Competitions for teachers and children. I found good regional competitions. Competition for teachers at the regional and municipal level.

All-Russian competition of New Year's drawings and crafts, master classes and scripts for teachers and music directors of preschool educational institutions.

New Year's Eve is the hottest time! This holiday leaves no one indifferent! New Year's magic is felt everywhere!

It's time to give free rein to your imagination and make a craft, for example, a cozy snow-covered house in the forest with an elegant Christmas tree in the yard, mold your Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snow Maiden from plasticine, draw a mouse for good luck as a symbol of the coming year. This is the time when you don’t have to go to the store to get a gift, but you can make it yourself! No matter what we list here, we still cannot surpass the imagination of our young participants, their parents and teachers. Therefore, without further ado - the most magical project competition is open and waiting for its participants from all over the country!

Each preschooler can send their own New Year's craft, drawing or Christmas tree toy to the competition. The flight of your imagination is unlimited. The work can be done either independently or with the help of a teacher or parents.

We also invite poetry lovers to the competition - the corresponding nomination “Artistic reading of a New Year's poem” is open to them. We are waiting for your videos and will be glad to hear your sonorous voices!

Teachers can also take part in a crafts and drawings competition along with their students and present their works. A competition for scenarios for New Year's matinees and master classes on creating Christmas tree decorations and New Year's crafts is also open for teachers. In addition to the script, you can always send a video recording of the event.

In total, the competition includes 5 nominations for children and 6 nominations for teachers.

Interim results of the competition and the issuance of award documents are held weekly on Wednesdays, except January 1.

All details about the competition are on the page and in the regulations.


Archive 2019

Competitions among educational organizations

  • Regional competition “Kindergarten of the Year”
  • Contest modules of additional professional programs
  • TO competitive selection of preschool educational organizations in the Yaroslavl region for the creation of support sites in the direction “Development of research, technical and design activities” within the framework of the regional project to modernize the material and technical equipment of preschool educational organizations “Smart Kindergarten.76”
  • Regional correspondence review-competition of programs for the development of additional education organizations
  • Regional competition of pilot projects for updating the content and technologies of additional education for children
  • Regional competition “The best additional education programs for children with disabilities”
  • Festival of children's mediation services (reconciliation)
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  • International Fair of Social and Pedagogical Innovations
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  • Regional competition for the best form of student support and mentoring
  • “School is a territory of health”
  • Regional stage of the All-Russian professional skills competition "Best inclusive school in Russia"
    • Regional stage of the All-Russian competition “Best organization of inclusive education: individual educational route for a child with disabilities”
  • Regional competition for the best educational and material base for the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”
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  • Regional competition of teams of educational institutions “Best practices in methodological support of professional skills competitions, Olympiads, championships in a professional educational organization”
  • Regional competition for the status of the base site of the State Autonomous Institution of Further Education Yaroslavl Region IRO (Department of Preschool Education) for the dissemination of effective practices for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of Additional Education “We work according to the Federal State Educational Standards of Educational Education”

  • Regional stage of the All-Russian competition "Teacher-defectologist of Russia"
    • Regional competition "The best teacher-speech pathologist"
  • Regional stage of the All-Russian professional competition " Teacher of the Year in Russia»
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    • Regional competition "Best preschool teacher"
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  • Regional stage of the international competition of methodological developments “Lessons of Victory” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

  • Regional competition of innovative practices for social-emotional and cognitive development of children
  • Regional competition for the best methodological development of a training session in the digital educational environment of a professional educational organization
  • Regional competition "Effective forms of reading promotion"
  • Competition for the best development of an educational event to prevent the spread of the ideology of extremism and terrorism among students in the Yaroslavl region
  • Regional competition scenarios of extracurricular activities in foreign languages
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  • Regional professional competition for foreign language teachers “Second foreign language lesson”
  • Regional competition methodological developments for teaching the basics of financial literacy for students in history and social studies lessons
  • Regional competition methodological developments on the subject of ORKSE
    • “Spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia”
    • “Spiritual and moral values ​​of Orthodox culture”
  • Regional competition " Best practices in additional education for children»
  • Regional competition of methodological developments for technology teachers of the Yaroslavl region "Methodological facets of mastery"
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  • Regional tour of the All-Russian competition of methods for implementing the program “Talk about proper nutrition”
    • Regional competition “Formation of the foundations of a culture of healthy nutrition for children and adolescents”
  • Competition of developments (programs, projects, lessons, activities) among teaching staff of educational organizations "Dialogue of the Peoples of Russia"
  • Regional competition “Best practices of centers (services) providing psychological and pedagogical advisory assistance to parents of children under 3 years old”
  • Regional competition “How good it is to be able to play.” Creating conditions for the development of a role-playing game"

Archive 2018

  • Competitive selection of organizations in the Yaroslavl region that provide specialized training at the level of secondary general education to receive equipment as part of a project to modernize the material and technical equipment of general education organizations in the direction of “Development of scientific, technical and design activities in general education organizations” (regional project “School of Discovery. 76") to create a design scientific and technical laboratory
  • Regional competition programs to support the professional development of teaching staff
  • Regional competition initiative social projects children and child-adult communities of various types for educational organizations of the Yaroslavl region
  • Regional competition "Become a partner"(forms and methods of involving parents in the management of public organizations)
  • Regional competition for the best organization of individual preventive work with minors in an educational organization
  • Regional competition of innovative projects and best practices of teaching staff involved in the education of children and adolescents
  • Regional competition “A piece of my great Fatherland...”
  • Regional competition " The best training session in professions and specialties Federal State Educational Standard SPO TOP-50»
  • Competition of the best practices of interaction between educational organizations and enterprises of the Yaroslavl region within the framework of the organization of practice-oriented (dual) training
  • Regional competition “The best project for modernizing the equipment of a classroom, laboratory of a professional educational organization”
  • Regional competition “The road to modern preschool education”
  • Regional competition “Little Explorer. Designing an environment that promotes the development of cognitive abilities of preschool children"
  • Regional competition "School Sports Club"

Professional skills competitions

  • Regional competition "My Yaroslavia"
  • Regional competition “The best organization of speech therapy work in an educational organization with children with disabilities”
  • Regional competition “Cloud technologies in the work of a computer science teacher”
  • Regional competition educational materials for teaching a foreign language Trendy Language Teacher(TLT)
  • Regional competition of methodological developments “Literary educational excursions. Nekrasovsky places of Yaroslavl region"
  • Regional competition programs of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in educational relations
  • Regional development competition (programs, projects, lessons, activities) among teaching staff "Spring of Friendship"(within the framework of the regional innovation project “Formula of Friendship and Mutual Understanding”)
  • Regional competition of creative works “Dialogue of Generations: Past and Grandchildren”

Archive 2017

Competitions among educational institutions

  • Regional competition "Kindergarten of the Year"
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  • Regional competition of educational and socially significant projects "Let's change the world for the better"
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  • Competitive selection of organizations in the direction of " Improving the quality of education in schools with low learning outcomes and in schools operating in unfavorable social conditions through the implementation of regional projects and dissemination of their results" ( within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Targeted Promotion Programme: activity 2.2. “Improving the quality of education in schools with low educational outcomes and in schools operating in unfavorable social conditions through the implementation of regional projects and dissemination of their results” )
  • Regional competition “For a better system of interaction with parents of students”
  • Regional Competition " Best practices for managing the educational process at school in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education»
  • Regional competition “For the best methodological support for practical (laboratory) classes in a network form for the implementation of a professional educational program” (among professional educational organizations)
  • Regional competition for the best organization of the websites of educational organizations in covering preventive and health-promoting activities
  • Regional competition “Methodological development for the prevention of road traffic injuries within the framework of organizing the activities of JID units (young traffic inspector)”
  • Regional competition “Best practices of state and public management in the regional education system”
  • All-Russian competition of projects aimed at solving the problems of informing, motivating and stimulating students to lead a healthy lifestyle and participate in the events of the GTO complex

Professional skills competitions

  • International correspondence competition “IT technologies in education of the 21st century”
  • Regional essay competition "Family Dynasty"
  • Regional competition for developing lessons (lessons) “Family in my life and work”
  • The review is a competition of the best practices of educational organizations in working with children under various types of registration in organizations and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency "The Right Choice"
  • Regional competition for the best program of extracurricular activities in computer science and information technology, tested in working with students
  • Regional stage of the All-Russian competition of additional educational programs for gifted children and talented youth

  • Regional competition “First lesson of a second foreign language”
  • Regional competition “Organization of work to prepare adolescents for responsible parenthood, correct reproductive behavior, and protection of reproductive health”
  • Regional Competition “Mathematical Kaleidoscope. Designing an environment that promotes the development of mathematical abilities of preschool children"

Archive 2016

Competitions among educational institutions

  • Regional competition “Program for developing a responsible and positive parental position”
  • Regional competition "The library of an educational institution is a space for informal education"
  • Regional competition “Organization of an inclusive educational environment for children with disabilities”
    2016 Position
  • Regional stage competition of innovative platforms “The Path to Success!”
  • Regional competition “Virtual school museum “What the school museum will tell you about”
  • Regional competition for better organization of work to prepare male students for military service(among general educational organizations and professional educational organizations)

Professional skills competitions

  • Regional competition “The best didactic manual for correctional and educational work with preschoolers “Help”
  • Regional competition "Best teacher of inclusive education"
  • Regional competition extracurricular activities programs in foreign languages
  • Regional competition for the best extracurricular activity program in science and mathematics
  • Regional competition “Organization of the space of educational interactions on the Internet”
  • Regional competition “Implementation of regional features of the content of the academic subject Chemistry”
  • Regional competition “The best approaches to organizing educational experiments in physics and chemistry”
  • Regional festival "Modern Lesson"
  • Regional competition “Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren in the process of implementing the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics”
  • Regional competition "Best Mediator's Briefcase"
  • Regional competition of professional skills “Facilitation practices in the work of a teacher”
  • Regional competition “Playing theatre: director’s laboratory”
  • Regional competition for tutor support for inclusive teams as part of the inclusive festival of creative opportunities “I'm on a horse! Team Prize"
  • Regional competition of professional skills among physical education and life safety teachers
  • Regional competition among preschool teachers “Organization of play activities for preschool children”

On April 25, in the meeting room of the Legislative Assembly, the final of the competition for geography teachers for the prize named after. A.V. Potanina.

In 2018, the competition was held for the fourth time and was dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of A.V. Potanina. In honor of this date, a memorial plaque was unveiled on the building of Minin University.

Alexandra Viktorovna Potanina is a traveler, explorer of little-known regions of Central Asia, a native of the Nizhny Novgorod province, one of the first women accepted as members of the Russian Geographical Society.

With his works about the nature, life and way of life of the peoples of Central Asia, sketches of the studied places, A.V. Potanina made a valuable contribution to geographical science.

More than 100 teachers from urban and rural schools from different parts of the Nizhny Novgorod region took part in the competition: Dzerzhinsk, Sarov, Trans-Volga region, Pavlov, Uren, Vorotynets, Arzamas. The competition participants included both experienced teachers and young specialists with up to 5 years of experience, but not inferior in their methodological skills.

Every year, the competition identifies the most talented, creative, successful and creative representatives of the teaching community - the best geography teachers. The most important mission of the competition is to improve the status and development of school geographical education and support young teachers.

17 participants reached the finals of the competition:

Nomination “Quality Mark for School Geographical Education”:

Malkina Elena Nikolaevna- “School No. 79 named after N.A. Zaitsev”, N. Novgorod;

Popova Svetlana Evgenievna- “Secondary school No. 8”, Zavolzhye;

Bogatyreva Galina Nikolaevna- “Urenskaya secondary school of the Urensky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Nomination « Successful start of teaching career":

Bochkareva Ksenia Sergeevna- Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 3. Pavlovo;

Badyina Olga Nikolaevna- - MAOU “School with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 85” Nizhny Novgorod;

Mikheeva Maria Sergeevna- MBOU school No. 129 Nizhny Novgorod.

Nomination “Coach of Geography Olympiad winners”:

Malyaeva Oksana Vladimirovna- “Gymnasium No. 2”, Sarov;

Listvina Natalia Alexandrovna- "Lyceum No. 165".

Nomination « Effective implementation of pedagogical innovations":

Tsvetkova Natalya Alekseevna- MBOU gymnasium No. 15, Sarov;

Strukova Yulia Nikolaevna- municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary school No. 151 with in-depth study of individual subjects" Nizhny Novgorod;

Zhukovskaya Irina Evgenevna- MBOU "School No. 5" Dzerzhinsk.

Nomination “The best geography teacher in a rural school”:

Klimanova Anna Veniaminovna- Belavskaya primary school, Vorotyn district;

Nikolaeva Svetlana Vyacheslavovna- “Doskinskaya school” of the Bogorodsky municipal district;

Belova Irina Ivanovna- “Lopatinskaya school”, Sergach district.

Nomination « Mentor of young geographers»:

Poryvaev Alexander Viktorovich- School No. 6 Bor;

Solodova Natalya Borisovna- MBOU "School No. 113" Nizhny Novgorod.

Nomination « Organizer of geographical expeditions":

Astashin Andrey Evgenievich– Associate Professor of the Department of Geography, Geographical and Geoecological Education at Minin University.

A separate prize “For fidelity to the profession” was awarded to Voznesenskaya Anna Gavrilovna And Ladilova Natalia Nikolaevna.

Congratulations to the winners of the fourth regional award named after A.V. Potanina.



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