Congratulations on Olga's Angel Day. Angel Olga's Day: sincere congratulations in prose and poetry

The church celebrates Princess Olga's Day on July 24. Today is the name day of all women who bear this name. A selection of poetic congratulations will greatly simplify the process of preparing for the Day of the Angel of all women named Olga.

Princess Olga was baptized long before Christianity became the official religion of the entire state. She brutally took revenge for the murder of her husband, Prince Igor, and directed all her strength to serving the state.

In Constantinople she was baptized, receiving the name Helen. Subsequently, her grandson, Prince Vladimir, was destined to baptize all of Rus', and he himself accepted the Orthodox faith, following the example of his grandmother. She was a wise ruler who dedicated her life to serving Kievan Rus. She was canonized in 1547.

On July 24, congratulations on Angel Day are accepted by all women who are lucky enough to bear the proud name Olga.

Happy Olga's Day - the beautiful princess!
Be wise, beautiful and powerful.
Let your decisions in life
All will be true, without a doubt.

Let the men look with delight,
It's as if you yourself are a princess.
And let your main wealth
It will be women's happiness.

Let us honor the memory of Olga, Grand Duchess.
She is not forgotten, she has not become faceless.
Because she created culture
Yes, she erected temples to preserve the faith,
Rus' canonized Olga as a Saint.
And we wish you in our prayers
Always praise the benefactress,
Remember her and honor her.
Beautiful and pure faith to you throughout the ages,
Various miracles - in reality and in dreams.
We have a protector in heaven.

Sacred, great,
And not at all faceless.
Serious, vulnerable,
And guarded by an angel.

On the day of bright Olga,
Despite all the troubles,
I wish you to be happy
Healthy and beautiful!

Congratulations to all Olgas on Angel Day

The name Olga has Scandinavian roots and means “sacred.” The Varangian version is Helga or Helgda.

All Olgas are very pleasant to talk to, distinguished by enviable femininity, know how to take care of themselves, and dress beautifully. At the same time, they will not miss the opportunity to wash the bones of their girlfriends, but they do this not out of malice, but simply to keep the conversation going.

First love is for these girls great value, although it does not end with marriage. Olga endures this failure for a very long time, comparing subsequent men with this secret standard. For this reason, marriage is often late.

Olya likes to go to the cinema, spend time in noisy companies. They enjoy receiving compliments. And it will be especially helpful nice words on Angel's Day.

Olechka, Olya, less sadness,
Today is your angel's day.
You were called by this name in childhood,
Your character determined this choice.

Olgas are usually very stubborn,
But they achieve everything in life.
Independent from anyone, directly
They go towards their goal, obstacles out of spite.

Above all, be happy always.
We appreciate you, you are our star!
May the angel protect you from misfortunes,
Let happiness follow you on your heels.

I wish that an angel would protect you from misfortunes.
And in life success came easily.
And every day would be illuminated with happiness.
Trouble and worries are far away.

Apparently, they named you Olya for a reason.
You are very stubborn, but that is why you are strong.
On Olga's Day, I wish to get away from sadness.
And drink your joy to the very bottom!

Olga, today is your day,
May joy be with you!
Never shed tears
Smile more cheerfully.

Let life protect you
God will light a fire in your soul.
Let the fear and pain disappear
Open your heart to happiness!

>July 24 at Orthodox calendar marked as the day of remembrance of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga. Not everyone can boast of knowing the life story of this woman. After her husband, Prince Igor, was killed by the Drevlyans, the princely title in Rus' passed to Olga. She remained in the chronicles as one of the greatest rulers of the ancient Russian state, the creator of many aspects of the political and cultural life of the state. In 954, Olga went on a pilgrimage to the capital of neighboring Byzantium, Constantinople. There she was struck by the splendor of the locals Orthodox churches. Impressed by what she saw, she decided to accept this religion. Upon her return, she began to popularize the new religion in Rus' in every possible way. After her death in 969, her relics remained in storage in the Kyiv Church of the Tithes. The date we celebrate the Day of St. Princess Olga is July 24.

Holy Equal to the Apostles Princess,
Received baptism on our land,
She was the first to start building temples,
She lived with faith in God.
Let her be the patroness of all Olgas,
She will be a healer for all the sick,
May the holy name bless you,
May there be many good days in your life.

From history we remember how in other times,
Princess Olga took revenge for her native lands,
She set a good example
And all of Rus' entered Orthodoxy.
On this day we pray,
We glorify the Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess,
May the temples that she built
All Orthodox Christians are always called to you.

We honor the memory of Princess Olga,
She was the leader of all Rus',
And churches in Pskov, Vitebsk and Kyiv,
They always remind you of a great woman.
Let's remember with prayer today,
Saint Olga and her deeds,
For how she took revenge on all the Drevlyans,
We will always remember.

Princess Olga was a great woman,
The memory of her is still preserved by the Russian land,
She spread Christianity in Rus',
And she called everyone to faith.
We honor the memory of the wise ruler,
We always glorify her in our prayers,
That Rus' entered Orthodoxy,
A huge credit to the princess and her strength.

At baptism, Olga took the name Elena,
She introduced all of Mother Russia to Christianity,
She was canonized,
She conducted state affairs with dignity.
May Olga be lucky to everyone today,
Let happiness flow to them like a river,
May fate be favorable
May the Lord always protect you from troubles.

Today we celebrate the Orthodox holiday,
We glorify the wise Princess Olga in prayers,
We remember how a widow ruled the state,
How cunningly she dealt with the Drevlyans.
The memory of you is always alive,
You are a holy woman for everyone, princess,
May the skies turn blue on such a day,
And faith in our souls will be illuminated.

Today is the feast of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess,
We still remember Olga’s courage and wisdom,
The widow skillfully ruled the state,
We always call her holy.
Keep the princess's commandments,
Always glorify Mother Russia,
Live correctly, honestly and beautifully,
May God grant you happiness, health and strength.

Saint Princess Day, Olga's holiday,
I want us to be happy
And we learned to distinguish evil from truth,
And they could strengthen their faith with prayer.
How she and the apostles were,
We didn’t forget about our loved ones on this holiday,
With God, I confess, it’s easier to live,
Look after yourself and your joy.

From the bottom of my heart with great love,
Let's celebrate the saint's day, Princess Olga,
Let's try to fix what is
And preserve your honor before God.
And let her help with decisions,
And it will calm down what has been troubling for so long,
Will indicate where to look for the cherished path,
And we can’t turn off the path.

When the pagans rode to the temple,
She already understood a lot of things,
Saint, became beloved by the people,
And she showed us Christ as God.
Princess Olga, you were beautiful,
And on the icons I admire the face,
I bring a prayer to the temple of Jesus,
And maybe I’ll save part of my soul.

Greet guests at the door,
Bring salt for them on bread,
Today is Princess Olga's day,
Forget about all your worries.
Heart stone? - To the temple, repent,
Try to be human
And take an example from the saints,
And do more good deeds.

If your heart hurts and suffers from pain,
We need to find Olga, because she understands
How to live in ignorance and suffer without God,
How to accept Jesus Christ into your soul.
And the princess will understand, she will point out mistakes,
He will find the best way out and suggest with prayer,
You go to the temple, don’t turn anywhere,
And I wish you to save your faith.

Your faith cannot be broken, no one can defeat you,
Orthodoxy of people calls on everyone to love.
Understanding in you will sow seeds of joy,
And there is no more temptation if a person believes.
Live like a princess, and study like Olga,
Only with the best side open up to your enemies,
Olga knew what and how, and invited the people with her,
It's a pity that only at one moment,
Suddenly, she was gone for us.

Congratulations on the Day of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, the founder of the cultural, spiritual and state life of Kievan Rus. She was the first of those who were baptized on our land and began building churches. May her faith always be with us.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on Princess Olga's Day. Let holy name this great woman blesses you and bestows openness and beauty on your soul, wisdom and patience on your heart, and sincerity and purity on your faith.

The story of Princess Olga
Confused and difficult.
She's come a long way
From idols to Christ.

Equal to the Apostles Olga,
We keep your feat in our hearts,
And even though so many centuries have passed
We bow before him.

And God, without ceasing,
We are ready to give thanks.
You, our first saint,
Pray to Him not to forget us.

Happy Day to Princess Olga, a true Christian and the most worthy woman among those our land has known. Let us wish all her namesakes, all Olgas, all the best on the day of the one by whose name they are named. May your aspirations bring tangible results.

Let's celebrate today the day of Olga - Princess,
Let me tell you, that was a feisty lady!
The Drevlyan ambassadors were nicely washed in the bathhouse,
Then Olga burned the bathhouse with the ambassadors,
And the bird curiosity is also known in the world,
The princess burned the whole city to hell,
There are legends about her, songs are composed,
And the killer of the Drevlyans became a saint.

Pride. Glory. Disobedience to enemies.
Carrying the burden of power through the years,
Without falling into melancholy and hopelessness,
She didn’t break down when she was left alone.

Avenged her husband and son
Taught me to love my homeland.
That story is our epic,
Let's not let our descendants forget.

Olga is the pride of a large people,
A stronghold of Christianity and honor.
Her wise Russian word
Lives in our memory forever.

Majestic, stately, beautiful,
Conquered Great Rus'.
She had no negativity -
I agree with this opinion.
Built cathedrals and temples,
It was a holy face for many.
There is no more soulful lady in the world,
She lived with pain in her heart.
I lost my beloved husband,
But sadness did not break her.
No heat, no cold
Couldn't influence morale.
At birth she was named Olya.
I want to wish you on your name day,
So that your eyes do not know sadness
And let all troubles be on your shoulder,
May you have no losses,
Only fate will turn out to be a find,
The family is growing every day
And luck will smile on you!

A proud name has been given to you,
Destined to go through life with him,
But, in fact, it’s the other way around -
This name suits you.
And today, on name day,
I'll tell you one secret:
I whisper your name in my sleep,
I'm very sad without you,
And, for better or worse,
I'm coming to meet you.

Warm July afternoon
It melts like a bright cloud,
Translated into Russian
Olga means saint.

This holiday is like a memory
About love and separation
And about how they happen
Women's hands are strong

What rocked the child
And they ruled the country
And for a military feat
The son was blessed.

Today is Olga's name day
And all the friends gathered here,
They gave roses and paintings,
Let me also congratulate you.

I wish you happiness so that it spins
How a carnival dances,
So many fans
And so that no one is upset.

So that the moment is joyful,
The fun is overflowing.
And in life so that everything is cool,
Love, create and don't be bored!

On this day, the church honors the image of a woman who went down in history, Princess Olga. Olga's Day church calendar- an occasion to honor the memory of the saint, as well as to congratulate those who bear this name on their name day.

The history of the holiday and why Olga is considered a saint

Grand Duchess Olga was born in Pskov. In 903 she became the wife of the prince Kievsky Igor. And after the prince died in 945, Olga took his throne and became the princess of Kievan Rus. She was the guardian of her son Svyatoslav, who eventually became the ruler of the state.

Olga's name is associated with the arrival of Christianity in Kievan Rus. In 954, the princess made a pilgrimage to Constantinople, where she received holy baptism, receiving church name Elena, and Emperor Constantine became the godfather.

Olga is considered a patroness Orthodox faith. Thanks to her activities in Rus', they began to build temples, erect crosses and destroy pagan symbols.

Later, her grandson, Prince Vladimir, who later baptized Rus', was baptized precisely according to her example.

Traditions for Olga's Day

By Orthodox traditions, on Olga’s day you need to pray for the consolation of widows, as well as for strengthening the faith of newly-made Christians.

Saint Olga helps to protect yourself and your family from troubles and adversity. And young girls are lucky to get married.

In the old days, field work began on St. Olga's day: people went out into the fields to collect and prepare hay.

According to tradition, churches hold festive services in memory of the saint.

Congratulations on Olga’s name day in poetry and prose

The name Olga is borrowed from the Scandinavian language and comes from the name Helga. The meaning of the name Olga is saint.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky

Olga illuminates your path,

Let the thread of your success not break,

May you live long in joy and happiness!

Dear Olenka, congratulations on your holiday! May you find in your life the key to the chest in which the fulfillment of your most cherished desires is hidden. And let this key itself be in your hands exactly when you need it most. Be happy!

Olga is the Scandinavian word for “saint”.

Your name is courage and light,

Your name torments and caresses,

The name is passion and the name is a light trace...

On the day you celebrate your name day,

I want to write so that you can read:

Be beautiful, smart and happy!

Stay the way you are!

You have a name Grand Duchess, you are the most courageous woman who knows how to create and take care of a home. I congratulate you on your holiday with all my heart, I wish you love and female happiness, may they accompany you throughout your life. I am proud to have known such a generous person, a good friend, a kind mother and an understanding wife. Let this day become a wonderful fairy tale for you, where your loved ones and loved ones will be the heroes.

Now you have Olga’s Day greetings for 2018. Spend the day in a festive atmosphere.

Meaning of the name Olga:"Holy", "great" (Scandinavian)

Since childhood, Olga has been withdrawn and uncommunicative. Believes that no one can be trusted with secrets. Even as a child, she thinks and reasons a lot. Olya is also very vulnerable, she is easily offended by even the most insignificant act. She is also quite stubborn, she always proves that she is right, even if she knows that she is wrong. She doesn’t like to study, so she doesn’t have much success in her studies; she is an average student.

Olga knows how to make the right decisions and quickly becomes independent and independent. She often lacks attention from parents or friends. Olga is quite patient. She treats her own failures calmly; she is confident that everything can always be corrected.

Olga marries for love. In marriage he tries to be a leader. Olya cooks well and keeps the house tidy and clean. She pays a lot of attention to her children and believes that they are the most precious thing she has. It is easy for her to get emotional, since she “starts up with a half turn.” However, she also calms down very quickly. He doesn’t remember insults and knows how to forgive.

Other forms of the name Olga: Lelya, Lyalya, Lyulya, Lyunya, Olyulya, Olena, Olyunya, Olyusya, Olechka, Olenka, Olyusha, Olya.

They gave me the chance to be the first in everything -
They called you Olga.
You know, there is a secret in the name...
Yes, she is unusually strong,
It's rare to see women like this
And in the crowd you will definitely notice:
Amazing, beautiful,
Charming, playful...
Who knows you, Olyunchik,
... he congratulates today.
Is there anything more beautiful in the world?
You are smart, Olya, ours!

I wish you a lot, Olya
Successful, bright, bright days,
And also unearthly happiness,
May peace reign in your soul!

Be healthy, fresh, blush
And bloom every year!
Always be loved, desired
And like the sun, shine!

Olga, congratulations on your holiday! I wish you a sea of ​​positivity and joy. Beauty, kindness, love, hope, laughter, fun and wonderful experiences. Be beautiful in everything, loved with all your soul and happy every minute. Let your dreams come true, making you more and more satisfied!

Congratulations, Olga!
I wish you only bright days
And smiles, kindness.
Let your dreams come true.

And love for centuries,
And so that life is easy.
And health and warmth,
May spring bloom in your soul!

Olenka is like the sun,
Like a golden ray!
You're like a star
With a warm soul!

Congratulations, Olga.
Love, live, bloom!
There is so much happiness for you -
So as not to be carried away!

Olenka, Olga, today is your holiday,
A sea of ​​attention - only for you.
Everything you do is not in vain,
This is your imprint on fate.

Your name means "holy,
Clear, wise” - yes, it’s you!
Let none of the men on the planet
Can't resist your beauty.

Women's happiness, dreams of fulfillment,
True friends and lots of luck.
To have enthusiastic opinions heard:
“People, how beautiful she is!”

Congratulations, Olenka!
This day is yours today.
May luck flow in a thin stream
Illuminates the earthly path.

Let love network you
In a storm of passion it will carry you away,
Let it be filled with miracles
And it will shed light on the heart.

May your soul be radiant
Happiness attracts like a magnet
And fate is pure dreams
Will bring it to life sooner rather than later.

Congratulations to Olga
I'll put it in a bouquet.
I want them to be enough
You're a hundred years old.

So that fate gives
Love, and every minute.
So that in your house there is
Always warm and cozy.

So that happiness is nearby,
For the angels to protect.
I wish that in life
Everyone loved you.

May joy come night and day,
So that, Olechka, you smile more often,
I wish you goodness and prosperity in your home,
May only good things come true in life!

You will never know any troubles or worries,
May you be lucky in life, Olya,
I always wish from hundreds of roads
Choose what leads to happiness!

May today warm your soul,
Let your heart be filled with warmth.
Olenka, you are the best of the best,
Even the world shines outside the window.

May luck follow you
Joy fills every day,
Let the unsolvable problem
It will always be a mere trifle.
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