Presentation “all professions are needed, all professions are important” in a group of senior preschool age. Presentation “All professions are important, all professions are needed Occupation all professions are important with presentation

Class hour “All professions are needed, all professions are important!”

  • Prepared the presentation
  • primary school teacher
  • Bobrineva Irina Anatolyevna
  • GBOU School No. 1739 Zelenograd
  • Here on the edge with caution
  • He paints iron with paint,
  • He has a bucket in his hands,
  • He himself is colorfully painted.
  • We get up very early
  • After all, our concern is
  • Drive everyone to work in the morning.
  • He teaches the kids
  • Read and write
  • Love nature
  • Respect old people.
  • We must fight fire with fire.
  • We are brave workers
  • We are partners with water,
  • People really need us.
  • So who are we?
  • A glass eye will point,
  • Click once -
  • And they remember you.
  • In a snow-white cap,
  • Dirty in flour
  • Bakes buns
  • And he gives it to the guys
  • Salesperson or pharmacist?
  • No, of course it's...
  • Brick upon brick,
  • the rows go like lines,
  • and their excellent student “writes”,
  • but far from the point.
Fashion designer
  • This man works so that all people are dressed smartly and do not look alike. He invents new beautiful clothes that are comfortable to work and play sports in, and pleasant to go out and visit.
  • It is very difficult to come up with a new suit that has never existed before and that customers will like. Having come up with a costume, he draws it with a pencil. This drawing is called a sketch. Based on the finished sketch, other specialists will make a pattern for the model and sew a new dress.
  • This work is difficult and dangerous. This is a rare profession. Only real men, strong, brave and resourceful, choose it.
  • They are called masters of underwater crafts. They have a lot of work! They build piers and bridges, strengthen sandy shores, and explore rivers and seas. And, of course, they save people and ships that have been wrecked.
  • The eyes are dazzled by the many colorful covers. How can you find the most interesting one, with the most beautiful pictures, among such an abundance of books?
  • This person will help you choose a book. He will ask what you like more: fairy tales or stories about animals, adventures or funny poems? He will lead you to the shelf where these wonderful books are.
  • The puppy got sick. Just yesterday he was barking loudly and chewing on daddy's slippers. But today he refused to eat and doesn’t want to play. He put his sad little face on his paws and lies there, indifferent to everything. A doctor who treats animals knows how to help your friend. He will carefully examine the sick baby, touch the nose, feel the stomach and give medicine.
  • This profession is very ancient. At all times she was honorable and worthy of respect. All the buildings that we see around us - houses, palaces, temples, churches and even cozy gazebos in the park - did not arise on their own. Coming up with beautiful buildings is not an easy task. This person begins his work on the future building at a table with a pencil and a sheet of paper in his hands.
Proverbs about work
  • Measure seven times and cut once.
  • As is the master, so is the work.
  • Think first, act later
  • Work is a matter of honor, always come first
  • Easy to break, hard to do
  • If you have patience, you will have skill.
  • A small deed is better than a big idleness
  • It’s not enough to want, you have to be able to
  • If there was a hunt, all work would work out
  • A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work
  • The eyes are afraid, but the hands do
  • Don't sit idly by, there won't be any boredom
  • Did it hastily, did it for fun
  • Every deed is illuminated with love
  • Whatever you try, you'll be happy about it
  • He who loves to work cannot sit idle
  • People are not born with mastery, but they are proud of the mastery they achieve.
Everything for everyone
  • A mason builds houses
  • The dress is the work of a tailor,
  • But it's a tailor's job
  • Nowhere without warm shelter!
  • The mason would be naked
  • If only skillful hands
  • Didn't make it in time
  • An apron, and a jacket, and trousers.
  • Baker to shoemaker on time
  • He instructs me to sew the boots.
  • Well, what about the shoemaker without bread?
  • Will he sew and sharpen a lot?
  • So it turns out this way:
  • Everything we do is necessary
  • So let's work
  • Honest, diligent and friendly.
  • “...All works are good, choose according to your taste! »

Rescuer The rescuer is where there is trouble, He will always come to the rescue. And there is no reason to doubt: Saving is a job for men. S. Chertkov is a savior where there is trouble, he will always come to the rescue. And there is no reason to doubt: Saving is a job for men. S. Chertkov

It is very easy to bake any pies using flour. Try baking two pies from Delicious sand. I'll bake pretzels, buns and pies. Gingerbread cookies and Easter cakes are as rosy as if straight from the oven. I'll treat my friends, sort it out quickly. Feel free to come and praise me. E. Shapovalova

Photographer It's not easy to photograph animals. The hare asks: “Hurry up!” The mouse squeaks: “I’m a little afraid that the cat will see the picture.” “I’ll prick you,” the hedgehog threatens, “if you don’t send me a picture!” It's not easy to photograph animals. The hare asks: “Hurry up!” The mouse squeaks: “I’m a little afraid that the cat will see the picture.” “I’ll prick you,” the hedgehog threatens, “if you don’t send me a picture!”

Last time I was a teacher, the day after tomorrow I was a driver. He should know a lot, Because he... 2 Tell me, who cooks cabbage soup so deliciously, Smelly cutlets, Salads, vinaigrettes, All breakfasts, lunches? 3 Who teaches children to read and write, to love nature, to respect the elderly? 4 Here on the edge with caution He paints the iron with paint; He has a bucket in his hands, He himself is colorfully painted. 5 Seryozha coughs loudly. He seems to have bronchitis. They call the clinic, And they say to Seryozha: - Don’t be afraid and don’t cry - A kind man is coming to you... 6 He kneaded the dough in the bowl, put it in a warm place. - Round, lush loaf, Well, get into the oven! Even though he’s all in white, But he’s not a doctor, He bakes fresh bread for us... 7 He drove ships and boats around the Earth, He’s seen many countries, My friend... 8 I see an airplane in the sky Like a glowing lump, It’s controlled by a pilot, It’s just different...


Main occupation, work activity.

A profession is a type of work that requires a person to have certain training, knowledge and skills.

V.V. Mayakovsky

V.V. Mayakovsky

Dramatization of the poem

  • Station "Barber"
  • Station "Meditsinskaya"
  • Station "Culinary"
  • Station "Journalistskaya"
  • Station “Our future professions”
  • Station "Igrovoy"
  • Station "Pochtovaya"
  • Druzhba station

1. Walks around in a white cap with a ladle in his hand. He prepares lunch for us: Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

9. In the endless sea of ​​books, he is a true captain. Find any book Helps us quickly!

2. Just the right size. He will make a suit for you. He will do everything according to science - And put your hands in your pants.

3. We get up very early. After all, our concern is to take everyone to work in the morning.

4. A glass eye will point, click once - and we will remember you.

6. Among the clouds, at a height, He builds a new house together, so that the people in it can live happily in warmth and beauty.

7. He is not a pilot, not a pilot, He is not flying a plane, But a huge rocket. Children, who say this?



Name all the words from the word health

Name the work and the heroine from whom all the dishes ran away. Why?


General Gena.

Gosling Gena dreamed of becoming a general. One day, when he was left alone at home, he opened his wardrobe, put on his father’s tie and galoshes, put a huge hat made of newspaper on his head, and put a large nail under his wing instead of a saber. I looked in the mirror - he turned out to be a real general!

"Get your skis ready in summer"

“Chickens are counted in winter too”

(Chickens are counted in the fall)

“When there is no agreement among neighbors”

“They checked their clothes”

(Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter)

(When there is no agreement among comrades)

(Greeted by clothes, escorted by intelligence)

Well done!


The bookcase lies on magazines

The meadow jumped out at the toad

the toad jumped out into the meadow

Skis need Zhenya

My wife needs skis

The house is guarded by Druzhka

Friend guards the house

there are magazines on the shelf

5 Station

"Our future professions"


  • The sweetest
  • The most childish
  • The funniest
  • The greenest
  • The most money
  • The hairiest
  • The most sociable


educator, pediatrician, teacher...

clown, parodist...

gardener, forester,


banker, professional tennis players, boxers, model...


journalist, tour guide, coach, teacher, mass entertainer...

1. Complete the proverbs about work.

I group

Who doesn't work

Do you want to eat rolls?

II group

Who loves work

You can't pull it out without difficulty

III group

Man's labor feeds him,

The sun paints the earth,

he doesn't eat .

don't sit on the stove.

people honor him.

and fish from the pond.

and laziness spoils.

and human labor.

2. Tell us what people in this area do

profession, what qualities do you need to have for this profession?

I group

Profession - salesman

II group

Profession – veterinarian

III group

Profession: locksmith

3. Come up with names of five professions starting with the letter:

I group


II group


III group


Always remember that any profession is important!

If you want to build a bridge,

Watch the movement of the stars

Drive a machine in the field

Or drive the car up -

Do a good job at school, -

Study conscientiously!

  • - riddles
  • - cook
  • - tailor
  • - driver
  • http:// nasha-doska.rf/ - photographer
  • - builder
  • - astronaut
  • - teacher
  • -veterinarian
  • - librarian
  • - riddles
  • - riddles

MBDOU teacher

"Selective kindergarten"

Lgovsky district, Kursk region

Project on the topic

“All professions are needed,

all professions are important"

in the senior preschool age group

All professions are important!

All professions are needed!

There are many professions in the world,

It is impossible to count them.

Today many are needed

Both relevant and important.

And you quickly grow up

Master your profession!

Try to be the first in business

And bring benefits to people!

Project type: creative, informational, short-term;

Project participants: senior children, teachers, parents

Children's age: 5-7 years

Duration: 2 months (April-May)

Relevance of the project:

Familiarization with professions already at preschool age ensures the child’s further entry into the modern world, introducing him to values, satisfaction and development of cognitive interests.

Forming children's ideas about the world of work and professions is a necessary process that is relevant in the modern world. And you need to start getting acquainted with professions with your family: with mom and dad, grandparents. It is very important to introduce the child to professions and talk about the characteristic qualities that a particular profession requires. An in-depth study of professions through the professions of one’s parents contributes to the development of ideas about their significance and the value of each work. The right choice of profession determines success in life.

Project goal.

Expanding the understanding of professions, tools, labor actions. Formation of cognitive interest in various professions, in particular in the professions of parents and their place of work. Expand ideas about the work of people of different professions, show the results of work, their social significance, cultivate respect for working people and the desire to work.

Project objectives.

Expand children's understanding of the variety of professions and specific work activities.

Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults.

Determine the importance of professions.

Form a generalized concept of “profession”, enrich the active vocabulary.

Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Foster positive motivation for learning and respect for the work of adults.

Create conditions for expanding children's ideas about professions.

Encourage children to communicate with adults.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage.

1. Setting goals and objectives.

2.Development of a card index of didactic games, finger games on the topic "Professions".

3. Selection of fiction, poems, riddles, albums with illustrations about professions.

4. Selection of board games on the topic.

5.Preparing information for parents.

6.Development of lesson notes.

7.Preparing presentations on the topic.

Main stage:

Carrying out GCD.

Playing didactic and outdoor games on the topic.

Speech development: conversations, work with pictures, work with a dictionary, with proverbs and sayings about work.

Reading fiction about professions, highlighting the main meaning of the work, the ability to ask questions about the text.

Productive activities: drawing, designing, modeling, appliqué.

Joint activities of the teacher with children: production of educational and didactic aids (didactic games, demonstration material, folders).

Replenishment and updating of gaming areas.

Tour of the kindergarten.

Conversations about parents' professions: “All work is respected”.

Writing stories on a topic "Professions".

Memorizing a poem: Mayakovsky "Who to be?"

Finger games: "Circus", "Postman", "Professions",


Reviewing albums on the topic.

Role-playing games: "Shop", "Salon",


View presentations "Professions".

Outdoor games: "Airplane", "Border Guards".

Compilation of stories about the professions of parents.

Reading literature: "Where did the table come from" Marshak,

V. Lifshits “And we will work”,

"Let's go to work" M. Poznanskaya,

I. Turchin "The man got sick",

S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa is a policeman".

Guessing riddles on the topic.

The final stage.

Album art "Professions of our parents".

Interview with children "What I Dream of Being".

Image Library "Professions".

Exhibition of children's works " Who do I dream of being»

Interaction with parents

Questionnaire for parents “Me and my profession.”

Replenishment of play areas (doll house, training area).

Preparing a presentation on the topic “Profession”.

Consultations for parents.

Estimated outcome of the project:

Children will become more deeply acquainted with such professions as: doctor, cook, baker, policeman, seamstress, driver, veterinarian, and military professions.

They will understand the meaning of the word “profession”.

The quality of children’s speech will improve through the development of the ability to independently talk about people of different professions.

They will be able to independently organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about professions.

There will be an increase in respect for parents as representatives of different professions.

Internet resource:

  • boy with a book
  • world of professions
  • profession picture
  • profession picture 2
  • girl

One of the main tasks of preschool education is the formation of a positive attitude towards work and primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person. For this, it is very important to develop an interest in various professions in a preschool child. It is necessary to introduce children to professions that are in demand in modern society.

Modern information and communication technologies make it possible to expand the scope of the educational process. Children in preschool age have involuntary attention; they cannot consciously try to remember this or that material. And if the material is bright and meaningful, the child involuntarily pays attention to it. And here the presentation is simply irreplaceable. Information is presented in an attractive form, and the presence of a surprise moment in the form of animation speeds up the process of memorizing the content, making it meaningful and long-lasting. A computer presentation makes it possible to present visual material in a new way.

The computer, being the most modern tool for processing information, can serve as a powerful technical tool in learning and contribute to the development of a child’s integrative qualities, such as curiosity, activity, and the ability to solve age-appropriate intellectual and personal problems. The presentation can be used in direct educational activities and in joint activities between the teacher and children.

Target: Clarify and generalize children’s ideas about professions.


  1. Understand the importance of a profession in people's lives.
  2. Foster respect for the results of the work of people of different professions.
  3. Development of monologue speech in children (speech-reasoning; speech-evidence).
  4. Development of elements of logical thinking.
  5. Strengthen children's ability to perform sound-letter analysis of words.
  6. Expand and activate vocabulary on the topic.

Preliminary work:

  • Review of the albums “Professions of Parents”.
  • Examination of illustrations about professions and the results of the work of people of different professions.
  • Learning poetry and reading fiction about professions.
  • Didactic and role-playing games on the topic.

Materials: computer; screen; multimedia projector; presentation; shoulder bags; chips for sound-letter analysis of words.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: “Look, children, our guest is the mouse Pro. He has an unusual name. Name words similar to the mouse’s name.”

Children's answers: “Profession, professionals.”

Educator: “Why do you think the mouse is called Pro?”

Children's answers: “His name is similar to the word profession, and he can probably do everything well.”

Educator: “What sound does the name Pro begin with?”

Children's answer: “From the sound<П>».

Educator: “Which profession names begin with this sound?”

Children's answers: “Postman, hairdresser, baker, programmer, teacher, cook.”

Educator: “Pro Mouse invites you on a journey through the world of professions. People of what profession are the images that you see on the screen now.

Slide No. 3- profession driver.

(After the children name their profession, with a click of the mouse, a photograph of a person in this profession appears on the screen).

Questions for the slide:

What does the driver do? What qualities should he have? (Children explain what they need to know and be able to do to be a driver)

Slide No. 4- profession teacher.

Slide No. 5- profession: ship captain.

Slide No. 6- profession programmer.

Slide No. 7- profession astronaut.

Educator: “Pro Mouse invites us to play the game: “Guess the profession by movements.”

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into two teams, each team chooses a profession and shows some actions by which the other team guesses the hidden profession. Then they change places.

Educator: The next task of the mouse Pro: “What’s extra?”

Slide number 8.

(Together with the mouse Pro, children examine objects and find the odd one out. When you click the mouse on the screen, this item disappears.)

Educator: “Pro Mouse offers to solve a crossword puzzle about people’s professions. The pro has prepared riddles for you, and I will read them! You solve riddles, and if the answer is correct, it will appear on the screen!”

Slide number 9.

(The answer to the crossword appears on the screen with a mouse click.)

Tell me who is so delicious

prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? ( Cook)

Brushes, paints and easel:

I'm painting a portrait of my mother

For an art gallery,

Guess me quickly! ( Artist)

Who teaches children to read and write,

Love nature and respect the elderly? ( Teacher)

Who lifts dumbbells

Runs fast and shoots accurately?

What is the one word for all of them? (Athletes)

He's not an artist, but he paints

Always smells

He is not a master of paintings -

He's a master of walls! ( Painter)

Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And how to be treated, he tells everyone,

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk! ( Doctor)

All roads are familiar to me,

I feel like I'm at home in the cabin.

The traffic light bothers me

He knows that I... ( Chauffeur)

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket.

Children, who will say this? ( Astronaut)

We build a house from bricks,

So that the sun laughs in him.

To be higher, to be wider,

There were rooms in the apartment! ( Builder)

Educator: “The Pro Mouse drew pictures, but mixed up people’s professions. Find these mistakes and tell him what he got wrong.”

Slide No. 10

Educator: “The professional drew tools for people of different professions, but did not complete some details. Determine what is missing from each item.”

Slide No. 11

Educator: “We talked about different professions, which profession did you like best and why?” (Children's answers).

Educator: “What would you like to become when you grow up?” (Children's answers).

Educator: “Take chips from your bag and do a sound-letter analysis of the profession that you named.”

Educator: “Well done, you all completed the task.

There is a lot of work on earth
Hunt to try everything.
To have a profession
We must overcome laziness.
Very good to study."
So that we can be proud of you.

Mouse Pro thanks you for all the tasks you completed and says goodbye to you.”

Application: Presentation “All professions are important, all professions are needed” (with animation)



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