Psychological and pedagogical support of pre-profile and specialized training. Psychological and pedagogical support of specialized training. Work with the teaching staff Pre-profile support

  1. Psychological support of pre-profile and specialized training


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MBOU "Gymnasium No. 3"


The purpose of psychological support of specialized training:

formation of psychological readiness to choose a profession, assistance in professional and personal self-determination of schoolchildren.


1) A comprehensive study of the individual and personal characteristics of adolescents that influence the choice of future life path

2) Helping adolescents gain self-discovery

3) Providing methodological and advisory assistance to teachers and parents on issues of adaptation of students to the peculiarities of specialized education.

Stages of teaching staff of specialized classes


11th grade

Prev preparatory

8 Class


10th grade

P preparatory

9th grade

Prev preparatory cycle of teaching staff (8 Class ) .

The purpose of the psychologist's work is organize a system of pedagogical, psychological, informational and organizational support for students, helping to increase readiness for self-determination.


1) Expand knowledge about the world of professions, the content of activities of various types of professions.

2) Form an idea of ​​your psychophysiological qualities.

3) Develop the ability to adequately assess one’s inclinations and capabilities and correlate them with the requirements of the profession.

Directions work




Set of classes:

-What do I know about my capabilities?

-What do I know about professions?

(Rezapkina G.V.

Preparatory cycle of teaching staff ( 9th grade ) .

The purpose of the psychologist's work is help high school students design their future educational path.

In accordance with the goal, the psychologist faces the following tasks:

1) determination and correction of the level of professional readiness and readiness for specialized education of 9th grade students;

2) psychological education of parents and teachers about current problems of 9th grade students and what help they can provide to teenagers.

Directions work




Set of classes:

-Abilities and professional


-Planning professional


(Rezapkina G.V.

Psychology and choice of profession)

Profile cycle of teaching staff. 10th grade.

The main purpose of the work of a psychologist contribute to the socio-psychological adaptation of 10th grade students to a new learning situation.


1) Working together with class teachers on the adaptation program at the beginning of the school year;

2) Monitoring the current status of students in specialized classes, identifying symptoms of maladjustment;

3) Psychological education of parents and teachers regarding the adaptation period for tenth graders.

4) Creating conditions for the formation of an adequate self-assessment of one’s needs and capabilities.

Directions work




(adaptation classes

with training elements)

Final cycle of teaching staff. 11th grade.

The main goal of the psychologist is to help high school students identify and develop social and professional readiness.


1) determination and correction of the level of professional and social readiness;

2) carrying out developmental work with students;

3) psychological education of parents and teachers about current problems of the future school graduate.

Directions work




role-playing games:

  • Prevention game: “Three Fates”;
  • Blank game "Bargaining";
  • Game-discussion “Salaries


(Pryazhnikov N.S. Career guidance at school:

games, exercises, questionnaires)

Determination methods

professional readiness

9th grades

"Profession choice matrix"

G. V. Rezapkina

"Map of interests." A. E. Golomshtok, modified. O. G. Filimonova

11th grade

Orientation questionnaire

"Diagnostics of directionality personality" by V. M. Bass

Stylish self-regulation of human behavior (SSP-98)” V.I. Morosanova and E.M. Komoz

  • To help the class teacher: presentations for G. Rezapkina’s course “Psychology and choice of profession” - Electronic resource:
  • Pryazhnikov N.S. Career guidance at school: games, exercises, questionnaires (grades 8-11). - M.: VAKO, 2005. - 288 p. – Electronic resource:
  • Rezapkina G.V. Psychology and choice of profession: pre-professional training program. Educational and methodological manual for psychologists and teachers. - M.: Genesis, 2005. - 208 p. – Electronic resource:
  • Career choice strategy (video)

The modernization of education over the past 2-3 years is associated with the introduction of a system of specialized training in senior grades of general education schools, focused on the individualization of education and specialization of students, including taking into account the real needs of the labor market, developing a flexible system of profiles and cooperation of the senior level of school with primary institutions , secondary and higher vocational education. The key idea of ​​pre-professional education is the idea of ​​increasing the possibilities of choice, and it is obvious that the student must be prepared for such a choice ( Appendix 1 ).

The essence and structure of pre-profile training

Pre-vocational training is a system of psychological, pedagogical, informational and organizational activities that promotes the self-determination of primary school students regarding their chosen or major areas of future education and a wide range of subsequent professional activities.

Taking into account the peculiarity of the education of students in advanced educational institutions (lyceum), namely the early determination of the educational profile, the tasks of pre-professional training of 7-9th graders acquire particular importance - as their comprehensive preparation for a vital choice. It is important to understand that if previously a graduate of a basic school made a choice between studying in the 10th grade “at his own school” and the vocational education system, now this age limit has been reduced. Many students choose to study at a lyceum, where they are offered a transition to specialized education from the 8th grade.

Preparing a student for situations of choosing a training profile is carried out in stages:

  • propaedeutic (at the end of 7th grade) – identifying the educational needs of students;
  • the main one (during the period of study in the 8th grade) is modeling the types of educational activities that are in demand in a specialized school, and making decisions in various educational situations;
  • final (at the end of 9th grade) - assessment of the student’s readiness to make a decision on choosing a major in high school.

About 2/3 of graduates choose the direction to continue their education under the influence of random factors. This determines the need to pay special attention to the situation of schoolchildren choosing a profile of study, which, in the context of modernization of education, arises at earlier age stages, and taking this into account, to develop and test means of profile orientation.

It is advisable that the student himself, teachers and parents take part in the ranking (“weighing”) of factors independently of each other, which will help to detect differences in the priority motives of profile orientation.

Contents and means of psychological support of pre-profile training

Based on the analysis of theoretical sources, we come to the following definition: under psychological support of pre-profile preparation students understand the process of creating conditions and providing the necessary psychological support for the individual’s transition to a position that activates their own resources, triggers the mechanism of self-development and motivates them to choose a subsequent educational and professional path.

1) carrying out information work;
2) training in how to make decisions about choosing an individual educational route;
3) identification of the main limitations (difficulties, problems) of choice;
4) determination of readiness for independent choice of training profile;
5) determination of the real problem of personal and professional self-determination;
6) study of individual psychological characteristics of the individual;
7) studying the world of professions;
8) determination of psychological readiness for personal and professional self-determination;
9) correction of psychological readiness for personal and professional self-determination;
10) selection correction.

To solve these problems, a wide range of means of psychological and pedagogical support for high school students is used. For a more visual representation of the content and means of socio-psychological support for students in the process of pre-vocational training, we present them in a table. ( Appendix 2 ).

The main tasks of the profile-oriented component of psychological support for a student can be represented as assistance in finding answers to the following questions, teaching schoolchildren “decision making” ( Appendix 3 ).

Working with a profile selection card has great pedagogical potential, in which the student can make a choice based on self-analysis.

You can determine a teenager’s readiness to independently choose a study profile through an individual conversation, writing an essay, or a biography. A control section is carried out using a questionnaire ( Appendix 4 ) .

Activating methods of professional and personal self-determination involve not only creating interest (motivation) in a teenager to consider his problems, but also equipping him with an accessible and understandable means for planning, adjusting and realizing his professional prospects. Let's consider some groups of activating methods of professional and personal self-determination ( Appendix 2 ) .

The study of individual psychological characteristics of a person involves conducting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics using professional diagnostic techniques. The methodology for conducting diagnostic procedures is specific: the teenager acts not only as an object of research, but is also a researcher of himself. Along with psychological diagnostics, pedagogical diagnostics is essential for determining the effectiveness of the formation of professional and personal self-determination of adolescents, which is aimed at identifying individual qualities and their use for the development of pedagogical means and methods of education; assistance in choosing a profession, specialization of training, adequate to professional choice; to identify the motives for educational activities and choice of profession.

In the process of preparing students to choose a profile of study, the subject of study will be, first of all, value orientations, personality attitudes, self-esteem, inclinations, and abilities. Diagnostics of abilities allows a person to choose the type of activity that best suits his capabilities and inclinations. This, of course, influences the formation of positive professional motivation, job satisfaction and, as a consequence, satisfaction with life in general.

Thus, qualified psychological support in the new system of pre-vocational training helps adolescents understand their psychological characteristics, interests, inclinations, value orientations, educational needs and, on this basis, make an informed, independent and responsible choice of educational profile.

Personality-oriented approach as a methodology for pre-professional training

The essence of personality-oriented learning is that the student’s personality, his unique individuality, constitutes the main and priority value, from which all other parts of the educational process are designed. In this regard, it should be noted that an important place in personality-oriented learning is occupied by a deep and comprehensive study of the student’s personality.

In the new, humanistically oriented paradigm of education, the influence of the teacher’s personality not only does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases. Only the role of the teacher as a source of information is reduced, and he acquires the greatest importance as a bearer of value orientations.

One of the important principles of building a personally oriented specialized school is principle of variability . Variable education is understood as a process of expanding a person’s competency-based choice of life path and personal self-development; the child becomes familiar with culture, that is, masters the ways of thinking and abilities through which people have built world civilization over the centuries.

Profile differentiation involves a conscious, voluntary choice by students of the direction of specialization of educational content, cognitive needs, abilities, as well as the achieved level based on the knowledge and skills and professional intentions of the students. Therefore, solving the problem of differentiating the content of training plays a big role in the implementation of a person-oriented model of specialized training.

The main thing is support, development of a person in a person, “switching on” and “launching” the mechanisms of his self-realization, self-development, adaptation, self-regulation, self-defense, self-education and others necessary for the formation of an original personality and a worthy human life, for dialogical and safe communication with people, interaction with nature, culture, civilization.

To identify the level of readiness of students to choose a training profile, we suggest using the following research methods and techniques ( Appendix 6 ):

  1. Questionnaire “Acquaintance”.
  2. Methodology “Value orientations” (M. Rokeach).
  3. Methodology “Map of Interests”.
  4. Professional readiness questionnaire (OPG) (according to the classification of E.A. Klimov).
  5. Questionnaire “Types of Intelligence” (according to the theory of Howard Gardner).

The methods we selected allowed us to identify the following indicators: the value system of each student; interests and hobbies, the teenager’s inclination towards a certain professional field, the dominant type of intelligence.

From all of the above it follows that psychological support is an integral system, which consists of the following components.

  1. The diagnostic component is the basis for setting goals and objectives. Diagnostics is carried out using the following methods: testing, questioning, interpretation of the pedagogical situation (together with a psychologist), contacting the child’s teachers or psychologist, parents, and class teacher.
  2. Organizational – choice of means of psychological support. At the organizational stage, a team is selected, means and forms of work are determined.
  3. Activity – the actual implementation of psychological support.
  4. Analytical – analysis and correction of activities.

The developed system of psychological support is focused on updating students’ existing knowledge, direct choice of educational profile and professional self-determination of high school students. The system is designed taking into account the typical difficulties faced by students, their parents, and class teachers at the stage of choosing a profile.

A psychologist helps teenagers understand their own life goals and work values, informs students and their parents about various educational institutions, and encourages them to make independent and conscious decisions. The psychological support system provides for a psychological and pedagogical consultation with the participation of a social teacher, parents, class teacher, school administration and psychologist. The result of the implementation of the system should be a conscious independent choice by students of a study profile at the end of the 7th grade and professional self-determination at the end of the 9th grade.

To visualize the system, we will present it as a symbolic model. ( Appendix 7 ). This system involves several areas of work - with students, parents, and the class teacher - and is being implemented in stages:

I. At the preparatory stage The necessary materials are prepared, an interview is conducted with a psychologist, the class teacher, and a work plan is jointly drawn up. Working with parents at this stage consists of informing them about the career guidance work that will be carried out in the classroom and including parents in this activity.

II. Information and diagnostic stage begins with establishing contact with a group of children, informing them about the goals of the activities and creating positive motivation. A control section is carried out in order to find out whether the student has decided on the choice of study profile and subsequent educational route. In order to obtain information about each student, a “Getting to Know” survey is conducted (see. Appendix 1 )

At this stage, students become familiar with the concepts of “interests,” “needs,” and “abilities.” The psychologist informs students about possible options for choosing an educational route. A diagnosis of interests, needs, inclinations is carried out (the “Interest Map” method, diagnostics of the psychological spheres of the individual) and capabilities (analysis of academic results, results of leisure activities, determination of the type of intelligence).

The system is focused not so much on identifying the degree of expression of one or another psychological quality in each individual student, but on stimulating the process of self-knowledge. The main purpose of diagnostic procedures is to ensure the personal growth of students by expanding the boundaries of their self-perception, developing skills of self-assessment and self-analysis of their psychological qualities, awakening the need for self-development and self-determination. Various exercises, developing games, activating the student’s internal psychological resources and including reflection mechanisms, transform the process of forming professional self-awareness into a purposeful, conscious, personally significant activity.

So, working with children begins with determining the students’ personal professional goals and life values. The objectives of this substage are: to promote students’ awareness of personal life values; show the relationship between values ​​and goals; determine short-term goals (for the current academic year).

Determining a professional goal can begin with an analysis of the life success line (see. Appendix 8 ). Students are given instructions: “This line illustrates the individual stages of your life path and the goals you want to achieve. Indicate the stage you are currently at with a symbol. In the future, you will continue to work with this line yourself, marking life stages that are significant to you on it.” Understanding what success in life is is very individual. You can discuss with students what determines success in life.

During the conversation, you need to bring them to an understanding of what life values ​​are and how they are determined. Success in life for every person is determined by his life values. For one it is family, for another it is a professional career. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own values ​​in life. For this they offer lists of values (Appendix 9 ) and they write down the most significant positions for them in descending order of importance in the “Selection Diary”.

In order to familiarize students with the structure of further work on choosing a profile and for them to understand the sequence of activities, work is carried out using selection stages rulers(cm. Appendix 10 ). Students mark the stage they are currently at.

At the second substage, work is carried out to reveal the meaning of the concepts of “interests”, “inclinations”, “abilities” and “opportunities”, and the individual characteristics of each student are determined. Objectives: to reveal the content of the concepts “interests”, “inclinations”, “abilities”; help students identify the main components of choice (“I can,” “I want,” “I must”) and realize the possibility of making the right decision; help teenagers navigate their interests, inclinations and capabilities, promote awareness of their needs (conducting appropriate diagnostic techniques).

Work on concepts begins with clarifying students’ own judgments, how they explain the terms “interests,” “aptitudes,” and “abilities.” As they work, students compare their concepts with definitions taken from the dictionary. The psychologist summarizes the information received, and students write down definitions in the Diary. After revealing the essence of the concept of “ability,” students are asked to fill out the table “ Balance of personal successes and failures”(Appendix 11 )

Further, as a result of joint activities, students come to understand the concept of “interests”. To activate the information received and reflection mechanisms, students independently work with the “Choice Diary”, where they are asked to fill out a table “Self-reflection on inclusion, interest and emotional well-being in the classroom” (Appendix 12 ) . After filling out the table, students present their results in a generalized form and indicate which areas of knowledge are of greatest interest to them.

Helping students with identifying personal interests, inclinations and capabilities, a system of value orientations the psychologist, together with the class teacher, conducts diagnostics: carrying out the “Value Orientations” methodology (according to M. Rokeach), testing using the “Interest Map” methodology ( Appendix 13 ) and professional readiness questionnaire ( Appendix 14 ), a survey aimed at determining the type of intelligence according to the theory of Howard Gardner ( Appendix 15 ). The diagnostic results are discussed during an individual consultation with a psychologist.

At the end of this sub-stage it is recommended to conduct training“Uninhabited Island”, presented in the book by G.V. Rezapkina. “Me and my profession.” The training is conducted by a psychologist together with the class teacher. The purpose of this training is to develop decision-making skills, overcome behavioral stereotypes that impede communication, and actualize the need for choosing a profession.

At the third substage, a review of educational route options and justification for choosing a training profile is carried out. Objectives: provide students with information about the main types of educational institutions. After discussion, together with a psychologist, the information is summarized and the results are summed up.

To consolidate knowledge about various options for choosing an educational route, you can use the business game “My Choice”. During the game, participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, one of the players chooses a specialized class or profession that he would like to consider as a possible option. Task: justify your choice. Then the participants change roles.

Working with parents at this stage involves:

  • inviting parents to participate in excursions to gymnasiums, vocational schools and colleges. Such excursions are aimed at realizing a long-term perspective - the choice of professional activity.
  • organizing a meeting between students and their parents, as representatives of various professions. Parents tell their children about the advantages and disadvantages of their professions, without imposing their opinions. Familiarization of students with professions during the conversation can take place according to a pre-prepared plan (Appendix 23 )
  • individual conversations between parents and a psychologist and class teacher on the topic “My child’s aptitudes and abilities.” Parents spend more time with their children and observe them in natural settings every day, so parents act as a valuable source of information about students. During the conversation, the inclinations, abilities, and interests of children are jointly identified and compared with the results of a diagnostic study.

At the third, generalizing stage, for a step-by-step analysis of choice options in order to make an independent decision it is advisable to use a decision-making algorithm(Appendix 16 ) . The work is carried out individually.

After teenagers have decided on their further profile of study, it is important to show the connection between the chosen profile of study and the subsequent choice of professional activity, thereby provoking students to set a long-term goal - choosing a profession. In fact, students are being prepared for professional self-determination. Teenagers will have to decide on their choice of profession in the 11th grade, but already at the stage of pre-vocational training it is necessary to create the prerequisites for an informed choice and force students to think about future prospects now. This can be facilitated with the help of a variety of role-playing games, activating techniques, and game exercises. For example, a game exercise “Profession by letter” is aimed at expanding participants’ knowledge about the world of professional work(cm. Appendix 17 ) . In this exercise, the psychologist has the opportunity to unobtrusively correct students’ ideas about certain professions.

The plot-role-playing game “Traps” is aimed at students’ awareness of possible obstacles (traps) on the path to professional achievements (see. Appendix 18 ) .

The psychologist also conducts parent meeting, the topic of which is “The role of the family in the self-determination of a teenager.”

It is important for parents to know that the degree of their influence on the choice of educational route and professional self-determination of the child is colossal. Moreover, this influence is not necessarily expressed in the form of specific advice or instructions. Often it is indirect (indirect) in nature: an opinion expressed in passing, a professional personal example, an attitude towards certain professions and relationships with people as representatives of professions, etc. In addition, many teenagers find it difficult due to timidity and lack of necessary skills take some specific actions (call, visit a school or other educational institution), and in this the help of parents can be irreplaceable.

Parents should be warned against making categorical recommendations and instructions to their own child, especially if their option goes against the child’s wishes. The authors of the book “The ABC of Career Guidance” note that, unfortunately, most parents know the world of professions, the aspects and conditions for choosing a profession, not much better than the teenagers themselves (except, of course, their professional field) and our research has confirmed this.

Most parents have little understanding of the professional capabilities of their children. And since the modern labor market is changing very quickly, the outdated ideas of many parents about professions turn out to be no better than the limited, but not outdated ideas of the teenagers themselves. Thus, in addition to the errors in choosing a child, you can add the parents’ erroneous views on this problem.

The most common mistakes in professional choice:

  • Limitation solely by the prestige of the profession.
  • Focus exclusively on high wages.
  • Focus exclusively on comfortable working conditions.
  • Reducing learning difficulties to a minimum.
  • Follow only parents' instructions.
  • Study for company, with friends.

Helping a child choose an educational route may include the following: advice, purchasing the necessary reference books, collecting information about educational institutions.

The expected result of the generalizing stage is an independent and conscious choice by students of the main and backup options for the educational route.

At the final stage, it is planned to hold a “round table” based on the results of the work with the participation of a psychologist, class teachers, and administration.

Thus, the system of psychological support for students in pre-vocational training assumes an integrated and systematic approach to solving problems that arise during the transition of adolescents to pre-vocational education; this is the integration of the efforts of the class teacher, subject teachers, psychologists, social educators, social institutions, whose activities are aimed at ensuring the successful adaptation of students to new learning conditions; this is regularity, thoughtfulness and clear organization of actions at all stages of the system.

Anxiety is a child of evolution

Anxiety is a feeling familiar to absolutely every person. Anxiety is based on the instinct of self-preservation, which we inherited from our distant ancestors and which manifests itself in the form of a defensive reaction “Flight or fight.” In other words, anxiety does not arise out of nowhere, but has an evolutionary basis. If at a time when a person was constantly in danger in the form of an attack by a saber-toothed tiger or an invasion of a hostile tribe, anxiety really helped to survive, then today we live in the safest time in the history of mankind. But our instincts continue to operate at a prehistoric level, creating many problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that anxiety is not your personal flaw, but a mechanism developed by evolution that is no longer relevant in modern conditions. Anxious impulses, once necessary for survival, have now lost their expediency, turning into neurotic manifestations that significantly limit the lives of anxious people.

In the context of specialized education, a high school student will have to make a vital choice, which, as a rule, determines further education, a future professional career and, accordingly, is associated with a choice of lifestyle.

The introduction of specialized education into Russian schools is an attempt to finally recognize that our children are different, with different interests, abilities, and talents.

Many years of practice have shown that, starting from adolescence, it is necessary to create conditions in the education system for students to realize their interests, abilities and future life plans. In other words, the profile of education corresponds to the structure of the educational and life attitudes of the majority of students.

The psychological service of the school should also play a major role in the implementation of specialized training. The transition to specialized education requires the school psychologist to develop and apply a comprehensive model of support that could not only support the student in his professional choice, but ensure the formation of the very ability to make a conscious, responsible choice. The main problem complicating the transition to specialized education, as shown by numerous observations of teachers and psychological studies, is the inability of students to plan an educational and professional career, and to design their own life path. Often, when choosing a field of study, a student’s interests and abilities diverge, or the question of prestige is put first, and he makes a mistake in his choice, which he and his parents later regret.

Based on this problem, a reasonable question arises: what are the ways, means and psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of an individual professionalization trajectory among students? .

There is a need to develop a program of activities for the school’s psychological service regarding specialized training.

The goal of the program is to develop ways and means, to create psychological and pedagogical conditions for designing an individual trajectory of professionalization for students in specialized classes.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • A comprehensive study of the individual and personal characteristics of adolescents that influence the choice of future life path;
  • Assisting adolescents in self-knowledge and designing a life path;
  • Providing methodological and advisory assistance to teachers and parents on issues of adaptation of students to the peculiarities of specialized and in-depth education;
  • Education of teachers and parents in matters of development and self-improvement of a teenager’s personality.

Psychological and pedagogical support for students senior level in the context of specialized education is a step-by-step process during which the formation of a professionally and socially mature personality occurs, capable of realizing oneself in any socio-economic conditions.

The teaching staff of specialized classes is divided into four accompanying cycles: pre-preparatory (8th grade), preparatory (9th grade), adaptation (10th grade) and final (11th grade).

Psychological and pedagogical support for 8th graders (preparatory cycle).

The successful implementation of specialized education in high school is impossible without pre-vocational training, designed to create conditions for increasing the readiness of adolescents for self-determination and conscious choice of future education options.

The goal of the psychologist’s work in 8th grade is to organize a system of pedagogical, psychological, informational and organizational support for students that helps increase readiness for self-determination.

  • Expand knowledge about the world of professions, the content of activities of various types of professions, and the market for educational services.
  • Form an idea of ​​your psychophysiological qualities.
  • Develop the ability to adequately assess one’s inclinations and capabilities and correlate them with the requirements of the profession.

Achieving the set objectives is carried out through information events, orientation courses, consultations for students on the methodology for choosing elective courses and the future profile of training; studying students' interests; presentation of elective course programs for students and their parents.

The study of students’ interests is carried out through diagnosing their areas of interest using questionnaires “Professional inclinations”, “Prestigious profession”, “Now and then”, etc.

In order to create conditions for professional self-determination, the practical course “Finding your calling” is used. The course consists of 12 lessons:

  1. Let's get acquainted! (Acquaintance.)
  2. The image of “I”, or “What I think about myself.” The purpose of the lesson is to expand the scope of self-knowledge; develop self-analysis skills.
  3. The roads we choose.
  4. Into the world of professions - by compass. (Introduction to J. Holland’s professional types. Identification of an individual professional type.)
  5. The palette of your abilities.
  6. R. Amthauer test.
  7. Conversation about abilities and discussion of test results.
  8. In the “Eysenck circle”. (Introduction to the concept and types of temperament. Determination of the leading type of temperament.)
  9. “Formula of Temperament.” (Introduction to the concept and types of temperament. Determination of the leading type of temperament.)
  10. The world of professions and your place in it. Overview psychological classification of professions according to E.A. Klimov. (Construction of classification. Discussion of future profession.)
  11. Professional choice strategy. (Teaching choice strategies. Discussing mistakes that accompany career choice.)
  12. Your prospects. (Self-analysis of readiness for a professional start.)

Reflection stage. At the end of the accompanying cycle, all the work carried out by class teachers, psychologists and teachers is analyzed. Conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of the work, proposals are made for the design of a further program of work in 9 grades.

Psychological and pedagogical support for grades 9 (preparatory cycle).

The main task that students face in a modern school is 9th grade , – make a decision on the nature and form of further education. Most make quite serious decisions: stay in school or leave (where?), go to another school (which one?) or stay in their own, what major to choose, etc.

It is sometimes difficult for a graduate of junior high school to make the right decision, especially since only such a choice can be correct that takes into account the individuality of a particular young person to the maximum extent.

The purpose of the work of a psychologist in 9th grade: help high school students design their future educational path.

In accordance with the goal, the psychologist faces the following tasks:

1) determination and correction of the level of professional readiness and readiness for specialized education of 9th grade students;

2) psychological education of parents and teachers about current problems of 9th grade students and what help they can provide to teenagers.

We determine the level of professional readiness using several methods:

1. “Style self-regulation of human behavior (SSP-98)” V.I. Morosanova and E.M. Komoz.

2. “Test for vocational guidance and determining one’s capabilities and the requirements of the profession” (A.K. Osnitsky)

3. Map of interests.

The results of the study are entered by the psychologist into the student’s “Individual Profession Card” and presented at a joint parent meeting with ninth-graders.

Introducing parents, teachers and students to the results of the study: Parents and students jointly analyze their own results. They are invited to draw their own conclusions about the level of readiness of the children for further education. If at the same time they understand that the teenager has certain difficulties and they cannot cope with them on their own, then it is suggested that they seek help from specialist teachers, a psychologist, etc.

This form of presenting research results, in our opinion, is the most fruitful for the subsequent personal development of a teenager.

The results of the study are presented to teachers at the council in the form of class professional cards. At the same time, they also have the opportunity to analyze the children’s capabilities and evaluate what kind of help and support they can provide to those teenagers who need it.

The next stage of work is advisory and development activities with the help of the elective course “Your Professional Choice”.

Reflection stage. At the end of the accompanying cycle, all the work carried out by class teachers, psychologists and teachers is analyzed. Conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of the work, proposals are made for the design of a further program of work in the 10th grade.

Psychological and pedagogical support for 10 classes (profile cycle).

For the modern 10th grade, which is in the context of updating the content of education, the most important problem is the problem of socio-psychological adaptation to the new learning situation. This, in turn, includes problems such as adaptation to a new team, adaptation to an increased teaching load in a certain profile, and to the new requirements of teachers. The main goal of a psychologist’s work in the 10th grade is to promote the socio-psychological adaptation of 10th grade students to a new learning situation.


1) Working together with class teachers on the adaptation program at the beginning of the school year;

2) Monitoring the current status of students in specialized classes, identifying symptoms of maladjustment;

3) Psychological education of parents and teachers regarding the adaptation period for tenth graders.

4) Creating conditions for the formation of an adequate self-assessment of one’s needs and capabilities.

Reflection stage. At the end of the accompanying cycle, all the work carried out by class teachers, psychologists and teachers is analyzed. Conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of the work, proposals are made for the design of a further program of work in the 11th grade.

Psychological and pedagogical support for 11th graders (final cycle).

By the time he graduates from school, an 11th grade student should be psychologically ready to enter adult life. The concept of “psychological readiness” presupposes in this case the presence of abilities and needs that will allow a school graduate to fully realize himself in the civil field, in work, and in future family life.

Main goal A psychologist when working with 11th grade is to help high school students in determining and developing social and professional readiness.

1) determination and correction of the level of professional and social readiness;

2) carrying out developmental work with students;

3) psychological education of parents and teachers about current problems of the future school graduate.

The level of professional and social readiness is determined using questionnaires:

1. “Professional readiness” by Chernyavskaya.

2. “Style self-regulation of human behavior (SSP-98)” V.I. Morosanova and E.M. Komoz. etc.

The results of the study are entered by the psychologist into “High school student’s perspective card” and are issued at a joint parent meeting.

A necessary stage of support is work on development program “New Life”.

The goal of the program is to help high school students in determining their life plans, in clarifying the time perspective of the future, in professional and personal self-determination.

The program consists of 6 lessons:

1. “My life line.” The lesson is aimed at developing time perspective.

2. “On the way to the goal” - here the skills of overcoming obstacles on the path to achieving goals are practiced.

3. “I will succeed.” During the lesson, techniques for confident behavior are developed.

4. “No problem!” - further development of techniques for confident behavior.

5. “Let's talk about life values.” The main goal of the lesson is for high school students to understand their life values.

6. “Wish me a good trip.” The main goal here is to receive feedback to strengthen self-esteem and update the personal resources of class participants.

Reflection stage . At the end of the accompanying cycle, all the work carried out by the class teacher, psychologist and teachers is analyzed. Conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of work, recommendations and suggestions are developed to optimize work in the graduate class.

Thus, it is possible to achieve the main goal of psychological and pedagogical support - the creation of such social and pedagogical conditions in which every child could become the subject of his life: his activities, communication and his own inner world.


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