How to make beeswax candles. How to make beeswax candles at home? DIY beeswax candle with floral motif

All living things freeze in the cold season. What should a beekeeper do if the season is over, and the wintering of bees is provided? Clean and store equipment. Paint and repair inventory, as well as order a new one. Make hives, cases and frames. Miss the bees and worry about how they hibernate. Read books. And also, on the eve of the New Year and Christmas, make candles from natural beeswax.

Beeswax is a very valuable substance of natural origin with a lot of unique properties. Candles made from it have a pleasant golden color and a warm natural honey-floral aroma. They burn much longer than paraffin, very clean, almost without creating soot. In fact, these are natural scented candles, the aroma of which is provided not by extraneous additives, but by the material itself. Candle making can be a wonderful hobby that is very easy to learn. It doesn't require a lot of tools and you can make some great products in no time.

It should be noted that, unlike natural beeswax, widely used paraffin wax can cause negative health effects in the long term. So, according to research by scientists from the University of South Carolina, when paraffin candles are burned, carcinogenic toluene and benzene are released, and soot is also formed. In some people, they can cause allergies or respiratory irritation. Also, industrially produced candles may contain, the combustion of which leads to the release of toxic fumes. Lead wicks are banned in the US. In addition, chemical fragrances used in candles also do not add any benefit.

Wax candles can be made in many ways. For example, they are rolled from foundation sheets. Another method is to dip the wick into melted wax until a candle of sufficient thickness is obtained. And finally, the most common way is to use various types of molds for casting candles.

Can't wait to get started? We'll have to wait a bit, because the next item we have is a safety lecture and a video about what happens when you put out the oil with water.

What you need to know about safety when making candles?

In general, the process of making cast candles is quite safe. Once you understand the basic risks and do's and don'ts in the event of a fire, candle making is no more dangerous than cross-stitching.

The melting point of the wax is approximately 60-70°C. At a temperature of 100°C, a whitish foam may form on the surface of the wax, which is due to the presence of emulsified water in the wax during the usual (wet) method of processing it. It's not scary, dehydrated wax burns better and candles do not crack. At temperatures above 120°C, the wax begins to smoke, and after 204°C, its vapors ignite!

Therefore, the main safety rule will be to control the melting temperature (if you are not sure, get a thermometer). Do not put wax directly on the stove and exceed the temperature of 120°C, it must melt slowly. Do not pour water into melted wax, this will cause it to splatter. Wax burns like oil, so extinguishing with water is strictly prohibited (that's what happens if this rule is violated). If, nevertheless, a fire occurs, you need to use a fire extinguisher or sand, in extreme cases, cover the dishes on top with a dense damp cloth. Keep this in mind, and take care of extinguishing agents in advance before starting work.

The safest melting method is a water bath. For heating, an electric stove is preferable, if you have only gas, then be extra vigilant. Always make sure that the bottoms of the outer and inner vessels do not touch (place a metal dough cutter, several round river stones of the same size or a heat-resistant silicone coaster on the bottom of the pan) and add water as it boils away. Don't fill the pan all the way to the top with wax, and don't let it spill on the stove. Wax melted in a water bath has a temperature of 100 ° C, so gloves will not be superfluous so as not to get burned on the walls of the dish when melting, filtering or pouring molds. Once you've started melting the wax, don't leave it unattended! Turn off the TV, let the phone ring and the dog bark. If you need to go out even for a minute, turn off the heater.

The work area should be comfortable and well ventilated, preferably if there is running water nearby. Organize the workplace so that everything is comfortable and nothing interferes. Use stable utensils and equipment. Favorite terry dressing gown with wide sleeves is certainly comfortable, but it is better to wear clothes that will not catch any objects. For additional protection, you can wear an apron and gloves.

Do not hurry. Do not let small children and animals interfere with your work. They are known for their endless curiosity, and while curiosity won't kill your cat, he will hate hot wax on his fur. If you want to involve children in the art of candle making, make sure to allow enough time for this and limit the set of equipment to the minimum necessary for the process.

One way or another, you will smear something with melted wax. It would be reasonable to cover the table with an unnecessary tablecloth or a sheet of thick paper, and lay something non-slippery on the floor (an old rug or a piece of linoleum, but not newspapers). If the drops still got somewhere, then it makes sense to wait for them to cool, then clean them off with a plastic scraper and wipe off the remnants with a cloth dipped in a universal cleaner. If the wax gets on your clothes, put them in the freezer for thirty minutes, then remove as much of the hardened wax as possible. Remove the rest by ironing with a hot iron through a paper towel. You can also try refined lighter gasoline, it dissolves the wax. If drops of wax fall on the stove, be sure to wipe it after finishing work.

Do not wash the dishes used in the melting with hot water and generally allow wax to enter the sewer. It will become clogged, and instead of filling the house with the scent of burning wax candles, you will have to turn into a plumber and do the dirty work of cleaning the drain. Not the best ending to the process, right?

When using, do not leave lit candles unattended, place them on a safe surface where no one will touch them. Move all flammable items away from burning candles, do not place near curtains. Keep as far away from drafts and open windows as possible. Be sure to use coasters and candle holders. After extinguishing the candles before leaving the room or going to bed, make sure that the wick has stopped smoldering.


How to choose and prepare a workplace for a candle workshop?

Not everyone has a workshop at home, which is not a pity to get waxed, so first you need to choose and prepare a workplace. Preferably a room with a constant temperature, plumbing, ventilation and no drafts. In urban areas, you can use the kitchen for this. Consider the process and arrangement of things for each stage of work, so that everything is convenient and accessible. You will need a place for grinding, filtering and pouring wax, setting molds, dishes, wicks, ready-made candles.

First, you need a large and horizontal table for the main work. Of course, we are all neat people, but you should not even think that you will be able to keep it clean. You need to put something on top. For this, newspapers, wrapping paper, an unnecessary waterproof tablecloth or old towels will come in handy. It is also very useful to lay something on the floor, such as an old rug, a sheet of linoleum, or a piece of thick packing cardboard. Provide enough free shelves to place molds, essential oils, tools and utensils.

Secondly, you will need an old cutting board or a piece of plywood on which you will crumble the wax. You will also need to put a container with melted wax on something.

Thirdly, you need to melt the wax on something. There are several ways. The simplest and safest is a water bath heated on a stove. A more expensive option is to use a rice cooker, slow cooker or slow cooker (always with temperature control!) or a modified Presto slow cooker. The most expensive option is to use a wax melter specifically designed to melt wax in large quantities.

For the manufacture of several candles, it is most optimal to use the option with a water bath. It makes no sense to immediately spend money on expensive equipment. In order not to drip wax on the oven (especially if you have one), the best way out is to simply be careful, because. it is dangerous to try to cover the oven with any materials.

Fourth, you definitely need plumbing. Water will be required to organize a water bath, and in the process of work it will need to be added. In addition, some types of candles (for example, multi-layer ones) need to be cooled quickly.

Fifth, stock up on paper napkins. They are useful for wiping up drips of wax while it has not yet hardened.

What do you need to melt and filter the wax?

To melt the wax, we need to build a water bath. To do this, you need a metal pan and a smaller inner container for melting. As a second, you can use heat-resistant glassware (for example, a Pyrex measuring cup), although a smaller pan made of stainless steel, aluminum, enamel, or even a large tin can will do. Contact of wax with ferrous metal or copper is unacceptable. spoils its color. In theory, you can even use new dishes, but get ready for the fact that you will definitely wax it and the process of subsequent peeling will be remembered for a long time :) So that the containers do not touch, you need to put a metal mold for cutting dough, several round river stones on the bottom of the pot with water of the same size or a heat-resistant silicone pad for hot dishes.

It is advisable to use a wax that has already undergone primary cleaning, but if this is not the case, then for the first stage of filtration, you can use something like this process. Even so, it is worth additionally filtering the melted wax immediately before pouring into molds. This will get rid of foreign particles that may be contained in the wax. For filtering, we need another container and a nylon cloth or paint filter.

To control the melting of the wax, you will need a bamboo stick, for example, from a set of disposable Chinese chopsticks or thin wooden skewers.

How to choose molds for candles?

Since this article is about cast candles, you need to get molds for casting. There are several materials from which molds are made:

  1. Aluminum. Forms made of this material are usually seamless and are suitable for oblong candles with a simple section (circle or polygon). May require pre-treatment with a spray or powder release agent to keep the wax from sticking and the candle to be removed easily. Heat-resistant, give a good gloss.
  2. Polycarbonate. These molds are transparent, often made of split halves, allow for more complex shapes and give a good gloss. Not elastic.
  3. Polyurethane. It is quite strong and elastic, but its components are toxic, and the final form cannot be used at temperatures over 80 degrees Celsius.
  4. Silicone molding rubber (silicone). Heat-resistant (up to 200 degrees Celsius), elastic, non-toxic and does not stick to wax, so candles are very easy to remove. Of the minuses, one can name low strength, easily damaged surface, demanding storage conditions (deformations must be avoided). In addition, if you have added essential oils to the wax, their scent may be absorbed into the silicone and it will be difficult to obtain candles with the natural scent of pure wax. In general, one mold is enough to make several hundred candles with careful use.

In view of the great popularity of silicone molds for casting and rich expressive possibilities, we will focus on them. There are a lot of sites on the network where you can buy candle molds, for example,, or

It is worth noting that ready-made silicone molds are not cheap. To begin with, you should choose the most popular ones, in which you plan to cast more than one candle. You can also try to make molds yourself by purchasing raw silicone molding rubber. You will need some patience and artistic skills to make unique designs, or have ready-made figures from which to take casts. This process is described in sufficient detail on the website

In addition to the forms themselves, you will need ordinary bank elastic bands to hold the forms together and a piece of wire to make wick holders.

What tools will be needed?

To grind wax, you need a hammer, a chisel or a flathead screwdriver, and a knife. For cutting the wick, you will need scissors, for wire - wire cutters. A building hair dryer or a gas turbo lighter will also help to level the base of the candles after they have cooled.

What consumables do you need to stock up on?

The first thing you need is beeswax. If you want to estimate the required amount, you can do the following. Take a large measuring cup, fill each of the candle molds with water and pour into the cup. The density of wax is approximately equal to the density of water and one to one is translated into volume. So, if you have a liter of water in a measuring cup, then you need about a kilogram of wax. Bringing to weight is quite convenient, because. wax can be not only in ingots, but also in an already crushed state, when it is difficult to measure the pure volume.

A very important part of candles is the wick. A good and environmentally friendly wick does not contain a metal core and is made from twisted cotton threads. The thickness of the wick depends on the material and diameter of the candle. The larger the candle diameter, the thicker the wick should be. If it is too thick, then due to the large flame, the candle will not burn for long, and the wax will quickly melt and drain along the edge. Too thin a wick will not have time to burn the wax and may drown in the melted wax. Generally, wax requires a thicker wick than other less viscous materials. Usually the wick diameter is between 1 and 4 millimeters (I will use 2mm). Before pouring candles, the wick can be soaked in wax and dried. Sometimes it is impregnated in a solution of salt and boric acid or various metal salts to obtain a colored flame, but this should not be done for candles made from natural materials.

To filter the wax, you will need a piece of fine nylon cloth. After use, it will become clogged with wax and cannot be reused, so stock up on a cloth in advance in sufficient quantities. You can also use a paper funnel with a paint filter.

Let's get started!

If everything is ready, you can start! In order to film the whole process for the article, I also borrowed a camera, a tripod, and also prepared a couple of lighting lamps.

How to make wick clips?

You can come up with a lot of ways to fix the wick. These are clothespins, and hair clips, and even specially sold devices. I took a piece of wire, cut it into lengths of about 15 cm and bent them in half. The final length must not be less than the diameter of the mold. To attach the wick, you just need to place it in the middle, twist the wire slightly and pull the wick a little.

When the wire ended, I began to use thin wooden sticks, fastening them with rubber bands. I guess there is no limit to fantasy, and you can come up with many alternative ways to attach the wick. Write about them in the comments.

Preparing silicone molds for pouring wax

When making the mold, a slot was already made in it to extract the original figurine. You need to fill the wick there and try to place one of its ends in the center of the top of the future candle (bottom of the form). You need to try to do it carefully, because. the incision in silicone tends to increase. No need to break the mold into two halves!

To prevent the wax from flowing out, you need to fasten the form with several elastic bands (from two or more, depending on the height). The density and viscosity of the wax is higher than that of paraffin, therefore, with a sufficient thickness of the mold walls, it is not necessary to cover the seams. It is necessary to combine the walls of the silicone mold in the area of ​​​​the cut so that a noticeable seam from casting does not turn out on the candles.

After assembly, we fix the wick in the wire clamp by twisting it, and then center the position along the axis of the form and adjust the tension.

Water bath for melting wax

Now you can prepare a water bath. To do this, fill the pan with water by a third and put it on the stove. We do not need too much water, since the second container will squeeze it out, and too little will lead to the fact that the melting process will take longer and water will have to be added earlier. While the water is boiling, pick up a hammer and make some noise (hello neighbors!).

grinding wax

Using a hammer, chisel or screwdriver, as well as a knife, we break the wax into pieces. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will melt, but you shouldn’t get too carried away and turn the wax into powder either - it will take more time than the melting process itself. To make it easier to break a large bar of wax, you can first put it in the refrigerator, so it will become more fragile. It is better to immediately grind the entire planned volume, so that later you do not return to this process and do not knock on the table with cooling candles with a hammer when you need to add wax to the smelter.

Wax melting

So that the bottoms of the vessels of the water bath do not touch, we put a silicone spacer, a dough cutting mold or several round river stones of the same size on the bottom of the pot with water. Pour the wax into a glass heat-resistant teapot and put it in a pot of boiled water. You can lower the temperature of the stove so that the water evaporates more slowly.

As the wax melts, it will settle, so you will need to put it in the melting container once or twice. In the course of the process, occasionally with a wooden stick check whether it is all melted. Unless you plan to mix in essential oils and dyes, I don't recommend stirring the wax. One way or another, it will melt all over, but it is better to let the garbage calmly settle to the bottom, this will simplify filtration. Keep an eye on the water level and add it as needed (in this case, it is better to temporarily remove the dishes with wax so as not to pour water into it, this is dangerous).

For filtering, you need another container. Personally, I used a plastic bottle, but in the end it warped from hot wax and therefore it is better to choose something else. With a sharp knife or scissors, cut off the top of the bottle.

To make the filter, cut off a piece of nylon fabric, fold it in half and fix it on the bottle with an elastic band. If there are ready-made filters for paint in the form of a paper funnel with a nylon mesh, then everything is even easier.

Carefully pour the wax into the bottle (with a wooden stick you can press down the center of the fabric so that a notch forms and the wax does not flow along the edges of the bottle). The melting point of beeswax is lower than the boiling point of water, therefore, being heated to 100 degrees, it will not have time to solidify during the filtration process. Nevertheless, you should not hesitate, so we proceed to pour the filtered wax into prepared forms.

Form Fill

Carefully, trying not to burn yourself, pour the wax into the molds to the brim. Pour the leftovers back into the melting bowl so that they do not freeze in the bottle. We wait 10-20 minutes until the wax settles due to cooling. If the form is large, until the wax has cooled down, we pierce 2-3 holes in the wax with a thin wooden stick so that voids do not form inside. We filter a small amount of wax again and add it to the molds until the holes and voids are filled.

Cooling candles

Depending on the volume of the candle, it can take from two to six hours to cool. To prevent the wax from cracking, do not force the process and try to cool with cold water (if the wax is hot, this can lead to splashing), or put the molds in the refrigerator. Just leave them standing in the same room.

What is beeswax? 4 commercial grades are considered, including wax for foundation, and it is indicated by what technology candles are made - 3 standard and 7 artistic technologies.

Beeswax is the basis of additives E901 and E902, that is, food and candle wax. In the Russian GOST, the properties of another product are indicated - raw materials for foundation. The foundation sheet must be of the highest quality, otherwise the bees will not accept it. Other natural grades exist, such as E903 carnauba wax. You can start making any candle from wax by studying the properties of this material.

Compliance with safety regulations in the manufacture of candles

The wax will already melt at 65°C. When heated to 100 °C, a whitish foam will appear.

Protective apron when working with wax

The critical temperature is considered to be 120 ° C, when vapors are released that can flare up. Therefore, at home, wax is melted in a water or steam bath.

You can not extinguish the flame with water - there will be an explosion. Use soda. And to block the access of oxygen, any improvised means will do. Before work, they put on a canvas apron, gloves, and clothes should hide the maximum surface of the body.

Preparing to make beeswax candles

Equip the workplace:

  • Install a container with soda powder;
  • You also need a pot or bucket of water in which you can put both hands;
  • Remove grease and wax from equipment parts;
  • The room must be ventilated.

Prepare dishes - iron, enameled, copper. Aluminum will smell.

Steam and water

A sponge is placed at the bottom of the container with water, and dishes for melting are placed on the sponge. The water level must be above the wax. The steam bath does not work like this: there is a bowl on the dish with water that covers the entire steam tank.

With a steam bath, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the volume of evaporated liquid. And the raw materials are washed, cooled and crushed before melting.

Tools and materials for making beeswax candles

You need to think about what to make a candle wick from. Usually three cotton threads are twisted or braided. You will also need:

  • Pencil;
  • Weight (can be taken in a tea candle);
  • Needle for the wick, but only when making short candles.

Forms can be made from any material, but first they are lubricated with detergent. Wooden molds can be lubricated with vegetable oil.

Product E901

The base material is better to buy in granules, and wax E901 is white and yellow. Wax candles are of high quality, but they are sold only to beekeepers.

Materials for coloring candles

The dye is added to the melted wax and mixed. Materials:

  • Wax crayons. Edible crayon cannot be made from paraffin.
  • Fat-soluble food colors - powder, gel, paste;
  • Acting makeup, but not much, 2-3 gr. per liter;
  • Kandurin (gold), glitter (aluminum sequins). The glitter will leave a smell.

Gel dyes are suitable for both gel and wax candles.

food coloring

Makeup emits harmful substances, but it is needed for pastel shades.

Do not use dyes that are soluble in water.

Steps for making beeswax candles

Wax is brought to T=80 °C. The wick must be waxed by tying a weight to it and fixing it on a pencil. Next, the wick is fixed on the mold:

  • The weight remains on the thread;
  • The thread with the knot is passed through the hole at the bottom of the mold.

If a tunnel can be made in the candle, this step is skipped.

Candle without thread

At “step 2”, a dye is added, and a flavoring agent is added before pouring.

Pouring material into a mold

Even before melting, the mold is immersed in a detergent solution, then wiped, but not dry. It will be obligatory and warming up with a hairdryer.

Shape set

The wick must be vertical. The wax is then poured into the center of the mold.

Wax almost does not shrink, and hardening goes from the edge to the center.

Removing the candle from the mold

If a weight was used, the candle is pulled by the wick. For the variant with a node, this method is not suitable. The knot is cut off, and needles, hooks, etc. are used to extract it. With a form without a bottom, this method is also used.

If the mold is flexible, the candle can be squeezed out.

Types of wax candles

A compound candle always consists of the upper and lower halves. And candles with a short wick are sculptures that do not have a regular wick installed. Figured candles are obtained only in detachable or disposable forms. An example is geometric shapes. How to make such candles with your own hands, for beginners, is described in the video.

Figured wax candles at home

The form is made of paper, glued and painted over from the outside. Staining is carried out in order to seal the joints.


A wick with a weight is installed, casting is carried out. The form is removed after cooling.

The valves at the joints will be only "external" (see photo).

DIY beeswax candle with floral motif

When using silicone, you can create a three-dimensional ornament. The detachable form is pulled together with clamps, and the wick is tied into a knot. With a one-piece form, on the contrary, a wick with a weight is used.

You can try to make a mold from 5-7 layers of sealant.

The sealant is applied to the sample covered with oil.

Do-it-yourself openwork wax candle

If pieces of ice are added to the mold, the finished product will be openwork. An example is in the photo.

Ice is lighter than water, and wax even more so. As it cools, the melted ice flows through the holes.

Precautions: the wick with a weight is glued to the bottom of the mold.

Colored wax candles

It’s even amazing what you can do with wax with your own hands, without using either silicone or paper.

Layer alternation

A candle of constant section is immersed in colored wax, alternating several layers. You don't need to wait for drying. Get a smooth transition or more complex effects.

White wax is the base material.

How to make a beautiful big wax candle

Take a multi-layer workpiece. And on the edges they make “leaves”.

carved ornament

All tiers are processed with a cutter in turn. Start from the top tier.

The previous chapter covered how to make an interleaved layer.

How to make a wax rose with your own hands

The basis of a rose is a waxed wick. It is wrapped in petals.

wax roses

A small master class:

  • The wax is poured onto a saucer;
  • At T=37-40 °C the plate is removed with a thin knife;
  • Form a layer of petals.

The more layers, the more solid the result.

The plate, without removing it from the saucer, is sometimes cut into 2 or 3.

Candle made from palm wax

Product E903 is supplied in granules which are poured into glassware. The surface must be leveled, and a waxed wick is installed in the center.

Wax pellet candles

The design looks simple. But a wick 10 cm long will not burn out even in a day.

Other names for E903 wax are Carnauba, Brazilian, Palm.

Nuances in choosing a wick

Beekeeping magazine determined what the optimal wick diameter is if the raw material is foundation.

These data are also valid for E90X materials. The color of the E901 granules does not play a role. And for the product E902, the numbers in the first line must be reduced.

When making candles from beeswax, they also make a wick with their own hands. Impregnation can be copper sulphate, salt or zinc filings. And the flame will be painted in the color of a sea wave, light blue or cornflower blue. And the material is cotton thread.

Video - Master Class

Benefits and uses of beeswax ear candles

A tube of gauze with wax will help remove the sulfur plug. The method is not approved by medicine, but it is used in Asia.

Waxed gauze

Mode of application:

  1. Cut off part of the cone;
  2. Cover the patient's head with a cloth made of natural material (linen), make a slit;
  3. Install the tube and set fire to it;
  4. Extinguish the flame when it reaches the mark.

Then, for 15 minutes, a cotton wool turunda is installed.

Benefits of beeswax candles

A tubular candle helps to get rid of diseases:

  • Tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils), rhinitis, otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • Hearing loss;
  • tinnitus, dizziness;
  • Sleep disturbance.

Antibiotics are needed to cure the infection. Without them, the benefit of the considered method will be zero. And if the wax gets into the ear canal, there will be a difficult treatment, however, without surgical intervention.

Another “minus” is the fire hazard. Contraindications: purulent otitis media, ear infections, allergies to pollen or propolis.

Candles with their own hands. Why and who needs them?

It makes no sense to ask what is the use of art for a person. Still can't find an answer.

Technology "3 layers + thread"

From everything that is discussed above, the benefit will be to the master himself, that is, to the author of the work. And if it turns out to be successful, it can be used in any of three qualities:

  • As a bright and memorable gift;
  • As a business card of products offered by the beekeeper;
  • As proof of the naturalness and high quality of wax raw materials.

The number of candle painters in Russia is now small. And success does not come to those who try to copy one of the well-known technologies. The possibility of inventing a new technology is another reason to master the candle business, and it is better if the beekeeper masters it himself.

Use of wax at home

Glaze and chocolate are prepared with edible wax, it is part of chewing gum. Medicine uses the bee product in a different way - it serves as the basis for ointments and is an important material for dentistry. And the product corresponding to GOST 21179-2000 is intended not only for foundation. It is used in the same way as E901 granules.

Use in traditional medicine is not considered here.


White granules E901 look like paraffin. It is impossible to distinguish one from the other by color.

A new kind of art

However, a paraffin candle leaves soot on the mirror. Other disadvantages are listed below.

How to expose paraffin

A natural product should sink in 44% alcohol. The density of paraffin is lower and it floats. Also, paraffin melts at a lower temperature than wax. But this problem is solved in its own way - they add natural ceresin. Its melting point is 65-88 °C.

Regardless of what is added, the density only goes down.

Candlestick cleaning

It is easy to clean the candlestick from wax - you need hot water, optionally boiled. And soot leaves paraffin or ceresin. To clean it off, you need chemistry. And let it be neutral in relation to enamel or coating.

The second way to remove wax is to freeze to T = -1 °C - -2 °C.

The composition of the candle

The products of some candle factories leave no doubts about the high quality.

Candles in retail

What is considered a food product is used for casting candles! But more often a mixture of wax and ceresin is used. The first of the two components is the E902 wax.

Comparison of the cost of E901 and E902: "2.5 to 1" or "3 to 1".

Disadvantages of paraffin candles

A thin synthetic wick is a sign of a paraffin candle. The burn rate depends on the diameter of the wick. And the soot left by candles consists of paraffin combustion products. Among them, a significant part of the entire periodic table is represented.

Wax, consisting of 50 organic substances, does not leave any soot.

Good day dear friends! It's almost winter now. Many beekeepers are now preparing for the next season: they are repairing the frames, stringing wire into them, buying some equipment, inspecting their farm, including the honeycomb one, melting the wax, etc. So I recently drowned wax in my small one. Immediately after that, the thought arose: where else can beeswax be used, except for how trite to change it to honeycomb? It turns out that you can make candles from natural beeswax with your own hands.

Candles with their own hands. Why and who needs them?

Many may ask: “What is this for?” Well, at least in order to please yourself and your loved ones, as a maximum - to get additional profit from the apiary.

Friends, the New Year is coming soon! I don't even believe it. Many people associate this holiday not only with fun and holidays, but also with fuss, with gifts. No one wants to deprive loved ones, leave them without attention. But after all, not always and not everyone has the opportunity for this, including the material one. Here's an idea for you: make wonderful fragrant candles with your own hands from natural beeswax, not from paraffin, not from boring chemicals, but from an environmentally friendly natural product and give it to your loved ones! Even at school, in elementary school, our first teacher Svetlana Alexandrovna told us: “The best gift is the one that is made with your own hands and with love!”. Thanks her! I remember these words for the rest of my life.

The second option may be to use the resulting product(s) for commercial purposes. The product line on the counter of the beekeeper should always strive to expand. The market does not stand still. The buyer has become picky, choosy (or vice versa illegible ...), demanding, capricious and stingy. Including stingy and in relation to their health, but that's another topic. The buyer needs to please and hit right on target, to identify and satisfy his needs for the here and now. Why not put five candles on the counter? Beautiful, quite original (so far), exclusive. I think it makes sense.

How to make a wax candle with your own hands?

I, as usual, went the way of the least material costs. It is known that molds are needed to make candles. Most often they are made of silicone. After the wax has cooled, it is very easy to remove the silicone mold from the finished candle. Plastic molds or other molds made of hard, non-elastic material can be problematic.

So, where do you get these molds for making candles? Ideally, of course, it is better to buy them in a store. There is a wide choice of shapes and sizes. There is room for fantasy. But there is one point that at the initial stage can repel - the price. The price varies on average from about three hundred rubles to three thousand for one form.

I chose a different option. I went to one of the household stores and saw a silicone baking dish. I thought, "Why not?" It cost about 300 rubles. But there are six different options for baking candles. That is, one comes out to about 50 rubles. Bought.

And here is the view from the inside.

Then there was the question of choosing a wick. I have never made candles and after thinking a little I came to the conclusion that the wick should be made of natural material, since synthetics will surely burn with the release of an unpleasant odor. Nothing better came to my mind than to buy a jute cord. Two hundred meters in the coil came out about 60 rubles. Pennies. The cost of such a wick does not even need to be taken into account when calculating the cost of one candle.

I came home, took some wax and put it in a glass jar, and put the jar in a saucepan. That is, he made a water bath. Of course, it’s better not to use glass, it can burst, but I didn’t immediately orient myself. Probably because I wanted to quickly try to make a candle with my own hands))

While the wax was melting, I chose the prettiest mold and prepared it. Immediately made a hole for the wick. I did it with a fountain pen refill. He, by the way, was also useful to me in the future. It’s more convenient, of course, with an awl or a carnation, but it was too lazy to go to get it)))

I made a hole right in the middle. It is important. Then he threaded the future wick into it.

The tail of the wick took out a centimeter by 2.5-3. Then he again took the rod from the fountain pen and fixed the wick on the inside of the mold.

The wick must be stretched strictly vertically. If this is not done, then the candle will not burn evenly.

By this time, the wax had just ripened. It remains to carefully and evenly pour it into the mold.

Yes, the form must lie on a horizontal surface. Our candle should turn out to be even.

Literally immediately, the wax began to cool, forming a beautiful pattern. Wife looked at this beauty with rapture))

Well, the wax is almost frozen. There is no need to rush to take the form. Our candle is still soft and can be inadvertently deformed.

While the wax was curing, a small amount of it flowed out through the hole we made for the wick. It turned out not to be critical. So I left our candle to cool.

Here you go. Came in a couple of hours, when the mold had already cooled down. A sign was a noticeable decrease in the size of the candle itself and a small distance appeared between the candle and the mold walls.

Can be taken out. Here's what happened. From above, near the wick, I had to trim a little with a knife, since the wax turned out to be not quite clean and there was a little honey and water in it, which flowed down to the bottom of the mold and occupied part of the cavity there. The first pancake is lumpy. Now I will know that the wax should be as pure as possible. Yes, I trimmed the length of the wick a little more.

Everything, the candle is ready! To my surprise, it even caught fire and did not go out))) You can have a candlelit dinner.

So, a brief summary on using this method of making candles from wax with your own hands.:

  • ease of manufacture, low cost and availability for the beekeeper of everything necessary is a definite plus;
  • wax must be clean, without impurities;
  • the wick must be made of natural materials;
  • the form must be placed strictly horizontally, and the wick strictly vertically;
  • do not rush to remove a hot candle from the mold;
  • minus - poverty of variants of forms.

Conclusion: it is possible to use this method for domestic purposes and for experimental purposes, to analyze the market (demand). However, later it is worth looking at with a more pronounced and interesting volumetric texture and theme.

Well, now, as promised, an interesting crossword puzzle. The first five people who send me a list of correct answers in free form by e-mail will receive an electronic collection of Beekeeping magazines, consisting of 333 issues of this legendary magazine!

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Beekeepers love to experiment and can make candles from natural beeswax with their own hands. This substance has unique properties. Candles from it turn out to be golden in color and, unlike artificial ones, smell pleasantly of honey and flowers. Candles made from beeswax burn for a long time, unlike paraffin candles. The product can be attributed to natural, environmentally friendly and flavored, which does not contain various additives. You can make different types of candles with your own hands.

Comparison of natural wax candles with paraffin

Paraffin has been popular for a long time. But they are very harmful when they burn, emit such carcinogenic substances as benzene, toluene, form soot. Because of this, a person often suffers from an allergic reaction, the respiratory tract is irritated. In industrial products, the wick has a lead stem, when it burns, a large amount of toxic vapor is released. The disadvantage is chemical additives, which are also harmful to health.

It is better to give preference to a natural wax product, they can be made in different ways, using a foundation sheet, it must be rolled out. You can also do it by lowering the wick into wax, which melts until the desired shape comes out. The most commonly used method is pouring into molds.

Compliance with safety regulations in the manufacture of candles

  1. The wax needs to be melted, the optimum temperature is 70 degrees, if it is exceeded, foam may begin to form. This indicates that the wax is dehydrated. This produces high-quality candles that burn perfectly and do not crack. If the temperature is higher than 120 degrees, the wax may smoke. Higher than 200 degrees starts to burn. It is important in this situation to keep the temperature under control.
  2. You need to melt the product only on low heat, constantly stir it.
  3. It is forbidden to add water to the finished product, it will start to splash.
  4. In case of fire, use a fire extinguisher.
  5. Before working with the product, you need to carefully prepare, prepare all the means in case a fire suddenly occurs.
  6. It is best to melt in a water bath, heat it on an electric, gas stove, constantly need to be closely monitored.
  7. The inner and outer vessels should not touch, for this it is necessary to put river stones on the bottom, then add water when it begins to boil away.
  8. The room should be maintained at an optimal temperature, constantly ventilate it.

For work, you will need special equipment - a staff, clothes, gloves. You can’t rush when working, you can smear everything with wax. After you have used the dishes, do not wash them under the tap, the product may cause clogged drains.

When you have already prepared the substance, you need to put it in a safe place, it is forbidden to put it next to appliances, curtains, windows.

Preparing to make beeswax candles

  • Choose a large table, cover with newspaper on top, remove the carpets from the floor.
  • Prepare special sticks on which you can put molds, essential oils, dishes, tools.
  • You need to crumble the product on an old cutting board, you can also put the melted product here.
  • To melt the substance, you can use a slow cooker, a wax melter.
  • There should be water nearby, because you will need to constantly add it. Some will need to be refrigerated. In the table you can see the forms for candles.

Table "Varieties of molds for making candles"

Tools and materials for making beeswax candles

  1. To grind the product you will need a hammer or screwdriver, a sharp knife.
  2. You need to cut the wick with scissors, also stock up on pieces.
  3. To level the base, you must use a turbo lighter.

To make beeswax candles you will need the following materials:

  1. bee product.
  2. It is important to choose a quality wick. It should be environmentally friendly, it should not include metal cores, twisted cotton threads.
  3. The thickness of the wick must be selected depending on what diameter your candle will have. If the candle has a large diameter, you need to choose a thick wick.
  4. Before pouring candles, the wick is impregnated with wax and dried thoroughly. It must be soaked in boric acid, a saline solution, so that a colored flame can be obtained.

Steps for making beeswax candles

  1. It is necessary to filter the wax, for this, take a piece of fabric from nylon. After the procedure, the filter will have to be thrown away, because it is clogged with wax, it is recommended to use a paper funnel that has a paint filter.
  2. Manufacture of wick clips.
    You can fix the wick in different ways, using clothespins, hair clips. It is necessary to take the wire, finely cut it up to 10 cm, then bend the pieces. The wick is placed in the middle, twisted with wire and stretched.
  3. Preparing silicone molds for wax filling.

    Often the forms are already sold with slots, it is necessary to place a wick there, this must be done with extreme caution, it is impossible for the form to be divided in half. In the photo you can see how to do it right.

    The photo shows how the forms are fastened with rubber bands, this is necessary to protect the wax from flowing out. The seams on the walls of the form are not specially smeared, because the wax has a high viscosity and density. In the section of the form, the walls are combined. After you have fully assembled, you need to fasten the wick with a clip from the wire, pre-twist it, adjust the tension.

  4. We grind the wax. To do this, you need a hammer, a chisel, you need to carefully break everything so that the substance melts faster.
  5. Wax melting. It is important to ensure that the vessel with the water bath and the bottom does not interact. To do this, you need to pour wax into a thermal kettle, put pots of boiling water on top. When the wax melts, it will begin to settle, add water, just make sure that it does not get into the wax.
  6. Filter the wax, for this you can use a plastic bottle with a nylon cloth.
  7. Pour the wax into the molds to the brim. When the form is large, you need to pierce several holes in it, so there will be no void inside. Wait for the wax to cool for about 6 hours, do not cool it in a cold place, this can lead to cracks in the candles.
  8. We take out the candles from the molds. First, the clip that was intended for the wick is removed. After you need to clean and trim the wick. After the candle has cooled, you need to remove the rubber bands and get the candle. See the photo for how to do it right.

Benefits and uses of beeswax ear candles

Ear candles contain natural wax, essential oils. With an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, throat, nose, it is necessary to use ear candles. They will also help to get rid of tinnitus, increased irritability and headache. Due to beeswax, sulfur plug can be removed.

It is advised to use ear candles at home, they can be used at high temperatures, they have no side effects on the body. It is allowed to use ear candles only for adult children. You must first read the instructions.

Ear candles are one of the healing remedies, with the help of which you can relieve inflammation, pain, calm down, improve hearing. There must be ear candles at home.

The composition of the drug includes coniferous oils, beeswax.

It is important to use ear candles correctly:

  • It is necessary to take 250 ml of water, 2 candles, ear sticks, a piece of polyethylene.
  • Lie on your side, cover your hair with a towel.
  • Apply tape to ear.
  • Insert the medicine vertically into the ear.
  • Carefully set fire to the candle, when it burns down to a certain mark, you need to remove it from the ear area.
  • Take a cotton swab and clean the ear of everything that has accumulated in it, the ears should be warm after the procedure, put on a hat.
  • Similarly, the procedure is performed for the second ear.

It is easy to make beeswax candles on your own with your own hands, they will be distinguished by their safety and reliability. Beeswax ear candles are the best way to relieve the inflammatory process.



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