audumbla. This act symbolizes the alchemical process of evaporation, condensation and purification; This is how the power of UR works.


Promotion. New conditions. Health. Persistence. Excerpt. Saving. Security. Physical strength.

The U-rune, UR, is the potential that exists within Chaos - the “space” between two opposites. In Nordic mythology this is the "space" between Cosmic Fire and Space Ice. This is by no means "nothing" as we might assume. It is filled with a noumenal (unknowable) force called ginnung in Old Norse. The prefix ginn is similar in meaning to “pre-” in the word “precede” and means something that exists before the act of creation and manifestation on any of the planes of existence. The Old Norse word Ginnungagap means "an unorganized life essence awaiting embodiment in form or spirit." UR is the potential energy of this entity. UR is the “space” between two opposites, in which a magnetic force of attraction arises and enormous fusion energy is released.

Before anything can come into being, it must be charged with the intention to exist. It needs to be energized. UR simultaneously denotes the Unmanifested, in which something is formed, and the initiating force that makes any manifestation possible. This rune can be likened to a discharge of electrical energy that “jumps out” between the contacts of a light bulb when you turn on the light. The electrical charge moves quickly back and forth, producing light and keeping it alive.

The light that emerged from the darkness of the Unmanifested in the “beginning of beginnings” was not bright, like the light of the sun, which sharply denotes objects. It was more reminiscent of a soft, silvery moonlight, which, however, conceals incredible power. For example, behind the pale light of the Moon there is a powerful force that moves huge masses of water in the oceans and regulates the cyclical course of life of all earthly creatures.

Many rune researchers believed that UR was a symbol of the wild, now extinct bison-like bull, or auroch, over two meters high at the withers, common in Northern Europe until about the middle of the 17th century. This assumption arose from a misunderstanding of oral tradition. The statutory outline resembles the horns of an animal with its head lowered to the ground, but this is not a symbol of a bull, but of the sacred cow Audumbla, who in northern mythology was the Cosmic Mother of Creation. "Audumbla" means "nurse" or source of food. This runic symbol contains the potential power not of an attacking bull, but of a grazing cow! Its energy is similar to the action of a pump pumping water out of deep underground wells.

The comparison with auroch has another meaning. For the American Indians, the bull was a totem of the Great Spirit - "He from whom everything else comes." The bull provided meat for food, tendons for cords and threads, bones for various tools, leather for making clothes and wigwams. The bull's skull in the center of the Witch Doctor's Wheel represented the manifestation of the Great Spirit. Aurokh had a similar meaning to the ancient peoples of Northern Europe.

So, SD is the potential inherent in the beginning of everything. It contains the seeds of the development of all things that come into existence. The artist begins work with a blank canvas or a white sheet with nothing on it. It's just "space". However, thanks to this empty space, the artist can express his ideas in visible form. From “nothing” he creates a work of art.

In lateral thinking, space can be defined as the distance between two points. Two points (or opposites) already contain the concept of space! Therefore, UR is the potential that allows things to acquire essence from “nothing”, released through movement.

Although UR is often associated with toughness or endurance, it is not raw physical power. This is a soft but powerful force that causes rain and extracts moisture from the soil so that it can again fall on the earth as life-giving rain and give birth to new forms of life. SD itself does not have a form, but allows it to be embodied in reality. This is the vital energy present in nature before new growth begins - in the bud and seed.

The diagonal line of the UR rune can be likened to the hidden self - the silent subconscious essence of man - connecting the conscious self, represented by an ascending vertical line, with the higher self of the human Soul, represented by a descending vertical line. The fourth "spirit", which I call the corporeal self, is the essence of the physical body, which serves as a container for the three other selves, whose existence is limited to the duration of human life. The statutory outline of the UR rune means that everything can be perceived in three ways - physically, mentally and spiritually - through the “vessel” of our body.

POTENTIAL: "Space" from which all things come into being.
KEY QUALITIES: Limitless potential, endless possibilities, renewal, release of energy, raw power, sudden change.
PRACTICAL APPLICATION: UR serves to release creative energy that brings about sudden changes. This energy precedes a new cycle of activity. Consequently, it is useful where there is a need for new ideas, fresh trends, a change of situation, a sharp rise in morale.
CHALLENGE: Have the courage to give up things you no longer need. This will open up new opportunities for you.

U-rune can help you:



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