Anabolic and catabolic process. Anabolism and catabolism are energy metabolism and the relationship of processes in the body. What is anabolism

The human body has the amazing ability to maintain strong connections with the environment, which is carried out through metabolism - a set of processes also called metabolism (it includes anabolism and catabolism). Both components are different from each other and play equally important roles in maintaining the functioning of the body.

Metabolism concept

Metabolism can be defined as a set of biochemical processes occurring in any living organism, including the human body. Metabolism is needed to ensure the functioning of organs and systems, and these chemical reactions allow us to grow, adapt to environmental conditions, heal wounds, reproduce, etc. Metabolic processes are divided into two types:

  • assimilation (constructive processes or anabolism);
  • dissimilation (destructive processes or catabolism).

What is anabolism

Plastic exchange is possible only if there is a sufficient amount of energy. Anabolism is the process of formation of new cells, structures, tissues, and organic substances in the body. The creation of particles is accompanied by the absorption of energy, while all processes occur at rest and are stimulated by anabolic hormones (steroids, insulin, growth hormone, etc.) Anabolism contributes to:

  • muscle growth/development;
  • bone mineralization;
  • restoration of tissues and cells.

What is catabolism

The stages of this process are carried out with the generation of energy (at the same time, ATP synthesis occurs in the ETC - the electron transport chain). Catabolism is energy exchange, the opposite of anabolism, which is characterized by the breakdown of tissues, organ structures, and complex substances into simple elements. The most important task of the process is to provide the body with the necessary energy and further use it for the needs of the body. Catabolism is caused by:

  • stress;
  • starvation;
  • physical activity, other factors that are accompanied by the production of adrenaline.

The relationship between anabolism and catabolism

Both processes are interconnected and equally important for humans; they underlie metabolism. At the same time, energy metabolism serves as the basis for any biochemistry occurring in the body. Every life process will be impossible without metabolism: thanks to the transformation of energy and substances in the body, cells can grow, maintain their structure and develop, creating complex structures.

The relationship between anabolism and catabolism is undeniable, although the two processes are radically opposite to each other. As a result of catabolic reactions, energy and substances are produced that are necessary for the anabolic process. At the same time, anabolism ensures the production of enzymes and other products necessary for catabolism. For example, the human body can independently compensate for the lack of fourteen amino acids (constituent components of proteins). An imbalance of metabolic processes can lead to the death of the entire organism.

What happens during catabolism

With the help of energy exchange, the body obtains energy through the destruction of biological materials. During catabolism, the process of breaking down large complexes of molecules into smaller ones occurs, and the energy that is needed for the healthy functioning of organs and systems occurs. Thanks to catabolism, the body receives strength for any physical activity - from the cellular level to movement of the entire body. During catabolic reactions, large polymers are broken down into simple monomers - the building units from which they are formed. Example of catabolism:

  1. There is a violation of the integrity of nucleic acids responsible for the transmission of genetic information, as a result of which they break down into nucleotides. Nucleic acids are divided into pentose, purines, and pyrimidines.
  2. Polysaccharides are converted into monosaccharides through the process of catabolism. Substances (complex carbohydrates) such as cellulose, starch or glycogen belong to the group of polysaccharides. If they are destroyed, the body will receive simple or fast carbohydrates - ribose, glucose, fructose (a group of substances called monosaccharides).
  3. When proteins break down, amino acids are released. These substances, formed as a result of catabolism, can be reused in anabolic reactions, converted into other chemical compounds, or participate in the synthesis of other amino acids. Sometimes proteins break down into amino acids necessary for the synthesis of glucose that enters the blood.

Stages of catabolism

This process is necessary for the body to receive sufficient energy. Any substances processed in the human body are sources of ATP - special molecules necessary for energy storage. The amount of adenosine triphosphate is limited, so it must be constantly replenished and this can only be done through catabolism. Energy exchange occurs in several stages. Stages of catabolism:

  • carbohydrates, proteins, fats break down into simple molecules in the gastrointestinal tract, outside the cell;
  • molecules enter the cell, resulting in the accumulation of energy (oxygen-free stage);
  • The catabolic processes are completed with the formation of carbon dioxide, large amounts of energy and water.

What happens during the process of anabolism

During energy exchange, matter is created and energy is consumed. As a result of anabolic reactions, complex substances are created. During anabolism, new cells are created and homeostasis of all living tissues of the body is maintained. The body's action is aimed at creating more complex molecules from simple units. The mechanism of anabolic reactions is characterized by the use of several simple substances to synthesize many different end products. Examples of anabolic effects are:

  • nutrition of bone tissue for their growth, restoration, development;
  • increase in muscle mass;
  • wound healing;
  • growth of nails, hair, etc.

Due to anabolic processes, monomers are converted into polymers - large molecules with a complex structure, including many miniature building units that are similar to each other. For example: amino acids (monomers) as a result of a series of anabolic chemical reactions form proteins, which are large complex molecules with a three-dimensional structure (polymers).

The meaning of anabolism and catabolism

Energy metabolic reactions play a very important role for humans, and the body can maintain its normal state only if anabolism and catabolism are in balance. When one of the biological processes is suppressed, a violation of the second is inevitable, since they are closely related. An imbalance of energy metabolism can cause various diseases, hormonal imbalances and, as a result, a strong gain of fat, or the reverse process will start and excessive weight loss will occur.

Catabolism is responsible for breaking down muscle tissue and other elements to produce energy. The reaction is triggered during stress, poor sleep, sports training, fatigue, hunger. At the same time, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which destroys muscles, thereby activating the accumulation of fat and increasing glucose levels. These phenomena are extremely undesirable for athletes. However, cortisol also has a positive effect on the body: it breaks down muscle amino acids, which is extremely important for human life.

The importance of anabolism and catabolism for human life cannot be overestimated. If you try to artificially suppress catabolic reactions, hormonal imbalances are likely to develop, so you should learn to adhere to the correct daily routine and control muscle development. This can be achieved if you provide your body with proper rest, lead a healthy lifestyle, choose a balanced diet and competently create a training program. In addition, experts advise athletes to use dietary supplements and vitamins.

How to increase anabolism

Only with a balance of anabolism and catabolism will proper metabolism and a healthy state of a person be ensured. Excessive predominance of one process over another causes the development of various pathologies, so you should consult a doctor before deciding to increase anabolism. You can make the energy exchange rate high in the following ways:

  1. Diet. An increase in the amount of protein consumed leads to a natural increase in the volume of building materials for muscles. However, excess protein will not be as beneficial if you eat low-calorie foods, since the body will not have enough energy to absorb it. Nutrition must be balanced, then the cells will receive the necessary building material faster and muscle tissue will begin to grow.
  2. Dream. Adequate rest is very important for anabolism, especially if a person was involved in sports that day.
  3. Diet. Without the timely supply of nutrients to the body, the process of tissue growth is impossible.
  4. Mental stability. To reduce the rate of catabolic reactions, it is important to avoid stressful situations.
  5. Taking doping drugs. This measure is extremely undesirable for accelerating anabolism, since it often leads to problems at the hormonal level and other pathologies.

Anabolism and catabolism in sports

Since physical activity is a serious stress for the body, it triggers catabolic processes. Training creates the need to look for additional sources of energy (the body takes them not only from fat deposits, but also from proteins - the building blocks of muscles). What is muscle catabolism? This is a natural process in which the energy required for physical effort is produced through the breakdown of muscle tissue.

Anabolism and catabolism in sports is always a hot topic, since it is important for athletes to maintain maximum or even increase muscle volume. One of the main tasks of a person of any age who is actively involved in sports is to weaken the catabolic reactions of proteins and activate the anabolic process. A bodybuilder can balance anabolism and catabolism with proper nutrition, adherence to a rest regime and taking sports supplements (protein, etc.).

Video: What are anabolism and catabolism

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Anabolism and catabolism are the main metabolic processes.

Catabolism is the enzymatic breakdown of complex organic compounds, carried out inside the cell due to oxidation reactions. Catabolism is accompanied by the release of energy and its storage in high-energy phosphate bonds of ATP.

Anabolism is the synthesis of complex organic compounds - proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides - from simple precursors that enter the cell from the environment or are formed during the process of catabolism. Synthesis processes are associated with the consumption of free energy, which is supplied by ATP (Fig. 31).

Rice. 31 Scheme of metabolic pathways in a bacterial cell

Depending on the biochemistry of the dissimilation process (catabolism), respiration and fermentation are distinguished.

Breath is a complex process of biological oxidation of various compounds) associated with the formation of a large amount of energy accumulated in the form of high-energy bonds in the structure of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), UTP (uridine triphosphate), etc., and the formation of carbon dioxide and water. There are aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

Fermentation– incomplete decomposition of organic compounds with the formation of a small amount of energy and energy-rich products.

Anabolism involves synthesis processes that use the energy produced by catabolism. In a living cell, the processes of catabolism and anabolism occur simultaneously and continuously. Many reactions and intermediate products are common to them.

Living organisms are classified according to the energy or carbon source they use. Carbon is the main element of living matter. It plays a leading role in constructive metabolism.

Depending on the source of cellular carbon, all organisms, including prokaryotes, are divided into autotrophs and heterotrophs.

Autotrophs use CO 2 as the sole source of carbon, reducing it with hydrogen, which is split off from water or other substances. They synthesize organic substances from simple inorganic compounds in the process of photo- or chemosynthesis.

Heterotrophs obtain carbon from organic compounds.

Living organisms can use light or chemical energy. Organisms that live off light energy are called phototrophic. They synthesize organic substances by absorbing electromagnetic radiation from the Sun (light). These include plants, blue-green algae, green and purple sulfur bacteria.

Organisms that receive energy from substrates, food sources (energy of oxidation of inorganic substances) are called chemotrophs. TO chemoheterotrophs include most bacteria, as well as fungi and animals.

There is a small group chemoautotrophs. Such chemosynthetic microorganisms include nitrifying bacteria, which, by oxidizing ammonia to nitrous acid, release the energy necessary for synthesis. Chemosynthetics also include hydrogen bacteria that obtain energy through the oxidation of molecular hydrogen.

Carbohydrates as a source of energy

In most organisms, the breakdown of organic substances occurs in the presence of oxygen - aerobic metabolism. As a result of this exchange, energy-poor end products (CO 2 and H 2 O) remain, but a lot of energy is released. The process of aerobic metabolism is called respiration, anaerobic - fermentation.

Carbohydrates are the main energy material that cells use primarily to produce chemical energy. In addition, proteins and fats can also be used during respiration, and alcohols and organic acids during fermentation.

Organisms break down carbohydrates in different ways, in which the most important intermediate product is pyruvic acid (pyruvate). Pyruvate is central to metabolism during respiration and fermentation. There are three main mechanisms for the formation of PVC.

1. Fructose diphosphate (glycolysis) or Embden-Meyerhoff-Parnas pathway- a universal path.

The process begins with phosphorylation (Fig. 32). With the participation of the enzyme hexokinase and ATP, glucose is phosphorylated at the sixth carbon atom to form glucose-6-phosphate. This is the active form of glucose. It serves as the starting product for the breakdown of carbohydrates in any of three ways.

During glycolysis, glucose-6-phosphate is isomerized to fructose-6-phosphate and then phosphorylated at the first carbon atom by the action of 6-phosphofructokinase. The resulting fructose-1,6-biphosphate, under the action of the enzyme aldolase, easily breaks down into two trioses: phosphoglyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Further conversion of C 3 -carbohydrates is carried out due to the transfer of hydrogen and phosphorus residues through a number of organic acids with the participation of specific dehydrogenases. All reactions in this pathway, with the exception of three involving hexokinase, 6-phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase, are completely reversible. At the stage of formation of pyruvic acid, the anaerobic phase of the transformation of carbohydrates ends.

The maximum amount of energy received by a cell from the oxidation of one carbohydrate molecule by the glycolytic pathway is 2 × 10 5 J.

Fig.32. Fructose diphosphate pathway for the breakdown of glucose

2. Pentose phosphate (Warburg-Dickens-Horecker)path is also characteristic of most organisms (mostly for plants, and for microorganisms it plays an auxiliary role). Unlike glycolysis, the PF pathway does not produce pyruvate.

Glucose-6-phosphate is converted to 6-phosphoglucolactone, which is decarboxylated (Fig. 33). In this case, ribulose-5-phosphate is formed, which completes the oxidation process. Subsequent reactions are considered as processes of conversion of pentose phosphates into hexose phosphates and vice versa, i.e. a cycle is formed. It is believed that the pentose phosphate pathway at one stage passes into glycolysis.

When every six glucose molecules pass through the PF, one molecule of glucose-6-phosphate is completely oxidized to CO 2 and 6 molecules of NADP + are reduced to NADP·H 2 . As a mechanism for obtaining energy, this pathway is two times less efficient than the glycolytic one: for every molecule of glucose, 1 molecule of ATP is formed.

Rice. 33. Pentose phosphate pathway for the breakdown of glucose-6-phosphate

The main purpose of this pathway is to supply pentoses necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids and ensure the formation of most of the NADPH 2 necessary for the synthesis of fatty acids and steroids.

3. Entner-Doudoroff pathway (ketodeoxyphosphogluconate or KDPG pathway) found only in bacteria. Glucose is phosphorylated by the ATP molecule with the participation of the enzyme hexokinase (Fig. 34).

Fig.34. Entner-Doudoroff pathway for glucose breakdown

The phosphorylation product, glucose-6-phosphate, is dehydrogenated to 6-phosphogluconate. Under the action of the enzyme phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, water is split off from it and 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDPG) is formed. The latter is cleaved by a specific aldolase into pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. Glyceraldehyde is further exposed to enzymes in the glycolytic pathway and is transformed into a second molecule of pyruvate. In addition, this pathway supplies the cell with 1 ATP molecule and 2 NADH 2 molecules.

Thus, the main intermediate product of the oxidative breakdown of carbohydrates is pyruvic acid, which, with the participation of enzymes, is converted into various substances. The PVK formed in one of the ways in the cell is subject to further oxidation. The released carbon and hydrogen are removed from the cell. Carbon is released in the form of CO 2, hydrogen is transferred to various acceptors. Moreover, either a hydrogen ion or an electron can be transferred, so the transfer of hydrogen is equivalent to the transfer of an electron. Depending on the final hydrogen acceptor (electron), aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration and fermentation are distinguished.


Respiration is a redox process that occurs with the formation of ATP; The role of hydrogen (electron) donors in it is played by organic or inorganic compounds, and in most cases, inorganic compounds serve as hydrogen (electron) acceptors.

If the final electron acceptor is molecular oxygen, the respiratory process is called aerobic respiration. In some microorganisms, the final electron acceptor is compounds such as nitrates, sulfates and carbonates. This process is called anaerobic respiration.

Aerobic respiration– the process of complete oxidation of substrates to CO 2 and H 2 O with the formation of a large amount of energy in the form of ATP.

Complete oxidation of pyruvic acid occurs under aerobic conditions in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle or Krebs cycle) and the respiratory chain.

Aerobic respiration consists of two phases:

1). Pyruvate formed during glycolysis is oxidized to acetyl-CoA and then to CO 2, and the released hydrogen atoms move to acceptors. This is how the TTC is carried out.

2). Hydrogen atoms removed by dehydrogenases are accepted by coenzymes of anaerobic and aerobic dehydrogenases. They are then transported along the respiratory chain, in certain sections of which a significant amount of free energy is formed in the form of high-energy phosphates.

Tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle, TCA cycle)

Pyruvate, formed during glycolysis, is decarboxylated to acetaldehyde with the participation of the multienzyme complex pyruvate dehydrogenase. Acetaldehyde, combining with the coenzyme of one of the oxidative enzymes - coenzyme A (CoA-SH), forms “activated acetic acid” - acetyl-CoA - a high-energy compound.

Acetyl-CoA, under the action of citrate synthetase, reacts with oxaloacetic acid (oxaloacetate), forming citric acid (C6 citrate), which is the main link in the TCA cycle (Fig. 35). Citrate after isomerization turns into isocitrate. This is followed by oxidative (elimination of H) decarboxylation (elimination of CO 2) isocitrate, the product of which is 2-oxoglutarate (C 5). Under the influence of the enzyme complex ɑ-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase with the active group NAD, it turns into succinate, losing CO 2 and two hydrogen atoms. The succinate is then oxidized to fumarate (C4), and the latter is hydrated (addition of H2O) to malate. In the reaction that completes the Krebs cycle, malate is oxidized, which leads to the regeneration of oxaloacetate (C4). Oxaloacetate reacts with acetyl-CoA and the cycle repeats. Each of the 10 TCA cycle reactions, with the exception of one, is easily reversible. Two carbon atoms enter the cycle in the form of acetyl-CoA and the same number of carbon atoms leave this cycle in the form of CO 2.

Rice. 35. Krebs cycle (according to V.L. Kretovich):

1, 6 – oxidative decarboxylation system; 2 – citrate synthetase, coenzyme A; 3, 4 – aconitate hydratase; 5 – isocitrate dehydrogenase; 7 – succinate dehydrogenase; 8 – fumarate hydratase; 9 – malate dehydrogenase; 10 – spontaneous transformation; 11 - pyruvate carboxylase

As a result of the four redox reactions of the Krebs cycle, three pairs of electrons are transferred to NAD and one pair of electrons to FAD. The electron carriers NAD and FAD, reduced in this way, are then subjected to oxidation already in the electron transport chain. The cycle produces one ATP molecule, 2 CO 2 molecules and 8 hydrogen atoms.

The biological significance of the Krebs cycle is that it is a powerful supplier of energy and “building blocks” for biosynthetic processes. The Krebs cycle operates only under aerobic conditions; under anaerobic conditions it is open at the level of α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase.

Respiratory chain

The last stage of catabolism is oxidative phosphorylation. During this process, most of the metabolic energy is released.

The electron carriers NAD and FAD, reduced in the Krebs cycle, are subject to oxidation in the respiratory chain or electron transport chain. The carrier molecules are dehydrogenases, quinones and cytochromes.

Both enzyme systems are located in the plasma membrane in prokaryotes, and in the inner membrane of mitochondria in eukaryotes. Electrons from hydrogen atoms (NAD, FAD) pass through a complex chain of carriers to molecular oxygen, reducing it, and water is formed.

Balance. Energy balance calculations showed that when glucose is broken down glycolytically and through the Krebs cycle, followed by oxidation in the respiratory chain to CO 2 and H 2 O, 38 ATP molecules are formed for each glucose molecule. Moreover, the maximum amount of ATP is formed in the respiratory chain - 34 molecules, 2 molecules in the EMT pathway and 2 molecules in the TCA cycle (Fig. 36).

Incomplete oxidation of organic compounds

Respiration is usually associated with complete oxidation of the organic substrate, i.e. the final decomposition products are CO 2 and H 2 O.

However, some bacteria and a number of fungi do not completely oxidize carbohydrates. The end products of incomplete oxidation are organic acids: acetic, citric, fumaric, gluconic, etc., which accumulate in the medium. This oxidative process is used by microorganisms to obtain energy. However, the total energy yield is significantly less than with complete oxidation. Part of the energy of the oxidized initial substrate is stored in the resulting organic acids.

Microorganisms that develop due to the energy of incomplete oxidation are used in the microbiological industry to produce organic acids and amino acids.

Through metabolism, the body produces energy and uses it for all types of activity. Each person has his own (BSM) - the amount of energy spent on the stomach in the morning after sleep in a state of complete rest. For most, BSM is 60-70% of the number of calories burned per day. All this energy is spent on the processes of respiration, digestion, blood circulation, tissue restoration and immune reactions.

An important factor influencing metabolic rate is the weight of the human body. The higher it is, the higher the metabolic rate, so metabolic processes are 10-20% faster than. Metabolism is also influenced by age, heredity and hormones, especially those produced by the thyroid gland. Metabolism slows down with age. So, in women over 30, it decreases every ten years by 2-3%, this is mainly due to a lack of physical activity.

Metabolism is accelerated by physical activity, in particular exercises on strength and cardio equipment (exercise bike, stepper, treadmill). Depending on the intensity of training, metabolism can increase by 20-30% for several hours, during which time the body will get rid of excess calories. If a person wants to lose weight, he should know that a low-calorie diet slows down metabolism, so it will not be possible to lose weight in this way for a long time. As soon as the person losing weight begins to adhere to a normal diet, the lost kilograms will return. The right decision would be to reduce the caloric content of your daily diet within reasonable limits and exercise regularly.

Catabolism and anabolism

One type of metabolism is catabolism, which is associated with the breakdown of complex substances into simpler ones. The process proceeds with the release of energy. During catabolism, proteins are broken down into simple amino acids, and lean body mass decreases. To reduce the effects of catabolism after strength training, it is necessary to increase the protein content in the diet by including protein foods in the diet. After intense exercise, you can drink a protein shake, which is an excellent source of high-quality energy. To reduce the catabolism process, you need to eat at least 6-8 times a day. Two hours before training, you need to eat a dish containing proteins and “slow” carbohydrates, for example, chicken breast with rice.

Anabolism is the formation of more complex ones from simple structures, while energy is absorbed. Examples of anabolism: the creation of new cells, the synthesis of proteins and hormones in the body, the accumulation of fat, the creation of muscle fibers. To improve this process, it is recommended to eat foods that contain protein and improve metabolism. Fatty fish, fermented milk products, broccoli, fresh spinach, grapefruit, and green tea will be useful.

– this is, without exaggeration, every bodybuilder’s nightmare. Of course, no one wants to waste what they have accumulated over months of hard work. The secret to the success of most famous athletes lies not only in intense training, but also in a thorough study of one’s own physiology. In our article we will talk about muscle catabolism and how to control this process so that reduce weight loss.

Losing Muscle Mass: What is it? muscle catabolism

If anyone doesn't know, muscle catabolism- an absolutely natural process that occurs in the human body constantly. Without him, our very existence would be simply unthinkable. To understand why, let's look at anatomy.

The normal functioning of any living organism depends on metabolism, ( metabolism) which, in turn, is divided into anabolism And catabolism, that is, the growth and destruction of tissue. Imagine a very old abandoned building that deteriorates year after year. If you don't take any action, sooner or later it will simply collapse. The same thing happens with our body. If metabolic processes slow down, then we age faster. And in order to replace a dilapidated structure (muscle tissue) with a new one, it must first be destroyed.

When anabolic processes predominate over catabolic ones, we observe muscle mass gain. If it’s the other way around, then we lose weight and become weaker. A person’s physique depends on the metabolic rate: thin, ( ectomorphic) complete, ( endomorphic) and athletic ( mesomorphic).

However, if you think that accelerated catabolism will help you get rid of extra pounds, then you are very mistaken, since this does not affect the burning of fat tissue in any way.

Almost any bodybuilder understands that you need to try to maintain your results at a high level. Knowing some of the secrets of our body, influence the process of catabolism and reduce weight loss Can. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the reasons that affect the metabolic rate in the muscles.

what does it depend on catabolic rate

The athlete should be aware that catabolic rate the following biological factors influence.

  • Dream. Contrary to popular belief, at night our body does not rest at all, but is engaged in the redistribution of substances and the replacement of worn-out muscle fibers. Due to chronic lack of sleep, our body does not have time to properly recover and is forced to hastily “patch the holes” using the muscles themselves.
  • Stress also strengthen catabolic rate. In this case, we are talking not only about the psycho-emotional state, but also about physical activity. By exercising to the limit of our capabilities, we increase the production of protective hormones, including interfering muscle mass gaincortisol. When a health threat arises, this substance immediately goes into action, beginning to draw the resources necessary to stimulate vital organs and systems from muscle tissue.
  • From diet The speed of metabolic processes directly depends. Reduce weight loss during training is possible only by increasing the calorie content of food. Without the necessary supply of nutrients, the body will begin to burn muscles, thereby promoting their accelerated catabolism.

how to slow down catabolism

Let's see how we can slow down catabolism to loss of muscle mass was declining


  • You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. This time is enough to recover even after the most intense workout.
  • Start your morning with a hearty breakfast. During the night, the body completely uses up the resources accumulated during the day and urgently needs replenishment. Going for a morning jog before eating is not a good idea. You won't be able to burn excess fat on an empty stomach. The body is extremely reluctant to use up its strategic reserve and therefore will first of all turn to the muscles.
  • You need to constantly monitor the caloric content of your diet. For an athlete of average build (80 kg), the daily calorie intake is 4000-5000 kcal. The standard diet plan for bodybuilders is as follows: 30 percent protein, 60 percent carbohydrates and 10 percent fat.
  • Pay special attention to the level glycogen in the body. It is a glucose compound and the main source of energy for muscles during exercise. The body of an adult contains from 200 to 400 grams, that is, approximately 1600-3200 kcal. A significant part of this substance (100-150 grams) is stored in the liver and serves to nourish the brain. The rest is distributed in the muscles.


Under intense loads, these energy reserves are burned very quickly and therefore need to be constantly replenished. Avoid glycogen deficiency and slow down muscle catabolism You can supplement your diet with fast carbohydrates (sugar, honey, dried fruits). Many athletes drink sweet water during training. It levels up insulin in the blood, which slows down the production of cortisol.

    • Muscle growth is impossible without the main building material - proteins, so amino acid levels also need to be monitored. You can compensate for their deficiency by consuming gainers(protein shakes) and vitamin-mineral complexes. One of them is the sports nutritional supplement “Leveton Forte”, containing Leuzea roots, bee pollen and. It has been proven that this component contains 37, which are so necessary for our muscles. By regularly using the drug, you can easily replenish the supply of substances necessary for the body. It acts in three directions at once, allowing you not only to maintain, but also to increase muscle mass. Firstly, the drug has an anabolic effect due to Leuzea root, drone brood and bee pollen. Secondly, C and E stimulate the launch of anti-catabolic processes. These substances are powerful antioxidants that help maintain the integrity of cell structure and improve workout results. The third direction is increasing testosterone. It has been found to have an androgenic effect.

Food sources of proteins include red and white meat, fish, dairy products, and chicken eggs.


  • To slow down catabolism, drink plenty of clean water (3-4 liters per day) and have meals every 3 hours, dividing it into small portions. All this contributes to the accelerated synthesis of useful substances and guaranteed muscle mass gain.
  • Reduce your training time to 45-60 minutes. If necessary, set aside an extra day for studying.
  • It is better to keep cardio training to a minimum. A few minutes of walking on the treadmill or a slow ride on the exercise bike to relieve muscle tension after your main workout, but that's it.
  • Visit the pool or sauna at least once a week, and don’t forget to take a hot shower before going to bed. Massage sessions will also help to relax muscles and stimulate their growth.

The main enemy of any bodybuilder is catabolism. This is a process in our body that destroys complex structures (protein, carbohydrates) to simple ones (amino acids, glucose). Usually occurs from stress, overwork, physical exertion, and certainly leads to the release of cortisol.

Cortisol is also a stress hormone. It breaks down protein in our muscles, promotes fat storage and increases glucose levels in our blood. Cortisol plays a very negative role in the body. The fact is that physical exercise is stressful for the body; all hormones are released, including cortisol. The body needs to replenish the lack of amino acids that are consumed during training, and it also needs to replenish the lack of glycogen (this is a fast carbohydrate located in our liver and nourishes our muscles, which is why after or during training you may experience a painful sensation in the liver).

Thus, after training, we need to overcome this very catabolic effect. This is quite easy to do. The easiest way so far is to take sports nutrition. Protein, or amino acid complexes, will perfectly replenish the supply of amino acids in the body. In addition, the intake will also replenish glycogen stores. In my opinion, this is the most practical solution, since it is very convenient to take out a shaker after training and drink a protein-carbohydrate shake.
However, you can overcome the catabolic effect with regular food. Let's say a banana or a chocolate bar will return your glucose level to normal (as a result of which glycogen reserves will be replenished), and half a liter of the same milk or kefir will replenish amino acid reserves and will not allow your body to “eat” your muscles.

But catabolism does not only occur after exercise. Morning is a real horror for a bodybuilder. As soon as we wake up, the body needs amino acids and glucose in huge quantities! Many bodybuilders (usually beginners), trying to lose weight, run in the morning without having breakfast. Let's figure it out. Let's say you ate a pack of low-fat cottage cheese and went to bed at 11 p.m. At 7 o'clock in the morning you wake up and go for a run. Let it take you 60 minutes. It's already 8 o'clock. By the time you get back, take a shower and prepare breakfast - that's another 30-60 minutes. That is, you can eat food only at 9 am. The body received absolutely no nutrients for 10 hours. The body will not be nourished by burning fat, what many are waiting for. But your body will successfully break down the protein of your muscles into amino acids, thus the catabolic effect that occurs every morning will be enhanced.

You can overcome the catabolic effect in the morning with a hearty breakfast. Scrambled or boiled eggs, oatmeal with honey, some fruit (orange, banana, apple) and strong tea. You will get absolutely everything your body needs, and thus minimize the release of cortisol, and accordingly the level of catabolism. Many people try to overcome morning catabolism with the help, but I don’t think this is a good idea. Because you need regular food, and sports supplements are just that: supplements. So don't replace a hearty breakfast with protein-carbohydrate shakes.



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