Innovative activity of a teacher in modern conditions. Experimental and innovative activities as a means of developing the subjective position of students and teachers Innovative and experimental work in an educational organization

1. Experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are carried out in order to ensure the modernization and development of the education system, taking into account the main directions of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the implementation of priority directions of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

2. Experimental activities are aimed at the development, testing and implementation of new educational technologies, educational resources and are carried out in the form of experiments, the procedure and conditions for which are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. Innovative activities are focused on improving scientific-pedagogical, educational-methodological, organizational, legal, financial-economic, personnel, material and technical support of the education system and are carried out in the form of the implementation of innovative projects and programs by organizations carrying out educational activities and other operating in in the field of education by organizations, as well as their associations. When implementing an innovative project or program, the rights and legitimate interests of participants in educational relations must be ensured, the provision and receipt of education, the level and quality of which cannot be lower than the requirements established by the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements, and educational standards.

4. In order to create conditions for the implementation of innovative projects and programs that are essential for ensuring the development of the education system, the organizations specified in part 3 of this article and implementing the specified innovative projects and programs are recognized as federal or regional innovation platforms and constitute the innovation infrastructure in the system education. The procedure for the formation and functioning of innovation infrastructure in the education system (including the procedure for recognizing an organization as a federal innovation platform) is established by the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education, in agreement with the federal executive body authorities carrying out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of general education. The list of federal innovation platforms is established by the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of general education, and the federal executive body, performing the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education. education, in accordance with the established scope of competence. The procedure for recognizing organizations as regional innovation platforms is established by government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


The innovation process in education is a set of procedures and means by which a didactic idea is transformed into an educational innovation. Innovation activity is a set of measures and technologies to ensure the innovation process at a particular level of education, as well as this process itself. The main functions of innovative activity include changing the components of the pedagogical process: the goals and content of education, means, methods and forms of training, management systems, etc.

Innovation activities include: scientific research, creation of innovation, implementation of innovation, reflection of innovation. The main result of the search stage is the formulated innovation problem, the goals and objectives of the innovation. What follows is an innovative project of the intended transformations. At the implementation stage, innovative activity includes the following actions: program-scenario, organizational-managerial, experimental-evaluative and design-translation. In the process of reflection, the results obtained are correlated with the goals set; the resulting product is compared with its original image (model). The reflective stage of innovation activity performs the function of feedback.

Thus, the activity that ensures the transformation of an idea into an innovation, and also forms a system for managing this process, is innovative activity.

In the innovation process, four interrelated types of activities are distinguished: methodological, research, pedagogical and educational.

Methodological activities are aimed at developing a methodology for the innovation process; it is performed by a methodologist.

Research activities carried out by a scientist are aimed at studying the activities of teachers and students. The product of his activity is pedagogical innovation (a description of the teacher’s pedagogical activity within the framework of innovation).

The pedagogical activity of an innovator teacher is aimed at organizing the educational activities of students. The product of his activity is the educational process into which innovation is introduced (innovative educational process).

Educational activities of students aimed at mastering knowledge, skills, and personal development in conditions of innovation.

Innovative changes in the education system of our country are taking place in the following directions: changing the goals and content of education at all levels, starting from kindergarten; bringing them into line with humanistic guidelines and requirements of the time; development and implementation of new educational standards based on a competency-based approach, development and implementation of new educational technologies; informatization of the entire education system; introduction of specialized education in secondary schools; application of methods and forms of individualization of training; creating conditions for self-determination and creative personal development in the learning process; creation and development of creative innovative teams of educational organizations; a combination of the educational process with research work of teachers, students and much more.

Due to the multifaceted nature of innovative activities in education, we will limit ourselves to considering only one problem - the development of modern teaching technology.

An analysis of foreign and domestic scientific and pedagogical literature allows us to conclude that pedagogical technology is connected by a systematic approach to education, covering all elements of the pedagogical system: from goal setting to designing the entire didactic process and testing its effectiveness. Pedagogical technology should be considered as a systematic and consistent implementation in practice of the designed learning process, as a system of ways and means of achieving the goals of managing this process. Modern teaching technology is a systematic approach to the design, implementation, control, correction and subsequent reproduction of the learning process.

The structural components of teaching technology are: the goals and content of training; methods and means of pedagogical interaction; organization of the educational process; students and teachers; learning result.

The following general requirements apply to educational technologies:

Transformation of the content of education into a holistic project of activities that students must master; this project includes a description of the indicative basis of activity, its motivational and operational support;

Presentation of the projected activity in a procedural form (in the form of a system of tasks or task situations that provide consistent orientation in a certain subject or value sphere);

Presentation of methods for solving problems from a given subject area;

Construction of training in the form of a fairly rigid sequence of educational actions and situations;

Identification of ways of interaction between participants in the educational process, their functions, roles, connections, plot and game lines unfolding throughout the technologized fragment of the educational process;

Motivational support for technologies based on creating opportunities for students’ self-realization;

The use of material and technical factors, information tools and software products that contribute to the effective development of the teaching and educational situation.

The theoretical basis of the new teaching technology is: activity-based, competency-based and research approaches, as well as the concept of student-centered learning. Let's call this technology integrative because it integrates many approaches.

The methodology of integrative teaching technology, first of all, should be based on an activity approach. As is known, the psychological structure of activity includes the subject, goals, motives, and means of activity, actions and operations, as well as the result of the activity. The subject of joint activity of the teacher and students is the content of the disciplines being studied: concepts, laws, principles, rules, tasks, problems and other educational elements. The goals and content of education are reflected in educational standards, curricula and textbooks. In integrative learning technology, joint activities of the teacher and students are designed, aimed at solving educational tasks and problems, in the process of solving which, students master the knowledge, skills and abilities provided for in the curriculum. The educational and cognitive activities of students must be organically combined with research, communication, practical and other types of activities aimed at the formation and development of competencies provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard.

When determining the goals and content of training, one should rely on a competency-based approach. In accordance with the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards, the basis of learning goals is based on competencies that are clarified through knowledge and actions to be acquired. One of the fundamental goals of training a specialist at a university is the formation of his professional competence. Professional competence includes a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow a specialist to competently judge issues in the field of professional activity, as well as personality traits that give him the opportunity to successfully solve a certain class of professional tasks.

The competence of a young specialist includes social and personal, general scientific, economic, organizational, managerial and special competencies. A detailed description of these competencies in the form of a list of knowledge, skills and abilities in a particular specialty becomes the content of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards.

In addition, as part of the professional competence of a specialist, it is necessary to highlight professional orientation: interest in the profession, readiness for professional activities, the desire to apply one’s knowledge, skills, and abilities in the chosen profession.

One of the innovative approaches to education is the research approach, which is aimed at developing students’ scientific research skills and abilities, at the formation and development of creative abilities (creativity). Research can be called this type of education, when the study and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities is carried out in the process of research activities of the student under the guidance of a teacher.

Exploratory learning is a special approach to learning, built on the basis of a person’s natural desire to independently study the world around him. In exploratory learning, the educational process is carried out on the basis of the student’s independent search for new cognitive guidelines. This allows us to ensure that learning involves the assimilation of new information through the organization of student research activities. In psychological terms, the educational and cognitive activity of a student, under certain conditions, approaches the research activity of a scientist. The difference is that in the process of learning, a student obtains knowledge that is subjectively new (for him), and a scientist obtains new knowledge through research in the relevant branch of science (for society).

In the modern theory of inquiry learning, three levels of its practical implementation are distinguished:

The teacher poses a problem and outlines a strategy and tactics for solving it; the students themselves have to find the solution themselves;

The teacher poses a problem, but the students look for a method to solve it on their own;

The formulation of the problem, the search for methods for its investigation and the development of solutions are carried out by students independently.

Research is always creative, and ideally represents a variant of the disinterested search for truth. It is extremely important in developing the creative abilities of students in the learning process. Research activities should initially be freer, practically unregulated by any external guidelines.

In the traditional education system, the content of education is educational information to be learned, as well as methods of action to apply the acquired knowledge. With a research approach, the content of learning is based not only on knowledge and skills, but also on a series of problematic tasks, in the process of solving which students develop creative abilities.

One of the modern types of developmental training is student-centered training. In this case, learning is understood as a joint activity of the teacher and the student, aimed at the individual self-realization of the student and the development of his personal qualities in the educational process.

Personally oriented education should be considered as the organization of the educational process in accordance with the needs, interests, inclinations and abilities of students, taking into account the requirements of society for the moral, intellectual and professional level of training of future specialists. We are talking about education, which focuses not only on knowledge, abilities and skills, but mainly on the personality and life activity of the student, i.e. on his moral character, culture, worldview, interests, intelligence (quality of mind), relationships, emotions, health and lifestyle.

The personality-oriented approach is considered as the construction of a pedagogical process focused on the development and self-development of the personal properties of the individual. Along with the experience of assimilation and application of knowledge, methods of solving problems and creative experience, the student must master the experience of “being a person.”

What does it mean to be a person? The personality has the following properties and lines of behavior:

Conscious choice of profession;

Moral education and culture;

Social responsibility;

The desire for self-realization, for social recognition;

Reflective consciousness;

Value orientations;

Selective attitude towards the surrounding world; personal position;

The desire for self-education, self-development;

Finding meaning in life;

Individuality, uniqueness.

The educational process in general and teaching technology in particular are based on a certain system of principles. The principles of integrative teaching technology should be based on general patterns established by psychological and pedagogical science, and at the same time express specific patterns. As is known, in pedagogy a system of didactic principles has been developed, including such principles as: unity of teaching and upbringing; scientific nature of teaching; connection between theory and practice; systematic training; consciousness and activity of students; visibility of training; strength of knowledge. The design and implementation of any learning technology is based on these principles. However, in integrative learning technology it is necessary to highlight specific principles. Since it combines various concepts, approaches and teaching methods, it should be built on the following didactic principles: modularity; individualization; flexibility; cooperation (parity); feedback.

The principle of modularity involves the use of modules in the learning process as the main means of students mastering the content of educational material. In accordance with this principle, training is structured in modules designed to achieve specific didactic goals. A module should be understood as an autonomous organizational and methodological structure of an academic discipline. The content of each module includes the following structural elements:

Didactic goals that transform into a targeted program of action for students;

The actual educational material, structured into educational elements;

Methodological support for the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities (methods and teaching aids, plans for all types of lessons, tasks for independent work, tests, etc.);

Information about possible ways to master the content of the educational module and methods of monitoring and self-control of the results of students’ educational and cognitive activities.

The principle of individualization of learning means the need to create conditions for the formation and development of individual psychological qualities of the student’s personality, the ability to choose goals, content, forms and methods of organizing educational activities, as well as to study at an individual pace. To individualize the content of training, it is necessary to diagnose the initial level of knowledge of students and, on this basis, determine their knowledge needs. Diagnostics should be organized in such a way that, based on its results, it is possible to build an individualized structure for a specific module. This principle also presupposes the variability of methods and means, the flexibility of the system for monitoring the educational and cognitive activity of students.

The principle of flexibility requires constructing a curriculum in such a way that it is easy to adapt the content of training and the ways of its acquisition to the individual needs and capabilities of students. In addition, this principle, as a core characteristic of integrative learning technology, means the ability to quickly respond and flexibly adapt to changing socio-economic, scientific and technical conditions.

The principle of cooperation requires subject-subject interaction between students and with the teacher. It involves cooperation between the teacher, acting as a consultant-coordinator, and students, who independently master the educational material of the module. Collaboration is the joint work of several people aimed at achieving common goals. Cooperative learning involves bringing students into small groups so that they can work together to achieve greater success than when working individually. Educational collaboration creates conditions for positive interaction between students in the process of achieving a common goal (joint solution of an educational task, analysis of a situation, discussion, brainstorming, completing a project, writing a report, discussing and solving a problem, publishing a newspaper, etc.).

The principle of implementing feedback ensures management of the educational process by creating a system of control and self-control of mastering the educational material of each module. Feedback in the learning process is information about the result of students' educational and cognitive activity, on the basis of which a decision is made on the further stage of learning.

In addition, integrative learning technology should be based on the principles of person-centered learning: self-actualization, choice, creativity and success, trust and support.

The principle of self-actualization. Every person has a need to actualize and realize their intellectual, communicative, physical and other abilities. It is important to encourage and support students’ desire to demonstrate and develop their natural and socially acquired capabilities.

The principle of choice. Without choice, the development of a student's individuality is impossible. It is pedagogically advisable for a student to live, study and be brought up in conditions of constant choice, to have the authority to choose goals, content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process.

The principle of creativity and success. Individual and collective creative activities allow us to develop the individual characteristics of each student. Achieving success in one type of activity or another contributes to the formation of a positive self-concept of the student’s personality and stimulates further work on personal self-improvement.

The principle of trust and support. A decisive rejection of the authoritarian style in teaching activities. It is not external influence, but internal motivation that determines the success of a student’s education and upbringing.

The educational material must be subjectively significant for the student; the organization of his educational and cognitive activities must take into account the current level of his development;

Systematically stimulate the student to self-valuable educational activities, which would turn into self-education and self-development;

The educational material should be organized in such a way that the student has the right to choose (the ability to choose learning tasks);

Encourage students in every possible way and encourage them to independently choose the most appropriate ways for them to study the educational material;

Not only to evaluate the final result of educational activities, but also to form self-control of the learning process itself, to activate reflection of thinking.

The main emphasis is not on transmitting information, but on organizing various types of student activities. The status of the teacher changes: he becomes a manager of the educational process. The content of education is changing: not information about activities, but activities based on information.

Changes in the goals, content and forms of education have a significant impact on the nature of communication between the teacher and students, on the atmosphere of their interaction (partnership, equality of subjects in educational activities, mutual responsibility when making decisions, positive emotional background).

In the modern educational process, based on the goals and content of education, aimed at the formation of one or another competence, the development and education of the personality of a future specialist, the basis of educational technology must be the practical actions of students to solve relevant problems (problems).

The most effective methods in modern educational technology are: problem-based learning methods (problem presentation, heuristic and research methods), group methods (brainstorming method, situational method, group discussion, game methods), project method, modeling method, laboratory experiment, involving students in productive work during practice, etc.

At the same time, the student does not receive ready-made knowledge, but obtains it; Moreover, knowledge as such is not the goal of education, but becomes a means of solving assigned problems. The result of such training is not only new knowledge, but also the ability to apply it to solve problems. Active educational, cognitive and research activities of a student contribute to the development of his personal qualities - abilities, responsibility, independence, etc. In the process of joint activities in a group, his communication skills, ability to listen, ask questions, express his opinion, lead a discussion, convince others, and respect the things of others develop. opinion, cooperate with people. Individual students also develop leadership qualities.

In integrative learning technology, it is also necessary to provide for the use of electronic (computer) tools. In e-learning, in addition to traditional teaching aids, a number of new means are used in conjunction with computers, namely: electronic editions of textbooks and teaching aids, information and reference electronic publications, general cultural publications, Internet tools, virtual laboratories, etc. All These tools can be combined under the name “computer training systems”. Electronic publications, first of all, perform those functions that cannot be performed by a book (for example, managing the educational and cognitive activities of students, automated control of their knowledge, etc.).

Bibliographic link

Sharipov F.V. INNOVATION ACTIVITY IN EDUCATION // International Journal of Experimental Education. – 2017. – No. 1. – P. 103-107;
URL: (date of access: 09/18/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The key to the development of the education sector is the legal regulation of experimental and innovative activities in the field of education. The Education Law regulates these issues in detail, including a separate article. 20, dedicated directly to them.

According to Part 1 of this article, experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are carried out in order to ensure the modernization and development of the education system, taking into account the main directions of socio-economic development of Russia, the implementation of priority directions of Russian state policy in the field of education. In fact, the connection between the development of the education system and the main directions of socio-economic development, as well as priority directions of state policy is clearly established by law - which represents the education system as one of the social systems that must be consistent with the directions of social development and policy directions.

At the same time, the concepts of experimental and innovative activities are clearly separated by law.

Experimental activities are aimed at developing, testing and introducing new educational technologies and educational resources. Experimental activities are carried out in the form of experiments, the procedure and conditions for which are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Neither regional nor municipal authorities have the right to regulate issues of experiments in education. The level of regulation is exclusively federal. An example is, for example, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2013 No. 756 “On conducting in 2013-2015 an experiment on training young women under the age of 23 with one or more children in the preparatory departments of federal state educational organizations of higher education” .

Innovative activities are focused on improving the scientific, pedagogical, educational, methodological, organizational, legal, financial, economic, personnel, material and technical support of the education system.

Innovative activities are carried out in the form of implementation of innovative projects and programs. According to Part 3 of Art. 20 of the Law on Education, when implementing an innovative project or program, the rights and legitimate interests of participants in educational relations must be ensured, the provision and receipt of education, the level and quality of which cannot be lower than the requirements established by the Federal State Educational Standard, FGT.

As part of innovation activities, innovative projects and programs can be implemented:

  • organizations carrying out educational activities;
  • other organizations operating in the field of education;
  • their associations.

Federal state bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, within the framework of their powers, create conditions for the implementation of innovative educational projects, programs and the implementation of their results in practice.

In order to provide conditions for the implementation of innovative projects and programs that are essential for ensuring the development of the education system, subjects of innovation activity may be recognized as federal or regional innovation platforms. Federal and regional innovation platforms constitute the innovation infrastructure in the education system. The important point is that The legislation does not provide for the status of a municipal innovation platform.

The procedure for the formation and functioning of innovation infrastructure in the education system (including the procedure for recognizing an organization as a federal innovation platform), the list of federal innovation platforms are established by the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education. The procedure for recognizing organizations as regional innovation platforms is established by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

According to the Procedure for the formation and functioning of innovation infrastructure in the education system, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 23, 2013 No. 611, the main areas of activity of innovation platforms are:

  • 1) development, testing and (or) implementation:
    • - new elements of the content of education and upbringing systems, new pedagogical technologies, educational and methodological and educational and laboratory complexes, forms, methods and means of training in organizations carrying out educational activities, including using resources of the non-state sector;

exemplary basic educational programs, innovative educational programs, development programs for educational organizations operating in difficult social conditions;

new profiles (specializations) of training in the field of vocational education, ensuring the formation of personnel and scientific potential in accordance with the main directions of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;

  • - methods of training, professional retraining and (or) advanced training of personnel, including pedagogical, scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers and managers in the field of education, based on the use of modern educational technologies;
  • - new mechanisms, forms and methods of education management at different levels, including using modern technologies;
  • - new institutions of public participation in education management;

new mechanisms for self-regulation of the activities of associations of educational organizations and educational workers, as well as network interaction of educational organizations;

2) other innovative activities in the field of education, aimed at improving the educational, methodological, scientific, pedagogical, organizational, legal, financial, economic, personnel, material and technical support of the education system.

Thus, the legislation protects participants in educational activities during experimental, innovative activities in education - which is due to the fact that within the framework of experiments, innovative programs and projects there is a risk of damage to the interests of students. First of all, a number of obligations are established that are designed to guarantee the rights of students. In addition, a high (federal, regional) level of regulation of relevant activities is established.

At the same time, it is natural that the legislator does not refuse experimental and innovative activities, since, despite the potential risks, it is within the framework of such types of activities that the development of the education system is possible.

1. Experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are carried out in order to ensure the modernization and development of the education system, taking into account the main directions of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the implementation of priority directions of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

2. Experimental activities are aimed at the development, testing and implementation of new educational technologies, educational resources and are carried out in the form of experiments, the procedure and conditions for which are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. Innovative activities are focused on improving scientific-pedagogical, educational-methodological, organizational, legal, financial-economic, personnel, material and technical support of the education system and are carried out in the form of the implementation of innovative projects and programs by organizations carrying out educational activities and other operating in in the field of education by organizations, as well as their associations. When implementing an innovative project or program, the rights and legitimate interests of participants in educational relations must be ensured, the provision and receipt of education, the level and quality of which cannot be lower than the requirements established by the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements, and educational standards.

4. In order to create conditions for the implementation of innovative projects and programs that are essential for ensuring the development of the education system, the organizations specified in part 3 of this article and implementing the specified innovative projects and programs are recognized as federal or regional innovation platforms and constitute the innovation infrastructure in the system education. The procedure for the formation and functioning of innovation infrastructure in the education system (including the procedure for recognizing an organization as a federal innovation platform), the list of federal innovation platforms are established by the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education. The procedure for recognizing organizations specified in Part 3 of this article as regional innovation platforms is established by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

5. Federal state bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, within the framework of their powers, create conditions for the implementation of innovative educational projects, programs and the implementation of their results in practice.



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