Hero of WWII Ivan Kozhedub. Ivan Kozhedub is a Ukrainian, three times hero of the USSR and air marshal. After the Great Patriotic War

IN 1950s year November 15th late at night at the front door military sanatorium V Kislovodsk the car stopped "Victory". They came out of it two and headed to the sanatorium. Despite in the evening, approx. 23 hours, the watchman unquestioningly missed it these 2 officers in military uniform blue caps, one of whom asked : « What room did the pilot stay in? Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub? He answered the knock on the door himself master numbers. He was surprised to the visitors who came to him. Officers state security presented documents and said : « Comrade Kozhedub To you urgently you'll have to come with us , you have 3 minutes for fees. We'll wait ». No longer scared Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, and his wife because she knew What mean such late visits! So I found myself under convoy security officers, Three times Hero of the Soviet Union, one of the best pilots Great Patriotic War war. When Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub walked up the stairs, he remembered that he was already under arrest, Twice Hero Air Marshal Alexander Alexandrovich Novikov, recently HOW " enemies of the people « shot marshal Grigory Ivanovich Kulik, general Philip Trofimovich Rybalchenko, general Vasily Nikolaevich Gordov. When Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was under escort 2 officers state security, he tried not to show his anxiety. He hoped what about him this time? lucky. He recalled that even didn't say goodbye scared wife.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was born June 8, 1920 year for Ukraine V Chernigov province, today it is Sumskaya region, in the village Obrazhievka. First 5 post-war years Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub considered one of the most successful in my life ! Firstly, he returned from the war without single injuries. Secondly, I graduated Air Force Academy. Thirdly, his knew and read the whole country! In general in life Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub lucky many times, starting with childhood. For example, once he and the boys swam ride on boat during high water in the spring. Boat turned over. Drowned everyone except him. His brother saved having already pulled it out almost from the bottom. On its shore pumped it out! After this incident in my native village, Kozhedub called "bewitched"

IN 1941 year Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub graduated Chuguevskoye Aviation school. At school he was one of the best cadets ! There are always such leave V schools as instructors, preparing something new replenishment Already 2nd it's been a year Great Patriotic War war. He, of course, wrote reports with requests to send it to front, but that's all answers they consisted of one phrase: “ You cool instructor ! How do you think, Who must cook new pilots? At first Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was a pilot instructor V Chuguevsky school in the city Chuguev, Kharkov areas. Then in the city Chimkent on south of Kazakhstan, where was the school relocated due to the offensive Germans.

In the end, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub I achieved my goal. IN February 1943 year he was included in the composition combat squadron, and he ended up in the worst of it - on Kursk Bulge. Then Germans more no doubt in his victory. At this time initiative in hostilities still belonged to the Germans, but still, it was already not June 1941 year. By this time our pilots understood well enough style conducting air battle and tricks Germans. They flew to the front line several times V day and already more boldly entered into battle ! Besides direct air German fights diligently bombed our airfields.

First sortie Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub committed March 26, 1943 year. First combat mission Kozhedub was take-off protection stripes of our airfield from the bombing. took off as a couple, Kozhedub as a slave, that is, he should cover airplane presenter Slave must protect the leader even if necessary at the cost his life. The presenter took off earlier, next Kozhedub and suddenly the presenter has disappeared out of sight. At first Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub some hesitated but then I decided continue patrolling. At that moment he noticed sun sides 6 german fighters. Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub attacks them ONE. But THERE ARE NO MIRACLES! Germans opened on it sighting fire. AND Kozhedub heard the crack of breaking casing your plane. He survived almost ACCIDENTALLY!

The point is that fighter "La-5" ( see article "Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin"), on which he took off Kozhedub, was equipped armored back built in seat pilot IN given case German fighters fired NOT armor-piercing, A high-explosive fragmentation shells that NOT punched armored back ! Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub took the riddled plane to landing, but here on him error opened fire their anti-aircraft gunners. He still succeeded plant fighter La-5. After landing we counted number of holes on the plane - there were more of them 50 pieces. Nobody sincerely couldn't understand - like a plane in general didn't fall apart back in air! And myself Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub not just remained alive but in general didn't receive neither single scratches!

Political officer decided to translate Kozhedub V ground service. Actually logics there was such a decision understandable. Firstly, the task security the airfield was not completed. Takeoffs stripes bombed. And on airfield remained wounded. Secondly, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub lost his presenter And this is already could for the pilot to turn around tribunal. So translation V ground there would still be service soft punishment ! Saved Kozhedub regiment commander major Soldatenkov. It was he, despite the first problem dogfight Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, saw it in him the makings of a good pilot ! After all, if you figure it out without emotions, plane in IN SUCH CONDITION on BELLY I could plant CLEARLY NOT EVERYONE pilot ! Kozhedub was left behind in the regiment, but fly it turned out to him nothing. That padded the plane on which he emergency landed, was hopelessly lost when will it be new is unknown! Colleagues above him joked: “ Now you Ivan horseless

Shame of the first air combat is strong groundwork pride Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub and then he's like the right student started developing OWN TACTICS air combat ! He said that he thought for car, felt myself seamlessly with her ! In the evening after flights, when many went to rest, he sat down at the table and analyzed air fight. For him they became clear principles air combat !

During the war years Sergey Kramarenko fought in the same regiment with Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, and he even had a chance to fly together with Kozhedub. Kramarenko recalled that while other pilots played V volleyball, Kozhedub spent hours drawing and figured it out over schemes air combat ! Many even chuckled over “drawing lessons” by Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. However, when check shot down planes inexorably crawled up, chuckles somehow on their own stopped! At all dogfight only from the outside, for ignorant people can seem simple and light. From desires to ability to shoot down the plane must be passed long way! To win enemy, it is necessary KNOW his STRONG And WEAK sides.

IN DIARIES Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub were scheduled And sketches the technical capabilities of the German airplanes. These are yours Kozhedub diaries scrupulously led with first their air battles every day ! It was his own tactics air battles. As life has shown, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub in some way surpassed many productive German aces ( see article "German fighters of the Second World War"). For example, the most famous German ass Erich Hartman (352 victory !) was shot down 8 once ( By others data 14 once), but stayed in alive, A Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub NOT was shot down, NEVER! Here we will briefly touch on quantities air Hartman's victories. The point is that counting system downed planes at Germans DIFFERED SIGNIFICANTLY from our system. Germans recorded on account pilot, including planes destroyed on PARKING LOT at the airport. After all, ultimately no matter where And How the plane was destroyed The main thing, that he DESTROYED!!! Also in German account the pilot included the number destroyed ENGINES on enemy planes. Of course, this only concerned MULTI-MOTOR airplanes ( see article "German fighters of the Second World War").

Throughout the war Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub didn't receive not a single scratch!!! But he didn't brag their success! Only when his colleagues are at him pressed hard and asked what secret, he answered reluctantly : "Any pilot, shot down at least 5 enemy aircraft have already lucky. His no one will knock you down!”

For the first time with his wife Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub met accidentally. This happened in train, which followed in Monino, Where Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub studied at Air Force Academy. At that moment she was studying at 10th grade schools. At first Ivan sat, fidgeted, then failed tried something say, but then stopped short and then simply silently at her watched. He didn't dare even ask her Name! Then she came out on her own stop without saying goodbye or goodbye. That's how it ended first meeting!

Through several months they met second once. This time Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub more boldly said that this time he's already hers won't let go and what do they have today Monino V House of Officers dancing, and he took her there invites! When they together walked along garrison to her right away caught my eye what's wrong with him say hello All notice! And when in the wardrobe Ivan took off his overcoat and she saw Three Hero Stars, At first she even thought about running away out of fear! Ivan noticed her concern, soft shook her hand and said : « I'm taking you nowhere I won’t let you go!” As a result Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub came out of academy not only with diploma, but also with wife Veronica Nikolaevna! IN 1946 year January 1st They signed in the village council Monino. Later Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub said he got mine home reward, the fourth Star of the Hero - Veronica!

Events on Kursk Bulge developed rapidly. Through 2 the day of the offensive German front line turned into a heap broken technology, dug up bombs land, broken dugouts. German Air Force, Luftwaffe thrown into battle the best parts of his 4th Air fleet, including famous 52nd Fighter Squadron. She was from under Berlin and these were truly aces! They, without fear, went to frontal attack, without folding, and shot at minimal angle! Commander 52nd Squadron was Gunther Rall, on whose account at that time there was already more than 150 shot down Soviet airplanes. Together with Erich Hartmann he was the best fighter squadrons.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub received new car La-5 With inscription on board : « Squadron name Valeria Chkalov." First enemy plane Kozhedub shot down July 6, 1943 year. He was then 23 year. Fighter La-5, whose designer was Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin ( see article "Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin"), was favorite type fighter Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. He liked him for his speed And maneuverability! All main details designs of this fighter were made from TREES – pine, birch. Fuselage skin for served as the cockpit DYED FABRIC. When you get on such a plane bullets And shells the enemy almost instantly caught fire And burned out. There was almost zero ventilation, so the cabin was often filled smoke and sometimes was heating up up to temperature +65 degrees Celsius ! By for this reason pilots who flew La-5, often flew with OPEN CABIN!

Gunther Rall returned with his group to aerodrome With big losses. From 32 there were planes 16 shot down! On that day he wrote in his diary: “Russians began to fly more aggressive. Clear. Before us worthy enemy To the Germans failed to drop on our troops not a single bomb and they dropped bombs before crossing front lines ! Our pilots commanding sent Gratitude for a great fight. TO October 1943 year squadron commander of the 240th aviation fighter regiment senior lieutenant Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub committed 146 combat sorties and shot down personally 20 enemy aircraft ! On Dnieper regiment Kozhedub faced aces Gerenga from the squadron "Mölders". In battles on Dnepre, Ivan Nikitovich for 10 days shot down 11 fascist planes !

IN October 1943 year Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub got into unexpected And unpredictable situation. Squadron Kozhedub took part in attack large group "Yu-87". Ivan Nikitovich got close enough to one of them close distance and long queue knocked out his. But in in a rush of pursuit turned out to be so close To Yu-87, What myself from him caught fire. IN headset heard the slave Vasya Mukhin said : « Dad, you're on fire ! Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub at first I thought of jumping out by parachute, but then I remembered what was above enemy positions. Slave Vasily Mukhin was there all this time near, But help nothing I couldn't. Then Kozhedub decides to send his burning plane on motorcade fascists ! At this moment Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub realized that either he will put out the flames or will die along with fascists! The plane started pick up speed V dive and here it is already close To earth slave Vasily Mukhin shouted on the radio Kozhedub: “ There is no flame, we live Right before the ground Kozhedub brought out fighter from diving! As I later recalled Ivan Nikitovich, Earth as if pushed away threw him into the air ! From now on he will never again haven't experienced Nothing similar!

First Hero Star Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub received February 4, 1944 year. By this time he had shot down more than 30 fascist planes. During war rank Hero awarded for 20 shot down enemy aircraft. U Germans our Title of Hero corresponded Knight's Cross. Hitler personally handed over Knight's Cross to their assams in Berlin. Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub during wars never NOT was in Kremlin. First Hero Star he was handed over to regiment location. I came to hand it over air corps commander general Podgorny. Just in six months Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was awarded second Hero Star! By this time he had shot down almost 50 enemy aircraft ! Second Hero Star he was given the same How And first.

Together with second Hero Star V May 1944 year Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub received the treasured dream everyone Soviet pilot NAMED airplane, in this case "La-5 FN". While receiving the plane, RUMORS, What Kozhedub I also received barrel of HONEY. These rumors arose not on empty place. The point is that personal fighter La-5 FN With onboard number "14" was built on personal money collective farmer Vasily Viktorovich Konev, which was beekeeper from Stalingrad areas. Vasily Konev I decided to make such a gift in honor memory yours, deceased in the war son. On this car Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub shot down 8 aircraft and brought general account to 45 hit cars !

Actually a gift personal cars Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was not only special honorary but also created on war additional danger to its owner. The point is that Germans, seeing personal inscription on board the plane, understood what's in front of them not a newbie and an experienced pilot ACC, experienced the enemy you need destroy EARLIER others !

Pilots in general, and especially titled loved paint on the plane various pictures. For example, they drew panther, or mermaid. The management is certainly for this drove, and before arrival large bosses pictures generally forced paint over.

Of course, they only left stars, indicating the number of aircraft shot down. But Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub I DID NOT DRAW And THEIR. Stars appeared on his plane just AFTER the Victory V May 1945 year – 62 pieces!!! IN July 1944 year Kozhedub appointed deputy commander 176th Guards fighter aviation regiment, which August first to rearm for fighters "La-7". On new type fighter La-7, already in the sky Poland, Kozhedub started the so-called "free hunt" On this type of fighter Ivan Nikitovich shot down 17 extreme enemy aircraft.

IN September 1944 years by order of the commander Air Force A.A. Novikov, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was sent to Baltics to combat "free hunters" group of major's aces Helmut Wieck, who had on his account 130 victories So we collided 2nd schools "free hunters" Soviet And German. After a few days of air battles our pilots shot down 12 enemy aircraft, having lost only 2 their ! Here Kozhedub chalked it up to your account 3 airplane. Having suffered this defeat, German pilots stopped active actions in this place front. IN 1945 year 18th August Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was awarded the third Star of the Hero of the USSR.

Finally, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub received letter from Houses! He 3 didn't know what happened to him for years relatives, who got into the zone occupation on Ukraine. He saw familiar handwriting and found out that alive And father! He wrote : « Dear son Vanya, what should I write to you? Gregory hijacked to work in Germany, Yasha from the first days in battle, Sashko now on Ural, Motya alive with the child, but fellow villagers our 13 Human killed!

To my native village Obrazhievka, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub only got into 1946 year. Father alive already didn't find how glad he would be to see his son Thrice Hero! On that moment of Thrice Heroes there was only 3 person – G.K.Zhukov, I.N.Kozhedub And A.I. Pokryshkin ( see article "Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin"). At home Kozhedub wasn't 6 years! The tables were set for street under the blossoming apple trees . They sat next to him happy fellow countrymen, but among them there wasn't his relatives. Father died in May 1945 year. Brother Yakov died under Stalingrad. On next day after the feast fellow villagers let's go look Ivan Nikitovich's plane Kozhedub. They were surprised How Vanya was able to shoot down so many fascist planes !

Extreme planes were shot down in last days war. Extreme dogfight Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub spent in the sky above Berlin. He flew out with Dmitry Titarenko on free hunting and met 40 enemy aircraft. There were forces too unequal So I had to try it deceive enemy. attack spent back from above. One German there was a plane shot down At the same time from the group separated single enemy plane. Kozhedub decides not to miss him and knocks down and him. So on the score Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub appears 62nd downed fascist plane ! Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub spent at the front 800 days. During this time he made 330 combat departures, 120 air fights, shot down 62 airplane and none chance not to imprison at least shot down airplane !!!

IN October 1950 year Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub under convoy was driving a car state security. The car stopped near Kislovodsk City Committee parties. There he was taken to the office 1st Secretary, who gave Kozhedub telephone handset. A voice was heard on the phone Vasily Iosifovich Stalin, who at that time was the commander Moscow Air Force districts. Vasily Stalin said a long swear phrase and ordered immediately leave V Moscow. Immediately after the telephone conversation Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub they put me in the car again and drove to aerodrome. Just before takeoff, he managed write a few hurried lines wife : « Don't worry All V okay! Urgently cause V Moscow. Everything to you They’ll tell you later.” The note fell into the hands Veronica in the morning. She tried anything find out at messenger about my husband, but he only answered short phrase: “ Don't worry, ordered only hand over, What Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub left for the responsible business trip." This night of waiting until the situation is clarified Veronica is not passed without a trace - she has 20 year old girls appeared gray hair!

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub arrived at Moscow Region aerodrome Cuban. There was 324th Air Division. On Cuban in full swing preparations were underway for secret business trip. There was a lot strange... The pilots passports were taken away instead of military forms were issued civil clothes. Then soon everything cleared up. Everyone was gathered in assembly hall. There's an officer from political department read out order. Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub and other pilots were sent to war - to Korea.

The point is that during During World War II, Japan captured the Korean Peninsula. After, during World War II wars Japan was defeated countries the winners divided Korea on Northern And South. South became pro-American With head government Lee Shin Manom, A Northern pro-Soviet With head government Kim Il Sung. From the government North Korea there was a desire subdue to myself all of Korea! As a result, it began Korean Civil war. North Korea supported China And USSR, A Southern USA and them allies.

Commander of a special fighter air division, which was to fight in Korea, was appointed Colonel Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. Veronica sent letter to my husband with these words : “My poor boy, for you are back days 44th 45th years ! You are my dear, all this terrible, yes, yes terrible! And it's me drives you crazy! You're my favorite danger! You write that you will return smoked And smelling of gunpowder, aged. Yes, I'm still more will love you such Here, smoked! Loving you Veronica!"

Military lettered the train was approaching border of China. Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub and other pilots for now didn't know what's their aerodrome will be located on territory of China, not far from Korean border in the city area An Dun. When we arrived in China, changed clothes V CHINESE military FORM colors khaki with the inscription Chinese People's Army and steel "Chinese". We also received more chrome boots RED colors ! Then themselves joked - proletarian color ! Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub wrote in my diary : « I was ordered protect strategic objects North Korea. Came to mind unpleasant thought. We'll have to fight not only against South Koreans, but also possibly against yesterday's ALLIES, Americans! Yesterday there were friends, and today enemies! Like this

Here on just in case can I mention this incident, which happened back in sky over Berlin. IN April 1945 year 2 American fighter "Mustang" flew into the zone where they fought Soviet troops and shot down 2 Soviet fighter. After this, the squadron was lifted into the air Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. He first caught up Americans. There was a fight fleeting. Both American there were fighters shot down. Generally anyone air fight FAST. On slang the pilots themselves dogfight called "DOG DUMP". Just flew, for example, whole armada airplanes, but only after 3-4 minutes NOBODY around NO! Crew one American fighter died in the air, and the crew escaped the second on parachutes. landed the crew was on parachutes interrogated. They asked him : « Who hit you ? Americans they said : "Focke-Wulf" With red nose! Our investigators even crossed themselves because Americans didn’t understand who their shot down! Downed 2 American fighter "Mustang" NOT were included in the number of victories Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. Didn't let me do it commander shelf Pavel Chupikov. He JOKED: “ Their will be attributed on the first day next war! Joke, unfortunately it turned out prophetic.

Former the allies crossed weapon ! Purpose 40 American bombers became strategic railway bridge on the river Yalujiang. Bombers accompanied near 100 fighters. Division commander Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub could oppose the Americans only 50 fighters MiG-15. Kozhedub decides to take to the air all fighters, available – according to the principle, all or nothing! U Americans was shot down 12 bombers and 5 fighters. Near 120 American pilots who jumped out from by parachute, were taken into captivity Chinese And Koreans.

Myself Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub in this air battle didn't participate because it's Soviet command surrounded him prohibitions to participate in combat flights. Prohibited by the then Minister of Defense Vasilevsky, corps commander Belov, Then Lobov. Banned again before departure V Korea Vasily Stalin, who said : « Good to fight using our own methods." What methods did you mean? Vasily Stalin, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub so and Didn't understand! Maybe, Vasily Stalin dreamed that Americans shot down, with fun And without loss, but in reality such IT DOESN'T HAPPEN! Kozhedub's subordinates believed correct ban participate in combat flights.

However Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was not just gambling a person, and a passionate pilot! One day this a little did not lead to great international scandal. The point is that if Kozhedub shot down, then Americans would say that Three times Hero of the USSR fights against their yesterdays allies. Open Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was forbidden fly on combat flights, but given it character Can assume that he did write down at your own expense some American fighters "Sabres". Colleagues claim What that's true.

First dogfight showed What Mig-15 practically on equal terms opposes Sabre! To the railway bridge got there only 3 American bomber. They dropped 3, six ton bombs, and damaged one from supports bridge. Through a few days there was a bridge restored and supply North Korean army and the so-called Chinese "volunteers" resumed. All division aircraft Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub are back to the airfield. Some of them received damage, damage But NOT fatal. In general, it should be noted that Saber weapons V BEGINNING Korean there was a war rather weak. IN original version it was equipped 6 machine guns of 12.7 caliber mm. It happened that it turned out that MiG-15 received several holes V wings and places that do not affect the flight fuselage, but in this state was returning on your own aerodrome! Later on Saber machine guns were replaced on guns, caliber 20 mm.

First letter from Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, Veronica received through guarantor Vasily Stalin, who handed the letter to her personally at the apartment on Chistye Prudy. In order to HIDE What Soviet pilots are fighting in Korea, they were it is forbidden to write in letters about the war. Nobody was supposed to know place their location. Now she it became clear why from my husband for a long time there wasn't no news. For Veronica, division commander's wife Kozhedub by personal order Vasily Stalin was done exception. She was told that Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub is in North Korea. On everyone from the letters stood stamp “reviewed by military censorship”. All Soviet pilots who fought in Korea, wore pseudonyms. Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was under the last name Krylov. In the letter he wrote : « For me very much don't worry. Your Vanyuhastic healthy ! There is a lot of work. Living conditions bad. I recently weighed myself 85 kg it's in long johns and socks. They brought it to me 2 weights by 32 kg. How are you favorite? Doing your morning routine charging? You, my beloved I caress And kiss in everything places! loving you forever Vanya!

Ahead of Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub there was more 10 months secret war. UN announced North Korea AGGRESSOR. Respectively any military assistance to the regime Kim Il Sung was prohibited by international contracts. If participation Soviet military personnel in the war Korea will CONFIRMED That armed forces UN With FULL RIGHT can start war and against USSR. Member of the Korean war fighter pilot Hero of the Soviet Union, Sergei Makarovich Kramarenko, colleague Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub By 2 wars told : « Us taught speak in Korean, to portray in the air from being Koreans. But when it comes it came to battle, it was already here not up to Korean language and here it is "chopped" purely in Russian!

Americans recorded our radio talks pilots. Then when they listened, understood, With by whom have an affair, but to the whole world about this They did NOT say. The point is that for accusations of the USSR V ILLEGAL participation V war V Korea were needed more significant proof. In the areas location of Soviet airfields started working actively South Korean intelligence. She was given task CAPTURE any of Soviet military personnel, doesn't matter pilot or aviation equipment. So one day Soviet missing aircraft technician After a long time search him after all found on the river bank in the bushes – RELATED. Later it were going to at night transport to the other side of the river and give away Americans. Accordingly, his wanted do living evidence of USSR participation V Korean war. That's why Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub banned fly on combat assignments ! Impossible to myself introduce what would it be international scandal, if in captivity To Americans hit Three times Hero of the USSR Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. But one day it almost happened!

Kozhedub still did it some departures to Korea at NIGHT. He made them secretly from political officer Petukhov. When Petukhov was leaving for example, in Beijing, Kozhedub gave the command to prepare the plane and flew out on interception of scouts. This happened in one of these night flying in the sky Korea, When Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was shot down He ejected and landed on neutral strip. South Koreans immediately tried it capture captured But Chinese at first stopped them with dense fire, and then in hand-to-hand literally in battle Kozhedub was torn out from hands of South Koreans!

For the first time this story was told TO THE SON Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, Nikita, Chinese veteran pilots V 1991 year. They asked Nikita about only one thing - never tell anyone this story. Nikita completed their request. According to the same stories Chinese pilots V Korea, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub personally shot down 17 enemy aircraft ! Naturally not in any documents This NOT recorded especially since Soviet participation pilots in Korean war HID IT CAREFULLY.

Main rival Soviet MiG-15 V Korea was American Saber ( direct translation "Saber"). MiG-15 had weight on 2,5 tons less, That's why gained altitude faster And speed. However, when dive this advantage turned into flaw! Saber dived faster and besides, it was significantly more maneuverable than the MiG ( see article "Artyom Ivanovich Mikoyan"). On Sabre there was a weapon shot up to a distance of 400 meters, and MiG-15, up to 800 meters and more. Win count V Korean went to war with superiority in favor MiGs!

Unexpectedly from Moscow to the location divisions Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub arrived high boss. He delivered the order – PLANT American fighter Sabre, With minimal damage, on our territories. Then send it to Moscow on studying. Mission first seemed IMPOSSIBLE. But then the regiment commander Evgeny Pepelyaev managed apply SABER DELICATE damage ! Saber didn't catch fire And didn't crash and committed forced landing. This type of American fighter was NEWEST type fighter. By the time it capture he appeared at the front of everything six months back ! From the division's location Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub captured airplane transported V Moscow.

EXACTLY as a result KOREAN wars and CAPTURED V Korea to American fighter Saber, Soviet aircraft designers TAKE OVER at Americans RADIO RANGE NUMER, on the basis of which improved own aim, ANTI-OVERLOAD suit and then HIGH-RISE a suit that's just COPYED.

Lived division pilots Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub V Korea V hastily cobbled together from wooden boards near the airfield ! They didn't have no running water, no sewerage. Heated these makeshift stoves "potbelly stoves" A frosts in winter reached -40 degrees Celsius ! In summer walked torrential rains, and such , that sometimes it was necessary to go to the airfield swim on boats! In a letter to his wife Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub wrote : « We already have second week coming rain. Directly under the windows formed lake! Such miracles there are only here! AND When just us let's break out from this cells?! I remember a movie "The Feat of a Scout" and words Kadochnikova: “ Patience, patience my dear friend So here it is be patient dear And I I tolerate and I think that We’ll endure it!” In a reply letter Veronica wrote : « Finally, waited from you letters, darling! Still, ours generations nerves and heart are in vain – the war has taken its toll! How much longer will it be continue this is how you write “brawl”?!”

She's good knew - What hiding for in a simple word "brawl". It happened that they called her wives pilots friends Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, crying they shared fatal news ! They received funeral with such words: " Your husband died from heart attack or passed away from intestinal poisoning." Herself Veronica knew that friends' husbands died V air battles, But had no right them about it say. For the reason CLASSIFICATIONS wars V Korea, USSR Ministry of Defense Not told the truth about how to in fact, Soviet soldiers died pilots. After death and farewell, bodies of the dead taken to Chinese city Port Arthur and there buried on military cemetery under FICTIONAL NAMES.

IN New Year's Eve 1952 pilots Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub let's go home. Report families about returning banned. Let's go home to civil clothes as if they were ordinary civilian people traveling from business trips from fraternal China. Soviet pilots shot down 215 American airplanes, 20 of which bombers "flying fortress". Division losses Ivan Nikitovich Kozheduba, 23 airplane and 10 pilots. Kozhedub is back home the same way suddenly, as he left. If Veronica asked him about the war Korea, he fell silent and looked at his wife for a long time with a smile. "Veronica, why do you need this ? Don't ask. Doesn't matter I won't tell you Bye won't be allowed." That was the answer.

After the war in Korea, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub continued to fly, worked tester V Leningradsky military district. Job title occupied significantly below their merit - deputy division commander. After only 15 became old head of combat training of the Air Force. Later they made themselves known to him professional diseases. Started to get sick legs, then it happened stroke. I'm weaned speech, illness chained to bed, But relatives He found out.

Of the children he had daughter Natasha And son Nikita. His came out and literally wife Veronica raised. She connected, as many as I could doctors. He again studied write and we can say born again. Daughter Natasha became pianist, and son Nikita chose a profession submariner IN 1985 year Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub received the title Air Marshal.

U Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was many friends - it was writers, artists, astronauts, musicians. Friends This often feast. Veronika Nikolaevna, knowing health Ivan Nikitovich, hard protected him from alcohol. Kozhedub in such cases joked: “Veronica Well, what is it? Big deal this is it three tankers drank each three hundred, and brave falcon drank nine hundred!” Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub lived with Veronica Nikolaevna almost 50 years ! Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub gone August 8, 1991 year, for at his dacha V Monino. Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub died in GLORY And RESPECT! Through six months THE COUNTRY HAS DISAPPEARED for which Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub FOUGHT whole 2nd WARS!

On the eighth of June in the distant and alarming year of one thousand nine hundred and twenty, a hut in Obrazheevka - a village in the Glukhovsky district of the Chernigov province - was filled with the cry of a newborn child. The boy was named Decades will pass, and in the state called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics there will not be a person who does not know where and when the pilot Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was born. A short biography of a participant in the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War contains facts that capture the imagination of everyone who is interested in the tactics of conducting air battles of the bloodiest confrontation between countries that ever happened in the 20th century.

In the sky, like at home

Ivan Kozhedub found himself at the front not from the first days of the Great Patriotic War, but in March 1943. However, the pilot managed to show such courage, bravery, and unsurpassed combat skill that he became Thrice. Already in peacetime, the country appreciated the merits of the pilot by awarding the title “Marshal of Aviation” (1985).

Kozhedub I.N. fought the enemy as part of the Allied forces. The most effective pilot of the Second World War rushed to carry out combat missions 366 times, overcame 120 air battles, and eliminated 62 fascist aircraft.

The ace hit targets masterfully, taking advantage of the slightest mistakes of the enemy. Hit the target accurately from any position of the aircraft. At the same time, Kozhedub’s car was invulnerable: even after receiving serious damage, it always remained “on the wing.” Fighting friends They said about him: “in the sky, like at home.”

Two dates of birth

The unbending character of Ivan Kozhedub, his ability to find a way out in any situation was laid down in early childhood. Five children grew up in a family farming the land. The father (former) raised the children strictly and introduced them to work early.

Already at the age of 5, Vanya went to guard the garden at night. The head of the family understood that such protection was of little use, but believed that such tests strengthen character and teach them to overcome difficulties. Later, the boy helped adult shepherds look after the flock (he was a shepherd). He was not afraid of work, he believed that the one who walked would master the road.

In 1934, a 14-year-old boy completed his studies at a rural school. For two years I acquired knowledge at the workers' faculty (workers' faculties prepared workers and peasants for training in higher school). In 1936, he passed the entrance examination to the Chemical Technology College (Shostka).

It is noteworthy: in order to get into technical school, the teenager increased his age by a couple of years. There is information that Kozhedub I.N. was born not on June 8, 1920, but on July 6, 1922. In 1939, the future pilot began training at the Shostka flying club. Mastered the U-2 multi-purpose biplane.

Frontal sky

Kozhedub did not have the chance to complete his studies at the technical school - at the beginning of 1940, the future chemical technologist became a Red Army soldier (a military member of the workers' and peasants' Red Army). Fate sent him along a different path: by the autumn of 1941, Ivan Nikitovich received a “crown” (diploma) from the Chuguev Military Aviation School of Pilots (since March 1941, a pilot school). How the best cadet was left in educational institution pilot-instructor, train newcomers.

But on the front line they also needed such responsible fighters as Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. A short biography says that in 1943 he was sent to the 302nd Fighter Aviation Division, to the Voronezh Front. Thus began his journey as a military idol for many generations of residents of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

In the first battle, his La-5 aircraft was damaged - from the German Messer, and at the same time - from Soviet anti-aircraft gunners fighting the battle. However, Kozhedub was able to land the damaged plane. It seemed that his flying career was over as soon as it began. But the regiment commander supported the newcomer and gave him the opportunity to prove himself in subsequent battles with the enemy.

July 1943

The first fascist plane shot down by Kozhedub was the Yu-87 (Junkers). The battle took place on July 6, 1943 during the fiercest fighting on the Kursk Bulge. Already on July 7, Ivan had another Junkers on his account, and two days later - 2 Bf-109 fighters (Messerschmitt Bf.109, or Me-109).

Military historians identify and describe in detail four main heroic acts that Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub committed. His short biography in these events is as follows. The first heroic deed dates back to the thirtieth of September 1943. On this autumn day, turning the plane around while escorting the crossing of Soviet troops across the Dnieper, Ivan remained completely unprotected (without his own cover), but was not afraid.

Noticing the Junkers, he dived onto Luftwaffe multipurpose aircraft and broke into the enemy flight. Shocked by the courage of the Soviet ace, the Nazis stopped the bombing and went on the defensive. This is what Ivan Kozhedub was counting on, whose feat went down in history. Taking advantage of the fact that one of the Ju-87s broke away from the group, he destroyed it, completely demoralizing the enemy.

October, 1943

On October 3, 1943, nine single-engine La-5 fighters (including Kozhedub’s plane) covered the venue military operation on the banks of the Dnieper. The pilots saw a column of “laptezhniks” (this is the nickname the Russians gave to the Junkers-87) in the clouds.

Every 9 enemy bombers were covered by six Me-109 fighters. It seemed that they filled the entire sky. Despite the fact that the forces were unequal, Ivan Nikitovich boldly led the attack of five La-5s. The enemy did not expect that the meager number would be able to seriously resist their tough armada, but they miscalculated.

A few minutes after the start of the attack, two Junkers crashed to the ground at once. The other planes of the first nine immediately went into reverse. After a short time, the 2nd nine Ju-87 also retreated. Soviet pilots prevailed not in numbers, but in skill, unsurpassed courage, and dedication.

It was Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub who caught up with the last “runaway” car and turned it into nothing. A short biography of him recorded that he put a “fat end” in that battle with fascist dive bombers.

February, 1945

The second month of winter 1945 was marked by battles on the Oder. How did Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub distinguish himself in the Vistula-Oder operation? The short biography of the hero also contains this information. In the sky over the Oder, the pilot was one of the first in world history to shoot down the newest Me-262 jet. Before him defeat the Luftwaffe car latest design no one succeeded.

It happened like this. On February 19, Kozhedub and his partner D. Titorenko discovered an unknown aircraft at an altitude of three kilometers. He flew at a speed that was even maximum for the new La-7 (at the end of 1944, Kozhedub became deputy commander of the 176th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, which in the last month of summer received a La-7 fighter and several vehicles of the latest design ).

Kozhedub noticed that the German ace relaxed, because his car flies “faster than light” and the space under it can be left without control. The Soviet pilot met an enemy aircraft on an intersecting course, and his La-7 fighter shot the “German” from below, right “in the belly.”

Titarenko then began to shoot too early, but his attack forced the enemy to turn towards the temporarily “silent” Kozhedub, which determined the victorious outcome. When the distance was reduced to the maximum possible, Ivan opened fire, destroying the jet “miracle”.

April, 1945

In the second month of the victorious spring, the allies, the Americans, decided to “scare” Ivan Kozhedub. The unsuspecting pilot Kozhedub protected the American B-17, scaring away two German fighters from it. But almost immediately he survived a powerful long-range attack. In the heat of battle it was unclear who fired. However, two unknown aircraft deliberately went to destroy the Soviet combat vehicle!

Having made a turn, Ivan Nikitovich went sideways to one and knocked him out. Another shot (Kozhedub seemed to be floating in the sky), a shot - and the second winged attacker fell to the ground. As it turned out, the US Air Force Mustangs were defeated. The Allies explained their treacherous act by saying that “a mistake had occurred.”

In fact, comrades in the fight against Nazi fascism decided to test the invincible Kozhedub “for strength.” And Ivan Kozhedub did not disappoint here; the feat of survival even in the most unexpected situation can be regarded as another confirmation that he is truly a hero.


So how many planes did Kozhedub shoot down? Together with the “Mustangs” of the allies - 64. Kozhedub I.N. was awarded high awards of his native state: including the Orders of Lenin (4), Red Banner (7), Red Star (2), Alexander Nevsky, Patriotic War, 1st degree, etc., as well as foreign orders. I.N. died Kozhedub on August 8, 1991. Burial place - Moscow, Novodevichy Cemetery.

Ivan Kozhedub - Soviet pilot, hero of the Soviet Union, who fought during the Great Patriotic War, participated in the conflict on the Korean Peninsula.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was born on June 8, 1920 in the village of Obrazhievka, located in what is now Ukraine. His childhood spanned years civil war, he lived in an ordinary peasant family. The boy was no different from other guys of that period; he spent all his time on the street with his friends. After graduating from the local school, Ivan went to the city of Shostka to enter the chemical-technological college. During his training, he was a member of a flying club, where he was instilled with a love for aviation. After graduating from college, he continued to pursue his hobby. He became a student at the Chuguev Military Aviation School, where he studied until the early 40s. After graduation, Ivan remained to work there as a teacher.

The turning point for Kozhedub was joining the Red Army. Then he realized that he wanted to devote himself to military affairs. The Great Patriotic War began. Ivan and the rest of the teaching staff were evacuated to Kazakhstan. There the pilot received the rank of senior sergeant. A few months later he was sent to the front as part of the 240th Fighter Regiment. His first plane was the LA-5 model; the pilot proudly called it “Lopakhin”. Unfortunately, Kozhedub’s first flight was unsuccessful; he was shot down. Nevertheless, he heroically landed the damaged unit. In 1943 he became a junior lieutenant.

The Battle of Kursk brought him glory. There he was able to shoot down several enemy fighters. For his bravery, he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1944, Kozhedub was given a captain. He becomes the pilot of the new La-7 aircraft. During the time offensive operation to liberate Eastern Europe, he shot down several dozen enemy bombers. He celebrated the victory in Berlin, where he received his second “Golden Star”. At the end of the war, Kozhedub collided with two American pilots, who accidentally perceived him as an enemy. Ivan, in self-defense, shot down planes, which may have played a role in aggravating relations.

After the war, he entered the Red Banner Air Force Academy, where he received a higher education. At the same time, the great pilot was testing new models aircraft. But military service did not leave him. Ivan took a direct part in the Korean War. Thanks to his skill, many battles were won with minimal losses. After returning to civilian life, he served as an Air Force commander. For the next 10 years he worked as an inspector for the Ministry of Defense. Only in 1985, having become an Air Marshal, Ivan decided to change the direction of his activities. He became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, where he worked until his death. He died on August 8, 1991, the cause of death was a heart attack. Even after 30 years, everyone continues to revere the exploits of Ivan Kozhedub, which speaks of his undoubted contribution to the development of aviation; he was a true patriot of his country.

Biography 2

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub became one of the most famous Soviet aces who participated in the Great Patriotic War. His biography reflected the peculiarities of the era.

He was born in a simple Ukrainian village in 1920. The future Air Marshal was not entirely lucky with his social background, which was then much looked at more attention than now. However, the son of a village church elder, like many of his peers, became seriously interested in aviation. At the chemical-technological technical school, where he entered after graduation, there was a flying club, which the young man joined.

At the beginning of the war, Kozhedub was sent to be evacuated to Kazakhstan to complete his training as a military pilot, and in 1942 he was released into a fighter regiment with the rank of sergeant. The following year, Ivan Nikitovich takes part in battles on Voronezh Front, piloting a La-5 fighter. The debut was not very successful - the plane was damaged after being fired upon by its own Soviet anti-aircraft gunners. However, not that time, and throughout the entire war, was the pilot ever shot down, although his combat vehicle was repeatedly seriously damaged.

At the end of the war, Kozhedub shot down sixty-two enemy aircraft, flying three hundred and thirty sorties. He shot down the last one in the sky over the German capital in April 1945, at the same time receiving the Hero of the Soviet Union for the third time.

After the victory, the honored pilot remained in military aviation, studied at the Air Force Academy, while simultaneously mastering new types of aircraft.

During the Korean War, where Soviet pilots fought the Americans and their allies, he commanded an air division. Having lost only twenty-seven aircraft, his subordinates shot down 216 enemy aircraft.

In 1964-71. Ivan Nikitovich served as deputy commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. He subsequently served on the Department of Defense Inspector General team. It was not customary for senior military leaders to retire, so they formally held a high position, but did not actually command.

In 1991, the Air Marshal (the title was awarded in 1985) dies, still holding the same honorary position.

Biography by dates and interesting facts. The most important.

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Kozhedub and Pokryshkin

To be fair, it must be said that Ivan Kozhedub was not the only hero pilot during the war. When they talk about Soviet aces, they often remember Alexander Pokryshkin, who even in those days was considered, if not the main “enemy” of Ivan Kozhedub, who did not want to share the glory with him, then certainly his main rival. After the war, they often wrote that Pokryshkin and Kozhedub allegedly organized unofficial competitions among themselves: who could shoot down the most planes. In fact, this was not the case, because, among other things, the pilots served in different regiments and fought on different fronts. Ivan Nikitovich called Alexander Ivanovich his teacher, senior comrade, and brother-in-arms. True, after the war he did not deny that healthy competition between the two aces still took place, but the pilots were doing a common job - beating the enemy. And neither Kozhedub nor Pokryshkin considered it appropriate to talk about who shot down more planes. Although it was precisely about the exploits of Alexander Pokryshkin that not only Soviet, but since 1943, American and English newspapers began to write widely. And Hermann Goering personally received reports about a pilot who shot down 3-4 Luftwaffe planes in one battle. "Attention! In the sky - Pokryshkin! - warnings to German pilots sounded on air when his plane entered the battle.

Pokryshkin himself, being nine years older than Ivan Kozhedub, began fighting in 1941. Subsequently, he often said: only those who have been fighting since the first days of the war, have personally experienced the bitterness of defeat and survived, can call themselves an experienced fighter. Kozhedub, who studied the theory of air combat in the first years of the war and showed himself later, was offended to hear this from a person he respected. However, this did not stop him from gluing a portrait of Pokryshkin cut out from a newspaper in the cockpit of his plane. The pilots did not know each other for a long time. And this opportunity presented itself to Kozhedub: the plane of Hero of the Soviet Union, Divisional Commander Alexander Pokryshkin, landed at their airfield. But Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Kozhedub never decided to come up and meet the one he considered a teacher. Much later, when the hero pilots finally shook hands, Kozhedub admitted to Pokryshkin: if he, having fought from the first days, formed a theory from the practice of air combat, then he, carefully studying this theory in the rear, brought it to life and even improved.

Alexander Pokryshkin became the first who was allowed to fly out on a “free hunt.” He practiced such combat exits back in 1941. But then each such flight was considered arbitrary, not many pilots survived, and those who returned were worth their weight in gold. Therefore, they got off with strict warnings, which, however, were used only as a matter of form - those who returned always reported downed enemy planes. As you know, winners are not judged. And since 1942, “free hunting” for Soviet aces, which Pokryshkin was already considered without any doubt, was officially allowed - after all, German pilots had already received such a right. Through trial and error, being on the brink of death dozens of times, Lieutenant Pokryshkin honed his combat system, which he later called the “falcon strike,” day after day. The victory formula he derived consisted of four components: “Speed ​​– altitude – maneuver – fire.” Seeing the enemy, he quickly gained altitude, performed a diversionary maneuver, and at the right moment, like a falcon, attacked his prey from above, opening aimed fire.

“Stalin's Falcons” is the title of a chapter of a popular book in the former Federal Republic of Germany by American aviation historians R. Toliver and T. Constable. Its authors did not write about Soviet pilots, but paid tribute to the best ace Luftwaffe Eric Hartmann. But American researchers also remembered the battle tactics developed by Alexander Pokryshkin and adopted by Ivan Kozhedub. Here is a small fragment from their book: “Pokryshkin, through mathematical analysis, found those fundamental formulas of tactics, which Hartman subsequently came to purely intuitively. The similarity of concepts and conclusions is worthy of attention... Pokryshkin’s innovations largely contributed to the fact that Soviet fighter aviation abandoned the dogmatic doctrine of the pre-war era... Distortions should not lead to seeing Pokryshkin’s activities as a fighter pilot, commander and tactician as the result of naked propaganda. His fame is well deserved, and it is appropriate in this book to pay tribute to one who often fought with Hartman and the pilots of the 52nd Fighter Squadron."

Since the early 1990s, it has become fashionable to balance books about Soviet heroes war with publications about an equally heroic enemy. And the numbers of Soviet planes shot down by the Germans were amazing: Hartman - 352, Barkhorn - 301, Rall - 275 planes, and so on. It seemed that three times Heroes Pokryshkin and Kozhedub, who shot down 59 and 62 aircraft, respectively, were a pale shadow of the Germans. “What are Soviet pilots worth then, since there is such a difference in the number of downed aircraft?” – then they started talking around. But this soon found its explanation: it turns out that the systems for counting downed aircraft that were kept in both armies were significantly different. Downed planes are one thing, but counted ones are another. The Germans kept records using a photo-machine gun mounted on an airplane. The very fact of hitting the enemy was taken into account, and they did not care what happened to him next. The ace's partner usually confirmed the fact that the plane had been shot down.

In the Soviet Air Force, to confirm victory in 1941, they demanded almost a part of a downed German plane with a number. Then the understanding came that in fighter aviation it is impossible in many situations to fix a downed plane on the ground and give one hundred percent confirmation that it was shot down. Pokryshkin, and later Kozhedub and other Soviet aces, were not counted for vehicles shot down behind the front line over enemy territory. But the pilots did not need “points,” but real victories. And they continued to attack enemy bombers on approach, as this was more effective. Therefore, the Soviet aces, including Pokryshkin and Kozhedub, had a lot of unaccounted for aircraft.

From the book Pokryshkin author

Planet “Pokryshkin” He had a sharper eye for the genuine and the vain. He knew the true price of life, warmth and bread. He protected all living things around him. Hero of the Soviet Union Andrei Ivanovich Trud In the last year of his life, A. I. Pokryshkin completed the book of memoirs “Knowing Yourself in Battle.”

From the book Pilots, Planes, Tests author Shcherbakov Alexey Alexandrovich

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub Kozhedub is an outstanding ace of the Second World War. According to experts, and not only Soviet ones, he has the highest rating as a fighter pilot, although in terms of the number of aircraft shot down he is inferior to some German aces. Enough has been written about him.

From the book Against the “Messers” and “Sabres” author Kramarenko Sergey

Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was born on June 8, 1920 in the small village of Obrazheevka in the present Sumy region. The region, like neighboring Poltava and Chernigov, was on the edge of Russian land, and the inhabitants of these places stood in its defense, constantly waging wars with the Pechenegs and

From the book Memoirs, letters, diaries of participants in the battles for Berlin by Berlin Sturm

THREE TIMES HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION GUARDS COLONEL A. POKRYSHKIN At the airfield near Jüterbog In the stubborn battles we fought from the foothills of the Caucasus to the center of Germany, the air warriors of my formation flew thousands of hours, and flew in the air for a total of about 12 million

From the book Soldiers of the Empire. Conversations. Memories. Documents. author Chuev Felix Ivanovich

“THREE TIMES POKRYSHKIN USSR” An American pilot, whom I met in Angola, sends me postcards from Texas, a handsome and, I think, sincere guy. He collects photographs of outstanding aviators different countries. I revealed to him that I knew a lot of Soviet pilots

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Three Gold Stars. “Attention, Pokryshkin!” In the spring of 1943, the Kuban air battle took place - one of the largest in the last war. The battles in the sky went on over the earth from dawn until dark. The air was sometimes crowded with aircraft. Goering sent selected aircraft to Kuban

From the book Friends in the Sky author Vodopyanov Mikhail Vasilievich

“Attention, Pokryshkin!” In the spring of 1943, the Kuban air battle took place - one of the largest in the last war. Fighting in the sky went on over the ground from dawn to tempo. The air was sometimes crowded with aircraft. Goering sent selected aviation units to Kuban. They were met in

From the book Loyalty to the Fatherland. Looking for a fight author Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich

I.N. Kozhedub in the Korean War

From the book Pokryshkin author Timofeev Alexey Viktorovich

From the book Pokryshkin author Timofeev Alexey Viktorovich

From the book Ivan Kozhedub author Kokotyukha Andrey Anatolievich

XX. Lieutenant Lermontov and Marshal Pokryshkin Yes, I will not change, and I will be strong in soul, Like you, like you, my iron friend. M. Yu. Lermontov. Dagger Frunzenskaya embankment. An elite, well-groomed metropolitan area. In the ensemble of “Stalinist” architecture, a monumental building with a coat of arms is noticeable

From the book Serving the Motherland. Pilot's stories author Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich

XXI. Planet “Pokryshkin” He had a sharper eye for the genuine and the vain. He knew the true price of life, warmth and bread. He protected all living things around him. Hero of the Soviet Union Andrei Ivanovich Trud In the last year of his life, A. I. Pokryshkin completed the book of memoirs “Know yourself in

From the book 1941–1945. Holy War author Eliseev Vitaly Vasilievich

Kozhedub-instructor Closer to the autumn of 1941, an event occurred that again stirred up the lives of the pilots serving at the Chuguev airfield. The school command received an order to immediately form a regiment of experienced instructors with excellent command of piloting techniques. Them

From the author's book

IVAN KOZHEDUB Three times Hero of the Soviet Union

From the author's book

Chapter 22. Fighter pilot A. Pokryshkin In the summer of 1942, during the holidays, together with Shurik Moshkarov, I went to watch the film “Chapaev”. The fact that Chapaev drowned while swimming across the Ural River was all real lies. Guys we know who have already watched told us about this.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was born on June 8, 1920 in the village of Obrazheevka, Shostkinsky district, Sumy region, into the family of a simple rural worker.

His father raised little Ivan in strictness and taught him to work from childhood. The brothers Yakov, Alexander and Gregory, worked as laborers for wealthy people, bringing home meager pennies and food at the end of the season. And Ivan himself was forced to earn money as a child, when his father gave him a job as a helper. Fate was favorable to him from childhood and protected him throughout his life.

Even in childhood, as Ivan Nikitovich himself recalled, in his book “Loyalty to the Fatherland,”

could have died by drowning in the Desna. During the flood, the guys went by boat to a distant island and in the evening, with a strong wind, returned to the village. A gust of wind caused the boat to spin across the wave and capsize. Finding themselves in cold water, the children swam to a nearby tree and climbed out onto the branches. By nightfall, the survivors began to freeze and Vanya’s friend Andreyka drowned. And Vanya himself was blown off the branch by the wind when, exhausted, he could not hold on. Having fallen into the water, Vanya immediately sank to the bottom.

The miracle of his salvation was that at that time help arrived on the longboat, where Vanya’s brother Alexander was. He managed to notice where the future Soviet air sniper fell and, diving, saved him. That day, little Ivan experienced the first bereavement in his life. And how much more did fate have in store for him...

Since childhood, Vanya has been fond of sports, including exercises on the horizontal bar and weightlifting - kettlebell lifting. His father often scolded Ivan for the yard that was pitted with weights. As a result of these studies, the future defender of the Fatherland developed an excellent vestibular apparatus and endurance.

At school, Vanya was fond of drawing and drew a lot, which developed his eye, visual memory future ace. I tried to paint in oils.

Like everything in life, childhood flew by unnoticed. Having completed the seven-year school, Ivan entered the school for working youth, where, working as a librarian, he voraciously read not only fiction books, but also technical literature. Two more years passed and, on the advice of his father, Ivan entered the Shostka Technical School, the chemical technology department. It was a long walk home and Kozhedub moved to a dormitory at the technical school. Only the mother did not want to part with her youngest son.

One weekend, with a heavy feeling in his soul, Ivan returned home from college for the weekend. His father met him at the doorstep of the house. Ivan’s mother, having lost her strength in hard work among people, became seriously ill and refused all entreaties to go to the hospital. It's time to return to college. Ivan did not want to go, apparently sensing trouble, but his mother persuaded him to return. Kozhedub sat with his books until late at night, reproaching himself for not insisting that his mother go to the hospital, and at dawn his brother Yakov woke him up. Seeing the tear-stained face of his older brother, Ivan immediately understood everything.

Having been widowed, Nikita Kozhedub also moved to Shostka, to a dormitory at the plant and often came to visit his son.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub himself will tell you better than me about his first meeting with the plane:

“...one afternoon, while playing bowls, I heard the rumble of an engine: a plane was flying at a low altitude. It was the first time I saw him so close. Two passengers sitting in the back waved to us. The car quickly disappeared behind the hill.

I wish I could get up and look at the Desna River from above, at our spacious lands.

Just before leaving, I found out that it was possible to fly: passengers were given rides for a fee, but it was too late. And the plane, frankly speaking, inspired me not only with curiosity, but also with timidity. I even admitted to myself that I probably wouldn’t have dared to fly. And I decided to myself that it was difficult to learn flying, and pilots must be incredibly brave people: just think - they take to the air and make such flights! And not for a second did the thought of devoting my life to aviation arise to me.”
(Ivan Kozhedub. “Loyalty to the Fatherland”).

Ivan took the next step towards his destiny after the war at Lake Khasan, in the summer of 1938. It was then that Ivan remembered his recent meeting with technical school students who had entered the flying club. They came to the technical school to train on sports equipment. At a subsequent meeting with them, Ivan asked a question about how to submit documents to the flying club, to which he received a less than encouraging answer: it was too late to submit documents, classes had already begun. But Ivan still took a risk and entered the flying club, promising to catch up with his fellow students in theory before starting flight practice. He caught up with the group, moreover, he was one of the first members in the group.

It was difficult for the future hero to keep up everywhere. Ivan studied at the flying club, not forgetting about the technical school, because he had not yet decided to fly all his life.

At first I had to hide from my father. Kozhedub recalls how he once asked: “What, a tattoo, if I learned to fly?” (“tattoo” means “dad” in Ukrainian).

To which the father waved his hands: “Where are you going to chase the pie in the sky?!”

But Ivan could only hide until summer holidays at the technical school. As soon as it was light we were getting ready to go to Shostka to the airfield for flights. That’s how the father found out about his son’s hobby, but, having already gotten used to his independence, he did not flog the hero.

In the same 1939, Kozhedub decided to throw in his lot with fighter aviation, having met his fellow countryman, who came to his homeland on vacation. Young pilots listened with enthusiasm to the stories of a graduate of their flying club, looking at the military uniform with envy. Of course, in those days, pilots had a special chic uniform. All military officers wore tunics, and the pilots wore shirts with ties and jackets.

In January 1940, Kozhedub was summoned to the Chuguev Military Pilot School. By order People's Commissar Defense of the USSR S.K. Timoshenko No. 0362 dated December 22, 1940 “On changing the order of service for junior and middle commanding personnel of the Red Army Air Force,” Ivan Kozhedub successfully completed in the fall of 1940. He was expecting distribution. Like all his classmates, he was preparing to serve on the western border, where the entire graduating class of that year was sent, but the command ordered otherwise. As one of the best cadets, Sergeant Kozhedub was retained as an instructor at the school.

The war found Ivan Nikitovich in the position of instructor. From the first days of the war, Kozhedub has been inundating his superiors with reports asking to be sent to the front, but his superiors are adamant. “Your duty is to train pilots for the Red Army. The front is suffering heavy losses."

At the end of 1941, the school was transferred to the city of Chimkent, Kazakhstan. There, personnel for the front were forged at an accelerated pace. Kozhedub continues to besiege his superiors with reports, to which he receives negative responses and even scoldings. Continues to train pilots for the front.

Newspapers from the front reached them and in some of them there were notes about the exploits of their comrades, former cadets, and instructors from the school. The humble workers of the rear airfield were jealous of their friends who were beating the enemy over the vast expanses of their homeland.

Finally, in the fall of 1942, Ivan Nikitovich was sent to the front. In Moscow, Ivan learned that one of his best cadets, Vyacheslav Bashkirov, had been awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Kozhedub is proud of his student and perhaps happy for himself. If the student surpasses the teacher - best score teacher as a professional.

Kozhedub was enlisted in the 240th Fighter Aviation Regiment, commanded by Major Soldatenko. The regiment suffered heavy losses in the battles near Stalingrad and was being recruited. In Gorky, the regiment was retrained for the new La-5 fighters. New aircraft have just begun to arrive at the front and have already gained fame in the Battle of Stalingrad.

In the reserve regiment, Ivan continues to study, studies new material, undergoes training flights, studies captured Me-109s, sketching their silhouettes and studying vulnerable spots.

Finally, in January 1943, Kozhedub received a new La-5, number 75 from the squadron named after Valery Chkalov. But he is dissatisfied with the first car. The plane is equipped with five tanks - somewhat heavy.

In March 1943, Kozhedub conducted his first air battle. Together with his leader, Kozhedub had to guard his airfield. From the very beginning everything went wrong. During takeoff, Kozhedub lost sight of the leader’s plane and was left alone in the air. Having made several circles, Ivan saw approaching planes, similar in silhouette to Pe-2 bombers.

Ivan remembered the fighter rule in time - If you don’t recognize the plane, consider it an enemy plane. Explosions on the ground convinced Kozhedub of the accuracy of the rule.

The trouble was that while he was figuring out who was in front of him, the Me-110s began attacking the airfield. Kozhedub prepared to attack the enemy, removed the guns from the safeties, but then remembered another rule - “before attacking, make sure you are not being attacked.” He looked around - a plane with a white propeller was coming towards him. While I was wondering who it was, my friend or someone else, the “white cook” opened fire. There was a crash from behind, and the cabin smelled of burning. Ivan was saved by the fact that a high-explosive fragmentation shell, and not an armor-piercing one, hit the cabin. The Me-109s were densely packed on him and were about to finish him off, but then anti-aircraft artillery opened fire and the Messers fell off. Kozhedub's La-5 also came under friendly fire and received several more holes. It took a lot of work for Ivan to land the riddled plane. After landing, more than fifty holes were counted.

Now Ivan flew from time to time.

After the first unsuccessful battle, they generally wanted to transfer him to ground service. I lost the leader, allowed the enemy to bomb the airfield, almost died myself and the plane was in repair for a long time. Car number 75 was under repair for a long time.

Two tanks were removed from it; it was not suitable for combat and Ivan sometimes flew as a messenger. All the time he learned to beat the enemy, drew diagrams, studied the experience of famous pilots such as A.I. Pokryshkin.

Ivan wrote down Pokryshkin’s battle formula: “Altitude – speed – maneuver – fire” in his front-line notebook. There, he drew diagrams and silhouettes of enemy aircraft, so as not to waste time identifying the aircraft in the future. He learned well the lesson taught to him by the Germans.

There were “local battles”, but even in these battles the regiment lost people. Kozhedub's leader, Vano Gabunia, died after ramming an enemy plane, squadron commander Gavrish. On April 14, 1943, during the raid, the regiment commander, Major Soldatenko, died.

By summer, new additions arrived to the regiment. Kozhedub was appointed to the post of deputy squadron commander. Vasily Mukhin was assigned to be his partner.

The new couple took their first battle in July 1943 at the Kursk Bulge on July 6, 1943. The regiment was ordered to cover ground troops. Above the front line, the group, which included the Kozhedub-Mukhin pair, met with a large group of Yu-87 bombers.

A fierce battle ensued. Friendly and foreign planes were mixed in the air. With a burst of cannon fire, Ivan forced the Me-109 to turn commander Semenov away from the plane.

The bombers formed a defensive circle. Several minutes passed and Kozhedub entered the line of opening fire. The guns have started working, but the “laptezhnik” does not fall. Ivan continues to shoot. The Junkers began to maneuver. Forgetting about everything, Ivan continues the attack, deciding that if he does not shoot down the enemy, he will ram him, as his deceased leader Vano Gabunia did. Almost point-blank, Kozhedub fires a long burst of fire at the enemy. The plane burst into flames and crashed.

To celebrate, Ivan shouted to his wingman: “Vasya! Knocked one!”

He looked around and saw the Messer, which Mukhin was chasing, falling away from him.

Squadron commander "Gathering" team. But Kozhedub sees another group of Junkers, reports to the commander, but he continues to assemble the group. Then Ivan decides to attack the enemy with the forces of his couple. He lined up behind the outermost Yu-87, opened fire at point-blank range, but the guns were silent. Shooting in long bursts, Ivan used up all his ammunition. Commands Mukhina to attack, imitates attacks himself. The Junkers leave, and the couple, running out of fuel, returned to their airfield.

Ivan Nikitovich recalled in his book how, during a report on the battle, the squadron commander severely reprimanded him for being separated from the group.

“Is that so?!” You're chasing someone who's been shot down. In such an environment one cannot be unrestrained and imprudent. They'll shoot you down in an instant. Well, anyway, congratulations on the first shot down.

Since July 10, Kozhedub has been temporarily acting as commander, instead of the wounded Semenov.

In September 1943, Ivan received long-awaited news from home. From his father’s letter, he learned that brother Yakov, from the first days in the battles, Gregory was driven into slavery by the Nazis, and brother Sashko was working in the rear in the Urals.

The usual everyday life of war began to flow. Several times a day, our pilots flew out to carry out missions.

September 30, 1943. Kozhedub's group flew out to cover the ground troops. On the way to the front line, Ivan was attacked by a pair of German hunters. Having replaced them in time, he turned sharply, not having time to give a command to his own. In a frontal attack, the Germans opened fire. In the plane, from behind, there was a crash and the opponents dispersed on opposite courses. Kozhedub’s maneuver was so fast that the fighters of his group, seeing the hunters leaving the attack, believed that Ivan had been shot down and chased the Germans, burning with a desire for revenge. Ivan was left alone in the cover area. There was no reaction to all Ivan’s orders via radio communication. Some time passed and Kozhedub’s group returned, but passed by towards their base without noticing their commander. And then the Germans appeared and Kozhedub took the battle alone. From all sides, at the limit of the vehicle, Ivan attacked the Yu-87. He finally forced them to stop bombing and put them in a defensive circle. But the Germans did not leave, and the fuel was melting. It was necessary to shoot down at least someone. Ivan finally chose one and shot him point-blank. Seeing a falling fellow engulfed in flames, the “laptezhniki” randomly bombed and began to leave. Kozhedub returned home on fuel fumes.

Another day that Ivan Nikitovich especially remembers.

For the third time, he then led his squadron to cover the troops. We encountered a large group of enemy bombers near the front line. They immediately attacked and dispersed, but an order came from the ground to catch up and finish off the enemy. The fighters rushed after them to shoot the defenseless Yu-87.

This fight is better described in the words of Ivan Nikitovich himself.

“I’m starting to attack him from above - he’s pressed so close to the ground that you can’t approach him from below. The shooter fires back fiercely, but the machine gun tracks fly past. There is a long burst and the bomber bursts into flames.

Soaring above the flaming bomber. An indistinct sound is heard - you can hear any impact on the plane, despite the roar of the engine. I hear the frightened voice of Vasya Mukhin: “Dad, you’re burning!”

I quickly examine the left plane - everything is in order here. I looked to the right - a stream of fire was coming out of the gas tank. A chill ran down my spine: I’m really on fire! It's time to jump with a parachute before it's too late. I quickly open the flashlight. I unfasten the seat belts. And suddenly I remember - there is an enemy below.”
(Ivan Kozhedub. “Loyalty to the Fatherland”).

Ivan decides to ram a flaming plane into a ground target. But he continues to fight for life - he tries to put out the flames by sliding. Nothing worked. Below, he noticed a cluster of enemy equipment and put the plane into a dive...

Different sources tell different stories about this incident. Therefore, I think it would be correct to tell the end of this incident in the words of Ivan Nikitovich himself.

“... I’m sending the plane straight at them. The land is growing rapidly. There was still hope that the flames could be stopped if I sharply lifted the nose of the plane. I snatch the plane right over the heads of the dumbfounded Germans. And I hear the joyful voice of the follower:

Dad, the flame has been broken! We're alive!

On this day, fate spared him, once again.

Having flown over the front line, Kozhedub wanted to leave the plane again, but could not - he felt sorry for the car. He loved his planes very much. I always identified them with living beings. And not once during the entire war did he leave the car.

On February 4, 1944, friends congratulated Ivan on being awarded high rank Hero of the Soviet Union. By that time, Kozhedub’s personal account had exceeded 30 enemy vehicles shot down.

In May 1944, when Ivan Kozhedub’s regiment was already fighting over Romania, Ivan received an order to transport a new aircraft to his airfield, from the city of Balti. Having arrived at the place, Kozhedub learned that the La-5 FN, number 14, named after Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel N. Konev, the command of the air force decided to transfer to him.

Collective farmer Vasily Viktorovich Konev, the father of the Hero who died in the battles for the Motherland, purchased a plane with his personal savings and asked to give it to the best pilot. Ivan Kozhedub would be recognized as such.

It was not only honorable to fight in such a vehicle, but also dangerous. The German aces understood perfectly well that such planes were not flown by ordinary pilots. Very often they attacked Ivan, seeing the inscriptions on the sides, but the faithful wingman always reliably covered the commander. Paired with Mukhin, as Ivan Nikitovich recalled, he did not have to worry about his tail.

And he paid in full for the reliability of his wingman. His meager memories deserve great respect:

“...I look around. I see that Mukhin is in an advantageous position. I broadcast on the radio: “Vasya! Hit him! I’m covering!..”

Or: “... Vasya, we’re taking the last one into our pincers!” (In this battle, the pair shot down a Heinkel-111, which was credited to Mukhin).

And he himself was a Hero and gave the opportunity to others to become Heroes.

One day in 1944, a group of planes landed at the airfield of the 240th Fighter Aviation Regiment. The airfield echoed: “Pokryshkin, Pokryshkin!” Ivan wanted to come up and meet the famous ace, but he was shy, and while he hesitated, Pokryshkin’s planes flew away. Only after the war Ivan again saw the Glorious Pilot at the Academy. M. V. Frunze. Perhaps he met him during preparations for the Victory Parade.

In the summer of 1944, Kozhedub was summoned to Moscow. There Kozhedub learned about his new appointment to the 176th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment.

Ivan did not sleep all night, trying to find words so as not to leave his native regiment, but General Shatsky, sympathizing, remained adamant. He expressed his understanding of the situation, but orders from above are not discussed, they are carried out.

At a familiar alternate airfield, where Ivan was still a foolish, inexperienced pilot, he was recognized and congratulated on his success. Ivan Nikitovich had to retrain for the new La-7 aircraft. The regiment of air hunters, where he was to fight, flew precisely on these machines.

On August 19, Ivan learned that A.I. Pokryshkin had been awarded the third Gold Star medal. And he himself was congratulated on being awarded the title of Twice Hero. By that time, Kozhedub had shot down 45 fascist planes.

From the end of August 1944, Kozhedub took up the duties of deputy regiment commander. The regiment performs aerial hunting missions and is staffed by experienced pilots with extensive flight hours and extensive combat experience. Gone are the days when our skies were protected by yellow-throated chicks trained on a crash course in take-off and landing. Now, if the situation allowed, young pilots were introduced into battle gradually.

And in Kozhedub’s regiment there were truly experienced pilots. The planes in the regiment had a special coloring - gray with a red nose and a white fin. Ivan's car was repainted overnight to match the others. So, in a car with tail number 27, Kozhedub flew until the end of the war.

In his memoirs, Ivan Nikitovich talks very sparingly about his downed men. It all comes down to simple phrases: “... I see the enemy, I attack, I shoot down...” and no colorful descriptions. During his period of service in the 176th GIAP, Kozhedub describes more the exploits of his fellow soldiers, seeing his sorties as ordinary workdays.

February 19, 1945. Kozhedub, together with Dmitry Titarenko, went hunting. In the Frankfurt area, at an altitude of 3500 meters, they saw a single plane flying at high speed. Having squeezed everything out of his “Lavochkin” to the limit, Kozhedub managed to get closer to the unknown car. It was a Me-262 jet. According to intelligence data with which the pilots were introduced, these aircraft were fundamentally new and dangerous in combat. The German flew without much concern for safety - he hoped for high speed. The Soviet couple with the jet fighter gradually became closer.

Knowing Titarenko’s character, Kozhedub asks: “Dima, don’t rush!”

But tracks flew into the enemy plane, and the German began to turn away from the line of fire. The distance between Kozhedub and Me-262 decreased sharply, which allowed Soviet ace it is logical to complete the attack. After a well-aimed burst, the Me-262 plane, falling apart, fell to the ground.

Kozhedub shot down the last two fascists on April 17 near Berlin. These were Foke-Wulf 190s. This was his last air battle in that war.

At the end of the spring of 1945, Ivan Nikitovich, by order of the command, flew to Moscow.

Part 2. The secret life of Ivan Kozhedub.

Recently, many secrecy classifications have been removed. Some incidents that happened to him during the last period of the war also became unclassified information.

In the foreword by N.G. Bodrikhin to the book by I.N. Kozhedub “Loyalty to the Fatherland” of later editions, provides interesting facts about Kozhedub’s air battle with the Americans. I'll quote:

“As Ivan Nikitovich himself told me, on April 17, 1945, having met the Allied “Flying Fortresses” in the air, he drove away a couple of “Messerschmitts” from them with a barrage, but a second later he was attacked by American covering fighters.

“Who needs fire? Me?!" Kozhedub recalled with indignation half a century later. The line was long, over a distance of a kilometer, with bright tracer shells, unlike ours and the Germans. Because long distance the end of the line could be seen curving downwards. I turned over and, quickly approaching, attacked the last American (by the number of fighters in the escort, I already understood who it was). Something exploded in his fuselage, he steamed heavily and began to descend towards our troops. Having performed a combat turn in a half-loop, from an inverted position, I attacked the next one. My shells landed very well and the plane exploded in the air.

When the tension of the battle subsided, my mood was not at all victorious, because I had already managed to see the white stars on the wings and fuselages. “They’ll arrange it for me... on the first day,” I thought, getting into the car. But everything worked out. In the cockpit of the Mustang that landed on our territory, there was a huge black man. When the guys who came to him asked who shot him down (or rather, when they managed to translate this question), he answered: “Focke-Wulf” with a red nose... I don’t think he played along then; The allies had not yet learned to look both ways...

When the FKP (photo-cino-machine gun) films were developed, the main moments of the battle were recorded very clearly. The command of the regiment, division, and corps watched the films. Division commander Savitsky, to whom we were then operationally subordinate, said after watching: “These victories count towards the future war.” And Pavel Fedorovich Chupikov, our regiment commander, soon gave me these films with the words: “Take them for yourself, Ivan, and don’t show them to anyone.”

This was one of several military clashes between Soviet and American aviation that occurred in 1944-1945...” (Internet newspaper “Centrasia” No. 18 dated May 13, 2004.)

Ivan Nikitovich fought another significant battle before Victory Day on May 6, when a group of “flying fortresses” with covering aircraft entered the Soviet zone. Soviet pilots warned the Americans with tracers, but they continued to fly, responding with machine gun fire. Then it was Kozhedub's time. In twenty minutes of battle, he drove three invincible “fortresses” into the ground.

However, they were not allowed to draw stars even then, but they had to fight the Americans. Now it was on Far East, where the division of the 64th Airborne Corps, together with its commander, Major General Kozhedub, fought in Korea. Although, even without the “fuselage stars”, it is known that 264 American pilots did not reach their bases there... (Viktor Anisimov. Article “How Kozhedub shot down the Americans.” Newspaper “Nashe Delo” dated October 13, 2007). Until recently, we could all find out about battle path Ivan Kozhedub.

So, during the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub made 330 combat missions, conducted 120 air battles, shooting down 62 fascist planes. Not a bad score. Quote from the newspaper Radiogolos Rossii: “Historians say that Ivan Kozhedub shot down many more planes than is listed in official sources. The fact is that he did not chalk up an enemy vehicle if he himself did not see it fall to the ground. “What if he reaches his own people?” the pilot explained to his fellow soldiers...” (Newspaper “Radio Voice of Russia”).

On June 24, 1945, I. N. Kozhedub carried the banner of one of the regiments in the ranks of the consolidated regiment of the First Ukrainian Front across Red Square.

In the summer of 1945, after the Victory Parade, Ivan Nikitovich was sent to Military Academy them. M. V. Frunze. As Vladimir Lavrinenkov recalls in his book “Without War,” Kozhedub “escaped” to the Air Force Academy in Monino.

G. Kislovodsk. Late in the evening of November 1950, two MGB officers came for Kozhedub, who was resting in a local sanatorium, and gave him a few minutes to get ready.

In the regional party committee, via government communications, he receives an order from the commander of the Moscow District Air Force, V. I. Stalin, to arrive in Moscow. “There is work, and Vanya is resting...”

In an atmosphere of secrecy, under the name Krylov, Kozhedub commanded the 324th Fighter Air Division in North Korea for 10 months.

On April 12, 1951, Kozhedub fighters conducted their first air battle over the Yalu River. The fighters were defending a strategically important bridge across the river. 40 American bombers were approaching the bridge, covered by about 100 fighters.

Kozhedub lifted all 50 Mig-15s into the air. Or the chest in the crosses, or the head in the bushes. Ivan Nikitovich’s fellow soldier, Sergei Kramarenko, recalls: “In total, 12 bombers and 5 fighters fell to the ground. 120 pilots were captured by the Chinese and Koreans. Kozhedub himself did not participate in this battle.

But could the passionate three-time Hero of the Soviet Union really sit calmly on the ground?

He is strictly prohibited from flying out on combat missions. V.I. Stalin told him back in Moscow: “You are good, here you can fight with your own methods,” says Nikolai Bodrikhin in Sergei Medvedev’s film “Secrets of the Century. Two wars of Ivan Kozhedub."

The UN Assembly recognized North Korea as an aggressor and, any military assistance she was outlawed. If Kozhedub had been shot down, a huge international scandal could have happened, and UN troops could have started fighting against the USSR.

And yet, Ivan Nikitovich made several combat missions.

I don't want to retell the whole film. I’ll just end this episode from Kozhedub’s life by repeating the words of the film’s author, Sergei Medvedev: “Later Chinese friends Ivan Nikitovich, in great secrecy, told the son of the Soviet ace that during his stay in Korea he added 17 more enemy aircraft to his “American account.”

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub died at his dacha on August 8, 1991, from a heart attack. And a few days later, his Fatherland, to which he remained faithful throughout his glorious life, ceased to exist.

This plane still remembers the foul smell of Fokkers.

Materials used in this article:

1.I. N. Kozhedub. Loyalty to the Fatherland.

2. Article by Yuri Nersesov “The American Account of Major Kozhedub” from the online newspaper “Centrasia” No. 18 dated May 13, 2004.

4. Film “Two Wars of Ivan Kozhedub.” From the series Secrets of the Century with Sergei Medvedev.



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