Mystical topaz stone has magical properties. The magical properties of the mystic topaz stone and its effect on humans. Manufacturing and processing

Every woman wants to remain a beautiful and attractive mystery to members of the opposite sex. To do this, millions of beauties create their own image every day, combining different wardrobe elements, applying makeup, and combing their hair. In order for the result to be unique, every smallest detail is important. The best assistants in creativity are jewelry with bright sparkling stones.

One of the most mystical stones that will attract hundreds of admiring glances is topaz. You can often also find the name “rainbow stone”, “rainbow topaz”, “mystic topaz”. Some jewelers call them Siberian diamonds.

Characteristics of topaz

There are two legends regarding the name “topaz”. The first says that the mineral acquired its name in honor of the island of Topazios, which is located in the waters of the Red Sea, where the mineral was first found. The second says that the term comes from the Sanskrit word topas, which translates as flame, heat, fire.

The depth of the mystery it contains depends on the rich rainbow shimmer of the stone. Therefore, polychrome minerals, which tend to shimmer in different colors and shades, are especially expensive among jewelry lovers. Unfortunately, such stones are extremely rare in nature; most often they have plain shimmer.

However, modern jewelers have perfected their skills and invented stone processing technologies that allow natural minerals to shine with bright and unforgettable colors.

First of all, it should be noted that topaz is a natural stone. With the help of special processing it acquires rainbow shades of various colors. Of course, human labor gives a special shine and shape to the stone, however, the beauty that it is endowed with by nature has no equal.

After a stone is touched by a person’s hand, it becomes “polychrome”. Simply put, it acquires the property of combining several shades. However, only on the quality of the original stone, its cutting and polishing, depends on color, shine and purity finished product.

Products with mystic topaz resemble a rainbow. What woman would like to have a piece of the rainbow on her neck, wrist or finger?

Manufacturing technology

The “topaz-mystic” manufacturing technology was patented by Azotic Coating Technology Ink in 1993 in America. Due to the surface spraying it is called “Azotik”. Original stone Can be cut and polished, then it is coated with gold or titanium.

In order for the top layer to be wear-resistant, the stone is subjected to exposure to low temperatures. The price of classic and mystical topaz is approximately at the same level.

A similar processing technology is used for cutting colorless quartz and cubic zirconia. Such minerals are called mystic quartz and mystic cubic zirconia. However, of the entire line of these stones, mystical topaz most highly valued.

The end result of processing the mineral is the appearance of shimmering colors in the stone that are similar in tone or completely different, for example, blue, yellow, green, red, etc.

If the stone is naturally pale in color, then traditional radiation is used, which gives it a rich blue color.

The jewelry industry does not classify colorless topaz as precious stones. Only after cutting, polishing and coating is it used in jewelry. Various technologies give the mineral from 2 to three shades, which subsequently provide a rainbow shimmer both in daylight and in artificial light.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, modern science gives mystical meaning to the ancient stone. Therefore, jewelry with this mineral will look great both during the day and in the evening bright, rich and impressive.

Today, there are many brands that offer topazes in the gemstone market. The most famous are “Mystic Topaz”, “Aurora Topaz”, “Nirvana Topaz”.

Properties of mystic topaz

Healing and mystical blue mineral

Even in ancient times, the Hindus classified topaz as one of the twelve most important gems. The healing properties of this stone were even mentioned in the texts of Ayurveda. The mineral was of particular importance for women. In India it was believed that he can cure infertility and give the joy of motherhood.

In ancient times, a mineral of poor quality was processed into powder. This potion was used to treat people who were poisoned. It is also believed that the mystical topaz has sedative properties and normalizes sleep, relieves nightmares, and helps cope with nervous system disorders.

Also, when used systematically, the mineral has healing qualities for dysfunctions of the liver, musculoskeletal system, and gall bladder.

Since the processing of mystic topaz uses gold and titanium, which impart a special rainbow shine, it is believed that the stone also acquires the healing properties of these metals. Jewelry with topaz disinfects and strengthens the immune system.

This mineral is often used as amulet against mystical influences, protection from sorcerers, shamans and the human evil eye. People who believe in otherworldly forces wear jewelry with mystical topaz to protect against negative energy and evil spirits.

Topaz is believed to promote an optimistic mood in the owner. Men who wear jewelry with it quickly attain wisdom. Women he bestows divine beauty.

Since ancient times, every sailor, going on a campaign, took with him a mystical mineral, because legends say that the stone has the ability to calm the storm. Magicians believe that it can also soothe the storm of human relationships, which is why they used it to reconcile spouses, friends, parents and children.

Modern psychics recommend wearing jewelry with these minerals every day for people whose activities are directly related to intellectual activity. They stimulate intelligence and enlightenment of thoughts. The stone also helps develop intuitive abilities.

It is believed that people who constantly carry topaz with them, over time, begin to exhibit magical qualities and abilities. It helps to predict the emotional and mental state of other people, to predict their actions and actions.

Stone care

In order for jewelry with topaz to please you with its original appearance for a long time, you need to take care of it and follow the rules of use.

  • Like other natural stones, topaz must be protected from interaction with cosmetics.
  • When swimming, it is better to remove jewelry.
  • Natural minerals do not like exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Do not expose topaz to temperature changes. If you go to a bathhouse or sauna, it is better to leave jewelry at home.
  • Topaz does not tolerate thermal effects.
  • It is better to entrust the cleaning of minerals or jewelry to a professional jeweler. During home experiments, you can damage the coating or deform the stone.
  • From time to time, wash the stone under running water without any detergents and wipe with a dry cloth.

Today, the international nomenclature is not valid in Russia. This means that under the name “mystic topaz” other coated stones, for example, quartz, may be offered for sale. Very often, quartz of synthetic origin is used for these purposes, rather than natural.

You should know that the name “mystic topaz” does not oblige modern sellers and manufacturers to offer exclusively this stone for sale. It is best to purchase products with a similar stone in trusted stores that have a positive reputation in the jewelry market. In this case, all the properties and characteristics of the stone and product will not be hidden from the buyer.

The gem has a very unusual color, which is how it got its name. The stone undergoes special treatment, after which it acquires a rainbow color, but this does not make it an artificial topaz. Despite human intervention, it still remains a natural gem, since its structure does not change, but only the shade is modified. This means that it has the same healing and magical properties as any other topaz.

Mystic topaz is produced using a special technology that has been registered by a well-known American company. This happened in 1993, that is, the mystical topaz is a young gem. As a result of surface coating with titanium or gold, multi-colored iridescence appears on the stone. Even from a photo of a stone you can appreciate the beauty of its color. Mystic topaz looks most advantageous when framed in gold and silver.

Here are the characteristics of the gem: color – blue with a rainbow tint and glassy sheen.

Mystic topaz is widely used in lithotherapy because it has medicinal properties. It is used to treat blood diseases. This especially applies to iron deficiency anemia. The gem helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, due to which the patient recovers quickly.

Mystical topaz is recommended to be worn by women experiencing problems with the reproductive system. The gem promotes the healing of gynecological diseases. This also applies to infertility.

This type of topaz serves as a sedative and sleeping pill for humans. It normalizes a person’s psycho-emotional state, relieves tearfulness and irritability, helps to fall asleep quickly, and not suffer from insomnia.

In old times, topaz was used as a powder for internal use. There was a theory that it had anti-aging properties. For this, middle-aged ladies loved it very much, however, young girls did not hesitate to use it in order to preserve their youth longer. Healers prescribed the powder for internal use to those people who complained of bone pain and fractures. Topaz accelerated the process of their fusion and strengthened them.

Lithotherapists recommend wearing this stone for general health promotion.

Magical properties of Mystic Topaz

Mystical topaz has the same magical properties as the raw gem. It is a talisman that protects against damage, the evil eye, enemies and energy vampires. It is recommended to be worn by superstitious and especially impressionable people. Esotericists claim that the stone can protect against the machinations of evil spirits.

Mystic Topaz gives a person wisdom and pushes him towards self-development. The gem increases charm and charisma. This makes a person more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. For this, the gem is loved by many women.

Mystic topaz is especially valued by travelers. Esotericists claim that such a gem can pacify the elements. Therefore, they take it with them on sea voyages and flights.

The stone develops intuition. It helps a person pay attention to the signs sent to him by higher powers.

The gem is recommended to be worn by mental workers. Mystical topaz stimulates brain function and increases stamina.

The stone is especially revered in India. Residents of this country believe that the gem strengthens the spirit and gives faith and hope. He doesn't let you fall into despair.

Mystical topaz helps a person acquire the necessary character qualities. For example, if he lacks courage, then he gives him courage and courage.

Who is Mystic Topaz suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Astrologers say that talisman stones should be chosen only according to the horoscope, because at the energetic level they are not compatible with all zodiac signs.

Compatibility of mystical topaz with zodiac sign. Table 1.

Zodiac signs that are 100% energetically compatible with mystical topaz are Gemini and Scorpio. The stone will protect Gemini from evil spirits, damage and the evil eye and will give them the inner harmony that they dream of finding throughout their adult life. The gem will protect them from nervous system disorders. Mystical topaz is best suited for Scorpios. It helps you make the right choice and protects you from extremes. The gem relieves irritability, imparts wisdom and prudence. Mystical topaz promotes the development of Scorpios' intuition and helps to detect deception. The gem will strengthen the health of people of this sign. It will help men maintain potency, and protect women from early menopause.

It is recommended that Cancers choose these stones. Gems will prevent them from committing wrong actions and will make it possible to foresee the future.

Mystical topaz will help Leos attract financial flows and build a career. For Virgos, the gem will help them simply enjoy life as it is, without looking back at the mistakes of the past.

For Capricorns, mystical topaz is the guardian of their family. It improves relationships between spouses or parents and children. The stone will protect them from committing wrong actions, which they will later greatly regret.

For other zodiac signs, the effect of topaz will be neutral.

The only exception is Taurus. Mystical topaz can cause harm to people of this sign. Astrologers have been convinced more than once that the gem broke up their families and brought other troubles upon them. Taurus should not take risks, but rather choose another stone.

People who wear mystical topaz should always remember that the color of the stone was created artificially, so during water procedures or when cleaning, jewelry with the stone must be removed. The gem must be protected from direct sunlight, sudden changes in temperature and household chemicals. If the stone needs to be cleaned, it is best to take it to a jeweler who will perform this procedure. At home, the stone sometimes needs to be rinsed with plain water and blotted with a paper napkin. This will guarantee a long service life of the gem.

Free consultation with an astrologer, fortune teller or psychic after registration

Just a small pebble can raise your reputation - the mystic topaz, whose properties may surprise even the most inveterate skeptic.

What is he like?

Natural topaz is one of the most popular among gems. Distributed almost throughout the entire territory of the earth. It is very rare to find a polychrome mineral, because of all reserves such minerals make up only 5%, and in the price category the multicolored one is an order of magnitude higher than the rest. It is especially valued among girls because it can shimmer in different colors.

Modern craftsmen are famous for the fact that they can independently give a crystal several shades; in their hands, the crystal becomes polychrome.

In order for your jewelry to shine like for the first time, you need to adhere to several rules:

  1. Store in dark packaging, limit exposure to direct sunlight.
  2. Do not swim with this stone. Exposure to water has a detrimental effect on its structure.
  3. Do not expose to sudden changes in temperature.
  4. Avoid friction and scratches, because artificially created polychrome is just a top film.
  5. Do not pass on your stones even to close relatives.

Mystical topaz is a stone whose properties are simply amazing:

  • When worn for a long time, it puts a person in the right mood.
  • Develops intuition and is well suited for psychologists and criminologists.
  • Promotes spiritual growth, protects from evil and envious people.

Medicinal properties

For a long time it was considered one of the twelve most important stones. The healing properties and positive qualities of this pebble were mentioned in the texts of Ayurveda. In India, it was believed that with its help a woman could be cured of infertility and give birth to a strong baby.

The gem, ground into powder, was used as a cure for poisoning. It is also believed that it calms the nervous system and has a positive effect on the psychological state, and for those who suffer from sleep disorders, it normalizes the night phases.

It surprisingly helps those who have problems with the digestive system and musculoskeletal system.

The stone is considered a disinfectant because gold and titanium are used in its processing, which impart healing properties.

Magical side

Mystic topaz has unusually wide properties. This:

  • A reliable amulet against damage, the evil eye and the evil eye.
  • Protection from evil spirits and black magic.
  • Pushes its owner to action and self-development.
  • Increases charm and adds sexuality.
  • Makes you attractive in the eyes of your interlocutor.

It is especially valued by those who like to travel, as it is able to calm bad weather and pave a good road. It is these features that particularly attract sailors who go on long voyages.

The pebble is especially revered in India. Residents believe that the gem is able to instill confidence in oneself, prevent one from falling into despondency, and impart those qualities that a person lacks.

According to zodiac signs

Mystic Topaz is a wonderful stone, but not suitable for everyone. Let's consider which of the zodiac signs is most suitable.

Astrologers agree that it is primarily suitable for Scorpio.

With it, the amulet can show most of its qualities. The energy of both merges together and builds a reliable barrier from external troubles.

For Aries

People who were born under the zodiac sign Aries are recommended to wear a mystic amulet with iridescent gold and lilac colors. It gives quick-tempered people wisdom and patience towards others. Gives tenderness to women and suppresses selfish nature.

For maximum energy output, wear rings with amulet on the middle finger of your left hand. You can reveal its properties even more by wearing it with other jewelry.


Suitable amulets are transparent with an iridescent light golden color. Reveals creative potential. Creators gain enlightenment. Geminis begin to enjoy little things and become able to find a middle ground between crazy ideas. It is also useful for children, as it helps concentration and increases perseverance.

For Taurus


It is necessary to wear a mineral with a shade ranging from blue to blue; it will help you gain sociability and eradicate shyness. Fights manic syndromes and psychological instability.


Softens the character of this sign, reveals creative powers and restores emotional balance. An amulet with a golden-yellow color in combination with carnelian will bring the most benefit.


Heavy red and pink jewelry is suitable. It will help you to be tolerant of others, treat them with understanding and gentleness. Gives nobility and aristocracy to nature.


Astrologers recommend a blue amulet with a lilac tint to people of this zodiac sign. Remains faithful to family relationships, friendships, and can make its owner successful. It will help students study by redistributing their energy correctly.


Born specifically for this stone. The mineral makes Scorpios relaxed, helps them gain peace of mind, and controls their emotional background. It relieves women of fatigue and stress, and gives men self-confidence.

Brings abundance to the family and fills the house with positive energy. Increases Scorpios' intuition and reveals magical potential.


Astrologers recommend blue mystic topaz with a golden tint for harmony in life. Brings order to life and eliminates chaos. It liberates you and gives you the opportunity to make the necessary friends. The owner seeks constancy in love.


For this zodiac sign, the pebble awakens sexuality and increases libido. Protects from negativity and the evil eye. A transparent amulet from green to blue will charge you with positivity and bring peace. Blue – suitable for scientists.


A reliable amulet for Aquarius, as it builds a barrier against damage and the evil eye. Reveals creativity in a person and balances the storm of passions.


An ardent opponent of Pisces, because he has fiery power. Destroys family ties. A person loses previously acquired personality traits.


This stone is well suited for most signs. It will be ideal for Scorpio. But for Pisces and Taurus it will bring only troubles, so you should avoid topaz when choosing a talisman.


Mystic Topaz is a gem whose color cannot be expressed in words. Many shades and rainbow tints are hidden inside one stone. Thanks to this feature, the mineral received its name. The mystical radiance will inspire fantasy, take you into a fairy tale, and create an aura of beauty and grace around you.

Mystical topaz - the creation of human hands. The technology has been developed and recognized by the world; descriptions can be found in various scientific publications of mineralogists. Its authors are American scientists from the Azotic Coating Technology Ink company. The stone appeared in 1993. The base is taken from the original topaz, which is sent for cutting and polishing. Therefore, we can consider that the mystic is a variety of the original topaz. The mineral is coated with gold or titanium. The top layer is made strong by placing the product in low temperatures. Technology is changing the appearance of more than just topaz. Other minerals also make them mystical:

The production of topaz stands out from their background in that it gives an unusually spectacular result. Processing is completed when a true gem specimen is obtained. The color can be one tone, but with numerous tints, or it can combine all the rainbow shades in one crystal:

  • red;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • green.

The spectrum diverges from violet to green. Pale samples are irradiated. After it, the color saturation becomes necessary.

The technological process allows you to obtain an overflow that is not lost in any lighting. The sparkle of a crystal can only be compared with.

Magic abilities

The stone does not lose its magical properties after processing. The radiance of a gem, according to many esotericists, enhances some of its abilities, but also reduces others. What gets stronger:

  • protection from evil spirits;
  • belief in the divine principle;
  • care for illnesses.

The mystic is not afraid of energy vampires, helps with wisdom, and gives the desire to constantly develop. Mystic adds charm and charisma. Owners become attractive and quickly find life partners. The properties of crystals, according to esotericists, help certain professions:

  • geologists;
  • travelers;
  • truckers.

Having heard the name of the stone for the first time, many people’s imagination begins to paint vivid pictures full of magic and magic. Seeing jewelry with mystic topaz, a person subconsciously believes in its unearthly origin. How else?

There are few stones that can boast of such extraordinary beauty. Like a piece of the rainbow placed in a hard shell, this topaz shimmers and shines.

As often happens, everything that is truly expensive and valuable does not strike the eye with its pretentiousness. The same goes for rainbow topaz. Despite its visual appeal, it is a creation of human hands, which means it has a number of shortcomings that are not immediately noticeable.

Manufacturing technology

In 1993, Azotiс Coating Technology Ink issued a patent for the technology for producing aurora topaz. This stone has many brands, for example: Nirvana Topaz, Mystic Topaz.

By influencing, and in some cases on ordinary or, surface spraying, multi-colored or iridescent colors matching the stone are obtained.

According to the technology, the basis is colorless polished and faceted topaz, which has no jewelry value. Then a titanium film is applied to the stone. After which the topaz is exposed to low temperatures. Thanks to this procedure, topaz acquires more than two additional shades, which play both in artificial and daylight.

Properties of the stone

Mystic Topaz is very hard, but only one blow is enough to crack it.

It should not be exposed to high temperatures, cleaned in a steamer or ultrasonic. If there is a need to clean jewelry with a stone, it is best to seek help from a jeweler.

Products with an insert made of this stone cannot be soldered.

If the technology was violated during the production of aurora topaz, then after a short period of time the stone will lose its rainbow effect forever.

Magical properties of mystic topaz

Nirvana topaz has all the properties of untreated topaz. People believe that the stone is capable of endowing its owner with beauty, optimism, and wisdom.

Travelers prefer topaz because of its ability to influence the elements. It can also calm anger.

People whose profession requires hard mental work acquire mystic topaz as a talisman, as it is believed that it improves brain activity and develops intuition.

Our ancestors protected themselves from magic with the help of sky-blue topaz. He helped to avoid bad influence and the evil eye.

In India they believe that the stone can give hope and faith. Very often, Hindus use topaz in their spiritual practices.

The healing properties of mystic topaz

Since ancient times, people have endowed stones with healing qualities. Thus, it is believed that topazes are capable of:

  • help an infertile couple conceive a child;
  • cure diseases of the mind;
  • give its owner the necessary qualities;
  • help you look into the future with optimism;
  • impart a sense of peace and peace of mind;
  • relieve depression;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Should know

The international nomenclature is not valid in Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase mystic topaz only from a trusted seller who values ​​​​his reputation.

Otherwise, you can buy mystic quartz, which will not have the properties of real topaz.

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